Threat Names
BlackEnergy/Voodoo Bear APT28 Mal/HTMLGen-A
Dynamic Analysis Report
Created on 2023-04-30T00:31:28+00:00
Windows Exe (x86-32)
Remarks (1/1)
(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "8 seconds" to "8.0 milliseconds" to reveal dormant functionality.
(0x0200001D): The maximum number of extracted files was exceeded. Some files may be missing in the report.
This is a filtered view
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
File Name | Category | Type | Verdict | Actions |
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\3729c1d683690f752732ec18372a555abfb0d20c02ea3f9fe60ca6577722c9a8.exe | Sample File | Binary |
PE Information
Image Base | 0x00400000 |
Entry Point | 0x004017B1 |
Size Of Code | 0x00008C00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x00018600 |
Machine Type | IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2016-08-31 17:47 (UTC) |
Sections (6)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x00401000 | 0x00006434 | 0x00006600 | 0x00000400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.55 |
.data | 0x00408000 | 0x0000242E | 0x00002600 | 0x00006A00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.09 |
.rdata | 0x0040B000 | 0x00002206 | 0x00002400 | 0x00009000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.35 |
.data | 0x0040E000 | 0x00001840 | 0x00000E00 | 0x0000B400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 2.35 |
.rsrc | 0x00410000 | 0x00014058 | 0x00014200 | 0x0000C200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 7.21 |
.reloc | 0x00425000 | 0x000011A0 | 0x00001200 | 0x00020400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.87 |
Imports (5)
KERNEL32.dll (87)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
LocalSize | - | 0x0040B028 | 0x0000C784 | 0x0000A784 | 0x00000302 |
CompareStringW | - | 0x0040B02C | 0x0000C788 | 0x0000A788 | 0x00000055 |
GetStdHandle | - | 0x0040B030 | 0x0000C78C | 0x0000A78C | 0x0000023B |
GetCommandLineA | - | 0x0040B034 | 0x0000C790 | 0x0000A790 | 0x0000016F |
GetCPInfo | - | 0x0040B038 | 0x0000C794 | 0x0000A794 | 0x0000015B |
DeleteCriticalSection | - | 0x0040B03C | 0x0000C798 | 0x0000A798 | 0x000000BE |
LocalAlloc | - | 0x0040B040 | 0x0000C79C | 0x0000A79C | 0x000002F9 |
RaiseException | - | 0x0040B044 | 0x0000C7A0 | 0x0000A7A0 | 0x0000035A |
FindFirstFileW | - | 0x0040B048 | 0x0000C7A4 | 0x0000A7A4 | 0x00000124 |
MultiByteToWideChar | - | 0x0040B04C | 0x0000C7A8 | 0x0000A7A8 | 0x0000031A |
SetStdHandle | - | 0x0040B050 | 0x0000C7AC | 0x0000A7AC | 0x000003FC |
MulDiv | - | 0x0040B054 | 0x0000C7B0 | 0x0000A7B0 | 0x00000319 |
GetCommandLineW | - | 0x0040B058 | 0x0000C7B4 | 0x0000A7B4 | 0x00000170 |
GetFileSize | - | 0x0040B05C | 0x0000C7B8 | 0x0000A7B8 | 0x000001D4 |
GetModuleHandleA | - | 0x0040B060 | 0x0000C7BC | 0x0000A7BC | 0x000001F6 |
GetCurrentThread | - | 0x0040B064 | 0x0000C7C0 | 0x0000A7C0 | 0x000001AC |
GetLastError | - | 0x0040B068 | 0x0000C7C4 | 0x0000A7C4 | 0x000001E6 |
GetProcAddress | - | 0x0040B06C | 0x0000C7C8 | 0x0000A7C8 | 0x00000220 |
LoadLibraryA | - | 0x0040B070 | 0x0000C7CC | 0x0000A7CC | 0x000002F1 |
RtlMoveMemory | - | 0x0040B074 | 0x0000C7D0 | 0x0000A7D0 | 0x00000391 |
VirtualAlloc | - | 0x0040B078 | 0x0000C7D4 | 0x0000A7D4 | 0x00000454 |
lstrcpyA | - | 0x0040B07C | 0x0000C7D8 | 0x0000A7D8 | 0x000004AF |
lstrcmpiW | - | 0x0040B080 | 0x0000C7DC | 0x0000A7DC | 0x000004AD |
SizeofResource | - | 0x0040B084 | 0x0000C7E0 | 0x0000A7E0 | 0x00000420 |
DefineDosDeviceA | - | 0x0040B088 | 0x0000C7E4 | 0x0000A7E4 | 0x000000B9 |
GlobalAddAtomW | - | 0x0040B08C | 0x0000C7E8 | 0x0000A7E8 | 0x00000284 |
lstrcpynA | - | 0x0040B090 | 0x0000C7EC | 0x0000A7EC | 0x000004B2 |
MoveFileExA | - | 0x0040B094 | 0x0000C7F0 | 0x0000A7F0 | 0x00000312 |
LoadLibraryW | - | 0x0040B098 | 0x0000C7F4 | 0x0000A7F4 | 0x000002F4 |
GetFileTime | - | 0x0040B09C | 0x0000C7F8 | 0x0000A7F8 | 0x000001D6 |
FormatMessageA | - | 0x0040B0A0 | 0x0000C7FC | 0x0000A7FC | 0x00000147 |
CreateEventA | - | 0x0040B0A4 | 0x0000C800 | 0x0000A800 | 0x00000072 |
VirtualQuery | - | 0x0040B0A8 | 0x0000C804 | 0x0000A804 | 0x0000045C |
GetStringTypeW | - | 0x0040B0AC | 0x0000C808 | 0x0000A808 | 0x00000240 |
GetStringTypeA | - | 0x0040B0B0 | 0x0000C80C | 0x0000A80C | 0x0000023D |
LCMapStringW | - | 0x0040B0B4 | 0x0000C810 | 0x0000A810 | 0x000002E3 |
GetLocaleInfoA | - | 0x0040B0B8 | 0x0000C814 | 0x0000A814 | 0x000001E8 |
HeapSize | - | 0x0040B0BC | 0x0000C818 | 0x0000A818 | 0x000002A6 |
RtlUnwind | - | 0x0040B0C0 | 0x0000C81C | 0x0000A81C | 0x00000392 |
HeapAlloc | - | 0x0040B0C4 | 0x0000C820 | 0x0000A820 | 0x0000029D |
IsValidCodePage | - | 0x0040B0C8 | 0x0000C824 | 0x0000A824 | 0x000002DB |
GetOEMCP | - | 0x0040B0CC | 0x0000C828 | 0x0000A828 | 0x00000213 |
GetACP | - | 0x0040B0D0 | 0x0000C82C | 0x0000A82C | 0x00000152 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | - | 0x0040B0D4 | 0x0000C830 | 0x0000A830 | 0x000002B5 |
EnterCriticalSection | - | 0x0040B0D8 | 0x0000C834 | 0x0000A834 | 0x000000D9 |
LeaveCriticalSection | - | 0x0040B0DC | 0x0000C838 | 0x0000A838 | 0x000002EF |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | - | 0x0040B0E0 | 0x0000C83C | 0x0000A83C | 0x0000024F |
GetCurrentProcessId | - | 0x0040B0E4 | 0x0000C840 | 0x0000A840 | 0x000001AA |
LCMapStringA | - | 0x0040B0E8 | 0x0000C844 | 0x0000A844 | 0x000002E1 |
HeapReAlloc | - | 0x0040B0EC | 0x0000C848 | 0x0000A848 | 0x000002A4 |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | - | 0x0040B0F0 | 0x0000C84C | 0x0000A84C | 0x000001A7 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | - | 0x0040B0F4 | 0x0000C850 | 0x0000A850 | 0x0000042A |
FindResourceA | - | 0x0040B0F8 | 0x0000C854 | 0x0000A854 | 0x00000136 |
GetCurrentThreadId | - | 0x0040B0FC | 0x0000C858 | 0x0000A858 | 0x000001AD |
GetTickCount | - | 0x0040B100 | 0x0000C85C | 0x0000A85C | 0x00000266 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | - | 0x0040B104 | 0x0000C860 | 0x0000A860 | 0x00000354 |
GetCurrentProcess | - | 0x0040B108 | 0x0000C864 | 0x0000A864 | 0x000001A9 |
LocalFree | - | 0x0040B10C | 0x0000C868 | 0x0000A868 | 0x000002FD |
LockResource | - | 0x0040B110 | 0x0000C86C | 0x0000A86C | 0x00000307 |
lstrcpyW | - | 0x0040B114 | 0x0000C870 | 0x0000A870 | 0x000004B0 |
GetStartupInfoA | - | 0x0040B118 | 0x0000C874 | 0x0000A874 | 0x00000239 |
TerminateProcess | - | 0x0040B11C | 0x0000C878 | 0x0000A878 | 0x0000042D |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x0040B120 | 0x0000C87C | 0x0000A87C | 0x0000043E |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x0040B124 | 0x0000C880 | 0x0000A880 | 0x00000415 |
IsDebuggerPresent | - | 0x0040B128 | 0x0000C884 | 0x0000A884 | 0x000002D1 |
GetModuleHandleW | - | 0x0040B12C | 0x0000C888 | 0x0000A888 | 0x000001F9 |
Sleep | - | 0x0040B130 | 0x0000C88C | 0x0000A88C | 0x00000421 |
ExitProcess | - | 0x0040B134 | 0x0000C890 | 0x0000A890 | 0x00000104 |
WriteFile | - | 0x0040B138 | 0x0000C894 | 0x0000A894 | 0x0000048D |
GetModuleFileNameA | - | 0x0040B13C | 0x0000C898 | 0x0000A898 | 0x000001F4 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | - | 0x0040B140 | 0x0000C89C | 0x0000A89C | 0x0000014A |
GetEnvironmentStrings | - | 0x0040B144 | 0x0000C8A0 | 0x0000A8A0 | 0x000001BF |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x0040B148 | 0x0000C8A4 | 0x0000A8A4 | 0x0000014B |
WideCharToMultiByte | - | 0x0040B14C | 0x0000C8A8 | 0x0000A8A8 | 0x0000047A |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x0040B150 | 0x0000C8AC | 0x0000A8AC | 0x000001C1 |
SetHandleCount | - | 0x0040B154 | 0x0000C8B0 | 0x0000A8B0 | 0x000003E8 |
GetFileType | - | 0x0040B158 | 0x0000C8B4 | 0x0000A8B4 | 0x000001D7 |
TlsGetValue | - | 0x0040B15C | 0x0000C8B8 | 0x0000A8B8 | 0x00000434 |
TlsAlloc | - | 0x0040B160 | 0x0000C8BC | 0x0000A8BC | 0x00000432 |
TlsSetValue | - | 0x0040B164 | 0x0000C8C0 | 0x0000A8C0 | 0x00000435 |
TlsFree | - | 0x0040B168 | 0x0000C8C4 | 0x0000A8C4 | 0x00000433 |
InterlockedIncrement | - | 0x0040B16C | 0x0000C8C8 | 0x0000A8C8 | 0x000002C0 |
SetLastError | - | 0x0040B170 | 0x0000C8CC | 0x0000A8CC | 0x000003EC |
InterlockedDecrement | - | 0x0040B174 | 0x0000C8D0 | 0x0000A8D0 | 0x000002BC |
HeapCreate | - | 0x0040B178 | 0x0000C8D4 | 0x0000A8D4 | 0x0000029F |
VirtualFree | - | 0x0040B17C | 0x0000C8D8 | 0x0000A8D8 | 0x00000457 |
HeapFree | - | 0x0040B180 | 0x0000C8DC | 0x0000A8DC | 0x000002A1 |
USER32.dll (27)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetDlgItem | - | 0x0040B188 | 0x0000C8E4 | 0x0000A8E4 | 0x0000011F |
GetWindowTextW | - | 0x0040B18C | 0x0000C8E8 | 0x0000A8E8 | 0x0000018F |
EndDialog | - | 0x0040B190 | 0x0000C8EC | 0x0000A8EC | 0x000000D3 |
PostMessageA | - | 0x0040B194 | 0x0000C8F0 | 0x0000A8F0 | 0x0000021E |
CloseClipboard | - | 0x0040B198 | 0x0000C8F4 | 0x0000A8F4 | 0x00000047 |
BeginPaint | - | 0x0040B19C | 0x0000C8F8 | 0x0000A8F8 | 0x0000000E |
SetCursor | - | 0x0040B1A0 | 0x0000C8FC | 0x0000A8FC | 0x00000270 |
GetWindowThreadProcessId | - | 0x0040B1A4 | 0x0000C900 | 0x0000A900 | 0x00000190 |
PeekMessageW | - | 0x0040B1A8 | 0x0000C904 | 0x0000A904 | 0x0000021C |
GetClipboardData | - | 0x0040B1AC | 0x0000C908 | 0x0000A908 | 0x0000010F |
LoadCursorA | - | 0x0040B1B0 | 0x0000C90C | 0x0000A90C | 0x000001D2 |
GetWindowRect | - | 0x0040B1B4 | 0x0000C910 | 0x0000A910 | 0x00000188 |
CheckDlgButton | - | 0x0040B1B8 | 0x0000C914 | 0x0000A914 | 0x0000003C |
IsDlgButtonChecked | - | 0x0040B1BC | 0x0000C918 | 0x0000A918 | 0x000001BA |
SetWindowTextA | - | 0x0040B1C0 | 0x0000C91C | 0x0000A91C | 0x000002AB |
DispatchMessageW | - | 0x0040B1C4 | 0x0000C920 | 0x0000A920 | 0x000000A9 |
TranslateMessage | - | 0x0040B1C8 | 0x0000C924 | 0x0000A924 | 0x000002D5 |
LoadIconW | - | 0x0040B1CC | 0x0000C928 | 0x0000A928 | 0x000001D7 |
LoadImageW | - | 0x0040B1D0 | 0x0000C92C | 0x0000A92C | 0x000001D9 |
DestroyMenu | - | 0x0040B1D4 | 0x0000C930 | 0x0000A930 | 0x0000009E |
GetMessageA | - | 0x0040B1D8 | 0x0000C934 | 0x0000A934 | 0x0000014A |
GetDialogBaseUnits | - | 0x0040B1DC | 0x0000C938 | 0x0000A938 | 0x0000011D |
GetMessageW | - | 0x0040B1E0 | 0x0000C93C | 0x0000A93C | 0x0000014E |
DrawFocusRect | - | 0x0040B1E4 | 0x0000C940 | 0x0000A940 | 0x000000BC |
ReleaseCapture | - | 0x0040B1E8 | 0x0000C944 | 0x0000A944 | 0x0000024B |
MessageBoxW | - | 0x0040B1EC | 0x0000C948 | 0x0000A948 | 0x000001FF |
DrawTextExW | - | 0x0040B1F0 | 0x0000C94C | 0x0000A94C | 0x000000C7 |
GDI32.dll (5)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CreateSolidBrush | - | 0x0040B010 | 0x0000C76C | 0x0000A76C | 0x00000052 |
CreateFontIndirectA | - | 0x0040B014 | 0x0000C770 | 0x0000A770 | 0x0000003B |
DeleteDC | - | 0x0040B018 | 0x0000C774 | 0x0000A774 | 0x000000CD |
SetMapMode | - | 0x0040B01C | 0x0000C778 | 0x0000A778 | 0x0000027B |
GetTextExtentPoint32W | - | 0x0040B020 | 0x0000C77C | 0x0000A77C | 0x00000205 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
OpenPrinterW | - | 0x0040B1F8 | 0x0000C954 | 0x0000A954 | 0x0000008F |
ADVAPI32.dll (3)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
OpenProcessToken | - | 0x0040B000 | 0x0000C75C | 0x0000A75C | 0x000001F1 |
RegOpenKeyExA | - | 0x0040B004 | 0x0000C760 | 0x0000A760 | 0x0000025A |
CloseServiceHandle | - | 0x0040B008 | 0x0000C764 | 0x0000A764 | 0x00000053 |
Memory Dumps (10)
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Point | YARA | Actions |
3729c1d683690f752732ec18372a555abfb0d20c02ea3f9fe60ca6577722c9a8.exe | 1 | 0x00E20000 | 0x00E46FFF | Relevant Image |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x00E24826 |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x00F80000 | 0x00F8AFFF | First Execution |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x00F8107D |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x00F70000 | 0x00F78FFF | Image In Buffer |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
3729c1d683690f752732ec18372a555abfb0d20c02ea3f9fe60ca6577722c9a8.exe | 1 | 0x00E20000 | 0x00E46FFF | Final Dump |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x0018A000 | 0x0018FFFF | First Network Behavior |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x00F61F40 | 0x00F61FBF | First Network Behavior |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x00F70000 | 0x00F78FFF | First Network Behavior |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x00F80000 | 0x00F8AFFF | First Network Behavior |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x00F812C4 |
![]() |
3729c1d683690f752732ec18372a555abfb0d20c02ea3f9fe60ca6577722c9a8.exe | 1 | 0x00E20000 | 0x00E46FFF | First Network Behavior |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
counters.dat | 1 | 0x024A0000 | 0x024A0FFF | First Network Behavior |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
99de44e4486bde4e3023e4292f7ee9d6d8ef4a927ccc65692db9d5dc66971237 | Memory Dump | Binary |
PE Information
Image Base | 0x00400000 |
Entry Point | 0x0040107D |
Size Of Code | 0x00003000 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x00005600 |
Machine Type | IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2016-08-30 12:25 (UTC) |
Sections (4)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x00401000 | 0x00002EC6 | 0x00003000 | 0x00000400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.16 |
.rdata | 0x00404000 | 0x00004930 | 0x00004A00 | 0x00003400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.87 |
.data | 0x00409000 | 0x00000724 | 0x00000200 | 0x00007E00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 4.57 |
.reloc | 0x0040A000 | 0x0000021C | 0x00000400 | 0x00008000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.07 |
YARA Matches (1)
Rule Name | Rule Description | Classification | Score | Actions |
APT28_IMPLANT_4_v5 | BlackEnergy / Voodoo Bear Implant by APT28 | - |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\4bad322a-c043-4ded-a97a-6fe0c4412fbe\x-none.16\ | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\4bad322a-c043-4ded-a97a-6fe0c4412fbe\en-us.16\ | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\4bad322a-c043-4ded-a97a-6fe0c4412fbe\en-us.16\masterdescriptor.en-us.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\4bad322a-c043-4ded-a97a-6fe0c4412fbe\x-none.16\masterdescriptor.x-none.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{7a30a9be-737f-47a1-a541-6e7b0761ed19}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{9aec5bda-1e87-46b3-bb96-1a01c606555e}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{3742e5e8-6d9d-473b-99a6-8ecc0f43548a}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{23cb517f-5073-4e96-a202-7fe6122a2271}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{18dcffd4-37d6-4bc6-87e0-4266fdbb8e49}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{9df6a4ed-fc16-48bf-8b24-6e2ad2bfcfea}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\$Recycle.Bin\HELP_DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.TXT | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{99b095d8-5959-4820-bea7-7448c8427b4e}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{b0b9123d-7d7f-4c6b-9973-ceced46f2a09}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\$Recycle.Bin\HELP_DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.HTML | Dropped File | HTML |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\deploymentconfig.0.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\deploymentconfig.1.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{ee4aac98-c174-4941-82b1-d121e493e4fb}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{c5dc3753-b6c8-4057-b396-bf13d769311c}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\diagnosis\downloadedsettings\ | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\clicktorun\deploymentconfig.2.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{1e05dd5d-a022-46c5-963c-b20de341170f}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{8fb7d64e-70fc-4f9d-89ee-d486817534df}\customizations.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\diagnosis\downloadedsettings\telemetry.asm-windowsdefault.json.bk.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{3742e5e8-6d9d-473b-99a6-8ecc0f43548a}\prov\runtime.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{18dcffd4-37d6-4bc6-87e0-4266fdbb8e49}\prov\runtime.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\programdata\microsoft\provisioning\{7a30a9be-737f-47a1-a541-6e7b0761ed19}\prov\runtime.xml.id_c287f3826d6e218_email_enc2@dr.com_.scl | Dropped File | Stream |
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Known to be clean.