Incident Response with VMRay

Reduce the workload of manual analyses by 90%. The clarity, speed, and reliability of VMRay’s analyses maximizes the performance of DFIR and CERT teams.

Overcoming the challenge of incident responders

For traditional security stack deployments, zero-day malware, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), and targeted phishing attacks can be especially difficult to detect and analyze.

Third party validation is critical to ensuring that suspicious threats are not dismissed as false positives and released back into the enterprise.

Noisy analysis

Results that contain up to 90% noise, which dilutes the focused data analysts need to quickly address a specific threat.

The volume and frequency of
False Positives

In case your security contols missed something: False negatives that fail to detect harmful breaches

Unnecessary investigations
triggered by False Positives

In case your security contols were mistaken: False positives that trigger investigations of trivial or non-existent threats.

The VMRay solution for effective incident response

Accelerate Incident Response with VMRay

Fully reveal the threat behavior

VMRay can observe, log and report malicious activities all the way to the end of their execution. This way, the VMRay platform provides an in-depth picture of the malware and phishing smaples.

Highly accurate verdicts and analyses

With its hypervisor-based sandboxing technology, VMRay remains invisible to even the most evasive malware. This enables a comprehensive analysis with accurate results.

Build unique threat intelligence. Of your own.

Your organization can extract threat intelligence with VMRay’s clear reports and pre-filtered IOCs. Unlike the third-party threat repositories, this intel is highly relevant to the threats your organization is facing.

The benefits of incident response with VMRay

Definitive verdicts support accurate, automated decisions

EDR and XDR solutions when combined with a SIEM or SOAR solution can correlate data across a broader spectrum of disparate security devices, including endpoint, network activity. With VMRay, definitive malware verdicts support assured, automated remediation actions.

For the Incident Response team

Gain quick and effective insights into the malware incident to communicate with internal and external stakeholders.

For the SOC analysts

Bolster your daily productivity by analyzing malware and phishing samples faster.

For the CISO

With full API integration, VMRay provides accurate identification of known and previously unknown threats with each analysis imported directly into a SOAR’s centralized incident repository.

See VMRay in action

Explore what you can do with VMRay.

Check the full reports, explore the network connections, see the details on malicious behavior,  map the threat on MITRE ATT&CK Framework, download IOCs and artifacts, and much more.

Accelerate analysis and Incident Response with VMRay.

Further resources on incident response

Incident Response in 4 Steps

Incident Response & Detection Engineering

Combatting sandbox evasion