This week the team at SentinelLabs released an in-depth analysis of macOS.OSAMiner, a Monero mining trojan infecting macOS users since 2015. The authors of macOS.OSAMiner used run-only AppleScripts which made attempts at further analysis more difficult.
In 2020, the SentinelLabs Team discovered that the malware authors were evolving their evasion techniques, adding more complexity by embedding one run-only AppleScript inside another. We analyzed one of the latest samples “ ” using VMRay Analyzer . In this Malware Analysis Spotlight , we will showcase the key behaviors identified during the dynamic analysis.
Note, at the time of analysis this sample of OSAMiner had a 2/60 detection rate on VirusTotal.
OSAMiner Analysis
The “” file is placed in ~/Library/LaunchAgents by the original dropper and disguised as a Property list configuration file (PLIST) while it is in fact a compiled AppleScript.
Straight away, we see that a number of VMRay Threat Identifier (VTI) rules hit and the sample is classified as malicious. From the Overview Tab, we can see the main behaviors of the sample including network connectivity, file dropping behavior, and system information gathering. Now we can dig deeper into each of these characteristics.
The Network Tab shows multiple C2 connections. The first request to budaybu100001[.]com:8080 returns the second-stage URL embedded in the string “-=-=-=” as a marker. Interestingly, there are two URLs that were returned. The second one might be a fallback or used by another variant of the family.
The second stage is another compiled AppleScript stored at ~/Library/11.png. All downloads are performed using curl which is clearly visible in the Behavior Tab. The second stage is again executed using “osascript” and has two main tasks:
Download and extract the third stage mining payload
Write the mining configuration (pools.txt, config.txt, cpu.txt)
The third stage is a zip file containing two dynamic libraries (dylibs) and finally a Mach-O binary, again disguised as a PLIST which can be clearly seen in the Files Tab.
In addition, the second stage uses the system tool “caffeinate” to prevent the machine from going to sleep while the first stage will continuously query the running processes for common AV programs using the ps command:
sh -c ps ax | grep -E ‘360|Keeper|MacMgr|Lemon|Malware|Avast|Avira|CleanMyMac’ | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $1}’
All of these actions are performed using sub-processes so they can be observed in the process graph and process overview.
As we can see, this sample uses a different kind of evasion, using a rather uncommon file type, a compiled AppleScript, disguised as a PLIST file. This file type won’t have a problem running on a victim’s machine but it is difficult for security teams to analyze because of the inherent obfuscation and limited tooling available.
Running the sample in VMRay gives analysts an immediate view into the key behaviors, characteristics, and IOCs. Within 2 minutes of analysis time, analysts can see a majority of the sample’s behavior, compared to hours of manual reverse engineering. And for deeper analysis, the second and third stages are visible and available from the VMRay Analyzer Report.
Second Stage
Third Stage
AV Detection Script embedded in First Stage
Contacted URLs
hxxp://ondayon[.]com:8080/ondayon.png (possibly backup URL)
budaybu[.]com:8888 (mining pool address)
List of Queried Processes