Category: Cyber Security

“We are really into the tech. It makes our day if we can detect malware that no one else can.” Continuing our run of podcast interviews, our CEO & Co-Founder Carsten Willems recently featured on the Risky Business Podcast. For over a decade Risky Biz has been one of the
Like a modern Superbug that has grown resistant to conventional antibiotics, malware today has evolved rapidly and become increasingly complex. While much has been written about malware’s ability to evade sandboxes, little has been made of the specific techniques malware authors are employing to evade detection. In this post—condensed from
Guest post by Limor Wainstein, Technical Writer & Editor at Agile SEO. IT security professionals have to deal with preventing and managing a variety of network security risks in their daily work, including cybercrime, the compromise of sensitive data, and service outages. The first line of defense is always prevention,
While InfoStealers are hardly new, some recent developments have made them far more pervasive, more sophisticated, and more challenging to detect. In this post—condensed from a SANS webcast that he participated in— VMRay Product Manager Rohan Viegas along with SANS analyst Jake Williams discuss the mechanics of how InfoStealers work,
Hello everyone, My name is Tobias Scharnowski (@ScepticCtf). I’m a student employee at VMRay and a member of FluxFingers, the official Capture the Flag (CTF) team at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), supported by VMRay and also part of the German team, Sauercloud. This August, my FluxFingers teammates and I traveled
In hindsight, it looks like Carsten Willems and Ralf Hund, the co-founders of VMRay, were destined to follow the same path for an extended period in their lives. Since first meeting in 2007, they have studied alongside each other, collaborated on groundbreaking research, started a company (VMRay), based in their
At the recent RSA Conference in San Francisco, I spent a good deal of time meeting with VMRay partners to discuss their preparations for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The regulation, which takes effect on May 25, creates a new framework for safeguarding the personal data and privacy rights
VMRay’s agentless hypervisor-based analyzer was featured on the latest Snake Oilers episode of the Risky Business podcast. I spoke to host Patrick Gray about the guiding philosophy for VMRay Analyzer 2.2: to deliver unparalleled usability and effectiveness for all DFIR specialists and malware analysts, regardless of skill level. We also
Spectre and Meltdown are attack methodologies enabled by fundamental processor design principles. In particular, they exploit unwanted side effects of caching, speculative/out-of-order execution, and branch target prediction. These features are part of most modern CPUs (Intel, AMD, ARM) and were widely introduced into production in the 1990s to enhance performance.

Recently, VMRay sponsored the 480th episode of the popular weekly information security podcast, Risky Business. On the podcast, Incident Response Expert Koen Van Impe, spoke to host Patrick Gray about how he uses VMRay Analyzer for automated malware analysis. Koen gave a great overview of the real-world challenges IR practitioners

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