Category: Cybersecurity

We recently came across an interesting malicious Word document that used an embedded Word macro to detect whether or not it was being opened inside a VM. If no VM was detected, the macro proceeded to attempt to download a payload (executable) to infect the machine. Let’s take a look
A Deep Dive into Automated, Customizable Threat Scoring In this second blog post about what’s new in V 1.10 we drill down into our VMRay Threat Identifier (VTI) engine and its threat scoring. It automatically identifies and flags malicious behavior using VTI rules, generating an overall severity score of malicious
Malware authors are always looking for an edge to evade detection and extend the useful life of their creations. In the constant cat-and-mouse game between malware authors and security vendors, malware authors must constantly revise and reinvent their product. They will consider anything they can do to avoid detection. Along
We have a mission at VMRay to build the ultimate malware Panopticon with a twist. The original 18th century Panopticon design was conceived as a way to monitor inmates in an institution in such a way that they could never know where or when they were being observed – so
We’ve just released V 1.10 and we’re well on the way to building the ultimate Panopticon for malware. To reach that goal with automated malware analysis and detection, three criteria must be met: The analyzer must scale The analyzer must avoid detection & evasion by the malware being analyzed The
The ransomware 7ev3n-HONE$T is a new version of an existing ransomware, 7ev3n, with a twist – a much lower ransom fee. Early this year, as reported in January by Graham Cluley, BleepingComputer and others, the original 7ev3n ransomware was spotted in the wild encrypting victims‘ files on Windows machines and

In the era of Big Data scalability is always a key concern. Simply throwing hardware at the problem isn’t enough. If the software architecture can’t fully take advantage of the available bandwidth and compute power, bottlenecks remain. One of VMRay Analyzer’s main advantages is our agentless hypervisor-based approach, allowing substantially

The automated creation and deployment of fully custom VMs (Virtual Machines) as analyses targets may seem like an arcane topic, but it’s crucially important to successful threat analysis, particularly for targeted attacks. There are several reasons: Targeted attacks using custom(ized) malware often will check for specific attributes on the target

Malware that evades detection is nothing new. But in a constantly evolving threat landscape, particularly around targeted attacks, we now see more Environment-Sensitive Malware. This is alternately known as context-aware or environment-aware malware. Not a low carbon footprint variety, but rather malware that is tailored to run only under certain

It’s day #2 for me at VMRay but in many ways I’ve really just come ‘home’ having already worked with the founders of VMRay for quite a few years when I ran Sunbelt Software’s Advanced Technology Group (sold to GFI and now spun out as ThreatTrack). When I got the

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