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Threat Names

SysWhispers Pikabot

Remarks (2/3)

(0x02000046): The maximum binlog size was reached. The analysis was terminated prematurely.

(0x02000009): DLL files normally need to be submitted with an appropriate loader. Analysis result may be incomplete if an appropriate loader was not submitted.

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "38 seconds" to "10 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.


(0x0200005C): 373 dumps with the reason "Content Changed" were skipped because the respective maximum limit was reached.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\7668.dll Sample File Binary
MIME Type application/
File Size 840.00 KB
MD5 bcc53210e13294cbd6a8172558d99295 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 02f78e1449ce844dc2807d850aab397d34ec35aa Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 dd2b6e3aa75de8460730862f2dc739537734a7dfc9e673b6a23ee58430348ddf Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24576:2e9nfmpSVmL+Cf72yb1SFEtEfPmY4uRD7HpUMhOw8ghE:lBmpSVmLfCDfPJ4cDFPhmghE Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 55f1ba0b782341fa929d61651ef47f0c Copy to Clipboard
Static Analysis Parser Error parsing signature failed: cannot parse signature content info
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x1002E3A9
Size Of Code 0x0007E200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x00053A00
Compile Timestamp 2021-05-24 10:41 (UTC)
Version Information (12)
Comments -
CompanyName Trend Micro, Inc.
FileDescription Trend Micro DNS Protocol Handler Module
InternalName TmopphDns
LegalCopyright Copyright (C) 2021 Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved.
LegalTrademarks Copyright (C) 2021 Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved.
OriginalFilename TmopphDns.dll
PrivateBuild Build 1082 - 05/24/2021
ProductName Trend Micro Osprey
ProductVersion 5.01
SpecialBuild 1082
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x0007E115 0x0007E200 0x00000400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.63
.rdata 0x10080000 0x000180E8 0x00018200 0x0007E600 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 5.56
.data 0x10099000 0x00003434 0x00001C00 0x00096800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 4.2
.rsrc 0x1009D000 0x000344AC 0x00034600 0x00098400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.66
Imports (4)
KERNEL32.dll (101)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x10080040 0x0009760C 0x00095C0C 0x000005FE
CreateDirectoryA - 0x10080044 0x00097610 0x00095C10 0x000000B5
Sleep - 0x10080048 0x00097614 0x00095C14 0x0000057D
LocalFree - 0x1008004C 0x00097618 0x00095C18 0x000003CF
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x10080050 0x0009761C 0x00095C1C 0x000003BD
InitializeCriticalSection - 0x10080054 0x00097620 0x00095C20 0x0000035E
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x10080058 0x00097624 0x00095C24 0x00000110
WriteConsoleW - 0x1008005C 0x00097628 0x00095C28 0x00000611
GetProcAddress - 0x10080060 0x0009762C 0x00095C2C 0x000002AE
ResetEvent - 0x10080064 0x00097630 0x00095C30 0x000004C6
CloseHandle - 0x10080068 0x00097634 0x00095C34 0x00000086
LoadLibraryA - 0x1008006C 0x00097638 0x00095C38 0x000003C1
SetEvent - 0x10080070 0x0009763C 0x00095C3C 0x00000516
GetLastError - 0x10080074 0x00097640 0x00095C40 0x00000261
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x10080078 0x00097644 0x00095C44 0x000003EF
OpenEventW - 0x1008007C 0x00097648 0x00095C48 0x00000401
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x10080080 0x0009764C 0x00095C4C 0x00000274
GetShortPathNameW - 0x10080084 0x00097650 0x00095C50 0x000002CD
SetLastError - 0x10080088 0x00097654 0x00095C54 0x00000532
OpenEventA - 0x1008008C 0x00097658 0x00095C58 0x00000400
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x10080090 0x0009765C 0x00095C5C 0x00000273
GetShortPathNameA - 0x10080094 0x00097660 0x00095C60 0x000002CC
EnterCriticalSection - 0x10080098 0x00097664 0x00095C64 0x00000131
GetVersionExA - 0x1008009C 0x00097668 0x00095C68 0x0000031A
HeapSize - 0x100800A0 0x0009766C 0x00095C6C 0x0000034E
GetProcessHeap - 0x100800A4 0x00097670 0x00095C70 0x000002B4
SetEnvironmentVariableW - 0x100800A8 0x00097674 0x00095C74 0x00000514
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x100800AC 0x00097678 0x00095C78 0x000001AA
FormatMessageW - 0x100800B0 0x0009767C 0x00095C7C 0x000001A7
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x100800B4 0x00097680 0x00095C80 0x0000035F
CreateEventW - 0x100800B8 0x00097684 0x00095C84 0x000000BF
SwitchToThread - 0x100800BC 0x00097688 0x00095C88 0x00000587
TlsAlloc - 0x100800C0 0x0009768C 0x00095C8C 0x0000059E
TlsGetValue - 0x100800C4 0x00097690 0x00095C90 0x000005A0
TlsSetValue - 0x100800C8 0x00097694 0x00095C94 0x000005A1
TlsFree - 0x100800CC 0x00097698 0x00095C98 0x0000059F
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x100800D0 0x0009769C 0x00095C9C 0x000002E9
GetTickCount - 0x100800D4 0x000976A0 0x00095CA0 0x00000307
GetModuleHandleW - 0x100800D8 0x000976A4 0x00095CA4 0x00000278
EncodePointer - 0x100800DC 0x000976A8 0x00095CA8 0x0000012D
DecodePointer - 0x100800E0 0x000976AC 0x00095CAC 0x00000109
CompareStringW - 0x100800E4 0x000976B0 0x00095CB0 0x0000009B
LCMapStringW - 0x100800E8 0x000976B4 0x00095CB4 0x000003B1
GetLocaleInfoW - 0x100800EC 0x000976B8 0x00095CB8 0x00000265
GetStringTypeW - 0x100800F0 0x000976BC 0x00095CBC 0x000002D7
GetCPInfo - 0x100800F4 0x000976C0 0x00095CC0 0x000001C1
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x100800F8 0x000976C4 0x00095CC4 0x000005AD
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x100800FC 0x000976C8 0x00095CC8 0x0000056D
GetCurrentProcess - 0x10080100 0x000976CC 0x00095CCC 0x00000217
TerminateProcess - 0x10080104 0x000976D0 0x00095CD0 0x0000058C
IsProcessorFeaturePresent - 0x10080108 0x000976D4 0x00095CD4 0x00000386
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x1008010C 0x000976D8 0x00095CD8 0x0000037F
GetStartupInfoW - 0x10080110 0x000976DC 0x00095CDC 0x000002D0
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x10080114 0x000976E0 0x00095CE0 0x0000044D
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x10080118 0x000976E4 0x00095CE4 0x00000218
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x1008011C 0x000976E8 0x00095CE8 0x0000021C
InitializeSListHead - 0x10080120 0x000976EC 0x00095CEC 0x00000363
RtlUnwind - 0x10080124 0x000976F0 0x00095CF0 0x000004D3
RaiseException - 0x10080128 0x000976F4 0x00095CF4 0x00000462
InterlockedPushEntrySList - 0x1008012C 0x000976F8 0x00095CF8 0x0000036F
InterlockedFlushSList - 0x10080130 0x000976FC 0x00095CFC 0x0000036C
FreeLibrary - 0x10080134 0x00097700 0x00095D00 0x000001AB
LoadLibraryExW - 0x10080138 0x00097704 0x00095D04 0x000003C3
CreateFileW - 0x1008013C 0x00097708 0x00095D08 0x000000CB
GetFileType - 0x10080140 0x0009770C 0x00095D0C 0x0000024E
ExitProcess - 0x10080144 0x00097710 0x00095D10 0x0000015E
GetModuleHandleExW - 0x10080148 0x00097714 0x00095D14 0x00000277
HeapAlloc - 0x1008014C 0x00097718 0x00095D18 0x00000345
HeapFree - 0x10080150 0x0009771C 0x00095D1C 0x00000349
GetDateFormatW - 0x10080154 0x00097720 0x00095D20 0x00000221
GetTimeFormatW - 0x10080158 0x00097724 0x00095D24 0x0000030C
IsValidLocale - 0x1008015C 0x00097728 0x00095D28 0x0000038D
GetUserDefaultLCID - 0x10080160 0x0009772C 0x00095D2C 0x00000312
EnumSystemLocalesW - 0x10080164 0x00097730 0x00095D30 0x00000154
GetStdHandle - 0x10080168 0x00097734 0x00095D34 0x000002D2
GetCurrentThread - 0x1008016C 0x00097738 0x00095D38 0x0000021B
GetFileAttributesExW - 0x10080170 0x0009773C 0x00095D3C 0x00000242
WriteFile - 0x10080174 0x00097740 0x00095D40 0x00000612
GetConsoleCP - 0x10080178 0x00097744 0x00095D44 0x000001EA
GetConsoleMode - 0x1008017C 0x00097748 0x00095D48 0x000001FC
SetStdHandle - 0x10080180 0x0009774C 0x00095D4C 0x0000054A
SetEndOfFile - 0x10080184 0x00097750 0x00095D50 0x00000510
ReadFile - 0x10080188 0x00097754 0x00095D54 0x00000473
ReadConsoleW - 0x1008018C 0x00097758 0x00095D58 0x00000470
SetFilePointerEx - 0x10080190 0x0009775C 0x00095D5C 0x00000523
GetFileSizeEx - 0x10080194 0x00097760 0x00095D60 0x0000024C
FlushFileBuffers - 0x10080198 0x00097764 0x00095D64 0x0000019F
DeleteFileW - 0x1008019C 0x00097768 0x00095D68 0x00000115
HeapReAlloc - 0x100801A0 0x0009776C 0x00095D6C 0x0000034C
SetConsoleCtrlHandler - 0x100801A4 0x00097770 0x00095D70 0x000004E9
GetTimeZoneInformation - 0x100801A8 0x00097774 0x00095D74 0x0000030E
FindClose - 0x100801AC 0x00097778 0x00095D78 0x00000175
FindFirstFileExW - 0x100801B0 0x0009777C 0x00095D7C 0x0000017B
FindNextFileW - 0x100801B4 0x00097780 0x00095D80 0x0000018C
IsValidCodePage - 0x100801B8 0x00097784 0x00095D84 0x0000038B
GetACP - 0x100801BC 0x00097788 0x00095D88 0x000001B2
GetOEMCP - 0x100801C0 0x0009778C 0x00095D8C 0x00000297
GetCommandLineA - 0x100801C4 0x00097790 0x00095D90 0x000001D6
GetCommandLineW - 0x100801C8 0x00097794 0x00095D94 0x000001D7
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x100801CC 0x00097798 0x00095D98 0x00000237
OutputDebugStringW - 0x100801D0 0x0009779C 0x00095D9C 0x00000419
ADVAPI32.dll (15)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetTraceLoggerHandle - 0x10080000 0x000975CC 0x00095BCC 0x00000173
GetTraceEnableFlags - 0x10080004 0x000975D0 0x00095BD0 0x00000171
GetTraceEnableLevel - 0x10080008 0x000975D4 0x00095BD4 0x00000172
UnregisterTraceGuids - 0x1008000C 0x000975D8 0x00095BD8 0x00000335
RegisterTraceGuidsA - 0x10080010 0x000975DC 0x00095BDC 0x000002B4
GetSecurityDescriptorSacl - 0x10080014 0x000975E0 0x00095BE0 0x00000162
SetEntriesInAclA - 0x10080018 0x000975E4 0x00095BE4 0x000002D7
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl - 0x1008001C 0x000975E8 0x00095BE8 0x0000015D
SetNamedSecurityInfoA - 0x10080020 0x000975EC 0x00095BEC 0x000002E0
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA - 0x10080024 0x000975F0 0x00095BF0 0x00000080
TraceMessage - 0x10080028 0x000975F4 0x00095BF4 0x00000328
GetNamedSecurityInfoA - 0x1008002C 0x000975F8 0x00095BF8 0x00000154
SetSecurityInfo - 0x10080030 0x000975FC 0x00095BFC 0x000002ED
ConvertStringSidToSidA - 0x10080034 0x00097600 0x00095C00 0x00000082
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW - 0x10080038 0x00097604 0x00095C04 0x00000081
SHELL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SHGetFolderPathW - 0x100801D8 0x000977A4 0x00095DA4 0x00000158
ole32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CoTaskMemFree - 0x100801E0 0x000977AC 0x00095DAC 0x00000089
Exports (12)
API Name EAT Address Ordinal
TmphCreateCtx 0x00011490 0x00000001
TmphCreateCtxEx 0x000114B0 0x00000002
TmphDisconnectAllSessions 0x00011480 0x00000003
TmphExit 0x00011430 0x00000004
TmphFreeContext 0x00011500 0x00000005
GetModuleProp 0x000114F0 0x00000006
TmphInit 0x000113D0 0x00000007
TmphIsSupport 0x00011520 0x00000008
GetModul 0x00011440 0x00000009
GetModuleP 0x00011460 0x0000000A
HetModuleProp 0x000114E0 0x0000000B
GetModulePro 0x000114C0 0x0000000C
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting \"security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy\".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting \"security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy\".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting \"security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy\".
