Category: Cyber Security

Introduction Historically, leveraging shared threat intelligence for malware detection has presented significant challenges to security teams. These challenges stem from the ever-evolving nature of malware threats, as well as the need for timely and accurate intelligence sharing among relevant parties. Traditional hash-based indicators, which rely on precise matches, frequently fall

Introduction The ML series blogs we posted, recently, focused on the details of creating ML models addressing VMRay’s defined use case, which is enhancing its phishing URL detection. In this series, we tackled how we engineered features (i.e. feature engineering) to be used in model training, using the clean output

Introduction Malware threat landscape is constantly shifting towards advanced and targeted cyber attacks. It’s hard to find the balance between the increasing need for higher level of detection with to overwhelming your teams with higher volume and frequency of alerts, which lead to alert fatigue. It’s not just about detecting

Why (and which) data is essential to create a reliable Machine Learning model? Machine Learning Blog Post Series – 4: By Shazia Saqib MACHINE LEARNING BLOG SERIES Machine Learning & Cybersecurity – An Introduction The main concepts of AI and Machine Learning Why we need Machine Learning in Cybersecurity, and

Introduction Artificial intelligence, and more precisely machine learning (ML), has become an almost omnipresent topic in the tech industry over the last decade. ML is applied to all kinds of problems, from image and speech recognition, online fraud detection, up to stock market predictions. It seems just natural to also

Editor’s Note: This post was updated on February 6, 2018. Editor’s Note: This post was updated on October 16, 2019. VM Detection – Passing the Pafish Test Paranoid Fish (pafish) is a tool for detecting malware analysis environments, replicating what malware will do in the wild to detect if it

The Main Concepts of AI and Machine Learning: An Overview By Martin Rupp Blog Series 1: Machine Learning and Cyber Security: An Introduction Blog Series 1: Machine Learning and Cyber Security: An Introduction The WEF forecasts the global value of AI in cyber security to grow up to 46 billion

Investigating Cyber Incidents Using the Security Stack By Kenneth Vignali, Incident Response Expert As a seasoned digital forensic and incident responder, I have come to appreciate the value of certain logs from parts of an organization’s security stack. Before investigating any cyber incident, it is extremely critical to ensure that

This blog post was originally posted on Dark Reading. To truly understand cybersecurity trends, we must look beyond the headlines and ask more of the data. What you learn might surprise you. For the past 13 years, Verizon’s “Data Breach Investigations Report” (DBIR) has been the industry’s definitive resource for

Below is a short video highlighting the importance of investing in cyber security during a time where more employees are working from home. By keeping company infrastructures from vulnerable attacks, cyber security has become a key component to help malicious attacks from happening.

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