Category: Featured Posts


There are scenarios in which opting for the best possible solution is non-negotiable. Think of medical surgery, aerospace safety, military operations, or pharmaceutical development. The reason? While the probability of a catastrophe may seem low, its impact is extraordinarily high. In cybersecurity, breaches are no longer a low-probability event, and

With the release of version 4.0 last year, the VMRay Platform took a huge leap forward and further solidified itself as the preeminent software for SOC and CERT teams that need automated analysis and detection of advanced threats. Version 4.1 further rounded out the offering with incremental yet significant enhancements,

With the September release of VMRay Platform v4.0.0, we’re pleased to introduce significant improvements to all three of our products ‑ Analyzer, Detector, and Email Threat Defender (ETD), particularly in matters related to handling malicious links. These enhancements include: The launch of a powerful and unique new method of dynamic
Editor’s Note: This blog post was updated on August 10, 2020. Over the last couple of months, we observed a new downloader called GuLoader (also known as CloudEyE) that has been actively distributed in 2020. In contrast to prototypical downloaders, GuLoader is known to use popular cloud services such as

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