Category: Webinar

POWERFUL DETECTION OF MALICIOUS URLS In this video, we’ll show you how to analyze URLs and optimize your workflow by using triaging. Submitting URLs for analysis is easy. From the “Upload Sample” box, simply type or paste the URL you want to analyze. You will have the flexibility to choose

Listen to VMRay Co-Founders Dr. Carsten Willems and Dr. Ralf Hund talk about the evolution of sandbox technology.
VMRay's Solutions Engineer Ben Abbott talks about how organizations can access fast, early detection, that is resistant to evasion techniques, and works hand-in-hand with existing security infrastructure.
Watch Sr. Threat Researcher, Tamas Boczan talk in-depth of the analysis of recent Ursnif variants that enabled a case study. It will answer questions about open-source malware which would otherwise be subject to speculation.
Today, threat actors are developing malware to exploit the major shortcomings in traditional sandbox technology. With an agentless, hypervisor-based monitoring approach, VMRay provides security teams with a truly evasion resistant solution by seeing every threat without being seen.
SANS Product Review: VMRay Analyzer, agentless malware analysis and rapid incident response.
Watch the VMRay team take a deeper look at the techniques malware authors use to evade automated dynamic analysis, and what steps can be taken for organizations to restore hope in their defenses.
Listen to CEO Carsten Willems talk about VMRay's expanding advanced threat detection capabilities (ATD) on the Risky Business Podcast.
VMRay's Sr. Threat Researcher Tamas Boczan & SANS Analyst, Jake Williams, dissect the techniques used to execute kernel-mode code and bypass existing OS security controls.
Watch the VMRay team take a deeper look at the techniques malware authors use to evade automated dynamic analysis, and what steps can be taken for organizations to restore hope in their defenses.

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