Product Features

In designing systems, engineers often must navigate between two extremes. Resources are finite and compromises must be made between making something operate slowly and thoroughly or fast and recklessly. But what if a system could be both fast and accurate? Because of VMRay’s entirely hypervisor-based technology, it has the ability
This post was updated on October 9, 2020 Please note: VMRay has recently simplified malware identification within our Platform with the Verdict system (read more about it here). This new Verdict system reduces the number of possible malware grading identifiers from eight to four (“Malicious”, “Suspicious”, “Clean”, and “Not Available”)
In this short video, we will demonstrate how security teams can leverage the mapping of VMRay’s analysis results to the MITRE ATT&CK framework for more effective incident response. ATT&CK is the industry-standard framework and knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques, threat groups, and related software and tools. The entire
With the recent release of VMRay Analyzer Version 3.2, we have repackaged and enhanced our already robust REST API. These enhancements add more automation and scalability to malware analysis, detection, and result-sharing across heterogeneous environments. VMRay’s portfolio of out-of-the-box integrations and connectors built with our REST API, enables partners to
In VMRay’s first major product release since completing our Series B funding, we’ve introduced significant enhancements to VMRay Analyzer Version 3.2, our flagship platform for automated malware analysis and detection. Among the key capabilities announced, Version 3.2 expands and automates email analysis while complementing email protections already in place in
According to Forrester, there will be 2 million job vacancies in the cybersecurity sector by 2022. This reality is the impetus for greater efficiency and achieving a significant improvement in the “signal to noise” ratio that security teams are dealing with. Automating malware analysis and detection on a large scale
It was a busy week for the VMRay Team at this year’s Black Hat Conference. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Carsten Willems sat down for an interview with Paul Asadoorian, host of the Security Weekly podcast. Carsten expanded upon his March interview with Security Weekly where he talked about the core
In order for SOC Teams to be more effective, they need access to rich sources of threat intelligence in order to gain visibility and insight into potential threats. At VMRay, our goal is to make the sharing of threat data from each analysis easy. An update to our connector for
With the latest release of our flagship platform for malware analysis, VMRay Analyzer 3.1, we are enhancing enterprise security in four broad areas: providing greater platform coverage, improved scalability, additional access security, and greater detection efficacy. In Version v3.1 we have: Mapped malicious behavior to the industry-standard MITRE ATT&CK framework,
Intelligent Monitoring captures everything that’s relevant and only what’s relevant, so your Security Team can focus on what’s most critical & essential. In explaining what had motivated his team to switch to VMRay Analyzer, a customer told us, “It’s not about getting our analysts started with malware analysis. It’s getting

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