Tag: reverse engineering

A year ago this fall, we introduced the VMRay Analyzer IDA plugin for IDA Pro disassembler and decompiler. With Version 1.0 of the plugin (nicknamed IDARay), malware analysts and DFIR teams could use the output of VMRay Analyzer to enrich IDA Pro static analysis with behavior-based data. The plugin sped
In this blog post, we’ll walk through the first version of the VMRay Analyzer IDA Plugin, which uses the output of VMRay Analyzer to enrich IDA Pro static analysis with behavior-based data. The plugin adds comments to dynamically-resolved API calls within IDA to show the resolved function, its parameters, return
Malware authors have become creative with how they have chosen to package their payload to evade detection. Office documents have been used as a common vector of entry in the following way: a Word document uses a macro to launch PowerShell and download a malicious payload. While detonating the original

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