Product Features

One of the key features in VMRay Analyzer 2.0 is the built-in reputation engine that identifies known malicious or known benign files in milliseconds. The addition of the reputation engine gives Incident Responders and Malware Analysts a powerful “One-Two” combination of rapid threat detection and detailed analysis of malware behavior.
In boxing, the “One-Two” combination is an essential component of a fighter’s arsenal. A left jab followed by a right cross is one the most effective combinations a fighter can unleash on his opponent. In the fight against malware, it’s just as important for Malware Analysts and Incident Responders to
We have started to see malware authors use embedded Visual Basic (VBA) macros in many unconventional file types to attack hosts. In response to this trend, VMRay Analyzer V 2.0 now supports the analysis of Microsoft Access and Microsoft Publisher files. Support for analysis of new sample types means greater
VMRay Analyzer V 2.0 will be released this week and we’ll be presenting it at the RSA Conference next week. The latest release has many new features including the addition of a built-in reputation engine that identifies known malicious or known benign files in milliseconds, support for the analysis of
Sharing is caring. Nowhere is this more true than for defenders that need to be able to quickly and seamlessly share critical information about malware and the attackers behind them. In the jargon of our industry that means using TIPs (Threat Intelligence Platforms) to ingest, export and correlate IOCs (Indicators
A Deep Dive into Automated, Customizable Threat Scoring In this second blog post about what’s new in V 1.10 we drill down into our VMRay Threat Identifier (VTI) engine and its threat scoring. It automatically identifies and flags malicious behavior using VTI rules, generating an overall severity score of malicious
We have a mission at VMRay to build the ultimate malware Panopticon with a twist. The original 18th century Panopticon design was conceived as a way to monitor inmates in an institution in such a way that they could never know where or when they were being observed – so
We’ve just released V 1.10 and we’re well on the way to building the ultimate Panopticon for malware. To reach that goal with automated malware analysis and detection, three criteria must be met: The analyzer must scale The analyzer must avoid detection & evasion by the malware being analyzed The

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