VMRay Blog

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URLs are a ubiquitous infection vector. Embedded in emails, documents, and webpages, they are encountered early and often in the infection cycle. In addition to hosting exploits and delivering malicious files, they also play a major role in concealing threats and attacks by misdirecting analysis tools and security professionals. To
In a recent major update of our flagship platform, VMRay Analyzer 3.0, we made dramatic improvements in the system’s memory dumping capabilities. In an automated approach we call smart memory dumping, VMRay Analyzer now triggers more frequent and more relevant memory dumps to capture a comprehensive view of malware characteristics
Email phishing continues to be the most prevalent infection vector confronting enterprise security teams today. And with no end in sight to email-driven cybercrime, VMRay has been enhancing its email integration options, most recently with the introduction of IR Mailbox, an add-on feature to VMRay Analyzer and VMRay Detector. IR
SOC teams are often overwhelmed by the flood of known and suspected malware coming at them from every direction. Web and email gateways, endpoints and other systems all feed into the fire hose of suspicious files sent to the SOC—and all those potential threats need to be vetted ASAP. The
Like a modern Superbug that has grown resistant to conventional antibiotics, malware today has evolved rapidly and become increasingly complex. While much has been written about malware’s ability to evade sandboxes, little has been made of the specific techniques malware authors are employing to evade detection. In this post—condensed from
Typical enterprise security architectures involve tools and products from multiple vendors. An unfortunate reality is these tools and products are not designed to work together out-of-the-box. The Splunk Adaptive Response Framework solves this challenge by connecting all of these products through pre-configured actions. Security teams using the VMRay Add-On for
With today’s release of VMRay Analyzer 3.0, we’ve set a new standard of performance and accuracy with our flagship solution for automated malware analysis and detection. With version 3.0 security teams can quickly analyze and detect advanced, zero-day and targeted malware—and initiate incident response—stopping attacks and threats that other technologies
Israeli cybersecurity company CyberInt provides Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services using an innovative approach that leverages both inside-out and outside-in visibility into a customer’s infrastructure. We’ve recently partnered with CyberInt to provide their customers with rapid detection at scale for the tens of thousands of malware samples they see
Guest post by Limor Wainstein, Technical Writer & Editor at Agile SEO. IT security professionals have to deal with preventing and managing a variety of network security risks in their daily work, including cybercrime, the compromise of sensitive data, and service outages. The first line of defense is always prevention,
For malware authors, an important part of their strategy is to drown target organizations with a fire hose of constantly changing information. SOC teams struggle to keep pace with attackers’ ability to rapidly generate new malware variants, new URLs leading to infected websites, and new C2 (command & control) server
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