Category: Cyber Security

The automated creation and deployment of fully custom VMs (Virtual Machines) as analyses targets may seem like an arcane topic, but it’s crucially important to successful threat analysis, particularly for targeted attacks. There are several reasons: Targeted attacks using custom(ized) malware often will check for specific attributes on the target

Malware that evades detection is nothing new. But in a constantly evolving threat landscape, particularly around targeted attacks, we now see more Environment-Sensitive Malware. This is alternately known as context-aware or environment-aware malware. Not a low carbon footprint variety, but rather malware that is tailored to run only under certain

It’s day #2 for me at VMRay but in many ways I’ve really just come ‘home’ having already worked with the founders of VMRay for quite a few years when I ran Sunbelt Software’s Advanced Technology Group (sold to GFI and now spun out as ThreatTrack). When I got the
In our recent blog post “Blinding Malware Analysis with COM Objects” we talked about the steady trend of malware using Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) for evading sandbox analysis. The reason why COM can be used to perform stealth operations is that traditional dynamic analysis systems monitor program behavior by
Merge malware analysis with intelligence sources to enhance research, detection and mitigation in ThreatConnect. Arlington, VA, August 14, 2015 – ThreatConnect, Inc., the leading provider of security services including the ThreatConnect® Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP), today announced a partnership with VMRay for ThreatConnect’s TC Exchange™. Current users of VMRay Analyzer
A key capability for malware is to prevent or delay analysis, usually by implementing dynamic malware analysis detection and evasion. When successful, this can substantially increase the time the malware can continue in the wild undetected, blocked or remediated. While most in-the-wild evasion techniques are rather simple, there also exist
COM Introduction The Component Object Model (COM) is quite an old technology that was introduced by Microsoft in the early 90s. It allows the development and usage of binary software components in a language and architecture independent way. To this end, COM classes are provided by COM servers and can
This article is provided by courtesy of VMRay GmbH. As part of her Summer Tour #NRWVierNull focusing on the progress of digital change, the Prime Minister of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hannelore Kraft, visited VMRay GmbH in Bochum on 15 July 2015. Cyber security is an important part
Dyre is an advanced banking trojan family that uses phishing to hijack bank accounts from infected machines. According to estimates by researchers, the authors behind have already stolen over a million USD using this malware. It has been around for more than a year and is steadily updated to incorporate
One of the great advantages of VMRay is that its core is completely agnostic to the targeted guest operating system and the underlying hardware platform. To utilize this great feature, we had have been busy working to add additional support for other guest operating systems during the last weeks. VMRay

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