Threat Names
Lumma Mal/Generic-S Mal/HTMLGen-A
Dynamic Analysis Report
Created on 2024-05-26T10:59:55+00:00
Windows Exe (x86-32)
Remarks (1/1)
(0x02000008): One or more processes crashed during the analysis. Analysis results may be incomplete.
This is a filtered view
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
File Name | Category | Type | Verdict | Actions |
C:\Users\OqXZRaykm\Desktop\c0628d64b48b90236336a7b3b16a8d8f.virus.exe | Sample File | Binary |
File Reputation Information
Verdict |
Names | Mal/Generic-S |
PE Information
Image Base | 0x00400000 |
Entry Point | 0x0040C346 |
Size Of Code | 0x00021E00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x0000DC00 |
Machine Type | IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2023-02-09 17:53 (UTC) |
Sections (5)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x00401000 | 0x00021C54 | 0x00021E00 | 0x00000400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.64 |
.rdata | 0x00423000 | 0x0000A84E | 0x0000AA00 | 0x00022200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.09 |
.data | 0x0042E000 | 0x000016A8 | 0x00000C00 | 0x0002CC00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 2.56 |
.rsrc | 0x00430000 | 0x000001E0 | 0x00000200 | 0x0002D800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.7 |
.reloc | 0x00431000 | 0x000017B8 | 0x00001800 | 0x0002DA00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.61 |
Imports (4)
KERNEL32.dll (72)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
lstrcmpiW | - | 0x0042303C | 0x0002D0A4 | 0x0002C2A4 | 0x00000637 |
WriteConsoleW | - | 0x00423040 | 0x0002D0A8 | 0x0002C2A8 | 0x00000615 |
HeapSize | - | 0x00423044 | 0x0002D0AC | 0x0002C2AC | 0x00000351 |
SetEnvironmentVariableW | - | 0x00423048 | 0x0002D0B0 | 0x0002C2B0 | 0x00000516 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x0042304C | 0x0002D0B4 | 0x0002C2B4 | 0x000001AD |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x00423050 | 0x0002D0B8 | 0x0002C2B8 | 0x0000023A |
GetCommandLineW | - | 0x00423054 | 0x0002D0BC | 0x0002C2BC | 0x000001DA |
GetCommandLineA | - | 0x00423058 | 0x0002D0C0 | 0x0002C2C0 | 0x000001D9 |
CloseHandle | - | 0x0042305C | 0x0002D0C4 | 0x0002C2C4 | 0x00000089 |
CreateFileW | - | 0x00423060 | 0x0002D0C8 | 0x0002C2C8 | 0x000000CE |
GetCurrentProcess | - | 0x00423064 | 0x0002D0CC | 0x0002C2CC | 0x0000021A |
GetProcessHeap | - | 0x00423068 | 0x0002D0D0 | 0x0002C2D0 | 0x000002B7 |
HeapAlloc | - | 0x0042306C | 0x0002D0D4 | 0x0002C2D4 | 0x00000348 |
WideCharToMultiByte | - | 0x00423070 | 0x0002D0D8 | 0x0002C2D8 | 0x00000602 |
HeapFree | - | 0x00423074 | 0x0002D0DC | 0x0002C2DC | 0x0000034C |
MultiByteToWideChar | - | 0x00423078 | 0x0002D0E0 | 0x0002C2E0 | 0x000003F3 |
lstrcmpW | - | 0x0042307C | 0x0002D0E4 | 0x0002C2E4 | 0x00000634 |
lstrlenW | - | 0x00423080 | 0x0002D0E8 | 0x0002C2E8 | 0x00000640 |
GetStringTypeW | - | 0x00423084 | 0x0002D0EC | 0x0002C2EC | 0x000002DA |
lstrcatW | - | 0x00423088 | 0x0002D0F0 | 0x0002C2F0 | 0x00000631 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | - | 0x0042308C | 0x0002D0F4 | 0x0002C2F4 | 0x0000044F |
GetCurrentProcessId | - | 0x00423090 | 0x0002D0F8 | 0x0002C2F8 | 0x0000021B |
GetCurrentThreadId | - | 0x00423094 | 0x0002D0FC | 0x0002C2FC | 0x0000021F |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | - | 0x00423098 | 0x0002D100 | 0x0002C300 | 0x000002EC |
InitializeSListHead | - | 0x0042309C | 0x0002D104 | 0x0002C304 | 0x00000366 |
IsDebuggerPresent | - | 0x004230A0 | 0x0002D108 | 0x0002C308 | 0x00000382 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x004230A4 | 0x0002D10C | 0x0002C30C | 0x000005B1 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x004230A8 | 0x0002D110 | 0x0002C310 | 0x00000571 |
GetStartupInfoW | - | 0x004230AC | 0x0002D114 | 0x0002C314 | 0x000002D3 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | - | 0x004230B0 | 0x0002D118 | 0x0002C318 | 0x00000389 |
GetModuleHandleW | - | 0x004230B4 | 0x0002D11C | 0x0002C31C | 0x0000027B |
TerminateProcess | - | 0x004230B8 | 0x0002D120 | 0x0002C320 | 0x00000590 |
RtlUnwind | - | 0x004230BC | 0x0002D124 | 0x0002C324 | 0x000004D5 |
GetLastError | - | 0x004230C0 | 0x0002D128 | 0x0002C328 | 0x00000264 |
SetLastError | - | 0x004230C4 | 0x0002D12C | 0x0002C32C | 0x00000534 |
EnterCriticalSection | - | 0x004230C8 | 0x0002D130 | 0x0002C330 | 0x00000134 |
LeaveCriticalSection | - | 0x004230CC | 0x0002D134 | 0x0002C334 | 0x000003C1 |
DeleteCriticalSection | - | 0x004230D0 | 0x0002D138 | 0x0002C338 | 0x00000113 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | - | 0x004230D4 | 0x0002D13C | 0x0002C33C | 0x00000362 |
TlsAlloc | - | 0x004230D8 | 0x0002D140 | 0x0002C340 | 0x000005A2 |
TlsGetValue | - | 0x004230DC | 0x0002D144 | 0x0002C344 | 0x000005A4 |
TlsSetValue | - | 0x004230E0 | 0x0002D148 | 0x0002C348 | 0x000005A5 |
TlsFree | - | 0x004230E4 | 0x0002D14C | 0x0002C34C | 0x000005A3 |
FreeLibrary | - | 0x004230E8 | 0x0002D150 | 0x0002C350 | 0x000001AE |
GetProcAddress | - | 0x004230EC | 0x0002D154 | 0x0002C354 | 0x000002B1 |
LoadLibraryExW | - | 0x004230F0 | 0x0002D158 | 0x0002C358 | 0x000003C7 |
EncodePointer | - | 0x004230F4 | 0x0002D15C | 0x0002C35C | 0x00000130 |
RaiseException | - | 0x004230F8 | 0x0002D160 | 0x0002C360 | 0x00000464 |
SetEndOfFile | - | 0x004230FC | 0x0002D164 | 0x0002C364 | 0x00000512 |
GetFileType | - | 0x00423100 | 0x0002D168 | 0x0002C368 | 0x00000251 |
GetStdHandle | - | 0x00423104 | 0x0002D16C | 0x0002C36C | 0x000002D5 |
WriteFile | - | 0x00423108 | 0x0002D170 | 0x0002C370 | 0x00000616 |
GetModuleFileNameW | - | 0x0042310C | 0x0002D174 | 0x0002C374 | 0x00000277 |
ExitProcess | - | 0x00423110 | 0x0002D178 | 0x0002C378 | 0x00000161 |
GetModuleHandleExW | - | 0x00423114 | 0x0002D17C | 0x0002C37C | 0x0000027A |
SetFilePointerEx | - | 0x00423118 | 0x0002D180 | 0x0002C380 | 0x00000525 |
GetConsoleMode | - | 0x0042311C | 0x0002D184 | 0x0002C384 | 0x000001FF |
SetStdHandle | - | 0x00423120 | 0x0002D188 | 0x0002C388 | 0x0000054E |
GetConsoleOutputCP | - | 0x00423124 | 0x0002D18C | 0x0002C38C | 0x00000203 |
CompareStringW | - | 0x00423128 | 0x0002D190 | 0x0002C390 | 0x0000009E |
LCMapStringW | - | 0x0042312C | 0x0002D194 | 0x0002C394 | 0x000003B5 |
GetTimeZoneInformation | - | 0x00423130 | 0x0002D198 | 0x0002C398 | 0x00000311 |
FlushFileBuffers | - | 0x00423134 | 0x0002D19C | 0x0002C39C | 0x000001A2 |
HeapReAlloc | - | 0x00423138 | 0x0002D1A0 | 0x0002C3A0 | 0x0000034F |
FindClose | - | 0x0042313C | 0x0002D1A4 | 0x0002C3A4 | 0x00000178 |
FindFirstFileExW | - | 0x00423140 | 0x0002D1A8 | 0x0002C3A8 | 0x0000017E |
FindNextFileW | - | 0x00423144 | 0x0002D1AC | 0x0002C3AC | 0x0000018F |
IsValidCodePage | - | 0x00423148 | 0x0002D1B0 | 0x0002C3B0 | 0x0000038F |
GetACP | - | 0x0042314C | 0x0002D1B4 | 0x0002C3B4 | 0x000001B5 |
GetOEMCP | - | 0x00423150 | 0x0002D1B8 | 0x0002C3B8 | 0x0000029A |
GetCPInfo | - | 0x00423154 | 0x0002D1BC | 0x0002C3BC | 0x000001C4 |
DecodePointer | - | 0x00423158 | 0x0002D1C0 | 0x0002C3C0 | 0x0000010C |
USER32.dll (5)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetSystemMetrics | - | 0x00423160 | 0x0002D1C8 | 0x0002C3C8 | 0x000001C5 |
EnumDisplayDevicesA | - | 0x00423164 | 0x0002D1CC | 0x0002C3CC | 0x000000FC |
ReleaseDC | - | 0x00423168 | 0x0002D1D0 | 0x0002C3D0 | 0x000002F8 |
wsprintfW | - | 0x0042316C | 0x0002D1D4 | 0x0002C3D4 | 0x000003E2 |
GetDC | - | 0x00423170 | 0x0002D1D8 | 0x0002C3D8 | 0x00000140 |
GDI32.dll (9)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
BitBlt | - | 0x00423014 | 0x0002D07C | 0x0002C27C | 0x00000013 |
CreateCompatibleBitmap | - | 0x00423018 | 0x0002D080 | 0x0002C280 | 0x00000030 |
SelectObject | - | 0x0042301C | 0x0002D084 | 0x0002C284 | 0x00000364 |
CreateCompatibleDC | - | 0x00423020 | 0x0002D088 | 0x0002C288 | 0x00000031 |
CreateDCW | - | 0x00423024 | 0x0002D08C | 0x0002C28C | 0x00000034 |
GetDIBits | - | 0x00423028 | 0x0002D090 | 0x0002C290 | 0x0000027A |
DeleteDC | - | 0x0042302C | 0x0002D094 | 0x0002C294 | 0x00000180 |
GetObjectW | - | 0x00423030 | 0x0002D098 | 0x0002C298 | 0x000002AD |
DeleteObject | - | 0x00423034 | 0x0002D09C | 0x0002C29C | 0x00000183 |
ADVAPI32.dll (4)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
RegEnumKeyExW | - | 0x00423000 | 0x0002D068 | 0x0002C268 | 0x0000027A |
RegOpenKeyExW | - | 0x00423004 | 0x0002D06C | 0x0002C26C | 0x0000028C |
RegQueryValueExW | - | 0x00423008 | 0x0002D070 | 0x0002C270 | 0x00000299 |
RegCloseKey | - | 0x0042300C | 0x0002D074 | 0x0002C274 | 0x0000025B |
Memory Dumps (13)
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Point | YARA | Actions |
c0628d64b48b90236336a7b3b16a8d8f.virus.exe | 1 | 0x00BD0000 | 0x00C02FFF | Relevant Image | 32-bit | 0x00BDD4AE |
buffer | 1 | 0x0019C000 | 0x0019FFFF | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x00699ED0 | 0x0069A0EF | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x0069B1B8 | 0x0069B51B | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x0069C608 | 0x0069D407 | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x0069D410 | 0x0069E425 | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x006A8C70 | 0x006A8D05 | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x006EB838 | 0x006EBA3F | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x006EBB78 | 0x006EBD7F | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x006EBD88 | 0x006EBF8F | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
buffer | 1 | 0x006EBF98 | 0x006EC1C7 | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | - |
c0628d64b48b90236336a7b3b16a8d8f.virus.exe | 1 | 0x00BD0000 | 0x00C02FFF | First Network Behavior | 32-bit | 0x00BDA0CC |
c0628d64b48b90236336a7b3b16a8d8f.virus.exe | 1 | 0x00BD0000 | 0x00C02FFF | Process Termination | 32-bit | - |
YARA Matches (1)
Rule Name | Rule Description | Classification | Score | Actions |
Lumma_C2 | LummaC2 Stealer | Spyware |