Threat Names
Dynamic Analysis Report
Created on 2023-09-19T15:12:42+00:00
Windows Exe (x86-32)
Remarks (2/2)
(0x0200003A): A tasks were rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.
(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "49 days, 17 hours, 8 minutes, 7 seconds" to "20 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.
This is a filtered view
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
File Name | Category | Type | Verdict | Actions |
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\FreeRatBuild.exe | Sample File | Binary |
PE Information
Image Base | 0x00400000 |
Entry Point | 0x0041EC40 |
Size Of Code | 0x00031200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x00019A00 |
Machine Type | IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2020-12-01 19:00 (UTC+1) |
Sections (6)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x00401000 | 0x000310EA | 0x00031200 | 0x00000400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.71 |
.rdata | 0x00433000 | 0x0000A612 | 0x0000A800 | 0x00031600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.22 |
.data | 0x0043E000 | 0x00023728 | 0x00001000 | 0x0003BE00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 3.71 |
.didat | 0x00462000 | 0x00000188 | 0x00000200 | 0x0003CE00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 3.3 |
.rsrc | 0x00463000 | 0x0000BB0C | 0x0000BC00 | 0x0003D000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.26 |
.reloc | 0x0046F000 | 0x00002268 | 0x00002400 | 0x00048C00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.55 |
Imports (2)
KERNEL32.dll (141)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetLastError | - | 0x00433000 | 0x0003C890 | 0x0003AE90 | 0x00000202 |
SetLastError | - | 0x00433004 | 0x0003C894 | 0x0003AE94 | 0x00000473 |
FormatMessageW | - | 0x00433008 | 0x0003C898 | 0x0003AE98 | 0x0000015E |
GetCurrentProcess | - | 0x0043300C | 0x0003C89C | 0x0003AE9C | 0x000001C0 |
DeviceIoControl | - | 0x00433010 | 0x0003C8A0 | 0x0003AEA0 | 0x000000DD |
SetFileTime | - | 0x00433014 | 0x0003C8A4 | 0x0003AEA4 | 0x0000046A |
CloseHandle | - | 0x00433018 | 0x0003C8A8 | 0x0003AEA8 | 0x00000052 |
CreateDirectoryW | - | 0x0043301C | 0x0003C8AC | 0x0003AEAC | 0x00000081 |
RemoveDirectoryW | - | 0x00433020 | 0x0003C8B0 | 0x0003AEB0 | 0x00000403 |
CreateFileW | - | 0x00433024 | 0x0003C8B4 | 0x0003AEB4 | 0x0000008F |
DeleteFileW | - | 0x00433028 | 0x0003C8B8 | 0x0003AEB8 | 0x000000D6 |
CreateHardLinkW | - | 0x0043302C | 0x0003C8BC | 0x0003AEBC | 0x00000093 |
GetShortPathNameW | - | 0x00433030 | 0x0003C8C0 | 0x0003AEC0 | 0x00000261 |
GetLongPathNameW | - | 0x00433034 | 0x0003C8C4 | 0x0003AEC4 | 0x0000020F |
MoveFileW | - | 0x00433038 | 0x0003C8C8 | 0x0003AEC8 | 0x00000363 |
GetFileType | - | 0x0043303C | 0x0003C8CC | 0x0003AECC | 0x000001F3 |
GetStdHandle | - | 0x00433040 | 0x0003C8D0 | 0x0003AED0 | 0x00000264 |
WriteFile | - | 0x00433044 | 0x0003C8D4 | 0x0003AED4 | 0x00000525 |
ReadFile | - | 0x00433048 | 0x0003C8D8 | 0x0003AED8 | 0x000003C0 |
FlushFileBuffers | - | 0x0043304C | 0x0003C8DC | 0x0003AEDC | 0x00000157 |
SetEndOfFile | - | 0x00433050 | 0x0003C8E0 | 0x0003AEE0 | 0x00000453 |
SetFilePointer | - | 0x00433054 | 0x0003C8E4 | 0x0003AEE4 | 0x00000466 |
SetFileAttributesW | - | 0x00433058 | 0x0003C8E8 | 0x0003AEE8 | 0x00000461 |
GetFileAttributesW | - | 0x0043305C | 0x0003C8EC | 0x0003AEEC | 0x000001EA |
FindClose | - | 0x00433060 | 0x0003C8F0 | 0x0003AEF0 | 0x0000012E |
FindFirstFileW | - | 0x00433064 | 0x0003C8F4 | 0x0003AEF4 | 0x00000139 |
FindNextFileW | - | 0x00433068 | 0x0003C8F8 | 0x0003AEF8 | 0x00000145 |
GetVersionExW | - | 0x0043306C | 0x0003C8FC | 0x0003AEFC | 0x000002A4 |
GetCurrentDirectoryW | - | 0x00433070 | 0x0003C900 | 0x0003AF00 | 0x000001BF |
GetFullPathNameW | - | 0x00433074 | 0x0003C904 | 0x0003AF04 | 0x000001FB |
FoldStringW | - | 0x00433078 | 0x0003C908 | 0x0003AF08 | 0x0000015C |
GetModuleFileNameW | - | 0x0043307C | 0x0003C90C | 0x0003AF0C | 0x00000214 |
GetModuleHandleW | - | 0x00433080 | 0x0003C910 | 0x0003AF10 | 0x00000218 |
FindResourceW | - | 0x00433084 | 0x0003C914 | 0x0003AF14 | 0x0000014E |
FreeLibrary | - | 0x00433088 | 0x0003C918 | 0x0003AF18 | 0x00000162 |
GetProcAddress | - | 0x0043308C | 0x0003C91C | 0x0003AF1C | 0x00000245 |
GetCurrentProcessId | - | 0x00433090 | 0x0003C920 | 0x0003AF20 | 0x000001C1 |
ExitProcess | - | 0x00433094 | 0x0003C924 | 0x0003AF24 | 0x00000119 |
SetThreadExecutionState | - | 0x00433098 | 0x0003C928 | 0x0003AF28 | 0x00000493 |
Sleep | - | 0x0043309C | 0x0003C92C | 0x0003AF2C | 0x000004B2 |
LoadLibraryW | - | 0x004330A0 | 0x0003C930 | 0x0003AF30 | 0x0000033F |
GetSystemDirectoryW | - | 0x004330A4 | 0x0003C934 | 0x0003AF34 | 0x00000270 |
CompareStringW | - | 0x004330A8 | 0x0003C938 | 0x0003AF38 | 0x00000064 |
AllocConsole | - | 0x004330AC | 0x0003C93C | 0x0003AF3C | 0x00000010 |
FreeConsole | - | 0x004330B0 | 0x0003C940 | 0x0003AF40 | 0x0000015F |
AttachConsole | - | 0x004330B4 | 0x0003C944 | 0x0003AF44 | 0x00000017 |
WriteConsoleW | - | 0x004330B8 | 0x0003C948 | 0x0003AF48 | 0x00000524 |
GetProcessAffinityMask | - | 0x004330BC | 0x0003C94C | 0x0003AF4C | 0x00000246 |
CreateThread | - | 0x004330C0 | 0x0003C950 | 0x0003AF50 | 0x000000B5 |
SetThreadPriority | - | 0x004330C4 | 0x0003C954 | 0x0003AF54 | 0x00000499 |
InitializeCriticalSection | - | 0x004330C8 | 0x0003C958 | 0x0003AF58 | 0x000002E2 |
EnterCriticalSection | - | 0x004330CC | 0x0003C95C | 0x0003AF5C | 0x000000EE |
LeaveCriticalSection | - | 0x004330D0 | 0x0003C960 | 0x0003AF60 | 0x00000339 |
DeleteCriticalSection | - | 0x004330D4 | 0x0003C964 | 0x0003AF64 | 0x000000D1 |
SetEvent | - | 0x004330D8 | 0x0003C968 | 0x0003AF68 | 0x00000459 |
ResetEvent | - | 0x004330DC | 0x0003C96C | 0x0003AF6C | 0x0000040F |
ReleaseSemaphore | - | 0x004330E0 | 0x0003C970 | 0x0003AF70 | 0x000003FE |
WaitForSingleObject | - | 0x004330E4 | 0x0003C974 | 0x0003AF74 | 0x000004F9 |
CreateEventW | - | 0x004330E8 | 0x0003C978 | 0x0003AF78 | 0x00000085 |
CreateSemaphoreW | - | 0x004330EC | 0x0003C97C | 0x0003AF7C | 0x000000AE |
GetSystemTime | - | 0x004330F0 | 0x0003C980 | 0x0003AF80 | 0x00000277 |
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime | - | 0x004330F4 | 0x0003C984 | 0x0003AF84 | 0x000004BE |
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime | - | 0x004330F8 | 0x0003C988 | 0x0003AF88 | 0x000004D0 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | - | 0x004330FC | 0x0003C98C | 0x0003AF8C | 0x000004BD |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | - | 0x00433100 | 0x0003C990 | 0x0003AF90 | 0x00000124 |
LocalFileTimeToFileTime | - | 0x00433104 | 0x0003C994 | 0x0003AF94 | 0x00000346 |
FileTimeToSystemTime | - | 0x00433108 | 0x0003C998 | 0x0003AF98 | 0x00000125 |
GetCPInfo | - | 0x0043310C | 0x0003C99C | 0x0003AF9C | 0x00000172 |
IsDBCSLeadByte | - | 0x00433110 | 0x0003C9A0 | 0x0003AFA0 | 0x000002FE |
MultiByteToWideChar | - | 0x00433114 | 0x0003C9A4 | 0x0003AFA4 | 0x00000367 |
WideCharToMultiByte | - | 0x00433118 | 0x0003C9A8 | 0x0003AFA8 | 0x00000511 |
GlobalAlloc | - | 0x0043311C | 0x0003C9AC | 0x0003AFAC | 0x000002B3 |
LockResource | - | 0x00433120 | 0x0003C9B0 | 0x0003AFB0 | 0x00000354 |
GlobalLock | - | 0x00433124 | 0x0003C9B4 | 0x0003AFB4 | 0x000002BE |
GlobalUnlock | - | 0x00433128 | 0x0003C9B8 | 0x0003AFB8 | 0x000002C5 |
GlobalFree | - | 0x0043312C | 0x0003C9BC | 0x0003AFBC | 0x000002BA |
LoadResource | - | 0x00433130 | 0x0003C9C0 | 0x0003AFC0 | 0x00000341 |
SizeofResource | - | 0x00433134 | 0x0003C9C4 | 0x0003AFC4 | 0x000004B1 |
SetCurrentDirectoryW | - | 0x00433138 | 0x0003C9C8 | 0x0003AFC8 | 0x0000044D |
GetExitCodeProcess | - | 0x0043313C | 0x0003C9CC | 0x0003AFCC | 0x000001DF |
GetLocalTime | - | 0x00433140 | 0x0003C9D0 | 0x0003AFD0 | 0x00000203 |
GetTickCount | - | 0x00433144 | 0x0003C9D4 | 0x0003AFD4 | 0x00000293 |
MapViewOfFile | - | 0x00433148 | 0x0003C9D8 | 0x0003AFD8 | 0x00000357 |
UnmapViewOfFile | - | 0x0043314C | 0x0003C9DC | 0x0003AFDC | 0x000004D6 |
CreateFileMappingW | - | 0x00433150 | 0x0003C9E0 | 0x0003AFE0 | 0x0000008C |
OpenFileMappingW | - | 0x00433154 | 0x0003C9E4 | 0x0003AFE4 | 0x00000379 |
GetCommandLineW | - | 0x00433158 | 0x0003C9E8 | 0x0003AFE8 | 0x00000187 |
SetEnvironmentVariableW | - | 0x0043315C | 0x0003C9EC | 0x0003AFEC | 0x00000457 |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x00433160 | 0x0003C9F0 | 0x0003AFF0 | 0x0000011D |
GetTempPathW | - | 0x00433164 | 0x0003C9F4 | 0x0003AFF4 | 0x00000285 |
MoveFileExW | - | 0x00433168 | 0x0003C9F8 | 0x0003AFF8 | 0x00000360 |
GetLocaleInfoW | - | 0x0043316C | 0x0003C9FC | 0x0003AFFC | 0x00000206 |
GetTimeFormatW | - | 0x00433170 | 0x0003CA00 | 0x0003B000 | 0x00000297 |
GetDateFormatW | - | 0x00433174 | 0x0003CA04 | 0x0003B004 | 0x000001C8 |
GetNumberFormatW | - | 0x00433178 | 0x0003CA08 | 0x0003B008 | 0x00000233 |
SetFilePointerEx | - | 0x0043317C | 0x0003CA0C | 0x0003B00C | 0x00000467 |
GetConsoleMode | - | 0x00433180 | 0x0003CA10 | 0x0003B010 | 0x000001AC |
GetConsoleCP | - | 0x00433184 | 0x0003CA14 | 0x0003B014 | 0x0000019A |
HeapSize | - | 0x00433188 | 0x0003CA18 | 0x0003B018 | 0x000002D4 |
SetStdHandle | - | 0x0043318C | 0x0003CA1C | 0x0003B01C | 0x00000487 |
GetProcessHeap | - | 0x00433190 | 0x0003CA20 | 0x0003B020 | 0x0000024A |
RaiseException | - | 0x00433194 | 0x0003CA24 | 0x0003B024 | 0x000003B1 |
GetSystemInfo | - | 0x00433198 | 0x0003CA28 | 0x0003B028 | 0x00000273 |
VirtualProtect | - | 0x0043319C | 0x0003CA2C | 0x0003B02C | 0x000004EF |
VirtualQuery | - | 0x004331A0 | 0x0003CA30 | 0x0003B030 | 0x000004F1 |
LoadLibraryExA | - | 0x004331A4 | 0x0003CA34 | 0x0003B034 | 0x0000033D |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | - | 0x004331A8 | 0x0003CA38 | 0x0003B038 | 0x00000304 |
IsDebuggerPresent | - | 0x004331AC | 0x0003CA3C | 0x0003B03C | 0x00000300 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x004331B0 | 0x0003CA40 | 0x0003B040 | 0x000004D3 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x004331B4 | 0x0003CA44 | 0x0003B044 | 0x000004A5 |
GetStartupInfoW | - | 0x004331B8 | 0x0003CA48 | 0x0003B048 | 0x00000263 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | - | 0x004331BC | 0x0003CA4C | 0x0003B04C | 0x000003A7 |
GetCurrentThreadId | - | 0x004331C0 | 0x0003CA50 | 0x0003B050 | 0x000001C5 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | - | 0x004331C4 | 0x0003CA54 | 0x0003B054 | 0x00000279 |
InitializeSListHead | - | 0x004331C8 | 0x0003CA58 | 0x0003B058 | 0x000002E7 |
TerminateProcess | - | 0x004331CC | 0x0003CA5C | 0x0003B05C | 0x000004C0 |
RtlUnwind | - | 0x004331D0 | 0x0003CA60 | 0x0003B060 | 0x00000418 |
EncodePointer | - | 0x004331D4 | 0x0003CA64 | 0x0003B064 | 0x000000EA |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | - | 0x004331D8 | 0x0003CA68 | 0x0003B068 | 0x000002E3 |
TlsAlloc | - | 0x004331DC | 0x0003CA6C | 0x0003B06C | 0x000004C5 |
TlsGetValue | - | 0x004331E0 | 0x0003CA70 | 0x0003B070 | 0x000004C7 |
TlsSetValue | - | 0x004331E4 | 0x0003CA74 | 0x0003B074 | 0x000004C8 |
TlsFree | - | 0x004331E8 | 0x0003CA78 | 0x0003B078 | 0x000004C6 |
LoadLibraryExW | - | 0x004331EC | 0x0003CA7C | 0x0003B07C | 0x0000033E |
QueryPerformanceFrequency | - | 0x004331F0 | 0x0003CA80 | 0x0003B080 | 0x000003A8 |
GetModuleHandleExW | - | 0x004331F4 | 0x0003CA84 | 0x0003B084 | 0x00000217 |
GetModuleFileNameA | - | 0x004331F8 | 0x0003CA88 | 0x0003B088 | 0x00000213 |
GetACP | - | 0x004331FC | 0x0003CA8C | 0x0003B08C | 0x00000168 |
HeapFree | - | 0x00433200 | 0x0003CA90 | 0x0003B090 | 0x000002CF |
HeapAlloc | - | 0x00433204 | 0x0003CA94 | 0x0003B094 | 0x000002CB |
HeapReAlloc | - | 0x00433208 | 0x0003CA98 | 0x0003B098 | 0x000002D2 |
GetStringTypeW | - | 0x0043320C | 0x0003CA9C | 0x0003B09C | 0x00000269 |
LCMapStringW | - | 0x00433210 | 0x0003CAA0 | 0x0003B0A0 | 0x0000032D |
FindFirstFileExA | - | 0x00433214 | 0x0003CAA4 | 0x0003B0A4 | 0x00000133 |
FindNextFileA | - | 0x00433218 | 0x0003CAA8 | 0x0003B0A8 | 0x00000143 |
IsValidCodePage | - | 0x0043321C | 0x0003CAAC | 0x0003B0AC | 0x0000030A |
GetOEMCP | - | 0x00433220 | 0x0003CAB0 | 0x0003B0B0 | 0x00000237 |
GetCommandLineA | - | 0x00433224 | 0x0003CAB4 | 0x0003B0B4 | 0x00000186 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x00433228 | 0x0003CAB8 | 0x0003B0B8 | 0x000001DA |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x0043322C | 0x0003CABC | 0x0003B0BC | 0x00000161 |
DecodePointer | - | 0x00433230 | 0x0003CAC0 | 0x0003B0C0 | 0x000000CA |
gdiplus.dll (9)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GdiplusShutdown | - | 0x00433238 | 0x0003CAC8 | 0x0003B0C8 | 0x00000274 |
GdiplusStartup | - | 0x0043323C | 0x0003CACC | 0x0003B0CC | 0x00000275 |
GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap | - | 0x00433240 | 0x0003CAD0 | 0x0003B0D0 | 0x0000005F |
GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM | - | 0x00433244 | 0x0003CAD4 | 0x0003B0D4 | 0x00000052 |
GdipCreateBitmapFromStream | - | 0x00433248 | 0x0003CAD8 | 0x0003B0D8 | 0x00000051 |
GdipDisposeImage | - | 0x0043324C | 0x0003CADC | 0x0003B0DC | 0x00000098 |
GdipCloneImage | - | 0x00433250 | 0x0003CAE0 | 0x0003B0E0 | 0x00000036 |
GdipFree | - | 0x00433254 | 0x0003CAE4 | 0x0003B0E4 | 0x000000ED |
GdipAlloc | - | 0x00433258 | 0x0003CAE8 | 0x0003B0E8 | 0x00000021 |
Memory Dumps (2)
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Point | YARA | Actions |
freeratbuild.exe | 1 | 0x00A10000 | 0x00A81FFF | Relevant Image | 32-bit | 0x00A32016 |
freeratbuild.exe | 1 | 0x00A10000 | 0x00A81FFF | Process Termination | 32-bit | - |
C:\Boot\Resources\en-US\absolutetelnet.exe | Dropped File | Binary |
PE Information
Image Base | 0x00400000 |
Entry Point | 0x005F131E |
Size Of Code | 0x001EF400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x00003600 |
Machine Type | IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2022-05-04 18:03 (UTC+2) |
Version Information (4)
FileVersion | |
OriginalFilename | libGLESv2.dll |
ProductName | libGLESv2 |
ProductVersion | |
Sections (4)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x00402000 | 0x001EF324 | 0x001EF400 | 0x00000400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 7.52 |
.sdata | 0x005F2000 | 0x00002FDF | 0x00003000 | 0x001EF800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 3.24 |
.rsrc | 0x005F6000 | 0x00000218 | 0x00000400 | 0x001F2800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 1.84 |
.reloc | 0x005F8000 | 0x0000000C | 0x00000200 | 0x001F2C00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 0.1 |
Imports (1)
mscoree.dll (1)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_CorExeMain | - | 0x00402000 | 0x001F12F8 | 0x001EF6F8 | 0x00000000 |
Memory Dumps (93)
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Point | YARA | Actions |
componentnet.exe | 6 | 0x003A0000 | 0x00599FFF | Relevant Image | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x02270000 | 0x02277FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x02280000 | 0x02280FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x022A0000 | 0x022B4FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1AC90000 | 0x1AC90FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1ACA0000 | 0x1ACA9FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1AC90000 | 0x1AC90FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1ACB0000 | 0x1ACC0FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1ACD0000 | 0x1ACD0FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B220000 | 0x1B224FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1ACE0000 | 0x1ACE5FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B210000 | 0x1B211FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B230000 | 0x1B23BFFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B210000 | 0x1B211FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B260000 | 0x1B265FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B270000 | 0x1B274FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B280000 | 0x1B286FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B490000 | 0x1B496FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B510000 | 0x1B511FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4A0000 | 0x1B4A5FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B510000 | 0x1B511FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4B0000 | 0x1B4B4FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4C0000 | 0x1B4C8FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4D0000 | 0x1B4D0FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4E0000 | 0x1B4E1FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4D0000 | 0x1B4D0FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4F0000 | 0x1B4F5FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4E0000 | 0x1B4E1FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B4D0000 | 0x1B4D0FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B500000 | 0x1B501FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B520000 | 0x1B525FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 6 | 0x1B500000 | 0x1B501FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
componentnet.exe | 6 | 0x003A0000 | 0x00599FFF | Final Dump | 64-bit | - |
componentnet.exe | 6 | 0x003A0000 | 0x00599FFF | Process Termination | 64-bit | - |
absolutetelnet.exe | 21 | 0x004D0000 | 0x006C9FFF | Relevant Image | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00840000 | 0x00847FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00850000 | 0x00850FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00840000 | 0x00847FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00860000 | 0x00874FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00850000 | 0x00850FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00840000 | 0x00847FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00890000 | 0x00890FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x00860000 | 0x00874FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
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buffer | 21 | 0x1B2E0000 | 0x1B2E1FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
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buffer | 21 | 0x1B310000 | 0x1B311FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1B2C0000 | 0x1B2C8FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1ADA0000 | 0x1ADA4FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1B320000 | 0x1B325FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1B300000 | 0x1B305FFF | Reflectively Loaded .NET Assembly | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1B7BA000 | 0x1B7BFFFF | First Network Behavior | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1B6BA000 | 0x1B6BFFFF | First Network Behavior | 64-bit | - |
buffer | 21 | 0x1B0B7000 | 0x1B0BFFFF | First Network Behavior | 64-bit | - |
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absolutetelnet.exe | 19 | 0x00BB0000 | 0x00DA9FFF | Relevant Image | 64-bit | - |
systemsettings.exe | 22 | 0x00C30000 | 0x00E29FFF | Relevant Image | 64-bit | - |
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File Reputation Information
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