Machine Learning. Demystified.

The applications of Machine Learning in cybersecurity can make a significant impact on improving detection and reducing false positives, resulting in faster and more efficient security operations.

But there is also a lot of noise and hype around this concept.

In this white paper, we approach AI from a realistic point-of-view to explore the true value and capabilities of Machine Learning. Beyond the myth.

– 12 minutes read –

2 minutes read – What’s in it for you?

Explore the true potential of Machine Learning in cybersecurity:

  • Machine Learning vs AI: key terms
  • What is Machine Learning and how it works
    Why do we need the support of Machine Learning in threat detection
  • The most promising use cases according to Gartner
  • What it takes to build reliable Machine Learning models: challenges and solutions
  • What is the value that AI and Machine Learning bring to cybersecurity
  • How to get the best of Machine Learning and AI

Check Gartner’s AI Use-Case Prism in Cybersecurity

Read the blog series examining how Machine Learning should be created to bring additional detection capabilities. View the report

Read the Machine Learning Blog series

Read the blog series examining how Machine Learning should be created to bring additional detection capabilities. Read the blog

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