Dynamic Analysis Report |
Classification: Spyware, Ransomware, Downloader, Dropper, Trojan |
Created at 2019-07-13T15:56:00
Remarks (2/3)
(0x200000e): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "30 seconds" to "10 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.
(0x200003a): 2 tasks were rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.
(0x200001b): The maximum number of file reputation requests per analysis (150) was exceeded.
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
Filename | Category | Type | Severity | Actions |
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\Desktop\CUsersHPAppDataLocal03562a36-8263-4270-b004-3b05eb1758e3E285.tmp.exe | Sample File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2019-07-12 01:29 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-07-13 15:23 (UTC+2) |
Names | Win32.Trojan.Stop |
Families | Stop |
Classification | Trojan |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x45ff8d |
Size Of Code | 0x7f200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0xbcc00 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2018-04-17 06:08:32+00:00 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x7f1cd | 0x7f200 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.12 |
.rdata | 0x481000 | 0x4958 | 0x4a00 | 0x7f600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.17 |
.data | 0x486000 | 0xac424 | 0x2400 | 0x84000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 1.94 |
.idata | 0x533000 | 0x1f34 | 0x1400 | 0x86400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 3.89 |
.rsrc | 0x535000 | 0x895c | 0x8a00 | 0x87800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.59 |
.reloc | 0x53e000 | 0x1dfa | 0x1e00 | 0x90200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.34 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x0 | 0x533328 | 0x133098 | 0x86498 | 0x456 |
HeapLock | 0x0 | 0x53332c | 0x13309c | 0x8649c | 0x2d0 |
ReplaceFileA | 0x0 | 0x533330 | 0x1330a0 | 0x864a0 | 0x40a |
EnumTimeFormatsA | 0x0 | 0x533334 | 0x1330a4 | 0x864a4 | 0x110 |
ReadConsoleA | 0x0 | 0x533338 | 0x1330a8 | 0x864a8 | 0x3b4 |
WriteProfileStringW | 0x0 | 0x53333c | 0x1330ac | 0x864ac | 0x532 |
WriteProfileSectionA | 0x0 | 0x533340 | 0x1330b0 | 0x864b0 | 0x52f |
LoadLibraryW | 0x0 | 0x533344 | 0x1330b4 | 0x864b4 | 0x33f |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x533348 | 0x1330b8 | 0x864b8 | 0x304 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x53334c | 0x1330bc | 0x864bc | 0x293 |
SleepEx | 0x0 | 0x533350 | 0x1330c0 | 0x864c0 | 0x4b5 |
MoveFileWithProgressW | 0x0 | 0x533354 | 0x1330c4 | 0x864c4 | 0x365 |
SetTapeParameters | 0x0 | 0x533358 | 0x1330c8 | 0x864c8 | 0x48d |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x53335c | 0x1330cc | 0x864cc | 0x186 |
FormatMessageA | 0x0 | 0x533360 | 0x1330d0 | 0x864d0 | 0x15d |
GetStringTypeExA | 0x0 | 0x533364 | 0x1330d4 | 0x864d4 | 0x267 |
IsDBCSLeadByte | 0x0 | 0x533368 | 0x1330d8 | 0x864d8 | 0x2fe |
WriteConsoleOutputA | 0x0 | 0x53336c | 0x1330dc | 0x864dc | 0x51f |
EnumResourceNamesW | 0x0 | 0x533370 | 0x1330e0 | 0x864e0 | 0x102 |
SetCommTimeouts | 0x0 | 0x533374 | 0x1330e4 | 0x864e4 | 0x426 |
SearchPathW | 0x0 | 0x533378 | 0x1330e8 | 0x864e8 | 0x41d |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x53337c | 0x1330ec | 0x864ec | 0x52 |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x533380 | 0x1330f0 | 0x864f0 | 0x524 |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x533384 | 0x1330f4 | 0x864f4 | 0x487 |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x533388 | 0x1330f8 | 0x864f8 | 0x3c0 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x53338c | 0x1330fc | 0x864fc | 0x157 |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x533390 | 0x133100 | 0x86500 | 0x30c |
GetSystemDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x533394 | 0x133104 | 0x86504 | 0x26f |
GetModuleHandleA | 0x0 | 0x533398 | 0x133108 | 0x86508 | 0x215 |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x53339c | 0x13310c | 0x8650c | 0x4ef |
GlobalAlloc | 0x0 | 0x5333a0 | 0x133110 | 0x86510 | 0x2b3 |
FindClose | 0x0 | 0x5333a4 | 0x133114 | 0x86514 | 0x12e |
SetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x5333a8 | 0x133118 | 0x86518 | 0x42c |
GetFileTime | 0x0 | 0x5333ac | 0x13311c | 0x8651c | 0x1f2 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x5333b0 | 0x133120 | 0x86520 | 0x202 |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x5333b4 | 0x133124 | 0x86524 | 0x2cf |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x5333b8 | 0x133128 | 0x86528 | 0x245 |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x5333bc | 0x13312c | 0x8652c | 0x218 |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x5333c0 | 0x133130 | 0x86530 | 0x119 |
DecodePointer | 0x0 | 0x5333c4 | 0x133134 | 0x86534 | 0xca |
GetCommandLineW | 0x0 | 0x5333c8 | 0x133138 | 0x86538 | 0x187 |
HeapSetInformation | 0x0 | 0x5333cc | 0x13313c | 0x8653c | 0x2d3 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x5333d0 | 0x133140 | 0x86540 | 0x263 |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x5333d4 | 0x133144 | 0x86544 | 0x2cd |
HeapDestroy | 0x0 | 0x5333d8 | 0x133148 | 0x86548 | 0x2ce |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x5333dc | 0x13314c | 0x8654c | 0x2cb |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x5333e0 | 0x133150 | 0x86550 | 0x2e3 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x5333e4 | 0x133154 | 0x86554 | 0xd1 |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x5333e8 | 0x133158 | 0x86558 | 0x339 |
FatalAppExitA | 0x0 | 0x5333ec | 0x13315c | 0x8655c | 0x120 |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x5333f0 | 0x133160 | 0x86560 | 0xee |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x5333f4 | 0x133164 | 0x86564 | 0xea |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x5333f8 | 0x133168 | 0x86568 | 0x42d |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x5333fc | 0x13316c | 0x8656c | 0x162 |
InterlockedExchange | 0x0 | 0x533400 | 0x133170 | 0x86570 | 0x2ec |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x533404 | 0x133174 | 0x86574 | 0x206 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x533408 | 0x133178 | 0x86578 | 0x4d3 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x53340c | 0x13317c | 0x8657c | 0x4a5 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x533410 | 0x133180 | 0x86580 | 0x300 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x533414 | 0x133184 | 0x86584 | 0x4c0 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x533418 | 0x133188 | 0x86588 | 0x1c0 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x53341c | 0x13318c | 0x8658c | 0x4c5 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x533420 | 0x133190 | 0x86590 | 0x4c7 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x533424 | 0x133194 | 0x86594 | 0x4c8 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x533428 | 0x133198 | 0x86598 | 0x4c6 |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x0 | 0x53342c | 0x13319c | 0x8659c | 0x2ef |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x533430 | 0x1331a0 | 0x865a0 | 0x473 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x533434 | 0x1331a4 | 0x865a4 | 0x1c5 |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x0 | 0x533438 | 0x1331a8 | 0x865a8 | 0x2eb |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x53343c | 0x1331ac | 0x865ac | 0x1c4 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x533440 | 0x1331b0 | 0x865b0 | 0x525 |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x533444 | 0x1331b4 | 0x865b4 | 0x264 |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x533448 | 0x1331b8 | 0x865b8 | 0x214 |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x53344c | 0x1331bc | 0x865bc | 0x172 |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x533450 | 0x1331c0 | 0x865c0 | 0x168 |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x533454 | 0x1331c4 | 0x865c4 | 0x237 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x533458 | 0x1331c8 | 0x865c8 | 0x30a |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x53345c | 0x1331cc | 0x865cc | 0x161 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x533460 | 0x1331d0 | 0x865d0 | 0x1da |
SetHandleCount | 0x0 | 0x533464 | 0x1331d4 | 0x865d4 | 0x46f |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x533468 | 0x1331d8 | 0x865d8 | 0x1f3 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x53346c | 0x1331dc | 0x865dc | 0x3a7 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x533470 | 0x1331e0 | 0x865e0 | 0x1c1 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x533474 | 0x1331e4 | 0x865e4 | 0x279 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x533478 | 0x1331e8 | 0x865e8 | 0x4b2 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x53347c | 0x1331ec | 0x865ec | 0x511 |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x533480 | 0x1331f0 | 0x865f0 | 0x2d4 |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x533484 | 0x1331f4 | 0x865f4 | 0x418 |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x533488 | 0x1331f8 | 0x865f8 | 0x32d |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x53348c | 0x1331fc | 0x865fc | 0x367 |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x533490 | 0x133200 | 0x86600 | 0x269 |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x533494 | 0x133204 | 0x86604 | 0x466 |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x533498 | 0x133208 | 0x86608 | 0x19a |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x53349c | 0x13320c | 0x8660c | 0x1ac |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x5334a0 | 0x133210 | 0x86610 | 0x2d2 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x5334a4 | 0x133214 | 0x86614 | 0x29b |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x0 | 0x5334a8 | 0x133218 | 0x86618 | 0x204 |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x0 | 0x5334ac | 0x13321c | 0x8661c | 0x10d |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x5334b0 | 0x133220 | 0x86620 | 0x8f |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetWindowTextLengthA | 0x0 | 0x53352c | 0x13329c | 0x8669c | 0x1a1 |
CharLowerBuffW | 0x0 | 0x533530 | 0x1332a0 | 0x866a0 | 0x2d |
IsCharAlphaNumericA | 0x0 | 0x533534 | 0x1332a4 | 0x866a4 | 0x1c2 |
GetMenuBarInfo | 0x0 | 0x533538 | 0x1332a8 | 0x866a8 | 0x14c |
GetWindowTextW | 0x0 | 0x53353c | 0x1332ac | 0x866ac | 0x1a3 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SetMiterLimit | 0x0 | 0x5332e0 | 0x133050 | 0x86450 | 0x298 |
ExtTextOutW | 0x0 | 0x5332e4 | 0x133054 | 0x86454 | 0x138 |
SetBoundsRect | 0x0 | 0x5332e8 | 0x133058 | 0x86458 | 0x280 |
GetObjectW | 0x0 | 0x5332ec | 0x13305c | 0x8645c | 0x1fd |
SetDIBColorTable | 0x0 | 0x5332f0 | 0x133060 | 0x86460 | 0x287 |
CreatePen | 0x0 | 0x5332f4 | 0x133064 | 0x86464 | 0x4b |
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuilds | Bitness | Entry Points | AV | YARA | Actions |
cusershpappdatalocal03562a36-8263-4270-b004-3b05eb1758e3e285.tmp.exe | 1 | 0x00400000 | 0x0053FFFF | Relevant Image | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x002D8820 | 0x0031ECEB | Marked Executable | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x002D8820 | 0x0031ECEB | Content Changed | - | 32-bit | 0x002DA081, 0x002D9756 |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x002D8820 | 0x0031ECEB | Content Changed | - | 32-bit | 0x002DA076 |
![]() |
![]() |
cusershpappdatalocal03562a36-8263-4270-b004-3b05eb1758e3e285.tmp.exe | 1 | 0x00400000 | 0x0053FFFF | Process Termination | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
Threat Name | Severity |
Trojan.GenericKD.41459469 |
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts | Modified File | Text |
Threat Name | Severity |
Gen:Trojan.Qhost.1 |
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\AppData\Local\14eec914-0e8f-4440-8677-a8df15bdfc40\updatewin1.exe | Downloaded File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2019-01-16 22:21 (UTC+1) |
Last Seen | 2019-07-02 07:29 (UTC+2) |
Names | Win32.Trojan.Kryptik |
Families | Kryptik |
Classification | Trojan |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x402d76 |
Size Of Code | 0x1c200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x2c200 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2017-07-24 12:23:54+00:00 |
FileVersion | |
InternalName | rawudiyeh.exe |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) 2018, sacuwedimufoy |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x1c07e | 0x1c200 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.62 |
.rdata | 0x41e000 | 0x463e | 0x4800 | 0x1c600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.26 |
.data | 0x423000 | 0x1c6a8 | 0x17400 | 0x20e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 5.83 |
.rsrc | 0x440000 | 0xa578 | 0xa600 | 0x38200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.88 |
.reloc | 0x44b000 | 0x1968 | 0x1a00 | 0x42800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.34 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ExitThread | 0x0 | 0x41e028 | 0x21afc | 0x200fc | 0x105 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x41e02c | 0x21b00 | 0x20100 | 0x23a |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x41e030 | 0x21b04 | 0x20104 | 0x1e6 |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x41e034 | 0x21b08 | 0x20108 | 0x220 |
CreateJobSet | 0x0 | 0x41e038 | 0x21b0c | 0x2010c | 0x87 |
GlobalFree | 0x0 | 0x41e03c | 0x21b10 | 0x20110 | 0x28c |
LoadLibraryA | 0x0 | 0x41e040 | 0x21b14 | 0x20114 | 0x2f1 |
OpenWaitableTimerW | 0x0 | 0x41e044 | 0x21b18 | 0x20118 | 0x339 |
AddAtomA | 0x0 | 0x41e048 | 0x21b1c | 0x2011c | 0x3 |
FindFirstChangeNotificationA | 0x0 | 0x41e04c | 0x21b20 | 0x20120 | 0x11b |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x41e050 | 0x21b24 | 0x20124 | 0x45a |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x41e054 | 0x21b28 | 0x20128 | 0x1a7 |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x41e058 | 0x21b2c | 0x2012c | 0x152 |
InterlockedPushEntrySList | 0x0 | 0x41e05c | 0x21b30 | 0x20130 | 0x2c2 |
CompareStringW | 0x0 | 0x41e060 | 0x21b34 | 0x20134 | 0x55 |
CompareStringA | 0x0 | 0x41e064 | 0x21b38 | 0x20138 | 0x52 |
CreateFileA | 0x0 | 0x41e068 | 0x21b3c | 0x2013c | 0x78 |
GetTimeZoneInformation | 0x0 | 0x41e06c | 0x21b40 | 0x20140 | 0x26b |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x41e070 | 0x21b44 | 0x20144 | 0x48c |
GetConsoleOutputCP | 0x0 | 0x41e074 | 0x21b48 | 0x20148 | 0x199 |
WriteConsoleA | 0x0 | 0x41e078 | 0x21b4c | 0x2014c | 0x482 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e07c | 0x21b50 | 0x20150 | 0x43 |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x41e080 | 0x21b54 | 0x20154 | 0x2dd |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x0 | 0x41e084 | 0x21b58 | 0x20158 | 0xf8 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x41e088 | 0x21b5c | 0x2015c | 0x26d |
GetSystemTimeAdjustment | 0x0 | 0x41e08c | 0x21b60 | 0x20160 | 0x24e |
GetSystemTimes | 0x0 | 0x41e090 | 0x21b64 | 0x20164 | 0x250 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x41e094 | 0x21b68 | 0x20168 | 0x266 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | 0x0 | 0x41e098 | 0x21b6c | 0x2016c | 0x14a |
GetComputerNameW | 0x0 | 0x41e09c | 0x21b70 | 0x20170 | 0x178 |
FindCloseChangeNotification | 0x0 | 0x41e0a0 | 0x21b74 | 0x20174 | 0x11a |
FindResourceExW | 0x0 | 0x41e0a4 | 0x21b78 | 0x20178 | 0x138 |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x41e0a8 | 0x21b7c | 0x2017c | 0x15b |
SetProcessShutdownParameters | 0x0 | 0x41e0ac | 0x21b80 | 0x20180 | 0x3f9 |
GetModuleHandleExA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b0 | 0x21b84 | 0x20184 | 0x1f7 |
GetDateFormatA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b4 | 0x21b88 | 0x20188 | 0x1ae |
GetTimeFormatA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b8 | 0x21b8c | 0x2018c | 0x268 |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x41e0bc | 0x21b90 | 0x20190 | 0x240 |
GetStringTypeA | 0x0 | 0x41e0c0 | 0x21b94 | 0x20194 | 0x23d |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x41e0c4 | 0x21b98 | 0x20198 | 0x2e3 |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x41e0c8 | 0x21b9c | 0x2019c | 0x16f |
GetStartupInfoA | 0x0 | 0x41e0cc | 0x21ba0 | 0x201a0 | 0x239 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x41e0d0 | 0x21ba4 | 0x201a4 | 0x35a |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x41e0d4 | 0x21ba8 | 0x201a8 | 0x392 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e0d8 | 0x21bac | 0x201ac | 0x42d |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e0dc | 0x21bb0 | 0x201b0 | 0x1a9 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x41e0e0 | 0x21bb4 | 0x201b4 | 0x43e |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x41e0e4 | 0x21bb8 | 0x201b8 | 0x415 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x41e0e8 | 0x21bbc | 0x201bc | 0x2d1 |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e0ec | 0x21bc0 | 0x201c0 | 0x29d |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x41e0f0 | 0x21bc4 | 0x201c4 | 0x2a1 |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0f4 | 0x21bc8 | 0x201c8 | 0xd9 |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0f8 | 0x21bcc | 0x201cc | 0x2ef |
SetHandleCount | 0x0 | 0x41e0fc | 0x21bd0 | 0x201d0 | 0x3e8 |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e100 | 0x21bd4 | 0x201d4 | 0x23b |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x41e104 | 0x21bd8 | 0x201d8 | 0x1d7 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e108 | 0x21bdc | 0x201dc | 0xbe |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x41e10c | 0x21be0 | 0x201e0 | 0x1f9 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x41e110 | 0x21be4 | 0x201e4 | 0x421 |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e114 | 0x21be8 | 0x201e8 | 0x104 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x41e118 | 0x21bec | 0x201ec | 0x48d |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x0 | 0x41e11c | 0x21bf0 | 0x201f0 | 0x1f4 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | 0x0 | 0x41e120 | 0x21bf4 | 0x201f4 | 0x1bf |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x41e124 | 0x21bf8 | 0x201f8 | 0x14b |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x41e128 | 0x21bfc | 0x201fc | 0x47a |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x41e12c | 0x21c00 | 0x20200 | 0x1c1 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x41e130 | 0x21c04 | 0x20204 | 0x434 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e134 | 0x21c08 | 0x20208 | 0x432 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x41e138 | 0x21c0c | 0x2020c | 0x435 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x41e13c | 0x21c10 | 0x20210 | 0x433 |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x0 | 0x41e140 | 0x21c14 | 0x20214 | 0x2c0 |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x41e144 | 0x21c18 | 0x20218 | 0x3ec |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x41e148 | 0x21c1c | 0x2021c | 0x1ad |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x0 | 0x41e14c | 0x21c20 | 0x20220 | 0x2bc |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x41e150 | 0x21c24 | 0x20224 | 0x1ac |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x41e154 | 0x21c28 | 0x20228 | 0x29f |
HeapDestroy | 0x0 | 0x41e158 | 0x21c2c | 0x2022c | 0x2a0 |
VirtualFree | 0x0 | 0x41e15c | 0x21c30 | 0x20230 | 0x457 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x41e160 | 0x21c34 | 0x20234 | 0x354 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x41e164 | 0x21c38 | 0x20238 | 0x1aa |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x41e168 | 0x21c3c | 0x2023c | 0x24f |
FatalAppExitA | 0x0 | 0x41e16c | 0x21c40 | 0x20240 | 0x10b |
VirtualAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e170 | 0x21c44 | 0x20244 | 0x454 |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e174 | 0x21c48 | 0x20248 | 0x2a4 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x41e178 | 0x21c4c | 0x2024c | 0x31a |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x41e17c | 0x21c50 | 0x20250 | 0x368 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x41e180 | 0x21c54 | 0x20254 | 0x2b5 |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x41e184 | 0x21c58 | 0x20258 | 0x2a6 |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x41e188 | 0x21c5c | 0x2025c | 0x3a7 |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x41e18c | 0x21c60 | 0x20260 | 0x14c |
InterlockedExchange | 0x0 | 0x41e190 | 0x21c64 | 0x20264 | 0x2bd |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x41e194 | 0x21c68 | 0x20268 | 0x213 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x41e198 | 0x21c6c | 0x2026c | 0x2db |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x41e19c | 0x21c70 | 0x20270 | 0x183 |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x41e1a0 | 0x21c74 | 0x20274 | 0x195 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x41e1a4 | 0x21c78 | 0x20278 | 0x141 |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x41e1a8 | 0x21c7c | 0x2027c | 0x3df |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e1ac | 0x21c80 | 0x20280 | 0x3fc |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x41e1b0 | 0x21c84 | 0x20284 | 0x1ea |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x0 | 0x41e1b4 | 0x21c88 | 0x20288 | 0x1e8 |
LCMapStringA | 0x0 | 0x41e1b8 | 0x21c8c | 0x2028c | 0x2e1 |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x0 | 0x41e1bc | 0x21c90 | 0x20290 | 0x3d0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CloseClipboard | 0x0 | 0x41e1d8 | 0x21cac | 0x202ac | 0x47 |
BeginPaint | 0x0 | 0x41e1dc | 0x21cb0 | 0x202b0 | 0xe |
CallMsgFilterW | 0x0 | 0x41e1e0 | 0x21cb4 | 0x202b4 | 0x1a |
PeekMessageA | 0x0 | 0x41e1e4 | 0x21cb8 | 0x202b8 | 0x21b |
MapVirtualKeyExW | 0x0 | 0x41e1e8 | 0x21cbc | 0x202bc | 0x1f1 |
RegisterRawInputDevices | 0x0 | 0x41e1ec | 0x21cc0 | 0x202c0 | 0x242 |
GetClipboardSequenceNumber | 0x0 | 0x41e1f0 | 0x21cc4 | 0x202c4 | 0x113 |
CountClipboardFormats | 0x0 | 0x41e1f4 | 0x21cc8 | 0x202c8 | 0x50 |
GetDialogBaseUnits | 0x0 | 0x41e1f8 | 0x21ccc | 0x202cc | 0x11d |
GetClassLongW | 0x0 | 0x41e1fc | 0x21cd0 | 0x202d0 | 0x109 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
PolyTextOutW | 0x0 | 0x41e000 | 0x21ad4 | 0x200d4 | 0x23c |
CreateCompatibleDC | 0x0 | 0x41e004 | 0x21ad8 | 0x200d8 | 0x2e |
Rectangle | 0x0 | 0x41e008 | 0x21adc | 0x200dc | 0x246 |
SetStretchBltMode | 0x0 | 0x41e00c | 0x21ae0 | 0x200e0 | 0x289 |
SetPixelV | 0x0 | 0x41e010 | 0x21ae4 | 0x200e4 | 0x284 |
GetClipBox | 0x0 | 0x41e014 | 0x21ae8 | 0x200e8 | 0x1aa |
CreateDiscardableBitmap | 0x0 | 0x41e018 | 0x21aec | 0x200ec | 0x35 |
StrokeAndFillPath | 0x0 | 0x41e01c | 0x21af0 | 0x200f0 | 0x29c |
GetBitmapBits | 0x0 | 0x41e020 | 0x21af4 | 0x200f4 | 0x191 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ShellExecuteW | 0x0 | 0x41e1c4 | 0x21c98 | 0x20298 | 0x118 |
ShellAboutW | 0x0 | 0x41e1c8 | 0x21c9c | 0x2029c | 0x110 |
DuplicateIcon | 0x0 | 0x41e1cc | 0x21ca0 | 0x202a0 | 0x23 |
DragQueryFileA | 0x0 | 0x41e1d0 | 0x21ca4 | 0x202a4 | 0x1e |
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuilds | Bitness | Entry Points | AV | YARA | Actions |
updatewin1.exe | 6 | 0x00400000 | 0x0044CFFF | Relevant Image | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 6 | 0x004E5000 | 0x004E5FFF | Marked Executable | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
updatewin1.exe | 6 | 0x00400000 | 0x0044CFFF | Process Termination | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 10 | 0x005D5000 | 0x005D5FFF | Marked Executable | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
Threat Name | Severity |
Trojan.GenericKD.31534187 |
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\AppData\Local\14eec914-0e8f-4440-8677-a8df15bdfc40\updatewin2.exe | Downloaded File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2019-01-16 22:21 (UTC+1) |
Last Seen | 2019-07-02 07:29 (UTC+2) |
Names | Win32.Trojan.Kryptik |
Families | Kryptik |
Classification | Trojan |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x402d64 |
Size Of Code | 0x1c200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x2c800 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2017-11-21 06:08:45+00:00 |
FileVersion | |
InternalName | gigifaw.exe |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) 2018, guvaxiz |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x1c03e | 0x1c200 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.62 |
.rdata | 0x41e000 | 0x45ec | 0x4600 | 0x1c600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.34 |
.data | 0x423000 | 0x1cde8 | 0x17c00 | 0x20c00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 5.8 |
.rsrc | 0x440000 | 0xa724 | 0xa800 | 0x38800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.88 |
.reloc | 0x44b000 | 0x195c | 0x1a00 | 0x43000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.33 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ExitThread | 0x0 | 0x41e024 | 0x21ae8 | 0x200e8 | 0x105 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x41e028 | 0x21aec | 0x200ec | 0x23a |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x41e02c | 0x21af0 | 0x200f0 | 0x1e6 |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x41e030 | 0x21af4 | 0x200f4 | 0x220 |
GlobalFree | 0x0 | 0x41e034 | 0x21af8 | 0x200f8 | 0x28c |
LoadLibraryA | 0x0 | 0x41e038 | 0x21afc | 0x200fc | 0x2f1 |
AddAtomA | 0x0 | 0x41e03c | 0x21b00 | 0x20100 | 0x3 |
FindFirstChangeNotificationA | 0x0 | 0x41e040 | 0x21b04 | 0x20104 | 0x11b |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x41e044 | 0x21b08 | 0x20108 | 0x45a |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x41e048 | 0x21b0c | 0x2010c | 0x1a7 |
SetProcessShutdownParameters | 0x0 | 0x41e04c | 0x21b10 | 0x20110 | 0x3f9 |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x41e050 | 0x21b14 | 0x20114 | 0x152 |
CompareStringA | 0x0 | 0x41e054 | 0x21b18 | 0x20118 | 0x52 |
CreateFileA | 0x0 | 0x41e058 | 0x21b1c | 0x2011c | 0x78 |
GetTimeZoneInformation | 0x0 | 0x41e05c | 0x21b20 | 0x20120 | 0x26b |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x41e060 | 0x21b24 | 0x20124 | 0x48c |
GetConsoleOutputCP | 0x0 | 0x41e064 | 0x21b28 | 0x20128 | 0x199 |
WriteConsoleA | 0x0 | 0x41e068 | 0x21b2c | 0x2012c | 0x482 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e06c | 0x21b30 | 0x20130 | 0x43 |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x41e070 | 0x21b34 | 0x20134 | 0x2dd |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x0 | 0x41e074 | 0x21b38 | 0x20138 | 0xf8 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x41e078 | 0x21b3c | 0x2013c | 0x26d |
GetDateFormatA | 0x0 | 0x41e07c | 0x21b40 | 0x20140 | 0x1ae |
GetTimeFormatA | 0x0 | 0x41e080 | 0x21b44 | 0x20144 | 0x268 |
InitAtomTable | 0x0 | 0x41e084 | 0x21b48 | 0x20148 | 0x2ae |
GetSystemTimes | 0x0 | 0x41e088 | 0x21b4c | 0x2014c | 0x250 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x41e08c | 0x21b50 | 0x20150 | 0x266 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | 0x0 | 0x41e090 | 0x21b54 | 0x20154 | 0x14a |
GetComputerNameW | 0x0 | 0x41e094 | 0x21b58 | 0x20158 | 0x178 |
FindCloseChangeNotification | 0x0 | 0x41e098 | 0x21b5c | 0x2015c | 0x11a |
FindResourceExW | 0x0 | 0x41e09c | 0x21b60 | 0x20160 | 0x138 |
CompareStringW | 0x0 | 0x41e0a0 | 0x21b64 | 0x20164 | 0x55 |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x41e0a4 | 0x21b68 | 0x20168 | 0x15b |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x41e0a8 | 0x21b6c | 0x2016c | 0x240 |
GetStringTypeA | 0x0 | 0x41e0ac | 0x21b70 | 0x20170 | 0x23d |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x41e0b0 | 0x21b74 | 0x20174 | 0x2e3 |
LCMapStringA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b4 | 0x21b78 | 0x20178 | 0x2e1 |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b8 | 0x21b7c | 0x2017c | 0x1e8 |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x41e0bc | 0x21b80 | 0x20180 | 0x16f |
GetStartupInfoA | 0x0 | 0x41e0c0 | 0x21b84 | 0x20184 | 0x239 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x41e0c4 | 0x21b88 | 0x20188 | 0x35a |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x41e0c8 | 0x21b8c | 0x2018c | 0x392 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e0cc | 0x21b90 | 0x20190 | 0x42d |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e0d0 | 0x21b94 | 0x20194 | 0x1a9 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x41e0d4 | 0x21b98 | 0x20198 | 0x43e |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x41e0d8 | 0x21b9c | 0x2019c | 0x415 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x41e0dc | 0x21ba0 | 0x201a0 | 0x2d1 |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e0e0 | 0x21ba4 | 0x201a4 | 0x29d |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x41e0e4 | 0x21ba8 | 0x201a8 | 0x2a1 |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0e8 | 0x21bac | 0x201ac | 0xd9 |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0ec | 0x21bb0 | 0x201b0 | 0x2ef |
SetHandleCount | 0x0 | 0x41e0f0 | 0x21bb4 | 0x201b4 | 0x3e8 |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e0f4 | 0x21bb8 | 0x201b8 | 0x23b |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x41e0f8 | 0x21bbc | 0x201bc | 0x1d7 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0fc | 0x21bc0 | 0x201c0 | 0xbe |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x41e100 | 0x21bc4 | 0x201c4 | 0x1f9 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x41e104 | 0x21bc8 | 0x201c8 | 0x421 |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e108 | 0x21bcc | 0x201cc | 0x104 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x41e10c | 0x21bd0 | 0x201d0 | 0x48d |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x0 | 0x41e110 | 0x21bd4 | 0x201d4 | 0x1f4 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | 0x0 | 0x41e114 | 0x21bd8 | 0x201d8 | 0x1bf |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x41e118 | 0x21bdc | 0x201dc | 0x14b |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x41e11c | 0x21be0 | 0x201e0 | 0x47a |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x41e120 | 0x21be4 | 0x201e4 | 0x1c1 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x41e124 | 0x21be8 | 0x201e8 | 0x434 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e128 | 0x21bec | 0x201ec | 0x432 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x41e12c | 0x21bf0 | 0x201f0 | 0x435 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x41e130 | 0x21bf4 | 0x201f4 | 0x433 |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x0 | 0x41e134 | 0x21bf8 | 0x201f8 | 0x2c0 |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x41e138 | 0x21bfc | 0x201fc | 0x3ec |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x41e13c | 0x21c00 | 0x20200 | 0x1ad |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x0 | 0x41e140 | 0x21c04 | 0x20204 | 0x2bc |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x41e144 | 0x21c08 | 0x20208 | 0x1ac |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x41e148 | 0x21c0c | 0x2020c | 0x29f |
HeapDestroy | 0x0 | 0x41e14c | 0x21c10 | 0x20210 | 0x2a0 |
VirtualFree | 0x0 | 0x41e150 | 0x21c14 | 0x20214 | 0x457 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x41e154 | 0x21c18 | 0x20218 | 0x354 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x41e158 | 0x21c1c | 0x2021c | 0x1aa |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x41e15c | 0x21c20 | 0x20220 | 0x24f |
FatalAppExitA | 0x0 | 0x41e160 | 0x21c24 | 0x20224 | 0x10b |
VirtualAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e164 | 0x21c28 | 0x20228 | 0x454 |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e168 | 0x21c2c | 0x2022c | 0x2a4 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x41e16c | 0x21c30 | 0x20230 | 0x31a |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x41e170 | 0x21c34 | 0x20234 | 0x368 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x41e174 | 0x21c38 | 0x20238 | 0x2b5 |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x41e178 | 0x21c3c | 0x2023c | 0x2a6 |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x41e17c | 0x21c40 | 0x20240 | 0x3a7 |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x41e180 | 0x21c44 | 0x20244 | 0x14c |
InterlockedExchange | 0x0 | 0x41e184 | 0x21c48 | 0x20248 | 0x2bd |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x41e188 | 0x21c4c | 0x2024c | 0x213 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x41e18c | 0x21c50 | 0x20250 | 0x2db |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x41e190 | 0x21c54 | 0x20254 | 0x183 |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x41e194 | 0x21c58 | 0x20258 | 0x195 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x41e198 | 0x21c5c | 0x2025c | 0x141 |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x41e19c | 0x21c60 | 0x20260 | 0x3df |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e1a0 | 0x21c64 | 0x20264 | 0x3fc |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x41e1a4 | 0x21c68 | 0x20268 | 0x1ea |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x0 | 0x41e1a8 | 0x21c6c | 0x2026c | 0x3d0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CloseClipboard | 0x0 | 0x41e1c4 | 0x21c88 | 0x20288 | 0x47 |
GetSubMenu | 0x0 | 0x41e1c8 | 0x21c8c | 0x2028c | 0x16b |
LoadBitmapA | 0x0 | 0x41e1cc | 0x21c90 | 0x20290 | 0x1d0 |
BeginPaint | 0x0 | 0x41e1d0 | 0x21c94 | 0x20294 | 0xe |
CallMsgFilterW | 0x0 | 0x41e1d4 | 0x21c98 | 0x20298 | 0x1a |
PeekMessageA | 0x0 | 0x41e1d8 | 0x21c9c | 0x2029c | 0x21b |
MapVirtualKeyExW | 0x0 | 0x41e1dc | 0x21ca0 | 0x202a0 | 0x1f1 |
RegisterRawInputDevices | 0x0 | 0x41e1e0 | 0x21ca4 | 0x202a4 | 0x242 |
SetWindowsHookExW | 0x0 | 0x41e1e4 | 0x21ca8 | 0x202a8 | 0x2b0 |
GetClipboardSequenceNumber | 0x0 | 0x41e1e8 | 0x21cac | 0x202ac | 0x113 |
GetDialogBaseUnits | 0x0 | 0x41e1ec | 0x21cb0 | 0x202b0 | 0x11d |
MessageBoxIndirectA | 0x0 | 0x41e1f0 | 0x21cb4 | 0x202b4 | 0x1fb |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CreateCompatibleDC | 0x0 | 0x41e000 | 0x21ac4 | 0x200c4 | 0x2e |
PlayEnhMetaFile | 0x0 | 0x41e004 | 0x21ac8 | 0x200c8 | 0x230 |
ScaleViewportExtEx | 0x0 | 0x41e008 | 0x21acc | 0x200cc | 0x258 |
SetStretchBltMode | 0x0 | 0x41e00c | 0x21ad0 | 0x200d0 | 0x289 |
SetPixelV | 0x0 | 0x41e010 | 0x21ad4 | 0x200d4 | 0x284 |
CreateDiscardableBitmap | 0x0 | 0x41e014 | 0x21ad8 | 0x200d8 | 0x35 |
AddFontResourceW | 0x0 | 0x41e018 | 0x21adc | 0x200dc | 0x7 |
SetDeviceGammaRamp | 0x0 | 0x41e01c | 0x21ae0 | 0x200e0 | 0x271 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ExtractAssociatedIconA | 0x0 | 0x41e1b0 | 0x21c74 | 0x20274 | 0x24 |
ShellExecuteW | 0x0 | 0x41e1b4 | 0x21c78 | 0x20278 | 0x118 |
ShellAboutW | 0x0 | 0x41e1b8 | 0x21c7c | 0x2027c | 0x110 |
DragQueryFileA | 0x0 | 0x41e1bc | 0x21c80 | 0x20280 | 0x1e |
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuilds | Bitness | Entry Points | AV | YARA | Actions |
updatewin2.exe | 7 | 0x00400000 | 0x0044CFFF | Relevant Image | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 7 | 0x005B5000 | 0x005B5FFF | Marked Executable | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
updatewin2.exe | 7 | 0x00400000 | 0x0044CFFF | Process Termination | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
Threat Name | Severity |
Trojan.AgentWDCR.SVC |
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\AppData\Local\14eec914-0e8f-4440-8677-a8df15bdfc40\updatewin.exe | Downloaded File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2019-01-16 22:21 (UTC+1) |
Last Seen | 2019-07-06 02:48 (UTC+2) |
Names | Win32.Trojan.Kryptik |
Families | Kryptik |
Classification | Trojan |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x402d7c |
Size Of Code | 0x1c200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x2d400 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2018-02-19 08:26:47+00:00 |
FileVersion | |
InternalName | sutazaxidi.exe |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) 2018, huxonulow |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x1c09e | 0x1c200 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.62 |
.rdata | 0x41e000 | 0x4636 | 0x4800 | 0x1c600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.25 |
.data | 0x423000 | 0x1d5a8 | 0x18400 | 0x20e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 5.8 |
.rsrc | 0x441000 | 0xa826 | 0xaa00 | 0x39200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.84 |
.reloc | 0x44c000 | 0x1974 | 0x1a00 | 0x43c00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.34 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ExitThread | 0x0 | 0x41e020 | 0x21af4 | 0x200f4 | 0x105 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x41e024 | 0x21af8 | 0x200f8 | 0x23a |
GetConsoleAliasesW | 0x0 | 0x41e028 | 0x21afc | 0x200fc | 0x182 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x41e02c | 0x21b00 | 0x20100 | 0x1e6 |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x41e030 | 0x21b04 | 0x20104 | 0x220 |
BackupWrite | 0x0 | 0x41e034 | 0x21b08 | 0x20108 | 0x18 |
GlobalFree | 0x0 | 0x41e038 | 0x21b0c | 0x2010c | 0x28c |
LoadLibraryA | 0x0 | 0x41e03c | 0x21b10 | 0x20110 | 0x2f1 |
GetNumberFormatW | 0x0 | 0x41e040 | 0x21b14 | 0x20114 | 0x20f |
AddAtomA | 0x0 | 0x41e044 | 0x21b18 | 0x20118 | 0x3 |
FindFirstChangeNotificationA | 0x0 | 0x41e048 | 0x21b1c | 0x2011c | 0x11b |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x41e04c | 0x21b20 | 0x20120 | 0x240 |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x41e050 | 0x21b24 | 0x20124 | 0x45a |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x41e054 | 0x21b28 | 0x20128 | 0x152 |
SetProcessShutdownParameters | 0x0 | 0x41e058 | 0x21b2c | 0x2012c | 0x3f9 |
CompareStringW | 0x0 | 0x41e05c | 0x21b30 | 0x20130 | 0x55 |
CompareStringA | 0x0 | 0x41e060 | 0x21b34 | 0x20134 | 0x52 |
CreateFileA | 0x0 | 0x41e064 | 0x21b38 | 0x20138 | 0x78 |
GetTimeZoneInformation | 0x0 | 0x41e068 | 0x21b3c | 0x2013c | 0x26b |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x41e06c | 0x21b40 | 0x20140 | 0x48c |
GetConsoleOutputCP | 0x0 | 0x41e070 | 0x21b44 | 0x20144 | 0x199 |
WriteConsoleA | 0x0 | 0x41e074 | 0x21b48 | 0x20148 | 0x482 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e078 | 0x21b4c | 0x2014c | 0x43 |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x41e07c | 0x21b50 | 0x20150 | 0x2dd |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x0 | 0x41e080 | 0x21b54 | 0x20154 | 0xf8 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x41e084 | 0x21b58 | 0x20158 | 0x26d |
GetDateFormatA | 0x0 | 0x41e088 | 0x21b5c | 0x2015c | 0x1ae |
GetSystemTimes | 0x0 | 0x41e08c | 0x21b60 | 0x20160 | 0x250 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x41e090 | 0x21b64 | 0x20164 | 0x266 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | 0x0 | 0x41e094 | 0x21b68 | 0x20168 | 0x14a |
GetComputerNameW | 0x0 | 0x41e098 | 0x21b6c | 0x2016c | 0x178 |
FindCloseChangeNotification | 0x0 | 0x41e09c | 0x21b70 | 0x20170 | 0x11a |
FindResourceExW | 0x0 | 0x41e0a0 | 0x21b74 | 0x20174 | 0x138 |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x41e0a4 | 0x21b78 | 0x20178 | 0x1a7 |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x41e0a8 | 0x21b7c | 0x2017c | 0x15b |
GetTimeFormatA | 0x0 | 0x41e0ac | 0x21b80 | 0x20180 | 0x268 |
GetStringTypeA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b0 | 0x21b84 | 0x20184 | 0x23d |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x41e0b4 | 0x21b88 | 0x20188 | 0x2e3 |
LCMapStringA | 0x0 | 0x41e0b8 | 0x21b8c | 0x2018c | 0x2e1 |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x0 | 0x41e0bc | 0x21b90 | 0x20190 | 0x1e8 |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x41e0c0 | 0x21b94 | 0x20194 | 0x1ea |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e0c4 | 0x21b98 | 0x20198 | 0x3fc |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x41e0c8 | 0x21b9c | 0x2019c | 0x3df |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x41e0cc | 0x21ba0 | 0x201a0 | 0x16f |
GetStartupInfoA | 0x0 | 0x41e0d0 | 0x21ba4 | 0x201a4 | 0x239 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x41e0d4 | 0x21ba8 | 0x201a8 | 0x35a |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x41e0d8 | 0x21bac | 0x201ac | 0x392 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e0dc | 0x21bb0 | 0x201b0 | 0x42d |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e0e0 | 0x21bb4 | 0x201b4 | 0x1a9 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x41e0e4 | 0x21bb8 | 0x201b8 | 0x43e |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x41e0e8 | 0x21bbc | 0x201bc | 0x415 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x41e0ec | 0x21bc0 | 0x201c0 | 0x2d1 |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e0f0 | 0x21bc4 | 0x201c4 | 0x29d |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x41e0f4 | 0x21bc8 | 0x201c8 | 0x2a1 |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0f8 | 0x21bcc | 0x201cc | 0xd9 |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e0fc | 0x21bd0 | 0x201d0 | 0x2ef |
SetHandleCount | 0x0 | 0x41e100 | 0x21bd4 | 0x201d4 | 0x3e8 |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x41e104 | 0x21bd8 | 0x201d8 | 0x23b |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x41e108 | 0x21bdc | 0x201dc | 0x1d7 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x41e10c | 0x21be0 | 0x201e0 | 0xbe |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x41e110 | 0x21be4 | 0x201e4 | 0x1f9 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x41e114 | 0x21be8 | 0x201e8 | 0x421 |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x41e118 | 0x21bec | 0x201ec | 0x104 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x41e11c | 0x21bf0 | 0x201f0 | 0x48d |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x0 | 0x41e120 | 0x21bf4 | 0x201f4 | 0x1f4 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | 0x0 | 0x41e124 | 0x21bf8 | 0x201f8 | 0x1bf |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x41e128 | 0x21bfc | 0x201fc | 0x14b |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x41e12c | 0x21c00 | 0x20200 | 0x47a |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x41e130 | 0x21c04 | 0x20204 | 0x1c1 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x41e134 | 0x21c08 | 0x20208 | 0x434 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e138 | 0x21c0c | 0x2020c | 0x432 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x41e13c | 0x21c10 | 0x20210 | 0x435 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x41e140 | 0x21c14 | 0x20214 | 0x433 |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x0 | 0x41e144 | 0x21c18 | 0x20218 | 0x2c0 |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x41e148 | 0x21c1c | 0x2021c | 0x3ec |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x41e14c | 0x21c20 | 0x20220 | 0x1ad |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x0 | 0x41e150 | 0x21c24 | 0x20224 | 0x2bc |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x41e154 | 0x21c28 | 0x20228 | 0x1ac |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x41e158 | 0x21c2c | 0x2022c | 0x29f |
HeapDestroy | 0x0 | 0x41e15c | 0x21c30 | 0x20230 | 0x2a0 |
VirtualFree | 0x0 | 0x41e160 | 0x21c34 | 0x20234 | 0x457 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x41e164 | 0x21c38 | 0x20238 | 0x354 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x41e168 | 0x21c3c | 0x2023c | 0x1aa |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x41e16c | 0x21c40 | 0x20240 | 0x24f |
FatalAppExitA | 0x0 | 0x41e170 | 0x21c44 | 0x20244 | 0x10b |
VirtualAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e174 | 0x21c48 | 0x20248 | 0x454 |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x41e178 | 0x21c4c | 0x2024c | 0x2a4 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x41e17c | 0x21c50 | 0x20250 | 0x31a |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x41e180 | 0x21c54 | 0x20254 | 0x368 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x41e184 | 0x21c58 | 0x20258 | 0x2b5 |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x41e188 | 0x21c5c | 0x2025c | 0x2a6 |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x41e18c | 0x21c60 | 0x20260 | 0x3a7 |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x41e190 | 0x21c64 | 0x20264 | 0x14c |
InterlockedExchange | 0x0 | 0x41e194 | 0x21c68 | 0x20268 | 0x2bd |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x41e198 | 0x21c6c | 0x2026c | 0x213 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x41e19c | 0x21c70 | 0x20270 | 0x2db |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x41e1a0 | 0x21c74 | 0x20274 | 0x183 |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x41e1a4 | 0x21c78 | 0x20278 | 0x195 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x41e1a8 | 0x21c7c | 0x2027c | 0x141 |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x0 | 0x41e1ac | 0x21c80 | 0x20280 | 0x3d0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CloseClipboard | 0x0 | 0x41e1d4 | 0x21ca8 | 0x202a8 | 0x47 |
SendNotifyMessageA | 0x0 | 0x41e1d8 | 0x21cac | 0x202ac | 0x264 |
BeginPaint | 0x0 | 0x41e1dc | 0x21cb0 | 0x202b0 | 0xe |
CallMsgFilterW | 0x0 | 0x41e1e0 | 0x21cb4 | 0x202b4 | 0x1a |
PeekMessageA | 0x0 | 0x41e1e4 | 0x21cb8 | 0x202b8 | 0x21b |
MapVirtualKeyExW | 0x0 | 0x41e1e8 | 0x21cbc | 0x202bc | 0x1f1 |
RegisterRawInputDevices | 0x0 | 0x41e1ec | 0x21cc0 | 0x202c0 | 0x242 |
GetClipboardSequenceNumber | 0x0 | 0x41e1f0 | 0x21cc4 | 0x202c4 | 0x113 |
SetUserObjectInformationA | 0x0 | 0x41e1f4 | 0x21cc8 | 0x202c8 | 0x29f |
GetDialogBaseUnits | 0x0 | 0x41e1f8 | 0x21ccc | 0x202cc | 0x11d |
GetMessageW | 0x0 | 0x41e1fc | 0x21cd0 | 0x202d0 | 0x14e |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CreatePolyPolygonRgn | 0x0 | 0x41e000 | 0x21ad4 | 0x200d4 | 0x4b |
CreateCompatibleDC | 0x0 | 0x41e004 | 0x21ad8 | 0x200d8 | 0x2e |
SetStretchBltMode | 0x0 | 0x41e008 | 0x21adc | 0x200dc | 0x289 |
SetPixelV | 0x0 | 0x41e00c | 0x21ae0 | 0x200e0 | 0x284 |
GetCharWidth32A | 0x0 | 0x41e010 | 0x21ae4 | 0x200e4 | 0x1a0 |
CreateDiscardableBitmap | 0x0 | 0x41e014 | 0x21ae8 | 0x200e8 | 0x35 |
BitBlt | 0x0 | 0x41e018 | 0x21aec | 0x200ec | 0x12 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ShellExecuteW | 0x0 | 0x41e1b4 | 0x21c88 | 0x20288 | 0x118 |
ShellAboutW | 0x0 | 0x41e1b8 | 0x21c8c | 0x2028c | 0x110 |
ExtractIconA | 0x0 | 0x41e1bc | 0x21c90 | 0x20290 | 0x28 |
ShellExecuteExA | 0x0 | 0x41e1c0 | 0x21c94 | 0x20294 | 0x116 |
FindExecutableA | 0x0 | 0x41e1c4 | 0x21c98 | 0x20298 | 0x2d |
DragQueryFileA | 0x0 | 0x41e1c8 | 0x21c9c | 0x2029c | 0x1e |
ExtractIconW | 0x0 | 0x41e1cc | 0x21ca0 | 0x202a0 | 0x2c |
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuilds | Bitness | Entry Points | AV | YARA | Actions |
updatewin.exe | 8 | 0x00400000 | 0x0044DFFF | Relevant Image | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 8 | 0x00245000 | 0x00245FFF | Marked Executable | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
Threat Name | Severity |
Trojan.AgentWDCR.SUF |
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\AppData\Local\14eec914-0e8f-4440-8677-a8df15bdfc40\5.exe | Downloaded File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2019-07-12 05:43 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-07-13 15:36 (UTC+2) |
Names | Win32.Trojan.Kryptik |
Families | Kryptik |
Classification | Trojan |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x42b07e |
Size Of Code | 0x4d000 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0xc1200 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2019-01-12 12:28:11+00:00 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x4cee0 | 0x4d000 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.27 |
.rdata | 0x44e000 | 0xa32e | 0xa400 | 0x4d400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.04 |
.data | 0x459000 | 0xab158 | 0x2600 | 0x57800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 1.99 |
.idata | 0x505000 | 0x1ee5 | 0x1400 | 0x59e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 3.71 |
.rsrc | 0x507000 | 0x895c | 0x8a00 | 0x5b200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.59 |
.reloc | 0x510000 | 0x1de6 | 0x1e00 | 0x63c00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.73 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ReadConsoleA | 0x0 | 0x505340 | 0x1050a8 | 0x59ea8 | 0x3b4 |
WriteProfileStringW | 0x0 | 0x505344 | 0x1050ac | 0x59eac | 0x532 |
WriteProfileSectionA | 0x0 | 0x505348 | 0x1050b0 | 0x59eb0 | 0x52f |
LoadLibraryA | 0x0 | 0x50534c | 0x1050b4 | 0x59eb4 | 0x33c |
GetProcessPriorityBoost | 0x0 | 0x505350 | 0x1050b8 | 0x59eb8 | 0x250 |
GetTempPathW | 0x0 | 0x505354 | 0x1050bc | 0x59ebc | 0x285 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x505358 | 0x1050c0 | 0x59ec0 | 0x304 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x50535c | 0x1050c4 | 0x59ec4 | 0x293 |
SleepEx | 0x0 | 0x505360 | 0x1050c8 | 0x59ec8 | 0x4b5 |
GetSystemDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x505364 | 0x1050cc | 0x59ecc | 0x26f |
SetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x505368 | 0x1050d0 | 0x59ed0 | 0x42c |
FormatMessageA | 0x0 | 0x50536c | 0x1050d4 | 0x59ed4 | 0x15d |
EnumTimeFormatsA | 0x0 | 0x505370 | 0x1050d8 | 0x59ed8 | 0x110 |
FreeUserPhysicalPages | 0x0 | 0x505374 | 0x1050dc | 0x59edc | 0x166 |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x0 | 0x505378 | 0x1050e0 | 0x59ee0 | 0x10d |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x0 | 0x50537c | 0x1050e4 | 0x59ee4 | 0x204 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x505380 | 0x1050e8 | 0x59ee8 | 0x29b |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x505384 | 0x1050ec | 0x59eec | 0x3c0 |
GetModuleHandleA | 0x0 | 0x505388 | 0x1050f0 | 0x59ef0 | 0x215 |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x50538c | 0x1050f4 | 0x59ef4 | 0x4ef |
GlobalAlloc | 0x0 | 0x505390 | 0x1050f8 | 0x59ef8 | 0x2b3 |
FindClose | 0x0 | 0x505394 | 0x1050fc | 0x59efc | 0x12e |
SetTapeParameters | 0x0 | 0x505398 | 0x105100 | 0x59f00 | 0x48d |
GetFileTime | 0x0 | 0x50539c | 0x105104 | 0x59f04 | 0x1f2 |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x5053a0 | 0x105108 | 0x59f08 | 0x32d |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x5053a4 | 0x10510c | 0x59f0c | 0x2d2 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x5053a8 | 0x105110 | 0x59f10 | 0x202 |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x5053ac | 0x105114 | 0x59f14 | 0x2cf |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x5053b0 | 0x105118 | 0x59f18 | 0x2cb |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x5053b4 | 0x10511c | 0x59f1c | 0x245 |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x5053b8 | 0x105120 | 0x59f20 | 0x218 |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x5053bc | 0x105124 | 0x59f24 | 0x119 |
DecodePointer | 0x0 | 0x5053c0 | 0x105128 | 0x59f28 | 0xca |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x5053c4 | 0x10512c | 0x59f2c | 0x186 |
HeapSetInformation | 0x0 | 0x5053c8 | 0x105130 | 0x59f30 | 0x2d3 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x5053cc | 0x105134 | 0x59f34 | 0x263 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x5053d0 | 0x105138 | 0x59f38 | 0x525 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x5053d4 | 0x10513c | 0x59f3c | 0x511 |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x5053d8 | 0x105140 | 0x59f40 | 0x19a |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x5053dc | 0x105144 | 0x59f44 | 0x1ac |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x5053e0 | 0x105148 | 0x59f48 | 0x4d3 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x5053e4 | 0x10514c | 0x59f4c | 0x4a5 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x5053e8 | 0x105150 | 0x59f50 | 0x300 |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x5053ec | 0x105154 | 0x59f54 | 0xea |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x5053f0 | 0x105158 | 0x59f58 | 0x4c0 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x5053f4 | 0x10515c | 0x59f5c | 0x1c0 |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x5053f8 | 0x105160 | 0x59f60 | 0xee |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x5053fc | 0x105164 | 0x59f64 | 0x339 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x505400 | 0x105168 | 0x59f68 | 0x157 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x505404 | 0x10516c | 0x59f6c | 0x2e3 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x505408 | 0x105170 | 0x59f70 | 0xd1 |
FatalAppExitA | 0x0 | 0x50540c | 0x105174 | 0x59f74 | 0x120 |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x505410 | 0x105178 | 0x59f78 | 0x2cd |
HeapDestroy | 0x0 | 0x505414 | 0x10517c | 0x59f7c | 0x2ce |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x505418 | 0x105180 | 0x59f80 | 0x264 |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x50541c | 0x105184 | 0x59f84 | 0x214 |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x505420 | 0x105188 | 0x59f88 | 0x42d |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x505424 | 0x10518c | 0x59f8c | 0x162 |
InterlockedExchange | 0x0 | 0x505428 | 0x105190 | 0x59f90 | 0x2ec |
LoadLibraryW | 0x0 | 0x50542c | 0x105194 | 0x59f94 | 0x33f |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x505430 | 0x105198 | 0x59f98 | 0x206 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x505434 | 0x10519c | 0x59f9c | 0x4c5 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x505438 | 0x1051a0 | 0x59fa0 | 0x4c7 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x50543c | 0x1051a4 | 0x59fa4 | 0x4c8 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x505440 | 0x1051a8 | 0x59fa8 | 0x4c6 |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x0 | 0x505444 | 0x1051ac | 0x59fac | 0x2ef |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x505448 | 0x1051b0 | 0x59fb0 | 0x473 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x50544c | 0x1051b4 | 0x59fb4 | 0x1c5 |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x0 | 0x505450 | 0x1051b8 | 0x59fb8 | 0x2eb |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x505454 | 0x1051bc | 0x59fbc | 0x1c4 |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x0 | 0x505458 | 0x1051c0 | 0x59fc0 | 0x213 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x50545c | 0x1051c4 | 0x59fc4 | 0x161 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x505460 | 0x1051c8 | 0x59fc8 | 0x1da |
SetHandleCount | 0x0 | 0x505464 | 0x1051cc | 0x59fcc | 0x46f |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x505468 | 0x1051d0 | 0x59fd0 | 0x1f3 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x50546c | 0x1051d4 | 0x59fd4 | 0x3a7 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x505470 | 0x1051d8 | 0x59fd8 | 0x1c1 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x505474 | 0x1051dc | 0x59fdc | 0x279 |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x505478 | 0x1051e0 | 0x59fe0 | 0x466 |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x50547c | 0x1051e4 | 0x59fe4 | 0x524 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x505480 | 0x1051e8 | 0x59fe8 | 0x367 |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x505484 | 0x1051ec | 0x59fec | 0x487 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x505488 | 0x1051f0 | 0x59ff0 | 0x4b2 |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x50548c | 0x1051f4 | 0x59ff4 | 0x418 |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x505490 | 0x1051f8 | 0x59ff8 | 0x172 |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x505494 | 0x1051fc | 0x59ffc | 0x168 |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x505498 | 0x105200 | 0x5a000 | 0x237 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x50549c | 0x105204 | 0x5a004 | 0x30a |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x5054a0 | 0x105208 | 0x5a008 | 0x2d4 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x5054a4 | 0x10520c | 0x5a00c | 0x3b1 |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x5054a8 | 0x105210 | 0x5a010 | 0x8f |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x5054ac | 0x105214 | 0x5a014 | 0x52 |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x5054b0 | 0x105218 | 0x5a018 | 0x269 |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x5054b4 | 0x10521c | 0x5a01c | 0x30c |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SetWindowsHookA | 0x0 | 0x50555c | 0x1052c4 | 0x5a0c4 | 0x2cd |
GetMenuBarInfo | 0x0 | 0x505560 | 0x1052c8 | 0x5a0c8 | 0x14c |
ClientToScreen | 0x0 | 0x505564 | 0x1052cc | 0x5a0cc | 0x47 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
OffsetWindowOrgEx | 0x0 | 0x5052fc | 0x105064 | 0x59e64 | 0x23f |
GetSystemPaletteUse | 0x0 | 0x505300 | 0x105068 | 0x59e68 | 0x213 |
GetLogColorSpaceA | 0x0 | 0x505304 | 0x10506c | 0x59e6c | 0x1ee |
SetDIBColorTable | 0x0 | 0x505308 | 0x105070 | 0x59e70 | 0x287 |
MoveToEx | 0x0 | 0x50530c | 0x105074 | 0x59e74 | 0x23a |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GradientFill | 0x0 | 0x50552c | 0x105294 | 0x5a094 | 0x2 |
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuilds | Bitness | Entry Points | AV | YARA | Actions |
5.exe | 9 | 0x00400000 | 0x00511FFF | Relevant Image | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 9 | 0x0064DC70 | 0x0066958F | Marked Executable | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 9 | 0x0064DC70 | 0x0066958F | Content Changed | - | 32-bit | 0x0065079F, 0x0064FE74 |
![]() |
![]() |
Threat Name | Severity |
Trojan.GenericKD.32145393 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 00:29 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2018-11-10 11:22 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2061-07-07 10:18:41+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x42b | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.84 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
AllocConsole | 0x11e4 | 0x1 |
GetConsoleCP | 0x1207 | 0x2 |
GetConsoleMode | 0x122c | 0x3 |
GetConsoleOutputCP | 0x1257 | 0x4 |
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents | 0x1291 | 0x5 |
PeekConsoleInputA | 0x12ca | 0x6 |
ReadConsoleA | 0x12f2 | 0x7 |
ReadConsoleInputA | 0x131a | 0x8 |
ReadConsoleInputW | 0x1347 | 0x9 |
ReadConsoleW | 0x136f | 0xa |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x139b | 0xb |
SetConsoleMode | 0x13c9 | 0xc |
WriteConsoleA | 0x13ef | 0xd |
WriteConsoleW | 0x1414 | 0xe |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2018-11-10 22:29 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2104-07-08 06:18:41+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x210 | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.76 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
GetDateFormatA | 0x1183 | 0x1 |
GetDateFormatW | 0x11aa | 0x2 |
GetTimeFormatA | 0x11d1 | 0x3 |
GetTimeFormatW | 0x11f8 | 0x4 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:24 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2018-11-09 05:22 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1980-01-30 01:26:33+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x21b | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.89 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
DebugBreak | 0x117c | 0x1 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x11a2 | 0x2 |
OutputDebugStringA | 0x11d0 | 0x3 |
OutputDebugStringW | 0x11ff | 0x4 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2018-11-24 01:35 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2093-08-14 04:06:52+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x2c6 | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.71 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
GetErrorMode | 0x11a4 | 0x1 |
GetLastError | 0x11c7 | 0x2 |
RaiseException | 0x11ec | 0x3 |
SetErrorMode | 0x1211 | 0x4 |
SetLastError | 0x1234 | 0x5 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x1266 | 0x6 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x12a4 | 0x7 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:25 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2018-12-08 06:48 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x1200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1980-11-26 19:37:56+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x10f7 | 0x1200 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.05 |
.rsrc | 0x10003000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CompareFileTime | 0x1436 | 0x1 |
CreateDirectoryA | 0x1460 | 0x2 |
CreateDirectoryW | 0x148b | 0x3 |
CreateFileA | 0x14b1 | 0x4 |
CreateFileW | 0x14d2 | 0x5 |
DefineDosDeviceW | 0x14f8 | 0x6 |
DeleteFileA | 0x151e | 0x7 |
DeleteFileW | 0x153f | 0x8 |
DeleteVolumeMountPointW | 0x156c | 0x9 |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | 0x15a5 | 0xa |
FindClose | 0x15d0 | 0xb |
FindCloseChangeNotification | 0x15ff | 0xc |
FindFirstChangeNotificationA | 0x1641 | 0xd |
FindFirstChangeNotificationW | 0x1684 | 0xe |
FindFirstFileA | 0x16b9 | 0xf |
FindFirstFileExA | 0x16e2 | 0x10 |
FindFirstFileExW | 0x170d | 0x11 |
FindFirstFileW | 0x1736 | 0x12 |
FindFirstVolumeW | 0x175f | 0x13 |
FindNextChangeNotification | 0x1794 | 0x14 |
FindNextFileA | 0x17c6 | 0x15 |
FindNextFileW | 0x17eb | 0x16 |
FindNextVolumeW | 0x1812 | 0x17 |
FindVolumeClose | 0x183b | 0x18 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x1865 | 0x19 |
GetDiskFreeSpaceA | 0x1891 | 0x1a |
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA | 0x18c0 | 0x1b |
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW | 0x18f1 | 0x1c |
GetDiskFreeSpaceW | 0x1920 | 0x1d |
GetDriveTypeA | 0x1949 | 0x1e |
GetDriveTypeW | 0x196e | 0x1f |
GetFileAttributesA | 0x1998 | 0x20 |
GetFileAttributesExA | 0x19c9 | 0x21 |
GetFileAttributesExW | 0x19fc | 0x22 |
GetFileAttributesW | 0x1a2d | 0x23 |
GetFileInformationByHandle | 0x1a64 | 0x24 |
GetFileSize | 0x1a94 | 0x25 |
GetFileSizeEx | 0x1ab7 | 0x26 |
GetFileTime | 0x1ada | 0x27 |
GetFileType | 0x1afb | 0x28 |
GetFinalPathNameByHandleA | 0x1b2a | 0x29 |
GetFinalPathNameByHandleW | 0x1b67 | 0x2a |
GetFullPathNameA | 0x1b9b | 0x2b |
GetFullPathNameW | 0x1bc6 | 0x2c |
GetLogicalDriveStringsW | 0x1bf8 | 0x2d |
GetLogicalDrives | 0x1c2a | 0x2e |
GetLongPathNameA | 0x1c55 | 0x2f |
GetLongPathNameW | 0x1c80 | 0x30 |
GetShortPathNameW | 0x1cac | 0x31 |
GetTempFileNameW | 0x1cd8 | 0x32 |
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW | 0x1d10 | 0x33 |
GetVolumeInformationW | 0x1d4d | 0x34 |
GetVolumePathNameW | 0x1d7f | 0x35 |
LocalFileTimeToFileTime | 0x1db3 | 0x36 |
LockFile | 0x1ddd | 0x37 |
LockFileEx | 0x1dfa | 0x38 |
QueryDosDeviceW | 0x1e1e | 0x39 |
ReadFile | 0x1e40 | 0x3a |
ReadFileEx | 0x1e5d | 0x3b |
ReadFileScatter | 0x1e81 | 0x3c |
RemoveDirectoryA | 0x1eab | 0x3d |
RemoveDirectoryW | 0x1ed6 | 0x3e |
SetEndOfFile | 0x1efd | 0x3f |
SetFileAttributesA | 0x1f26 | 0x40 |
SetFileAttributesW | 0x1f55 | 0x41 |
SetFileInformationByHandle | 0x1f8c | 0x42 |
SetFilePointer | 0x1fbf | 0x43 |
SetFilePointerEx | 0x1fe8 | 0x44 |
SetFileTime | 0x200e | 0x45 |
SetFileValidData | 0x2034 | 0x46 |
UnlockFile | 0x2059 | 0x47 |
UnlockFileEx | 0x207a | 0x48 |
WriteFile | 0x209a | 0x49 |
WriteFileEx | 0x20b9 | 0x4a |
WriteFileGather | 0x20de | 0x4b |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:01 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2010-09-03 20:48:21+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x23c | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.19 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CreateFile2 | 0x116c | 0x1 |
GetTempPathW | 0x118e | 0x2 |
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW | 0x11c6 | 0x3 |
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW | 0x1212 | 0x4 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 02:23 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:01 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2036-05-22 06:29:08+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x37d | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.64 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CopyFile2 | 0x11b0 | 0x1 |
CopyFileExW | 0x11cf | 0x2 |
CreateDirectoryExW | 0x11f7 | 0x3 |
CreateHardLinkW | 0x1223 | 0x4 |
CreateSymbolicLinkW | 0x1250 | 0x5 |
GetFileInformationByHandleEx | 0x128a | 0x6 |
MoveFileExW | 0x12bc | 0x7 |
MoveFileWithProgressW | 0x12e7 | 0x8 |
ReOpenFile | 0x1311 | 0x9 |
ReadDirectoryChangesW | 0x133b | 0xa |
ReplaceFileW | 0x1367 | 0xb |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:01 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2008-02-02 03:17:29+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x25f | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.24 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CloseHandle | 0x1188 | 0x1 |
CompareObjectHandles | 0x11b2 | 0x2 |
DuplicateHandle | 0x11e0 | 0x3 |
GetHandleInformation | 0x120e | 0x4 |
SetHandleInformation | 0x1241 | 0x5 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:01 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2071-09-01 04:16:53+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x3f8 | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.93 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
GetProcessHeap | 0x11e7 | 0x1 |
GetProcessHeaps | 0x120f | 0x2 |
HeapAlloc | 0x1232 | 0x3 |
HeapCompact | 0x1251 | 0x4 |
HeapCreate | 0x1271 | 0x5 |
HeapDestroy | 0x1291 | 0x6 |
HeapFree | 0x12af | 0x7 |
HeapLock | 0x12ca | 0x8 |
HeapQueryInformation | 0x12f1 | 0x9 |
HeapReAlloc | 0x131b | 0xa |
HeapSetInformation | 0x1343 | 0xb |
HeapSize | 0x1368 | 0xc |
HeapSummary | 0x1386 | 0xd |
HeapUnlock | 0x13a6 | 0xe |
HeapValidate | 0x13c7 | 0xf |
HeapWalk | 0x13e6 | 0x10 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2052-12-12 20:31:39+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x414 | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.88 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
InitializeSListHead | 0x11d1 | 0x1 |
InterlockedCompareExchange | 0x124c | 0x3 |
InterlockedCompareExchange64 | 0x120b | 0x2 |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x1285 | 0x4 |
InterlockedExchange | 0x12b7 | 0x5 |
InterlockedExchangeAdd | 0x12eb | 0x6 |
InterlockedFlushSList | 0x1321 | 0x7 |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x1355 | 0x8 |
InterlockedPopEntrySList | 0x138c | 0x9 |
InterlockedPushEntrySList | 0x13c8 | 0xa |
QueryDepthSList | 0x13fb | 0xb |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:25 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2027-07-04 17:26:46+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x50b | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.54 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
DisableThreadLibraryCalls | 0x121f | 0x1 |
FindResourceExW | 0x1252 | 0x2 |
FindStringOrdinal | 0x127d | 0x3 |
FreeLibrary | 0x12a4 | 0x4 |
FreeLibraryAndExitThread | 0x12d2 | 0x5 |
FreeResource | 0x1301 | 0x6 |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x132a | 0x7 |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x1359 | 0x8 |
GetModuleHandleA | 0x1386 | 0x9 |
GetModuleHandleExA | 0x13b3 | 0xa |
GetModuleHandleExW | 0x13e2 | 0xb |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x140f | 0xc |
GetProcAddress | 0x1438 | 0xd |
LoadLibraryExA | 0x145f | 0xe |
LoadLibraryExW | 0x1486 | 0xf |
LoadResource | 0x14ab | 0x10 |
LockResource | 0x14ce | 0x11 |
SizeofResource | 0x14f3 | 0x12 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 00:22 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0xe00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2099-12-20 04:00:19+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0xdc7 | 0xe00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.23 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
ConvertDefaultLocale | 0x13b3 | 0x1 |
EnumSystemGeoID | 0x13e1 | 0x2 |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x140d | 0x3 |
EnumSystemLocalesW | 0x143c | 0x4 |
FindNLSString | 0x1466 | 0x5 |
FindNLSStringEx | 0x148d | 0x6 |
FormatMessageA | 0x14b5 | 0x7 |
FormatMessageW | 0x14dc | 0x8 |
GetACP | 0x14fb | 0x9 |
GetCPInfo | 0x1515 | 0xa |
GetCPInfoExW | 0x1535 | 0xb |
GetCalendarInfoEx | 0x155d | 0xc |
GetCalendarInfoW | 0x1589 | 0xd |
GetFileMUIInfo | 0x15b2 | 0xe |
GetFileMUIPath | 0x15d9 | 0xf |
GetGeoInfoW | 0x15fd | 0x10 |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x1621 | 0x11 |
GetLocaleInfoEx | 0x1649 | 0x12 |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x1671 | 0x13 |
GetNLSVersion | 0x1697 | 0x14 |
GetNLSVersionEx | 0x16be | 0x15 |
GetOEMCP | 0x16e0 | 0x16 |
GetProcessPreferredUILanguages | 0x1711 | 0x17 |
GetSystemDefaultLCID | 0x174e | 0x18 |
GetSystemDefaultLangID | 0x1783 | 0x19 |
GetSystemPreferredUILanguages | 0x17c1 | 0x1a |
GetThreadLocale | 0x17f8 | 0x1b |
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages | 0x182f | 0x1c |
GetThreadUILanguage | 0x186a | 0x1d |
GetUILanguageInfo | 0x1899 | 0x1e |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x18c7 | 0x1f |
GetUserDefaultLangID | 0x18f8 | 0x20 |
GetUserDefaultLocaleName | 0x192f | 0x21 |
GetUserGeoID | 0x195e | 0x22 |
GetUserPreferredUILanguages | 0x1990 | 0x23 |
IdnToAscii | 0x19c0 | 0x24 |
IdnToUnicode | 0x19e1 | 0x25 |
IsDBCSLeadByte | 0x1a06 | 0x26 |
IsDBCSLeadByteEx | 0x1a2f | 0x27 |
IsNLSDefinedString | 0x1a5c | 0x28 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x1a88 | 0x29 |
IsValidLanguageGroup | 0x1ab6 | 0x2a |
IsValidLocale | 0x1ae2 | 0x2b |
IsValidLocaleName | 0x1b0b | 0x2c |
IsValidNLSVersion | 0x1b38 | 0x2d |
LCMapStringA | 0x1b60 | 0x2e |
LCMapStringEx | 0x1b84 | 0x2f |
LCMapStringW | 0x1ba8 | 0x30 |
LocaleNameToLCID | 0x1bcf | 0x31 |
ResolveLocaleName | 0x1bfb | 0x32 |
SetCalendarInfoW | 0x1c27 | 0x33 |
SetLocaleInfoW | 0x1c50 | 0x34 |
SetProcessPreferredUILanguages | 0x1c87 | 0x35 |
SetThreadLocale | 0x1cbf | 0x36 |
SetThreadPreferredUILanguages | 0x1cf6 | 0x37 |
SetThreadUILanguage | 0x1d31 | 0x38 |
SetUserGeoID | 0x1d5b | 0x39 |
VerLanguageNameA | 0x1d82 | 0x3a |
VerLanguageNameW | 0x1dad | 0x3b |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 00:25 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1991-05-07 00:38:52+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x46c | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.11 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CreateFileMappingW | 0x11fd | 0x1 |
FlushViewOfFile | 0x1229 | 0x2 |
MapViewOfFile | 0x1250 | 0x3 |
MapViewOfFileEx | 0x1277 | 0x4 |
OpenFileMappingW | 0x12a1 | 0x5 |
ReadProcessMemory | 0x12cd | 0x6 |
UnmapViewOfFile | 0x12f8 | 0x7 |
VirtualAlloc | 0x131e | 0x8 |
VirtualAllocEx | 0x1343 | 0x9 |
VirtualFree | 0x1367 | 0xa |
VirtualFreeEx | 0x138a | 0xb |
VirtualProtect | 0x13b0 | 0xc |
VirtualProtectEx | 0x13d9 | 0xd |
VirtualQuery | 0x1400 | 0xe |
VirtualQueryEx | 0x1425 | 0xf |
WriteProcessMemory | 0x1450 | 0x10 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:19 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2094-02-27 02:21:20+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x391 | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.48 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
ConnectNamedPipe | 0x11c2 | 0x1 |
CreateNamedPipeW | 0x11ed | 0x2 |
CreatePipe | 0x1212 | 0x3 |
DisconnectNamedPipe | 0x123a | 0x4 |
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW | 0x1277 | 0x5 |
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient | 0x12bb | 0x6 |
PeekNamedPipe | 0x12ed | 0x7 |
SetNamedPipeHandleState | 0x131c | 0x8 |
TransactNamedPipe | 0x134f | 0x9 |
WaitNamedPipeW | 0x1379 | 0xa |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x800 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2050-07-08 10:36:25+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x647 | 0x800 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.33 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xa00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA | 0x1242 | 0x1 |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW | 0x127f | 0x2 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | 0x12ba | 0x3 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x12f3 | 0x4 |
GetCommandLineA | 0x1324 | 0x5 |
GetCommandLineW | 0x134d | 0x6 |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x137b | 0x7 |
GetCurrentDirectoryW | 0x13ae | 0x8 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | 0x13e2 | 0x9 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x1418 | 0xa |
GetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x1450 | 0xb |
GetEnvironmentVariableW | 0x1489 | 0xc |
GetStdHandle | 0x14b7 | 0xd |
SearchPathW | 0x14d9 | 0xe |
SetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x1503 | 0xf |
SetCurrentDirectoryW | 0x1536 | 0x10 |
SetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x156b | 0x11 |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x15a3 | 0x12 |
SetEnvironmentVariableW | 0x15dc | 0x13 |
SetStdHandle | 0x160a | 0x14 |
SetStdHandleEx | 0x162f | 0x15 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0xc00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2066-01-02 15:06:27+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0xbe3 | 0xc00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.08 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xe00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CreateProcessA | 0x134b | 0x1 |
CreateProcessAsUserW | 0x1378 | 0x2 |
CreateProcessW | 0x13a5 | 0x3 |
CreateRemoteThread | 0x13d0 | 0x4 |
CreateRemoteThreadEx | 0x1401 | 0x5 |
CreateThread | 0x142c | 0x6 |
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList | 0x1460 | 0x7 |
ExitProcess | 0x1493 | 0x8 |
ExitThread | 0x14b3 | 0x9 |
FlushProcessWriteBuffers | 0x14e0 | 0xa |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x1514 | 0xb |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x1543 | 0xc |
GetCurrentThread | 0x1571 | 0xd |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x159e | 0xe |
GetExitCodeProcess | 0x15cd | 0xf |
GetExitCodeThread | 0x15fb | 0x10 |
GetPriorityClass | 0x1627 | 0x11 |
GetProcessId | 0x164e | 0x12 |
GetProcessIdOfThread | 0x1679 | 0x13 |
GetProcessTimes | 0x16a7 | 0x14 |
GetProcessVersion | 0x16d2 | 0x15 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x16fd | 0x16 |
GetThreadId | 0x1722 | 0x17 |
GetThreadPriority | 0x1749 | 0x18 |
GetThreadPriorityBoost | 0x177b | 0x19 |
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList | 0x17bd | 0x1a |
OpenProcessToken | 0x17f9 | 0x1b |
OpenThread | 0x181e | 0x1c |
OpenThreadToken | 0x1842 | 0x1d |
ProcessIdToSessionId | 0x1870 | 0x1e |
QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode | 0x18ad | 0x1f |
QueueUserAPC | 0x18e2 | 0x20 |
ResumeThread | 0x1905 | 0x21 |
SetPriorityClass | 0x192c | 0x22 |
SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode | 0x1963 | 0x23 |
SetProcessShutdownParameters | 0x19a6 | 0x24 |
SetThreadPriority | 0x19de | 0x25 |
SetThreadPriorityBoost | 0x1a10 | 0x26 |
SetThreadStackGuarantee | 0x1a48 | 0x27 |
SetThreadToken | 0x1a78 | 0x28 |
SuspendThread | 0x1a9e | 0x29 |
SwitchToThread | 0x1ac4 | 0x2a |
TerminateProcess | 0x1aed | 0x2b |
TerminateThread | 0x1b17 | 0x2c |
TlsAlloc | 0x1b39 | 0x2d |
TlsFree | 0x1b53 | 0x2e |
TlsGetValue | 0x1b70 | 0x2f |
TlsSetValue | 0x1b91 | 0x30 |
UpdateProcThreadAttribute | 0x1bc0 | 0x31 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 07:17 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2084-10-18 13:20:17+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x4da | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.39 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
FlushInstructionCache | 0x11f4 | 0x1 |
GetCurrentProcessorNumber | 0x122d | 0x2 |
GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx | 0x126c | 0x3 |
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits | 0x12ad | 0x4 |
GetProcessHandleCount | 0x12e8 | 0x5 |
GetProcessMitigationPolicy | 0x1322 | 0x6 |
GetThreadContext | 0x1357 | 0x7 |
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx | 0x138b | 0x8 |
GetThreadTimes | 0x13bd | 0x9 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x13ef | 0xa |
OpenProcess | 0x141e | 0xb |
SetProcessMitigationPolicy | 0x144e | 0xc |
SetThreadContext | 0x1483 | 0xd |
SetThreadIdealProcessorEx | 0x14b7 | 0xe |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2087-01-16 03:30:42+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x1d5 | 0x200 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.25 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x1177 | 0x1 |
QueryPerformanceFrequency | 0x11b2 | 0x2 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:25 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1991-09-02 22:58:18+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x1e8 | 0x200 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.36 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
RtlCaptureContext | 0x117e | 0x1 |
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace | 0x11af | 0x2 |
RtlUnwind | 0x11d8 | 0x3 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:44 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1982-05-26 10:44:09+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x2f2 | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.96 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
CompareStringEx | 0x11aa | 0x1 |
CompareStringOrdinal | 0x11d8 | 0x2 |
CompareStringW | 0x1205 | 0x3 |
FoldStringW | 0x1229 | 0x4 |
GetStringTypeExW | 0x124f | 0x5 |
GetStringTypeW | 0x1278 | 0x6 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x12a4 | 0x7 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x12d5 | 0x8 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:26 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0xc00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1996-08-13 19:03:36+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0xa56 | 0xc00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.71 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xe00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
AcquireSRWLockExclusive | 0x12fb | 0x1 |
AcquireSRWLockShared | 0x1331 | 0x2 |
CancelWaitableTimer | 0x1363 | 0x3 |
CreateEventA | 0x138d | 0x4 |
CreateEventExA | 0x13b2 | 0x5 |
CreateEventExW | 0x13d9 | 0x6 |
CreateEventW | 0x13fe | 0x7 |
CreateMutexA | 0x1421 | 0x8 |
CreateMutexExA | 0x1446 | 0x9 |
CreateMutexExW | 0x146d | 0xa |
CreateMutexW | 0x1492 | 0xb |
CreateSemaphoreExW | 0x14bb | 0xc |
CreateWaitableTimerExW | 0x14ee | 0xd |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x1524 | 0xe |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x1558 | 0xf |
InitializeCriticalSection | 0x1590 | 0x10 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x15d9 | 0x11 |
InitializeCriticalSectionEx | 0x1624 | 0x12 |
InitializeSRWLock | 0x165b | 0x13 |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x168b | 0x14 |
OpenEventA | 0x16b4 | 0x15 |
OpenEventW | 0x16d3 | 0x16 |
OpenMutexW | 0x16f2 | 0x17 |
OpenSemaphoreW | 0x1715 | 0x18 |
OpenWaitableTimerW | 0x1740 | 0x19 |
ReleaseMutex | 0x1769 | 0x1a |
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive | 0x1797 | 0x1b |
ReleaseSRWLockShared | 0x17cd | 0x1c |
ReleaseSemaphore | 0x17fc | 0x1d |
ResetEvent | 0x1821 | 0x1e |
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount | 0x1851 | 0x1f |
SetEvent | 0x187f | 0x20 |
SetWaitableTimer | 0x18a2 | 0x21 |
SetWaitableTimerEx | 0x18cf | 0x22 |
SleepEx | 0x18f3 | 0x23 |
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive | 0x191f | 0x24 |
TryAcquireSRWLockShared | 0x195b | 0x25 |
TryEnterCriticalSection | 0x1994 | 0x26 |
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | 0x19ce | 0x27 |
WaitForSingleObject | 0x1a04 | 0x28 |
WaitForSingleObjectEx | 0x1a37 | 0x29 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 00:24 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2017-07-23 22:59:36+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x576 | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.7 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
DeleteSynchronizationBarrier | 0x1210 | 0x1 |
EnterSynchronizationBarrier | 0x1252 | 0x2 |
InitOnceBeginInitialize | 0x128f | 0x3 |
InitOnceComplete | 0x12c1 | 0x4 |
InitOnceExecuteOnce | 0x12ef | 0x5 |
InitOnceInitialize | 0x131f | 0x6 |
InitializeConditionVariable | 0x1357 | 0x7 |
InitializeSynchronizationBarrier | 0x139d | 0x8 |
SignalObjectAndWait | 0x13db | 0x9 |
Sleep | 0x13fe | 0xa |
SleepConditionVariableCS | 0x1426 | 0xb |
SleepConditionVariableSRW | 0x1462 | 0xc |
WaitOnAddress | 0x1493 | 0xd |
WakeAllConditionVariable | 0x14c3 | 0xe |
WakeByAddressAll | 0x14f6 | 0xf |
WakeByAddressSingle | 0x1524 | 0x10 |
WakeConditionVariable | 0x1557 | 0x11 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 01:07 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x800 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2002-07-28 05:58:26+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x645 | 0x800 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.39 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xa00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
GetComputerNameExA | 0x123a | 0x1 |
GetComputerNameExW | 0x1269 | 0x2 |
GetLocalTime | 0x1292 | 0x3 |
GetLogicalProcessorInformation | 0x12c7 | 0x4 |
GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx | 0x1310 | 0x5 |
GetSystemDirectoryA | 0x134e | 0x6 |
GetSystemDirectoryW | 0x137f | 0x7 |
GetSystemInfo | 0x13aa | 0x8 |
GetSystemTime | 0x13cf | 0x9 |
GetSystemTimeAdjustment | 0x13fe | 0xa |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x1437 | 0xb |
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA | 0x1473 | 0xc |
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW | 0x14b2 | 0xd |
GetTickCount | 0x150a | 0xf |
GetTickCount64 | 0x14e5 | 0xe |
GetVersion | 0x152b | 0x10 |
GetVersionExA | 0x154d | 0x11 |
GetVersionExW | 0x1572 | 0x12 |
GetWindowsDirectoryA | 0x159e | 0x13 |
GetWindowsDirectoryW | 0x15d1 | 0x14 |
GlobalMemoryStatusEx | 0x1604 | 0x15 |
SetLocalTime | 0x162f | 0x16 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 07:47 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2034-03-22 16:36:28+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x3db | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.73 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
FileTimeToSystemTime | 0x11bb | 0x1 |
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation | 0x11f7 | 0x2 |
GetTimeZoneInformation | 0x1235 | 0x3 |
GetTimeZoneInformationForYear | 0x1273 | 0x4 |
SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation | 0x12b8 | 0x5 |
SetTimeZoneInformation | 0x12f6 | 0x6 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | 0x132b | 0x7 |
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime | 0x1369 | 0x8 |
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime | 0x13b2 | 0x9 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2061-02-14 06:53:13+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x229 | 0x400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.0 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
Beep | 0x116f | 0x1 |
DecodePointer | 0x118b | 0x2 |
DecodeSystemPointer | 0x11b6 | 0x3 |
EncodePointer | 0x11e1 | 0x4 |
EncodeSystemPointer | 0x120c | 0x5 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x800 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2059-10-13 02:38:07+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x6f0 | 0x800 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.46 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xa00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
__conio_common_vcprintf | 0x128c | 0x1 |
__conio_common_vcprintf_p | 0x12c7 | 0x2 |
__conio_common_vcprintf_s | 0x1304 | 0x3 |
__conio_common_vcscanf | 0x133e | 0x4 |
__conio_common_vcwprintf | 0x1377 | 0x5 |
__conio_common_vcwprintf_p | 0x13b4 | 0x6 |
__conio_common_vcwprintf_s | 0x13f3 | 0x7 |
__conio_common_vcwscanf | 0x142f | 0x8 |
_cgets | 0x1457 | 0x9 |
_cgets_s | 0x1470 | 0xa |
_cgetws | 0x148a | 0xb |
_cgetws_s | 0x14a5 | 0xc |
_cputs | 0x14bf | 0xd |
_cputws | 0x14d7 | 0xe |
_getch | 0x14ef | 0xf |
_getch_nolock | 0x150d | 0x10 |
_getche | 0x152c | 0x11 |
_getche_nolock | 0x154c | 0x12 |
_getwch | 0x156c | 0x13 |
_getwch_nolock | 0x158c | 0x14 |
_getwche | 0x15ad | 0x15 |
_getwche_nolock | 0x15cf | 0x16 |
_putch | 0x15ef | 0x17 |
_putch_nolock | 0x160d | 0x18 |
_putwch | 0x162c | 0x19 |
_putwch_nolock | 0x164c | 0x1a |
_ungetch | 0x166d | 0x1b |
_ungetch_nolock | 0x168f | 0x1c |
_ungetwch | 0x16b2 | 0x1d |
_ungetwch_nolock | 0x16d6 | 0x1e |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 02:44 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x1400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2073-04-13 15:13:55+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x12fe | 0x1400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.7 |
.rsrc | 0x10003000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
__toascii | 0x1628 | 0x1 |
_atodbl | 0x1643 | 0x2 |
_atodbl_l | 0x165e | 0x3 |
_atof_l | 0x1679 | 0x4 |
_atoflt | 0x1692 | 0x5 |
_atoflt_l | 0x16ad | 0x6 |
_atoi64 | 0x16c8 | 0x7 |
_atoi64_l | 0x16e3 | 0x8 |
_atoi_l | 0x16fe | 0x9 |
_atol_l | 0x1717 | 0xa |
_atoldbl | 0x1731 | 0xb |
_atoldbl_l | 0x174e | 0xc |
_atoll_l | 0x176b | 0xd |
_ecvt | 0x1783 | 0xe |
_ecvt_s | 0x179a | 0xf |
_fcvt | 0x17b1 | 0x10 |
_fcvt_s | 0x17c8 | 0x11 |
_gcvt | 0x17df | 0x12 |
_gcvt_s | 0x17f6 | 0x13 |
_i64toa | 0x180f | 0x14 |
_i64toa_s | 0x182a | 0x15 |
_i64tow | 0x1845 | 0x16 |
_i64tow_s | 0x1860 | 0x17 |
_itoa | 0x1879 | 0x18 |
_itoa_s | 0x1890 | 0x19 |
_itow | 0x18a7 | 0x1a |
_itow_s | 0x18be | 0x1b |
_ltoa | 0x18d5 | 0x1c |
_ltoa_s | 0x18ec | 0x1d |
_ltow | 0x1903 | 0x1e |
_ltow_s | 0x191a | 0x1f |
_strtod_l | 0x1935 | 0x20 |
_strtof_l | 0x1952 | 0x21 |
_strtoi64 | 0x196f | 0x22 |
_strtoi64_l | 0x198e | 0x23 |
_strtoimax_l | 0x19b0 | 0x24 |
_strtol_l | 0x19d0 | 0x25 |
_strtold_l | 0x19ee | 0x26 |
_strtoll_l | 0x1a0d | 0x27 |
_strtoui64 | 0x1a2c | 0x28 |
_strtoui64_l | 0x1a4d | 0x29 |
_strtoul_l | 0x1a6e | 0x2a |
_strtoull_l | 0x1a8e | 0x2b |
_strtoumax_l | 0x1ab0 | 0x2c |
_ui64toa | 0x1acf | 0x2d |
_ui64toa_s | 0x1aec | 0x2e |
_ui64tow | 0x1b09 | 0x2f |
_ui64tow_s | 0x1b26 | 0x30 |
_ultoa | 0x1b41 | 0x31 |
_ultoa_s | 0x1b5a | 0x32 |
_ultow | 0x1b73 | 0x33 |
_ultow_s | 0x1b8c | 0x34 |
_wcstod_l | 0x1ba8 | 0x35 |
_wcstof_l | 0x1bc5 | 0x36 |
_wcstoi64 | 0x1be2 | 0x37 |
_wcstoi64_l | 0x1c01 | 0x38 |
_wcstoimax_l | 0x1c23 | 0x39 |
_wcstol_l | 0x1c43 | 0x3a |
_wcstold_l | 0x1c61 | 0x3b |
_wcstoll_l | 0x1c80 | 0x3c |
_wcstombs_l | 0x1ca0 | 0x3d |
_wcstombs_s_l | 0x1cc3 | 0x3e |
_wcstoui64 | 0x1ce5 | 0x3f |
_wcstoui64_l | 0x1d06 | 0x40 |
_wcstoul_l | 0x1d27 | 0x41 |
_wcstoull_l | 0x1d47 | 0x42 |
_wcstoumax_l | 0x1d69 | 0x43 |
_wctomb_l | 0x1d89 | 0x44 |
_wctomb_s_l | 0x1da8 | 0x45 |
_wtof | 0x1dc3 | 0x46 |
_wtof_l | 0x1dda | 0x47 |
_wtoi | 0x1df1 | 0x48 |
_wtoi64 | 0x1e08 | 0x49 |
_wtoi64_l | 0x1e23 | 0x4a |
_wtoi_l | 0x1e3e | 0x4b |
_wtol | 0x1e55 | 0x4c |
_wtol_l | 0x1e6c | 0x4d |
_wtoll | 0x1e84 | 0x4e |
_wtoll_l | 0x1e9d | 0x4f |
atof | 0x1eb4 | 0x50 |
atoi | 0x1ec7 | 0x51 |
atol | 0x1eda | 0x52 |
atoll | 0x1eee | 0x53 |
btowc | 0x1f03 | 0x54 |
c16rtomb | 0x1f1b | 0x55 |
c32rtomb | 0x1f36 | 0x56 |
mbrtoc16 | 0x1f51 | 0x57 |
mbrtoc32 | 0x1f6c | 0x58 |
mbrtowc | 0x1f86 | 0x59 |
mbsrtowcs | 0x1fa1 | 0x5a |
mbsrtowcs_s | 0x1fc0 | 0x5b |
mbstowcs | 0x1fde | 0x5c |
mbstowcs_s | 0x1ffb | 0x5d |
mbtowc | 0x2016 | 0x5e |
strtod | 0x202d | 0x5f |
strtof | 0x2044 | 0x60 |
strtoimax | 0x205e | 0x61 |
strtol | 0x2078 | 0x62 |
strtold | 0x2090 | 0x63 |
strtoll | 0x20a9 | 0x64 |
strtoul | 0x20c2 | 0x65 |
strtoull | 0x20dc | 0x66 |
strtoumax | 0x20f8 | 0x67 |
wcrtomb | 0x2113 | 0x68 |
wcrtomb_s | 0x212e | 0x69 |
wcsrtombs | 0x214b | 0x6a |
wcsrtombs_s | 0x216a | 0x6b |
wcstod | 0x2186 | 0x6c |
wcstof | 0x219d | 0x6d |
wcstoimax | 0x21b7 | 0x6e |
wcstol | 0x21d1 | 0x6f |
wcstold | 0x21e9 | 0x70 |
wcstoll | 0x2202 | 0x71 |
wcstombs | 0x221c | 0x72 |
wcstombs_s | 0x2239 | 0x73 |
wcstoul | 0x2255 | 0x74 |
wcstoull | 0x226f | 0x75 |
wcstoumax | 0x228b | 0x76 |
wctob | 0x22a4 | 0x77 |
wctomb | 0x22ba | 0x78 |
wctomb_s | 0x22d3 | 0x79 |
wctrans | 0x22ed | 0x7a |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 00:17 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:02 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1972-04-21 12:19:18+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x432 | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.67 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
__p__environ | 0x121f | 0x1 |
__p__wenviron | 0x1243 | 0x2 |
_dupenv_s | 0x1264 | 0x3 |
_putenv | 0x127f | 0x4 |
_putenv_s | 0x129a | 0x5 |
_searchenv | 0x12b8 | 0x6 |
_searchenv_s | 0x12d9 | 0x7 |
_wdupenv_s | 0x12fa | 0x8 |
_wgetcwd | 0x1317 | 0x9 |
_wgetdcwd | 0x1333 | 0xa |
_wgetenv | 0x134f | 0xb |
_wgetenv_s | 0x136c | 0xc |
_wputenv | 0x1389 | 0xd |
_wputenv_s | 0x13a6 | 0xe |
_wsearchenv | 0x13c6 | 0xf |
_wsearchenv_s | 0x13e9 | 0x10 |
getenv | 0x1407 | 0x11 |
getenv_s | 0x1420 | 0x12 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0xc00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2025-08-26 11:12:21+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0xbc0 | 0xc00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.99 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xe00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_access | 0x13ef | 0x1 |
_access_s | 0x140a | 0x2 |
_chdir | 0x1424 | 0x3 |
_chdrive | 0x143d | 0x4 |
_chmod | 0x1456 | 0x5 |
_findclose | 0x1471 | 0x6 |
_findfirst32 | 0x1492 | 0x7 |
_findfirst32i64 | 0x14b8 | 0x8 |
_findfirst64 | 0x14de | 0x9 |
_findfirst64i32 | 0x1504 | 0xa |
_findnext32 | 0x1529 | 0xb |
_findnext32i64 | 0x154d | 0xc |
_findnext64 | 0x1571 | 0xd |
_findnext64i32 | 0x1595 | 0xe |
_fstat32 | 0x15b6 | 0xf |
_fstat32i64 | 0x15d4 | 0x10 |
_fstat64 | 0x15f2 | 0x11 |
_fstat64i32 | 0x1610 | 0x12 |
_fullpath | 0x162f | 0x13 |
_getdiskfree | 0x164f | 0x14 |
_getdrive | 0x166f | 0x15 |
_getdrives | 0x168d | 0x16 |
_lock_file | 0x16ac | 0x17 |
_makepath | 0x16ca | 0x18 |
_makepath_s | 0x16e9 | 0x19 |
_mkdir | 0x1705 | 0x1a |
_rmdir | 0x171c | 0x1b |
_splitpath | 0x1737 | 0x1c |
_splitpath_s | 0x1758 | 0x1d |
_stat32 | 0x1776 | 0x1e |
_stat32i64 | 0x1792 | 0x1f |
_stat64 | 0x17ae | 0x20 |
_stat64i32 | 0x17ca | 0x21 |
_umask | 0x17e5 | 0x22 |
_umask_s | 0x17fe | 0x23 |
_unlink | 0x1818 | 0x24 |
_unlock_file | 0x1836 | 0x25 |
_waccess | 0x1855 | 0x26 |
_waccess_s | 0x1872 | 0x27 |
_wchdir | 0x188e | 0x28 |
_wchmod | 0x18a7 | 0x29 |
_wfindfirst32 | 0x18c6 | 0x2a |
_wfindfirst32i64 | 0x18ee | 0x2b |
_wfindfirst64 | 0x1916 | 0x2c |
_wfindfirst64i32 | 0x193e | 0x2d |
_wfindnext32 | 0x1965 | 0x2e |
_wfindnext32i64 | 0x198b | 0x2f |
_wfindnext64 | 0x19b1 | 0x30 |
_wfindnext64i32 | 0x19d7 | 0x31 |
_wfullpath | 0x19fb | 0x32 |
_wmakepath | 0x1a1a | 0x33 |
_wmakepath_s | 0x1a3b | 0x34 |
_wmkdir | 0x1a59 | 0x35 |
_wremove | 0x1a73 | 0x36 |
_wrename | 0x1a8e | 0x37 |
_wrmdir | 0x1aa8 | 0x38 |
_wsplitpath | 0x1ac5 | 0x39 |
_wsplitpath_s | 0x1ae8 | 0x3a |
_wstat32 | 0x1b08 | 0x3b |
_wstat32i64 | 0x1b26 | 0x3c |
_wstat64 | 0x1b44 | 0x3d |
_wstat64i32 | 0x1b62 | 0x3e |
_wunlink | 0x1b80 | 0x3f |
remove | 0x1b99 | 0x40 |
rename | 0x1bb0 | 0x41 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x800 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1987-03-31 17:26:34+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x616 | 0x800 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.05 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xa00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_aligned_free | 0x1263 | 0x1 |
_aligned_malloc | 0x128a | 0x2 |
_aligned_msize | 0x12b2 | 0x3 |
_aligned_offset_malloc | 0x12e1 | 0x4 |
_aligned_offset_realloc | 0x1319 | 0x5 |
_aligned_offset_recalloc | 0x1353 | 0x6 |
_aligned_realloc | 0x1386 | 0x7 |
_aligned_recalloc | 0x13b2 | 0x8 |
_callnewh | 0x13d7 | 0x9 |
_calloc_base | 0x13f7 | 0xa |
_expand | 0x1415 | 0xb |
_free_base | 0x1431 | 0xc |
_get_heap_handle | 0x1456 | 0xd |
_heapchk | 0x1479 | 0xe |
_heapmin | 0x1494 | 0xf |
_heapwalk | 0x14b0 | 0x10 |
_malloc_base | 0x14d0 | 0x11 |
_msize | 0x14ed | 0x12 |
_query_new_handler | 0x1510 | 0x13 |
_query_new_mode | 0x153c | 0x14 |
_realloc_base | 0x1563 | 0x15 |
_recalloc | 0x1584 | 0x16 |
_set_new_mode | 0x15a5 | 0x17 |
calloc | 0x15c3 | 0x18 |
free | 0x15d8 | 0x19 |
malloc | 0x15ed | 0x1a |
realloc | 0x1605 | 0x1b |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2012-06-17 17:10:20+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x575 | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.47 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
___lc_codepage_func | 0x1235 | 0x1 |
___lc_collate_cp_func | 0x1268 | 0x2 |
___lc_locale_name_func | 0x129e | 0x3 |
___mb_cur_max_func | 0x12d1 | 0x4 |
___mb_cur_max_l_func | 0x1302 | 0x5 |
__initialize_lconv_for_unsigned_char | 0x1345 | 0x6 |
__pctype_func | 0x1381 | 0x7 |
__pwctype_func | 0x13a7 | 0x8 |
_configthreadlocale | 0x13d3 | 0x9 |
_create_locale | 0x13ff | 0xa |
_free_locale | 0x1424 | 0xb |
_get_current_locale | 0x144e | 0xc |
_getmbcp | 0x1474 | 0xd |
_lock_locales | 0x1494 | 0xe |
_setmbcp | 0x14b4 | 0xf |
_unlock_locales | 0x14d6 | 0x10 |
_wcreate_locale | 0x14ff | 0x11 |
_wsetlocale | 0x1524 | 0x12 |
localeconv | 0x1544 | 0x13 |
setlocale | 0x1562 | 0x14 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x2e00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1982-09-29 08:09:06+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x2cd7 | 0x2e00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.07 |
.rsrc | 0x10004000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x3000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_CIacos | 0x1d93 | 0x1 |
_CIasin | 0x1dac | 0x2 |
_CIatan | 0x1dc5 | 0x3 |
_CIatan2 | 0x1ddf | 0x4 |
_CIcos | 0x1df8 | 0x5 |
_CIcosh | 0x1e10 | 0x6 |
_CIexp | 0x1e28 | 0x7 |
_CIfmod | 0x1e40 | 0x8 |
_CIlog | 0x1e58 | 0x9 |
_CIlog10 | 0x1e71 | 0xa |
_CIpow | 0x1e8a | 0xb |
_CIsin | 0x1ea1 | 0xc |
_CIsinh | 0x1eb9 | 0xd |
_CIsqrt | 0x1ed2 | 0xe |
_CItan | 0x1eea | 0xf |
_CItanh | 0x1f02 | 0x10 |
_Cbuild | 0x1f1b | 0x11 |
_Cmulcc | 0x1f34 | 0x12 |
_Cmulcr | 0x1f4d | 0x13 |
_FCbuild | 0x1f67 | 0x14 |
_FCmulcc | 0x1f82 | 0x15 |
_FCmulcr | 0x1f9d | 0x16 |
_LCbuild | 0x1fb8 | 0x17 |
_LCmulcc | 0x1fd3 | 0x18 |
_LCmulcr | 0x1fee | 0x19 |
__libm_sse2_acos | 0x2011 | 0x1a |
__libm_sse2_acosf | 0x203d | 0x1b |
__libm_sse2_asin | 0x2069 | 0x1c |
__libm_sse2_asinf | 0x2095 | 0x1d |
__libm_sse2_atan | 0x20c1 | 0x1e |
__libm_sse2_atan2 | 0x20ed | 0x1f |
__libm_sse2_atanf | 0x211a | 0x20 |
__libm_sse2_cos | 0x2145 | 0x21 |
__libm_sse2_cosf | 0x216f | 0x22 |
__libm_sse2_exp | 0x2199 | 0x23 |
__libm_sse2_expf | 0x21c3 | 0x24 |
__libm_sse2_log | 0x21ed | 0x25 |
__libm_sse2_log10 | 0x2218 | 0x26 |
__libm_sse2_log10f | 0x2246 | 0x27 |
__libm_sse2_logf | 0x2273 | 0x28 |
__libm_sse2_pow | 0x229d | 0x29 |
__libm_sse2_powf | 0x22c7 | 0x2a |
__libm_sse2_sin | 0x22f1 | 0x2b |
__libm_sse2_sinf | 0x231b | 0x2c |
__libm_sse2_tan | 0x2345 | 0x2d |
__libm_sse2_tanf | 0x236f | 0x2e |
__setusermatherr | 0x239a | 0x2f |
_cabs | 0x23ba | 0x30 |
_chgsign | 0x23d2 | 0x31 |
_chgsignf | 0x23ee | 0x32 |
_copysign | 0x240b | 0x33 |
_copysignf | 0x2429 | 0x34 |
_d_int | 0x2444 | 0x35 |
_dclass | 0x245c | 0x36 |
_dexp | 0x2473 | 0x37 |
_dlog | 0x2488 | 0x38 |
_dnorm | 0x249e | 0x39 |
_dpcomp | 0x24b6 | 0x3a |
_dpoly | 0x24ce | 0x3b |
_dscale | 0x24e6 | 0x3c |
_dsign | 0x24fe | 0x3d |
_dsin | 0x2514 | 0x3e |
_dtest | 0x252a | 0x3f |
_dunscale | 0x2544 | 0x40 |
_except1 | 0x2560 | 0x41 |
_fd_int | 0x257a | 0x42 |
_fdclass | 0x2594 | 0x43 |
_fdexp | 0x25ad | 0x44 |
_fdlog | 0x25c4 | 0x45 |
_fdnorm | 0x25dc | 0x46 |
_fdopen | 0x25f5 | 0x47 |
_fdpcomp | 0x260f | 0x48 |
_fdpoly | 0x2629 | 0x49 |
_fdscale | 0x2643 | 0x4a |
_fdsign | 0x265d | 0x4b |
_fdsin | 0x2675 | 0x4c |
_fdtest | 0x268d | 0x4d |
_fdunscale | 0x26a9 | 0x4e |
_finite | 0x26c5 | 0x4f |
_fpclass | 0x26df | 0x50 |
_ftol | 0x26f7 | 0x51 |
_hypot | 0x270d | 0x52 |
_hypotf | 0x2725 | 0x53 |
_isnan | 0x273d | 0x54 |
_j0 | 0x2751 | 0x55 |
_j1 | 0x2762 | 0x56 |
_jn | 0x2773 | 0x57 |
_ld_int | 0x2788 | 0x58 |
_ldclass | 0x27a2 | 0x59 |
_ldexp | 0x27bb | 0x5a |
_ldlog | 0x27d2 | 0x5b |
_ldpcomp | 0x27eb | 0x5c |
_ldpoly | 0x2805 | 0x5d |
_ldscale | 0x281f | 0x5e |
_ldsign | 0x2839 | 0x5f |
_ldsin | 0x2851 | 0x60 |
_ldtest | 0x2869 | 0x61 |
_ldunscale | 0x2885 | 0x62 |
_libm_sse2_acos_precise | 0x28b1 | 0x63 |
_libm_sse2_asin_precise | 0x28ea | 0x64 |
_libm_sse2_atan_precise | 0x2923 | 0x65 |
_libm_sse2_cos_precise | 0x295b | 0x66 |
_libm_sse2_exp_precise | 0x2992 | 0x67 |
_libm_sse2_log10_precise | 0x29cb | 0x68 |
_libm_sse2_log_precise | 0x2a04 | 0x69 |
_libm_sse2_pow_precise | 0x2a3b | 0x6a |
_libm_sse2_sin_precise | 0x2a72 | 0x6b |
_libm_sse2_sqrt_precise | 0x2aaa | 0x6c |
_libm_sse2_tan_precise | 0x2ae2 | 0x6d |
_logb | 0x2b08 | 0x6e |
_nextafter | 0x2b22 | 0x6f |
_scalb | 0x2b3d | 0x70 |
_set_SSE2_enable | 0x2b5e | 0x71 |
_y0 | 0x2b7c | 0x72 |
_y1 | 0x2b8d | 0x73 |
_yn | 0x2b9e | 0x74 |
acos | 0x2bb0 | 0x75 |
acosh | 0x2bc4 | 0x76 |
acoshf | 0x2bda | 0x77 |
acoshl | 0x2bf1 | 0x78 |
asin | 0x2c06 | 0x79 |
asinh | 0x2c1a | 0x7a |
asinhf | 0x2c30 | 0x7b |
asinhl | 0x2c47 | 0x7c |
atan | 0x2c5c | 0x7d |
atan2 | 0x2c70 | 0x7e |
atanh | 0x2c85 | 0x7f |
atanhf | 0x2c9b | 0x80 |
atanhl | 0x2cb2 | 0x81 |
cabs | 0x2cc7 | 0x82 |
cabsf | 0x2cdb | 0x83 |
cabsl | 0x2cf0 | 0x84 |
cacos | 0x2d05 | 0x85 |
cacosf | 0x2d1b | 0x86 |
cacosh | 0x2d32 | 0x87 |
cacoshf | 0x2d4a | 0x88 |
cacoshl | 0x2d63 | 0x89 |
cacosl | 0x2d7b | 0x8a |
carg | 0x2d90 | 0x8b |
cargf | 0x2da4 | 0x8c |
cargl | 0x2db9 | 0x8d |
casin | 0x2dce | 0x8e |
casinf | 0x2de4 | 0x8f |
casinh | 0x2dfb | 0x90 |
casinhf | 0x2e13 | 0x91 |
casinhl | 0x2e2c | 0x92 |
casinl | 0x2e44 | 0x93 |
catan | 0x2e5a | 0x94 |
catanf | 0x2e70 | 0x95 |
catanh | 0x2e87 | 0x96 |
catanhf | 0x2e9f | 0x97 |
catanhl | 0x2eb8 | 0x98 |
catanl | 0x2ed0 | 0x99 |
cbrt | 0x2ee5 | 0x9a |
cbrtf | 0x2ef9 | 0x9b |
cbrtl | 0x2f0e | 0x9c |
ccos | 0x2f22 | 0x9d |
ccosf | 0x2f36 | 0x9e |
ccosh | 0x2f4b | 0x9f |
ccoshf | 0x2f61 | 0xa0 |
ccoshl | 0x2f78 | 0xa1 |
ccosl | 0x2f8e | 0xa2 |
ceil | 0x2fa2 | 0xa3 |
cexp | 0x2fb5 | 0xa4 |
cexpf | 0x2fc9 | 0xa5 |
cexpl | 0x2fde | 0xa6 |
cimag | 0x2ff3 | 0xa7 |
cimagf | 0x3009 | 0xa8 |
cimagl | 0x3020 | 0xa9 |
clog | 0x3035 | 0xaa |
clog10 | 0x304a | 0xab |
clog10f | 0x3062 | 0xac |
clog10l | 0x307b | 0xad |
clogf | 0x3092 | 0xae |
clogl | 0x30a7 | 0xaf |
conj | 0x30bb | 0xb0 |
conjf | 0x30cf | 0xb1 |
conjl | 0x30e4 | 0xb2 |
copysign | 0x30fc | 0xb3 |
copysignf | 0x3118 | 0xb4 |
copysignl | 0x3135 | 0xb5 |
cos | 0x314c | 0xb6 |
cosh | 0x315e | 0xb7 |
cpow | 0x3171 | 0xb8 |
cpowf | 0x3185 | 0xb9 |
cpowl | 0x319a | 0xba |
cproj | 0x31af | 0xbb |
cprojf | 0x31c5 | 0xbc |
cprojl | 0x31dc | 0xbd |
creal | 0x31f2 | 0xbe |
crealf | 0x3208 | 0xbf |
creall | 0x321f | 0xc0 |
csin | 0x3234 | 0xc1 |
csinf | 0x3248 | 0xc2 |
csinh | 0x325d | 0xc3 |
csinhf | 0x3273 | 0xc4 |
csinhl | 0x328a | 0xc5 |
csinl | 0x32a0 | 0xc6 |
csqrt | 0x32b5 | 0xc7 |
csqrtf | 0x32cb | 0xc8 |
csqrtl | 0x32e2 | 0xc9 |
ctan | 0x32f7 | 0xca |
ctanf | 0x330b | 0xcb |
ctanh | 0x3320 | 0xcc |
ctanhf | 0x3336 | 0xcd |
ctanhl | 0x334d | 0xce |
ctanl | 0x3363 | 0xcf |
erf | 0x3376 | 0xd0 |
erfc | 0x3388 | 0xd1 |
erfcf | 0x339c | 0xd2 |
erfcl | 0x33b1 | 0xd3 |
erff | 0x33c5 | 0xd4 |
erfl | 0x33d8 | 0xd5 |
exp | 0x33ea | 0xd6 |
exp2 | 0x33fc | 0xd7 |
exp2f | 0x3410 | 0xd8 |
exp2l | 0x3425 | 0xd9 |
expm1 | 0x343a | 0xda |
expm1f | 0x3450 | 0xdb |
expm1l | 0x3467 | 0xdc |
fabs | 0x347c | 0xdd |
fdim | 0x348f | 0xde |
fdimf | 0x34a3 | 0xdf |
fdiml | 0x34b8 | 0xe0 |
floor | 0x34cd | 0xe1 |
fma | 0x34e0 | 0xe2 |
fmaf | 0x34f2 | 0xe3 |
fmal | 0x3505 | 0xe4 |
fmax | 0x3518 | 0xe5 |
fmaxf | 0x352c | 0xe6 |
fmaxl | 0x3541 | 0xe7 |
fmin | 0x3555 | 0xe8 |
fminf | 0x3569 | 0xe9 |
fminl | 0x357e | 0xea |
fmod | 0x3592 | 0xeb |
frexp | 0x35a6 | 0xec |
hypot | 0x35bb | 0xed |
ilogb | 0x35d0 | 0xee |
ilogbf | 0x35e6 | 0xef |
ilogbl | 0x35fd | 0xf0 |
ldexp | 0x3613 | 0xf1 |
lgamma | 0x3629 | 0xf2 |
lgammaf | 0x3641 | 0xf3 |
lgammal | 0x365a | 0xf4 |
llrint | 0x3672 | 0xf5 |
llrintf | 0x368a | 0xf6 |
llrintl | 0x36a3 | 0xf7 |
llround | 0x36bc | 0xf8 |
llroundf | 0x36d6 | 0xf9 |
llroundl | 0x36f1 | 0xfa |
log | 0x3707 | 0xfb |
log10 | 0x371a | 0xfc |
log1p | 0x372f | 0xfd |
log1pf | 0x3745 | 0xfe |
log1pl | 0x375c | 0xff |
log2 | 0x3771 | 0x100 |
log2f | 0x3785 | 0x101 |
log2l | 0x379a | 0x102 |
logb | 0x37ae | 0x103 |
logbf | 0x37c2 | 0x104 |
logbl | 0x37d7 | 0x105 |
lrint | 0x37ec | 0x106 |
lrintf | 0x3802 | 0x107 |
lrintl | 0x3819 | 0x108 |
lround | 0x3830 | 0x109 |
lroundf | 0x3848 | 0x10a |
lroundl | 0x3861 | 0x10b |
modf | 0x3877 | 0x10c |
nan | 0x3889 | 0x10d |
nanf | 0x389b | 0x10e |
nanl | 0x38ae | 0x10f |
nearbyint | 0x38c6 | 0x110 |
nearbyintf | 0x38e4 | 0x111 |
nearbyintl | 0x3903 | 0x112 |
nextafter | 0x3921 | 0x113 |
nextafterf | 0x393f | 0x114 |
nextafterl | 0x395e | 0x115 |
nexttoward | 0x397d | 0x116 |
nexttowardf | 0x399d | 0x117 |
nexttowardl | 0x39be | 0x118 |
norm | 0x39d8 | 0x119 |
normf | 0x39ec | 0x11a |
norml | 0x3a01 | 0x11b |
pow | 0x3a14 | 0x11c |
powf | 0x3a26 | 0x11d |
remainder | 0x3a3e | 0x11e |
remainderf | 0x3a5c | 0x11f |
remainderl | 0x3a7b | 0x120 |
remquo | 0x3a96 | 0x121 |
remquof | 0x3aae | 0x122 |
remquol | 0x3ac7 | 0x123 |
rint | 0x3add | 0x124 |
rintf | 0x3af1 | 0x125 |
rintl | 0x3b06 | 0x126 |
round | 0x3b1b | 0x127 |
roundf | 0x3b31 | 0x128 |
roundl | 0x3b48 | 0x129 |
scalbln | 0x3b60 | 0x12a |
scalblnf | 0x3b7a | 0x12b |
scalblnl | 0x3b95 | 0x12c |
scalbn | 0x3bae | 0x12d |
scalbnf | 0x3bc6 | 0x12e |
scalbnl | 0x3bdf | 0x12f |
sin | 0x3bf4 | 0x130 |
sinh | 0x3c06 | 0x131 |
sqrt | 0x3c19 | 0x132 |
tan | 0x3c2b | 0x133 |
tanh | 0x3c3d | 0x134 |
tgamma | 0x3c52 | 0x135 |
tgammaf | 0x3c6a | 0x136 |
tgammal | 0x3c83 | 0x137 |
trunc | 0x3c9a | 0x138 |
truncf | 0x3cb0 | 0x139 |
truncl | 0x3cc7 | 0x13a |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x2400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2054-08-12 16:00:10+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x2204 | 0x2400 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.68 |
.rsrc | 0x10004000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x2600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
__p__mbcasemap | 0x193b | 0x1 |
__p__mbctype | 0x1960 | 0x2 |
_ismbbalnum | 0x1982 | 0x3 |
_ismbbalnum_l | 0x19a5 | 0x4 |
_ismbbalpha | 0x19c8 | 0x5 |
_ismbbalpha_l | 0x19eb | 0x6 |
_ismbbblank | 0x1a0e | 0x7 |
_ismbbblank_l | 0x1a31 | 0x8 |
_ismbbgraph | 0x1a54 | 0x9 |
_ismbbgraph_l | 0x1a77 | 0xa |
_ismbbkalnum | 0x1a9b | 0xb |
_ismbbkalnum_l | 0x1ac0 | 0xc |
_ismbbkana | 0x1ae3 | 0xd |
_ismbbkana_l | 0x1b04 | 0xe |
_ismbbkprint | 0x1b27 | 0xf |
_ismbbkprint_l | 0x1b4c | 0x10 |
_ismbbkpunct | 0x1b71 | 0x11 |
_ismbbkpunct_l | 0x1b96 | 0x12 |
_ismbblead | 0x1bb9 | 0x13 |
_ismbblead_l | 0x1bda | 0x14 |
_ismbbprint | 0x1bfc | 0x15 |
_ismbbprint_l | 0x1c1f | 0x16 |
_ismbbpunct | 0x1c42 | 0x17 |
_ismbbpunct_l | 0x1c65 | 0x18 |
_ismbbtrail | 0x1c88 | 0x19 |
_ismbbtrail_l | 0x1cab | 0x1a |
_ismbcalnum | 0x1cce | 0x1b |
_ismbcalnum_l | 0x1cf1 | 0x1c |
_ismbcalpha | 0x1d14 | 0x1d |
_ismbcalpha_l | 0x1d37 | 0x1e |
_ismbcblank | 0x1d5a | 0x1f |
_ismbcblank_l | 0x1d7d | 0x20 |
_ismbcdigit | 0x1da0 | 0x21 |
_ismbcdigit_l | 0x1dc3 | 0x22 |
_ismbcgraph | 0x1de6 | 0x23 |
_ismbcgraph_l | 0x1e09 | 0x24 |
_ismbchira | 0x1e2b | 0x25 |
_ismbchira_l | 0x1e4c | 0x26 |
_ismbckata | 0x1e6d | 0x27 |
_ismbckata_l | 0x1e8e | 0x28 |
_ismbcl0 | 0x1ead | 0x29 |
_ismbcl0_l | 0x1eca | 0x2a |
_ismbcl1 | 0x1ee7 | 0x2b |
_ismbcl1_l | 0x1f04 | 0x2c |
_ismbcl2 | 0x1f21 | 0x2d |
_ismbcl2_l | 0x1f3e | 0x2e |
_ismbclegal | 0x1f5e | 0x2f |
_ismbclegal_l | 0x1f81 | 0x30 |
_ismbclower | 0x1fa4 | 0x31 |
_ismbclower_l | 0x1fc7 | 0x32 |
_ismbcprint | 0x1fea | 0x33 |
_ismbcprint_l | 0x200d | 0x34 |
_ismbcpunct | 0x2030 | 0x35 |
_ismbcpunct_l | 0x2053 | 0x36 |
_ismbcspace | 0x2076 | 0x37 |
_ismbcspace_l | 0x2099 | 0x38 |
_ismbcsymbol | 0x20bd | 0x39 |
_ismbcsymbol_l | 0x20e2 | 0x3a |
_ismbcupper | 0x2106 | 0x3b |
_ismbcupper_l | 0x2129 | 0x3c |
_ismbslead | 0x214b | 0x3d |
_ismbslead_l | 0x216c | 0x3e |
_ismbstrail | 0x218e | 0x3f |
_ismbstrail_l | 0x21b1 | 0x40 |
_mbbtombc | 0x21d2 | 0x41 |
_mbbtombc_l | 0x21f1 | 0x42 |
_mbbtype | 0x220f | 0x43 |
_mbbtype_l | 0x222c | 0x44 |
_mbcasemap | 0x224b | 0x45 |
_mbccpy | 0x2267 | 0x46 |
_mbccpy_l | 0x2282 | 0x47 |
_mbccpy_s | 0x229f | 0x48 |
_mbccpy_s_l | 0x22be | 0x49 |
_mbcjistojms | 0x22e0 | 0x4a |
_mbcjistojms_l | 0x2305 | 0x4b |
_mbcjmstojis | 0x232a | 0x4c |
_mbcjmstojis_l | 0x234f | 0x4d |
_mbclen | 0x236f | 0x4e |
_mbclen_l | 0x238a | 0x4f |
_mbctohira | 0x23a8 | 0x50 |
_mbctohira_l | 0x23c9 | 0x51 |
_mbctokata | 0x23ea | 0x52 |
_mbctokata_l | 0x240b | 0x53 |
_mbctolower | 0x242d | 0x54 |
_mbctolower_l | 0x2450 | 0x55 |
_mbctombb | 0x2471 | 0x56 |
_mbctombb_l | 0x2490 | 0x57 |
_mbctoupper | 0x24b1 | 0x58 |
_mbctoupper_l | 0x24d4 | 0x59 |
_mblen_l | 0x24f4 | 0x5a |
_mbsbtype | 0x2510 | 0x5b |
_mbsbtype_l | 0x252f | 0x5c |
_mbscat_s | 0x254e | 0x5d |
_mbscat_s_l | 0x256d | 0x5e |
_mbschr | 0x258a | 0x5f |
_mbschr_l | 0x25a5 | 0x60 |
_mbscmp | 0x25c0 | 0x61 |
_mbscmp_l | 0x25db | 0x62 |
_mbscoll | 0x25f7 | 0x63 |
_mbscoll_l | 0x2614 | 0x64 |
_mbscpy_s | 0x2632 | 0x65 |
_mbscpy_s_l | 0x2651 | 0x66 |
_mbscspn | 0x266f | 0x67 |
_mbscspn_l | 0x268c | 0x68 |
_mbsdec | 0x26a8 | 0x69 |
_mbsdec_l | 0x26c3 | 0x6a |
_mbsdup | 0x26de | 0x6b |
_mbsicmp | 0x26f8 | 0x6c |
_mbsicmp_l | 0x2715 | 0x6d |
_mbsicoll | 0x2733 | 0x6e |
_mbsicoll_l | 0x2752 | 0x6f |
_mbsinc | 0x276f | 0x70 |
_mbsinc_l | 0x278a | 0x71 |
_mbslen | 0x27a5 | 0x72 |
_mbslen_l | 0x27c0 | 0x73 |
_mbslwr | 0x27db | 0x74 |
_mbslwr_l | 0x27f6 | 0x75 |
_mbslwr_s | 0x2813 | 0x76 |
_mbslwr_s_l | 0x2832 | 0x77 |
_mbsnbcat | 0x2851 | 0x78 |
_mbsnbcat_l | 0x2870 | 0x79 |
_mbsnbcat_s | 0x2891 | 0x7a |
_mbsnbcat_s_l | 0x28b4 | 0x7b |
_mbsnbcmp | 0x28d5 | 0x7c |
_mbsnbcmp_l | 0x28f4 | 0x7d |
_mbsnbcnt | 0x2913 | 0x7e |
_mbsnbcnt_l | 0x2932 | 0x7f |
_mbsnbcoll | 0x2952 | 0x80 |
_mbsnbcoll_l | 0x2973 | 0x81 |
_mbsnbcpy | 0x2993 | 0x82 |
_mbsnbcpy_l | 0x29b2 | 0x83 |
_mbsnbcpy_s | 0x29d3 | 0x84 |
_mbsnbcpy_s_l | 0x29f6 | 0x85 |
_mbsnbicmp | 0x2a18 | 0x86 |
_mbsnbicmp_l | 0x2a39 | 0x87 |
_mbsnbicoll | 0x2a5b | 0x88 |
_mbsnbicoll_l | 0x2a7e | 0x89 |
_mbsnbset | 0x2a9f | 0x8a |
_mbsnbset_l | 0x2abe | 0x8b |
_mbsnbset_s | 0x2adf | 0x8c |
_mbsnbset_s_l | 0x2b02 | 0x8d |
_mbsncat | 0x2b22 | 0x8e |
_mbsncat_l | 0x2b3f | 0x8f |
_mbsncat_s | 0x2b5e | 0x90 |
_mbsncat_s_l | 0x2b7f | 0x91 |
_mbsnccnt | 0x2b9f | 0x92 |
_mbsnccnt_l | 0x2bbe | 0x93 |
_mbsncmp | 0x2bdc | 0x94 |
_mbsncmp_l | 0x2bf9 | 0x95 |
_mbsncoll | 0x2c17 | 0x96 |
_mbsncoll_l | 0x2c36 | 0x97 |
_mbsncpy | 0x2c54 | 0x98 |
_mbsncpy_l | 0x2c71 | 0x99 |
_mbsncpy_s | 0x2c90 | 0x9a |
_mbsncpy_s_l | 0x2cb1 | 0x9b |
_mbsnextc | 0x2cd1 | 0x9c |
_mbsnextc_l | 0x2cf0 | 0x9d |
_mbsnicmp | 0x2d0f | 0x9e |
_mbsnicmp_l | 0x2d2e | 0x9f |
_mbsnicoll | 0x2d4e | 0xa0 |
_mbsnicoll_l | 0x2d6f | 0xa1 |
_mbsninc | 0x2d8e | 0xa2 |
_mbsninc_l | 0x2dab | 0xa3 |
_mbsnlen | 0x2dc8 | 0xa4 |
_mbsnlen_l | 0x2de5 | 0xa5 |
_mbsnset | 0x2e02 | 0xa6 |
_mbsnset_l | 0x2e1f | 0xa7 |
_mbsnset_s | 0x2e3e | 0xa8 |
_mbsnset_s_l | 0x2e5f | 0xa9 |
_mbspbrk | 0x2e7e | 0xaa |
_mbspbrk_l | 0x2e9b | 0xab |
_mbsrchr | 0x2eb8 | 0xac |
_mbsrchr_l | 0x2ed5 | 0xad |
_mbsrev | 0x2ef1 | 0xae |
_mbsrev_l | 0x2f0c | 0xaf |
_mbsset | 0x2f27 | 0xb0 |
_mbsset_l | 0x2f42 | 0xb1 |
_mbsset_s | 0x2f5f | 0xb2 |
_mbsset_s_l | 0x2f7e | 0xb3 |
_mbsspn | 0x2f9b | 0xb4 |
_mbsspn_l | 0x2fb6 | 0xb5 |
_mbsspnp | 0x2fd2 | 0xb6 |
_mbsspnp_l | 0x2fef | 0xb7 |
_mbsstr | 0x300b | 0xb8 |
_mbsstr_l | 0x3026 | 0xb9 |
_mbstok | 0x3041 | 0xba |
_mbstok_l | 0x305c | 0xbb |
_mbstok_s | 0x3079 | 0xbc |
_mbstok_s_l | 0x3098 | 0xbd |
_mbstowcs_l | 0x30b9 | 0xbe |
_mbstowcs_s_l | 0x30dc | 0xbf |
_mbstrlen | 0x30fd | 0xc0 |
_mbstrlen_l | 0x311c | 0xc1 |
_mbstrnlen | 0x313c | 0xc2 |
_mbstrnlen_l | 0x315d | 0xc3 |
_mbsupr | 0x317b | 0xc4 |
_mbsupr_l | 0x3196 | 0xc5 |
_mbsupr_s | 0x31b3 | 0xc6 |
_mbsupr_s_l | 0x31d2 | 0xc7 |
_mbtowc_l | 0x31f1 | 0xc8 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0xda00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1996-03-31 17:57:49+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
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OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
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Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_CreateFrameInfo | 0x3ee3 | 0x1 |
_CxxThrowException | 0x3f10 | 0x2 |
_EH_prolog | 0x3f37 | 0x3 |
_FindAndUnlinkFrame | 0x3f5f | 0x4 |
_IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed | 0x3f9c | 0x5 |
_NLG_Dispatch2 | 0x3fd4 | 0x6 |
_NLG_Return | 0x3ff8 | 0x7 |
_NLG_Return2 | 0x401a | 0x8 |
_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback | 0x4056 | 0x9 |
__AdjustPointer | 0x4095 | 0xa |
__BuildCatchObject | 0x40c1 | 0xb |
__BuildCatchObjectHelper | 0x40f6 | 0xc |
__CxxDetectRethrow | 0x412b | 0xd |
__CxxExceptionFilter | 0x415c | 0xe |
__CxxFrameHandler | 0x418c | 0xf |
__CxxFrameHandler2 | 0x41ba | 0x10 |
__CxxFrameHandler3 | 0x41e9 | 0x11 |
__CxxLongjmpUnwind | 0x4218 | 0x12 |
__CxxQueryExceptionSize | 0x424c | 0x13 |
__CxxRegisterExceptionObject | 0x428a | 0x14 |
__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject | 0x42cf | 0x15 |
__DestructExceptionObject | 0x4311 | 0x16 |
__FrameUnwindFilter | 0x4348 | 0x17 |
__GetPlatformExceptionInfo | 0x4380 | 0x18 |
__RTCastToVoid | 0x43b3 | 0x19 |
__RTDynamicCast | 0x43db | 0x1a |
__RTtypeid | 0x43ff | 0x1b |
__TypeMatch | 0x441f | 0x1c |
__current_exception | 0x4448 | 0x1d |
__current_exception_context | 0x4481 | 0x1e |
__dcrt_get_wide_environment_from_os | 0x44ca | 0x1f |
__dcrt_initial_narrow_environment | 0x4519 | 0x20 |
__intrinsic_abnormal_termination | 0x4565 | 0x21 |
__intrinsic_setjmp | 0x45a2 | 0x22 |
__processing_throw | 0x45d1 | 0x23 |
__report_gsfailure | 0x4600 | 0x24 |
__std_exception_copy | 0x4631 | 0x25 |
__std_exception_destroy | 0x4667 | 0x26 |
__std_terminate | 0x4698 | 0x27 |
__std_type_info_compare | 0x46c9 | 0x28 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x4707 | 0x29 |
__std_type_info_hash | 0x4742 | 0x2a |
__std_type_info_name | 0x4775 | 0x2b |
__unDName | 0x479d | 0x2c |
__unDNameEx | 0x47bc | 0x2d |
__uncaught_exception | 0x47e6 | 0x2e |
__uncaught_exceptions | 0x481a | 0x2f |
_chkesp | 0x4841 | 0x30 |
_except_handler2 | 0x4863 | 0x31 |
_except_handler3 | 0x488e | 0x32 |
_except_handler4_common | 0x48c0 | 0x33 |
_get_purecall_handler | 0x48f7 | 0x34 |
_get_unexpected | 0x4926 | 0x35 |
_global_unwind2 | 0x494f | 0x36 |
_is_exception_typeof | 0x497d | 0x37 |
_local_unwind2 | 0x49aa | 0x38 |
_local_unwind4 | 0x49d1 | 0x39 |
_longjmpex | 0x49f4 | 0x3a |
_o__CIacos | 0x4a13 | 0x3b |
_o__CIasin | 0x4a32 | 0x3c |
_o__CIatan | 0x4a51 | 0x3d |
_o__CIatan2 | 0x4a71 | 0x3e |
_o__CIcos | 0x4a90 | 0x3f |
_o__CIcosh | 0x4aae | 0x40 |
_o__CIexp | 0x4acc | 0x41 |
_o__CIfmod | 0x4aea | 0x42 |
_o__CIlog | 0x4b08 | 0x43 |
_o__CIlog10 | 0x4b27 | 0x44 |
_o__CIpow | 0x4b46 | 0x45 |
_o__CIsin | 0x4b63 | 0x46 |
_o__CIsinh | 0x4b81 | 0x47 |
_o__CIsqrt | 0x4ba0 | 0x48 |
_o__CItan | 0x4bbe | 0x49 |
_o__CItanh | 0x4bdc | 0x4a |
_o__Getdays | 0x4bfc | 0x4b |
_o__Getmonths | 0x4c1f | 0x4c |
_o__Gettnames | 0x4c44 | 0x4d |
_o__Strftime | 0x4c68 | 0x4e |
_o__W_Getdays | 0x4c8c | 0x4f |
_o__W_Getmonths | 0x4cb3 | 0x50 |
_o__W_Gettnames | 0x4cdc | 0x51 |
_o__Wcsftime | 0x4d02 | 0x52 |
_o____lc_codepage_func | 0x4d2f | 0x53 |
_o____lc_collate_cp_func | 0x4d68 | 0x54 |
_o____lc_locale_name_func | 0x4da4 | 0x55 |
_o____mb_cur_max_func | 0x4ddd | 0x56 |
_o___acrt_iob_func | 0x4e0f | 0x57 |
_o___conio_common_vcprintf | 0x4e46 | 0x58 |
_o___conio_common_vcprintf_p | 0x4e87 | 0x59 |
_o___conio_common_vcprintf_s | 0x4eca | 0x5a |
_o___conio_common_vcscanf | 0x4f0a | 0x5b |
_o___conio_common_vcwprintf | 0x4f49 | 0x5c |
_o___conio_common_vcwprintf_p | 0x4f8c | 0x5d |
_o___conio_common_vcwprintf_s | 0x4fd1 | 0x5e |
_o___conio_common_vcwscanf | 0x5013 | 0x5f |
_o___daylight | 0x5045 | 0x60 |
_o___dstbias | 0x5069 | 0x61 |
_o___fpe_flt_rounds | 0x5093 | 0x62 |
_o___libm_sse2_acos | 0x50c4 | 0x63 |
_o___libm_sse2_acosf | 0x50f6 | 0x64 |
_o___libm_sse2_asin | 0x5128 | 0x65 |
_o___libm_sse2_asinf | 0x515a | 0x66 |
_o___libm_sse2_atan | 0x518c | 0x67 |
_o___libm_sse2_atan2 | 0x51be | 0x68 |
_o___libm_sse2_atanf | 0x51f1 | 0x69 |
_o___libm_sse2_cos | 0x5222 | 0x6a |
_o___libm_sse2_cosf | 0x5252 | 0x6b |
_o___libm_sse2_exp | 0x5282 | 0x6c |
_o___libm_sse2_expf | 0x52b2 | 0x6d |
_o___libm_sse2_log | 0x52e2 | 0x6e |
_o___libm_sse2_log10 | 0x5313 | 0x6f |
_o___libm_sse2_log10f | 0x5347 | 0x70 |
_o___libm_sse2_logf | 0x537a | 0x71 |
_o___libm_sse2_pow | 0x53aa | 0x72 |
_o___libm_sse2_powf | 0x53da | 0x73 |
_o___libm_sse2_sin | 0x540a | 0x74 |
_o___libm_sse2_sinf | 0x543a | 0x75 |
_o___libm_sse2_tan | 0x546a | 0x76 |
_o___libm_sse2_tanf | 0x549a | 0x77 |
_o___p___argc | 0x54c5 | 0x78 |
_o___p___argv | 0x54ea | 0x79 |
_o___p___wargv | 0x5510 | 0x7a |
_o___p__acmdln | 0x5537 | 0x7b |
_o___p__commode | 0x555f | 0x7c |
_o___p__environ | 0x5588 | 0x7d |
_o___p__fmode | 0x55af | 0x7e |
_o___p__mbcasemap | 0x55d8 | 0x7f |
_o___p__mbctype | 0x5603 | 0x80 |
_o___p__pgmptr | 0x562b | 0x81 |
_o___p__wcmdln | 0x5652 | 0x82 |
_o___p__wenviron | 0x567b | 0x83 |
_o___p__wpgmptr | 0x56a5 | 0x84 |
_o___pctype_func | 0x56cf | 0x85 |
_o___pwctype_func | 0x56fb | 0x86 |
_o___std_exception_copy | 0x572e | 0x87 |
_o___std_exception_destroy | 0x576a | 0x88 |
_o___std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x57ae | 0x89 |
_o___std_type_info_name | 0x57ef | 0x8a |
_o___stdio_common_vfprintf | 0x582b | 0x8b |
_o___stdio_common_vfprintf_p | 0x586c | 0x8c |
_o___stdio_common_vfprintf_s | 0x58af | 0x8d |
_o___stdio_common_vfscanf | 0x58ef | 0x8e |
_o___stdio_common_vfwprintf | 0x592e | 0x8f |
_o___stdio_common_vfwprintf_p | 0x5971 | 0x90 |
_o___stdio_common_vfwprintf_s | 0x59b6 | 0x91 |
_o___stdio_common_vfwscanf | 0x59f8 | 0x92 |
_o___stdio_common_vsnprintf_s | 0x5a3a | 0x93 |
_o___stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s | 0x5a80 | 0x94 |
_o___stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x5ac3 | 0x95 |
_o___stdio_common_vsprintf_p | 0x5b04 | 0x96 |
_o___stdio_common_vsprintf_s | 0x5b47 | 0x97 |
_o___stdio_common_vsscanf | 0x5b87 | 0x98 |
_o___stdio_common_vswprintf | 0x5bc6 | 0x99 |
_o___stdio_common_vswprintf_p | 0x5c09 | 0x9a |
_o___stdio_common_vswprintf_s | 0x5c4e | 0x9b |
_o___stdio_common_vswscanf | 0x5c90 | 0x9c |
_o___timezone | 0x5cc2 | 0x9d |
_o___tzname | 0x5ce5 | 0x9e |
_o___wcserror | 0x5d08 | 0x9f |
_o__access | 0x5d2a | 0xa0 |
_o__access_s | 0x5d4b | 0xa1 |
_o__aligned_free | 0x5d72 | 0xa2 |
_o__aligned_malloc | 0x5d9f | 0xa3 |
_o__aligned_msize | 0x5dcd | 0xa4 |
_o__aligned_offset_malloc | 0x5e02 | 0xa5 |
_o__aligned_offset_realloc | 0x5e40 | 0xa6 |
_o__aligned_offset_recalloc | 0x5e80 | 0xa7 |
_o__aligned_realloc | 0x5eb9 | 0xa8 |
_o__aligned_recalloc | 0x5eeb | 0xa9 |
_o__atodbl | 0x5f14 | 0xaa |
_o__atodbl_l | 0x5f35 | 0xab |
_o__atof_l | 0x5f56 | 0xac |
_o__atoflt | 0x5f75 | 0xad |
_o__atoflt_l | 0x5f96 | 0xae |
_o__atoi64 | 0x5fb7 | 0xaf |
_o__atoi64_l | 0x5fd8 | 0xb0 |
_o__atoi_l | 0x5ff9 | 0xb1 |
_o__atol_l | 0x6018 | 0xb2 |
_o__atoldbl | 0x6038 | 0xb3 |
_o__atoldbl_l | 0x605b | 0xb4 |
_o__atoll_l | 0x607e | 0xb5 |
_o__beep | 0x609c | 0xb6 |
_o__beginthread | 0x60be | 0xb7 |
_o__beginthreadex | 0x60e9 | 0xb8 |
_o__cabs | 0x610d | 0xb9 |
_o__callnewh | 0x612c | 0xba |
_o__calloc_base | 0x6152 | 0xbb |
_o__cexit | 0x6175 | 0xbc |
_o__cgets | 0x6192 | 0xbd |
_o__cgets_s | 0x61b1 | 0xbe |
_o__cgetws | 0x61d1 | 0xbf |
_o__cgetws_s | 0x61f2 | 0xc0 |
_o__chdir | 0x6212 | 0xc1 |
_o__chdrive | 0x6231 | 0xc2 |
_o__chmod | 0x6250 | 0xc3 |
_o__chsize | 0x626e | 0xc4 |
_o__chsize_s | 0x628f | 0xc5 |
_o__close | 0x62af | 0xc6 |
_o__commit | 0x62cd | 0xc7 |
_o__configthreadlocale | 0x62f8 | 0xc8 |
_o__configure_narrow_argv | 0x6332 | 0xc9 |
_o__configure_wide_argv | 0x636d | 0xca |
_o__controlfp_s | 0x639e | 0xcb |
_o__cputs | 0x63c1 | 0xcc |
_o__cputws | 0x63df | 0xcd |
_o__creat | 0x63fd | 0xce |
_o__create_locale | 0x6422 | 0xcf |
_o__crt_atexit | 0x644c | 0xd0 |
_o__ctime32_s | 0x6472 | 0xd1 |
_o__ctime64_s | 0x6497 | 0xd2 |
_o__cwait | 0x64b8 | 0xd3 |
_o__d_int | 0x64d5 | 0xd4 |
_o__dclass | 0x64f3 | 0xd5 |
_o__difftime32 | 0x6516 | 0xd6 |
_o__difftime64 | 0x653d | 0xd7 |
_o__dlog | 0x655e | 0xd8 |
_o__dnorm | 0x657a | 0xd9 |
_o__dpcomp | 0x6598 | 0xda |
_o__dpoly | 0x65b6 | 0xdb |
_o__dscale | 0x65d4 | 0xdc |
_o__dsign | 0x65f2 | 0xdd |
_o__dsin | 0x660e | 0xde |
_o__dtest | 0x662a | 0xdf |
_o__dunscale | 0x664a | 0xe0 |
_o__dup | 0x6668 | 0xe1 |
_o__dup2 | 0x6682 | 0xe2 |
_o__dupenv_s | 0x66a1 | 0xe3 |
_o__ecvt | 0x66c0 | 0xe4 |
_o__ecvt_s | 0x66dd | 0xe5 |
_o__endthread | 0x66ff | 0xe6 |
_o__endthreadex | 0x6726 | 0xe7 |
_o__eof | 0x6747 | 0xe8 |
_o__errno | 0x6762 | 0xe9 |
_o__except1 | 0x6781 | 0xea |
_o__execute_onexit_table | 0x67af | 0xeb |
_o__execv | 0x67db | 0xec |
_o__execve | 0x67f9 | 0xed |
_o__execvp | 0x6818 | 0xee |
_o__execvpe | 0x6838 | 0xef |
_o__exit | 0x6856 | 0xf0 |
_o__expand | 0x6873 | 0xf1 |
_o__fclose_nolock | 0x6899 | 0xf2 |
_o__fcloseall | 0x68c2 | 0xf3 |
_o__fcvt | 0x68e2 | 0xf4 |
_o__fcvt_s | 0x68ff | 0xf5 |
_o__fd_int | 0x691e | 0xf6 |
_o__fdclass | 0x693e | 0xf7 |
_o__fdexp | 0x695d | 0xf8 |
_o__fdlog | 0x697a | 0xf9 |
_o__fdopen | 0x6998 | 0xfa |
_o__fdpcomp | 0x69b8 | 0xfb |
_o__fdpoly | 0x69d8 | 0xfc |
_o__fdscale | 0x69f8 | 0xfd |
_o__fdsign | 0x6a18 | 0xfe |
_o__fdsin | 0x6a36 | 0xff |
_o__fflush_nolock | 0x6a5b | 0x100 |
_o__fgetc_nolock | 0x6a87 | 0x101 |
_o__fgetchar | 0x6aae | 0x102 |
_o__fgetwc_nolock | 0x6ad6 | 0x103 |
_o__fgetwchar | 0x6aff | 0x104 |
_o__filelength | 0x6b25 | 0x105 |
_o__filelengthi64 | 0x6b4f | 0x106 |
_o__fileno | 0x6b75 | 0x107 |
_o__findclose | 0x6b97 | 0x108 |
_o__findfirst32 | 0x6bbe | 0x109 |
_o__findfirst32i64 | 0x6bea | 0x10a |
_o__findfirst64 | 0x6c16 | 0x10b |
_o__findfirst64i32 | 0x6c42 | 0x10c |
_o__findnext32 | 0x6c6d | 0x10d |
_o__findnext32i64 | 0x6c97 | 0x10e |
_o__findnext64 | 0x6cc1 | 0x10f |
_o__findnext64i32 | 0x6ceb | 0x110 |
_o__flushall | 0x6d13 | 0x111 |
_o__fpclass | 0x6d35 | 0x112 |
_o__fputc_nolock | 0x6d5b | 0x113 |
_o__fputchar | 0x6d82 | 0x114 |
_o__fputwc_nolock | 0x6daa | 0x115 |
_o__fputwchar | 0x6dd3 | 0x116 |
_o__fread_nolock | 0x6dfb | 0x117 |
_o__fread_nolock_s | 0x6e28 | 0x118 |
_o__free_base | 0x6e52 | 0x119 |
_o__free_locale | 0x6e79 | 0x11a |
_o__fseek_nolock | 0x6ea3 | 0x11b |
_o__fseeki64 | 0x6eca | 0x11c |
_o__fseeki64_nolock | 0x6ef4 | 0x11d |
_o__fsopen | 0x6f1c | 0x11e |
_o__fstat32 | 0x6f3c | 0x11f |
_o__fstat32i64 | 0x6f60 | 0x120 |
_o__fstat64 | 0x6f84 | 0x121 |
_o__fstat64i32 | 0x6fa8 | 0x122 |
_o__ftell_nolock | 0x6fd1 | 0x123 |
_o__ftelli64 | 0x6ff8 | 0x124 |
_o__ftelli64_nolock | 0x7022 | 0x125 |
_o__ftime32 | 0x704b | 0x126 |
_o__ftime32_s | 0x706e | 0x127 |
_o__ftime64 | 0x7091 | 0x128 |
_o__ftime64_s | 0x70b4 | 0x129 |
_o__fullpath | 0x70d8 | 0x12a |
_o__futime32 | 0x70fb | 0x12b |
_o__futime64 | 0x711e | 0x12c |
_o__fwrite_nolock | 0x7146 | 0x12d |
_o__gcvt | 0x716a | 0x12e |
_o__gcvt_s | 0x7187 | 0x12f |
_o__get_daylight | 0x71ac | 0x130 |
_o__get_doserrno | 0x71d7 | 0x131 |
_o__get_dstbias | 0x7201 | 0x132 |
_o__get_errno | 0x7228 | 0x133 |
_o__get_fmode | 0x724d | 0x134 |
_o__get_heap_handle | 0x7278 | 0x135 |
_o__get_initial_narrow_environment | 0x72b8 | 0x136 |
_o__get_initial_wide_environment | 0x7305 | 0x137 |
_o__get_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x7351 | 0x138 |
_o__get_narrow_winmain_command_line | 0x73a0 | 0x139 |
_o__get_osfhandle | 0x73df | 0x13a |
_o__get_pgmptr | 0x7409 | 0x13b |
_o__get_stream_buffer_pointers | 0x7440 | 0x13c |
_o__get_terminate | 0x747a | 0x13d |
_o__get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x74c4 | 0x13e |
_o__get_timezone | 0x750d | 0x13f |
_o__get_tzname | 0x7536 | 0x140 |
_o__get_wide_winmain_command_line | 0x7570 | 0x141 |
_o__get_wpgmptr | 0x75ab | 0x142 |
_o__getc_nolock | 0x75d4 | 0x143 |
_o__getch | 0x75f7 | 0x144 |
_o__getch_nolock | 0x761b | 0x145 |
_o__getche | 0x7640 | 0x146 |
_o__getche_nolock | 0x7666 | 0x147 |
_o__getcwd | 0x768c | 0x148 |
_o__getdcwd | 0x76ac | 0x149 |
_o__getdiskfree | 0x76d1 | 0x14a |
_o__getdllprocaddr | 0x76fd | 0x14b |
_o__getdrive | 0x7726 | 0x14c |
_o__getdrives | 0x774a | 0x14d |
_o__getmbcp | 0x776d | 0x14e |
_o__getsystime | 0x7791 | 0x14f |
_o__getw | 0x77b2 | 0x150 |
_o__getwc_nolock | 0x77d5 | 0x151 |
_o__getwch | 0x77fa | 0x152 |
_o__getwch_nolock | 0x7820 | 0x153 |
_o__getwche | 0x7847 | 0x154 |
_o__getwche_nolock | 0x786f | 0x155 |
_o__getws | 0x7895 | 0x156 |
_o__getws_s | 0x78b4 | 0x157 |
_o__gmtime32 | 0x78d6 | 0x158 |
_o__gmtime32_s | 0x78fb | 0x159 |
_o__gmtime64 | 0x7920 | 0x15a |
_o__gmtime64_s | 0x7945 | 0x15b |
_o__heapchk | 0x7969 | 0x15c |
_o__heapmin | 0x798a | 0x15d |
_o__hypot | 0x79a9 | 0x15e |
_o__hypotf | 0x79c7 | 0x15f |
_o__i64toa | 0x79e6 | 0x160 |
_o__i64toa_s | 0x7a07 | 0x161 |
_o__i64tow | 0x7a28 | 0x162 |
_o__i64tow_s | 0x7a49 | 0x163 |
_o__initialize_narrow_environment | 0x7a81 | 0x164 |
_o__initialize_onexit_table | 0x7ac8 | 0x165 |
_o__initialize_wide_environment | 0x7b0d | 0x166 |
_o__invalid_parameter_noinfo | 0x7b53 | 0x167 |
_o__invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn | 0x7b9f | 0x168 |
_o__isatty | 0x7bd9 | 0x169 |
_o__isctype | 0x7bf9 | 0x16a |
_o__isctype_l | 0x7c1c | 0x16b |
_o__isleadbyte_l | 0x7c44 | 0x16c |
_o__ismbbalnum | 0x7c6d | 0x16d |
_o__ismbbalnum_l | 0x7c96 | 0x16e |
_o__ismbbalpha | 0x7cbf | 0x16f |
_o__ismbbalpha_l | 0x7ce8 | 0x170 |
_o__ismbbblank | 0x7d11 | 0x171 |
_o__ismbbblank_l | 0x7d3a | 0x172 |
_o__ismbbgraph | 0x7d63 | 0x173 |
_o__ismbbgraph_l | 0x7d8c | 0x174 |
_o__ismbbkalnum | 0x7db6 | 0x175 |
_o__ismbbkalnum_l | 0x7de1 | 0x176 |
_o__ismbbkana | 0x7e0a | 0x177 |
_o__ismbbkana_l | 0x7e31 | 0x178 |
_o__ismbbkprint | 0x7e5a | 0x179 |
_o__ismbbkprint_l | 0x7e85 | 0x17a |
_o__ismbbkpunct | 0x7eb0 | 0x17b |
_o__ismbbkpunct_l | 0x7edb | 0x17c |
_o__ismbblead | 0x7f04 | 0x17d |
_o__ismbblead_l | 0x7f2b | 0x17e |
_o__ismbbprint | 0x7f53 | 0x17f |
_o__ismbbprint_l | 0x7f7c | 0x180 |
_o__ismbbpunct | 0x7fa5 | 0x181 |
_o__ismbbpunct_l | 0x7fce | 0x182 |
_o__ismbbtrail | 0x7ff7 | 0x183 |
_o__ismbbtrail_l | 0x8020 | 0x184 |
_o__ismbcalnum | 0x8049 | 0x185 |
_o__ismbcalnum_l | 0x8072 | 0x186 |
_o__ismbcalpha | 0x809b | 0x187 |
_o__ismbcalpha_l | 0x80c4 | 0x188 |
_o__ismbcblank | 0x80ed | 0x189 |
_o__ismbcblank_l | 0x8116 | 0x18a |
_o__ismbcdigit | 0x813f | 0x18b |
_o__ismbcdigit_l | 0x8168 | 0x18c |
_o__ismbcgraph | 0x8191 | 0x18d |
_o__ismbcgraph_l | 0x81ba | 0x18e |
_o__ismbchira | 0x81e2 | 0x18f |
_o__ismbchira_l | 0x8209 | 0x190 |
_o__ismbckata | 0x8230 | 0x191 |
_o__ismbckata_l | 0x8257 | 0x192 |
_o__ismbcl0 | 0x827c | 0x193 |
_o__ismbcl0_l | 0x829f | 0x194 |
_o__ismbcl1 | 0x82c2 | 0x195 |
_o__ismbcl1_l | 0x82e5 | 0x196 |
_o__ismbcl2 | 0x8308 | 0x197 |
_o__ismbcl2_l | 0x832b | 0x198 |
_o__ismbclegal | 0x8351 | 0x199 |
_o__ismbclegal_l | 0x837a | 0x19a |
_o__ismbclower | 0x83a3 | 0x19b |
_o__ismbclower_l | 0x83cc | 0x19c |
_o__ismbcprint | 0x83f5 | 0x19d |
_o__ismbcprint_l | 0x841e | 0x19e |
_o__ismbcpunct | 0x8447 | 0x19f |
_o__ismbcpunct_l | 0x8470 | 0x1a0 |
_o__ismbcspace | 0x8499 | 0x1a1 |
_o__ismbcspace_l | 0x84c2 | 0x1a2 |
_o__ismbcsymbol | 0x84ec | 0x1a3 |
_o__ismbcsymbol_l | 0x8517 | 0x1a4 |
_o__ismbcupper | 0x8541 | 0x1a5 |
_o__ismbcupper_l | 0x856a | 0x1a6 |
_o__ismbslead | 0x8592 | 0x1a7 |
_o__ismbslead_l | 0x85b9 | 0x1a8 |
_o__ismbstrail | 0x85e1 | 0x1a9 |
_o__ismbstrail_l | 0x860a | 0x1aa |
_o__iswctype_l | 0x8633 | 0x1ab |
_o__itoa | 0x8654 | 0x1ac |
_o__itoa_s | 0x8671 | 0x1ad |
_o__itow | 0x868e | 0x1ae |
_o__itow_s | 0x86ab | 0x1af |
_o__j0 | 0x86c6 | 0x1b0 |
_o__j1 | 0x86dd | 0x1b1 |
_o__jn | 0x86f4 | 0x1b2 |
_o__kbhit | 0x870e | 0x1b3 |
_o__ld_int | 0x872c | 0x1b4 |
_o__ldclass | 0x874c | 0x1b5 |
_o__ldexp | 0x876b | 0x1b6 |
_o__ldlog | 0x8788 | 0x1b7 |
_o__ldpcomp | 0x87a7 | 0x1b8 |
_o__ldpoly | 0x87c7 | 0x1b9 |
_o__ldscale | 0x87e7 | 0x1ba |
_o__ldsign | 0x8807 | 0x1bb |
_o__ldsin | 0x8825 | 0x1bc |
_o__ldtest | 0x8843 | 0x1bd |
_o__ldunscale | 0x8865 | 0x1be |
_o__lfind | 0x8886 | 0x1bf |
_o__lfind_s | 0x88a5 | 0x1c0 |
_o__libm_sse2_acos_precise | 0x88d5 | 0x1c1 |
_o__libm_sse2_asin_precise | 0x8914 | 0x1c2 |
_o__libm_sse2_atan_precise | 0x8953 | 0x1c3 |
_o__libm_sse2_cos_precise | 0x8991 | 0x1c4 |
_o__libm_sse2_exp_precise | 0x89ce | 0x1c5 |
_o__libm_sse2_log10_precise | 0x8a0d | 0x1c6 |
_o__libm_sse2_log_precise | 0x8a4c | 0x1c7 |
_o__libm_sse2_pow_precise | 0x8a89 | 0x1c8 |
_o__libm_sse2_sin_precise | 0x8ac6 | 0x1c9 |
_o__libm_sse2_sqrt_precise | 0x8b04 | 0x1ca |
_o__libm_sse2_tan_precise | 0x8b42 | 0x1cb |
_o__loaddll | 0x8b71 | 0x1cc |
_o__localtime32 | 0x8b96 | 0x1cd |
_o__localtime32_s | 0x8bc1 | 0x1ce |
_o__localtime64 | 0x8bec | 0x1cf |
_o__localtime64_s | 0x8c17 | 0x1d0 |
_o__lock_file | 0x8c40 | 0x1d1 |
_o__locking | 0x8c63 | 0x1d2 |
_o__logb | 0x8c81 | 0x1d3 |
_o__lsearch | 0x8c9f | 0x1d4 |
_o__lsearch_s | 0x8cc2 | 0x1d5 |
_o__lseek | 0x8ce3 | 0x1d6 |
_o__lseeki64 | 0x8d03 | 0x1d7 |
_o__ltoa | 0x8d22 | 0x1d8 |
_o__ltoa_s | 0x8d3f | 0x1d9 |
_o__ltow | 0x8d5c | 0x1da |
_o__ltow_s | 0x8d79 | 0x1db |
_o__makepath | 0x8d9a | 0x1dc |
_o__makepath_s | 0x8dbf | 0x1dd |
_o__malloc_base | 0x8de7 | 0x1de |
_o__mbbtombc | 0x8e0d | 0x1df |
_o__mbbtombc_l | 0x8e32 | 0x1e0 |
_o__mbbtype | 0x8e56 | 0x1e1 |
_o__mbbtype_l | 0x8e79 | 0x1e2 |
_o__mbccpy | 0x8e9b | 0x1e3 |
_o__mbccpy_l | 0x8ebc | 0x1e4 |
_o__mbccpy_s | 0x8edf | 0x1e5 |
_o__mbccpy_s_l | 0x8f04 | 0x1e6 |
_o__mbcjistojms | 0x8f2c | 0x1e7 |
_o__mbcjistojms_l | 0x8f57 | 0x1e8 |
_o__mbcjmstojis | 0x8f82 | 0x1e9 |
_o__mbcjmstojis_l | 0x8fad | 0x1ea |
_o__mbclen | 0x8fd3 | 0x1eb |
_o__mbclen_l | 0x8ff4 | 0x1ec |
_o__mbctohira | 0x9018 | 0x1ed |
_o__mbctohira_l | 0x903f | 0x1ee |
_o__mbctokata | 0x9066 | 0x1ef |
_o__mbctokata_l | 0x908d | 0x1f0 |
_o__mbctolower | 0x90b5 | 0x1f1 |
_o__mbctolower_l | 0x90de | 0x1f2 |
_o__mbctombb | 0x9105 | 0x1f3 |
_o__mbctombb_l | 0x912a | 0x1f4 |
_o__mbctoupper | 0x9151 | 0x1f5 |
_o__mbctoupper_l | 0x917a | 0x1f6 |
_o__mblen_l | 0x91a0 | 0x1f7 |
_o__mbsbtype | 0x91c2 | 0x1f8 |
_o__mbsbtype_l | 0x91e7 | 0x1f9 |
_o__mbscat_s | 0x920c | 0x1fa |
_o__mbscat_s_l | 0x9231 | 0x1fb |
_o__mbschr | 0x9254 | 0x1fc |
_o__mbschr_l | 0x9275 | 0x1fd |
_o__mbscmp | 0x9296 | 0x1fe |
_o__mbscmp_l | 0x92b7 | 0x1ff |
_o__mbscoll | 0x92d9 | 0x200 |
_o__mbscoll_l | 0x92fc | 0x201 |
_o__mbscpy_s | 0x9320 | 0x202 |
_o__mbscpy_s_l | 0x9345 | 0x203 |
_o__mbscspn | 0x9369 | 0x204 |
_o__mbscspn_l | 0x938c | 0x205 |
_o__mbsdec | 0x93ae | 0x206 |
_o__mbsdec_l | 0x93cf | 0x207 |
_o__mbsicmp | 0x93f1 | 0x208 |
_o__mbsicmp_l | 0x9414 | 0x209 |
_o__mbsicoll | 0x9438 | 0x20a |
_o__mbsicoll_l | 0x945d | 0x20b |
_o__mbsinc | 0x9480 | 0x20c |
_o__mbsinc_l | 0x94a1 | 0x20d |
_o__mbslen | 0x94c2 | 0x20e |
_o__mbslen_l | 0x94e3 | 0x20f |
_o__mbslwr | 0x9504 | 0x210 |
_o__mbslwr_l | 0x9525 | 0x211 |
_o__mbslwr_s | 0x9548 | 0x212 |
_o__mbslwr_s_l | 0x956d | 0x213 |
_o__mbsnbcat | 0x9592 | 0x214 |
_o__mbsnbcat_l | 0x95b7 | 0x215 |
_o__mbsnbcat_s | 0x95de | 0x216 |
_o__mbsnbcat_s_l | 0x9607 | 0x217 |
_o__mbsnbcmp | 0x962e | 0x218 |
_o__mbsnbcmp_l | 0x9653 | 0x219 |
_o__mbsnbcnt | 0x9678 | 0x21a |
_o__mbsnbcnt_l | 0x969d | 0x21b |
_o__mbsnbcoll | 0x96c3 | 0x21c |
_o__mbsnbcoll_l | 0x96ea | 0x21d |
_o__mbsnbcpy | 0x9710 | 0x21e |
_o__mbsnbcpy_l | 0x9735 | 0x21f |
_o__mbsnbcpy_s | 0x975c | 0x220 |
_o__mbsnbcpy_s_l | 0x9785 | 0x221 |
_o__mbsnbicmp | 0x97ad | 0x222 |
_o__mbsnbicmp_l | 0x97d4 | 0x223 |
_o__mbsnbicoll | 0x97fc | 0x224 |
_o__mbsnbicoll_l | 0x9825 | 0x225 |
_o__mbsnbset | 0x984c | 0x226 |
_o__mbsnbset_l | 0x9871 | 0x227 |
_o__mbsnbset_s | 0x9898 | 0x228 |
_o__mbsnbset_s_l | 0x98c1 | 0x229 |
_o__mbsncat | 0x98e7 | 0x22a |
_o__mbsncat_l | 0x990a | 0x22b |
_o__mbsncat_s | 0x992f | 0x22c |
_o__mbsncat_s_l | 0x9956 | 0x22d |
_o__mbsnccnt | 0x997c | 0x22e |
_o__mbsnccnt_l | 0x99a1 | 0x22f |
_o__mbsncmp | 0x99c5 | 0x230 |
_o__mbsncmp_l | 0x99e8 | 0x231 |
_o__mbsncoll | 0x9a0c | 0x232 |
_o__mbsncoll_l | 0x9a31 | 0x233 |
_o__mbsncpy | 0x9a55 | 0x234 |
_o__mbsncpy_l | 0x9a78 | 0x235 |
_o__mbsncpy_s | 0x9a9d | 0x236 |
_o__mbsncpy_s_l | 0x9ac4 | 0x237 |
_o__mbsnextc | 0x9aea | 0x238 |
_o__mbsnextc_l | 0x9b0f | 0x239 |
_o__mbsnicmp | 0x9b34 | 0x23a |
_o__mbsnicmp_l | 0x9b59 | 0x23b |
_o__mbsnicoll | 0x9b7f | 0x23c |
_o__mbsnicoll_l | 0x9ba6 | 0x23d |
_o__mbsninc | 0x9bcb | 0x23e |
_o__mbsninc_l | 0x9bee | 0x23f |
_o__mbsnlen | 0x9c11 | 0x240 |
_o__mbsnlen_l | 0x9c34 | 0x241 |
_o__mbsnset | 0x9c57 | 0x242 |
_o__mbsnset_l | 0x9c7a | 0x243 |
_o__mbsnset_s | 0x9c9f | 0x244 |
_o__mbsnset_s_l | 0x9cc6 | 0x245 |
_o__mbspbrk | 0x9ceb | 0x246 |
_o__mbspbrk_l | 0x9d0e | 0x247 |
_o__mbsrchr | 0x9d31 | 0x248 |
_o__mbsrchr_l | 0x9d54 | 0x249 |
_o__mbsrev | 0x9d76 | 0x24a |
_o__mbsrev_l | 0x9d97 | 0x24b |
_o__mbsset | 0x9db8 | 0x24c |
_o__mbsset_l | 0x9dd9 | 0x24d |
_o__mbsset_s | 0x9dfc | 0x24e |
_o__mbsset_s_l | 0x9e21 | 0x24f |
_o__mbsspn | 0x9e44 | 0x250 |
_o__mbsspn_l | 0x9e65 | 0x251 |
_o__mbsspnp | 0x9e87 | 0x252 |
_o__mbsspnp_l | 0x9eaa | 0x253 |
_o__mbsstr | 0x9ecc | 0x254 |
_o__mbsstr_l | 0x9eed | 0x255 |
_o__mbstok | 0x9f0e | 0x256 |
_o__mbstok_l | 0x9f2f | 0x257 |
_o__mbstok_s | 0x9f52 | 0x258 |
_o__mbstok_s_l | 0x9f77 | 0x259 |
_o__mbstowcs_l | 0x9f9e | 0x25a |
_o__mbstowcs_s_l | 0x9fc7 | 0x25b |
_o__mbstrlen | 0x9fee | 0x25c |
_o__mbstrlen_l | 0xa013 | 0x25d |
_o__mbstrnlen | 0xa039 | 0x25e |
_o__mbstrnlen_l | 0xa060 | 0x25f |
_o__mbsupr | 0xa084 | 0x260 |
_o__mbsupr_l | 0xa0a5 | 0x261 |
_o__mbsupr_s | 0xa0c8 | 0x262 |
_o__mbsupr_s_l | 0xa0ed | 0x263 |
_o__mbtowc_l | 0xa112 | 0x264 |
_o__memicmp | 0xa134 | 0x265 |
_o__memicmp_l | 0xa157 | 0x266 |
_o__mkdir | 0xa178 | 0x267 |
_o__mkgmtime32 | 0xa19a | 0x268 |
_o__mkgmtime64 | 0xa1c1 | 0x269 |
_o__mktemp | 0xa1e4 | 0x26a |
_o__mktemp_s | 0xa205 | 0x26b |
_o__mktime32 | 0xa228 | 0x26c |
_o__mktime64 | 0xa24b | 0x26d |
_o__msize | 0xa26b | 0x26e |
_o__nextafter | 0xa28c | 0x26f |
_o__open_osfhandle | 0xa2b6 | 0x270 |
_o__pclose | 0xa2dd | 0x271 |
_o__pipe | 0xa2fa | 0x272 |
_o__popen | 0xa316 | 0x273 |
_o__purecall | 0xa336 | 0x274 |
_o__putc_nolock | 0xa35c | 0x275 |
_o__putch | 0xa37f | 0x276 |
_o__putch_nolock | 0xa3a3 | 0x277 |
_o__putenv | 0xa3c8 | 0x278 |
_o__putenv_s | 0xa3e9 | 0x279 |
_o__putw | 0xa408 | 0x27a |
_o__putwc_nolock | 0xa42b | 0x27b |
_o__putwch | 0xa450 | 0x27c |
_o__putwch_nolock | 0xa476 | 0x27d |
_o__putws | 0xa49b | 0x27e |
_o__read | 0xa4b7 | 0x27f |
_o__realloc_base | 0xa4da | 0x280 |
_o__recalloc | 0xa501 | 0x281 |
_o__register_onexit_function | 0xa534 | 0x282 |
_o__resetstkoflw | 0xa56b | 0x283 |
_o__rmdir | 0xa58f | 0x284 |
_o__rmtmp | 0xa5ac | 0x285 |
_o__scalb | 0xa5c9 | 0x286 |
_o__searchenv | 0xa5ea | 0x287 |
_o__searchenv_s | 0xa611 | 0x288 |
_o__seh_filter_dll | 0xa63d | 0x289 |
_o__seh_filter_exe | 0xa66c | 0x28a |
_o__set_abort_behavior | 0xa69f | 0x28b |
_o__set_app_type | 0xa6d0 | 0x28c |
_o__set_doserrno | 0xa6fb | 0x28d |
_o__set_errno | 0xa723 | 0x28e |
_o__set_fmode | 0xa748 | 0x28f |
_o__set_invalid_parameter_handler | 0xa781 | 0x290 |
_o__set_new_handler | 0xa7c0 | 0x291 |
_o__set_new_mode | 0xa7ee | 0x292 |
_o__set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0xa837 | 0x293 |
_o__seterrormode | 0xa880 | 0x294 |
_o__setmbcp | 0xa8a6 | 0x295 |
_o__setmode | 0xa8c7 | 0x296 |
_o__setsystime | 0xa8eb | 0x297 |
_o__sleep | 0xa90d | 0x298 |
_o__sopen | 0xa92a | 0x299 |
_o__sopen_dispatch | 0xa950 | 0x29a |
_o__sopen_s | 0xa978 | 0x29b |
_o__spawnv | 0xa998 | 0x29c |
_o__spawnve | 0xa9b8 | 0x29d |
_o__spawnvp | 0xa9d9 | 0x29e |
_o__spawnvpe | 0xa9fb | 0x29f |
_o__splitpath | 0xaa1f | 0x2a0 |
_o__splitpath_s | 0xaa46 | 0x2a1 |
_o__stat32 | 0xaa6a | 0x2a2 |
_o__stat32i64 | 0xaa8c | 0x2a3 |
_o__stat64 | 0xaaae | 0x2a4 |
_o__stat64i32 | 0xaad0 | 0x2a5 |
_o__strcoll_l | 0xaaf5 | 0x2a6 |
_o__strdate | 0xab18 | 0x2a7 |
_o__strdate_s | 0xab3b | 0x2a8 |
_o__strdup | 0xab5d | 0x2a9 |
_o__strerror | 0xab7e | 0x2aa |
_o__strerror_s | 0xaba3 | 0x2ab |
_o__strftime_l | 0xabca | 0x2ac |
_o__stricmp | 0xabee | 0x2ad |
_o__stricmp_l | 0xac11 | 0x2ae |
_o__stricoll | 0xac35 | 0x2af |
_o__stricoll_l | 0xac5a | 0x2b0 |
_o__strlwr | 0xac7d | 0x2b1 |
_o__strlwr_l | 0xac9e | 0x2b2 |
_o__strlwr_s | 0xacc1 | 0x2b3 |
_o__strlwr_s_l | 0xace6 | 0x2b4 |
_o__strncoll | 0xad0b | 0x2b5 |
_o__strncoll_l | 0xad30 | 0x2b6 |
_o__strnicmp | 0xad55 | 0x2b7 |
_o__strnicmp_l | 0xad7a | 0x2b8 |
_o__strnicoll | 0xada0 | 0x2b9 |
_o__strnicoll_l | 0xadc7 | 0x2ba |
_o__strnset_s | 0xadee | 0x2bb |
_o__strset_s | 0xae12 | 0x2bc |
_o__strtime | 0xae34 | 0x2bd |
_o__strtime_s | 0xae57 | 0x2be |
_o__strtod_l | 0xae7b | 0x2bf |
_o__strtof_l | 0xae9e | 0x2c0 |
_o__strtoi64 | 0xaec1 | 0x2c1 |
_o__strtoi64_l | 0xaee6 | 0x2c2 |
_o__strtol_l | 0xaf0b | 0x2c3 |
_o__strtold_l | 0xaf2f | 0x2c4 |
_o__strtoll_l | 0xaf54 | 0x2c5 |
_o__strtoui64 | 0xaf79 | 0x2c6 |
_o__strtoui64_l | 0xafa0 | 0x2c7 |
_o__strtoul_l | 0xafc7 | 0x2c8 |
_o__strtoull_l | 0xafed | 0x2c9 |
_o__strupr | 0xb010 | 0x2ca |
_o__strupr_l | 0xb031 | 0x2cb |
_o__strupr_s | 0xb054 | 0x2cc |
_o__strupr_s_l | 0xb079 | 0x2cd |
_o__strxfrm_l | 0xb09f | 0x2ce |
_o__swab | 0xb0bf | 0x2cf |
_o__tell | 0xb0da | 0x2d0 |
_o__telli64 | 0xb0f8 | 0x2d1 |
_o__timespec32_get | 0xb120 | 0x2d2 |
_o__timespec64_get | 0xb14f | 0x2d3 |
_o__tolower | 0xb177 | 0x2d4 |
_o__tolower_l | 0xb19a | 0x2d5 |
_o__toupper | 0xb1bd | 0x2d6 |
_o__toupper_l | 0xb1e0 | 0x2d7 |
_o__towlower_l | 0xb206 | 0x2d8 |
_o__towupper_l | 0xb22d | 0x2d9 |
_o__tzset | 0xb24f | 0x2da |
_o__ui64toa | 0xb26e | 0x2db |
_o__ui64toa_s | 0xb291 | 0x2dc |
_o__ui64tow | 0xb2b4 | 0x2dd |
_o__ui64tow_s | 0xb2d7 | 0x2de |
_o__ultoa | 0xb2f8 | 0x2df |
_o__ultoa_s | 0xb317 | 0x2e0 |
_o__ultow | 0xb336 | 0x2e1 |
_o__ultow_s | 0xb355 | 0x2e2 |
_o__umask | 0xb374 | 0x2e3 |
_o__umask_s | 0xb393 | 0x2e4 |
_o__ungetc_nolock | 0xb3ba | 0x2e5 |
_o__ungetch | 0xb3e1 | 0x2e6 |
_o__ungetch_nolock | 0xb409 | 0x2e7 |
_o__ungetwc_nolock | 0xb438 | 0x2e8 |
_o__ungetwch | 0xb461 | 0x2e9 |
_o__ungetwch_nolock | 0xb48b | 0x2ea |
_o__unlink | 0xb4b3 | 0x2eb |
_o__unloaddll | 0xb4d5 | 0x2ec |
_o__unlock_file | 0xb4fc | 0x2ed |
_o__utime32 | 0xb521 | 0x2ee |
_o__utime64 | 0xb542 | 0x2ef |
_o__waccess | 0xb563 | 0x2f0 |
_o__waccess_s | 0xb586 | 0x2f1 |
_o__wasctime | 0xb5aa | 0x2f2 |
_o__wasctime_s | 0xb5cf | 0x2f3 |
_o__wchdir | 0xb5f2 | 0x2f4 |
_o__wchmod | 0xb611 | 0x2f5 |
_o__wcreat | 0xb630 | 0x2f6 |
_o__wcreate_locale | 0xb657 | 0x2f7 |
_o__wcscoll_l | 0xb681 | 0x2f8 |
_o__wcsdup | 0xb6a3 | 0x2f9 |
_o__wcserror | 0xb6c4 | 0x2fa |
_o__wcserror_s | 0xb6e9 | 0x2fb |
_o__wcsftime_l | 0xb710 | 0x2fc |
_o__wcsicmp | 0xb734 | 0x2fd |
_o__wcsicmp_l | 0xb757 | 0x2fe |
_o__wcsicoll | 0xb77b | 0x2ff |
_o__wcsicoll_l | 0xb7a0 | 0x300 |
_o__wcslwr | 0xb7c3 | 0x301 |
_o__wcslwr_l | 0xb7e4 | 0x302 |
_o__wcslwr_s | 0xb807 | 0x303 |
_o__wcslwr_s_l | 0xb82c | 0x304 |
_o__wcsncoll | 0xb851 | 0x305 |
_o__wcsncoll_l | 0xb876 | 0x306 |
_o__wcsnicmp | 0xb89b | 0x307 |
_o__wcsnicmp_l | 0xb8c0 | 0x308 |
_o__wcsnicoll | 0xb8e6 | 0x309 |
_o__wcsnicoll_l | 0xb90d | 0x30a |
_o__wcsnset | 0xb932 | 0x30b |
_o__wcsnset_s | 0xb955 | 0x30c |
_o__wcsset | 0xb977 | 0x30d |
_o__wcsset_s | 0xb998 | 0x30e |
_o__wcstod_l | 0xb9bb | 0x30f |
_o__wcstof_l | 0xb9de | 0x310 |
_o__wcstoi64 | 0xba01 | 0x311 |
_o__wcstoi64_l | 0xba26 | 0x312 |
_o__wcstol_l | 0xba4b | 0x313 |
_o__wcstold_l | 0xba6f | 0x314 |
_o__wcstoll_l | 0xba94 | 0x315 |
_o__wcstombs_l | 0xbaba | 0x316 |
_o__wcstombs_s_l | 0xbae3 | 0x317 |
_o__wcstoui64 | 0xbb0b | 0x318 |
_o__wcstoui64_l | 0xbb32 | 0x319 |
_o__wcstoul_l | 0xbb59 | 0x31a |
_o__wcstoull_l | 0xbb7f | 0x31b |
_o__wcsupr | 0xbba2 | 0x31c |
_o__wcsupr_l | 0xbbc3 | 0x31d |
_o__wcsupr_s | 0xbbe6 | 0x31e |
_o__wcsupr_s_l | 0xbc0b | 0x31f |
_o__wcsxfrm_l | 0xbc31 | 0x320 |
_o__wctime32 | 0xbc55 | 0x321 |
_o__wctime32_s | 0xbc7a | 0x322 |
_o__wctime64 | 0xbc9f | 0x323 |
_o__wctime64_s | 0xbcc4 | 0x324 |
_o__wctomb_l | 0xbce9 | 0x325 |
_o__wctomb_s_l | 0xbd0e | 0x326 |
_o__wdupenv_s | 0xbd34 | 0x327 |
_o__wexecv | 0xbd56 | 0x328 |
_o__wexecve | 0xbd76 | 0x329 |
_o__wexecvp | 0xbd97 | 0x32a |
_o__wexecvpe | 0xbdb9 | 0x32b |
_o__wfdopen | 0xbddb | 0x32c |
_o__wfindfirst32 | 0xbe01 | 0x32d |
_o__wfindfirst32i64 | 0xbe2f | 0x32e |
_o__wfindfirst64 | 0xbe5d | 0x32f |
_o__wfindfirst64i32 | 0xbe8b | 0x330 |
_o__wfindnext32 | 0xbeb8 | 0x331 |
_o__wfindnext32i64 | 0xbee4 | 0x332 |
_o__wfindnext64 | 0xbf10 | 0x333 |
_o__wfindnext64i32 | 0xbf3c | 0x334 |
_o__wfopen | 0xbf63 | 0x335 |
_o__wfopen_s | 0xbf84 | 0x336 |
_o__wfreopen | 0xbfa7 | 0x337 |
_o__wfreopen_s | 0xbfcc | 0x338 |
_o__wfsopen | 0xbff0 | 0x339 |
_o__wfullpath | 0xc013 | 0x33a |
_o__wgetcwd | 0xc036 | 0x33b |
_o__wgetdcwd | 0xc058 | 0x33c |
_o__wgetenv | 0xc07a | 0x33d |
_o__wgetenv_s | 0xc09d | 0x33e |
_o__wmakepath | 0xc0c2 | 0x33f |
_o__wmakepath_s | 0xc0e9 | 0x340 |
_o__wmkdir | 0xc10d | 0x341 |
_o__wmktemp | 0xc12d | 0x342 |
_o__wmktemp_s | 0xc150 | 0x343 |
_o__wperror | 0xc173 | 0x344 |
_o__wpopen | 0xc193 | 0x345 |
_o__wputenv | 0xc1b3 | 0x346 |
_o__wputenv_s | 0xc1d6 | 0x347 |
_o__wremove | 0xc1f9 | 0x348 |
_o__wrename | 0xc21a | 0x349 |
_o__write | 0xc239 | 0x34a |
_o__wrmdir | 0xc257 | 0x34b |
_o__wsearchenv | 0xc27a | 0x34c |
_o__wsearchenv_s | 0xc2a3 | 0x34d |
_o__wsetlocale | 0xc2cc | 0x34e |
_o__wsopen_dispatch | 0xc2f8 | 0x34f |
_o__wsopen_s | 0xc322 | 0x350 |
_o__wspawnv | 0xc344 | 0x351 |
_o__wspawnve | 0xc366 | 0x352 |
_o__wspawnvp | 0xc389 | 0x353 |
_o__wspawnvpe | 0xc3ad | 0x354 |
_o__wsplitpath | 0xc3d3 | 0x355 |
_o__wsplitpath_s | 0xc3fc | 0x356 |
_o__wstat32 | 0xc422 | 0x357 |
_o__wstat32i64 | 0xc446 | 0x358 |
_o__wstat64 | 0xc46a | 0x359 |
_o__wstat64i32 | 0xc48e | 0x35a |
_o__wstrdate | 0xc4b3 | 0x35b |
_o__wstrdate_s | 0xc4d8 | 0x35c |
_o__wstrtime | 0xc4fd | 0x35d |
_o__wstrtime_s | 0xc522 | 0x35e |
_o__wsystem | 0xc546 | 0x35f |
_o__wtmpnam_s | 0xc569 | 0x360 |
_o__wtof | 0xc589 | 0x361 |
_o__wtof_l | 0xc5a6 | 0x362 |
_o__wtoi | 0xc5c3 | 0x363 |
_o__wtoi64 | 0xc5e0 | 0x364 |
_o__wtoi64_l | 0xc601 | 0x365 |
_o__wtoi_l | 0xc622 | 0x366 |
_o__wtol | 0xc63f | 0x367 |
_o__wtol_l | 0xc65c | 0x368 |
_o__wtoll | 0xc67a | 0x369 |
_o__wtoll_l | 0xc699 | 0x36a |
_o__wunlink | 0xc6ba | 0x36b |
_o__wutime32 | 0xc6dc | 0x36c |
_o__wutime64 | 0xc6ff | 0x36d |
_o__y0 | 0xc71c | 0x36e |
_o__y1 | 0xc733 | 0x36f |
_o__yn | 0xc74a | 0x370 |
_o_abort | 0xc763 | 0x371 |
_o_acos | 0xc77d | 0x372 |
_o_acosh | 0xc797 | 0x373 |
_o_acoshf | 0xc7b3 | 0x374 |
_o_acoshl | 0xc7d0 | 0x375 |
_o_asctime | 0xc7ee | 0x376 |
_o_asctime_s | 0xc80f | 0x377 |
_o_asin | 0xc82d | 0x378 |
_o_asinh | 0xc847 | 0x379 |
_o_asinhf | 0xc863 | 0x37a |
_o_asinhl | 0xc880 | 0x37b |
_o_atan | 0xc89b | 0x37c |
_o_atan2 | 0xc8b5 | 0x37d |
_o_atanh | 0xc8d0 | 0x37e |
_o_atanhf | 0xc8ec | 0x37f |
_o_atanhl | 0xc909 | 0x380 |
_o_atof | 0xc924 | 0x381 |
_o_atoi | 0xc93d | 0x382 |
_o_atol | 0xc956 | 0x383 |
_o_atoll | 0xc970 | 0x384 |
_o_bsearch | 0xc98d | 0x385 |
_o_bsearch_s | 0xc9ae | 0x386 |
_o_btowc | 0xc9cd | 0x387 |
_o_calloc | 0xc9e9 | 0x388 |
_o_cbrt | 0xca04 | 0x389 |
_o_cbrtf | 0xca1e | 0x38a |
_o_ceil | 0xca38 | 0x38b |
_o_clearerr | 0xca55 | 0x38c |
_o_clearerr_s | 0xca78 | 0x38d |
_o_cos | 0xca96 | 0x38e |
_o_cosh | 0xcaae | 0x38f |
_o_erf | 0xcac6 | 0x390 |
_o_erfc | 0xcade | 0x391 |
_o_erfcf | 0xcaf8 | 0x392 |
_o_erfcl | 0xcb13 | 0x393 |
_o_erff | 0xcb2d | 0x394 |
_o_erfl | 0xcb46 | 0x395 |
_o_exit | 0xcb5f | 0x396 |
_o_exp | 0xcb77 | 0x397 |
_o_exp2 | 0xcb8f | 0x398 |
_o_exp2f | 0xcba9 | 0x399 |
_o_exp2l | 0xcbc4 | 0x39a |
_o_fabs | 0xcbde | 0x39b |
_o_fclose | 0xcbf9 | 0x39c |
_o_feof | 0xcc14 | 0x39d |
_o_ferror | 0xcc2f | 0x39e |
_o_fflush | 0xcc4c | 0x39f |
_o_fgetc | 0xcc68 | 0x3a0 |
_o_fgetpos | 0xcc85 | 0x3a1 |
_o_fgets | 0xcca2 | 0x3a2 |
_o_fgetwc | 0xccbe | 0x3a3 |
_o_fgetws | 0xccdb | 0x3a4 |
_o_floor | 0xccf7 | 0x3a5 |
_o_fma | 0xcd10 | 0x3a6 |
_o_fmaf | 0xcd28 | 0x3a7 |
_o_fmal | 0xcd41 | 0x3a8 |
_o_fmod | 0xcd5a | 0x3a9 |
_o_fopen | 0xcd74 | 0x3aa |
_o_fopen_s | 0xcd91 | 0x3ab |
_o_fputc | 0xcdae | 0x3ac |
_o_fputs | 0xcdc9 | 0x3ad |
_o_fputwc | 0xcde5 | 0x3ae |
_o_fputws | 0xce02 | 0x3af |
_o_fread | 0xce1e | 0x3b0 |
_o_fread_s | 0xce3b | 0x3b1 |
_o_free | 0xce57 | 0x3b2 |
_o_freopen | 0xce73 | 0x3b3 |
_o_freopen_s | 0xce94 | 0x3b4 |
_o_frexp | 0xceb3 | 0x3b5 |
_o_fseek | 0xcece | 0x3b6 |
_o_fsetpos | 0xceeb | 0x3b7 |
_o_ftell | 0xcf08 | 0x3b8 |
_o_fwrite | 0xcf24 | 0x3b9 |
_o_getc | 0xcf3f | 0x3ba |
_o_getchar | 0xcf5b | 0x3bb |
_o_getenv | 0xcf79 | 0x3bc |
_o_getenv_s | 0xcf98 | 0x3bd |
_o_gets | 0xcfb5 | 0x3be |
_o_gets_s | 0xcfd0 | 0x3bf |
_o_getwc | 0xcfec | 0x3c0 |
_o_getwchar | 0xd00a | 0x3c1 |
_o_hypot | 0xd028 | 0x3c2 |
_o_is_wctype | 0xd047 | 0x3c3 |
_o_isalnum | 0xd068 | 0x3c4 |
_o_isalpha | 0xd087 | 0x3c5 |
_o_isblank | 0xd0a6 | 0x3c6 |
_o_iscntrl | 0xd0c5 | 0x3c7 |
_o_isdigit | 0xd0e4 | 0x3c8 |
_o_isgraph | 0xd103 | 0x3c9 |
_o_isleadbyte | 0xd125 | 0x3ca |
_o_islower | 0xd147 | 0x3cb |
_o_isprint | 0xd166 | 0x3cc |
_o_ispunct | 0xd185 | 0x3cd |
_o_isspace | 0xd1a4 | 0x3ce |
_o_isupper | 0xd1c3 | 0x3cf |
_o_iswalnum | 0xd1e3 | 0x3d0 |
_o_iswalpha | 0xd204 | 0x3d1 |
_o_iswascii | 0xd225 | 0x3d2 |
_o_iswblank | 0xd246 | 0x3d3 |
_o_iswcntrl | 0xd267 | 0x3d4 |
_o_iswctype | 0xd288 | 0x3d5 |
_o_iswdigit | 0xd2a9 | 0x3d6 |
_o_iswgraph | 0xd2ca | 0x3d7 |
_o_iswlower | 0xd2eb | 0x3d8 |
_o_iswprint | 0xd30c | 0x3d9 |
_o_iswpunct | 0xd32d | 0x3da |
_o_iswspace | 0xd34e | 0x3db |
_o_iswupper | 0xd36f | 0x3dc |
_o_iswxdigit | 0xd391 | 0x3dd |
_o_isxdigit | 0xd3b3 | 0x3de |
_o_ldexp | 0xd3d1 | 0x3df |
_o_lgamma | 0xd3ed | 0x3e0 |
_o_lgammaf | 0xd40b | 0x3e1 |
_o_lgammal | 0xd42a | 0x3e2 |
_o_llrint | 0xd448 | 0x3e3 |
_o_llrintf | 0xd466 | 0x3e4 |
_o_llrintl | 0xd485 | 0x3e5 |
_o_llround | 0xd4a4 | 0x3e6 |
_o_llroundf | 0xd4c4 | 0x3e7 |
_o_llroundl | 0xd4e5 | 0x3e8 |
_o_localeconv | 0xd508 | 0x3e9 |
_o_log | 0xd526 | 0x3ea |
_o_log10 | 0xd53f | 0x3eb |
_o_log1p | 0xd55a | 0x3ec |
_o_log1pf | 0xd576 | 0x3ed |
_o_log1pl | 0xd593 | 0x3ee |
_o_log2 | 0xd5ae | 0x3ef |
_o_log2f | 0xd5c8 | 0x3f0 |
_o_log2l | 0xd5e3 | 0x3f1 |
_o_logb | 0xd5fd | 0x3f2 |
_o_logbf | 0xd617 | 0x3f3 |
_o_logbl | 0xd632 | 0x3f4 |
_o_lrint | 0xd64d | 0x3f5 |
_o_lrintf | 0xd669 | 0x3f6 |
_o_lrintl | 0xd686 | 0x3f7 |
_o_lround | 0xd6a3 | 0x3f8 |
_o_lroundf | 0xd6c1 | 0x3f9 |
_o_lroundl | 0xd6e0 | 0x3fa |
_o_malloc | 0xd6fe | 0x3fb |
_o_mblen | 0xd71a | 0x3fc |
_o_mbrlen | 0xd736 | 0x3fd |
_o_mbrtoc16 | 0xd755 | 0x3fe |
_o_mbrtoc32 | 0xd776 | 0x3ff |
_o_mbrtowc | 0xd796 | 0x400 |
_o_mbsrtowcs | 0xd7b7 | 0x401 |
_o_mbsrtowcs_s | 0xd7dc | 0x402 |
_o_mbstowcs | 0xd800 | 0x403 |
_o_mbstowcs_s | 0xd823 | 0x404 |
_o_mbtowc | 0xd844 | 0x405 |
_o_memcpy_s | 0xd863 | 0x406 |
_o_memset | 0xd882 | 0x407 |
_o_modf | 0xd89d | 0x408 |
_o_nan | 0xd8b5 | 0x409 |
_o_nanf | 0xd8cd | 0x40a |
_o_nanl | 0xd8e6 | 0x40b |
_o_nearbyint | 0xd904 | 0x40c |
_o_nearbyintf | 0xd928 | 0x40d |
_o_nearbyintl | 0xd94d | 0x40e |
_o_nextafter | 0xd971 | 0x40f |
_o_nextafterf | 0xd995 | 0x410 |
_o_nextafterl | 0xd9ba | 0x411 |
_o_nexttoward | 0xd9df | 0x412 |
_o_nexttowardf | 0xda05 | 0x413 |
_o_nexttowardl | 0xda2c | 0x414 |
_o_pow | 0xda4b | 0x415 |
_o_powf | 0xda63 | 0x416 |
_o_putc | 0xda7c | 0x417 |
_o_putchar | 0xda98 | 0x418 |
_o_puts | 0xdab4 | 0x419 |
_o_putwc | 0xdace | 0x41a |
_o_putwchar | 0xdaec | 0x41b |
_o_qsort | 0xdb0a | 0x41c |
_o_qsort_s | 0xdb27 | 0x41d |
_o_raise | 0xdb44 | 0x41e |
_o_rand | 0xdb5e | 0x41f |
_o_rand_s | 0xdb79 | 0x420 |
_o_realloc | 0xdb97 | 0x421 |
_o_remainder | 0xdbb8 | 0x422 |
_o_remainderf | 0xdbdc | 0x423 |
_o_remainderl | 0xdc01 | 0x424 |
_o_remove | 0xdc22 | 0x425 |
_o_remquo | 0xdc3f | 0x426 |
_o_remquof | 0xdc5d | 0x427 |
_o_remquol | 0xdc7c | 0x428 |
_o_rename | 0xdc9a | 0x429 |
_o_rewind | 0xdcb7 | 0x42a |
_o_rint | 0xdcd2 | 0x42b |
_o_rintf | 0xdcec | 0x42c |
_o_rintl | 0xdd07 | 0x42d |
_o_round | 0xdd22 | 0x42e |
_o_roundf | 0xdd3e | 0x42f |
_o_roundl | 0xdd5b | 0x430 |
_o_scalbln | 0xdd79 | 0x431 |
_o_scalblnf | 0xdd99 | 0x432 |
_o_scalblnl | 0xddba | 0x433 |
_o_scalbn | 0xddd9 | 0x434 |
_o_scalbnf | 0xddf7 | 0x435 |
_o_scalbnl | 0xde16 | 0x436 |
_o_set_terminate | 0xde3b | 0x437 |
_o_setbuf | 0xde5f | 0x438 |
_o_setlocale | 0xde7f | 0x439 |
_o_setvbuf | 0xdea0 | 0x43a |
_o_sin | 0xdebb | 0x43b |
_o_sinh | 0xded3 | 0x43c |
_o_sqrt | 0xdeec | 0x43d |
_o_srand | 0xdf06 | 0x43e |
_o_strcat_s | 0xdf24 | 0x43f |
_o_strcoll | 0xdf44 | 0x440 |
_o_strcpy_s | 0xdf64 | 0x441 |
_o_strerror | 0xdf85 | 0x442 |
_o_strerror_s | 0xdfa8 | 0x443 |
_o_strftime | 0xdfcb | 0x444 |
_o_strncat_s | 0xdfed | 0x445 |
_o_strncpy_s | 0xe010 | 0x446 |
_o_strtod | 0xe030 | 0x447 |
_o_strtof | 0xe04d | 0x448 |
_o_strtok | 0xe06a | 0x449 |
_o_strtok_s | 0xe089 | 0x44a |
_o_strtol | 0xe0a8 | 0x44b |
_o_strtold | 0xe0c6 | 0x44c |
_o_strtoll | 0xe0e5 | 0x44d |
_o_strtoul | 0xe104 | 0x44e |
_o_strtoull | 0xe124 | 0x44f |
_o_system | 0xe143 | 0x450 |
_o_tan | 0xe15d | 0x451 |
_o_tanh | 0xe175 | 0x452 |
_o_terminate | 0xe193 | 0x453 |
_o_tgamma | 0xe1b3 | 0x454 |
_o_tgammaf | 0xe1d1 | 0x455 |
_o_tgammal | 0xe1f0 | 0x456 |
_o_tmpfile_s | 0xe211 | 0x457 |
_o_tmpnam_s | 0xe233 | 0x458 |
_o_tolower | 0xe253 | 0x459 |
_o_toupper | 0xe272 | 0x45a |
_o_towlower | 0xe292 | 0x45b |
_o_towupper | 0xe2b3 | 0x45c |
_o_ungetc | 0xe2d2 | 0x45d |
_o_ungetwc | 0xe2f0 | 0x45e |
_o_wcrtomb | 0xe30f | 0x45f |
_o_wcrtomb_s | 0xe330 | 0x460 |
_o_wcscat_s | 0xe352 | 0x461 |
_o_wcscoll | 0xe372 | 0x462 |
_o_wcscpy | 0xe390 | 0x463 |
_o_wcscpy_s | 0xe3af | 0x464 |
_o_wcsftime | 0xe3d0 | 0x465 |
_o_wcsncat_s | 0xe3f2 | 0x466 |
_o_wcsncpy_s | 0xe415 | 0x467 |
_o_wcsrtombs | 0xe438 | 0x468 |
_o_wcsrtombs_s | 0xe45d | 0x469 |
_o_wcstod | 0xe47f | 0x46a |
_o_wcstof | 0xe49c | 0x46b |
_o_wcstok | 0xe4b9 | 0x46c |
_o_wcstok_s | 0xe4d8 | 0x46d |
_o_wcstol | 0xe4f7 | 0x46e |
_o_wcstold | 0xe515 | 0x46f |
_o_wcstoll | 0xe534 | 0x470 |
_o_wcstombs | 0xe554 | 0x471 |
_o_wcstombs_s | 0xe577 | 0x472 |
_o_wcstoul | 0xe599 | 0x473 |
_o_wcstoull | 0xe5b9 | 0x474 |
_o_wctob | 0xe5d7 | 0x475 |
_o_wctomb | 0xe5f3 | 0x476 |
_o_wctomb_s | 0xe612 | 0x477 |
_o_wmemcpy_s | 0xe634 | 0x478 |
_o_wmemmove_s | 0xe658 | 0x479 |
_purecall | 0xe679 | 0x47a |
_seh_longjmp_unwind | 0xe6a0 | 0x47b |
_seh_longjmp_unwind4 | 0xe6d2 | 0x47c |
_set_purecall_handler | 0xe706 | 0x47d |
_set_se_translator | 0xe738 | 0x47e |
_setjmp3 | 0xe75d | 0x47f |
longjmp | 0xe777 | 0x480 |
memchr | 0xe78f | 0x481 |
memcmp | 0xe7a6 | 0x482 |
memcpy | 0xe7bd | 0x483 |
memmove | 0xe7d5 | 0x484 |
set_unexpected | 0xe7f5 | 0x485 |
strchr | 0xe814 | 0x486 |
strrchr | 0xe82c | 0x487 |
strstr | 0xe844 | 0x488 |
unexpected | 0xe85f | 0x489 |
wcschr | 0xe87a | 0x48a |
wcsrchr | 0xe892 | 0x48b |
wcsstr | 0xe8aa | 0x48c |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x800 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2065-11-29 11:56:28+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x688 | 0x800 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.14 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0xa00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_beep | 0x12c8 | 0x1 |
_cwait | 0x12de | 0x2 |
_execl | 0x12f5 | 0x3 |
_execle | 0x130d | 0x4 |
_execlp | 0x1326 | 0x5 |
_execlpe | 0x1340 | 0x6 |
_execv | 0x1359 | 0x7 |
_execve | 0x1371 | 0x8 |
_execvp | 0x138a | 0x9 |
_execvpe | 0x13a4 | 0xa |
_loaddll | 0x13bf | 0xb |
_spawnl | 0x13d9 | 0xc |
_spawnle | 0x13f3 | 0xd |
_spawnlp | 0x140e | 0xe |
_spawnlpe | 0x142a | 0xf |
_spawnv | 0x1445 | 0x10 |
_spawnve | 0x145f | 0x11 |
_spawnvp | 0x147a | 0x12 |
_spawnvpe | 0x1496 | 0x13 |
_unloaddll | 0x14b4 | 0x14 |
_wexecl | 0x14d0 | 0x15 |
_wexecle | 0x14ea | 0x16 |
_wexeclp | 0x1505 | 0x17 |
_wexeclpe | 0x1521 | 0x18 |
_wexecv | 0x153c | 0x19 |
_wexecve | 0x1556 | 0x1a |
_wexecvp | 0x1571 | 0x1b |
_wexecvpe | 0x158d | 0x1c |
_wspawnl | 0x15a9 | 0x1d |
_wspawnle | 0x15c5 | 0x1e |
_wspawnlp | 0x15e2 | 0x1f |
_wspawnlpe | 0x1600 | 0x20 |
_wspawnv | 0x161d | 0x21 |
_wspawnve | 0x1639 | 0x22 |
_wspawnvp | 0x1656 | 0x23 |
_wspawnvpe | 0x1674 | 0x24 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x1600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 1974-05-31 18:06:00+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x15d5 | 0x1600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.89 |
.rsrc | 0x10003000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_Exit | 0x158e | 0x1 |
__control87_2 | 0x15ab | 0x2 |
__doserrno | 0x15cd | 0x3 |
__fpe_flt_rounds | 0x15f2 | 0x4 |
__fpecode | 0x1616 | 0x5 |
__p___argc | 0x1634 | 0x6 |
__p___argv | 0x1653 | 0x7 |
__p___wargv | 0x1673 | 0x8 |
__p__acmdln | 0x1694 | 0x9 |
__p__pgmptr | 0x16b5 | 0xa |
__p__wcmdln | 0x16d6 | 0xb |
__p__wpgmptr | 0x16f8 | 0xc |
__pxcptinfoptrs | 0x171e | 0xd |
__sys_errlist | 0x1745 | 0xe |
__sys_nerr | 0x1767 | 0xf |
__threadhandle | 0x178a | 0x10 |
__threadid | 0x17ad | 0x11 |
__wcserror | 0x17cc | 0x12 |
__wcserror_s | 0x17ed | 0x13 |
_assert | 0x180b | 0x14 |
_beginthread | 0x1829 | 0x15 |
_beginthreadex | 0x184e | 0x16 |
_c_exit | 0x186e | 0x17 |
_cexit | 0x1886 | 0x18 |
_clearfp | 0x189f | 0x19 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x18c8 | 0x1a |
_configure_wide_argv | 0x18fd | 0x1b |
_control87 | 0x1926 | 0x1c |
_controlfp | 0x1945 | 0x1d |
_controlfp_s | 0x1966 | 0x1e |
_crt_at_quick_exit | 0x198f | 0x1f |
_crt_atexit | 0x19b7 | 0x20 |
_crt_debugger_hook | 0x19df | 0x21 |
_endthread | 0x1a06 | 0x22 |
_endthreadex | 0x1a27 | 0x23 |
_errno | 0x1a44 | 0x24 |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x1a6a | 0x25 |
_exit | 0x1a8f | 0x26 |
_fpieee_flt | 0x1aaa | 0x27 |
_fpreset | 0x1ac8 | 0x28 |
_get_doserrno | 0x1ae8 | 0x29 |
_get_errno | 0x1b0a | 0x2a |
_get_initial_narrow_environment | 0x1b3e | 0x2b |
_get_initial_wide_environment | 0x1b85 | 0x2c |
_get_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x1bcb | 0x2d |
_get_narrow_winmain_command_line | 0x1c14 | 0x2e |
_get_pgmptr | 0x1c4a | 0x2f |
_get_terminate | 0x1c6e | 0x30 |
_get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x1cb2 | 0x31 |
_get_wide_winmain_command_line | 0x1d06 | 0x32 |
_get_wpgmptr | 0x1d3b | 0x33 |
_getdllprocaddr | 0x1d61 | 0x34 |
_getpid | 0x1d82 | 0x35 |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x1db2 | 0x36 |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x1df3 | 0x37 |
_initialize_wide_environment | 0x1e32 | 0x38 |
_initterm | 0x1e62 | 0x39 |
_initterm_e | 0x1e81 | 0x3a |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo | 0x1eb0 | 0x3b |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn | 0x1ef6 | 0x3c |
_invoke_watson | 0x1f31 | 0x3d |
_query_app_type | 0x1f59 | 0x3e |
_register_onexit_function | 0x1f8c | 0x3f |
_register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback | 0x1fda | 0x40 |
_resetstkoflw | 0x201c | 0x41 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x2043 | 0x42 |
_seh_filter_exe | 0x206c | 0x43 |
_set_abort_behavior | 0x2099 | 0x44 |
_set_app_type | 0x20c4 | 0x45 |
_set_controlfp | 0x20ea | 0x46 |
_set_doserrno | 0x2110 | 0x47 |
_set_errno | 0x2132 | 0x48 |
_set_error_mode | 0x2156 | 0x49 |
_set_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x218e | 0x4a |
_set_new_handler | 0x21c7 | 0x4b |
_set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x220d | 0x4c |
_seterrormode | 0x2250 | 0x4d |
_sleep | 0x226e | 0x4e |
_statusfp | 0x2288 | 0x4f |
_statusfp2 | 0x22a6 | 0x50 |
_strerror | 0x22c4 | 0x51 |
_strerror_s | 0x22e3 | 0x52 |
_wassert | 0x2301 | 0x53 |
_wcserror | 0x231d | 0x54 |
_wcserror_s | 0x233c | 0x55 |
_wperror | 0x235a | 0x56 |
_wsystem | 0x2375 | 0x57 |
abort | 0x238d | 0x58 |
exit | 0x23a1 | 0x59 |
feclearexcept | 0x23bd | 0x5a |
fegetenv | 0x23dd | 0x5b |
fegetexceptflag | 0x23ff | 0x5c |
fegetround | 0x2423 | 0x5d |
feholdexcept | 0x2444 | 0x5e |
fesetenv | 0x2463 | 0x5f |
fesetexceptflag | 0x2485 | 0x60 |
fesetround | 0x24a9 | 0x61 |
fetestexcept | 0x24ca | 0x62 |
perror | 0x24e7 | 0x63 |
quick_exit | 0x2502 | 0x64 |
raise | 0x251c | 0x65 |
set_terminate | 0x2539 | 0x66 |
signal | 0x2557 | 0x67 |
strerror | 0x2570 | 0x68 |
strerror_s | 0x258d | 0x69 |
system | 0x25a8 | 0x6a |
terminate | 0x25c2 | 0x6b |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x1c00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2089-07-13 01:51:24+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x1b61 | 0x1c00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.96 |
.rsrc | 0x10003000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
__acrt_iob_func | 0x178e | 0x1 |
__p__commode | 0x17b4 | 0x2 |
__p__fmode | 0x17d5 | 0x3 |
__stdio_common_vfprintf | 0x1801 | 0x4 |
__stdio_common_vfprintf_p | 0x183c | 0x5 |
__stdio_common_vfprintf_s | 0x1879 | 0x6 |
__stdio_common_vfscanf | 0x18b3 | 0x7 |
__stdio_common_vfwprintf | 0x18ec | 0x8 |
__stdio_common_vfwprintf_p | 0x1929 | 0x9 |
__stdio_common_vfwprintf_s | 0x1968 | 0xa |
__stdio_common_vfwscanf | 0x19a4 | 0xb |
__stdio_common_vsnprintf_s | 0x19e0 | 0xc |
__stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s | 0x1a20 | 0xd |
__stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x1a5d | 0xe |
__stdio_common_vsprintf_p | 0x1a98 | 0xf |
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s | 0x1ad5 | 0x10 |
__stdio_common_vsscanf | 0x1b0f | 0x11 |
__stdio_common_vswprintf | 0x1b48 | 0x12 |
__stdio_common_vswprintf_p | 0x1b85 | 0x13 |
__stdio_common_vswprintf_s | 0x1bc4 | 0x14 |
__stdio_common_vswscanf | 0x1c00 | 0x15 |
_chsize | 0x1c29 | 0x16 |
_chsize_s | 0x1c44 | 0x17 |
_close | 0x1c5e | 0x18 |
_commit | 0x1c76 | 0x19 |
_creat | 0x1c8e | 0x1a |
_dup | 0x1ca3 | 0x1b |
_dup2 | 0x1cb7 | 0x1c |
_eof | 0x1ccb | 0x1d |
_fclose_nolock | 0x1ce8 | 0x1e |
_fcloseall | 0x1d0b | 0x1f |
_fflush_nolock | 0x1d2e | 0x20 |
_fgetc_nolock | 0x1d54 | 0x21 |
_fgetchar | 0x1d75 | 0x22 |
_fgetwc_nolock | 0x1d97 | 0x23 |
_fgetwchar | 0x1dba | 0x24 |
_filelength | 0x1dda | 0x25 |
_filelengthi64 | 0x1dfe | 0x26 |
_fileno | 0x1e1e | 0x27 |
_flushall | 0x1e39 | 0x28 |
_fputc_nolock | 0x1e5a | 0x29 |
_fputchar | 0x1e7b | 0x2a |
_fputwc_nolock | 0x1e9d | 0x2b |
_fputwchar | 0x1ec0 | 0x2c |
_fread_nolock | 0x1ee2 | 0x2d |
_fread_nolock_s | 0x1f09 | 0x2e |
_fseek_nolock | 0x1f30 | 0x2f |
_fseeki64 | 0x1f51 | 0x30 |
_fseeki64_nolock | 0x1f75 | 0x31 |
_fsopen | 0x1f97 | 0x32 |
_ftell_nolock | 0x1fb6 | 0x33 |
_ftelli64 | 0x1fd7 | 0x34 |
_ftelli64_nolock | 0x1ffb | 0x35 |
_fwrite_nolock | 0x2024 | 0x36 |
_get_fmode | 0x2047 | 0x37 |
_get_osfhandle | 0x206a | 0x38 |
_get_printf_count_output | 0x209b | 0x39 |
_get_stream_buffer_pointers | 0x20d9 | 0x3a |
_getc_nolock | 0x210b | 0x3b |
_getcwd | 0x2129 | 0x3c |
_getdcwd | 0x2143 | 0x3d |
_getmaxstdio | 0x2162 | 0x3e |
_getw | 0x217e | 0x3f |
_getwc_nolock | 0x219b | 0x40 |
_getws | 0x21b9 | 0x41 |
_getws_s | 0x21d2 | 0x42 |
_isatty | 0x21ec | 0x43 |
_kbhit | 0x2204 | 0x44 |
_locking | 0x221d | 0x45 |
_lseek | 0x2236 | 0x46 |
_lseeki64 | 0x2250 | 0x47 |
_mktemp | 0x226b | 0x48 |
_mktemp_s | 0x2286 | 0x49 |
_open | 0x229f | 0x4a |
_open_osfhandle | 0x22be | 0x4b |
_pclose | 0x22df | 0x4c |
_pipe | 0x22f6 | 0x4d |
_popen | 0x230c | 0x4e |
_putc_nolock | 0x2329 | 0x4f |
_putw | 0x2345 | 0x50 |
_putwc_nolock | 0x2362 | 0x51 |
_putws | 0x2380 | 0x52 |
_read | 0x2396 | 0x53 |
_rmtmp | 0x23ac | 0x54 |
_set_fmode | 0x23c7 | 0x55 |
_set_printf_count_output | 0x23f4 | 0x56 |
_setmaxstdio | 0x2423 | 0x57 |
_setmode | 0x2442 | 0x58 |
_sopen | 0x245b | 0x59 |
_sopen_dispatch | 0x247b | 0x5a |
_sopen_s | 0x249d | 0x5b |
_tell | 0x24b5 | 0x5c |
_telli64 | 0x24cd | 0x5d |
_tempnam | 0x24e8 | 0x5e |
_ungetc_nolock | 0x2509 | 0x5f |
_ungetwc_nolock | 0x2531 | 0x60 |
_wcreat | 0x2552 | 0x61 |
_wfdopen | 0x256c | 0x62 |
_wfopen | 0x2586 | 0x63 |
_wfopen_s | 0x25a1 | 0x64 |
_wfreopen | 0x25be | 0x65 |
_wfreopen_s | 0x25dd | 0x66 |
_wfsopen | 0x25fb | 0x67 |
_wmktemp | 0x2616 | 0x68 |
_wmktemp_s | 0x2633 | 0x69 |
_wopen | 0x264e | 0x6a |
_wpopen | 0x2666 | 0x6b |
_write | 0x267e | 0x6c |
_wsopen | 0x2696 | 0x6d |
_wsopen_dispatch | 0x26b8 | 0x6e |
_wsopen_s | 0x26dc | 0x6f |
_wtempnam | 0x26f9 | 0x70 |
_wtmpnam | 0x2715 | 0x71 |
_wtmpnam_s | 0x2732 | 0x72 |
clearerr | 0x274f | 0x73 |
clearerr_s | 0x276c | 0x74 |
fclose | 0x2787 | 0x75 |
feof | 0x279c | 0x76 |
ferror | 0x27b1 | 0x77 |
fflush | 0x27c8 | 0x78 |
fgetc | 0x27de | 0x79 |
fgetpos | 0x27f5 | 0x7a |
fgets | 0x280c | 0x7b |
fgetwc | 0x2822 | 0x7c |
fgetws | 0x2839 | 0x7d |
fopen | 0x284f | 0x7e |
fopen_s | 0x2866 | 0x7f |
fputc | 0x287d | 0x80 |
fputs | 0x2892 | 0x81 |
fputwc | 0x28a8 | 0x82 |
fputws | 0x28bf | 0x83 |
fread | 0x28d5 | 0x84 |
fread_s | 0x28ec | 0x85 |
freopen | 0x2905 | 0x86 |
freopen_s | 0x2920 | 0x87 |
fseek | 0x2939 | 0x88 |
fsetpos | 0x2950 | 0x89 |
ftell | 0x2967 | 0x8a |
fwrite | 0x297d | 0x8b |
getc | 0x2992 | 0x8c |
getchar | 0x29a8 | 0x8d |
gets | 0x29be | 0x8e |
gets_s | 0x29d3 | 0x8f |
getwc | 0x29e9 | 0x90 |
getwchar | 0x2a01 | 0x91 |
putc | 0x2a18 | 0x92 |
putchar | 0x2a2e | 0x93 |
puts | 0x2a44 | 0x94 |
putwc | 0x2a58 | 0x95 |
putwchar | 0x2a70 | 0x96 |
rewind | 0x2a89 | 0x97 |
setbuf | 0x2aa0 | 0x98 |
setvbuf | 0x2ab8 | 0x99 |
tmpfile | 0x2ad1 | 0x9a |
tmpfile_s | 0x2aec | 0x9b |
tmpnam | 0x2b06 | 0x9c |
tmpnam_s | 0x2b1f | 0x9d |
ungetc | 0x2b38 | 0x9e |
ungetwc | 0x2b50 | 0x9f |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x1c00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2014-06-23 05:32:49+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x1bef | 0x1c00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.9 |
.rsrc | 0x10003000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
__isascii | 0x1857 | 0x1 |
__iscsym | 0x1873 | 0x2 |
__iscsymf | 0x188f | 0x3 |
__iswcsym | 0x18ac | 0x4 |
__iswcsymf | 0x18ca | 0x5 |
__strncnt | 0x18e8 | 0x6 |
__wcsncnt | 0x1905 | 0x7 |
_isalnum_l | 0x1923 | 0x8 |
_isalpha_l | 0x1942 | 0x9 |
_isblank_l | 0x1961 | 0xa |
_iscntrl_l | 0x1980 | 0xb |
_isctype | 0x199d | 0xc |
_isctype_l | 0x19ba | 0xd |
_isdigit_l | 0x19d9 | 0xe |
_isgraph_l | 0x19f8 | 0xf |
_isleadbyte_l | 0x1a1a | 0x10 |
_islower_l | 0x1a3c | 0x11 |
_isprint_l | 0x1a5b | 0x12 |
_ispunct_l | 0x1a7a | 0x13 |
_isspace_l | 0x1a99 | 0x14 |
_isupper_l | 0x1ab8 | 0x15 |
_iswalnum_l | 0x1ad8 | 0x16 |
_iswalpha_l | 0x1af9 | 0x17 |
_iswblank_l | 0x1b1a | 0x18 |
_iswcntrl_l | 0x1b3b | 0x19 |
_iswcsym_l | 0x1b5b | 0x1a |
_iswcsymf_l | 0x1b7b | 0x1b |
_iswctype_l | 0x1b9c | 0x1c |
_iswdigit_l | 0x1bbd | 0x1d |
_iswgraph_l | 0x1bde | 0x1e |
_iswlower_l | 0x1bff | 0x1f |
_iswprint_l | 0x1c20 | 0x20 |
_iswpunct_l | 0x1c41 | 0x21 |
_iswspace_l | 0x1c62 | 0x22 |
_iswupper_l | 0x1c83 | 0x23 |
_iswxdigit_l | 0x1ca5 | 0x24 |
_isxdigit_l | 0x1cc7 | 0x25 |
_memccpy | 0x1ce5 | 0x26 |
_memicmp | 0x1d00 | 0x27 |
_memicmp_l | 0x1d1d | 0x28 |
_strcoll_l | 0x1d3c | 0x29 |
_strdup | 0x1d58 | 0x2a |
_stricmp | 0x1d72 | 0x2b |
_stricmp_l | 0x1d8f | 0x2c |
_stricoll | 0x1dad | 0x2d |
_stricoll_l | 0x1dcc | 0x2e |
_strlwr | 0x1de9 | 0x2f |
_strlwr_l | 0x1e04 | 0x30 |
_strlwr_s | 0x1e21 | 0x31 |
_strlwr_s_l | 0x1e40 | 0x32 |
_strncoll | 0x1e5f | 0x33 |
_strncoll_l | 0x1e7e | 0x34 |
_strnicmp | 0x1e9d | 0x35 |
_strnicmp_l | 0x1ebc | 0x36 |
_strnicoll | 0x1edc | 0x37 |
_strnicoll_l | 0x1efd | 0x38 |
_strnset | 0x1f1c | 0x39 |
_strnset_s | 0x1f39 | 0x3a |
_strrev | 0x1f55 | 0x3b |
_strset | 0x1f6e | 0x3c |
_strset_s | 0x1f89 | 0x3d |
_strupr | 0x1fa4 | 0x3e |
_strupr_l | 0x1fbf | 0x3f |
_strupr_s | 0x1fdc | 0x40 |
_strupr_s_l | 0x1ffb | 0x41 |
_strxfrm_l | 0x201b | 0x42 |
_tolower | 0x2038 | 0x43 |
_tolower_l | 0x2055 | 0x44 |
_toupper | 0x2072 | 0x45 |
_toupper_l | 0x208f | 0x46 |
_towlower_l | 0x20af | 0x47 |
_towupper_l | 0x20d0 | 0x48 |
_wcscoll_l | 0x20f0 | 0x49 |
_wcsdup | 0x210c | 0x4a |
_wcsicmp | 0x2126 | 0x4b |
_wcsicmp_l | 0x2143 | 0x4c |
_wcsicoll | 0x2161 | 0x4d |
_wcsicoll_l | 0x2180 | 0x4e |
_wcslwr | 0x219d | 0x4f |
_wcslwr_l | 0x21b8 | 0x50 |
_wcslwr_s | 0x21d5 | 0x51 |
_wcslwr_s_l | 0x21f4 | 0x52 |
_wcsncoll | 0x2213 | 0x53 |
_wcsncoll_l | 0x2232 | 0x54 |
_wcsnicmp | 0x2251 | 0x55 |
_wcsnicmp_l | 0x2270 | 0x56 |
_wcsnicoll | 0x2290 | 0x57 |
_wcsnicoll_l | 0x22b1 | 0x58 |
_wcsnset | 0x22d0 | 0x59 |
_wcsnset_s | 0x22ed | 0x5a |
_wcsrev | 0x2309 | 0x5b |
_wcsset | 0x2322 | 0x5c |
_wcsset_s | 0x233d | 0x5d |
_wcsupr | 0x2358 | 0x5e |
_wcsupr_l | 0x2373 | 0x5f |
_wcsupr_s | 0x2390 | 0x60 |
_wcsupr_s_l | 0x23af | 0x61 |
_wcsxfrm_l | 0x23cf | 0x62 |
_wctype | 0x23eb | 0x63 |
is_wctype | 0x2406 | 0x64 |
isalnum | 0x2421 | 0x65 |
isalpha | 0x243a | 0x66 |
isblank | 0x2453 | 0x67 |
iscntrl | 0x246c | 0x68 |
isdigit | 0x2485 | 0x69 |
isgraph | 0x249e | 0x6a |
isleadbyte | 0x24ba | 0x6b |
islower | 0x24d6 | 0x6c |
isprint | 0x24ef | 0x6d |
ispunct | 0x2508 | 0x6e |
isspace | 0x2521 | 0x6f |
isupper | 0x253a | 0x70 |
iswalnum | 0x2554 | 0x71 |
iswalpha | 0x256f | 0x72 |
iswascii | 0x258a | 0x73 |
iswblank | 0x25a5 | 0x74 |
iswcntrl | 0x25c0 | 0x75 |
iswctype | 0x25db | 0x76 |
iswdigit | 0x25f6 | 0x77 |
iswgraph | 0x2611 | 0x78 |
iswlower | 0x262c | 0x79 |
iswprint | 0x2647 | 0x7a |
iswpunct | 0x2662 | 0x7b |
iswspace | 0x267d | 0x7c |
iswupper | 0x2698 | 0x7d |
iswxdigit | 0x26b4 | 0x7e |
isxdigit | 0x26d0 | 0x7f |
mblen | 0x26e8 | 0x80 |
mbrlen | 0x26fe | 0x81 |
memcpy_s | 0x2717 | 0x82 |
memmove_s | 0x2733 | 0x83 |
memset | 0x274d | 0x84 |
strcat | 0x2764 | 0x85 |
strcat_s | 0x277d | 0x86 |
strcmp | 0x2796 | 0x87 |
strcoll | 0x27ae | 0x88 |
strcpy | 0x27c6 | 0x89 |
strcpy_s | 0x27df | 0x8a |
strcspn | 0x27f9 | 0x8b |
strlen | 0x2811 | 0x8c |
strncat | 0x2829 | 0x8d |
strncat_s | 0x2844 | 0x8e |
strncmp | 0x285f | 0x8f |
strncpy | 0x2878 | 0x90 |
strncpy_s | 0x2893 | 0x91 |
strnlen | 0x28ae | 0x92 |
strpbrk | 0x28c7 | 0x93 |
strspn | 0x28df | 0x94 |
strtok | 0x28f6 | 0x95 |
strtok_s | 0x290f | 0x96 |
strxfrm | 0x2929 | 0x97 |
tolower | 0x2942 | 0x98 |
toupper | 0x295b | 0x99 |
towctrans | 0x2976 | 0x9a |
towlower | 0x2992 | 0x9b |
towupper | 0x29ad | 0x9c |
wcscat | 0x29c6 | 0x9d |
wcscat_s | 0x29df | 0x9e |
wcscmp | 0x29f8 | 0x9f |
wcscoll | 0x2a10 | 0xa0 |
wcscpy | 0x2a28 | 0xa1 |
wcscpy_s | 0x2a41 | 0xa2 |
wcscspn | 0x2a5b | 0xa3 |
wcslen | 0x2a73 | 0xa4 |
wcsncat | 0x2a8b | 0xa5 |
wcsncat_s | 0x2aa6 | 0xa6 |
wcsncmp | 0x2ac1 | 0xa7 |
wcsncpy | 0x2ada | 0xa8 |
wcsncpy_s | 0x2af5 | 0xa9 |
wcsnlen | 0x2b10 | 0xaa |
wcspbrk | 0x2b29 | 0xab |
wcsspn | 0x2b41 | 0xac |
wcstok | 0x2b58 | 0xad |
wcstok_s | 0x2b71 | 0xae |
wcsxfrm | 0x2b8b | 0xaf |
wctype | 0x2ba3 | 0xb0 |
wmemcpy_s | 0x2bbd | 0xb1 |
wmemmove_s | 0x2bdb | 0xb2 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0xe00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2008-12-22 15:31:44+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0xcbd | 0xe00 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.68 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x1000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_Getdays | 0x1420 | 0x1 |
_Getmonths | 0x143d | 0x2 |
_Gettnames | 0x145c | 0x3 |
_Strftime | 0x147a | 0x4 |
_W_Getdays | 0x1498 | 0x5 |
_W_Getmonths | 0x14b9 | 0x6 |
_W_Gettnames | 0x14dc | 0x7 |
_Wcsftime | 0x14fc | 0x8 |
__daylight | 0x151a | 0x9 |
__dstbias | 0x1538 | 0xa |
__timezone | 0x1556 | 0xb |
__tzname | 0x1573 | 0xc |
_ctime32 | 0x158e | 0xd |
_ctime32_s | 0x15ab | 0xe |
_ctime64 | 0x15c8 | 0xf |
_ctime64_s | 0x15e5 | 0x10 |
_difftime32 | 0x1605 | 0x11 |
_difftime64 | 0x1626 | 0x12 |
_ftime32 | 0x1644 | 0x13 |
_ftime32_s | 0x1661 | 0x14 |
_ftime64 | 0x167e | 0x15 |
_ftime64_s | 0x169b | 0x16 |
_futime32 | 0x16b9 | 0x17 |
_futime64 | 0x16d6 | 0x18 |
_get_daylight | 0x16f7 | 0x19 |
_get_dstbias | 0x171b | 0x1a |
_get_timezone | 0x173f | 0x1b |
_get_tzname | 0x1762 | 0x1c |
_getsystime | 0x1783 | 0x1d |
_gmtime32 | 0x17a2 | 0x1e |
_gmtime32_s | 0x17c1 | 0x1f |
_gmtime64 | 0x17e0 | 0x20 |
_gmtime64_s | 0x17ff | 0x21 |
_localtime32 | 0x1821 | 0x22 |
_localtime32_s | 0x1846 | 0x23 |
_localtime64 | 0x186b | 0x24 |
_localtime64_s | 0x1890 | 0x25 |
_mkgmtime32 | 0x18b4 | 0x26 |
_mkgmtime64 | 0x18d5 | 0x27 |
_mktime32 | 0x18f4 | 0x28 |
_mktime64 | 0x1911 | 0x29 |
_setsystime | 0x1930 | 0x2a |
_strdate | 0x194e | 0x2b |
_strdate_s | 0x196b | 0x2c |
_strftime_l | 0x198b | 0x2d |
_strtime | 0x19a9 | 0x2e |
_strtime_s | 0x19c6 | 0x2f |
_time32 | 0x19e2 | 0x30 |
_time64 | 0x19fb | 0x31 |
_timespec32_get | 0x1a1c | 0x32 |
_timespec64_get | 0x1a45 | 0x33 |
_tzset | 0x1a65 | 0x34 |
_utime32 | 0x1a7e | 0x35 |
_utime64 | 0x1a99 | 0x36 |
_wasctime | 0x1ab5 | 0x37 |
_wasctime_s | 0x1ad4 | 0x38 |
_wcsftime_l | 0x1af5 | 0x39 |
_wctime32 | 0x1b14 | 0x3a |
_wctime32_s | 0x1b33 | 0x3b |
_wctime64 | 0x1b52 | 0x3c |
_wctime64_s | 0x1b71 | 0x3d |
_wstrdate | 0x1b90 | 0x3e |
_wstrdate_s | 0x1baf | 0x3f |
_wstrtime | 0x1bce | 0x40 |
_wstrtime_s | 0x1bed | 0x41 |
_wutime32 | 0x1c0c | 0x42 |
_wutime64 | 0x1c29 | 0x43 |
asctime | 0x1c44 | 0x44 |
asctime_s | 0x1c5f | 0x45 |
clock | 0x1c78 | 0x46 |
strftime | 0x1c90 | 0x47 |
wcsftime | 0x1cab | 0x48 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Size Of Code | 0x600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2105-09-06 09:19:26+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ApiSet Stub DLL |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | apisetstub |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | apisetstub |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x56e | 0x600 | 0x200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 4.51 |
.rsrc | 0x10002000 | 0x3f0 | 0x400 | 0x800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.3 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_abs64 | 0x128d | 0x1 |
_byteswap_uint64 | 0x12ae | 0x2 |
_byteswap_ulong | 0x12d8 | 0x3 |
_byteswap_ushort | 0x1302 | 0x4 |
_lfind | 0x1323 | 0x5 |
_lfind_s | 0x133c | 0x6 |
_lrotl | 0x1355 | 0x7 |
_lrotr | 0x136c | 0x8 |
_lsearch | 0x1385 | 0x9 |
_lsearch_s | 0x13a2 | 0xa |
_rotl | 0x13bc | 0xb |
_rotl64 | 0x13d3 | 0xc |
_rotr | 0x13ea | 0xd |
_rotr64 | 0x1401 | 0xe |
_swab | 0x1418 | 0xf |
abs | 0x142b | 0x10 |
bsearch | 0x1440 | 0x11 |
bsearch_s | 0x145b | 0x12 |
div | 0x1472 | 0x13 |
imaxabs | 0x1487 | 0x14 |
imaxdiv | 0x14a0 | 0x15 |
labs | 0x14b6 | 0x16 |
ldiv | 0x14c9 | 0x17 |
llabs | 0x14dd | 0x18 |
lldiv | 0x14f2 | 0x19 |
qsort | 0x1507 | 0x1a |
qsort_s | 0x151e | 0x1b |
rand | 0x1534 | 0x1c |
rand_s | 0x1549 | 0x1d |
srand | 0x155f | 0x1e |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/freebl3.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2018-04-28 14:11 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-03-24 15:43 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x1003d709 |
Size Of Code | 0x3d200 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x16600 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2018-04-27 21:41:47+00:00 |
BuildID | 20180427210249 |
Comments | - |
CompanyName | Mozilla Foundation |
FileDescription | - |
FileVersion | 59.0.3 |
InternalName | - |
LegalCopyright | License: MPL 2 |
LegalTrademarks | Mozilla |
OriginalFilename | freebl3.dll |
ProductName | Firefox |
ProductVersion | 59.0.3 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x3d055 | 0x3d200 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.61 |
.rdata | 0x1003f000 | 0xfe9c | 0x10000 | 0x3d600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.41 |
.data | 0x1004f000 | 0x486c | 0x400 | 0x4d600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 1.28 |
.rsrc | 0x10054000 | 0x370 | 0x400 | 0x4da00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.87 |
.reloc | 0x10055000 | 0x16c4 | 0x1800 | 0x4de00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.56 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
PORT_GetError_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0bc | 0x4e7e4 | 0x4cde4 | 0x208 |
PR_NewLock | 0x0 | 0x1003f0c0 | 0x4e7e8 | 0x4cde8 | 0x30e |
PR_DestroyLock | 0x0 | 0x1003f0c4 | 0x4e7ec | 0x4cdec | 0x268 |
PR_Lock | 0x0 | 0x1003f0c8 | 0x4e7f0 | 0x4cdf0 | 0x300 |
PR_Unlock | 0x0 | 0x1003f0cc | 0x4e7f4 | 0x4cdf4 | 0x380 |
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0d0 | 0x4e7f8 | 0x4cdf8 | 0x3af |
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0d4 | 0x4e7fc | 0x4cdfc | 0x3b5 |
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0d8 | 0x4e800 | 0x4ce00 | 0x3aa |
PR_NotifyCondVar | 0x0 | 0x1003f0dc | 0x4e804 | 0x4ce04 | 0x31e |
NSS_SecureMemcmpZero | 0x0 | 0x1003f0e0 | 0x4e808 | 0x4ce08 | 0x11b |
PORT_ZAllocAlignedOffset_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0e4 | 0x4e80c | 0x4ce0c | 0x218 |
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0e8 | 0x4e810 | 0x4ce10 | 0x3a8 |
PR_NewCondVar | 0x0 | 0x1003f0ec | 0x4e814 | 0x4ce14 | 0x30d |
PR_DestroyCondVar | 0x0 | 0x1003f0f0 | 0x4e818 | 0x4ce18 | 0x266 |
PR_WaitCondVar | 0x0 | 0x1003f0f4 | 0x4e81c | 0x4ce1c | 0x385 |
PORT_ZAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0f8 | 0x4e820 | 0x4ce20 | 0x219 |
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f0fc | 0x4e824 | 0x4ce24 | 0x3a6 |
PR_NotifyAllCondVar | 0x0 | 0x1003f100 | 0x4e828 | 0x4ce28 | 0x31d |
SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f104 | 0x4e82c | 0x4ce2c | 0x3f6 |
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f108 | 0x4e830 | 0x4ce30 | 0x1f9 |
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f10c | 0x4e834 | 0x4ce34 | 0x201 |
PORT_FreeArena_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f110 | 0x4e838 | 0x4ce38 | 0x205 |
PORT_NewArena_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f114 | 0x4e83c | 0x4ce3c | 0x20b |
NSS_SecureMemcmp | 0x0 | 0x1003f118 | 0x4e840 | 0x4ce40 | 0x11a |
PR_GetEnvSecure | 0x0 | 0x1003f11c | 0x4e844 | 0x4ce44 | 0x2ad |
PR_CallOnce | 0x0 | 0x1003f120 | 0x4e848 | 0x4ce48 | 0x23d |
PORT_SetError_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f124 | 0x4e84c | 0x4ce4c | 0x20f |
PORT_ZFree_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f128 | 0x4e850 | 0x4ce50 | 0x21a |
PORT_Free_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f12c | 0x4e854 | 0x4ce54 | 0x206 |
PORT_Alloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1003f130 | 0x4e858 | 0x4ce58 | 0x1f7 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x1003f008 | 0x4e730 | 0x4cd30 | 0x376 |
InitializeSListHead | 0x0 | 0x1003f00c | 0x4e734 | 0x4cd34 | 0x35a |
DisableThreadLibraryCalls | 0x0 | 0x1003f010 | 0x4e738 | 0x4cd38 | 0x11b |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x1003f014 | 0x4e73c | 0x4cd3c | 0x2e2 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x1003f018 | 0x4e740 | 0x4cd40 | 0x37d |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x1003f01c | 0x4e744 | 0x4cd44 | 0x57c |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1003f020 | 0x4e748 | 0x4cd48 | 0x59d |
GetLogicalDrives | 0x0 | 0x1003f024 | 0x4e74c | 0x4cd4c | 0x261 |
GetVolumeInformationA | 0x0 | 0x1003f028 | 0x4e750 | 0x4cd50 | 0x314 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x1003f02c | 0x4e754 | 0x4cd54 | 0x440 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x1003f030 | 0x4e758 | 0x4cd58 | 0x213 |
GetDiskFreeSpaceA | 0x0 | 0x1003f034 | 0x4e75c | 0x4cd5c | 0x222 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1003f038 | 0x4e760 | 0x4cd60 | 0x55e |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x1003f03c | 0x4e764 | 0x4cd64 | 0x214 |
GetComputerNameA | 0x0 | 0x1003f040 | 0x4e768 | 0x4cd68 | 0x1d8 |
GlobalMemoryStatus | 0x0 | 0x1003f044 | 0x4e76c | 0x4cd6c | 0x331 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x1003f048 | 0x4e770 | 0x4cd70 | 0x300 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x1003f04c | 0x4e774 | 0x4cd74 | 0x218 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SystemFunction036 | 0x0 | 0x1003f000 | 0x4e728 | 0x4cd28 | 0x31f |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
memset | 0x0 | 0x1003f054 | 0x4e77c | 0x4cd7c | 0x48 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x0 | 0x1003f058 | 0x4e780 | 0x4cd80 | 0x25 |
_except_handler4_common | 0x0 | 0x1003f05c | 0x4e784 | 0x4cd84 | 0x35 |
memcmp | 0x0 | 0x1003f060 | 0x4e788 | 0x4cd88 | 0x45 |
memcpy | 0x0 | 0x1003f064 | 0x4e78c | 0x4cd8c | 0x46 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
calloc | 0x0 | 0x1003f06c | 0x4e794 | 0x4cd94 | 0x17 |
free | 0x0 | 0x1003f070 | 0x4e798 | 0x4cd98 | 0x18 |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x1003f074 | 0x4e79c | 0x4cd9c | 0x19 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_strdup | 0x0 | 0x1003f0a4 | 0x4e7cc | 0x4cdcc | 0x29 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_cexit | 0x0 | 0x1003f07c | 0x4e7a4 | 0x4cda4 | 0x17 |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1003f080 | 0x4e7a8 | 0x4cda8 | 0x36 |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x0 | 0x1003f084 | 0x4e7ac | 0x4cdac | 0x35 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x0 | 0x1003f088 | 0x4e7b0 | 0x4cdb0 | 0x19 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x0 | 0x1003f08c | 0x4e7b4 | 0x4cdb4 | 0x41 |
_initterm_e | 0x0 | 0x1003f090 | 0x4e7b8 | 0x4cdb8 | 0x39 |
_initterm | 0x0 | 0x1003f094 | 0x4e7bc | 0x4cdbc | 0x38 |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1003f098 | 0x4e7c0 | 0x4cdc0 | 0x24 |
abort | 0x0 | 0x1003f09c | 0x4e7c4 | 0x4cdc4 | 0x57 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
rand | 0x0 | 0x1003f0b4 | 0x4e7dc | 0x4cddc | 0x1b |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_time64 | 0x0 | 0x1003f0ac | 0x4e7d4 | 0x4cdd4 | 0x30 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
FREEBL_GetVector | 0x1ee90 | 0x1 |
Issued by | Mozilla Corporation |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C 53 96 DC B2 94 9C 70 FA C4 8A B0 8A 07 33 8E |
Thumbprint | B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96 |
Issued by | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 04 09 18 1B 5F D5 BB 66 75 53 43 B5 6F 95 50 08 |
Thumbprint | 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6 |
Issued by | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C E7 E0 E5 17 D8 46 FE 8F E5 60 FC 1B F0 30 39 |
Thumbprint | 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/mozglue.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2018-04-28 14:08 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-03-23 09:46 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x1000cd12 |
Size Of Code | 0x18400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x8400 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2018-04-27 22:06:59+00:00 |
BuildID | 20180427210249 |
Comments | - |
CompanyName | Mozilla Foundation |
FileDescription | - |
FileVersion | 59.0.3 |
InternalName | - |
LegalCopyright | License: MPL 2 |
LegalTrademarks | Mozilla |
OriginalFilename | mozglue.dll |
ProductName | Firefox |
ProductVersion | 59.0.3 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x18214 | 0x18400 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.7 |
.rdata | 0x1001a000 | 0x62ac | 0x6400 | 0x18800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.64 |
.data | 0x10021000 | 0xb98 | 0x200 | 0x1ec00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 0.55 |
.rsrc | 0x10022000 | 0x370 | 0x400 | 0x1ee00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.87 |
.reloc | 0x10023000 | 0xe08 | 0x1000 | 0x1f200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.27 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x1001a010 | 0x1ea88 | 0x1d288 | 0x605 |
OutputDebugStringA | 0x0 | 0x1001a014 | 0x1ea8c | 0x1d28c | 0x40b |
LoadLibraryExA | 0x0 | 0x1001a018 | 0x1ea90 | 0x1d290 | 0x3b7 |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x1001a01c | 0x1ea94 | 0x1d294 | 0x12a |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x1001a020 | 0x1ea98 | 0x1d298 | 0x3b2 |
InitializeCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x1001a024 | 0x1ea9c | 0x1d29c | 0x355 |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x1001a028 | 0x1eaa0 | 0x1d2a0 | 0xc9 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x1001a02c | 0x1eaa4 | 0x1d2a4 | 0x218 |
UnmapViewOfFile | 0x0 | 0x1001a030 | 0x1eaa8 | 0x1d2a8 | 0x5a0 |
GetModuleHandleA | 0x0 | 0x1001a034 | 0x1eaac | 0x1d2ac | 0x26e |
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive | 0x0 | 0x1001a038 | 0x1eab0 | 0x1d2b0 | 0x4a4 |
AcquireSRWLockExclusive | 0x0 | 0x1001a03c | 0x1eab4 | 0x1d2b4 | 0x0 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x1001a040 | 0x1eab8 | 0x1d2b8 | 0x85 |
ReleaseSRWLockShared | 0x0 | 0x1001a044 | 0x1eabc | 0x1d2bc | 0x4a5 |
GetSystemInfo | 0x0 | 0x1001a048 | 0x1eac0 | 0x1d2c0 | 0x2dc |
LoadLibraryW | 0x0 | 0x1001a04c | 0x1eac4 | 0x1d2c4 | 0x3b9 |
VirtualProtectEx | 0x0 | 0x1001a050 | 0x1eac8 | 0x1d2c8 | 0x5bd |
DecodePointer | 0x0 | 0x1001a054 | 0x1eacc | 0x1d2cc | 0x106 |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x1001a058 | 0x1ead0 | 0x1d2d0 | 0x2a7 |
VirtualAllocEx | 0x0 | 0x1001a05c | 0x1ead4 | 0x1d2d4 | 0x5b7 |
AcquireSRWLockShared | 0x0 | 0x1001a060 | 0x1ead8 | 0x1d2d8 | 0x1 |
VerSetConditionMask | 0x0 | 0x1001a064 | 0x1eadc | 0x1d2dc | 0x5b1 |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x1001a068 | 0x1eae0 | 0x1d2e0 | 0x271 |
FlushInstructionCache | 0x0 | 0x1001a06c | 0x1eae4 | 0x1d2e4 | 0x19c |
CreateFileMappingW | 0x0 | 0x1001a070 | 0x1eae8 | 0x1d2e8 | 0xc6 |
MapViewOfFile | 0x0 | 0x1001a074 | 0x1eaec | 0x1d2ec | 0x3d1 |
VirtualQuery | 0x0 | 0x1001a078 | 0x1eaf0 | 0x1d2f0 | 0x5be |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x1001a07c | 0x1eaf4 | 0x1d2f4 | 0x376 |
VirtualFree | 0x0 | 0x1001a080 | 0x1eaf8 | 0x1d2f8 | 0x5b9 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x1001a084 | 0x1eafc | 0x1d2fc | 0x213 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x1001a088 | 0x1eb00 | 0x1d300 | 0x57c |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x1001a08c | 0x1eb04 | 0x1d304 | 0x356 |
GetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x0 | 0x1001a090 | 0x1eb08 | 0x1d308 | 0x232 |
SleepConditionVariableCS | 0x0 | 0x1001a094 | 0x1eb0c | 0x1d30c | 0x56e |
WakeAllConditionVariable | 0x0 | 0x1001a098 | 0x1eb10 | 0x1d310 | 0x5cf |
WakeConditionVariable | 0x0 | 0x1001a09c | 0x1eb14 | 0x1d314 | 0x5d0 |
InitializeConditionVariable | 0x0 | 0x1001a0a0 | 0x1eb18 | 0x1d318 | 0x353 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x1001a0a4 | 0x1eb1c | 0x1d31c | 0x25a |
InitializeCriticalSectionEx | 0x0 | 0x1001a0a8 | 0x1eb20 | 0x1d320 | 0x357 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x1001a0ac | 0x1eb24 | 0x1d324 | 0x10d |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x1001a0b0 | 0x1eb28 | 0x1d328 | 0x5f1 |
SignalObjectAndWait | 0x0 | 0x1001a0b4 | 0x1eb2c | 0x1d32c | 0x56b |
WaitForSingleObject | 0x0 | 0x1001a0b8 | 0x1eb30 | 0x1d330 | 0x5c7 |
SuspendThread | 0x0 | 0x1001a0bc | 0x1eb34 | 0x1d334 | 0x575 |
ResumeThread | 0x0 | 0x1001a0c0 | 0x1eb38 | 0x1d338 | 0x4be |
DuplicateHandle | 0x0 | 0x1001a0c4 | 0x1eb3c | 0x1d33c | 0x128 |
SetEvent | 0x0 | 0x1001a0c8 | 0x1eb40 | 0x1d340 | 0x507 |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x1001a0cc | 0x1eb44 | 0x1d344 | 0x217 |
GetThreadContext | 0x0 | 0x1001a0d0 | 0x1eb48 | 0x1d348 | 0x2f0 |
LocalFree | 0x0 | 0x1001a0d4 | 0x1eb4c | 0x1d34c | 0x3c3 |
FormatMessageA | 0x0 | 0x1001a0d8 | 0x1eb50 | 0x1d350 | 0x1a2 |
CreateEventA | 0x0 | 0x1001a0dc | 0x1eb54 | 0x1d354 | 0xba |
GetSystemTimeAdjustment | 0x0 | 0x1001a0e0 | 0x1eb58 | 0x1d358 | 0x2e1 |
GetTickCount64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a0e4 | 0x1eb5c | 0x1d35c | 0x301 |
QueryPerformanceFrequency | 0x0 | 0x1001a0e8 | 0x1eb60 | 0x1d360 | 0x441 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | 0x0 | 0x1001a0ec | 0x1eb64 | 0x1d364 | 0x578 |
GetSystemTime | 0x0 | 0x1001a0f0 | 0x1eb68 | 0x1d368 | 0x2e0 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x1001a0f4 | 0x1eb6c | 0x1d36c | 0x440 |
GetProcessTimes | 0x0 | 0x1001a0f8 | 0x1eb70 | 0x1d370 | 0x2b7 |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x1001a0fc | 0x1eb74 | 0x1d374 | 0x5bc |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x1001a100 | 0x1eb78 | 0x1d378 | 0x12e |
VerifyVersionInfoA | 0x0 | 0x1001a104 | 0x1eb7c | 0x1d37c | 0x5b4 |
VirtualAlloc | 0x0 | 0x1001a108 | 0x1eb80 | 0x1d380 | 0x5b6 |
SearchPathW | 0x0 | 0x1001a10c | 0x1eb84 | 0x1d384 | 0x4c9 |
InitializeSListHead | 0x0 | 0x1001a110 | 0x1eb88 | 0x1d388 | 0x35a |
DisableThreadLibraryCalls | 0x0 | 0x1001a114 | 0x1eb8c | 0x1d38c | 0x11b |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x1001a118 | 0x1eb90 | 0x1d390 | 0x2e2 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x1001a11c | 0x1eb94 | 0x1d394 | 0x214 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x1001a120 | 0x1eb98 | 0x1d398 | 0x37d |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1001a124 | 0x1eb9c | 0x1d39c | 0x55e |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1001a128 | 0x1eba0 | 0x1d3a0 | 0x59d |
CreateEventW | 0x0 | 0x1001a12c | 0x1eba4 | 0x1d3a4 | 0xbd |
WaitForSingleObjectEx | 0x0 | 0x1001a130 | 0x1eba8 | 0x1d3a8 | 0x5c8 |
ResetEvent | 0x0 | 0x1001a134 | 0x1ebac | 0x1d3ac | 0x4b8 |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x1001a138 | 0x1ebb0 | 0x1d3b0 | 0x1a7 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x1001a13c | 0x1ebb4 | 0x1d3b4 | 0x455 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
RegOpenKeyExW | 0x0 | 0x1001a000 | 0x1ea78 | 0x1d278 | 0x28a |
RegQueryValueExW | 0x0 | 0x1001a004 | 0x1ea7c | 0x1d27c | 0x297 |
RegCloseKey | 0x0 | 0x1001a008 | 0x1ea80 | 0x1d280 | 0x259 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
StackWalk64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a2e4 | 0x1ed5c | 0x1d55c | 0x2c |
SymSetOptions | 0x0 | 0x1001a2e8 | 0x1ed60 | 0x1d560 | 0xb9 |
EnumerateLoadedModules64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a2ec | 0x1ed64 | 0x1d564 | 0x5 |
SymFunctionTableAccess64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a2f0 | 0x1ed68 | 0x1d568 | 0x64 |
SymGetLineFromAddr64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a2f4 | 0x1ed6c | 0x1d56c | 0x6b |
SymGetModuleInfo64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a2f8 | 0x1ed70 | 0x1d570 | 0x7b |
SymLoadModule64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a2fc | 0x1ed74 | 0x1d574 | 0xa1 |
SymGetModuleBase64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a300 | 0x1ed78 | 0x1d578 | 0x79 |
SymFromAddr | 0x0 | 0x1001a304 | 0x1ed7c | 0x1d57c | 0x59 |
SymInitialize | 0x0 | 0x1001a308 | 0x1ed80 | 0x1d580 | 0x9e |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
VerQueryValueW | 0x0 | 0x1001a218 | 0x1ec90 | 0x1d490 | 0x10 |
GetFileVersionInfoSizeW | 0x0 | 0x1001a21c | 0x1ec94 | 0x1d494 | 0x7 |
GetFileVersionInfoW | 0x0 | 0x1001a220 | 0x1ec98 | 0x1d498 | 0x8 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
??Bid@locale@std@@QAEIXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a144 | 0x1ebbc | 0x1d3bc | 0x131 |
?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a148 | 0x1ebc0 | 0x1d3c0 | 0x28b |
?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a14c | 0x1ebc4 | 0x1d3c4 | 0x28e |
?_Raise_handler@std@@3P6AXABVexception@stdext@@@ZA | 0x0 | 0x1001a150 | 0x1ebc8 | 0x1d3c8 | 0x25c |
?_BADOFF@std@@3_JB | 0x0 | 0x1001a154 | 0x1ebcc | 0x1d3cc | 0x196 |
?setprecision@std@@YA?AU?$_Smanip@_J@1@_J@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a158 | 0x1ebd0 | 0x1d3d0 | 0x4c4 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a15c | 0x1ebd4 | 0x1d3d4 | 0x2f |
??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a160 | 0x1ebd8 | 0x1d3d8 | 0xc |
?eback@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a164 | 0x1ebdc | 0x1d3dc | 0x34d |
?gptr@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a168 | 0x1ebe0 | 0x1d3e0 | 0x3c6 |
?pbase@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a16c | 0x1ebe4 | 0x1d3e4 | 0x43e |
?pptr@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a170 | 0x1ebe8 | 0x1d3e8 | 0x447 |
?egptr@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a174 | 0x1ebec | 0x1d3ec | 0x350 |
?gbump@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXH@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a178 | 0x1ebf0 | 0x1d3f0 | 0x36b |
?setg@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXPAD00@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a17c | 0x1ebf4 | 0x1d3f4 | 0x4ba |
?epptr@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a180 | 0x1ebf8 | 0x1d3f8 | 0x359 |
?pbump@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXH@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a184 | 0x1ebfc | 0x1d3fc | 0x441 |
?setp@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXPAD0@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a188 | 0x1ec00 | 0x1d400 | 0x4bf |
?setp@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXPAD00@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a18c | 0x1ec04 | 0x1d404 | 0x4be |
?_Pninc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEPADXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a190 | 0x1ec08 | 0x1d408 | 0x24a |
??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a194 | 0x1ec0c | 0x1d40c | 0x25 |
??1?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a198 | 0x1ec10 | 0x1d410 | 0x7d |
??1?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a19c | 0x1ec14 | 0x1d414 | 0x89 |
?_Lock@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1a0 | 0x1ec18 | 0x1d418 | 0x228 |
?_Unlock@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1a4 | 0x1ec1c | 0x1d41c | 0x27f |
?showmanyc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1a8 | 0x1ec20 | 0x1d420 | 0x4d5 |
?uflow@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEHXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1ac | 0x1ec24 | 0x1d424 | 0x51b |
?xsgetn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPAD_J@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1b0 | 0x1ec28 | 0x1d428 | 0x543 |
?xsputn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPBD_J@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1b4 | 0x1ec2c | 0x1d42c | 0x546 |
?setbuf@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEPAV12@PAD_J@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1b8 | 0x1ec30 | 0x1d430 | 0x4b5 |
?sync@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEHXZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1bc | 0x1ec34 | 0x1d434 | 0x4fd |
?imbue@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEXABVlocale@2@@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1c0 | 0x1ec38 | 0x1d438 | 0x3f6 |
??1?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1c4 | 0x1ec3c | 0x1d43c | 0x86 |
??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@_J@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1c8 | 0x1ec40 | 0x1d440 | 0x10b |
??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@_K@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1cc | 0x1ec44 | 0x1d444 | 0x10c |
??1_Lockit@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1d0 | 0x1ec48 | 0x1d448 | 0xa5 |
??0_Lockit@std@@QAE@H@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1d4 | 0x1ec4c | 0x1d44c | 0x6d |
?_Getgloballocale@locale@std@@CAPAV_Locimp@12@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1d8 | 0x1ec50 | 0x1d450 | 0x1d5 |
?classic@locale@std@@SAABV12@XZ | 0x0 | 0x1001a1dc | 0x1ec54 | 0x1d454 | 0x2a4 |
?id@?$ctype@D@std@@2V0locale@2@A | 0x0 | 0x1001a1e0 | 0x1ec58 | 0x1d458 | 0x3cf |
?_Getcat@?$ctype@D@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1e4 | 0x1ec5c | 0x1d45c | 0x1b6 |
?tolower@?$ctype@D@std@@QBEDD@Z | 0x0 | 0x1001a1e8 | 0x1ec60 | 0x1d460 | 0x50f |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
memset | 0x0 | 0x1001a1f0 | 0x1ec68 | 0x1d468 | 0x48 |
strchr | 0x0 | 0x1001a1f4 | 0x1ec6c | 0x1d46c | 0x4a |
_purecall | 0x0 | 0x1001a1f8 | 0x1ec70 | 0x1d470 | 0x3d |
memmove | 0x0 | 0x1001a1fc | 0x1ec74 | 0x1d474 | 0x47 |
_except_handler4_common | 0x0 | 0x1001a200 | 0x1ec78 | 0x1d478 | 0x35 |
__vcrt_InitializeCriticalSectionEx | 0x0 | 0x1001a204 | 0x1ec7c | 0x1d47c | 0x30 |
memcpy | 0x0 | 0x1001a208 | 0x1ec80 | 0x1d480 | 0x46 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x0 | 0x1001a20c | 0x1ec84 | 0x1d484 | 0x25 |
__CxxFrameHandler3 | 0x0 | 0x1001a210 | 0x1ec88 | 0x1d488 | 0x10 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
__stdio_common_vfprintf | 0x0 | 0x1001a2a0 | 0x1ed18 | 0x1d518 | 0x3 |
__acrt_iob_func | 0x0 | 0x1001a2a4 | 0x1ed1c | 0x1d51c | 0x0 |
_dup | 0x0 | 0x1001a2a8 | 0x1ed20 | 0x1d520 | 0x1a |
fputs | 0x0 | 0x1001a2ac | 0x1ed24 | 0x1d524 | 0x80 |
fflush | 0x0 | 0x1001a2b0 | 0x1ed28 | 0x1d528 | 0x77 |
__stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x0 | 0x1001a2b4 | 0x1ed2c | 0x1d52c | 0xd |
fclose | 0x0 | 0x1001a2b8 | 0x1ed30 | 0x1d530 | 0x74 |
_write | 0x0 | 0x1001a2bc | 0x1ed34 | 0x1d534 | 0x6b |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_fdopen | 0x0 | 0x1001a250 | 0x1ecc8 | 0x1d4c8 | 0x46 |
_dtest | 0x0 | 0x1001a254 | 0x1eccc | 0x1d4cc | 0x3e |
_except1 | 0x0 | 0x1001a258 | 0x1ecd0 | 0x1d4d0 | 0x40 |
ceil | 0x0 | 0x1001a25c | 0x1ecd4 | 0x1d4d4 | 0xa2 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_wsplitpath_s | 0x0 | 0x1001a23c | 0x1ecb4 | 0x1d4b4 | 0x39 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_wcsnicmp | 0x0 | 0x1001a2c4 | 0x1ed3c | 0x1d53c | 0x54 |
_stricmp | 0x0 | 0x1001a2c8 | 0x1ed40 | 0x1d540 | 0x2a |
isxdigit | 0x0 | 0x1001a2cc | 0x1ed44 | 0x1d544 | 0x7e |
strncpy | 0x0 | 0x1001a2d0 | 0x1ed48 | 0x1d548 | 0x8f |
_strnicmp | 0x0 | 0x1001a2d4 | 0x1ed4c | 0x1d54c | 0x34 |
wcstok_s | 0x0 | 0x1001a2d8 | 0x1ed50 | 0x1d550 | 0xad |
wcsncpy | 0x0 | 0x1001a2dc | 0x1ed54 | 0x1d554 | 0xa7 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_strtoui64 | 0x0 | 0x1001a228 | 0x1eca0 | 0x1d4a0 | 0x27 |
_ltoa | 0x0 | 0x1001a22c | 0x1eca4 | 0x1d4a4 | 0x1b |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_beginthreadex | 0x0 | 0x1001a264 | 0x1ecdc | 0x1d4dc | 0x15 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x0 | 0x1001a268 | 0x1ece0 | 0x1d4e0 | 0x19 |
_initterm_e | 0x0 | 0x1001a26c | 0x1ece4 | 0x1d4e4 | 0x39 |
_errno | 0x0 | 0x1001a270 | 0x1ece8 | 0x1d4e8 | 0x23 |
abort | 0x0 | 0x1001a274 | 0x1ecec | 0x1d4ec | 0x57 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x0 | 0x1001a278 | 0x1ecf0 | 0x1d4f0 | 0x41 |
_initterm | 0x0 | 0x1001a27c | 0x1ecf4 | 0x1d4f4 | 0x38 |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x0 | 0x1001a280 | 0x1ecf8 | 0x1d4f8 | 0x35 |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1001a284 | 0x1ecfc | 0x1d4fc | 0x36 |
_register_onexit_function | 0x0 | 0x1001a288 | 0x1ed00 | 0x1d500 | 0x3e |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1001a28c | 0x1ed04 | 0x1d504 | 0x24 |
_crt_atexit | 0x0 | 0x1001a290 | 0x1ed08 | 0x1d508 | 0x1f |
_cexit | 0x0 | 0x1001a294 | 0x1ed0c | 0x1d50c | 0x17 |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn | 0x0 | 0x1001a298 | 0x1ed10 | 0x1d510 | 0x3b |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x1001a244 | 0x1ecbc | 0x1d4bc | 0x19 |
free | 0x0 | 0x1001a248 | 0x1ecc0 | 0x1d4c0 | 0x18 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
getenv | 0x0 | 0x1001a234 | 0x1ecac | 0x1d4ac | 0x10 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
??0ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE@XZ | 0x74ce | 0x1 |
??0Decimal@blink@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x13dcb | 0x2 |
??0Decimal@blink@@QAE@ABVEncodedData@01@@Z | 0x13dcb | 0x3 |
??0Decimal@blink@@QAE@H@Z | 0xa8a8 | 0x4 |
??0Decimal@blink@@QAE@W4Sign@01@H_K@Z | 0x13de2 | 0x5 |
??0MutexImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE@XZ | 0x8e70 | 0x6 |
??0PrintfTarget@mozilla@@IAE@XZ | 0x8b04 | 0x7 |
??0SHA1Sum@mozilla@@QAE@XZ | 0x9385 | 0x8 |
??0TimeStampValue@mozilla@@AAE@_K0_N@Z | 0x7b33 | 0x9 |
??1ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE@XZ | 0x74a2 | 0xa |
??1MutexImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE@XZ | 0x8e68 | 0xb |
??4Decimal@blink@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x13dcb | 0xc |
??8Decimal@blink@@QBE_NABV01@@Z | 0x13e4f | 0xd |
??9Decimal@blink@@QBE_NABV01@@Z | 0x13ec8 | 0xe |
??DDecimal@blink@@QBE?AV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x13f14 | 0xf |
??GDecimal@blink@@QBE?AV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x14098 | 0x10 |
??GDecimal@blink@@QBE?AV01@XZ | 0x141e3 | 0x11 |
??GTimeStampValue@mozilla@@QBE_KABV01@@Z | 0x7b10 | 0x12 |
??HDecimal@blink@@QBE?AV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x1421e | 0x13 |
??KDecimal@blink@@QBE?AV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x14358 | 0x14 |
??MDecimal@blink@@QBE_NABV01@@Z | 0x1456d | 0x15 |
??NDecimal@blink@@QBE_NABV01@@Z | 0x145a2 | 0x16 |
??ODecimal@blink@@QBE_NABV01@@Z | 0x145f4 | 0x17 |
??PDecimal@blink@@QBE_NABV01@@Z | 0x1462b | 0x18 |
??XDecimal@blink@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x1467d | 0x19 |
??YDecimal@blink@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x146ac | 0x1a |
??YTimeStampValue@mozilla@@QAEAAV01@_J@Z | 0x134ad | 0x1b |
??ZDecimal@blink@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x146db | 0x1c |
??ZTimeStampValue@mozilla@@QAEAAV01@_J@Z | 0x134c7 | 0x1d |
??_0Decimal@blink@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z | 0x1470a | 0x1e |
??_FDecimal@blink@@QAEXXZ | 0x147e5 | 0x1f |
?CheckQPC@TimeStampValue@mozilla@@ABE_KABV12@@Z | 0x7a80 | 0x20 |
?ComputeProcessUptime@TimeStamp@mozilla@@CA_KXZ | 0x7b7e | 0x21 |
?CreateDecimalRepresentation@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@ABEXPBDHHHPAVStringBuilder@2@@Z | 0x7055 | 0x22 |
?CreateExponentialRepresentation@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@ABEXPBDHHPAVStringBuilder@2@@Z | 0x17330 | 0x23 |
?DllBlocklist_CheckStatus@@YA_NXZ | 0x114b8 | 0x24 |
?DllBlocklist_Initialize@@YAXI@Z | 0x1490 | 0x25 |
?DllBlocklist_SetDllServices@@YAXPAVDllServicesBase@detail@mozilla@@@Z | 0xbb9f | 0x26 |
?DllBlocklist_WriteNotes@@YAXPAX@Z | 0x114d0 | 0x27 |
?DoubleToAscii@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@SAXNW4DtoaMode@12@HPADHPA_NPAH3@Z | 0x72a7 | 0x28 |
?EcmaScriptConverter@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@SAABV12@XZ | 0x58e8 | 0x29 |
?FramePointerStackWalk@mozilla@@YAXP6AXIPAX00@ZII0PAPAX0@Z | 0x12aa4 | 0x2a |
?HandleSpecialValues@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@ABE_NNPAVStringBuilder@2@@Z | 0x17b2f | 0x2b |
?HashBytes@mozilla@@YAIPBXI@Z | 0x5890 | 0x2c |
?IsFloat32Representable@mozilla@@YA_NN@Z | 0xb773 | 0x2d |
?MozDescribeCodeAddress@@YA_NPAXPAUMozCodeAddressDetails@@@Z | 0x12af3 | 0x2e |
?MozFormatCodeAddress@@YAXPADIIPBXPBD2H2I@Z | 0x12c62 | 0x2f |
?MozFormatCodeAddressDetails@@YAXPADIIPAXPBUMozCodeAddressDetails@@@Z | 0x12cd2 | 0x30 |
?MozStackWalk@@YAXP6AXIPAX00@ZII0@Z | 0x12d09 | 0x31 |
?MozStackWalkThread@@YAXP6AXIPAX00@ZII00PAU_CONTEXT@@@Z | 0x12d26 | 0x32 |
?Now@TimeStamp@mozilla@@CA?AV12@_N@Z | 0x7c00 | 0x33 |
?ProcessCreation@TimeStamp@mozilla@@SA?AV12@PA_N@Z | 0x7976 | 0x34 |
?RecordProcessRestart@TimeStamp@mozilla@@SAXXZ | 0x13467 | 0x35 |
?RegisterProfilerLabelEnterExit@mozilla@@YAXP6APAVPseudoStack@@PBD0PAXI@ZP6AXPAV2@@Z@Z | 0xbc58 | 0x36 |
?ResolutionInTicks@BaseTimeDurationPlatformUtils@mozilla@@SA_JXZ | 0x134e1 | 0x37 |
?Shutdown@TimeStamp@mozilla@@SAXXZ | 0xbc90 | 0x38 |
?Startup@TimeStamp@mozilla@@SAXXZ | 0xb7fc | 0x39 |
?TicksFromMilliseconds@BaseTimeDurationPlatformUtils@mozilla@@SA_JN@Z | 0xabe9 | 0x3a |
?ToExponential@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@QBE_NNHPAVStringBuilder@2@@Z | 0x184bf | 0x3b |
?ToFixed@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@QBE_NNHPAVStringBuilder@2@@Z | 0x18635 | 0x3c |
?ToPrecision@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@QBE_NNHPA_NPAVStringBuilder@2@@Z | 0x6f2a | 0x3d |
?ToSeconds@BaseTimeDurationPlatformUtils@mozilla@@SAN_J@Z | 0x74e0 | 0x3e |
?ToSecondsSigDigits@BaseTimeDurationPlatformUtils@mozilla@@SAN_J@Z | 0x134ed | 0x3f |
?ToShortestIeeeNumber@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@ABE_NNPAVStringBuilder@2@W4DtoaMode@12@@Z | 0x714c | 0x40 |
?Unused@mozilla@@3Uunused_t@1@B | 0x21758 | 0x41 |
?abs@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@XZ | 0x1496f | 0x42 |
?aes_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21430 | 0x43 |
?alignOperands@Decimal@blink@@CA?AUAlignedOperands@12@ABV12@0@Z | 0x1498a | 0x44 |
?avx2_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21435 | 0x45 |
?avx_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21433 | 0x46 |
?ceil@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@XZ | 0x14bab | 0x47 |
?compareTo@Decimal@blink@@ABE?AV12@ABV12@@Z | 0x14c65 | 0x48 |
?compress@LZ4@Compression@mozilla@@SAIPBDIPAD@Z | 0x8e90 | 0x49 |
?compressLimitedOutput@LZ4@Compression@mozilla@@SAIPBDIPADI@Z | 0x13557 | 0x4a |
?decompress@LZ4@Compression@mozilla@@SA_NPBDIPADIPAI@Z | 0x135a1 | 0x4b |
?decompress@LZ4@Compression@mozilla@@SA_NPBDPADI@Z | 0xb571 | 0x4c |
?decompressPartial@LZ4@Compression@mozilla@@SA_NPBDIPADIPAI@Z | 0x1384d | 0x4d |
?finish@SHA1Sum@mozilla@@QAEXAAY0BE@E@Z | 0x9309 | 0x4e |
?floor@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@XZ | 0x14d20 | 0x4f |
?fromDouble@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@N@Z | 0x14dda | 0x50 |
?fromString@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@ABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z | 0x14e75 | 0x51 |
?gChaosFeatures@detail@mozilla@@3W4ChaosFeature@2@A | 0x21b8c | 0x52 |
?gChaosModeCounter@detail@mozilla@@3V?$Atomic@I$01X@2@A | 0x215fc | 0x53 |
?gTwoCharEscapes@detail@mozilla@@3QBDB | 0x1c280 | 0x54 |
?infinity@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@W4Sign@12@@Z | 0x151b2 | 0x55 |
?kBase10MaximalLength@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@2HB | 0x1c278 | 0x56 |
?lock@MutexImpl@detail@mozilla@@IAEXXZ | 0x8e60 | 0x57 |
?mmx_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21437 | 0x58 |
?mozalloc_abort@@YAXQBD@Z | 0x1262d | 0x59 |
?mozalloc_handle_oom@@YAXI@Z | 0x12695 | 0x5a |
?mozalloc_set_oom_abort_handler@@YAXP6AXI@Z@Z | 0xbc6d | 0x5b |
?nan@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@XZ | 0x153fe | 0x5c |
?notify_all@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAEXXZ | 0x74be | 0x5d |
?notify_one@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAEXXZ | 0x74c6 | 0x5e |
?print@PrintfTarget@mozilla@@QAA_NPBDZZ | 0x1295a | 0x5f |
?remainder@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@ABV12@@Z | 0x156ac | 0x60 |
?round@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@XZ | 0x15736 | 0x61 |
?sse3_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21434 | 0x62 |
?sse4_1_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21432 | 0x63 |
?sse4_2_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21436 | 0x64 |
?sse4a_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21438 | 0x65 |
?ssse3_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA | 0x21431 | 0x66 |
?toDouble@Decimal@blink@@QBENXZ | 0x15d0e | 0x67 |
?toString@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ | 0x15dbc | 0x68 |
?toString@Decimal@blink@@QBE_NPADI@Z | 0x16221 | 0x69 |
?unlock@MutexImpl@detail@mozilla@@IAEXXZ | 0x8e50 | 0x6a |
?update@SHA1Sum@mozilla@@QAEXPBXI@Z | 0x9263 | 0x6b |
?vprint@PrintfTarget@mozilla@@QAE_NPBDPAD@Z | 0x85e0 | 0x6c |
?wait@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAEXAAVMutexImpl@23@@Z | 0x74a3 | 0x6d |
?wait_for@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE?AW4CVStatus@23@AAVMutexImpl@23@ABV?$BaseTimeDuration@VTimeDurationValueCalculator@mozilla@@@3@@Z | 0x7439 | 0x6e |
?zero@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@W4Sign@12@@Z | 0x16388 | 0x6f |
MOZ_CrashOOL | 0x188aa | 0x73 |
MOZ_CrashPrintf | 0x188be | 0x74 |
_HeapAlloc@12 | 0x22a0 | 0x70 |
_HeapFree@12 | 0x2110 | 0x71 |
_HeapReAlloc@16 | 0x1d5d | 0x72 |
_aligned_free | 0x25b0 | 0x75 |
_aligned_malloc | 0x12472 | 0x76 |
_expand | 0x1248c | 0x77 |
_msize | 0x124ad | 0x78 |
_recalloc | 0x124c4 | 0x79 |
_strdup | 0x1d80 | 0x7a |
_wcsdup | 0x125de | 0x7b |
calloc | 0x1d26 | 0x7c |
free | 0x25b0 | 0x7d |
gMozCrashReason | 0x21780 | 0x7e |
gMozillaPoisonBase | 0x21428 | 0x7f |
gMozillaPoisonSize | 0x2142c | 0x80 |
gMozillaPoisonValue | 0x21424 | 0x81 |
jemalloc_free_dirty_pages | 0x12562 | 0x82 |
jemalloc_ptr_info | 0x48d7 | 0x83 |
jemalloc_purge_freed_pages | 0x74a2 | 0x84 |
jemalloc_stats | 0x12567 | 0x85 |
jemalloc_thread_local_arena | 0x1b40 | 0x86 |
malloc | 0x2420 | 0x87 |
malloc_good_size | 0x12537 | 0x88 |
malloc_usable_size | 0xa890 | 0x89 |
mozPoisonValueInit | 0xbbf8 | 0x8a |
moz_arena_calloc | 0x2230 | 0x8b |
moz_arena_free | 0x12573 | 0x8c |
moz_arena_malloc | 0x2350 | 0x8d |
moz_arena_memalign | 0x1258a | 0x8e |
moz_arena_realloc | 0x2070 | 0x8f |
moz_create_arena_with_params | 0xbc7a | 0x90 |
moz_dispose_arena | 0x74a2 | 0x91 |
moz_malloc_enclosing_size_of | 0x126f2 | 0x92 |
moz_malloc_size_of | 0xac2e | 0x93 |
moz_malloc_usable_size | 0x12720 | 0x94 |
moz_xcalloc | 0x1ce8 | 0x95 |
moz_xmalloc | 0x24b0 | 0x96 |
moz_xmemalign | 0x1273f | 0x97 |
moz_xrealloc | 0x1f60 | 0x98 |
moz_xstrdup | 0x1d41 | 0x99 |
posix_memalign | 0xbb8b | 0x9a |
realloc | 0x2190 | 0x9b |
strdup | 0x1d80 | 0x9c |
strndup | 0x125a4 | 0x9d |
wcsdup | 0x125de | 0x9e |
Issued by | Mozilla Corporation |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C 53 96 DC B2 94 9C 70 FA C4 8A B0 8A 07 33 8E |
Thumbprint | B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96 |
Issued by | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 04 09 18 1B 5F D5 BB 66 75 53 43 B5 6F 95 50 08 |
Thumbprint | 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6 |
Issued by | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C E7 E0 E5 17 D8 46 FE 8F E5 60 FC 1B F0 30 39 |
Thumbprint | 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/msvcp140.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-06-02 19:07 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-06-25 11:52 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x1003b150 |
Size Of Code | 0x60400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x8200 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2017-05-25 20:01:26+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
FileVersion | 14.11.25325.0 built by: VCTOOLSREL |
InternalName | msvcp140.dll |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | msvcp140.dll |
ProductName | Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 |
ProductVersion | 14.11.25325.0 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x60372 | 0x60400 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.55 |
.data | 0x10062000 | 0x2810 | 0x1800 | 0x60800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 4.41 |
.idata | 0x10065000 | 0x1436 | 0x1600 | 0x62000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.09 |
.didat | 0x10067000 | 0x34 | 0x200 | 0x63600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 0.72 |
.rsrc | 0x10068000 | 0x3f8 | 0x400 | 0x63800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 3.36 |
.reloc | 0x10069000 | 0x3a34 | 0x3c00 | 0x63c00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.52 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
memchr | 0x0 | 0x10065108 | 0x65528 | 0x62528 | 0x44 |
memcmp | 0x0 | 0x1006510c | 0x6552c | 0x6252c | 0x45 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x0 | 0x10065110 | 0x65530 | 0x62530 | 0x25 |
_except_handler4_common | 0x0 | 0x10065114 | 0x65534 | 0x62534 | 0x35 |
memset | 0x0 | 0x10065118 | 0x65538 | 0x62538 | 0x48 |
_CxxThrowException | 0x0 | 0x1006511c | 0x6553c | 0x6253c | 0x1 |
__CxxFrameHandler3 | 0x0 | 0x10065120 | 0x65540 | 0x62540 | 0x10 |
__std_exception_destroy | 0x0 | 0x10065124 | 0x65544 | 0x62544 | 0x22 |
__current_exception | 0x0 | 0x10065128 | 0x65548 | 0x62548 | 0x1c |
__AdjustPointer | 0x0 | 0x1006512c | 0x6554c | 0x6254c | 0x9 |
__uncaught_exception | 0x0 | 0x10065130 | 0x65550 | 0x62550 | 0x2c |
__uncaught_exceptions | 0x0 | 0x10065134 | 0x65554 | 0x62554 | 0x2d |
memmove | 0x0 | 0x10065138 | 0x65558 | 0x62558 | 0x47 |
__std_exception_copy | 0x0 | 0x1006513c | 0x6555c | 0x6255c | 0x21 |
_purecall | 0x0 | 0x10065140 | 0x65560 | 0x62560 | 0x3d |
memcpy | 0x0 | 0x10065144 | 0x65564 | 0x62564 | 0x46 |
__processing_throw | 0x0 | 0x10065148 | 0x65568 | 0x62568 | 0x1f |
__std_terminate | 0x0 | 0x1006514c | 0x6556c | 0x6256c | 0x23 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
isspace | 0x0 | 0x1006528c | 0x656ac | 0x626ac | 0x6e |
islower | 0x0 | 0x10065290 | 0x656b0 | 0x626b0 | 0x6b |
wcscpy_s | 0x0 | 0x10065294 | 0x656b4 | 0x626b4 | 0xa1 |
wcsnlen | 0x0 | 0x10065298 | 0x656b8 | 0x626b8 | 0xa9 |
__strncnt | 0x0 | 0x1006529c | 0x656bc | 0x626bc | 0x5 |
_wcsdup | 0x0 | 0x100652a0 | 0x656c0 | 0x626c0 | 0x49 |
iswctype | 0x0 | 0x100652a4 | 0x656c4 | 0x626c4 | 0x75 |
strcspn | 0x0 | 0x100652a8 | 0x656c8 | 0x626c8 | 0x8a |
tolower | 0x0 | 0x100652ac | 0x656cc | 0x626cc | 0x97 |
isalnum | 0x0 | 0x100652b0 | 0x656d0 | 0x626d0 | 0x64 |
isxdigit | 0x0 | 0x100652b4 | 0x656d4 | 0x626d4 | 0x7e |
isdigit | 0x0 | 0x100652b8 | 0x656d8 | 0x626d8 | 0x68 |
isupper | 0x0 | 0x100652bc | 0x656dc | 0x626dc | 0x6f |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_calloc_base | 0x0 | 0x10065188 | 0x655a8 | 0x625a8 | 0x9 |
_malloc_base | 0x0 | 0x1006518c | 0x655ac | 0x625ac | 0x10 |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x10065190 | 0x655b0 | 0x625b0 | 0x19 |
_callnewh | 0x0 | 0x10065194 | 0x655b4 | 0x625b4 | 0x8 |
_free_base | 0x0 | 0x10065198 | 0x655b8 | 0x625b8 | 0xb |
free | 0x0 | 0x1006519c | 0x655bc | 0x625bc | 0x18 |
calloc | 0x0 | 0x100651a0 | 0x655c0 | 0x625c0 | 0x17 |
_realloc_base | 0x0 | 0x100651a4 | 0x655c4 | 0x625c4 | 0x14 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_lock_locales | 0x0 | 0x100651ac | 0x655cc | 0x625cc | 0xd |
__pctype_func | 0x0 | 0x100651b0 | 0x655d0 | 0x625d0 | 0x6 |
localeconv | 0x0 | 0x100651b4 | 0x655d4 | 0x625d4 | 0x12 |
___lc_collate_cp_func | 0x0 | 0x100651b8 | 0x655d8 | 0x625d8 | 0x1 |
___lc_locale_name_func | 0x0 | 0x100651bc | 0x655dc | 0x625dc | 0x2 |
___lc_codepage_func | 0x0 | 0x100651c0 | 0x655e0 | 0x625e0 | 0x0 |
setlocale | 0x0 | 0x100651c4 | 0x655e4 | 0x625e4 | 0x13 |
___mb_cur_max_func | 0x0 | 0x100651c8 | 0x655e8 | 0x625e8 | 0x3 |
_unlock_locales | 0x0 | 0x100651cc | 0x655ec | 0x625ec | 0xf |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
terminate | 0x0 | 0x100651ec | 0x6560c | 0x6260c | 0x6a |
abort | 0x0 | 0x100651f0 | 0x65610 | 0x62610 | 0x57 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x0 | 0x100651f4 | 0x65614 | 0x62614 | 0x41 |
_initterm_e | 0x0 | 0x100651f8 | 0x65618 | 0x62618 | 0x39 |
_initterm | 0x0 | 0x100651fc | 0x6561c | 0x6261c | 0x38 |
_cexit | 0x0 | 0x10065200 | 0x65620 | 0x62620 | 0x17 |
_crt_atexit | 0x0 | 0x10065204 | 0x65624 | 0x62624 | 0x1f |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x10065208 | 0x65628 | 0x62628 | 0x24 |
_register_onexit_function | 0x0 | 0x1006520c | 0x6562c | 0x6262c | 0x3e |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x10065210 | 0x65630 | 0x62630 | 0x36 |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x0 | 0x10065214 | 0x65634 | 0x62634 | 0x35 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x0 | 0x10065218 | 0x65638 | 0x62638 | 0x19 |
_endthreadex | 0x0 | 0x1006521c | 0x6563c | 0x6263c | 0x22 |
_errno | 0x0 | 0x10065220 | 0x65640 | 0x62640 | 0x23 |
_beginthreadex | 0x0 | 0x10065224 | 0x65644 | 0x62644 | 0x15 |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn | 0x0 | 0x10065228 | 0x65648 | 0x62648 | 0x3b |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo | 0x0 | 0x1006522c | 0x6564c | 0x6264c | 0x3a |
_set_new_handler | 0x0 | 0x10065230 | 0x65650 | 0x62650 | 0x4a |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
fputwc | 0x0 | 0x10065238 | 0x65658 | 0x62658 | 0x81 |
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s | 0x0 | 0x1006523c | 0x6565c | 0x6265c | 0xf |
fputs | 0x0 | 0x10065240 | 0x65660 | 0x62660 | 0x80 |
_fsopen | 0x0 | 0x10065244 | 0x65664 | 0x62664 | 0x31 |
fseek | 0x0 | 0x10065248 | 0x65668 | 0x62668 | 0x87 |
_wfsopen | 0x0 | 0x1006524c | 0x6566c | 0x6266c | 0x66 |
_get_stream_buffer_pointers | 0x0 | 0x10065250 | 0x65670 | 0x62670 | 0x39 |
fgetwc | 0x0 | 0x10065254 | 0x65674 | 0x62674 | 0x7b |
_fseeki64 | 0x0 | 0x10065258 | 0x65678 | 0x62678 | 0x2f |
__acrt_iob_func | 0x0 | 0x1006525c | 0x6567c | 0x6267c | 0x0 |
fputc | 0x0 | 0x10065260 | 0x65680 | 0x62680 | 0x7f |
fsetpos | 0x0 | 0x10065264 | 0x65684 | 0x62684 | 0x88 |
ungetc | 0x0 | 0x10065268 | 0x65688 | 0x62688 | 0x9d |
setvbuf | 0x0 | 0x1006526c | 0x6568c | 0x6268c | 0x98 |
fgetpos | 0x0 | 0x10065270 | 0x65690 | 0x62690 | 0x79 |
fwrite | 0x0 | 0x10065274 | 0x65694 | 0x62694 | 0x8a |
ungetwc | 0x0 | 0x10065278 | 0x65698 | 0x62698 | 0x9e |
fgetc | 0x0 | 0x1006527c | 0x6569c | 0x6269c | 0x78 |
fflush | 0x0 | 0x10065280 | 0x656a0 | 0x626a0 | 0x77 |
fclose | 0x0 | 0x10065284 | 0x656a4 | 0x626a4 | 0x74 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_CIpow | 0x0 | 0x100651d4 | 0x655f4 | 0x625f4 | 0xa |
ldexp | 0x0 | 0x100651d8 | 0x655f8 | 0x625f8 | 0xf0 |
frexp | 0x0 | 0x100651dc | 0x655fc | 0x625fc | 0xeb |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_ismbblead | 0x0 | 0x100651e4 | 0x65604 | 0x62604 | 0x12 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
strtof | 0x0 | 0x10065154 | 0x65574 | 0x62574 | 0x5f |
btowc | 0x0 | 0x10065158 | 0x65578 | 0x62578 | 0x53 |
strtod | 0x0 | 0x1006515c | 0x6557c | 0x6257c | 0x5e |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_Gettnames | 0x0 | 0x100652c4 | 0x656e4 | 0x626e4 | 0x2 |
_Getmonths | 0x0 | 0x100652c8 | 0x656e8 | 0x626e8 | 0x1 |
_Wcsftime | 0x0 | 0x100652cc | 0x656ec | 0x626ec | 0x7 |
_Strftime | 0x0 | 0x100652d0 | 0x656f0 | 0x626f0 | 0x3 |
_Getdays | 0x0 | 0x100652d4 | 0x656f4 | 0x626f4 | 0x0 |
_W_Getdays | 0x0 | 0x100652d8 | 0x656f8 | 0x626f8 | 0x4 |
_W_Gettnames | 0x0 | 0x100652dc | 0x656fc | 0x626fc | 0x6 |
_W_Getmonths | 0x0 | 0x100652e0 | 0x65700 | 0x62700 | 0x5 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_lock_file | 0x0 | 0x1006516c | 0x6558c | 0x6258c | 0x16 |
_wrename | 0x0 | 0x10065170 | 0x65590 | 0x62590 | 0x36 |
_wrmdir | 0x0 | 0x10065174 | 0x65594 | 0x62594 | 0x37 |
_wremove | 0x0 | 0x10065178 | 0x65598 | 0x62598 | 0x35 |
_wchdir | 0x0 | 0x1006517c | 0x6559c | 0x6259c | 0x27 |
_unlock_file | 0x0 | 0x10065180 | 0x655a0 | 0x625a0 | 0x24 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_wgetcwd | 0x0 | 0x10065164 | 0x65584 | 0x62584 | 0x8 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
rand_s | 0x0 | 0x100652e8 | 0x65708 | 0x62708 | 0x1c |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
TryEnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10065000 | 0x65420 | 0x62420 | 0x57c |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x10065004 | 0x65424 | 0x62424 | 0x552 |
GetExitCodeThread | 0x0 | 0x10065008 | 0x65428 | 0x62428 | 0x22b |
DuplicateHandle | 0x0 | 0x1006500c | 0x6542c | 0x6242c | 0x11d |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x10065010 | 0x65430 | 0x62430 | 0x20c |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x10065014 | 0x65434 | 0x62434 | 0x207 |
WaitForSingleObjectEx | 0x0 | 0x10065018 | 0x65438 | 0x62438 | 0x5ad |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x1006501c | 0x6543c | 0x6243c | 0x7d |
GetNativeSystemInfo | 0x0 | 0x10065020 | 0x65440 | 0x62440 | 0x272 |
QueryPerformanceFrequency | 0x0 | 0x10065024 | 0x65444 | 0x62444 | 0x42c |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x10065028 | 0x65448 | 0x62448 | 0x42b |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x1006502c | 0x6544c | 0x6244c | 0x2c3 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x10065030 | 0x65450 | 0x62450 | 0x3cf |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10065034 | 0x65454 | 0x62454 | 0x123 |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10065038 | 0x65458 | 0x62458 | 0x3a0 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x1006503c | 0x6545c | 0x6245c | 0x103 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x10065040 | 0x65460 | 0x62460 | 0x5d0 |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x10065044 | 0x65464 | 0x62464 | 0x11f |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x10065048 | 0x65468 | 0x62468 | 0x43f |
DecodePointer | 0x0 | 0x1006504c | 0x6546c | 0x6246c | 0xfc |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x10065050 | 0x65470 | 0x62470 | 0x1b1 |
CompareStringW | 0x0 | 0x10065054 | 0x65474 | 0x62474 | 0x91 |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x10065058 | 0x65478 | 0x62478 | 0x252 |
LoadLibraryExA | 0x0 | 0x1006505c | 0x6547c | 0x6247c | 0x3a4 |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x10065060 | 0x65480 | 0x62480 | 0x19c |
VirtualQuery | 0x0 | 0x10065064 | 0x65484 | 0x62484 | 0x5a3 |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x10065068 | 0x65488 | 0x62488 | 0x5a1 |
GetSystemInfo | 0x0 | 0x1006506c | 0x6548c | 0x6248c | 0x2ce |
InitializeSListHead | 0x0 | 0x10065070 | 0x65490 | 0x62490 | 0x349 |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x10065074 | 0x65494 | 0x62494 | 0x394 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x10065078 | 0x65498 | 0x62498 | 0x208 |
AreFileApisANSI | 0x0 | 0x1006507c | 0x6549c | 0x6249c | 0x1b |
CreateDirectoryW | 0x0 | 0x10065080 | 0x654a0 | 0x624a0 | 0xb0 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x10065084 | 0x654a4 | 0x624a4 | 0x365 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x10065088 | 0x654a8 | 0x624a8 | 0x561 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1006508c | 0x654ac | 0x624ac | 0x543 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x10065090 | 0x654b0 | 0x624b0 | 0x582 |
FindFirstFileExW | 0x0 | 0x10065094 | 0x654b4 | 0x624b4 | 0x16c |
FindNextFileW | 0x0 | 0x10065098 | 0x654b8 | 0x624b8 | 0x17d |
SetFileTime | 0x0 | 0x1006509c | 0x654bc | 0x624bc | 0x500 |
SetEndOfFile | 0x0 | 0x100650a0 | 0x654c0 | 0x624c0 | 0x4ea |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x100650a4 | 0x654c4 | 0x624c4 | 0x29b |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x100650a8 | 0x654c8 | 0x624c8 | 0x265 |
GetTempPathW | 0x0 | 0x100650ac | 0x654cc | 0x624cc | 0x2e1 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x100650b0 | 0x654d0 | 0x624d0 | 0x2f0 |
CreateHardLinkW | 0x0 | 0x100650b4 | 0x654d4 | 0x624d4 | 0xc4 |
FindClose | 0x0 | 0x100650b8 | 0x654d8 | 0x624d8 | 0x166 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x100650bc | 0x654dc | 0x624dc | 0x2d4 |
CreateEventW | 0x0 | 0x100650c0 | 0x654e0 | 0x624e0 | 0xb4 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x100650c4 | 0x654e4 | 0x624e4 | 0x346 |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x100650c8 | 0x654e8 | 0x624e8 | 0x50b |
QueueUserWorkItem | 0x0 | 0x100650cc | 0x654ec | 0x624ec | 0x435 |
GetModuleHandleExW | 0x0 | 0x100650d0 | 0x654f0 | 0x624f0 | 0x264 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x100650d4 | 0x654f4 | 0x624f4 | 0x36b |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x100650d8 | 0x654f8 | 0x624f8 | 0xc0 |
SetFileAttributesW | 0x0 | 0x100650dc | 0x654fc | 0x624fc | 0x4f7 |
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace | 0x0 | 0x100650e0 | 0x65500 | 0x62500 | 0x4a9 |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x100650e4 | 0x65504 | 0x62504 | 0x20b |
FormatMessageW | 0x0 | 0x100650e8 | 0x65508 | 0x62508 | 0x198 |
CopyFileW | 0x0 | 0x100650ec | 0x6550c | 0x6250c | 0xa3 |
SetFilePointerEx | 0x0 | 0x100650f0 | 0x65510 | 0x62510 | 0x4fd |
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW | 0x0 | 0x100650f4 | 0x65514 | 0x62514 | 0x218 |
GetFileAttributesExW | 0x0 | 0x100650f8 | 0x65518 | 0x62518 | 0x230 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x100650fc | 0x6551c | 0x6251c | 0x24e |
GetFileInformationByHandle | 0x0 | 0x10065100 | 0x65520 | 0x62520 | 0x235 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEX_WABV_Locinfo@1@@Z | 0x29040 | 0x1 |
??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEX_WABV_Locinfo@1@@Z | 0x29040 | 0x2 |
??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEX_WABV_Locinfo@1@@Z | 0x29040 | 0x3 |
??0?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x30cc0 | 0x4 |
??0?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@PBD@Z | 0x14990 | 0x5 |
??0?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x149b0 | 0x6 |
??0?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x2f6c0 | 0x7 |
??0?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@PBG@Z | 0x2f6a0 | 0x8 |
??0?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x14920 | 0x9 |
??0?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x2f6c0 | 0xa |
??0?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@PB_W@Z | 0x2f6a0 | 0xb |
??0?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x14920 | 0xc |
??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x15b00 | 0xd |
??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@Z | 0x39dc0 | 0xe |
??0?$basic_ios@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x1d5e0 | 0xf |
??0?$basic_ios@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@@Z | 0x34400 | 0x10 |
??0?$basic_ios@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x1dd10 | 0x11 |
??0?$basic_ios@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@@Z | 0x36f30 | 0x12 |
??0?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x37010 | 0x13 |
??0?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@Z | 0x370e0 | 0x14 |
??0?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x30d90 | 0x15 |
??0?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@@Z | 0x30e60 | 0x16 |
??0?$basic_iostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x34490 | 0x17 |
??0?$basic_iostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@@Z | 0x34560 | 0x18 |
??0?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x39950 | 0x19 |
??0?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N1@Z | 0x39a60 | 0x1a |
??0?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x16260 | 0x1b |
??0?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@@Z | 0x399f0 | 0x1c |
??0?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x33b30 | 0x1d |
??0?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@_N1@Z | 0x33c40 | 0x1e |
??0?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x1d8b0 | 0x1f |
??0?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@@Z | 0x33bd0 | 0x20 |
??0?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x36cc0 | 0x21 |
??0?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@_N1@Z | 0x36dd0 | 0x22 |
??0?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x1df90 | 0x23 |
??0?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@@Z | 0x36d60 | 0x24 |
??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x37e40 | 0x25 |
??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x15260 | 0x26 |
??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@_N@Z | 0x37ed0 | 0x27 |
??0?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x31eb0 | 0x28 |
??0?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x1d020 | 0x29 |
??0?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@_N@Z | 0x31f40 | 0x2a |
??0?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z | 0x350c0 | 0x2b |
??0?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@_N@Z | 0x1dba0 | 0x2c |
??0?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@_N@Z | 0x35150 | 0x2d |
??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x39c40 | 0x2e |
??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@@Z | 0x39cc0 | 0x2f |
??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x15ac0 | 0x30 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x34180 | 0x31 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@@Z | 0x34200 | 0x32 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x1d5a0 | 0x33 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x36e50 | 0x34 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@W4_Uninitialized@1@@Z | 0x36ed0 | 0x35 |
??0?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x1dcd0 | 0x36 |
??0?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x16190 | 0x37 |
??0?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30c60 | 0x38 |
??0?$codecvt@GDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x12d10 | 0x39 |
??0?$codecvt@GDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x12cb0 | 0x3a |
??0?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x11d50 | 0x3b |
??0?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@KW4_Codecvt_mode@1@I@Z | 0x11d80 | 0x3c |
??0?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x11d00 | 0x3d |
??0?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x123d0 | 0x3e |
??0?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@KW4_Codecvt_mode@1@I@Z | 0x123f0 | 0x3f |
??0?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x12380 | 0x40 |
??0?$codecvt@_WDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x12850 | 0x41 |
??0?$codecvt@_WDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x127f0 | 0x42 |
??0?$ctype@D@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x13090 | 0x43 |
??0?$ctype@D@std@@QAE@PBF_NI@Z | 0x12ff0 | 0x44 |
??0?$ctype@G@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x13b40 | 0x45 |
??0?$ctype@G@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x13af0 | 0x46 |
??0?$ctype@_W@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x13630 | 0x47 |
??0?$ctype@_W@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x135e0 | 0x48 |
??0?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x18e70 | 0x49 |
??0?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30c20 | 0x4a |
??0?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x21290 | 0x4b |
??0?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30b20 | 0x4c |
??0?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x23690 | 0x4d |
??0?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30ba0 | 0x4e |
??0?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x184c0 | 0x4f |
??0?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30be0 | 0x50 |
??0?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x208f0 | 0x51 |
??0?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x309a0 | 0x52 |
??0?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x22ce0 | 0x53 |
??0?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30b60 | 0x54 |
??0?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAE@PBDI@Z | 0x303e0 | 0x55 |
??0?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x2be30 | 0x56 |
??0?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30430 | 0x57 |
??0?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAE@PBDI@Z | 0x2f940 | 0x58 |
??0?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x1f9e0 | 0x59 |
??0?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x2f990 | 0x5a |
??0?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAE@PBDI@Z | 0x2ff20 | 0x5b |
??0?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x21e40 | 0x5c |
??0?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x2ff70 | 0x5d |
??0?$time_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x2b340 | 0x5e |
??0?$time_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x30220 | 0x5f |
??0?$time_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAE@PBDI@Z | 0x2f6e0 | 0x60 |
??0?$time_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x1eeb0 | 0x61 |
??0?$time_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x2f740 | 0x62 |
??0?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAE@PBDI@Z | 0x2fd00 | 0x63 |
??0?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@ABV_Locinfo@1@I@Z | 0x21390 | 0x64 |
??0?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x2fd60 | 0x65 |
??0Init@ios_base@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x14000 | 0x66 |
??0_Facet_base@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x11640 | 0x67 |
??0_Facet_base@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x11630 | 0x68 |
??0_Init_locks@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x2e230 | 0x69 |
??0_Locimp@locale@std@@AAE@ABV012@@Z | 0x11820 | 0x6a |
??0_Locimp@locale@std@@AAE@_N@Z | 0x117e0 | 0x6b |
??0_Locinfo@std@@QAE@HPBD@Z | 0x11280 | 0x6c |
??0_Locinfo@std@@QAE@PBD@Z | 0x11200 | 0x6d |
??0_Lockit@std@@QAE@H@Z | 0x2e330 | 0x6e |
??0_Lockit@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x2e320 | 0x6f |
??0_Timevec@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 0x111c0 | 0x70 |
??0_Timevec@std@@QAE@PAX@Z | 0x111b0 | 0x71 |
??0_UShinit@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x1d930 | 0x72 |
??0_Winit@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x1e010 | 0x73 |
??0codecvt_base@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x11b70 | 0x74 |
??0ctype_base@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x12dd0 | 0x75 |
??0facet@locale@std@@IAE@I@Z | 0x11760 | 0x76 |
??0id@locale@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x111b0 | 0x77 |
??0ios_base@std@@IAE@XZ | 0x145b0 | 0x78 |
??0task_continuation_context@Concurrency@@AAE@XZ | 0x149b0 | 0x79 |
??0time_base@std@@QAE@I@Z | 0x162e0 | 0x7a |
??1?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x148a0 | 0x7b |
??1?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x148a0 | 0x7c |
??1?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@XZ | 0x148a0 | 0x7d |
??1?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x155d0 | 0x7e |
??1?$basic_ios@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x155d0 | 0x7f |
??1?$basic_ios@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x155d0 | 0x80 |
??1?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x36f60 | 0x81 |
??1?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x30ce0 | 0x82 |
??1?$basic_iostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x34430 | 0x83 |
??1?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x16240 | 0x84 |
??1?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x1d890 | 0x85 |
??1?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x1df70 | 0x86 |
??1?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x15240 | 0x87 |
??1?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x1d000 | 0x88 |
??1?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x1db80 | 0x89 |
??1?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x15590 | 0x8a |
??1?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x1d320 | 0x8b |
??1?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ | 0x1dc10 | 0x8c |
??1?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x8d |
??1?$codecvt@GDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x8e |
??1?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x8f |
??1?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x90 |
??1?$codecvt@_WDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x91 |
??1?$ctype@D@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x13190 | 0x92 |
??1?$ctype@G@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x13bf0 | 0x93 |
??1?$ctype@_W@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x136e0 | 0x94 |
??1?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x95 |
??1?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x96 |
??1?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x97 |
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??1?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x99 |
??1?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@MAE@XZ | 0x11620 | 0x9a |
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??_7?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x95e8 | 0x150 |
??_7?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x9798 | 0x151 |
??_7?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x9474 | 0x152 |
??_7?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x9694 | 0x153 |
??_7?$time_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x97f8 | 0x154 |
??_7?$time_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x9460 | 0x155 |
??_7?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@6B@ | 0x955c | 0x156 |
??_7_Facet_base@std@@6B@ | 0x904c | 0x157 |
??_7_Locimp@locale@std@@6B@ | 0x8f08 | 0x158 |
??_7codecvt_base@std@@6B@ | 0x8f6c | 0x159 |
??_7ctype_base@std@@6B@ | 0x8ef8 | 0x15a |
??_7facet@locale@std@@6B@ | 0x8f5c | 0x15b |
??_7ios_base@std@@6B@ | 0x8e84 | 0x15c |
??_7time_base@std@@6B@ | 0x90dc | 0x15d |
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??_8?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@7B?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@ | 0x6548 | 0x15f |
??_8?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@7B?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@@ | 0x6550 | 0x160 |
??_8?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@7B?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@@ | 0x6548 | 0x161 |
??_8?$basic_iostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@7B?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@@ | 0x6550 | 0x162 |
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??_8?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@7B@ | 0x55f4 | 0x164 |
??_8?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@7B@ | 0x55f4 | 0x165 |
??_8?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@7B@ | 0x55f4 | 0x166 |
??_8?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@7B@ | 0x55e8 | 0x167 |
??_8?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@7B@ | 0x55e8 | 0x168 |
??_8?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@7B@ | 0x55e8 | 0x169 |
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??_D?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f270 | 0x16b |
??_D?$basic_iostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f1a0 | 0x16c |
??_D?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x161e0 | 0x16d |
??_D?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x1d830 | 0x16e |
??_D?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x1df10 | 0x16f |
??_D?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x14820 | 0x170 |
??_D?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x1c7f0 | 0x171 |
??_D?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x1d9c0 | 0x172 |
??_F?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2ea90 | 0x173 |
??_F?$codecvt@GDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x12dc0 | 0x174 |
??_F?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x122e0 | 0x175 |
??_F?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x127e0 | 0x176 |
??_F?$codecvt@_WDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x12c10 | 0x177 |
??_F?$ctype@D@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x13350 | 0x178 |
??_F?$ctype@G@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x13c20 | 0x179 |
??_F?$ctype@_W@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x13a50 | 0x17a |
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??_F?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2ec90 | 0x17c |
??_F?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2ec70 | 0x17d |
??_F?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2ec60 | 0x17e |
??_F?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2eca0 | 0x17f |
??_F?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2ec80 | 0x180 |
??_F?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f2c0 | 0x181 |
??_F?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f540 | 0x182 |
??_F?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f400 | 0x183 |
??_F?$time_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f360 | 0x184 |
??_F?$time_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f5e0 | 0x185 |
??_F?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x2f4a0 | 0x186 |
??_F_Locinfo@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x115f0 | 0x187 |
??_F_Timevec@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x111f0 | 0x188 |
??_Fcodecvt_base@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x11c10 | 0x189 |
??_Fctype_base@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x12df0 | 0x18a |
??_Ffacet@locale@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x11a40 | 0x18b |
??_Fid@locale@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x111f0 | 0x18c |
??_Ftime_base@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x16300 | 0x18d |
?CaptureCallstack@platform@details@Concurrency@@YAIPAPAXII@Z | 0x1c440 | 0x18e |
?GetCurrentThreadId@platform@details@Concurrency@@YAJXZ | 0xa990 | 0x18f |
?GetNextAsyncId@platform@details@Concurrency@@YAIXZ | 0x1c460 | 0x190 |
?ReportUnhandledError@_ExceptionHolder@details@Concurrency@@AAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x191 |
?_Addcats@_Locinfo@std@@QAEAAV12@HPBD@Z | 0x113a0 | 0x192 |
?_Addfac@_Locimp@locale@std@@AAEXPAVfacet@23@I@Z | 0x11890 | 0x193 |
?_Addstd@ios_base@std@@SAXPAV12@@Z | 0x173a0 | 0x194 |
?_Assign@_ContextCallback@details@Concurrency@@AAEXPAX@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x195 |
?_Atexit@@YAXP6AXXZ@Z | 0x17400 | 0x196 |
?_BADOFF@std@@3_JB | 0x3398 | 0x197 |
?_C_str@?$_Yarn@D@std@@QBEPBDXZ | 0x14880 | 0x198 |
?_C_str@?$_Yarn@G@std@@QBEPBGXZ | 0x14880 | 0x199 |
?_C_str@?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QBEPB_WXZ | 0x14880 | 0x19a |
?_CallInContext@_ContextCallback@details@Concurrency@@QBEXV?$function@$$A6AXXZ@std@@_N@Z | 0x1c470 | 0x19b |
?_Callfns@ios_base@std@@AAEXW4event@12@@Z | 0x14620 | 0x19c |
?_Capture@_ContextCallback@details@Concurrency@@AAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x19d |
?_Clocptr@_Locimp@locale@std@@0PAV123@A | 0x63b54 | 0x19e |
?_Decref@facet@locale@std@@UAEPAV_Facet_base@3@XZ | 0x11740 | 0x19f |
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?_Donarrow@?$ctype@_W@std@@IBED_WD@Z | 0x13990 | 0x1a1 |
?_Dowiden@?$ctype@G@std@@IBEGD@Z | 0x138f0 | 0x1a2 |
?_Dowiden@?$ctype@_W@std@@IBE_WD@Z | 0x138f0 | 0x1a3 |
?_Empty@?$_Yarn@D@std@@QBE_NXZ | 0x14890 | 0x1a4 |
?_Empty@?$_Yarn@G@std@@QBE_NXZ | 0x14890 | 0x1a5 |
?_Empty@?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QBE_NXZ | 0x14890 | 0x1a6 |
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?_Ffmt@?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAPADPADDH@Z | 0x19710 | 0x1a9 |
?_Ffmt@?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAPADPADDH@Z | 0x19710 | 0x1aa |
?_Findarr@ios_base@std@@AAEAAU_Iosarray@12@H@Z | 0x14660 | 0x1ab |
?_Fiopen@std@@YAPAU_iobuf@@PBDHH@Z | 0x16f20 | 0x1ac |
?_Fiopen@std@@YAPAU_iobuf@@PBGHH@Z | 0x16f40 | 0x1ad |
?_Fiopen@std@@YAPAU_iobuf@@PB_WHH@Z | 0x16f40 | 0x1ae |
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?_Fput@?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@2@V32@AAVios_base@2@GPBDI@Z | 0x252f0 | 0x1b0 |
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?_Getcat@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x160f0 | 0x1b2 |
?_Getcat@?$codecvt@GDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x12d50 | 0x1b3 |
?_Getcat@?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x11db0 | 0x1b4 |
?_Getcat@?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x12420 | 0x1b5 |
?_Getcat@?$codecvt@_WDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x12890 | 0x1b6 |
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?_Getcat@?$ctype@G@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x13b80 | 0x1b8 |
?_Getcat@?$ctype@_W@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z | 0x13670 | 0x1b9 |
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?_Getdateorder@_Locinfo@std@@QBEHXZ | 0x11540 | 0x1ca |
?_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QBEPBDXZ | 0x114a0 | 0x1cb |
?_Getfalse@_Locinfo@std@@QBEPBDXZ | 0x11520 | 0x1cc |
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?_Getffld@?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@2@1AAVios_base@2@PAH@Z | 0x27a20 | 0x1cf |
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?_Getfmt@?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IBE?AV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@2@V32@0AAVios_base@2@AAHPAUtm@@PBD@Z | 0x23c60 | 0x1d4 |
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?_Gnavail@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IBE_JXZ | 0x15a10 | 0x1e4 |
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?_Incref@facet@locale@std@@UAEXXZ | 0x11730 | 0x1f3 |
?_Index@ios_base@std@@0HA | 0x63ad0 | 0x1f4 |
?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXPAPAD0PAH001@Z | 0x15bb0 | 0x1f5 |
?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXXZ | 0x15be0 | 0x1f6 |
?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAEXPAPAG0PAH001@Z | 0x15bb0 | 0x1f7 |
?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAEXXZ | 0x15be0 | 0x1f8 |
?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAEXPAPA_W0PAH001@Z | 0x15bb0 | 0x1f9 |
?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAEXXZ | 0x15be0 | 0x1fa |
?_Init@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x1fb |
?_Init@?$codecvt@GDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x12900 | 0x1fc |
?_Init@?$codecvt@_SDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x1fd |
?_Init@?$codecvt@_UDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x1fe |
?_Init@?$codecvt@_WDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x12900 | 0x1ff |
?_Init@?$ctype@D@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x131b0 | 0x200 |
?_Init@?$ctype@G@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x13710 | 0x201 |
?_Init@?$ctype@_W@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x13710 | 0x202 |
?_Init@?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x203 |
?_Init@?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x204 |
?_Init@?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x205 |
?_Init@?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x206 |
?_Init@?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x207 |
?_Init@?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x208 |
?_Init@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x2c9c0 | 0x209 |
?_Init@?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x23db0 | 0x20a |
?_Init@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x26290 | 0x20b |
?_Init@?$time_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x2c6b0 | 0x20c |
?_Init@?$time_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x23a60 | 0x20d |
?_Init@?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEXABV_Locinfo@2@@Z | 0x23a60 | 0x20e |
?_Init@ios_base@std@@IAEXXZ | 0x145c0 | 0x20f |
?_Init@locale@std@@CAPAV_Locimp@12@_N@Z | 0x1b1a0 | 0x210 |
?_Init_cnt@Init@ios_base@std@@0HA | 0x62164 | 0x211 |
?_Init_cnt@_UShinit@std@@0HA | 0x62168 | 0x212 |
?_Init_cnt@_Winit@std@@0HA | 0x6216c | 0x213 |
?_Init_cnt_func@Init@ios_base@std@@CAAAHXZ | 0x17430 | 0x214 |
?_Init_ctor@Init@ios_base@std@@CAXPAV123@@Z | 0x17440 | 0x215 |
?_Init_dtor@Init@ios_base@std@@CAXPAV123@@Z | 0x17460 | 0x216 |
?_Init_locks_ctor@_Init_locks@std@@CAXPAV12@@Z | 0x2e2c0 | 0x217 |
?_Init_locks_dtor@_Init_locks@std@@CAXPAV12@@Z | 0x2e2f0 | 0x218 |
?_Ios_base_dtor@ios_base@std@@CAXPAV12@@Z | 0x17360 | 0x219 |
?_Ipfx@?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE_N_N@Z | 0x397b0 | 0x21a |
?_Ipfx@?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE_N_N@Z | 0x33980 | 0x21b |
?_Ipfx@?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE_N_N@Z | 0x36b80 | 0x21c |
?_Iput@?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@2@V32@AAVios_base@2@DPADI@Z | 0x19080 | 0x21d |
?_Iput@?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@2@V32@AAVios_base@2@GPADI@Z | 0x25020 | 0x21e |
?_Iput@?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@2@V32@AAVios_base@2@_WPADI@Z | 0x27410 | 0x21f |
?_IsCurrentOriginSTA@_ContextCallback@details@Concurrency@@CA_NXZ | 0x11bf0 | 0x220 |
?_IsNonBlockingThread@_Task_impl_base@details@Concurrency@@SA_NXZ | 0x11bf0 | 0x221 |
?_Locimp_Addfac@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAXPAV123@PAVfacet@23@I@Z | 0x17bb0 | 0x222 |
?_Locimp_ctor@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAXPAV123@ABV123@@Z | 0x17af0 | 0x223 |
?_Locimp_dtor@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAXPAV123@@Z | 0x1b280 | 0x224 |
?_Locinfo_Addcats@_Locinfo@std@@SAAAV12@PAV12@HPBD@Z | 0x17cc0 | 0x225 |
?_Locinfo_ctor@_Locinfo@std@@SAXPAV12@HPBD@Z | 0x17c80 | 0x226 |
?_Locinfo_ctor@_Locinfo@std@@SAXPAV12@PBD@Z | 0x1b300 | 0x227 |
?_Locinfo_dtor@_Locinfo@std@@SAXPAV12@@Z | 0x1b350 | 0x228 |
?_Lock@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x229 |
?_Lock@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x22a |
?_Lock@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x22b |
?_Lockit_ctor@_Lockit@std@@CAXPAV12@@Z | 0x2e3d0 | 0x22c |
?_Lockit_ctor@_Lockit@std@@CAXPAV12@H@Z | 0x2e3e0 | 0x22d |
?_Lockit_ctor@_Lockit@std@@SAXH@Z | 0x2e430 | 0x22e |
?_Lockit_dtor@_Lockit@std@@CAXPAV12@@Z | 0x2e410 | 0x22f |
?_Lockit_dtor@_Lockit@std@@SAXH@Z | 0x2e460 | 0x230 |
?_LogCancelTask@_TaskEventLogger@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x231 |
?_LogScheduleTask@_TaskEventLogger@details@Concurrency@@QAEX_N@Z | 0x11e20 | 0x232 |
?_LogTaskCompleted@_TaskEventLogger@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x233 |
?_LogTaskExecutionCompleted@_TaskEventLogger@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x234 |
?_LogWorkItemCompleted@_TaskEventLogger@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x235 |
?_LogWorkItemStarted@_TaskEventLogger@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x236 |
?_MP_Add@std@@YAXQA_K_K@Z | 0x1b430 | 0x237 |
?_MP_Get@std@@YA_KQA_K@Z | 0x1b380 | 0x238 |
?_MP_Mul@std@@YAXQA_K_K1@Z | 0x1b4c0 | 0x239 |
?_MP_Rem@std@@YAXQA_K_K@Z | 0x1b5d0 | 0x23a |
?_Makeloc@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAPAV123@ABV_Locinfo@3@HPAV123@PBV23@@Z | 0x178e0 | 0x23b |
?_Makeushloc@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAXABV_Locinfo@3@HPAV123@PBV23@@Z | 0x1e7d0 | 0x23c |
?_Makewloc@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAXABV_Locinfo@3@HPAV123@PBV23@@Z | 0x1e300 | 0x23d |
?_Makexloc@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAXABV_Locinfo@3@HPAV123@PBV23@@Z | 0x2aeb0 | 0x23e |
?_Mtx_delete@threads@stdext@@YAXPAX@Z | 0x2ad30 | 0x23f |
?_Mtx_lock@threads@stdext@@YAXPAX@Z | 0xd400 | 0x240 |
?_Mtx_new@threads@stdext@@YAXAAPAX@Z | 0x2ad00 | 0x241 |
?_Mtx_unlock@threads@stdext@@YAXPAX@Z | 0xd410 | 0x242 |
?_New_Locimp@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAPAV123@ABV123@@Z | 0x1b250 | 0x243 |
?_New_Locimp@_Locimp@locale@std@@CAPAV123@_N@Z | 0x1b230 | 0x244 |
?_Osfx@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x17680 | 0x245 |
?_Osfx@?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x17680 | 0x246 |
?_Osfx@?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ | 0x17680 | 0x247 |
?_Pnavail@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IBE_JXZ | 0x159c0 | 0x248 |
?_Pnavail@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IBE_JXZ | 0x159c0 | 0x249 |
?_Pnavail@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IBE_JXZ | 0x159c0 | 0x24a |
?_Pninc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEPADXZ | 0x159e0 | 0x24b |
?_Pninc@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAEPAGXZ | 0x1d510 | 0x24c |
?_Pninc@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAEPA_WXZ | 0x1d510 | 0x24d |
?_Ptr_cerr@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A | 0x63b0c | 0x24e |
?_Ptr_cin@std@@3PAV?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A | 0x63b10 | 0x24f |
?_Ptr_clog@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A | 0x63b14 | 0x250 |
?_Ptr_cout@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A | 0x63b08 | 0x251 |
?_Ptr_wcerr@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@A | 0x63b74 | 0x252 |
?_Ptr_wcerr@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@A | 0x63b50 | 0x253 |
?_Ptr_wcin@std@@3PAV?$basic_istream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@A | 0x63b78 | 0x254 |
?_Ptr_wcin@std@@3PAV?$basic_istream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@A | 0x63b18 | 0x255 |
?_Ptr_wclog@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@A | 0x63b7c | 0x256 |
?_Ptr_wclog@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@A | 0x63b4c | 0x257 |
?_Ptr_wcout@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@A | 0x63b70 | 0x258 |
?_Ptr_wcout@std@@3PAV?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@A | 0x63b48 | 0x259 |
?_Put@?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@2@V32@PBDI@Z | 0x19040 | 0x25a |
?_Put@?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@2@V32@PBGI@Z | 0x24fe0 | 0x25b |
?_Put@?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@2@V32@PB_WI@Z | 0x24fe0 | 0x25c |
?_Raise_handler@std@@3P6AXABVexception@stdext@@@ZA | 0x63b64 | 0x25d |
?_Random_device@std@@YAIXZ | 0x2e6f0 | 0x25e |
?_Release_chore@details@Concurrency@@YAXPAU_Threadpool_chore@12@@Z | 0x1c590 | 0x25f |
?_Rep@?$num_put@DV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@2@V32@DI@Z | 0x19010 | 0x260 |
?_Rep@?$num_put@GV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@2@V32@GI@Z | 0x24fb0 | 0x261 |
?_Rep@?$num_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABA?AV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@2@V32@_WI@Z | 0x24fb0 | 0x262 |
?_ReportUnobservedException@details@Concurrency@@YAXXZ | 0x1c420 | 0x263 |
?_Reschedule_chore@details@Concurrency@@YAHPBU_Threadpool_chore@12@@Z | 0x1c5c0 | 0x264 |
?_Reset@_ContextCallback@details@Concurrency@@AAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x265 |
?_Rethrow_future_exception@std@@YAXVexception_ptr@1@@Z | 0x171e0 | 0x266 |
?_Rng_abort@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0xa9c0 | 0x267 |
?_Schedule_chore@details@Concurrency@@YAHPAU_Threadpool_chore@12@@Z | 0x1c5f0 | 0x268 |
?_Setgloballocale@locale@std@@CAXPAX@Z | 0x1b140 | 0x269 |
?_Src@?1??_Getffld@?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@3@1AAVios_base@3@PAH@Z@4QBDB | 0x5f3c | 0x26a |
?_Src@?1??_Getffld@?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@3@1AAVios_base@3@PAH@Z@4QBDB | 0x5f3c | 0x26b |
?_Src@?1??_Getffld@?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@3@1AAVios_base@3@PAH@Z@4QBDB | 0x5f3c | 0x26c |
?_Src@?1??_Getffldx@?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@3@1AAVios_base@3@PAH@Z@4QBDB | 0x5f60 | 0x26d |
?_Src@?1??_Getffldx@?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@3@1AAVios_base@3@PAH@Z@4QBDB | 0x5f60 | 0x26e |
?_Src@?1??_Getffldx@?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@3@1AAVios_base@3@PAH@Z@4QBDB | 0x5f60 | 0x26f |
?_Src@?1??_Getifld@?$num_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@3@1HABVlocale@3@@Z@4QBDB | 0x57a0 | 0x270 |
?_Src@?1??_Getifld@?$num_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@3@1HABVlocale@3@@Z@4QBDB | 0x57a0 | 0x271 |
?_Src@?1??_Getifld@?$num_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@ABAHPADAAV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@3@1HABVlocale@3@@Z@4QBDB | 0x57a0 | 0x272 |
?_Sync@ios_base@std@@0_NA | 0x6215c | 0x273 |
?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPBDH@Z | 0x1bad0 | 0x274 |
?_Throw_C_error@std@@YAXH@Z | 0x1c730 | 0x275 |
?_Throw_Cpp_error@std@@YAXH@Z | 0x1c6f0 | 0x276 |
?_Throw_future_error@std@@YAXABVerror_code@1@@Z | 0x171b0 | 0x277 |
?_Tidy@?$_Yarn@D@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x148a0 | 0x278 |
?_Tidy@?$_Yarn@G@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x148a0 | 0x279 |
?_Tidy@?$_Yarn@_W@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x148a0 | 0x27a |
?_Tidy@?$ctype@D@std@@IAEXXZ | 0x131e0 | 0x27b |
?_Tidy@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x23a80 | 0x27c |
?_Tidy@?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x23a80 | 0x27d |
?_Tidy@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x23a80 | 0x27e |
?_Tidy@ios_base@std@@AAEXXZ | 0x146d0 | 0x27f |
?_Unlock@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x280 |
?_Unlock@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x281 |
?_Unlock@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ | 0xff90 | 0x282 |
?_W_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QBEPBGXZ | 0x11570 | 0x283 |
?_W_Getmonths@_Locinfo@std@@QBEPBGXZ | 0x115b0 | 0x284 |
?_W_Gettnames@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AV_Timevec@2@XZ | 0x11550 | 0x285 |
?_Winerror_map@std@@YAHH@Z | 0x1ba20 | 0x286 |
?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPADK@Z | 0x1ba50 | 0x287 |
?_XGetLastError@std@@YAXXZ | 0x2e610 | 0x288 |
?_XLgamma@std@@YAMM@Z | 0x2ada0 | 0x289 |
?_XLgamma@std@@YANN@Z | 0x2ae40 | 0x28a |
?_XLgamma@std@@YAOO@Z | 0x2ae40 | 0x28b |
?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ | 0x2e790 | 0x28c |
?_Xbad_function_call@std@@YAXXZ | 0x2e900 | 0x28d |
?_Xinvalid_argument@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0x2e7b0 | 0x28e |
?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0x2e7f0 | 0x28f |
?_Xout_of_range@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0x2e830 | 0x290 |
?_Xoverflow_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0x2e870 | 0x291 |
?_Xregex_error@std@@YAXW4error_type@regex_constants@1@@Z | 0x2ea40 | 0x292 |
?_Xruntime_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z | 0x2e8b0 | 0x293 |
?__ExceptionPtrAssign@@YAXPAXPBX@Z | 0x10670 | 0x294 |
?__ExceptionPtrCompare@@YA_NPBX0@Z | 0x106b0 | 0x295 |
?__ExceptionPtrCopy@@YAXPAXPBX@Z | 0x10660 | 0x296 |
?__ExceptionPtrCopyException@@YAXPAXPBX1@Z | 0x10760 | 0x297 |
?__ExceptionPtrCreate@@YAXPAX@Z | 0x10630 | 0x298 |
?__ExceptionPtrCurrentException@@YAXPAX@Z | 0x10710 | 0x299 |
?__ExceptionPtrDestroy@@YAXPAX@Z | 0x10640 | 0x29a |
?__ExceptionPtrRethrow@@YAXPBX@Z | 0x10740 | 0x29b |
?__ExceptionPtrSwap@@YAXPAX0@Z | 0x106e0 | 0x29c |
?__ExceptionPtrToBool@@YA_NPBX@Z | 0x106d0 | 0x29d |
?always_noconv@codecvt_base@std@@QBE_NXZ | 0x11b90 | 0x29e |
?bad@ios_base@std@@QBE_NXZ | 0x14190 | 0x29f |
?c_str@?$_Yarn@D@std@@QBEPBDXZ | 0x14880 | 0x2a0 |
?c_str@?$_Yarn@G@std@@QBEPBGXZ | 0x14880 | 0x2a1 |
?c_str@?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QBEPB_WXZ | 0x14880 | 0x2a2 |
?cerr@std@@3V?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A | 0x63b90 | 0x2a3 |
?cin@std@@3V?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A | 0x63c90 | 0x2a4 |
?classic@locale@std@@SAABV12@XZ | 0x1b170 | 0x2a5 |
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?clear@?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXH_N@Z | 0x15d00 | 0x2a7 |
?clear@?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXI@Z | 0x343e0 | 0x2a8 |
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_Chmod | 0x16c00 | 0x54a |
_Close_dir | 0x16330 | 0x54b |
_Cnd_broadcast | 0x1bf00 | 0x54c |
_Cnd_destroy | 0x1bdc0 | 0x54d |
_Cnd_destroy_in_situ | 0x1bd70 | 0x54e |
_Cnd_do_broadcast_at_thread_exit | 0xab90 | 0x54f |
_Cnd_init | 0x1bd90 | 0x550 |
_Cnd_init_in_situ | 0x1bd00 | 0x551 |
_Cnd_register_at_thread_exit | 0xaa90 | 0x552 |
_Cnd_signal | 0x1bee0 | 0x553 |
_Cnd_timedwait | 0x1bec0 | 0x554 |
_Cnd_unregister_at_thread_exit | 0xab30 | 0x555 |
_Cnd_wait | 0x1bea0 | 0x556 |
_Copy_file | 0x16bd0 | 0x557 |
_Cosh | 0xae10 | 0x558 |
_Current_get | 0x16590 | 0x559 |
_Current_set | 0x165c0 | 0x55a |
_Denorm | 0x62148 | 0x55b |
_Dtest | 0xb500 | 0x55c |
_Equivalent | 0x169d0 | 0x55d |
_Exp | 0xb5f0 | 0x55e |
_FCosh | 0xb710 | 0x55f |
_FDenorm | 0x62068 | 0x560 |
_FDtest | 0xbc70 | 0x561 |
_FExp | 0xbd40 | 0x562 |
_FInf | 0x62028 | 0x563 |
_FNan | 0x62048 | 0x564 |
_FSinh | 0xc5a0 | 0x565 |
_FSnan | 0x62078 | 0x566 |
_File_size | 0x167b0 | 0x567 |
_Getcoll | 0xed90 | 0x568 |
_Getctype | 0xa5e0 | 0x569 |
_Getcvt | 0xf150 | 0x56a |
_Getdateorder | 0x2ad50 | 0x56b |
_Getwctype | 0xc710 | 0x56c |
_Getwctypes | 0xc740 | 0x56d |
_Hard_links | 0x16730 | 0x56e |
_Hugeval | 0x62128 | 0x56f |
_Inf | 0x620e8 | 0x570 |
_LCosh | 0xc760 | 0x571 |
_LDenorm | 0x620c8 | 0x572 |
_LDtest | 0xc960 | 0x573 |
_LExp | 0xc970 | 0x574 |
_LInf | 0x62088 | 0x575 |
_LNan | 0x620a8 | 0x576 |
_LSinh | 0xd130 | 0x577 |
_LSnan | 0x620d8 | 0x578 |
_Last_write_time | 0x16800 | 0x579 |
_Link | 0x16ac0 | 0x57a |
_Lock_shared_ptr_spin_lock | 0xa770 | 0x57b |
_Lstat | 0x16720 | 0x57c |
_Make_dir | 0x16640 | 0x57d |
_Mbrtowc | 0xd270 | 0x57e |
_Mtx_clear_owner | 0x1c3c0 | 0x57f |
_Mtx_current_owns | 0x1c380 | 0x580 |
_Mtx_destroy | 0x1c130 | 0x581 |
_Mtx_destroy_in_situ | 0x1c0d0 | 0x582 |
_Mtx_getconcrtcs | 0x1c3b0 | 0x583 |
_Mtx_init | 0x1c0f0 | 0x584 |
_Mtx_init_in_situ | 0x1c0b0 | 0x585 |
_Mtx_lock | 0x1c320 | 0x586 |
_Mtx_reset_owner | 0x1c3d0 | 0x587 |
_Mtx_timedlock | 0x1c360 | 0x588 |
_Mtx_trylock | 0x1c330 | 0x589 |
_Mtx_unlock | 0x1c2f0 | 0x58a |
_Mtxdst | 0xd3f0 | 0x58b |
_Mtxinit | 0xd3d0 | 0x58c |
_Mtxlock | 0xd400 | 0x58d |
_Mtxunlock | 0xd410 | 0x58e |
_Nan | 0x62108 | 0x58f |
_Open_dir | 0x16480 | 0x590 |
_Query_perf_counter | 0xadd0 | 0x591 |
_Query_perf_frequency | 0xadf0 | 0x592 |
_Read_dir | 0x16360 | 0x593 |
_Remove_dir | 0x16670 | 0x594 |
_Rename | 0x16b20 | 0x595 |
_Resize | 0x16b40 | 0x596 |
_Set_last_write_time | 0x16850 | 0x597 |
_Sinh | 0xd950 | 0x598 |
_Snan | 0x62138 | 0x599 |
_Stat | 0x16690 | 0x59a |
_Statvfs | 0x168c0 | 0x59b |
_Stod | 0xdcd0 | 0x59c |
_Stodx | 0xda90 | 0x59d |
_Stof | 0xdef0 | 0x59e |
_Stofx | 0xdcf0 | 0x59f |
_Stold | 0xe440 | 0x5a0 |
_Stoldx | 0xe200 | 0x5a1 |
_Stoll | 0xe540 | 0x5a2 |
_Stollx | 0xe460 | 0x5a3 |
_Stolx | 0xe150 | 0x5a4 |
_Stoul | 0xe830 | 0x5a5 |
_Stoull | 0xea70 | 0x5a6 |
_Stoullx | 0xe850 | 0x5a7 |
_Stoulx | 0xe6b0 | 0x5a8 |
_Strcoll | 0xecf0 | 0x5a9 |
_Strxfrm | 0xedc0 | 0x5aa |
_Symlink | 0x16af0 | 0x5ab |
_Symlink_get | 0x165e0 | 0x5ac |
_Temp_get | 0x165f0 | 0x5ad |
_Thrd_abort | 0xa9c0 | 0x5ae |
_Thrd_create | 0xa9f0 | 0x5af |
_Thrd_current | 0xa940 | 0x5b0 |
_Thrd_detach | 0xa880 | 0x5b1 |
_Thrd_equal | 0xa930 | 0x5b2 |
_Thrd_exit | 0xa7f0 | 0x5b3 |
_Thrd_hardware_concurrency | 0xa9a0 | 0x5b4 |
_Thrd_id | 0xa990 | 0x5b5 |
_Thrd_join | 0xa830 | 0x5b6 |
_Thrd_sleep | 0xa8a0 | 0x5b7 |
_Thrd_start | 0xa800 | 0x5b8 |
_Thrd_yield | 0xa920 | 0x5b9 |
_To_byte | 0x16450 | 0x5ba |
_To_wide | 0x16420 | 0x5bb |
_Tolower | 0xa4d0 | 0x5bc |
_Toupper | 0xa660 | 0x5bd |
_Towlower | 0xee70 | 0x5be |
_Towupper | 0xeee0 | 0x5bf |
_Unlink | 0x16bb0 | 0x5c0 |
_Unlock_shared_ptr_spin_lock | 0xa780 | 0x5c1 |
_WStod | 0xf410 | 0x5c2 |
_WStodx | 0xf1d0 | 0x5c3 |
_WStof | 0xf630 | 0x5c4 |
_WStofx | 0xf430 | 0x5c5 |
_WStold | 0xfb00 | 0x5c6 |
_WStoldx | 0xf8c0 | 0x5c7 |
_Wcrtomb | 0xf0f0 | 0x5c8 |
_Wcscoll | 0xef50 | 0x5c9 |
_Wcsxfrm | 0xf010 | 0x5ca |
_Xtime_diff_to_millis | 0xad40 | 0x5cb |
_Xtime_diff_to_millis2 | 0xad00 | 0x5cc |
_Xtime_get_ticks | 0xacd0 | 0x5cd |
__Wcrtomb_lk | 0xf0e0 | 0x5ce |
__crtCloseThreadpoolTimer | 0x3a250 | 0x5cf |
__crtCloseThreadpoolWait | 0x3a280 | 0x5d0 |
__crtCompareStringA | 0x10940 | 0x5d1 |
__crtCompareStringEx | 0x10f50 | 0x5d2 |
__crtCompareStringW | 0x10bb0 | 0x5d3 |
__crtCreateEventExW | 0x3a2c0 | 0x5d4 |
__crtCreateSemaphoreExW | 0x3a310 | 0x5d5 |
__crtCreateSymbolicLinkW | 0x3a370 | 0x5d6 |
__crtCreateThreadpoolTimer | 0x3a3b0 | 0x5d7 |
__crtCreateThreadpoolWait | 0x3a3e0 | 0x5d8 |
__crtFlushProcessWriteBuffers | 0x3a430 | 0x5d9 |
__crtFreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns | 0x3a450 | 0x5da |
__crtGetCurrentProcessorNumber | 0x3a480 | 0x5db |
__crtGetFileInformationByHandleEx | 0x3a4a0 | 0x5dc |
__crtGetLocaleInfoEx | 0x11020 | 0x5dd |
__crtGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime | 0x3a4e0 | 0x5de |
__crtGetTickCount64 | 0x3a510 | 0x5df |
__crtInitOnceExecuteOnce | 0x3a540 | 0x5e0 |
__crtInitializeCriticalSectionEx | 0x3a5f0 | 0x5e1 |
__crtIsPackagedApp | 0x3a650 | 0x5e2 |
__crtLCMapStringA | 0x10c20 | 0x5e3 |
__crtLCMapStringEx | 0x10fc0 | 0x5e4 |
__crtLCMapStringW | 0x10e30 | 0x5e5 |
__crtSetFileInformationByHandle | 0x3a690 | 0x5e6 |
__crtSetThreadpoolTimer | 0x3a6d0 | 0x5e7 |
__crtSetThreadpoolWait | 0x3a700 | 0x5e8 |
__crtWaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks | 0x3a7c0 | 0x5e9 |
__set_stl_sync_api_mode | 0x1c0a0 | 0x5ea |
xtime_get | 0xad80 | 0x5eb |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2016-08-18 20:17:17+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2017-11-02 20:17:17+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 40 96 A9 EE 70 56 FE CC 07 00 01 00 00 01 40 |
Thumbprint | 98 ED 99 A6 78 86 D0 20 C5 64 92 3B 7D F2 5E 9A C0 19 DF 26 |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/nss3.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2018-04-28 14:09 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-03-17 03:47 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x100ee854 |
Size Of Code | 0xee400 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x41c00 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2018-04-27 22:08:33+00:00 |
BuildID | 20180427210249 |
Comments | - |
CompanyName | Mozilla Foundation |
FileDescription | - |
FileVersion | 59.0.3 |
InternalName | - |
LegalCopyright | License: MPL 2 |
LegalTrademarks | Mozilla |
OriginalFilename | nss3.dll |
ProductName | Firefox |
ProductVersion | 59.0.3 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0xee3bf | 0xee400 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.67 |
.rdata | 0x100f0000 | 0x3508e | 0x35200 | 0xee800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.96 |
.data | 0x10126000 | 0x4590 | 0x2000 | 0x123a00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 3.91 |
.rsrc | 0x1012b000 | 0x368 | 0x400 | 0x125a00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.85 |
.reloc | 0x1012c000 | 0x7e74 | 0x8000 | 0x125e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.68 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
free | 0x0 | 0x100f03cc | 0x124134 | 0x122934 | 0x7c |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x100f03d0 | 0x124138 | 0x122938 | 0x86 |
strdup | 0x0 | 0x100f03d4 | 0x12413c | 0x12293c | 0x9b |
calloc | 0x0 | 0x100f03d8 | 0x124140 | 0x122940 | 0x7b |
malloc_usable_size | 0x0 | 0x100f03dc | 0x124144 | 0x122944 | 0x88 |
_HeapAlloc@12 | 0x0 | 0x100f03e0 | 0x124148 | 0x122948 | 0x71 |
_HeapReAlloc@16 | 0x0 | 0x100f03e4 | 0x12414c | 0x12294c | 0x73 |
realloc | 0x0 | 0x100f03e8 | 0x124150 | 0x122950 | 0x9a |
_HeapFree@12 | 0x0 | 0x100f03ec | 0x124154 | 0x122954 | 0x72 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x100f0034 | 0x123d9c | 0x12259c | 0x33f |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x100f0038 | 0x123da0 | 0x1225a0 | 0x12e |
GetFullPathNameW | 0x0 | 0x100f003c | 0x123da4 | 0x1225a4 | 0x253 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x100f0040 | 0x123da8 | 0x1225a8 | 0x605 |
GetDiskFreeSpaceW | 0x0 | 0x100f0044 | 0x123dac | 0x1225ac | 0x225 |
OutputDebugStringA | 0x0 | 0x100f0048 | 0x123db0 | 0x1225b0 | 0x40b |
LockFile | 0x0 | 0x100f004c | 0x123db4 | 0x1225b4 | 0x3cc |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x100f0050 | 0x123db8 | 0x1225b8 | 0x3b2 |
InitializeCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x100f0054 | 0x123dbc | 0x1225bc | 0x355 |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x100f0058 | 0x123dc0 | 0x1225c0 | 0x513 |
GetFullPathNameA | 0x0 | 0x100f005c | 0x123dc4 | 0x1225c4 | 0x250 |
SetEndOfFile | 0x0 | 0x100f0060 | 0x123dc8 | 0x1225c8 | 0x501 |
UnlockFileEx | 0x0 | 0x100f0064 | 0x123dcc | 0x1225cc | 0x59f |
GetTempPathW | 0x0 | 0x100f0068 | 0x123dd0 | 0x1225d0 | 0x2ef |
CreateMutexW | 0x0 | 0x100f006c | 0x123dd4 | 0x1225d4 | 0xd8 |
WaitForSingleObject | 0x0 | 0x100f0070 | 0x123dd8 | 0x1225d8 | 0x5c7 |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x100f0074 | 0x123ddc | 0x1225dc | 0xc9 |
GetFileAttributesW | 0x0 | 0x100f0078 | 0x123de0 | 0x1225e0 | 0x23f |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x100f007c | 0x123de4 | 0x1225e4 | 0x218 |
UnmapViewOfFile | 0x0 | 0x100f0080 | 0x123de8 | 0x1225e8 | 0x5a0 |
HeapValidate | 0x0 | 0x100f0084 | 0x123dec | 0x1225ec | 0x349 |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x100f0088 | 0x123df0 | 0x1225f0 | 0x346 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x100f008c | 0x123df4 | 0x1225f4 | 0x3e2 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x100f0090 | 0x123df8 | 0x1225f8 | 0x56d |
GetTempPathA | 0x0 | 0x100f0094 | 0x123dfc | 0x1225fc | 0x2ee |
FormatMessageW | 0x0 | 0x100f0098 | 0x123e00 | 0x122600 | 0x1a3 |
GetDiskFreeSpaceA | 0x0 | 0x100f009c | 0x123e04 | 0x122604 | 0x222 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x100f00a0 | 0x123e08 | 0x122608 | 0x25a |
GetFileAttributesA | 0x0 | 0x100f00a4 | 0x123e0c | 0x12260c | 0x23a |
GetFileAttributesExW | 0x0 | 0x100f00a8 | 0x123e10 | 0x122610 | 0x23c |
OutputDebugStringW | 0x0 | 0x100f00ac | 0x123e14 | 0x122614 | 0x40c |
FlushViewOfFile | 0x0 | 0x100f00b0 | 0x123e18 | 0x122618 | 0x19e |
CreateFileA | 0x0 | 0x100f00b4 | 0x123e1c | 0x12261c | 0xc1 |
LoadLibraryA | 0x0 | 0x100f00b8 | 0x123e20 | 0x122620 | 0x3b6 |
WaitForSingleObjectEx | 0x0 | 0x100f00bc | 0x123e24 | 0x122624 | 0x5c8 |
DeleteFileA | 0x0 | 0x100f00c0 | 0x123e28 | 0x122628 | 0x10f |
DeleteFileW | 0x0 | 0x100f00c4 | 0x123e2c | 0x12262c | 0x112 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x100f00c8 | 0x123e30 | 0x122630 | 0x85 |
GetSystemInfo | 0x0 | 0x100f00cc | 0x123e34 | 0x122634 | 0x2dc |
LoadLibraryW | 0x0 | 0x100f00d0 | 0x123e38 | 0x122638 | 0x3b9 |
HeapCompact | 0x0 | 0x100f00d4 | 0x123e3c | 0x12263c | 0x33e |
HeapDestroy | 0x0 | 0x100f00d8 | 0x123e40 | 0x122640 | 0x340 |
UnlockFile | 0x0 | 0x100f00dc | 0x123e44 | 0x122644 | 0x59e |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x100f00e0 | 0x123e48 | 0x122648 | 0x2a7 |
CreateFileMappingA | 0x0 | 0x100f00e4 | 0x123e4c | 0x12264c | 0xc2 |
LocalFree | 0x0 | 0x100f00e8 | 0x123e50 | 0x122650 | 0x3c3 |
LockFileEx | 0x0 | 0x100f00ec | 0x123e54 | 0x122654 | 0x3cd |
GetFileSize | 0x0 | 0x100f00f0 | 0x123e58 | 0x122658 | 0x245 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x100f00f4 | 0x123e5c | 0x12265c | 0x10d |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x100f00f8 | 0x123e60 | 0x122660 | 0x214 |
GetProcessHeap | 0x0 | 0x100f00fc | 0x123e64 | 0x122664 | 0x2ad |
SystemTimeToFileTime | 0x0 | 0x100f0100 | 0x123e68 | 0x122668 | 0x578 |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x100f0104 | 0x123e6c | 0x12266c | 0x465 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x100f0108 | 0x123e70 | 0x122670 | 0x5f1 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x100f010c | 0x123e74 | 0x122674 | 0x2e2 |
GetSystemTime | 0x0 | 0x100f0110 | 0x123e78 | 0x122678 | 0x2e0 |
FormatMessageA | 0x0 | 0x100f0114 | 0x123e7c | 0x12267c | 0x1a2 |
CreateFileMappingW | 0x0 | 0x100f0118 | 0x123e80 | 0x122680 | 0xc6 |
MapViewOfFile | 0x0 | 0x100f011c | 0x123e84 | 0x122684 | 0x3d1 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x100f0120 | 0x123e88 | 0x122688 | 0x440 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x100f0124 | 0x123e8c | 0x12268c | 0x300 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x100f0128 | 0x123e90 | 0x122690 | 0x19b |
CreatePipe | 0x0 | 0x100f012c | 0x123e94 | 0x122694 | 0xdb |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x100f0130 | 0x123e98 | 0x122698 | 0x2cb |
DebugBreak | 0x0 | 0x100f0134 | 0x123e9c | 0x12269c | 0x103 |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x100f0138 | 0x123ea0 | 0x1226a0 | 0x26d |
GetModuleHandleA | 0x0 | 0x100f013c | 0x123ea4 | 0x1226a4 | 0x26e |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x100f0140 | 0x123ea8 | 0x1226a8 | 0x271 |
LoadLibraryExW | 0x0 | 0x100f0144 | 0x123eac | 0x1226ac | 0x3b8 |
GetThreadContext | 0x0 | 0x100f0148 | 0x123eb0 | 0x1226b0 | 0x2f0 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x100f014c | 0x123eb4 | 0x1226b4 | 0x57c |
GetVersionExA | 0x0 | 0x100f0150 | 0x123eb8 | 0x1226b8 | 0x312 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | 0x0 | 0x100f0154 | 0x123ebc | 0x1226bc | 0x22f |
CreateProcessA | 0x0 | 0x100f0158 | 0x123ec0 | 0x1226c0 | 0xde |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | 0x0 | 0x100f015c | 0x123ec4 | 0x1226c4 | 0x1a5 |
GetExitCodeProcess | 0x0 | 0x100f0160 | 0x123ec8 | 0x1226c8 | 0x236 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x100f0164 | 0x123ecc | 0x1226cc | 0x213 |
ReleaseSemaphore | 0x0 | 0x100f0168 | 0x123ed0 | 0x1226d0 | 0x4a6 |
CreateSemaphoreA | 0x0 | 0x100f016c | 0x123ed4 | 0x1226d4 | 0xe6 |
OpenSemaphoreA | 0x0 | 0x100f0170 | 0x123ed8 | 0x1226d8 | 0x403 |
DuplicateHandle | 0x0 | 0x100f0174 | 0x123edc | 0x1226dc | 0x128 |
OpenFileMappingA | 0x0 | 0x100f0178 | 0x123ee0 | 0x1226e0 | 0x3f7 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x100f017c | 0x123ee4 | 0x1226e4 | 0x356 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x100f0180 | 0x123ee8 | 0x1226e8 | 0x590 |
MoveFileA | 0x0 | 0x100f0184 | 0x123eec | 0x1226ec | 0x3d9 |
GetFileAttributesExA | 0x0 | 0x100f0188 | 0x123ef0 | 0x1226f0 | 0x23b |
SetHandleInformation | 0x0 | 0x100f018c | 0x123ef4 | 0x1226f4 | 0x51f |
FindFirstFileA | 0x0 | 0x100f0190 | 0x123ef8 | 0x1226f8 | 0x175 |
GetHandleInformation | 0x0 | 0x100f0194 | 0x123efc | 0x1226fc | 0x257 |
FindNextFileA | 0x0 | 0x100f0198 | 0x123f00 | 0x122700 | 0x186 |
FindClose | 0x0 | 0x100f019c | 0x123f04 | 0x122704 | 0x171 |
GetFileInformationByHandle | 0x0 | 0x100f01a0 | 0x123f08 | 0x122708 | 0x241 |
RemoveDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x100f01a4 | 0x123f0c | 0x12270c | 0x4a8 |
CreateDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x100f01a8 | 0x123f10 | 0x122710 | 0xb3 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x100f01ac | 0x123f14 | 0x122714 | 0x591 |
SetThreadPriority | 0x0 | 0x100f01b0 | 0x123f18 | 0x122718 | 0x54f |
SuspendThread | 0x0 | 0x100f01b4 | 0x123f1c | 0x12271c | 0x575 |
ResumeThread | 0x0 | 0x100f01b8 | 0x123f20 | 0x122720 | 0x4be |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x100f01bc | 0x123f24 | 0x122724 | 0x217 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x100f01c0 | 0x123f28 | 0x122728 | 0x58e |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x100f01c4 | 0x123f2c | 0x12272c | 0x455 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x100f01c8 | 0x123f30 | 0x122730 | 0x58f |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x100f01cc | 0x123f34 | 0x122734 | 0x376 |
GlobalMemoryStatusEx | 0x0 | 0x100f01d0 | 0x123f38 | 0x122738 | 0x332 |
MoveFileW | 0x0 | 0x100f01d4 | 0x123f3c | 0x12273c | 0x3de |
ReleaseMutex | 0x0 | 0x100f01d8 | 0x123f40 | 0x122740 | 0x4a2 |
CreateMutexA | 0x0 | 0x100f01dc | 0x123f44 | 0x122744 | 0xd5 |
AreFileApisANSI | 0x0 | 0x100f01e0 | 0x123f48 | 0x122748 | 0x23 |
TryEnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x100f01e4 | 0x123f4c | 0x12274c | 0x597 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x100f01e8 | 0x123f50 | 0x122750 | 0x59d |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x100f01ec | 0x123f54 | 0x122754 | 0x55e |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x100f01f0 | 0x123f58 | 0x122758 | 0x37d |
InitializeSListHead | 0x0 | 0x100f01f4 | 0x123f5c | 0x12275c | 0x35a |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x100f01f8 | 0x123f60 | 0x122760 | 0x1a7 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
timeGetTime | 0x0 | 0x100f022c | 0x123f94 | 0x122794 | 0x94 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
shutdown | 0x16 | 0x100f0234 | 0x123f9c | 0x12279c | - |
closesocket | 0x3 | 0x100f0238 | 0x123fa0 | 0x1227a0 | - |
bind | 0x2 | 0x100f023c | 0x123fa4 | 0x1227a4 | - |
accept | 0x1 | 0x100f0240 | 0x123fa8 | 0x1227a8 | - |
WSACleanup | 0x74 | 0x100f0244 | 0x123fac | 0x1227ac | - |
htons | 0x9 | 0x100f0248 | 0x123fb0 | 0x1227b0 | - |
getprotobyname | 0x35 | 0x100f024c | 0x123fb4 | 0x1227b4 | - |
send | 0x13 | 0x100f0250 | 0x123fb8 | 0x1227b8 | - |
getpeername | 0x5 | 0x100f0254 | 0x123fbc | 0x1227bc | - |
ntohl | 0xe | 0x100f0258 | 0x123fc0 | 0x1227c0 | - |
gethostbyname | 0x34 | 0x100f025c | 0x123fc4 | 0x1227c4 | - |
socket | 0x17 | 0x100f0260 | 0x123fc8 | 0x1227c8 | - |
gethostname | 0x39 | 0x100f0264 | 0x123fcc | 0x1227cc | - |
ntohs | 0xf | 0x100f0268 | 0x123fd0 | 0x1227d0 | - |
getsockopt | 0x7 | 0x100f026c | 0x123fd4 | 0x1227d4 | - |
WSAGetLastError | 0x6f | 0x100f0270 | 0x123fd8 | 0x1227d8 | - |
htonl | 0x8 | 0x100f0274 | 0x123fdc | 0x1227dc | - |
listen | 0xd | 0x100f0278 | 0x123fe0 | 0x1227e0 | - |
getprotobynumber | 0x36 | 0x100f027c | 0x123fe4 | 0x1227e4 | - |
connect | 0x4 | 0x100f0280 | 0x123fe8 | 0x1227e8 | - |
recvfrom | 0x11 | 0x100f0284 | 0x123fec | 0x1227ec | - |
recv | 0x10 | 0x100f0288 | 0x123ff0 | 0x1227f0 | - |
sendto | 0x14 | 0x100f028c | 0x123ff4 | 0x1227f4 | - |
inet_ntoa | 0xc | 0x100f0290 | 0x123ff8 | 0x1227f8 | - |
getsockname | 0x6 | 0x100f0294 | 0x123ffc | 0x1227fc | - |
setsockopt | 0x15 | 0x100f0298 | 0x124000 | 0x122800 | - |
WSAStartup | 0x73 | 0x100f029c | 0x124004 | 0x122804 | - |
__WSAFDIsSet | 0x97 | 0x100f02a0 | 0x124008 | 0x122808 | - |
gethostbyaddr | 0x33 | 0x100f02a4 | 0x12400c | 0x12280c | - |
select | 0x12 | 0x100f02a8 | 0x124010 | 0x122810 | - |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetTokenInformation | 0x0 | 0x100f0000 | 0x123d68 | 0x122568 | 0x16f |
AddAccessAllowedAce | 0x0 | 0x100f0004 | 0x123d6c | 0x12256c | 0x10 |
GetLengthSid | 0x0 | 0x100f0008 | 0x123d70 | 0x122570 | 0x14a |
InitializeAcl | 0x0 | 0x100f000c | 0x123d74 | 0x122574 | 0x18d |
InitializeSecurityDescriptor | 0x0 | 0x100f0010 | 0x123d78 | 0x122578 | 0x18e |
FreeSid | 0x0 | 0x100f0014 | 0x123d7c | 0x12257c | 0x133 |
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl | 0x0 | 0x100f0018 | 0x123d80 | 0x122580 | 0x2e4 |
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner | 0x0 | 0x100f001c | 0x123d84 | 0x122584 | 0x2e6 |
AllocateAndInitializeSid | 0x0 | 0x100f0020 | 0x123d88 | 0x122588 | 0x20 |
CopySid | 0x0 | 0x100f0024 | 0x123d8c | 0x12258c | 0x85 |
OpenProcessToken | 0x0 | 0x100f0028 | 0x123d90 | 0x122590 | 0x214 |
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup | 0x0 | 0x100f002c | 0x123d94 | 0x122594 | 0x2e5 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
strchr | 0x0 | 0x100f0200 | 0x123f68 | 0x122768 | 0x4a |
memchr | 0x0 | 0x100f0204 | 0x123f6c | 0x12276c | 0x44 |
memmove | 0x0 | 0x100f0208 | 0x123f70 | 0x122770 | 0x47 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x0 | 0x100f020c | 0x123f74 | 0x122774 | 0x25 |
_except_handler4_common | 0x0 | 0x100f0210 | 0x123f78 | 0x122778 | 0x35 |
memcmp | 0x0 | 0x100f0214 | 0x123f7c | 0x12277c | 0x45 |
memset | 0x0 | 0x100f0218 | 0x123f80 | 0x122780 | 0x48 |
strrchr | 0x0 | 0x100f021c | 0x123f84 | 0x122784 | 0x4b |
memcpy | 0x0 | 0x100f0220 | 0x123f88 | 0x122788 | 0x46 |
strstr | 0x0 | 0x100f0224 | 0x123f8c | 0x12278c | 0x4c |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x0 | 0x100f02f8 | 0x124060 | 0x122860 | 0x19 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x0 | 0x100f02fc | 0x124064 | 0x122864 | 0x41 |
_initterm_e | 0x0 | 0x100f0300 | 0x124068 | 0x122868 | 0x39 |
abort | 0x0 | 0x100f0304 | 0x12406c | 0x12286c | 0x57 |
_initterm | 0x0 | 0x100f0308 | 0x124070 | 0x122870 | 0x38 |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x100f030c | 0x124074 | 0x122874 | 0x36 |
_getpid | 0x0 | 0x100f0310 | 0x124078 | 0x122878 | 0x34 |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x100f0314 | 0x12407c | 0x12287c | 0x24 |
_beginthreadex | 0x0 | 0x100f0318 | 0x124080 | 0x122880 | 0x15 |
_cexit | 0x0 | 0x100f031c | 0x124084 | 0x122884 | 0x17 |
_endthreadex | 0x0 | 0x100f0320 | 0x124088 | 0x122888 | 0x22 |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x0 | 0x100f0324 | 0x12408c | 0x12288c | 0x35 |
_errno | 0x0 | 0x100f0328 | 0x124090 | 0x122890 | 0x23 |
_exit | 0x0 | 0x100f032c | 0x124094 | 0x122894 | 0x25 |
__fpe_flt_rounds | 0x0 | 0x100f0330 | 0x124098 | 0x122898 | 0x3 |
strerror | 0x0 | 0x100f0334 | 0x12409c | 0x12289c | 0x67 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_time64 | 0x0 | 0x100f03b0 | 0x124118 | 0x122918 | 0x30 |
_mktime64 | 0x0 | 0x100f03b4 | 0x12411c | 0x12291c | 0x28 |
_localtime64_s | 0x0 | 0x100f03b8 | 0x124120 | 0x122920 | 0x24 |
strftime | 0x0 | 0x100f03bc | 0x124124 | 0x122924 | 0x46 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
qsort | 0x0 | 0x100f03c4 | 0x12412c | 0x12292c | 0x19 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
strncmp | 0x0 | 0x100f0380 | 0x1240e8 | 0x1228e8 | 0x8e |
tolower | 0x0 | 0x100f0384 | 0x1240ec | 0x1228ec | 0x97 |
isdigit | 0x0 | 0x100f0388 | 0x1240f0 | 0x1228f0 | 0x68 |
strpbrk | 0x0 | 0x100f038c | 0x1240f4 | 0x1228f4 | 0x92 |
_stricmp | 0x0 | 0x100f0390 | 0x1240f8 | 0x1228f8 | 0x2a |
toupper | 0x0 | 0x100f0394 | 0x1240fc | 0x1228fc | 0x98 |
isalnum | 0x0 | 0x100f0398 | 0x124100 | 0x122900 | 0x64 |
strcmp | 0x0 | 0x100f039c | 0x124104 | 0x122904 | 0x86 |
strncpy | 0x0 | 0x100f03a0 | 0x124108 | 0x122908 | 0x8f |
isalpha | 0x0 | 0x100f03a4 | 0x12410c | 0x12290c | 0x65 |
isspace | 0x0 | 0x100f03a8 | 0x124110 | 0x122910 | 0x6e |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
atoi | 0x0 | 0x100f02b0 | 0x124018 | 0x122818 | 0x50 |
strtol | 0x0 | 0x100f02b4 | 0x12401c | 0x12281c | 0x61 |
strtoul | 0x0 | 0x100f02b8 | 0x124020 | 0x122820 | 0x64 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_close | 0x0 | 0x100f033c | 0x1240a4 | 0x1228a4 | 0x17 |
__acrt_iob_func | 0x0 | 0x100f0340 | 0x1240a8 | 0x1228a8 | 0x0 |
fflush | 0x0 | 0x100f0344 | 0x1240ac | 0x1228ac | 0x77 |
fclose | 0x0 | 0x100f0348 | 0x1240b0 | 0x1228b0 | 0x74 |
__stdio_common_vfprintf | 0x0 | 0x100f034c | 0x1240b4 | 0x1228b4 | 0x3 |
fwrite | 0x0 | 0x100f0350 | 0x1240b8 | 0x1228b8 | 0x8a |
_wfopen | 0x0 | 0x100f0354 | 0x1240bc | 0x1228bc | 0x62 |
setvbuf | 0x0 | 0x100f0358 | 0x1240c0 | 0x1228c0 | 0x98 |
feof | 0x0 | 0x100f035c | 0x1240c4 | 0x1228c4 | 0x75 |
fgets | 0x0 | 0x100f0360 | 0x1240c8 | 0x1228c8 | 0x7a |
fputs | 0x0 | 0x100f0364 | 0x1240cc | 0x1228cc | 0x80 |
__stdio_common_vsscanf | 0x0 | 0x100f0368 | 0x1240d0 | 0x1228d0 | 0x10 |
_wopen | 0x0 | 0x100f036c | 0x1240d4 | 0x1228d4 | 0x69 |
fopen | 0x0 | 0x100f0370 | 0x1240d8 | 0x1228d8 | 0x7d |
__stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x0 | 0x100f0374 | 0x1240dc | 0x1228dc | 0xd |
ftell | 0x0 | 0x100f0378 | 0x1240e0 | 0x1228e0 | 0x89 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_putenv | 0x0 | 0x100f02c0 | 0x124028 | 0x122828 | 0x3 |
getenv | 0x0 | 0x100f02c4 | 0x12402c | 0x12282c | 0x10 |
__p__environ | 0x0 | 0x100f02c8 | 0x124030 | 0x122830 | 0x0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_mbsinc | 0x0 | 0x100f02ec | 0x124054 | 0x122854 | 0x6f |
_mbsdec | 0x0 | 0x100f02f0 | 0x124058 | 0x122858 | 0x68 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_waccess | 0x0 | 0x100f02d0 | 0x124038 | 0x122838 | 0x25 |
_wstat64i32 | 0x0 | 0x100f02d4 | 0x12403c | 0x12283c | 0x3d |
_access | 0x0 | 0x100f02d8 | 0x124040 | 0x122840 | 0x0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_fdopen | 0x0 | 0x100f02e0 | 0x124048 | 0x122848 | 0x46 |
_except1 | 0x0 | 0x100f02e4 | 0x12404c | 0x12284c | 0x40 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
ATOB_AsciiToData | 0x914fa | 0x1 |
ATOB_AsciiToData_Util | 0xb8526 | 0x2 |
ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem_Util | 0xb856a | 0x3 |
BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii_Util | 0xb89fe | 0x4 |
BTOA_DataToAscii | 0x91503 | 0x5 |
BTOA_DataToAscii_Util | 0xb8a13 | 0x6 |
CERT_AddCertToListHead | 0x7fcd6 | 0x7 |
CERT_AddCertToListTail | 0x7fdab | 0x8 |
CERT_AddExtension | 0x82011 | 0x9 |
CERT_AddExtensionByOID | 0x8203d | 0xa |
CERT_AsciiToName | 0x7e9d1 | 0xb |
CERT_CacheOCSPResponseFromSideChannel | 0x899e3 | 0xc |
CERT_CertChainFromCert | 0x873da | 0xd |
CERT_CertListFromCert | 0x875ac | 0xe |
CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate | 0xf18d0 | 0xf |
CERT_CertificateTemplate | 0xf0998 | 0x10 |
CERT_ChangeCertTrust | 0x85f24 | 0x11 |
CERT_CheckCertUsage | 0x81de5 | 0x12 |
CERT_CheckCertValidTimes | 0x7fdff | 0x13 |
CERT_CheckNameSpace | 0x8401f | 0x14 |
CERT_ClearOCSPCache | 0x89bd4 | 0x15 |
CERT_CompareCerts | 0x7ff4c | 0x16 |
CERT_CompareName | 0x85762 | 0x17 |
CERT_ConvertAndDecodeCertificate | 0xc6633 | 0x18 |
CERT_CopyName | 0x85885 | 0x19 |
CERT_CopyRDN | 0x85921 | 0x1a |
CERT_CreateCertificate | 0x87e2a | 0x1b |
CERT_CreateCertificateRequest | 0x87f11 | 0x1c |
CERT_CreateSubjectCertList | 0x85f48 | 0x1d |
CERT_CreateValidity | 0x7ffad | 0x1e |
CERT_CrlTemplate | 0xf0d50 | 0x1f |
CERT_DecodeAVAValue | 0x85b25 | 0x20 |
CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension | 0x87198 | 0x21 |
CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension | 0x871fc | 0x22 |
CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID | 0x86f2d | 0x23 |
CERT_DecodeBasicConstraintValue | 0x87022 | 0x24 |
CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints | 0x8cd6f | 0x25 |
CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage | 0xc6679 | 0x26 |
CERT_DecodeCertPackage | 0xc66d5 | 0x27 |
CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension | 0x851f4 | 0x28 |
CERT_DecodeNameConstraintsExtension | 0x87286 | 0x29 |
CERT_DecodeOidSequence | 0x852a4 | 0x2a |
CERT_DecodePrivKeyUsagePeriodExtension | 0x8728f | 0x2b |
CERT_DecodeTrustString | 0x8020e | 0x2c |
CERT_DecodeUserNotice | 0x85310 | 0x2d |
CERT_DerNameToAscii | 0x7e9f0 | 0x2e |
CERT_DestroyCertArray | 0x8030b | 0x2f |
CERT_DestroyCertList | 0x8033e | 0x30 |
CERT_DestroyCertificate | 0x86038 | 0x31 |
CERT_DestroyCertificateList | 0x87624 | 0x32 |
CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension | 0x8539c | 0x33 |
CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest | 0x80376 | 0x34 |
CERT_DestroyName | 0x85cd3 | 0x35 |
CERT_DestroyOidSequence | 0x8539c | 0x36 |
CERT_DestroyUserNotice | 0x8539c | 0x37 |
CERT_DestroyValidity | 0x80376 | 0x38 |
CERT_DisableOCSPChecking | 0x89dbe | 0x39 |
CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder | 0x89e15 | 0x3a |
CERT_DupCertificate | 0x80392 | 0x3b |
CERT_EnableOCSPChecking | 0x89e67 | 0x3c |
CERT_EncodeAltNameExtension | 0x872e4 | 0x3d |
CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension | 0x820de | 0x3e |
CERT_EncodeAuthKeyID | 0x86fc1 | 0x3f |
CERT_EncodeBasicConstraintValue | 0x870d3 | 0x40 |
CERT_EncodeCRLDistributionPoints | 0x8ce9d | 0x41 |
CERT_EncodeCertPoliciesExtension | 0x853b3 | 0x42 |
CERT_EncodeInfoAccessExtension | 0x8731f | 0x43 |
CERT_EncodeInhibitAnyExtension | 0x853eb | 0x44 |
CERT_EncodeNameConstraintsExtension | 0x87386 | 0x45 |
CERT_EncodeNoticeReference | 0x85423 | 0x46 |
CERT_EncodePolicyConstraintsExtension | 0x8545b | 0x47 |
CERT_EncodePolicyMappingExtension | 0x85493 | 0x48 |
CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID | 0x8739c | 0x49 |
CERT_EncodeUserNotice | 0x854cb | 0x4a |
CERT_ExtractPublicKey | 0x8d499 | 0x4b |
CERT_FilterCertListByCANames | 0x881e4 | 0x4c |
CERT_FilterCertListByUsage | 0x803b0 | 0x4d |
CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts | 0x80458 | 0x4e |
CERT_FindCertByDERCert | 0x86066 | 0x4f |
CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN | 0x860ac | 0x50 |
CERT_FindCertByName | 0x860c1 | 0x51 |
CERT_FindCertByNickname | 0x8616e | 0x52 |
CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr | 0x86202 | 0x53 |
CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrCX | 0x8621b | 0x54 |
CERT_FindCertExtension | 0x81ee9 | 0x55 |
CERT_FindCertIssuer | 0x882e4 | 0x56 |
CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension | 0x81f05 | 0x57 |
CERT_FindUserCertByUsage | 0x8778e | 0x58 |
CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage | 0x8788d | 0x59 |
CERT_FinishCertificateRequestAttributes | 0x88083 | 0x5a |
CERT_FinishExtensions | 0x82203 | 0x5b |
CERT_ForcePostMethodForOCSP | 0x89ee8 | 0x5c |
CERT_FreeNicknames | 0xbcef2 | 0x5d |
CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii_Util | 0xbf3f5 | 0x5e |
CERT_GetCertChainFromCert | 0x883c2 | 0x5f |
CERT_GetCertEmailAddress | 0x7ea43 | 0x60 |
CERT_GetCertTimes | 0x8057f | 0x61 |
CERT_GetCertTrust | 0x8630e | 0x62 |
CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions | 0x88161 | 0x63 |
CERT_GetCommonName | 0x7ea87 | 0x64 |
CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames | 0x8452e | 0x65 |
CERT_GetCountryName | 0x7eae9 | 0x66 |
CERT_GetDefaultCertDB | 0x805d3 | 0x67 |
CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress | 0x7eb11 | 0x68 |
CERT_GetGeneralNameTypeFromString | 0x846b1 | 0x69 |
CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints | 0x846e0 | 0x6a |
CERT_GetLocalityName | 0x7eb2e | 0x6b |
CERT_GetNextEmailAddress | 0x7eba4 | 0x6c |
CERT_GetNextGeneralName | 0x847e7 | 0x6d |
CERT_GetNextNameConstraint | 0x847f5 | 0x6e |
CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation | 0x89f24 | 0x6f |
CERT_GetOidString | 0x7ebd0 | 0x70 |
CERT_GetOrgName | 0x7ef36 | 0x71 |
CERT_GetOrgUnitName | 0x7ef4a | 0x72 |
CERT_GetStateName | 0x7ef5e | 0x73 |
CERT_Hexify | 0x87dab | 0x74 |
CERT_ImportCerts | 0x805d9 | 0x75 |
CERT_IsCACert | 0x80713 | 0x76 |
CERT_IsUserCert | 0x80894 | 0x77 |
CERT_MakeCANickname | 0x80afe | 0x78 |
CERT_MergeExtensions | 0x8225c | 0x79 |
CERT_NameTemplate | 0xf1728 | 0x7a |
CERT_NameToAscii | 0x7ef72 | 0x7b |
CERT_NewCertList | 0x80c07 | 0x7c |
CERT_NewTempCertificate | 0x86541 | 0x7d |
CERT_NicknameStringsFromCertList | 0x88509 | 0x7e |
CERT_OCSPCacheSettings | 0x8a103 | 0x7f |
CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote | 0x7f049 | 0x80 |
CERT_RemoveCertListNode | 0x80c3e | 0x81 |
CERT_SaveSMimeProfile | 0x8676a | 0x82 |
CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate | 0xf0b38 | 0x83 |
CERT_SetOCSPFailureMode | 0x8a18a | 0x84 |
CERT_SetOCSPTimeout | 0x8a1ca | 0x85 |
CERT_SignedCrlTemplate | 0xf0df0 | 0x86 |
CERT_SignedDataTemplate | 0xf25d8 | 0x87 |
CERT_StartCertExtensions | 0x81fd8 | 0x88 |
CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes | 0x881b8 | 0x89 |
CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate | 0xf23f8 | 0x8a |
CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate | 0xf0b48 | 0x8b |
CERT_VerifyCertificate | 0x886cf | 0x8c |
CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo | 0x88aca | 0x8d |
DER_AsciiToTime_Util | 0xb7e0e | 0x8e |
DER_DecodeTimeChoice_Util | 0xbf470 | 0x8f |
DER_Encode | 0x9150c | 0x90 |
DER_EncodeTimeChoice_Util | 0xbf4a9 | 0x91 |
DER_Encode_Util | 0xb775e | 0x92 |
DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime | 0x91515 | 0x93 |
DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime_Util | 0xb7e25 | 0x94 |
DER_GetInteger | 0x9151e | 0x95 |
DER_GetInteger_Util | 0xb7bce | 0x96 |
DER_Lengths | 0x91527 | 0x97 |
DER_SetUInteger | 0xb7cd6 | 0x98 |
DER_UTCTimeToTime_Util | 0xb8170 | 0x99 |
DSAU_DecodeDerSigToLen | 0x8d064 | 0x9a |
DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen | 0x8d079 | 0x9b |
DTLS_GetHandshakeTimeout | 0xcf245 | 0x9c |
DTLS_ImportFD | 0xe4d4f | 0x9d |
GetExecutionEnvironment | 0x7c3a1 | 0x9e |
HASH_Begin | 0x8d286 | 0x9f |
HASH_Create | 0x8d297 | 0xa0 |
HASH_Destroy | 0x8d2e1 | 0xa1 |
HASH_End | 0x8d2fe | 0xa2 |
HASH_GetHashObject | 0x8d31a | 0xa3 |
HASH_GetType | 0x1d13b | 0xa4 |
HASH_HashBuf | 0x8d3f4 | 0xa5 |
HASH_ResultLenByOidTag | 0x8d468 | 0xa6 |
HASH_Update | 0x8d480 | 0xa7 |
LL_MaxInt | 0x754db | 0xa8 |
LL_MaxUint | 0x754ec | 0xa9 |
LL_MinInt | 0x754e4 | 0xaa |
LL_Zero | 0x754cf | 0xab |
NSSBase64_EncodeItem_Util | 0xb8a3a | 0xac |
NSSSMIME_GetVersion | 0xbe5aa | 0xad |
NSSSSL_GetVersion | 0xbe5aa | 0xae |
NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber | 0xc0a73 | 0xaf |
NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue | 0xc0b09 | 0xb0 |
NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel | 0xc0c11 | 0xb1 |
NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue | 0xc0cb8 | 0xb2 |
NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag | 0xc0d6e | 0xb3 |
NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank | 0xc0ddb | 0xb4 |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags | 0xc0e29 | 0xb5 |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpec | 0xc0e8d | 0xb6 |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags | 0xc1122 | 0xb7 |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo | 0xc11c5 | 0xb8 |
NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong | 0xc12c6 | 0xb9 |
NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter | 0xc130d | 0xba |
NSSUTIL_ArgStrip | 0xc1343 | 0xbb |
NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction | 0xbfb4a | 0xbc |
NSSUTIL_GetVersion | 0xbe5aa | 0xbd |
NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec | 0xc141d | 0xbe |
NSSUTIL_MkNSSString | 0xc1503 | 0xbf |
NSSUTIL_MkSlotString | 0xc16e3 | 0xc0 |
NSSUTIL_Quote | 0xc17b5 | 0xc1 |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent | 0xca1a2 | 0xc2 |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeTag | 0xca23f | 0xc3 |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_Data | 0xca3ab | 0xc4 |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EnvelopedData | 0xca3db | 0xc5 |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_SignedData | 0xca3f3 | 0xc6 |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel | 0xca861 | 0xc7 |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish | 0xca888 | 0xc8 |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Start | 0xca8c5 | 0xc9 |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Update | 0xca962 | 0xca |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Cancel | 0xcb5ab | 0xcb |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish | 0xcb617 | 0xcc |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Start | 0xcb6dc | 0xcd |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Update | 0xcb81e | 0xce |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient | 0xcbe00 | 0xcf |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create | 0xcbe4c | 0xd0 |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo | 0xca1f7 | 0xd1 |
NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel | 0xcc243 | 0xd2 |
NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount | 0xcc262 | 0xd3 |
NSS_CMSMessage_Create | 0xcc27e | 0xd4 |
NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER | 0xca9f5 | 0xd5 |
NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy | 0xcc317 | 0xd6 |
NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent | 0xcc349 | 0xd7 |
NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo | 0xbec54 | 0xd8 |
NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted | 0xcc352 | 0xd9 |
NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned | 0xcc383 | 0xda |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create | 0xcc4f1 | 0xdb |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertList | 0xccbed | 0xdc |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertificate | 0xccc24 | 0xdd |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddSignerInfo | 0xcccf7 | 0xde |
NSS_CMSSignedData_Create | 0xccdaf | 0xdf |
NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly | 0xcce06 | 0xe0 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_Destroy | 0xccfd7 | 0xe1 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo | 0xcd47f | 0xe2 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfo | 0xcd4f3 | 0xe3 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_ImportCerts | 0xcd517 | 0xe4 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigestValue | 0xcd71c | 0xe5 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_SignerInfoCount | 0xcd7f7 | 0xe6 |
NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo | 0xcd81a | 0xe7 |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs | 0xcd8a4 | 0xe8 |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps | 0xcd94b | 0xe9 |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs | 0xcd9bf | 0xea |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime | 0xcda66 | 0xeb |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Create | 0xcdae9 | 0xec |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName | 0xcdb8a | 0xed |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress | 0xcdba7 | 0xee |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningCertificate | 0xcdbd0 | 0xef |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts | 0xcdc95 | 0xf0 |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Verify | 0xcdf28 | 0xf1 |
NSS_FindCertKEAType | 0xdf99d | 0xf2 |
NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy | 0xbe5b0 | 0xf3 |
NSS_GetVersion | 0xbe5aa | 0xf4 |
NSS_Get_CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate | 0x881d0 | 0xf5 |
NSS_Get_CERT_CertificateTemplate | 0x80f7e | 0xf6 |
NSS_Get_CERT_CrlTemplate | 0x83760 | 0xf7 |
NSS_Get_CERT_NameTemplate | 0x85d31 | 0xf8 |
NSS_Get_CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate | 0x80f84 | 0xf9 |
NSS_Get_CERT_SignedCrlTemplate | 0x83772 | 0xfa |
NSS_Get_CERT_SignedDataTemplate | 0x8eca1 | 0xfb |
NSS_Get_CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate | 0x8d4c6 | 0xfc |
NSS_Get_CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate | 0x7fc7c | 0xfd |
NSS_Get_SECKEY_RSAPSSParamsTemplate | 0x8d4cc | 0xfe |
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate | 0x91530 | 0xff |
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util | 0xbf4ee | 0x100 |
NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util | 0xbf4f4 | 0x101 |
NSS_Get_SEC_BMPStringTemplate | 0x91536 | 0x102 |
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate | 0x9153c | 0x103 |
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util | 0xbf500 | 0x104 |
NSS_Get_SEC_BooleanTemplate_Util | 0xbf506 | 0x105 |
NSS_Get_SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate_Util | 0xbf50c | 0x106 |
NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate | 0x91542 | 0x107 |
NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate_Util | 0xbf512 | 0x108 |
NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate | 0x91548 | 0x109 |
NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate_Util | 0xbf518 | 0x10a |
NSS_Get_SEC_NullTemplate_Util | 0xbf51e | 0x10b |
NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util | 0xbf524 | 0x10c |
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate | 0x9154e | 0x10d |
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util | 0xbf52a | 0x10e |
NSS_Get_SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate | 0x80f8a | 0x10f |
NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate | 0x91554 | 0x110 |
NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate_Util | 0xbf542 | 0x111 |
NSS_Init | 0x90391 | 0x112 |
NSS_InitWithMerge | 0x903c1 | 0x113 |
NSS_Initialize | 0x90435 | 0x114 |
NSS_IsInitialized | 0x904a4 | 0x115 |
NSS_NoDB_Init | 0x904bd | 0x116 |
NSS_OptionGet | 0x913f0 | 0x117 |
NSS_OptionSet | 0x9146f | 0x118 |
NSS_SMIMESignerInfo_SaveSMIMEProfile | 0xce1ab | 0x119 |
NSS_SMIMEUtil_FindBulkAlgForRecipients | 0xcea3e | 0x11a |
NSS_SecureMemcmp | 0xbec97 | 0x11b |
NSS_SecureMemcmpZero | 0xbecc0 | 0x11c |
NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy | 0xbe5e3 | 0x11d |
NSS_SetDomesticPolicy | 0xe4d64 | 0x11e |
NSS_Shutdown | 0x9061c | 0x11f |
NSS_VersionCheck | 0x90698 | 0x120 |
PK11SDR_Decrypt | 0xb089d | 0x121 |
PK11SDR_Encrypt | 0xb0a9b | 0x122 |
PK11_AlgtagToMechanism | 0xa7559 | 0x123 |
PK11_Authenticate | 0x9d0d8 | 0x124 |
PK11_ChangePW | 0x9d114 | 0x125 |
PK11_CheckUserPassword | 0x9d1dd | 0x126 |
PK11_CipherOp | 0xa0130 | 0x127 |
PK11_ConfigurePKCS11 | 0x907a8 | 0x128 |
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey | 0xa041a | 0x129 |
PK11_CreateDigestContext | 0xa0463 | 0x12a |
PK11_CreateGenericObject | 0xab6af | 0x12b |
PK11_CreateMergeLog | 0xa94a6 | 0x12c |
PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID | 0xaefe4 | 0x12d |
PK11_DEREncodePublicKey | 0x9a9d9 | 0x12e |
PK11_Decrypt | 0xab760 | 0x12f |
PK11_DeleteTokenCertAndKey | 0x9da15 | 0x130 |
PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey | 0x9a9e2 | 0x131 |
PK11_DeleteTokenPublicKey | 0x9aa29 | 0x132 |
PK11_Derive | 0xb0f35 | 0x133 |
PK11_DeriveWithTemplate | 0xb0fd0 | 0x134 |
PK11_DestroyContext | 0xa04c5 | 0x135 |
PK11_DestroyGenericObject | 0xab863 | 0x136 |
PK11_DestroyMergeLog | 0xa94e1 | 0x137 |
PK11_DestroyObject | 0xab8a3 | 0x138 |
PK11_DestroyTokenObject | 0xab8d1 | 0x139 |
PK11_DigestBegin | 0xa053c | 0x13a |
PK11_DigestFinal | 0xa059b | 0x13b |
PK11_DigestOp | 0xa07cb | 0x13c |
PK11_DoesMechanism | 0xb3fac | 0x13d |
PK11_Encrypt | 0xab928 | 0x13e |
PK11_ExportDERPrivateKeyInfo | 0xafd90 | 0x13f |
PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivKeyInfo | 0x9aa54 | 0x140 |
PK11_ExtractKeyValue | 0xb1327 | 0x141 |
PK11_FindCertFromNickname | 0x9de7f | 0x142 |
PK11_FindCertInSlot | 0x9dec3 | 0x143 |
PK11_FindCertsFromEmailAddress | 0x9df25 | 0x144 |
PK11_FindCertsFromNickname | 0x9df9e | 0x145 |
PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert | 0x9e019 | 0x146 |
PK11_FindKeyByDERCert | 0x9e0c0 | 0x147 |
PK11_FindKeyByKeyID | 0x9b0e0 | 0x148 |
PK11_FindSlotByName | 0xb403c | 0x149 |
PK11_FindSlotsByNames | 0xb4152 | 0x14a |
PK11_FreeSlot | 0xb4370 | 0x14b |
PK11_FreeSlotList | 0xb4389 | 0x14c |
PK11_FreeSlotListElement | 0xb439b | 0x14d |
PK11_FreeSymKey | 0xb141c | 0x14e |
PK11_GenerateKeyPair | 0x9b10b | 0x14f |
PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithFlags | 0x9b140 | 0x150 |
PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags | 0x9b163 | 0x151 |
PK11_GenerateRandom | 0xb43f8 | 0x152 |
PK11_GenerateRandomOnSlot | 0xb4433 | 0x153 |
PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert | 0x9e28f | 0x154 |
PK11_GetAllTokens | 0xb4488 | 0x155 |
PK11_GetBestSlot | 0xb4675 | 0x156 |
PK11_GetBestSlotMultiple | 0xb468f | 0x157 |
PK11_GetBlockSize | 0xa75d1 | 0x158 |
PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey | 0x9e34c | 0x159 |
PK11_GetDefaultArray | 0xb48a6 | 0x15a |
PK11_GetDefaultFlags | 0xb48bd | 0x15b |
PK11_GetDisabledReason | 0xb48c8 | 0x15c |
PK11_GetFirstSafe | 0xb48d3 | 0x15d |
PK11_GetIVLength | 0xa7833 | 0x15e |
PK11_GetInternalKeySlot | 0xb48fe | 0x15f |
PK11_GetInternalSlot | 0xb4933 | 0x160 |
PK11_GetKeyData | 0xb153e | 0x161 |
PK11_GetKeyGen | 0xa7a63 | 0x162 |
PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey | 0x9bda0 | 0x163 |
PK11_GetMechanism | 0xb1677 | 0x164 |
PK11_GetModInfo | 0xb6180 | 0x165 |
PK11_GetModuleURI | 0xb61b7 | 0x166 |
PK11_GetNextSafe | 0xb4a78 | 0x167 |
PK11_GetNextSymKey | 0xb1681 | 0x168 |
PK11_GetPadMechanism | 0xa836c | 0x169 |
PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname | 0x9bdb5 | 0x16a |
PK11_GetPrivateModulusLen | 0x9bdca | 0x16b |
PK11_GetSlotID | 0xb16ba | 0x16c |
PK11_GetSlotInfo | 0xb4b42 | 0x16d |
PK11_GetSlotName | 0xb4d95 | 0x16e |
PK11_GetSlotSeries | 0xb4da2 | 0x16f |
PK11_GetSymKeyNickname | 0xb16a5 | 0x170 |
PK11_GetTokenInfo | 0xb4db1 | 0x171 |
PK11_GetTokenName | 0xb4e59 | 0x172 |
PK11_GetTokenURI | 0xb4e66 | 0x173 |
PK11_HasAttributeSet | 0xabbdf | 0x174 |
PK11_HasRootCerts | 0xb4fa0 | 0x175 |
PK11_HashBuf | 0xa094a | 0x176 |
PK11_ImportCRL | 0xaaed3 | 0x177 |
PK11_ImportCert | 0x9e3df | 0x178 |
PK11_ImportCertForKey | 0x9e615 | 0x179 |
PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey | 0xb0620 | 0x17a |
PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey | 0x9be8c | 0x17b |
PK11_ImportPublicKey | 0x9c0c9 | 0x17c |
PK11_ImportSymKey | 0xb1704 | 0x17d |
PK11_InitPin | 0x9d48d | 0x17e |
PK11_IsDisabled | 0xb5553 | 0x17f |
PK11_IsFIPS | 0xb62bf | 0x180 |
PK11_IsFriendly | 0xb555e | 0x181 |
PK11_IsHW | 0xb5579 | 0x182 |
PK11_IsInternal | 0x7c3a1 | 0x183 |
PK11_IsLoggedIn | 0x9d5d1 | 0x184 |
PK11_IsPresent | 0xb55af | 0x185 |
PK11_IsReadOnly | 0x18455 | 0x186 |
PK11_IsRemovable | 0xb55c0 | 0x187 |
PK11_KeyForCertExists | 0x9e80a | 0x188 |
PK11_KeyGen | 0xb1940 | 0x189 |
PK11_KeyGenWithTemplate | 0xb1960 | 0x18a |
PK11_ListCerts | 0x9e8f4 | 0x18b |
PK11_ListCertsInSlot | 0x9e93a | 0x18c |
PK11_ListFixedKeysInSlot | 0xb1b26 | 0x18d |
PK11_ListPrivKeysInSlot | 0x9c57d | 0x18e |
PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot | 0x9c66a | 0x18f |
PK11_LoadPrivKey | 0x9c69c | 0x190 |
PK11_Logout | 0x9d730 | 0x191 |
PK11_LogoutAll | 0x9d775 | 0x192 |
PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey | 0x9c6a5 | 0x193 |
PK11_MapSignKeyType | 0xa84f3 | 0x194 |
PK11_MechanismToAlgtag | 0xa8520 | 0x195 |
PK11_MergeTokens | 0xa94ff | 0x196 |
PK11_NeedLogin | 0x18460 | 0x197 |
PK11_NeedUserInit | 0xb56cc | 0x198 |
PK11_PBEKeyGen | 0xaf044 | 0x199 |
PK11_ParamFromIV | 0xa8a0e | 0x19a |
PK11_PrivDecrypt | 0xabcd3 | 0x19b |
PK11_PrivDecryptPKCS1 | 0xabd1c | 0x19c |
PK11_ProtectedAuthenticationPath | 0x9d7c5 | 0x19d |
PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF | 0xb203a | 0x19e |
PK11_PubEncrypt | 0xabd53 | 0x19f |
PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1 | 0xabd9f | 0x1a0 |
PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey | 0xb20b2 | 0x1a1 |
PK11_PubWrapSymKey | 0xb2258 | 0x1a2 |
PK11_RandomUpdate | 0xb58af | 0x1a3 |
PK11_ReadRawAttribute | 0xabece | 0x1a4 |
PK11_ReferenceSlot | 0xb5a52 | 0x1a5 |
PK11_ResetToken | 0xb5a5e | 0x1a6 |
PK11_SetPasswordFunc | 0x9d7d3 | 0x1a7 |
PK11_SetSymKeyNickname | 0xb23a5 | 0x1a8 |
PK11_Sign | 0xac007 | 0x1a9 |
PK11_SignWithMechanism | 0xac02b | 0x1aa |
PK11_SignatureLen | 0xac2bb | 0x1ab |
PK11_TokenKeyGenWithFlags | 0xb24eb | 0x1ac |
PK11_UnwrapPrivKey | 0xac41d | 0x1ad |
PK11_UnwrapSymKey | 0xb2512 | 0x1ae |
PK11_UpdateSlotAttribute | 0xb5c86 | 0x1af |
PK11_UserDisableSlot | 0xb5ce3 | 0x1b0 |
PK11_UserEnableSlot | 0xb5d12 | 0x1b1 |
PK11_Verify | 0xac868 | 0x1b2 |
PK11_VerifyWithMechanism | 0xaca0e | 0x1b3 |
PK11_WrapPrivKey | 0xacb9c | 0x1b4 |
PK11_WrapSymKey | 0xb2607 | 0x1b5 |
PL_ArenaAllocate | 0x7dcfe | 0x1b6 |
PL_ArenaFinish | 0x2d55 | 0x1b7 |
PL_ArenaGrow | 0x7dda2 | 0x1b8 |
PL_ArenaRelease | 0x7de61 | 0x1b9 |
PL_Base64Decode | 0x7d03a | 0x1ba |
PL_Base64Encode | 0x7ce7d | 0x1bb |
PL_ClearArenaPool | 0x7de10 | 0x1bc |
PL_CompactArenaPool | 0x2d55 | 0x1bd |
PL_CompareStrings | 0x7e46b | 0x1be |
PL_CompareValues | 0x7e4a2 | 0x1bf |
PL_CreateLongOptState | 0x7d190 | 0x1c0 |
PL_CreateOptState | 0x7d178 | 0x1c1 |
PL_DestroyOptState | 0x7d242 | 0x1c2 |
PL_FPrintError | 0x7d0ec | 0x1c3 |
PL_FinishArenaPool | 0x7dea4 | 0x1c4 |
PL_FreeArenaPool | 0x7dea4 | 0x1c5 |
PL_GetNextOpt | 0x7d262 | 0x1c6 |
PL_HashString | 0x7e450 | 0x1c7 |
PL_HashTableAdd | 0x7e1e4 | 0x1c8 |
PL_HashTableDestroy | 0x7dfbc | 0x1c9 |
PL_HashTableDump | 0x7e447 | 0x1ca |
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries | 0x7e3a3 | 0x1cb |
PL_HashTableLookup | 0x7e34f | 0x1cc |
PL_HashTableLookupConst | 0x7e379 | 0x1cd |
PL_HashTableRawAdd | 0x7e0e3 | 0x1ce |
PL_HashTableRawLookup | 0x7e03a | 0x1cf |
PL_HashTableRawLookupConst | 0x7e09a | 0x1d0 |
PL_HashTableRawRemove | 0x7e24c | 0x1d1 |
PL_HashTableRemove | 0x7e31a | 0x1d2 |
PL_InitArenaPool | 0x7dc97 | 0x1d3 |
PL_NewHashTable | 0x7df10 | 0x1d4 |
PL_PrintError | 0x7d152 | 0x1d5 |
PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool | 0x7deb2 | 0x1d6 |
PL_strcasecmp | 0x7d422 | 0x1d7 |
PL_strcaserstr | 0x7d52d | 0x1d8 |
PL_strcasestr | 0x7d4e1 | 0x1d9 |
PL_strcat | 0x7d65e | 0x1da |
PL_strcatn | 0x7d6dd | 0x1db |
PL_strchr | 0x7d718 | 0x1dc |
PL_strcmp | 0x7d7ce | 0x1dd |
PL_strcpy | 0x7d838 | 0x1de |
PL_strdup | 0x7d8d9 | 0x1df |
PL_strfree | 0x2cfa | 0x1e0 |
PL_strlen | 0x7d964 | 0x1e1 |
PL_strncasecmp | 0x7d475 | 0x1e2 |
PL_strncaserstr | 0x7d5f8 | 0x1e3 |
PL_strncasestr | 0x7d593 | 0x1e4 |
PL_strncat | 0x7d6a8 | 0x1e5 |
PL_strnchr | 0x7d756 | 0x1e6 |
PL_strncmp | 0x7d814 | 0x1e7 |
PL_strncpy | 0x7d85f | 0x1e8 |
PL_strncpyz | 0x7d896 | 0x1e9 |
PL_strndup | 0x7d91d | 0x1ea |
PL_strnlen | 0x7d97e | 0x1eb |
PL_strnpbrk | 0x7da09 | 0x1ec |
PL_strnprbrk | 0x7da48 | 0x1ed |
PL_strnrchr | 0x7d78e | 0x1ee |
PL_strnrstr | 0x7db9f | 0x1ef |
PL_strnstr | 0x7db32 | 0x1f0 |
PL_strpbrk | 0x7d9a4 | 0x1f1 |
PL_strprbrk | 0x7d9be | 0x1f2 |
PL_strrchr | 0x7d737 | 0x1f3 |
PL_strrstr | 0x7dac5 | 0x1f4 |
PL_strstr | 0x7da9a | 0x1f5 |
PL_strtok_r | 0x7dc0c | 0x1f6 |
PORT_Alloc | 0x9155a | 0x1f7 |
PORT_Alloc_Util | 0xbecdd | 0x1f8 |
PORT_ArenaAlloc | 0x91563 | 0x1f9 |
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util | 0xbed18 | 0x1fa |
PORT_ArenaGrow_Util | 0xbedda | 0x1fb |
PORT_ArenaMark_Util | 0xbeef7 | 0x1fc |
PORT_ArenaRelease_Util | 0xbef30 | 0x1fd |
PORT_ArenaStrdup | 0x9156c | 0x1fe |
PORT_ArenaStrdup_Util | 0xbef45 | 0x1ff |
PORT_ArenaUnmark_Util | 0x2d55 | 0x200 |
PORT_ArenaZAlloc | 0x91575 | 0x201 |
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util | 0xbef80 | 0x202 |
PORT_DestroyCheapArena | 0xbefc8 | 0x203 |
PORT_Free | 0x9157e | 0x204 |
PORT_FreeArena | 0x91583 | 0x205 |
PORT_FreeArena_Util | 0xbeff2 | 0x206 |
PORT_Free_Util | 0xbf076 | 0x207 |
PORT_GetError | 0x91588 | 0x208 |
PORT_GetError_Util | 0xbf088 | 0x209 |
PORT_InitCheapArena | 0xbf097 | 0x20a |
PORT_NewArena | 0x9158d | 0x20b |
PORT_NewArena_Util | 0xbf0b9 | 0x20c |
PORT_Realloc_Util | 0xbf11e | 0x20d |
PORT_RegExpSearch | 0xba15f | 0x20e |
PORT_SetError | 0x91596 | 0x20f |
PORT_SetError_Util | 0xbf155 | 0x210 |
PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction | 0x9159b | 0x211 |
PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction_Util | 0xbf167 | 0x212 |
PORT_Strdup | 0x915a0 | 0x213 |
PORT_Strdup_Util | 0xbf174 | 0x214 |
PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion_Util | 0xbf1ab | 0x215 |
PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion | 0x915a9 | 0x216 |
PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion_Util | 0xbf1bc | 0x217 |
PORT_ZAlloc | 0x915b2 | 0x218 |
PORT_ZAllocAlignedOffset_Util | 0xbf1e6 | 0x219 |
PORT_ZAlloc_Util | 0xbf276 | 0x21a |
PORT_ZFree_Util | 0xbf2b4 | 0x21b |
PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar | 0x7a8c9 | 0x21c |
PRP_NakedBroadcast | 0x7a921 | 0x21d |
PRP_NakedNotify | 0x7a901 | 0x21e |
PRP_NakedWait | 0x7a8e5 | 0x21f |
PRP_NewNakedCondVar | 0x7a886 | 0x220 |
PRP_TryLock | 0x7aaee | 0x221 |
PR_Abort | 0x694a9 | 0x222 |
PR_Accept | 0x677d0 | 0x223 |
PR_AcceptRead | 0x678ed | 0x224 |
PR_Access | 0x670b0 | 0x225 |
PR_AddToCounter | 0x71c05 | 0x226 |
PR_AddWaitFileDesc | 0x69e6f | 0x227 |
PR_AllocFileDesc | 0x675c0 | 0x228 |
PR_Assert | 0x694ba | 0x229 |
PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor | 0x2d55 | 0x22a |
PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock | 0x7aac6 | 0x22b |
PR_AtomicAdd | 0x7157f | 0x22c |
PR_AtomicDecrement | 0x71560 | 0x22d |
PR_AtomicIncrement | 0x7154e | 0x22e |
PR_AtomicSet | 0x71572 | 0x22f |
PR_AttachSharedMemory | 0x7108a | 0x230 |
PR_AttachThread | 0x7b877 | 0x231 |
PR_AttachThreadGCAble | 0x711be | 0x232 |
PR_Available | 0x67753 | 0x233 |
PR_Available64 | 0x67762 | 0x234 |
PR_Bind | 0x677e7 | 0x235 |
PR_BlockClockInterrupts | 0x2d55 | 0x236 |
PR_BlockInterrupt | 0x7c373 | 0x237 |
PR_CEnterMonitor | 0x7c05c | 0x238 |
PR_CExitMonitor | 0x7c0aa | 0x239 |
PR_CNotify | 0x7c154 | 0x23a |
PR_CNotifyAll | 0x7c198 | 0x23b |
PR_CSetOnMonitorRecycle | 0x7c1de | 0x23c |
PR_CWait | 0x7c10c | 0x23d |
PR_CallOnce | 0x75097 | 0x23e |
PR_CallOnceWithArg | 0x75130 | 0x23f |
PR_Calloc | 0x6de13 | 0x240 |
PR_CancelJob | 0x7954b | 0x241 |
PR_CancelWaitFileDesc | 0x6a0e8 | 0x242 |
PR_CancelWaitGroup | 0x6a183 | 0x243 |
PR_CeilingLog2 | 0x754a5 | 0x244 |
PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle | 0x6d0d2 | 0x245 |
PR_Cleanup | 0x74a7a | 0x246 |
PR_ClearInterrupt | 0x7c366 | 0x247 |
PR_ClearThreadGCAble | 0x7c42d | 0x248 |
PR_Close | 0x676e5 | 0x249 |
PR_CloseDir | 0x66892 | 0x24a |
PR_CloseFileMap | 0x698e2 | 0x24b |
PR_CloseSemaphore | 0x75419 | 0x24c |
PR_CloseSharedMemory | 0x7112e | 0x24d |
PR_Connect | 0x677a6 | 0x24e |
PR_ConnectContinue | 0x677bd | 0x24f |
PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6 | 0x76461 | 0x250 |
PR_CreateAlarm | 0x713ae | 0x251 |
PR_CreateCounter | 0x71859 | 0x252 |
PR_CreateFileMap | 0x697d2 | 0x253 |
PR_CreateIOLayer | 0x6871d | 0x254 |
PR_CreateIOLayerStub | 0x686cb | 0x255 |
PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator | 0x6a483 | 0x256 |
PR_CreateOrderedLock | 0x711be | 0x257 |
PR_CreatePipe | 0x672df | 0x258 |
PR_CreateProcess | 0x74fa0 | 0x259 |
PR_CreateProcessDetached | 0x74fb5 | 0x25a |
PR_CreateSocketPollFd | 0x6c59a | 0x25b |
PR_CreateStack | 0x71592 | 0x25c |
PR_CreateThread | 0x7b767 | 0x25d |
PR_CreateThreadGCAble | 0x7c3c7 | 0x25e |
PR_CreateThreadPool | 0x79086 | 0x25f |
PR_CreateTrace | 0x799df | 0x260 |
PR_CreateWaitGroup | 0x6a25f | 0x261 |
PR_DecrementCounter | 0x71bca | 0x262 |
PR_Delete | 0x66fdf | 0x263 |
PR_DeleteSemaphore | 0x7544b | 0x264 |
PR_DeleteSharedMemory | 0x71193 | 0x265 |
PR_DestroyAlarm | 0x71437 | 0x266 |
PR_DestroyCondVar | 0x7a7ec | 0x267 |
PR_DestroyCounter | 0x7198b | 0x268 |
PR_DestroyLock | 0x7aa61 | 0x269 |
PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator | 0x6a4b9 | 0x26a |
PR_DestroyMonitor | 0x7c65f | 0x26b |
PR_DestroyOrderedLock | 0x76a1d | 0x26c |
PR_DestroyPollableEvent | 0x676e5 | 0x26d |
PR_DestroyProcessAttr | 0x74ca4 | 0x26e |
PR_DestroyRWLock | 0x7c9f1 | 0x26f |
PR_DestroySem | 0x7cb4e | 0x270 |
PR_DestroySocketPollFd | 0x6c5f0 | 0x271 |
PR_DestroyStack | 0x71626 | 0x272 |
PR_DestroyTrace | 0x79b3c | 0x273 |
PR_DestroyWaitGroup | 0x6a37e | 0x274 |
PR_DetachProcess | 0x74fef | 0x275 |
PR_DetachSharedMemory | 0x710e7 | 0x276 |
PR_DetachThread | 0x2d55 | 0x277 |
PR_DisableClockInterrupts | 0x749c9 | 0x278 |
PR_DuplicateEnvironment | 0x2d52 | 0x279 |
PR_EmulateAcceptRead | 0x67973 | 0x27a |
PR_EmulateSendFile | 0x67a32 | 0x27b |
PR_EnableClockInterrupts | 0x749c9 | 0x27c |
PR_EnterMonitor | 0x7c69f | 0x27d |
PR_EnumerateAddrInfo | 0x766c6 | 0x27e |
PR_EnumerateHostEnt | 0x75b90 | 0x27f |
PR_EnumerateThreads | 0x7bb2e | 0x280 |
PR_EnumerateWaitGroup | 0x6a4ee | 0x281 |
PR_ErrorInstallCallback | 0x746e8 | 0x282 |
PR_ErrorInstallTable | 0x74695 | 0x283 |
PR_ErrorLanguages | 0x7468f | 0x284 |
PR_ErrorToName | 0x74657 | 0x285 |
PR_ErrorToString | 0x7450e | 0x286 |
PR_ExitMonitor | 0x7c74c | 0x287 |
PR_ExplodeTime | 0x76daf | 0x288 |
PR_ExportFileMapAsString | 0x711cf | 0x289 |
PR_FD_CLR | 0x6d111 | 0x28a |
PR_FD_ISSET | 0x6d156 | 0x28b |
PR_FD_NCLR | 0x6d19d | 0x28c |
PR_FD_NISSET | 0x6d1f4 | 0x28d |
PR_FD_NSET | 0x6d17f | 0x28e |
PR_FD_SET | 0x6d0fe | 0x28f |
PR_FD_ZERO | 0x6d0e7 | 0x290 |
PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle | 0x6d088 | 0x291 |
PR_FindFunctionSymbol | 0x6dbe2 | 0x292 |
PR_FindFunctionSymbolAndLibrary | 0x6dc6b | 0x293 |
PR_FindNextCounterQname | 0x71cd4 | 0x294 |
PR_FindNextCounterRname | 0x71d1a | 0x295 |
PR_FindNextTraceQname | 0x7a0ff | 0x296 |
PR_FindNextTraceRname | 0x7a145 | 0x297 |
PR_FindSymbol | 0x6dbb2 | 0x298 |
PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary | 0x6dbeb | 0x299 |
PR_FloorLog2 | 0x754be | 0x29a |
PR_FormatTime | 0x78406 | 0x29b |
PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish | 0x7849d | 0x29c |
PR_Free | 0x2cfa | 0x29d |
PR_FreeAddrInfo | 0x766a8 | 0x29e |
PR_FreeFileDesc | 0x67615 | 0x29f |
PR_FreeLibraryName | 0x2cfa | 0x2a0 |
PR_GMTParameters | 0x774dc | 0x2a1 |
PR_GetAddrInfoByName | 0x765f2 | 0x2a2 |
PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo | 0x76764 | 0x2a3 |
PR_GetConnectStatus | 0x6c724 | 0x2a4 |
PR_GetCounter | 0x71c81 | 0x2a5 |
PR_GetCounterHandleFromName | 0x71a4d | 0x2a6 |
PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle | 0x71b49 | 0x2a7 |
PR_GetCurrentThread | 0x7c2f0 | 0x2a8 |
PR_GetDefaultIOMethods | 0x686c5 | 0x2a9 |
PR_GetDescType | 0x676d9 | 0x2aa |
PR_GetDirectorySeparator | 0x76a3b | 0x2ab |
PR_GetDirectorySepartor | 0x76a3b | 0x2ac |
PR_GetEnv | 0x7436c | 0x2ad |
PR_GetEnvSecure | 0x743b6 | 0x2ae |
PR_GetError | 0x74429 | 0x2af |
PR_GetErrorText | 0x744e6 | 0x2b0 |
PR_GetErrorTextLength | 0x744dd | 0x2b1 |
PR_GetFileInfo | 0x67005 | 0x2b2 |
PR_GetFileInfo64 | 0x6705a | 0x2b3 |
PR_GetFileMethods | 0x66ee9 | 0x2b4 |
PR_GetGCRegisters | 0x76b65 | 0x2b5 |
PR_GetHostByAddr | 0x75942 | 0x2b6 |
PR_GetHostByName | 0x75856 | 0x2b7 |
PR_GetIPNodeByName | 0x758bb | 0x2b8 |
PR_GetIdentitiesLayer | 0x68a86 | 0x2b9 |
PR_GetInheritedFD | 0x74e94 | 0x2ba |
PR_GetInheritedFileMap | 0x711be | 0x2bb |
PR_GetLayersIdentity | 0x68a70 | 0x2bc |
PR_GetLibraryFilePathname | 0x6dd29 | 0x2bd |
PR_GetLibraryName | 0x6d6c9 | 0x2be |
PR_GetLibraryPath | 0x6d648 | 0x2bf |
PR_GetMemMapAlignment | 0x6982b | 0x2c0 |
PR_GetMonitorEntryCount | 0x7c7ee | 0x2c1 |
PR_GetNameForIdentity | 0x68a1d | 0x2c2 |
PR_GetNumberOfProcessors | 0x76b05 | 0x2c3 |
PR_GetOSError | 0x74432 | 0x2c4 |
PR_GetOpenFileInfo | 0x67771 | 0x2c5 |
PR_GetOpenFileInfo64 | 0x67784 | 0x2c6 |
PR_GetPageShift | 0x6de5e | 0x2c7 |
PR_GetPageSize | 0x6de72 | 0x2c8 |
PR_GetPathSeparator | 0x76a3e | 0x2c9 |
PR_GetPeerName | 0x67920 | 0x2ca |
PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize | 0x76b1c | 0x2cb |
PR_GetPipeMethods | 0x66eef | 0x2cc |
PR_GetProtoByName | 0x75a66 | 0x2cd |
PR_GetProtoByNumber | 0x75afb | 0x2ce |
PR_GetRandomNoise | 0x76a2c | 0x2cf |
PR_GetSP | 0x7c393 | 0x2d0 |
PR_GetSockName | 0x6790d | 0x2d1 |
PR_GetSocketOption | 0x67933 | 0x2d2 |
PR_GetSpecialFD | 0x6756c | 0x2d3 |
PR_GetStackSpaceLeft | 0x76c4f | 0x2d4 |
PR_GetSysfdTableMax | 0x66fc7 | 0x2d5 |
PR_GetSystemInfo | 0x76a41 | 0x2d6 |
PR_GetTCPMethods | 0x6ce05 | 0x2d7 |
PR_GetThreadAffinityMask | 0x2d52 | 0x2d8 |
PR_GetThreadID | 0x7c2d7 | 0x2d9 |
PR_GetThreadName | 0x7b9f3 | 0x2da |
PR_GetThreadPriority | 0x7c2e5 | 0x2db |
PR_GetThreadPrivate | 0x7ccff | 0x2dc |
PR_GetThreadScope | 0x7c46c | 0x2dd |
PR_GetThreadState | 0x7c4a9 | 0x2de |
PR_GetThreadType | 0x7c498 | 0x2df |
PR_GetTraceEntries | 0x7a4d8 | 0x2e0 |
PR_GetTraceHandleFromName | 0x79fbd | 0x2e1 |
PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle | 0x7a0b9 | 0x2e2 |
PR_GetTraceOption | 0x79f75 | 0x2e3 |
PR_GetUDPMethods | 0x6ce0b | 0x2e4 |
PR_GetUniqueIdentity | 0x688a9 | 0x2e5 |
PR_GetVersion | 0x74803 | 0x2e6 |
PR_ImplodeTime | 0x76de2 | 0x2e7 |
PR_ImportFile | 0x67119 | 0x2e8 |
PR_ImportFileMapFromString | 0x71224 | 0x2e9 |
PR_ImportPipe | 0x6715c | 0x2ea |
PR_ImportTCPSocket | 0x6c514 | 0x2eb |
PR_ImportUDPSocket | 0x6c557 | 0x2ec |
PR_IncrementCounter | 0x71b8f | 0x2ed |
PR_Init | 0x749d7 | 0x2ee |
PR_Initialize | 0x749e6 | 0x2ef |
PR_InitializeNetAddr | 0x75c18 | 0x2f0 |
PR_Initialized | 0x74809 | 0x2f1 |
PR_Interrupt | 0x7c30d | 0x2f2 |
PR_IntervalNow | 0x751d8 | 0x2f3 |
PR_IntervalToMicroseconds | 0x752b4 | 0x2f4 |
PR_IntervalToMilliseconds | 0x75282 | 0x2f5 |
PR_IntervalToSeconds | 0x7526f | 0x2f6 |
PR_IsNetAddrType | 0x75d60 | 0x2f7 |
PR_JoinJob | 0x796a1 | 0x2f8 |
PR_JoinThread | 0x7b8e5 | 0x2f9 |
PR_JoinThreadPool | 0x79727 | 0x2fa |
PR_KillProcess | 0x75064 | 0x2fb |
PR_Listen | 0x6780d | 0x2fc |
PR_LoadLibrary | 0x6d7da | 0x2fd |
PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags | 0x6d79f | 0x2fe |
PR_LoadStaticLibrary | 0x6dc74 | 0x2ff |
PR_LocalTimeParameters | 0x7728f | 0x300 |
PR_Lock | 0x7aa7d | 0x301 |
PR_LockFile | 0x6719f | 0x302 |
PR_LockOrderedLock | 0x76a1d | 0x303 |
PR_LogFlush | 0x69421 | 0x304 |
PR_LogPrint | 0x69076 | 0x305 |
PR_MakeDir | 0x668e8 | 0x306 |
PR_Malloc | 0x6de09 | 0x307 |
PR_MemMap | 0x69842 | 0x308 |
PR_MemUnmap | 0x698bc | 0x309 |
PR_MicrosecondsToInterval | 0x75248 | 0x30a |
PR_MillisecondsToInterval | 0x75221 | 0x30b |
PR_MkDir | 0x668c0 | 0x30c |
PR_NetAddrToString | 0x769ad | 0x30d |
PR_NewCondVar | 0x7a732 | 0x30e |
PR_NewLock | 0x7a9f1 | 0x30f |
PR_NewLogModule | 0x68f3d | 0x310 |
PR_NewMonitor | 0x7c583 | 0x311 |
PR_NewNamedMonitor | 0x7c64c | 0x312 |
PR_NewPollableEvent | 0x6a5cc | 0x313 |
PR_NewProcessAttr | 0x74c47 | 0x314 |
PR_NewRWLock | 0x7c911 | 0x315 |
PR_NewSem | 0x7caf7 | 0x316 |
PR_NewTCPSocket | 0x6cef0 | 0x317 |
PR_NewTCPSocketPair | 0x6cf38 | 0x318 |
PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex | 0x7cbe9 | 0x319 |
PR_NewUDPSocket | 0x6cf01 | 0x31a |
PR_NormalizeTime | 0x77002 | 0x31b |
PR_Notify | 0x7c8e4 | 0x31c |
PR_NotifyAll | 0x7c900 | 0x31d |
PR_NotifyAllCondVar | 0x7a85c | 0x31e |
PR_NotifyCondVar | 0x7a832 | 0x31f |
PR_Now | 0x6df3d | 0x320 |
PR_Open | 0x66ef5 | 0x321 |
PR_OpenAnonFileMap | 0x711ad | 0x322 |
PR_OpenDir | 0x6682e | 0x323 |
PR_OpenFile | 0x66f5d | 0x324 |
PR_OpenSemaphore | 0x7533c | 0x325 |
PR_OpenSharedMemory | 0x7105f | 0x326 |
PR_OpenTCPSocket | 0x6cf10 | 0x327 |
PR_OpenUDPSocket | 0x6cf24 | 0x328 |
PR_ParseTimeString | 0x783b5 | 0x329 |
PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime | 0x774e1 | 0x32a |
PR_Poll | 0x67624 | 0x32b |
PR_PopIOLayer | 0x687f9 | 0x32c |
PR_PostSem | 0x7cbba | 0x32d |
PR_PostSemaphore | 0x753ec | 0x32e |
PR_ProcessAttrSetCurrentDirectory | 0x74d14 | 0x32f |
PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFD | 0x74d77 | 0x330 |
PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap | 0x66fcd | 0x331 |
PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect | 0x74cda | 0x332 |
PR_ProcessExit | 0x74c3c | 0x333 |
PR_PushIOLayer | 0x6876c | 0x334 |
PR_QueueJob | 0x7924c | 0x335 |
PR_QueueJob_Accept | 0x793f5 | 0x336 |
PR_QueueJob_Connect | 0x79413 | 0x337 |
PR_QueueJob_Read | 0x793b9 | 0x338 |
PR_QueueJob_Timer | 0x79475 | 0x339 |
PR_QueueJob_Write | 0x793d7 | 0x33a |
PR_RWLock_Rlock | 0x7ca2c | 0x33b |
PR_RWLock_Unlock | 0x7caa4 | 0x33c |
PR_RWLock_Wlock | 0x7ca6c | 0x33d |
PR_Read | 0x676f4 | 0x33e |
PR_ReadDir | 0x66872 | 0x33f |
PR_Realloc | 0x6de1d | 0x340 |
PR_RecordTraceEntries | 0x7a376 | 0x341 |
PR_Recv | 0x67820 | 0x342 |
PR_RecvFrom | 0x6788d | 0x343 |
PR_Rename | 0x67087 | 0x344 |
PR_ResetAlarm | 0x71513 | 0x345 |
PR_ResetProcessAttr | 0x74c6b | 0x346 |
PR_ResumeAll | 0x7bab4 | 0x347 |
PR_RmDir | 0x66915 | 0x348 |
PR_ScanStackPointers | 0x76c2a | 0x349 |
PR_SecondsToInterval | 0x75213 | 0x34a |
PR_Seek | 0x67722 | 0x34b |
PR_Seek64 | 0x67739 | 0x34c |
PR_Select | 0x6d2ee | 0x34d |
PR_Send | 0x6783d | 0x34e |
PR_SendFile | 0x67959 | 0x34f |
PR_SendTo | 0x678ad | 0x350 |
PR_SetAlarm | 0x71496 | 0x351 |
PR_SetCPUAffinityMask | 0x2d52 | 0x352 |
PR_SetConcurrency | 0x2d55 | 0x353 |
PR_SetCounter | 0x71caa | 0x354 |
PR_SetCurrentThreadName | 0x7b97a | 0x355 |
PR_SetEnv | 0x743c6 | 0x356 |
PR_SetError | 0x7443b | 0x357 |
PR_SetErrorText | 0x7445a | 0x358 |
PR_SetFDCacheSize | 0x66a69 | 0x359 |
PR_SetFDInheritable | 0x67638 | 0x35a |
PR_SetLibraryPath | 0x6d5d1 | 0x35b |
PR_SetLogBuffering | 0x6902e | 0x35c |
PR_SetLogFile | 0x68f92 | 0x35d |
PR_SetNetAddr | 0x75c94 | 0x35e |
PR_SetPollableEvent | 0x6a708 | 0x35f |
PR_SetSocketOption | 0x67946 | 0x360 |
PR_SetStdioRedirect | 0x74d0f | 0x361 |
PR_SetSysfdTableSize | 0x66fcd | 0x362 |
PR_SetThreadAffinityMask | 0x2d52 | 0x363 |
PR_SetThreadDumpProc | 0x7c56f | 0x364 |
PR_SetThreadGCAble | 0x7c3ee | 0x365 |
PR_SetThreadPriority | 0x7b952 | 0x366 |
PR_SetThreadPrivate | 0x7cc3b | 0x367 |
PR_SetThreadRecycleMode | 0x7c3ba | 0x368 |
PR_SetTraceOption | 0x79d0d | 0x369 |
PR_ShowStatus | 0x7c505 | 0x36a |
PR_Shutdown | 0x677fa | 0x36b |
PR_ShutdownThreadPool | 0x796f9 | 0x36c |
PR_Sleep | 0x7c23d | 0x36d |
PR_Socket | 0x6ce35 | 0x36e |
PR_StackPop | 0x7168e | 0x36f |
PR_StackPush | 0x71669 | 0x370 |
PR_StringToNetAddr | 0x768cd | 0x371 |
PR_SubtractFromCounter | 0x71c43 | 0x372 |
PR_SuspendAll | 0x7ba04 | 0x373 |
PR_Sync | 0x67797 | 0x374 |
PR_SyncMemMap | 0x698ff | 0x375 |
PR_TLockFile | 0x67231 | 0x376 |
PR_TestAndEnterMonitor | 0x7c6fe | 0x377 |
PR_TestAndLock | 0x7aacb | 0x378 |
PR_ThreadScanStackPointers | 0x76b76 | 0x379 |
PR_TicksPerSecond | 0x751f6 | 0x37a |
PR_Trace | 0x79bfe | 0x37b |
PR_TransmitFile | 0x678cd | 0x37c |
PR_USPacificTimeParameters | 0x773f3 | 0x37d |
PR_UnblockClockInterrupts | 0x2d55 | 0x37e |
PR_UnblockInterrupt | 0x7c383 | 0x37f |
PR_UnloadLibrary | 0x6da22 | 0x380 |
PR_Unlock | 0x7aa9d | 0x381 |
PR_UnlockFile | 0x67277 | 0x382 |
PR_UnlockOrderedLock | 0x66fcd | 0x383 |
PR_VersionCheck | 0x7473c | 0x384 |
PR_Wait | 0x7c829 | 0x385 |
PR_WaitCondVar | 0x7a80c | 0x386 |
PR_WaitForPollableEvent | 0x6a72a | 0x387 |
PR_WaitProcess | 0x7500b | 0x388 |
PR_WaitRecvReady | 0x69f2e | 0x389 |
PR_WaitSem | 0x7cb72 | 0x38a |
PR_WaitSemaphore | 0x753ab | 0x38b |
PR_Write | 0x6770b | 0x38c |
PR_Writev | 0x6785a | 0x38d |
PR_Yield | 0x7c22d | 0x38e |
PR_cnvtf | 0x741c1 | 0x38f |
PR_dtoa | 0x740fe | 0x390 |
PR_fprintf | 0x6d49c | 0x391 |
PR_htonl | 0x764aa | 0x392 |
PR_htonll | 0x764de | 0x393 |
PR_htons | 0x7649c | 0x394 |
PR_ntohl | 0x7648e | 0x395 |
PR_ntohll | 0x764b8 | 0x396 |
PR_ntohs | 0x76480 | 0x397 |
PR_smprintf | 0x6b775 | 0x398 |
PR_smprintf_free | 0x2cfa | 0x399 |
PR_snprintf | 0x6b80f | 0x39a |
PR_sprintf_append | 0x6b896 | 0x39b |
PR_sscanf | 0x6c2b8 | 0x39c |
PR_strtod | 0x72649 | 0x39d |
PR_sxprintf | 0x6b67c | 0x39e |
PR_vfprintf | 0x6d4b3 | 0x39f |
PR_vsmprintf | 0x6b788 | 0x3a0 |
PR_vsnprintf | 0x6b829 | 0x3a1 |
PR_vsprintf_append | 0x6b8ad | 0x3a2 |
PR_vsxprintf | 0x6b696 | 0x3a3 |
PT_FPrintStats | 0x2d55 | 0x3a4 |
SECITEM_AllocArray | 0xbdf16 | 0x3a5 |
SECITEM_AllocItem | 0x915bb | 0x3a6 |
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util | 0xbdfe9 | 0x3a7 |
SECITEM_ArenaDupItem_Util | 0xbe0a7 | 0x3a8 |
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util | 0xbe126 | 0x3a9 |
SECITEM_CopyItem | 0x915c4 | 0x3aa |
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util | 0xbe1b3 | 0x3ab |
SECITEM_DupArray | 0xbe218 | 0x3ac |
SECITEM_DupItem | 0x915cd | 0x3ad |
SECITEM_DupItem_Util | 0xbe28f | 0x3ae |
SECITEM_FreeItem | 0x915d6 | 0x3af |
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util | 0xbe2b5 | 0x3b0 |
SECITEM_HashCompare | 0xbe315 | 0x3b1 |
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual | 0xbe315 | 0x3b2 |
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual_Util | 0xbe31e | 0x3b3 |
SECITEM_ReallocItemV2 | 0xbe36a | 0x3b4 |
SECITEM_ZfreeItem | 0x915db | 0x3b5 |
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util | 0xbe411 | 0x3b6 |
SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey | 0x8d5ca | 0x3b7 |
SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey | 0x8d726 | 0x3b8 |
SECKEY_CopyPublicKey | 0x8d833 | 0x3b9 |
SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo | 0x8d9b7 | 0x3ba |
SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo | 0x8db3b | 0x3bb |
SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo | 0x8db7a | 0x3bc |
SECKEY_DestroyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo | 0x8dc00 | 0x3bd |
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey | 0x8dc75 | 0x3be |
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList | 0x8dd33 | 0x3bf |
SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey | 0x8dd58 | 0x3c0 |
SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo | 0x80376 | 0x3c1 |
SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen | 0x8dda3 | 0x3c2 |
SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize | 0x8e059 | 0x3c3 |
SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo | 0x8e28f | 0x3c4 |
SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey | 0x8e2c3 | 0x3c5 |
SECKEY_GetPrivateKeyType | 0x7c2e5 | 0x3c6 |
SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType | 0x7c2e5 | 0x3c7 |
SECKEY_ImportDERPublicKey | 0x8e310 | 0x3c8 |
SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength | 0x8e413 | 0x3c9 |
SECKEY_RSAPSSParamsTemplate | 0xf2478 | 0x3ca |
SECKEY_SignatureLen | 0x8e4a9 | 0x3cb |
SECMIME_DecryptionAllowed | 0xc9b88 | 0x3cc |
SECMOD_AddNewModule | 0xb63cc | 0x3cd |
SECMOD_AddNewModuleEx | 0xb63e9 | 0x3ce |
SECMOD_CanDeleteInternalModule | 0x2d52 | 0x3cf |
SECMOD_CancelWait | 0xb6519 | 0x3d0 |
SECMOD_CloseUserDB | 0xb6596 | 0x3d1 |
SECMOD_CreateModule | 0xad61c | 0x3d2 |
SECMOD_DeleteInternalModule | 0xb6604 | 0x3d3 |
SECMOD_DeleteModule | 0xb6633 | 0x3d4 |
SECMOD_DestroyModule | 0xb6797 | 0x3d5 |
SECMOD_FindModule | 0xb6854 | 0x3d6 |
SECMOD_GetDeadModuleList | 0xb6a0a | 0x3d7 |
SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList | 0xb6a10 | 0x3d8 |
SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock | 0xb6a16 | 0x3d9 |
SECMOD_GetInternalModule | 0xb6a1c | 0x3da |
SECMOD_GetModuleSpecList | 0xad876 | 0x3db |
SECMOD_GetReadLock | 0xa143b | 0x3dc |
SECMOD_HasRemovableSlots | 0xb6a22 | 0x3dd |
SECMOD_InternaltoPubMechFlags | 0xb6a9f | 0x3de |
SECMOD_LoadModule | 0xad895 | 0x3df |
SECMOD_LoadUserModule | 0xadacd | 0x3e0 |
SECMOD_OpenUserDB | 0xb6c3c | 0x3e1 |
SECMOD_PubCipherFlagstoInternal | 0xbec54 | 0x3e2 |
SECMOD_PubMechFlagstoInternal | 0xb6cc5 | 0x3e3 |
SECMOD_ReferenceModule | 0xb6cde | 0x3e4 |
SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock | 0xa1454 | 0x3e5 |
SECMOD_UnloadUserModule | 0xadb1e | 0x3e6 |
SECMOD_UpdateModule | 0xb6f60 | 0x3e7 |
SECMOD_UpdateSlotList | 0xb6f78 | 0x3e8 |
SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent | 0xb716f | 0x3e9 |
SECOID_AddEntry | 0x915e0 | 0x3ea |
SECOID_AddEntry_Util | 0xbe60c | 0x3eb |
SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate | 0xf2938 | 0x3ec |
SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util | 0x101278 | 0x3ed |
SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID_Util | 0xbb1ed | 0x3ee |
SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID | 0x915e9 | 0x3ef |
SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID_Util | 0xbb220 | 0x3f0 |
SECOID_FindOID | 0x915ee | 0x3f1 |
SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism | 0xbe77b | 0x3f2 |
SECOID_FindOIDByTag | 0x915f7 | 0x3f3 |
SECOID_FindOIDByTag_Util | 0xbe7a5 | 0x3f4 |
SECOID_FindOIDTag | 0x91600 | 0x3f5 |
SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription_Util | 0xbe7c5 | 0x3f6 |
SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util | 0xca051 | 0x3f7 |
SECOID_FindOID_Util | 0xbe7de | 0x3f8 |
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag | 0x91609 | 0x3f9 |
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util | 0xbb24d | 0x3fa |
SECOID_Init | 0xbe817 | 0x3fb |
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID | 0x91612 | 0x3fc |
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util | 0xbb26a | 0x3fd |
SECOID_Shutdown | 0xbe95c | 0x3fe |
SEC_ASN1Decode | 0x9161b | 0x3ff |
SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger | 0x91624 | 0x400 |
SEC_ASN1DecodeItem | 0x9162d | 0x401 |
SEC_ASN1DecodeItem_Util | 0xbb3bd | 0x402 |
SEC_ASN1Decode_Util | 0xbb3dc | 0x403 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util | 0xbcda8 | 0x404 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem | 0x91636 | 0x405 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util | 0xbcdc0 | 0x406 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger_Util | 0xbce66 | 0x407 |
SEC_ASN1Encode_Util | 0xbce7e | 0x408 |
SEC_AnyTemplate_Util | 0x1012f8 | 0x409 |
SEC_BMPStringTemplate | 0xf2978 | 0x40a |
SEC_BitStringTemplate | 0xf2988 | 0x40b |
SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util | 0x101308 | 0x40c |
SEC_BooleanTemplate_Util | 0x101328 | 0x40d |
SEC_CertNicknameConflict | 0x86829 | 0x40e |
SEC_CreateSignatureAlgorithmParameters | 0x8eca7 | 0x40f |
SEC_DeletePermCertificate | 0x86861 | 0x410 |
SEC_DerSignData | 0x8ed08 | 0x411 |
SEC_DerSignDataWithAlgorithmID | 0x8ed29 | 0x412 |
SEC_DestroyCrl | 0x83861 | 0x413 |
SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate_Util | 0x101338 | 0x414 |
SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag | 0x8ed55 | 0x415 |
SEC_IA5StringTemplate | 0xf2998 | 0x416 |
SEC_IA5StringTemplate_Util | 0x101348 | 0x417 |
SEC_IntegerTemplate | 0xf29a8 | 0x418 |
SEC_IntegerTemplate_Util | 0x101358 | 0x419 |
SEC_NullTemplate_Util | 0x101368 | 0x41a |
SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util | 0x101378 | 0x41b |
SEC_OctetStringTemplate | 0xf29b8 | 0x41c |
SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util | 0x101388 | 0x41d |
SEC_PKCS12AddCertAndKey | 0xc4bbc | 0x41e |
SEC_PKCS12AddPasswordIntegrity | 0xc4ee2 | 0x41f |
SEC_PKCS12CreateExportContext | 0xc4f3d | 0x420 |
SEC_PKCS12CreatePasswordPrivSafe | 0xc4fc2 | 0x421 |
SEC_PKCS12CreateUnencryptedSafe | 0xc5169 | 0x422 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderFinish | 0xc2030 | 0x423 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderImportBags | 0xc21b6 | 0x424 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderIterateInit | 0xc220e | 0x425 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderIterateNext | 0xc2239 | 0x426 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderRenameCertNicknames | 0xc23c8 | 0x427 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderStart | 0xc24c5 | 0x428 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderUpdate | 0xc263c | 0x429 |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderValidateBags | 0xc2687 | 0x42a |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderVerify | 0xc270d | 0x42b |
SEC_PKCS12DestroyExportContext | 0xc5207 | 0x42c |
SEC_PKCS12EnableCipher | 0xc63c8 | 0x42d |
SEC_PKCS12Encode | 0xc5272 | 0x42e |
SEC_PKCS12IsEncryptionAllowed | 0xc6415 | 0x42f |
SEC_PKCS12SetPreferredCipher | 0xc643e | 0x430 |
SEC_PKCS5GetPBEAlgorithm | 0xaf3b7 | 0x431 |
SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag | 0xaf463 | 0x432 |
SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime | 0xc6da8 | 0x433 |
SEC_PKCS7ContentIsEncrypted | 0xc75d4 | 0x434 |
SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned | 0xc75f8 | 0x435 |
SEC_PKCS7CopyContentInfo | 0xc6baa | 0x436 |
SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData | 0xc6fd2 | 0x437 |
SEC_PKCS7DecodeItem | 0xc7632 | 0x438 |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish | 0xc7688 | 0x439 |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart | 0xc76d5 | 0x43a |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate | 0xc77e6 | 0x43b |
SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo | 0xc6bbb | 0x43c |
SEC_PKCS7Encode | 0xc8655 | 0x43d |
SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain | 0xc7017 | 0x43e |
SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature | 0xc789f | 0x43f |
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem | 0x9163f | 0x440 |
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util | 0xbb0cf | 0x441 |
SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient | 0x8a477 | 0x442 |
SEC_SignData | 0x8ee46 | 0x443 |
SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate | 0xf0a88 | 0x444 |
SEC_StringToOID | 0xb9156 | 0x445 |
SEC_UTF8StringTemplate | 0xf29c8 | 0x446 |
SEC_UTF8StringTemplate_Util | 0x1013a8 | 0x447 |
SGN_Begin | 0x8ee64 | 0x448 |
SGN_CreateDigestInfo | 0x91648 | 0x449 |
SGN_CreateDigestInfo_Util | 0xbdda3 | 0x44a |
SGN_DecodeDigestInfo | 0xbde91 | 0x44b |
SGN_DestroyContext | 0x8eeb0 | 0x44c |
SGN_DestroyDigestInfo | 0x91651 | 0x44d |
SGN_DestroyDigestInfo_Util | 0x80376 | 0x44e |
SGN_End | 0x8efd4 | 0x44f |
SGN_NewContext | 0x8f23b | 0x450 |
SGN_Update | 0x8f250 | 0x451 |
SSL_AuthCertificateComplete | 0xe1caa | 0x452 |
SSL_AuthCertificateHook | 0xdf6f3 | 0x453 |
SSL_CipherPrefGet | 0xe4dd6 | 0x454 |
SSL_CipherPrefSet | 0xe4e23 | 0x455 |
SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault | 0xe4e58 | 0x456 |
SSL_ClearSessionCache | 0xe1719 | 0x457 |
SSL_ConfigSecureServer | 0xdf9de | 0x458 |
SSL_ConfigSecureServerWithCertChain | 0xdf9f9 | 0x459 |
SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache | 0xe365a | 0x45a |
SSL_ExportKeyingMaterial | 0xe0d99 | 0x45b |
SSL_ForceHandshake | 0xe1d5a | 0x45c |
SSL_GetChannelInfo | 0xe0f12 | 0x45d |
SSL_GetCipherSuiteInfo | 0xe1154 | 0x45e |
SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook | 0xdf720 | 0x45f |
SSL_GetExperimentalAPI | 0xe4e6c | 0x460 |
SSL_GetImplementedCiphers | 0xe0b5f | 0x461 |
SSL_GetNextProto | 0xe4ec4 | 0x462 |
SSL_GetNumImplementedCiphers | 0xe0b65 | 0x463 |
SSL_GetPreliminaryChannelInfo | 0xe11bb | 0x464 |
SSL_GetSRTPCipher | 0xe4f4e | 0x465 |
SSL_GetStatistics | 0xd087c | 0x466 |
SSL_HandshakeCallback | 0xe1e8d | 0x467 |
SSL_HandshakeNegotiatedExtension | 0xe1b3d | 0x468 |
SSL_ImplementedCiphers | 0x103488 | 0x469 |
SSL_ImportFD | 0xe4f84 | 0x46a |
SSL_NamedGroupConfig | 0xe4f99 | 0x46b |
SSL_NumImplementedCiphers | 0x103518 | 0x46c |
SSL_OptionSet | 0xe5020 | 0x46d |
SSL_OptionSetDefault | 0xe5470 | 0x46e |
SSL_PeerCertificate | 0xdf74d | 0x46f |
SSL_PeerCertificateChain | 0xdf778 | 0x470 |
SSL_PeerSignedCertTimestamps | 0xe57f0 | 0x471 |
SSL_PeerStapledOCSPResponses | 0xe5822 | 0x472 |
SSL_ResetHandshake | 0xe1f1c | 0x473 |
SSL_SNISocketConfigHook | 0xe20e8 | 0x474 |
SSL_SendAdditionalKeyShares | 0xe77d8 | 0x475 |
SSL_SetCanFalseStartCallback | 0xe2115 | 0x476 |
SSL_SetDowngradeCheckVersion | 0xe5852 | 0x477 |
SSL_SetNextProtoNego | 0xe596c | 0x478 |
SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg | 0xdf7fa | 0x479 |
SSL_SetSRTPCiphers | 0xe5a2d | 0x47a |
SSL_SetSockPeerID | 0xe5ac5 | 0x47b |
SSL_SetStapledOCSPResponses | 0xdfa86 | 0x47c |
SSL_SetTrustAnchors | 0xe21a4 | 0x47d |
SSL_SetURL | 0xe2255 | 0x47e |
SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache | 0xe3682 | 0x47f |
SSL_SignatureSchemePrefSet | 0xd0882 | 0x480 |
SSL_VersionRangeGet | 0xe5b22 | 0x481 |
SSL_VersionRangeGetDefault | 0xe5bc4 | 0x482 |
SSL_VersionRangeGetSupported | 0xe5c07 | 0x483 |
SSL_VersionRangeSet | 0xe5c80 | 0x484 |
SSL_VersionRangeSetDefault | 0xe5d6f | 0x485 |
SetExecutionEnvironment | 0x7c3ac | 0x486 |
UTIL_SetForkState | 0xbea5c | 0x487 |
VFY_Begin | 0x8f75b | 0x488 |
VFY_CreateContext | 0x8f7b7 | 0x489 |
VFY_DestroyContext | 0x8f7f9 | 0x48a |
VFY_End | 0x8f86d | 0x48b |
VFY_EndWithSignature | 0x8f87e | 0x48c |
VFY_Update | 0x8faca | 0x48d |
VFY_VerifyData | 0x8fb01 | 0x48e |
VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID | 0x8fb6c | 0x48f |
VFY_VerifyDigestDirect | 0x8fbbc | 0x490 |
_NSSUTIL_Access | 0xbfc42 | 0x491 |
_NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir | 0xc17ca | 0x492 |
_NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName | 0xc18e2 | 0x493 |
_NSSUTIL_UTF8ToWide | 0xbfd09 | 0x494 |
_PR_AddSleepQ | 0x7bbab | 0x495 |
_PR_CreateThread | 0x7b300 | 0x496 |
_PR_DelSleepQ | 0x7bca0 | 0x497 |
_PR_GetPrimordialCPU | 0x7a67b | 0x498 |
_PR_MD_FREE_CV | 0x6f810 | 0x499 |
_PR_MD_INIT_LOCKS | 0x6f934 | 0x49a |
_PR_MD_NEW_CV | 0x6f800 | 0x49b |
_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK | 0x6f951 | 0x49c |
_PR_MD_NOTIFYALL_CV | 0x6f921 | 0x49d |
_PR_MD_NOTIFY_CV | 0x6f90e | 0x49e |
_PR_MD_UNLOCK | 0x6f99f | 0x49f |
_PR_MD_WAIT_CV | 0x6f81b | 0x4a0 |
_PR_NativeCreateThread | 0x7b1e4 | 0x4a1 |
_SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo | 0xb9ef2 | 0x4a2 |
__PK11_SetCertificateNickname | 0x9ee9e | 0x4a3 |
_pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer | 0x68209 | 0x4a4 |
_pr_test_ipv6_socket | 0x6ce11 | 0x4a5 |
sqlite3_aggregate_context | 0x1d1c4 | 0x4a6 |
sqlite3_auto_extension | 0x39f4e | 0x4a7 |
sqlite3_bind_blob | 0x1d720 | 0x4a8 |
sqlite3_bind_double | 0x1d784 | 0x4a9 |
sqlite3_bind_int | 0x1d7e4 | 0x4aa |
sqlite3_bind_int64 | 0x1d802 | 0x4ab |
sqlite3_bind_null | 0x1d84d | 0x4ac |
sqlite3_bind_parameter_count | 0x1daaf | 0x4ad |
sqlite3_bind_parameter_index | 0x1dadd | 0x4ae |
sqlite3_bind_parameter_name | 0x1dac3 | 0x4af |
sqlite3_bind_text | 0x1d8cd | 0x4b0 |
sqlite3_bind_text16 | 0x1d941 | 0x4b1 |
sqlite3_bind_value | 0x1d95f | 0x4b2 |
sqlite3_busy_handler | 0x53727 | 0x4b3 |
sqlite3_busy_timeout | 0x537b0 | 0x4b4 |
sqlite3_changes | 0x5316d | 0x4b5 |
sqlite3_clear_bindings | 0x1c89d | 0x4b6 |
sqlite3_close | 0x53341 | 0x4b7 |
sqlite3_collation_needed | 0x54b51 | 0x4b8 |
sqlite3_collation_needed16 | 0x54b88 | 0x4b9 |
sqlite3_column_blob | 0x1d357 | 0x4ba |
sqlite3_column_bytes | 0x1d37e | 0x4bb |
sqlite3_column_bytes16 | 0x1d3a7 | 0x4bc |
sqlite3_column_count | 0x1d2bb | 0x4bd |
sqlite3_column_double | 0x1d3ce | 0x4be |
sqlite3_column_int | 0x1d3fc | 0x4bf |
sqlite3_column_int64 | 0x1d423 | 0x4c0 |
sqlite3_column_name | 0x1d562 | 0x4c1 |
sqlite3_column_name16 | 0x1d57a | 0x4c2 |
sqlite3_column_text | 0x1d453 | 0x4c3 |
sqlite3_column_text16 | 0x1d4b6 | 0x4c4 |
sqlite3_column_type | 0x1d4dd | 0x4c5 |
sqlite3_column_value | 0x1d47c | 0x4c6 |
sqlite3_commit_hook | 0x53b77 | 0x4c7 |
sqlite3_complete | 0x52640 | 0x4c8 |
sqlite3_complete16 | 0x52857 | 0x4c9 |
sqlite3_config | 0x52b0a | 0x4ca |
sqlite3_create_collation | 0x54a8e | 0x4cb |
sqlite3_create_collation16 | 0x54aee | 0x4cc |
sqlite3_create_function | 0x5399a | 0x4cd |
sqlite3_create_function16 | 0x53a66 | 0x4ce |
sqlite3_create_module | 0x46270 | 0x4cf |
sqlite3_data_count | 0x1d2d2 | 0x4d0 |
sqlite3_db_filename | 0x55248 | 0x4d1 |
sqlite3_db_handle | 0x1db8c | 0x4d2 |
sqlite3_db_mutex | 0x52e81 | 0x4d3 |
sqlite3_db_status | 0x1110 | 0x4d4 |
sqlite3_declare_vtab | 0x46a7f | 0x4d5 |
sqlite3_enable_load_extension | 0x39f1a | 0x4d6 |
sqlite3_enable_shared_cache | 0xfe44 | 0x4d7 |
sqlite3_errcode | 0x53f47 | 0x4d8 |
sqlite3_errmsg | 0x53e4e | 0x4d9 |
sqlite3_errmsg16 | 0x53ebf | 0x4da |
sqlite3_exec | 0x398ae | 0x4db |
sqlite3_expanded_sql | 0x1dc8a | 0x4dc |
sqlite3_extended_result_codes | 0x54e69 | 0x4dd |
sqlite3_file_control | 0x54e99 | 0x4de |
sqlite3_finalize | 0x1c7d3 | 0x4df |
sqlite3_free | 0x32d6 | 0x4e0 |
sqlite3_free_table | 0x438ac | 0x4e1 |
sqlite3_get_autocommit | 0x54bbf | 0x4e2 |
sqlite3_get_auxdata | 0x1d1e6 | 0x4e3 |
sqlite3_get_table | 0x4374b | 0x4e4 |
sqlite3_initialize | 0x528be | 0x4e5 |
sqlite3_interrupt | 0x537eb | 0x4e6 |
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid | 0x53137 | 0x4e7 |
sqlite3_libversion | 0x528ae | 0x4e8 |
sqlite3_libversion_number | 0x528b4 | 0x4e9 |
sqlite3_load_extension | 0x39ede | 0x4ea |
sqlite3_malloc | 0x3236 | 0x4eb |
sqlite3_memory_highwater | 0x30e8 | 0x4ec |
sqlite3_memory_used | 0x30c4 | 0x4ed |
sqlite3_mprintf | 0x4999 | 0x4ee |
sqlite3_mutex_alloc | 0x2dc0 | 0x4ef |
sqlite3_mutex_enter | 0x2e0b | 0x4f0 |
sqlite3_mutex_free | 0x2df9 | 0x4f1 |
sqlite3_mutex_leave | 0x2e31 | 0x4f2 |
sqlite3_mutex_try | 0x2e1d | 0x4f3 |
sqlite3_next_stmt | 0x1dbd8 | 0x4f4 |
sqlite3_open | 0x549c9 | 0x4f5 |
sqlite3_open16 | 0x549f7 | 0x4f6 |
sqlite3_open_v2 | 0x549df | 0x4f7 |
sqlite3_overload_function | 0x53acf | 0x4f8 |
sqlite3_prepare | 0x3d509 | 0x4f9 |
sqlite3_prepare16 | 0x3d682 | 0x4fa |
sqlite3_prepare16_v2 | 0x3d6a0 | 0x4fb |
sqlite3_prepare_v2 | 0x3d529 | 0x4fc |
sqlite3_progress_handler | 0x53765 | 0x4fd |
sqlite3_realloc | 0x3492 | 0x4fe |
sqlite3_release_memory | 0x2d52 | 0x4ff |
sqlite3_reset | 0x1c83f | 0x500 |
sqlite3_reset_auto_extension | 0x3a031 | 0x501 |
sqlite3_result_blob | 0x1cb21 | 0x502 |
sqlite3_result_double | 0x1cb79 | 0x503 |
sqlite3_result_error | 0x1cbae | 0x504 |
sqlite3_result_error16 | 0x1cbd4 | 0x505 |
sqlite3_result_error_code | 0x1cd6f | 0x506 |
sqlite3_result_error_nomem | 0x1cdce | 0x507 |
sqlite3_result_int | 0x1cbfb | 0x508 |
sqlite3_result_int64 | 0x1cc12 | 0x509 |
sqlite3_result_null | 0x1cc2b | 0x50a |
sqlite3_result_text | 0x1cc84 | 0x50b |
sqlite3_result_text16 | 0x1ccea | 0x50c |
sqlite3_result_text16be | 0x1cd05 | 0x50d |
sqlite3_result_text16le | 0x1ccea | 0x50e |
sqlite3_result_value | 0x1cd20 | 0x50f |
sqlite3_rollback_hook | 0x53be7 | 0x510 |
sqlite3_set_authorizer | 0x2de91 | 0x511 |
sqlite3_set_auxdata | 0x1d21e | 0x512 |
sqlite3_shutdown | 0x52a7d | 0x513 |
sqlite3_sleep | 0x54e3e | 0x514 |
sqlite3_snprintf | 0x4a02 | 0x515 |
sqlite3_sql | 0x1dc74 | 0x516 |
sqlite3_status | 0x1090 | 0x517 |
sqlite3_step | 0x1cfda | 0x518 |
sqlite3_stmt_readonly | 0x1db9e | 0x519 |
sqlite3_stmt_status | 0x1dc07 | 0x51a |
sqlite3_total_changes | 0x53178 | 0x51b |
sqlite3_trace_v2 | 0x53b32 | 0x51c |
sqlite3_unlock_notify | 0x5538f | 0x51d |
sqlite3_update_hook | 0x53baf | 0x51e |
sqlite3_uri_parameter | 0x55148 | 0x51f |
sqlite3_user_data | 0x1d12d | 0x520 |
sqlite3_value_blob | 0x1c90d | 0x521 |
sqlite3_value_bytes | 0x1c959 | 0x522 |
sqlite3_value_bytes16 | 0x1c96a | 0x523 |
sqlite3_value_double | 0x1c978 | 0x524 |
sqlite3_value_int | 0x1c992 | 0x525 |
sqlite3_value_int64 | 0x1c992 | 0x526 |
sqlite3_value_numeric_type | 0x1e13e | 0x527 |
sqlite3_value_text | 0x1ca11 | 0x528 |
sqlite3_value_text16 | 0x1ca22 | 0x529 |
sqlite3_value_text16be | 0x1ca30 | 0x52a |
sqlite3_value_text16le | 0x1ca22 | 0x52b |
sqlite3_value_type | 0x1ca3e | 0x52c |
sqlite3_version | 0x113420 | 0x52d |
sqlite3_vfs_find | 0x2b8c | 0x52e |
sqlite3_vfs_register | 0x2c38 | 0x52f |
sqlite3_vfs_unregister | 0x2c8e | 0x530 |
sqlite3_vmprintf | 0x4922 | 0x531 |
Issued by | Mozilla Corporation |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C 53 96 DC B2 94 9C 70 FA C4 8A B0 8A 07 33 8E |
Thumbprint | B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96 |
Issued by | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 04 09 18 1B 5F D5 BB 66 75 53 43 B5 6F 95 50 08 |
Thumbprint | 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6 |
Issued by | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C E7 E0 E5 17 D8 46 FE 8F E5 60 FC 1B F0 30 39 |
Thumbprint | 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/nssdbm3.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2018-04-28 14:11 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-03-17 00:31 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x10011f81 |
Size Of Code | 0x11a00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x3000 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2018-04-27 21:41:18+00:00 |
BuildID | 20180427210249 |
Comments | - |
CompanyName | Mozilla Foundation |
FileDescription | - |
FileVersion | 59.0.3 |
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LegalCopyright | License: MPL 2 |
LegalTrademarks | Mozilla |
OriginalFilename | nssdbm3.dll |
ProductName | Firefox |
ProductVersion | 59.0.3 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x118e4 | 0x11a00 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.49 |
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API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries | 0x0 | 0x100130e4 | 0x141c4 | 0x12fc4 | 0x1ca |
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100130e8 | 0x141c8 | 0x12fc8 | 0x3a6 |
PR_Now | 0x0 | 0x100130ec | 0x141cc | 0x12fcc | 0x31f |
DER_DecodeTimeChoice_Util | 0x0 | 0x100130f0 | 0x141d0 | 0x12fd0 | 0x8e |
NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x100130f4 | 0x141d4 | 0x12fd4 | 0x100 |
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x100130f8 | 0x141d8 | 0x12fd8 | 0x103 |
NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x100130fc | 0x141dc | 0x12fdc | 0x10b |
PORT_InitCheapArena | 0x0 | 0x10013100 | 0x141e0 | 0x12fe0 | 0x209 |
PORT_DestroyCheapArena | 0x0 | 0x10013104 | 0x141e4 | 0x12fe4 | 0x202 |
PORT_ArenaMark_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013108 | 0x141e8 | 0x12fe8 | 0x1fb |
PORT_ArenaRelease_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001310c | 0x141ec | 0x12fec | 0x1fc |
PORT_ArenaUnmark_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013110 | 0x141f0 | 0x12ff0 | 0x1ff |
PORT_ArenaStrdup_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013114 | 0x141f4 | 0x12ff4 | 0x1fe |
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013118 | 0x141f8 | 0x12ff8 | 0x3a8 |
PR_OpenFile | 0x0 | 0x1001311c | 0x141fc | 0x12ffc | 0x323 |
PL_HashTableLookup | 0x0 | 0x10013120 | 0x14200 | 0x13000 | 0x1cb |
PR_EnterMonitor | 0x0 | 0x10013124 | 0x14204 | 0x13004 | 0x27c |
PR_ExitMonitor | 0x0 | 0x10013128 | 0x14208 | 0x13008 | 0x286 |
NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue | 0x0 | 0x1001312c | 0x1420c | 0x1300c | 0xb1 |
NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag | 0x0 | 0x10013130 | 0x14210 | 0x13010 | 0xb2 |
NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong | 0x0 | 0x10013134 | 0x14214 | 0x13014 | 0xb8 |
NSSUTIL_Quote | 0x0 | 0x10013138 | 0x14218 | 0x13018 | 0xc0 |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags | 0x0 | 0x1001313c | 0x1421c | 0x1301c | 0xb6 |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo | 0x0 | 0x10013140 | 0x14220 | 0x13020 | 0xb7 |
NSSUTIL_MkSlotString | 0x0 | 0x10013144 | 0x14224 | 0x13024 | 0xbf |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpec | 0x0 | 0x10013148 | 0x14228 | 0x13028 | 0xb5 |
NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec | 0x0 | 0x1001314c | 0x1422c | 0x1302c | 0xbd |
NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags | 0x0 | 0x10013150 | 0x14230 | 0x13030 | 0xb4 |
NSSUTIL_MkNSSString | 0x0 | 0x10013154 | 0x14234 | 0x13034 | 0xbe |
PR_GetError | 0x0 | 0x10013158 | 0x14238 | 0x13038 | 0x2ae |
NSSBase64_EncodeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001315c | 0x1423c | 0x1303c | 0xab |
PL_HashTableRemove | 0x0 | 0x10013160 | 0x14240 | 0x13040 | 0x1d1 |
PL_HashTableAdd | 0x0 | 0x10013164 | 0x14244 | 0x13044 | 0x1c7 |
SECOID_Shutdown | 0x0 | 0x10013168 | 0x14248 | 0x13048 | 0x3fd |
SECOID_Init | 0x0 | 0x1001316c | 0x1424c | 0x1304c | 0x3fa |
SECITEM_HashCompare | 0x0 | 0x10013170 | 0x14250 | 0x13050 | 0x3b0 |
PL_CompareValues | 0x0 | 0x10013174 | 0x14254 | 0x13054 | 0x1be |
PL_HashTableDestroy | 0x0 | 0x10013178 | 0x14258 | 0x13058 | 0x1c8 |
PL_NewHashTable | 0x0 | 0x1001317c | 0x1425c | 0x1305c | 0x1d3 |
PR_FindSymbol | 0x0 | 0x10013180 | 0x14260 | 0x13060 | 0x297 |
PR_LoadLibrary | 0x0 | 0x10013184 | 0x14264 | 0x13064 | 0x2fc |
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013188 | 0x14268 | 0x13068 | 0x3b2 |
PORT_Realloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001318c | 0x1426c | 0x1306c | 0x20c |
DER_SetUInteger | 0x0 | 0x10013190 | 0x14270 | 0x13070 | 0x97 |
PR_htonl | 0x0 | 0x10013194 | 0x14274 | 0x13074 | 0x391 |
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013198 | 0x14278 | 0x13078 | 0x10d |
PR_ntohl | 0x0 | 0x1001319c | 0x1427c | 0x1307c | 0x394 |
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131a0 | 0x14280 | 0x13080 | 0x3f9 |
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131a4 | 0x14284 | 0x13084 | 0x3fc |
SECOID_FindOIDByTag_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131a8 | 0x14288 | 0x13088 | 0x3f3 |
SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131ac | 0x1428c | 0x1308c | 0x3f6 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131b0 | 0x14290 | 0x13090 | 0x403 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131b4 | 0x14294 | 0x13094 | 0x405 |
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131b8 | 0x14298 | 0x13098 | 0x440 |
PR_Unlock | 0x0 | 0x100131bc | 0x1429c | 0x1309c | 0x380 |
PR_Lock | 0x0 | 0x100131c0 | 0x142a0 | 0x130a0 | 0x300 |
PR_DestroyLock | 0x0 | 0x100131c4 | 0x142a4 | 0x130a4 | 0x268 |
PR_NewLock | 0x0 | 0x100131c8 | 0x142a8 | 0x130a8 | 0x30e |
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131cc | 0x142ac | 0x130ac | 0x3b5 |
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131d0 | 0x142b0 | 0x130b0 | 0x3af |
SECITEM_DupItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131d4 | 0x142b4 | 0x130b4 | 0x3ad |
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131d8 | 0x142b8 | 0x130b8 | 0x3aa |
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131dc | 0x142bc | 0x130bc | 0x201 |
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131e0 | 0x142c0 | 0x130c0 | 0x1f9 |
PORT_FreeArena_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131e4 | 0x142c4 | 0x130c4 | 0x205 |
PORT_NewArena_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131e8 | 0x142c8 | 0x130c8 | 0x20b |
PORT_GetError_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131ec | 0x142cc | 0x130cc | 0x208 |
PORT_SetError_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131f0 | 0x142d0 | 0x130d0 | 0x20f |
PORT_Strdup_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131f4 | 0x142d4 | 0x130d4 | 0x213 |
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x100131f8 | 0x142d8 | 0x130d8 | 0xff |
PR_smprintf_free | 0x0 | 0x100131fc | 0x142dc | 0x130dc | 0x398 |
PR_smprintf | 0x0 | 0x10013200 | 0x142e0 | 0x130e0 | 0x397 |
PR_MkDir | 0x0 | 0x10013204 | 0x142e4 | 0x130e4 | 0x30b |
PR_Access | 0x0 | 0x10013208 | 0x142e8 | 0x130e8 | 0x224 |
PR_Delete | 0x0 | 0x1001320c | 0x142ec | 0x130ec | 0x262 |
PR_Write | 0x0 | 0x10013210 | 0x142f0 | 0x130f0 | 0x38b |
PR_Read | 0x0 | 0x10013214 | 0x142f4 | 0x130f4 | 0x33d |
PR_DestroyMonitor | 0x0 | 0x10013218 | 0x142f8 | 0x130f8 | 0x26a |
PR_Close | 0x0 | 0x1001321c | 0x142fc | 0x130fc | 0x248 |
PORT_ZAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013220 | 0x14300 | 0x13100 | 0x219 |
PR_GetDirectorySeparator | 0x0 | 0x10013224 | 0x14304 | 0x13104 | 0x2aa |
PR_GetEnvSecure | 0x0 | 0x10013228 | 0x14308 | 0x13108 | 0x2ad |
PR_CallOnce | 0x0 | 0x1001322c | 0x1430c | 0x1310c | 0x23d |
PR_SetError | 0x0 | 0x10013230 | 0x14310 | 0x13110 | 0x356 |
PR_Free | 0x0 | 0x10013234 | 0x14314 | 0x13114 | 0x29c |
PORT_Free_Util | 0x0 | 0x10013238 | 0x14318 | 0x13118 | 0x206 |
PORT_Alloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001323c | 0x1431c | 0x1311c | 0x1f7 |
PR_GetLibraryFilePathname | 0x0 | 0x10013240 | 0x14320 | 0x13120 | 0x2bc |
PR_FindFunctionSymbol | 0x0 | 0x10013244 | 0x14324 | 0x13124 | 0x291 |
PR_UnloadLibrary | 0x0 | 0x10013248 | 0x14328 | 0x13128 | 0x37f |
PR_NewMonitor | 0x0 | 0x1001324c | 0x1432c | 0x1312c | 0x310 |
PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags | 0x0 | 0x10013250 | 0x14330 | 0x13130 | 0x2fd |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
InitializeSListHead | 0x0 | 0x10013000 | 0x140e0 | 0x12ee0 | 0x35a |
DisableThreadLibraryCalls | 0x0 | 0x10013004 | 0x140e4 | 0x12ee4 | 0x11b |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x10013008 | 0x140e8 | 0x12ee8 | 0x2e2 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x1001300c | 0x140ec | 0x12eec | 0x218 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x10013010 | 0x140f0 | 0x12ef0 | 0x214 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x10013014 | 0x140f4 | 0x12ef4 | 0x440 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x10013018 | 0x140f8 | 0x12ef8 | 0x37d |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x1001301c | 0x140fc | 0x12efc | 0x57c |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x10013020 | 0x14100 | 0x12f00 | 0x213 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x10013024 | 0x14104 | 0x12f04 | 0x55e |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x10013028 | 0x14108 | 0x12f08 | 0x59d |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x1001302c | 0x1410c | 0x12f0c | 0x19b |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x10013030 | 0x14110 | 0x12f10 | 0x376 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_except_handler4_common | 0x0 | 0x10013038 | 0x14118 | 0x12f18 | 0x35 |
memmove | 0x0 | 0x1001303c | 0x1411c | 0x12f1c | 0x47 |
memcmp | 0x0 | 0x10013040 | 0x14120 | 0x12f20 | 0x45 |
memset | 0x0 | 0x10013044 | 0x14124 | 0x12f24 | 0x48 |
strrchr | 0x0 | 0x10013048 | 0x14128 | 0x12f28 | 0x4b |
memcpy | 0x0 | 0x1001304c | 0x1412c | 0x12f2c | 0x46 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x0 | 0x10013050 | 0x14130 | 0x12f30 | 0x25 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1001307c | 0x1415c | 0x12f5c | 0x36 |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x0 | 0x10013080 | 0x14160 | 0x12f60 | 0x35 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x0 | 0x10013084 | 0x14164 | 0x12f64 | 0x19 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x0 | 0x10013088 | 0x14168 | 0x12f68 | 0x41 |
_initterm | 0x0 | 0x1001308c | 0x1416c | 0x12f6c | 0x38 |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x10013090 | 0x14170 | 0x12f70 | 0x24 |
_getpid | 0x0 | 0x10013094 | 0x14174 | 0x12f74 | 0x34 |
_errno | 0x0 | 0x10013098 | 0x14178 | 0x12f78 | 0x23 |
abort | 0x0 | 0x1001309c | 0x1417c | 0x12f7c | 0x57 |
_cexit | 0x0 | 0x100130a0 | 0x14180 | 0x12f80 | 0x17 |
_initterm_e | 0x0 | 0x100130a4 | 0x14184 | 0x12f84 | 0x39 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
calloc | 0x0 | 0x1001306c | 0x1414c | 0x12f4c | 0x17 |
free | 0x0 | 0x10013070 | 0x14150 | 0x12f50 | 0x18 |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x10013074 | 0x14154 | 0x12f54 | 0x19 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_lseek | 0x0 | 0x100130ac | 0x1418c | 0x12f8c | 0x45 |
_get_osfhandle | 0x0 | 0x100130b0 | 0x14190 | 0x12f90 | 0x37 |
__acrt_iob_func | 0x0 | 0x100130b4 | 0x14194 | 0x12f94 | 0x0 |
fwrite | 0x0 | 0x100130b8 | 0x14198 | 0x12f98 | 0x8a |
_write | 0x0 | 0x100130bc | 0x1419c | 0x12f9c | 0x6b |
_read | 0x0 | 0x100130c0 | 0x141a0 | 0x12fa0 | 0x52 |
_close | 0x0 | 0x100130c4 | 0x141a4 | 0x12fa4 | 0x17 |
_open | 0x0 | 0x100130c8 | 0x141a8 | 0x12fa8 | 0x49 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
getenv | 0x0 | 0x10013058 | 0x14138 | 0x12f38 | 0x10 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_stat64i32 | 0x0 | 0x10013060 | 0x14140 | 0x12f40 | 0x20 |
_unlink | 0x0 | 0x10013064 | 0x14144 | 0x12f44 | 0x23 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
tolower | 0x0 | 0x100130d0 | 0x141b0 | 0x12fb0 | 0x97 |
isdigit | 0x0 | 0x100130d4 | 0x141b4 | 0x12fb4 | 0x68 |
_strdup | 0x0 | 0x100130d8 | 0x141b8 | 0x12fb8 | 0x29 |
strncmp | 0x0 | 0x100130dc | 0x141bc | 0x12fbc | 0x8e |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
legacy_AddSecmodDB | 0x10d1b | 0x1 |
legacy_DeleteSecmodDB | 0x10dd1 | 0x2 |
legacy_Open | 0xae88 | 0x3 |
legacy_ReadSecmodDB | 0x10e51 | 0x4 |
legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData | 0x10fab | 0x5 |
legacy_SetCryptFunctions | 0xb556 | 0x6 |
legacy_Shutdown | 0xaf93 | 0x7 |
Issued by | Mozilla Corporation |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C 53 96 DC B2 94 9C 70 FA C4 8A B0 8A 07 33 8E |
Thumbprint | B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96 |
Issued by | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 04 09 18 1B 5F D5 BB 66 75 53 43 B5 6F 95 50 08 |
Thumbprint | 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6 |
Issued by | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C E7 E0 E5 17 D8 46 FE 8F E5 60 FC 1B F0 30 39 |
Thumbprint | 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/softokn3.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
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First Seen | 2018-04-28 14:11 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-03-20 13:42 (UTC+1) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x1001bc97 |
Size Of Code | 0x1b600 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x6000 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
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Compile Timestamp | 2018-04-27 21:41:18+00:00 |
BuildID | 20180427210249 |
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CompanyName | Mozilla Foundation |
FileDescription | - |
FileVersion | 59.0.3 |
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LegalCopyright | License: MPL 2 |
LegalTrademarks | Mozilla |
OriginalFilename | softokn3.dll |
ProductName | Firefox |
ProductVersion | 59.0.3 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x1b4cb | 0x1b600 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.41 |
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.reloc | 0x10024000 | 0xe60 | 0x1000 | 0x20600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.34 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SECITEM_HashCompare | 0x0 | 0x1001d0b0 | 0x20520 | 0x1ef20 | 0x3b0 |
PR_SecondsToInterval | 0x0 | 0x1001d0b4 | 0x20524 | 0x1ef24 | 0x349 |
PR_NewLock | 0x0 | 0x1001d0b8 | 0x20528 | 0x1ef28 | 0x30e |
PR_DestroyLock | 0x0 | 0x1001d0bc | 0x2052c | 0x1ef2c | 0x268 |
DER_SetUInteger | 0x0 | 0x1001d0c0 | 0x20530 | 0x1ef30 | 0x97 |
PR_Sleep | 0x0 | 0x1001d0c4 | 0x20534 | 0x1ef34 | 0x36c |
PR_smprintf_free | 0x0 | 0x1001d0c8 | 0x20538 | 0x1ef38 | 0x398 |
SECOID_Init | 0x0 | 0x1001d0cc | 0x2053c | 0x1ef3c | 0x3fa |
SECOID_Shutdown | 0x0 | 0x1001d0d0 | 0x20540 | 0x1ef40 | 0x3fd |
UTIL_SetForkState | 0x0 | 0x1001d0d4 | 0x20544 | 0x1ef44 | 0x486 |
NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction | 0x0 | 0x1001d0d8 | 0x20548 | 0x1ef48 | 0xbb |
_NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName | 0x0 | 0x1001d0dc | 0x2054c | 0x1ef4c | 0x492 |
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d0e0 | 0x20550 | 0x1ef50 | 0x440 |
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d0e4 | 0x20554 | 0x1ef54 | 0x10d |
_SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo | 0x0 | 0x1001d0e8 | 0x20558 | 0x1ef58 | 0x4a1 |
DER_Encode_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d0ec | 0x2055c | 0x1ef5c | 0x91 |
SGN_CreateDigestInfo_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d0f0 | 0x20560 | 0x1ef60 | 0x449 |
SGN_DestroyDigestInfo_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d0f4 | 0x20564 | 0x1ef64 | 0x44d |
SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism | 0x0 | 0x1001d0f8 | 0x20568 | 0x1ef68 | 0x3f1 |
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries | 0x0 | 0x1001d0fc | 0x2056c | 0x1ef6c | 0x1ca |
PL_strcasecmp | 0x0 | 0x1001d100 | 0x20570 | 0x1ef70 | 0x1d6 |
PORT_Strdup_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d104 | 0x20574 | 0x1ef74 | 0x213 |
sqlite3_close | 0x0 | 0x1001d108 | 0x20578 | 0x1ef78 | 0x4b6 |
sqlite3_exec | 0x0 | 0x1001d10c | 0x2057c | 0x1ef7c | 0x4da |
sqlite3_busy_timeout | 0x0 | 0x1001d110 | 0x20580 | 0x1ef80 | 0x4b3 |
sqlite3_mprintf | 0x0 | 0x1001d114 | 0x20584 | 0x1ef84 | 0x4ed |
sqlite3_free | 0x0 | 0x1001d118 | 0x20588 | 0x1ef88 | 0x4df |
sqlite3_open | 0x0 | 0x1001d11c | 0x2058c | 0x1ef8c | 0x4f4 |
sqlite3_prepare_v2 | 0x0 | 0x1001d120 | 0x20590 | 0x1ef90 | 0x4fb |
PORT_FreeArena_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d124 | 0x20594 | 0x1ef94 | 0x205 |
sqlite3_bind_int | 0x0 | 0x1001d128 | 0x20598 | 0x1ef98 | 0x4a9 |
PL_NewHashTable | 0x0 | 0x1001d12c | 0x2059c | 0x1ef9c | 0x1d3 |
sqlite3_step | 0x0 | 0x1001d130 | 0x205a0 | 0x1efa0 | 0x517 |
sqlite3_column_blob | 0x0 | 0x1001d134 | 0x205a4 | 0x1efa4 | 0x4b9 |
sqlite3_column_bytes | 0x0 | 0x1001d138 | 0x205a8 | 0x1efa8 | 0x4ba |
sqlite3_column_int | 0x0 | 0x1001d13c | 0x205ac | 0x1efac | 0x4be |
sqlite3_finalize | 0x0 | 0x1001d140 | 0x205b0 | 0x1efb0 | 0x4de |
sqlite3_reset | 0x0 | 0x1001d144 | 0x205b4 | 0x1efb4 | 0x4ff |
sqlite3_file_control | 0x0 | 0x1001d148 | 0x205b8 | 0x1efb8 | 0x4dd |
PR_IntervalNow | 0x0 | 0x1001d14c | 0x205bc | 0x1efbc | 0x2f2 |
PR_MillisecondsToInterval | 0x0 | 0x1001d150 | 0x205c0 | 0x1efc0 | 0x30a |
PR_GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x1001d154 | 0x205c4 | 0x1efc4 | 0x2a7 |
PR_Now | 0x0 | 0x1001d158 | 0x205c8 | 0x1efc8 | 0x31f |
PL_CompareValues | 0x0 | 0x1001d15c | 0x205cc | 0x1efcc | 0x1be |
PR_NewMonitor | 0x0 | 0x1001d160 | 0x205d0 | 0x1efd0 | 0x310 |
PR_DestroyMonitor | 0x0 | 0x1001d164 | 0x205d4 | 0x1efd4 | 0x26a |
PR_EnterMonitor | 0x0 | 0x1001d168 | 0x205d8 | 0x1efd8 | 0x27c |
PR_ExitMonitor | 0x0 | 0x1001d16c | 0x205dc | 0x1efdc | 0x286 |
_NSSUTIL_UTF8ToWide | 0x0 | 0x1001d170 | 0x205e0 | 0x1efe0 | 0x493 |
_NSSUTIL_Access | 0x0 | 0x1001d174 | 0x205e4 | 0x1efe4 | 0x490 |
PR_smprintf | 0x0 | 0x1001d178 | 0x205e8 | 0x1efe8 | 0x397 |
_NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir | 0x0 | 0x1001d17c | 0x205ec | 0x1efec | 0x491 |
PL_strncasecmp | 0x0 | 0x1001d180 | 0x205f0 | 0x1eff0 | 0x1e1 |
NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue | 0x0 | 0x1001d184 | 0x205f4 | 0x1eff4 | 0xaf |
NSSUTIL_ArgStrip | 0x0 | 0x1001d188 | 0x205f8 | 0x1eff8 | 0xba |
NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter | 0x0 | 0x1001d18c | 0x205fc | 0x1effc | 0xb9 |
NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel | 0x0 | 0x1001d190 | 0x20600 | 0x1f000 | 0xb0 |
NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber | 0x0 | 0x1001d194 | 0x20604 | 0x1f004 | 0xae |
NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank | 0x0 | 0x1001d198 | 0x20608 | 0x1f008 | 0xb3 |
NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag | 0x0 | 0x1001d19c | 0x2060c | 0x1f00c | 0xb2 |
PORT_NewArena_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1a0 | 0x20610 | 0x1f010 | 0x20b |
PORT_GetError_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1a4 | 0x20614 | 0x1f014 | 0x208 |
PR_GetEnv | 0x0 | 0x1001d1a8 | 0x20618 | 0x1f018 | 0x2ac |
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1ac | 0x2061c | 0x1f01c | 0x1f9 |
PORT_ArenaGrow_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1b0 | 0x20620 | 0x1f020 | 0x1fa |
PORT_Realloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1b4 | 0x20624 | 0x1f024 | 0x20c |
SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1b8 | 0x20628 | 0x1f028 | 0x3ef |
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1bc | 0x2062c | 0x1f02c | 0x3f9 |
SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1c0 | 0x20630 | 0x1f030 | 0x3ed |
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1c4 | 0x20634 | 0x1f034 | 0x3fc |
DER_GetInteger_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1c8 | 0x20638 | 0x1f038 | 0x95 |
PL_HashTableLookupConst | 0x0 | 0x1001d1cc | 0x2063c | 0x1f03c | 0x1cc |
PL_HashTableLookup | 0x0 | 0x1001d1d0 | 0x20640 | 0x1f040 | 0x1cb |
PL_HashTableRemove | 0x0 | 0x1001d1d4 | 0x20644 | 0x1f044 | 0x1d1 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1d8 | 0x20648 | 0x1f048 | 0x403 |
PL_HashTableAdd | 0x0 | 0x1001d1dc | 0x2064c | 0x1f04c | 0x1c7 |
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1e0 | 0x20650 | 0x1f050 | 0x405 |
SEC_ASN1DecodeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1e4 | 0x20654 | 0x1f054 | 0x401 |
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1e8 | 0x20658 | 0x1f058 | 0x3b5 |
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1ec | 0x2065c | 0x1f05c | 0x3af |
SECITEM_DupItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1f0 | 0x20660 | 0x1f060 | 0x3ad |
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1f4 | 0x20664 | 0x1f064 | 0x3a6 |
PORT_ZFree_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1f8 | 0x20668 | 0x1f068 | 0x21a |
PORT_ZAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d1fc | 0x2066c | 0x1f06c | 0x219 |
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d200 | 0x20670 | 0x1f070 | 0x3aa |
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d204 | 0x20674 | 0x1f074 | 0x201 |
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d208 | 0x20678 | 0x1f078 | 0xff |
NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d20c | 0x2067c | 0x1f07c | 0x10b |
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d210 | 0x20680 | 0x1f080 | 0x103 |
NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d214 | 0x20684 | 0x1f084 | 0x100 |
PR_Unlock | 0x0 | 0x1001d218 | 0x20688 | 0x1f088 | 0x380 |
PR_Access | 0x0 | 0x1001d21c | 0x2068c | 0x1f08c | 0x224 |
PR_Lock | 0x0 | 0x1001d220 | 0x20690 | 0x1f090 | 0x300 |
PL_HashTableDestroy | 0x0 | 0x1001d224 | 0x20694 | 0x1f094 | 0x1c8 |
PORT_SetError_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d228 | 0x20698 | 0x1f098 | 0x20f |
sqlite3_bind_text | 0x0 | 0x1001d22c | 0x2069c | 0x1f09c | 0x4af |
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d230 | 0x206a0 | 0x1f0a0 | 0x3a8 |
PR_snprintf | 0x0 | 0x1001d234 | 0x206a4 | 0x1f0a4 | 0x399 |
PR_GetDirectorySeparator | 0x0 | 0x1001d238 | 0x206a8 | 0x1f0a8 | 0x2aa |
PR_GetEnvSecure | 0x0 | 0x1001d23c | 0x206ac | 0x1f0ac | 0x2ad |
PR_CallOnce | 0x0 | 0x1001d240 | 0x206b0 | 0x1f0b0 | 0x23d |
PR_SetError | 0x0 | 0x1001d244 | 0x206b4 | 0x1f0b4 | 0x356 |
PR_Free | 0x0 | 0x1001d248 | 0x206b8 | 0x1f0b8 | 0x29c |
PORT_Free_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d24c | 0x206bc | 0x1f0bc | 0x206 |
PORT_Alloc_Util | 0x0 | 0x1001d250 | 0x206c0 | 0x1f0c0 | 0x1f7 |
PR_GetLibraryFilePathname | 0x0 | 0x1001d254 | 0x206c4 | 0x1f0c4 | 0x2bc |
PR_FindFunctionSymbol | 0x0 | 0x1001d258 | 0x206c8 | 0x1f0c8 | 0x291 |
PR_UnloadLibrary | 0x0 | 0x1001d25c | 0x206cc | 0x1f0cc | 0x37f |
sqlite3_bind_blob | 0x0 | 0x1001d260 | 0x206d0 | 0x1f0d0 | 0x4a7 |
PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags | 0x0 | 0x1001d264 | 0x206d4 | 0x1f0d4 | 0x2fd |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
InitializeSListHead | 0x0 | 0x1001d000 | 0x20470 | 0x1ee70 | 0x35a |
DisableThreadLibraryCalls | 0x0 | 0x1001d004 | 0x20474 | 0x1ee74 | 0x11b |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x1001d008 | 0x20478 | 0x1ee78 | 0x2e2 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x1001d00c | 0x2047c | 0x1ee7c | 0x218 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x1001d010 | 0x20480 | 0x1ee80 | 0x214 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x1001d014 | 0x20484 | 0x1ee84 | 0x440 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x1001d018 | 0x20488 | 0x1ee88 | 0x37d |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x1001d01c | 0x2048c | 0x1ee8c | 0x57c |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x1001d020 | 0x20490 | 0x1ee90 | 0x213 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1001d024 | 0x20494 | 0x1ee94 | 0x55e |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1001d028 | 0x20498 | 0x1ee98 | 0x59d |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x1001d02c | 0x2049c | 0x1ee9c | 0x5f1 |
GetTempPathA | 0x0 | 0x1001d030 | 0x204a0 | 0x1eea0 | 0x2ee |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x1001d034 | 0x204a4 | 0x1eea4 | 0x376 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
strrchr | 0x0 | 0x1001d03c | 0x204ac | 0x1eeac | 0x4b |
_except_handler4_common | 0x0 | 0x1001d040 | 0x204b0 | 0x1eeb0 | 0x35 |
memcpy | 0x0 | 0x1001d044 | 0x204b4 | 0x1eeb4 | 0x46 |
memset | 0x0 | 0x1001d048 | 0x204b8 | 0x1eeb8 | 0x48 |
memcmp | 0x0 | 0x1001d04c | 0x204bc | 0x1eebc | 0x45 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x0 | 0x1001d050 | 0x204c0 | 0x1eec0 | 0x25 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
islower | 0x0 | 0x1001d0a0 | 0x20510 | 0x1ef10 | 0x6b |
isupper | 0x0 | 0x1001d0a4 | 0x20514 | 0x1ef14 | 0x6f |
isdigit | 0x0 | 0x1001d0a8 | 0x20518 | 0x1ef18 | 0x68 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
atoi | 0x0 | 0x1001d058 | 0x204c8 | 0x1eec8 | 0x50 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
__stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x0 | 0x1001d098 | 0x20508 | 0x1ef08 | 0xd |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
free | 0x0 | 0x1001d068 | 0x204d8 | 0x1eed8 | 0x18 |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x1001d06c | 0x204dc | 0x1eedc | 0x19 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_wchmod | 0x0 | 0x1001d060 | 0x204d0 | 0x1eed0 | 0x28 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x0 | 0x1001d074 | 0x204e4 | 0x1eee4 | 0x35 |
_initterm | 0x0 | 0x1001d078 | 0x204e8 | 0x1eee8 | 0x38 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x0 | 0x1001d07c | 0x204ec | 0x1eeec | 0x19 |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1001d080 | 0x204f0 | 0x1eef0 | 0x36 |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x0 | 0x1001d084 | 0x204f4 | 0x1eef4 | 0x24 |
_cexit | 0x0 | 0x1001d088 | 0x204f8 | 0x1eef8 | 0x17 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x0 | 0x1001d08c | 0x204fc | 0x1eefc | 0x41 |
_initterm_e | 0x0 | 0x1001d090 | 0x20500 | 0x1ef00 | 0x39 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
C_GetFunctionList | 0x6246 | 0x1 |
FC_GetFunctionList | 0x3218 | 0x2 |
NSC_GetFunctionList | 0x6246 | 0x3 |
NSC_ModuleDBFunc | 0x7663 | 0x4 |
Issued by | Mozilla Corporation |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C 53 96 DC B2 94 9C 70 FA C4 8A B0 8A 07 33 8E |
Thumbprint | B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96 |
Issued by | DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA |
Parent Certificate | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha256_rsa |
Serial Number | 04 09 18 1B 5F D5 BB 66 75 53 43 B5 6F 95 50 08 |
Thumbprint | 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6 |
Issued by | DigiCert Assured ID Root CA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 0C E7 E0 E5 17 D8 46 FE 8F E5 60 FC 1B F0 30 39 |
Thumbprint | 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/ucrtbase.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-10-12 00:19 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-04-19 12:03 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x10023df0 |
Size Of Code | 0x105a00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0xe000 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_cui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2054-02-08 16:22:31+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
FileVersion | 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
InternalName | ucrtbase.dll |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | ucrtbase.dll |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.16299.15 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x10001000 | 0x105a00 | 0x105a00 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.73 |
.data | 0x10107000 | 0x1b1c | 0xe00 | 0x105e00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 2.22 |
.idata | 0x10109000 | 0x1536 | 0x1600 | 0x106c00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.16 |
.rsrc | 0x1010b000 | 0x410 | 0x600 | 0x108200 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.47 |
.reloc | 0x1010c000 | 0xa624 | 0xa800 | 0x108800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.78 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x10109048 | 0x1094e8 | 0x1070e8 | 0x4 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1010904c | 0x1094ec | 0x1070ec | 0x6 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x10109050 | 0x1094f0 | 0x1070f0 | 0x5 |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x10109054 | 0x1094f4 | 0x1070f4 | 0x1 |
SetErrorMode | 0x0 | 0x10109058 | 0x1094f8 | 0x1070f8 | 0x3 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x1010905c | 0x1094fc | 0x1070fc | 0x2 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x101090ec | 0x10958c | 0x10718c | 0x6 |
GetProcessHeap | 0x0 | 0x101090f0 | 0x109590 | 0x107190 | 0x0 |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x101090f4 | 0x109594 | 0x107194 | 0x2 |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x101090f8 | 0x109598 | 0x107198 | 0xb |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x101090fc | 0x10959c | 0x10719c | 0x9 |
HeapValidate | 0x0 | 0x10109100 | 0x1095a0 | 0x1071a0 | 0xe |
HeapQueryInformation | 0x0 | 0x10109104 | 0x1095a4 | 0x1071a4 | 0x8 |
HeapCompact | 0x0 | 0x10109108 | 0x1095a8 | 0x1071a8 | 0x3 |
HeapWalk | 0x0 | 0x1010910c | 0x1095ac | 0x1071ac | 0xf |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10109238 | 0x1096d8 | 0x1072d8 | 0x13 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x1010923c | 0x1096dc | 0x1072dc | 0x10 |
WaitForSingleObject | 0x0 | 0x10109240 | 0x1096e0 | 0x1072e0 | 0x27 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10109244 | 0x1096e4 | 0x1072e4 | 0xd |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10109248 | 0x1096e8 | 0x1072e8 | 0xe |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x101091c0 | 0x109660 | 0x107260 | 0xd |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x101091c4 | 0x109664 | 0x107264 | 0xa |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x101091c8 | 0x109668 | 0x107268 | 0x2a |
CreateThread | 0x0 | 0x101091cc | 0x10966c | 0x10726c | 0x5 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x101091d0 | 0x109670 | 0x107270 | 0x2d |
ExitThread | 0x0 | 0x101091d4 | 0x109674 | 0x107274 | 0x8 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x101091d8 | 0x109678 | 0x107278 | 0xb |
GetExitCodeProcess | 0x0 | 0x101091dc | 0x10967c | 0x10727c | 0xe |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x101091e0 | 0x109680 | 0x107280 | 0x15 |
ResumeThread | 0x0 | 0x101091e4 | 0x109684 | 0x107284 | 0x20 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x101091e8 | 0x109688 | 0x107288 | 0x2e |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x101091ec | 0x10968c | 0x10728c | 0x7 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x101091f0 | 0x109690 | 0x107290 | 0x2f |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x101091f4 | 0x109694 | 0x107294 | 0x2c |
CreateProcessA | 0x0 | 0x101091f8 | 0x109698 | 0x107298 | 0x0 |
CreateProcessW | 0x0 | 0x101091fc | 0x10969c | 0x10729c | 0x2 |
GetCurrentThread | 0x0 | 0x10109200 | 0x1096a0 | 0x1072a0 | 0xc |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x1010918c | 0x10962c | 0x10722c | 0x6 |
GetCurrentDirectoryW | 0x0 | 0x10109190 | 0x109630 | 0x107230 | 0x7 |
GetCommandLineW | 0x0 | 0x10109194 | 0x109634 | 0x107234 | 0x5 |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x10109198 | 0x109638 | 0x107238 | 0x4 |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | 0x0 | 0x1010919c | 0x10963c | 0x10723c | 0x11 |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x101091a0 | 0x109640 | 0x107240 | 0xc |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x101091a4 | 0x109644 | 0x107244 | 0x13 |
SetCurrentDirectoryA | 0x0 | 0x101091a8 | 0x109648 | 0x107248 | 0xe |
SetEnvironmentVariableW | 0x0 | 0x101091ac | 0x10964c | 0x10724c | 0x12 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x101091b0 | 0x109650 | 0x107250 | 0x9 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x101091b4 | 0x109654 | 0x107254 | 0x3 |
SetCurrentDirectoryW | 0x0 | 0x101091b8 | 0x109658 | 0x107258 | 0xf |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SetFileTime | 0x0 | 0x10109064 | 0x109504 | 0x107104 | 0x44 |
CreateDirectoryW | 0x0 | 0x10109068 | 0x109508 | 0x107108 | 0x2 |
SetFileAttributesW | 0x0 | 0x1010906c | 0x10950c | 0x10710c | 0x40 |
GetFileAttributesExW | 0x0 | 0x10109070 | 0x109510 | 0x107110 | 0x21 |
RemoveDirectoryW | 0x0 | 0x10109074 | 0x109514 | 0x107114 | 0x3d |
GetDriveTypeW | 0x0 | 0x10109078 | 0x109518 | 0x107118 | 0x1e |
GetFileInformationByHandle | 0x0 | 0x1010907c | 0x10951c | 0x10711c | 0x23 |
GetFullPathNameA | 0x0 | 0x10109080 | 0x109520 | 0x107120 | 0x2a |
GetFullPathNameW | 0x0 | 0x10109084 | 0x109524 | 0x107124 | 0x2b |
FindFirstFileExA | 0x0 | 0x10109088 | 0x109528 | 0x107128 | 0xf |
DeleteFileW | 0x0 | 0x1010908c | 0x10952c | 0x10712c | 0x7 |
SetEndOfFile | 0x0 | 0x10109090 | 0x109530 | 0x107130 | 0x3e |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x10109094 | 0x109534 | 0x107134 | 0x18 |
UnlockFileEx | 0x0 | 0x10109098 | 0x109538 | 0x107138 | 0x47 |
LockFileEx | 0x0 | 0x1010909c | 0x10953c | 0x10713c | 0x37 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x101090a0 | 0x109540 | 0x107140 | 0x48 |
SetFilePointerEx | 0x0 | 0x101090a4 | 0x109544 | 0x107144 | 0x43 |
FindNextFileA | 0x0 | 0x101090a8 | 0x109548 | 0x107148 | 0x14 |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x101090ac | 0x10954c | 0x10714c | 0x4 |
GetLogicalDrives | 0x0 | 0x101090b0 | 0x109550 | 0x107150 | 0x2d |
GetDiskFreeSpaceW | 0x0 | 0x101090b4 | 0x109554 | 0x107154 | 0x1c |
FindNextFileW | 0x0 | 0x101090b8 | 0x109558 | 0x107158 | 0x15 |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x101090bc | 0x10955c | 0x10715c | 0x39 |
FindFirstFileExW | 0x0 | 0x101090c0 | 0x109560 | 0x107160 | 0x10 |
FindClose | 0x0 | 0x101090c4 | 0x109564 | 0x107164 | 0xa |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x101090c8 | 0x109568 | 0x107168 | 0x27 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetModuleHandleExW | 0x0 | 0x10109120 | 0x1095c0 | 0x1071c0 | 0xa |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x10109124 | 0x1095c4 | 0x1071c4 | 0xb |
FreeLibraryAndExitThread | 0x0 | 0x10109128 | 0x1095c8 | 0x1071c8 | 0x4 |
LoadLibraryExA | 0x0 | 0x1010912c | 0x1095cc | 0x1071cc | 0xd |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x0 | 0x10109130 | 0x1095d0 | 0x1071d0 | 0x6 |
LoadLibraryExW | 0x0 | 0x10109134 | 0x1095d4 | 0x1071d4 | 0xe |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x10109138 | 0x1095d8 | 0x1071d8 | 0x7 |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x1010913c | 0x1095dc | 0x1071dc | 0xc |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x10109140 | 0x1095e0 | 0x1071e0 | 0x3 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x10109224 | 0x1096c4 | 0x1072c4 | 0x5 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x10109228 | 0x1096c8 | 0x1072c8 | 0x7 |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x1010922c | 0x1096cc | 0x1072cc | 0x6 |
CompareStringW | 0x0 | 0x10109230 | 0x1096d0 | 0x1072d0 | 0x2 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
OutputDebugStringA | 0x0 | 0x10109038 | 0x1094d8 | 0x1070d8 | 0x2 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x1010903c | 0x1094dc | 0x1070dc | 0x1 |
OutputDebugStringW | 0x0 | 0x10109040 | 0x1094e0 | 0x1070e0 | 0x3 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x10109148 | 0x1095e8 | 0x1071e8 | 0x9 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x1010914c | 0x1095ec | 0x1071ec | 0x1e |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x10109150 | 0x1095f0 | 0x1071f0 | 0x15 |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x10109154 | 0x1095f4 | 0x1071f4 | 0x2f |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x10109158 | 0x1095f8 | 0x1071f8 | 0x8 |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x1010915c | 0x1095fc | 0x1071fc | 0x2a |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x10109160 | 0x109600 | 0x107200 | 0x28 |
EnumSystemLocalesW | 0x0 | 0x10109164 | 0x109604 | 0x107204 | 0x3 |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x10109168 | 0x109608 | 0x107208 | 0x12 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetTimeFormatW | 0x0 | 0x1010902c | 0x1094cc | 0x1070cc | 0x3 |
GetDateFormatW | 0x0 | 0x10109030 | 0x1094d0 | 0x1070d0 | 0x1 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetSystemInfo | 0x0 | 0x10109258 | 0x1096f8 | 0x1072f8 | 0x7 |
GetLocalTime | 0x0 | 0x1010925c | 0x1096fc | 0x1072fc | 0x2 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x10109260 | 0x109700 | 0x107300 | 0xa |
SetLocalTime | 0x0 | 0x10109264 | 0x109704 | 0x107304 | 0x15 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x10109208 | 0x1096a8 | 0x1072a8 | 0x9 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ReadConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x10109000 | 0x1094a0 | 0x1070a0 | 0x9 |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x10109004 | 0x1094a4 | 0x1070a4 | 0xd |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x10109008 | 0x1094a8 | 0x1070a8 | 0xa |
PeekConsoleInputA | 0x0 | 0x1010900c | 0x1094ac | 0x1070ac | 0x5 |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x10109010 | 0x1094b0 | 0x1070b0 | 0x1 |
SetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x10109014 | 0x1094b4 | 0x1070b4 | 0xb |
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents | 0x0 | 0x10109018 | 0x1094b8 | 0x1070b8 | 0x4 |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x1010901c | 0x1094bc | 0x1070bc | 0x2 |
ReadConsoleInputW | 0x0 | 0x10109020 | 0x1094c0 | 0x1070c0 | 0x8 |
ReadConsoleInputA | 0x0 | 0x10109024 | 0x1094c4 | 0x1070c4 | 0x7 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
DuplicateHandle | 0x0 | 0x101090e0 | 0x109580 | 0x107180 | 0x2 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x101090e4 | 0x109584 | 0x107184 | 0x0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetTempPathW | 0x0 | 0x101090d0 | 0x109570 | 0x107170 | 0x1 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
PeekNamedPipe | 0x0 | 0x10109180 | 0x109620 | 0x107220 | 0x6 |
CreatePipe | 0x0 | 0x10109184 | 0x109624 | 0x107224 | 0x2 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetTimeZoneInformation | 0x0 | 0x1010926c | 0x10970c | 0x10730c | 0x2 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | 0x0 | 0x10109270 | 0x109710 | 0x107310 | 0x6 |
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime | 0x0 | 0x10109274 | 0x109714 | 0x107314 | 0x7 |
FileTimeToSystemTime | 0x0 | 0x10109278 | 0x109718 | 0x107318 | 0x0 |
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime | 0x0 | 0x1010927c | 0x10971c | 0x10731c | 0x8 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
MoveFileExW | 0x0 | 0x101090d8 | 0x109578 | 0x107178 | 0x6 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x10109250 | 0x1096f0 | 0x1072f0 | 0x9 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
QueryPerformanceFrequency | 0x0 | 0x10109210 | 0x1096b0 | 0x1072b0 | 0x1 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x10109214 | 0x1096b4 | 0x1072b4 | 0x0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
VirtualQuery | 0x0 | 0x10109170 | 0x109610 | 0x107210 | 0xd |
VirtualProtect | 0x0 | 0x10109174 | 0x109614 | 0x107214 | 0xb |
VirtualAlloc | 0x0 | 0x10109178 | 0x109618 | 0x107218 | 0x7 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
Beep | 0x0 | 0x10109284 | 0x109724 | 0x107324 | 0x0 |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x10109288 | 0x109728 | 0x107328 | 0x3 |
DecodePointer | 0x0 | 0x1010928c | 0x10972c | 0x10732c | 0x1 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x1010921c | 0x1096bc | 0x1072bc | 0x2 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
InterlockedPushEntrySList | 0x0 | 0x10109114 | 0x1095b4 | 0x1071b4 | 0x9 |
InterlockedFlushSList | 0x0 | 0x10109118 | 0x1095b8 | 0x1071b8 | 0x6 |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_CIacos | 0x40490 | 0x1 |
_CIasin | 0x41070 | 0x2 |
_CIatan | 0x41cb0 | 0x3 |
_CIatan2 | 0x3fde0 | 0x4 |
_CIcos | 0x42660 | 0x5 |
_CIcosh | 0x3fdfc | 0x6 |
_CIexp | 0x3fd90 | 0x7 |
_CIfmod | 0x40020 | 0x8 |
_CIlog | 0x43930 | 0x9 |
_CIlog10 | 0x432e0 | 0xa |
_CIpow | 0x440e0 | 0xb |
_CIsin | 0x45a10 | 0xc |
_CIsinh | 0x3fdf0 | 0xd |
_CIsqrt | 0x45eb0 | 0xe |
_CItan | 0x460d0 | 0xf |
_CItanh | 0x3fe04 | 0x10 |
_Cbuild | 0xae810 | 0x11 |
_Cmulcc | 0xae3b0 | 0x12 |
_Cmulcr | 0xae450 | 0x13 |
_CreateFrameInfo | 0x46910 | 0x14 |
_CxxThrowException | 0x46ab0 | 0x15 |
_EH_prolog | 0x52220 | 0x16 |
_Exit | 0x95070 | 0x17 |
_FCbuild | 0xae910 | 0x18 |
_FCmulcc | 0xae5d0 | 0x19 |
_FCmulcr | 0xae620 | 0x1a |
_FindAndUnlinkFrame | 0x46940 | 0x1b |
_Getdays | 0x37320 | 0x1c |
_Getmonths | 0x37450 | 0x1d |
_Gettnames | 0x34fa0 | 0x1e |
_IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed | 0x46bf0 | 0x1f |
_LCbuild | 0xae810 | 0x20 |
_LCmulcc | 0xae3b0 | 0x21 |
_LCmulcr | 0xae450 | 0x22 |
_NLG_Dispatch2 | 0x46f73 | 0x23 |
_NLG_Return | 0x46fa7 | 0x24 |
_NLG_Return2 | 0x46f7d | 0x25 |
_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback | 0x46c20 | 0x26 |
_Strftime | 0xd6630 | 0x27 |
_W_Getdays | 0x38170 | 0x28 |
_W_Getmonths | 0x382f0 | 0x29 |
_W_Gettnames | 0x35010 | 0x2a |
_Wcsftime | 0xd9870 | 0x2b |
__AdjustPointer | 0x46c40 | 0x2c |
__BuildCatchObject | 0x478e0 | 0x2d |
__BuildCatchObjectHelper | 0x47980 | 0x2e |
__CxxDetectRethrow | 0x47d40 | 0x2f |
__CxxExceptionFilter | 0x47da0 | 0x30 |
__CxxFrameHandler | 0x46a40 | 0x31 |
__CxxFrameHandler2 | 0x46a40 | 0x32 |
__CxxFrameHandler3 | 0x46a40 | 0x33 |
__CxxLongjmpUnwind | 0x46a80 | 0x34 |
__CxxQueryExceptionSize | 0x47f00 | 0x35 |
__CxxRegisterExceptionObject | 0x47f10 | 0x36 |
__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject | 0x47fc0 | 0x37 |
__DestructExceptionObject | 0x46b40 | 0x38 |
__FrameUnwindFilter | 0x46c70 | 0x39 |
__GetPlatformExceptionInfo | 0x46cc0 | 0x3a |
__RTCastToVoid | 0x485d0 | 0x3b |
__RTDynamicCast | 0x48640 | 0x3c |
__RTtypeid | 0x48730 | 0x3d |
__TypeMatch | 0x47ca0 | 0x3e |
___lc_codepage_func | 0x24260 | 0x3f |
___lc_collate_cp_func | 0x21fe0 | 0x40 |
___lc_locale_name_func | 0x24330 | 0x41 |
___mb_cur_max_func | 0x23e20 | 0x42 |
___mb_cur_max_l_func | 0x90890 | 0x43 |
__acrt_iob_func | 0x24000 | 0x44 |
__conio_common_vcprintf | 0xbea00 | 0x45 |
__conio_common_vcprintf_p | 0xbea30 | 0x46 |
__conio_common_vcprintf_s | 0xbea60 | 0x47 |
__conio_common_vcscanf | 0xc32e0 | 0x48 |
__conio_common_vcwprintf | 0xbea90 | 0x49 |
__conio_common_vcwprintf_p | 0xbeac0 | 0x4a |
__conio_common_vcwprintf_s | 0xbeaf0 | 0x4b |
__conio_common_vcwscanf | 0xc3310 | 0x4c |
__control87_2 | 0x586c0 | 0x4d |
__current_exception | 0x46d20 | 0x4e |
__current_exception_context | 0x46d30 | 0x4f |
__daylight | 0xd6d40 | 0x50 |
__dcrt_get_wide_environment_from_os | 0x34e70 | 0x51 |
__dcrt_initial_narrow_environment | 0x1089f4 | 0x52 |
__doserrno | 0x910b0 | 0x53 |
__dstbias | 0xd6d60 | 0x54 |
__fpe_flt_rounds | 0xb1850 | 0x55 |
__fpecode | 0x91e30 | 0x56 |
__initialize_lconv_for_unsigned_char | 0x3bb60 | 0x57 |
__intrinsic_abnormal_termination | 0x46f2a | 0x58 |
__intrinsic_setjmp | 0x487c0 | 0x59 |
__isascii | 0x3a330 | 0x5a |
__iscsym | 0x8c9e0 | 0x5b |
__iscsymf | 0x8ca10 | 0x5c |
__iswcsym | 0x8d260 | 0x5d |
__iswcsymf | 0x8d290 | 0x5e |
__libm_sse2_acos | 0x562f0 | 0x5f |
__libm_sse2_acosf | 0x55f00 | 0x60 |
__libm_sse2_asin | 0x56b70 | 0x61 |
__libm_sse2_asinf | 0x567a0 | 0x62 |
__libm_sse2_atan | 0x57690 | 0x63 |
__libm_sse2_atan2 | 0x56fc0 | 0x64 |
__libm_sse2_atanf | 0x574e0 | 0x65 |
__libm_sse2_cos | 0x57a10 | 0x66 |
__libm_sse2_cosf | 0x578b0 | 0x67 |
__libm_sse2_exp | 0x57d20 | 0x68 |
__libm_sse2_expf | 0x57bc0 | 0x69 |
__libm_sse2_log | 0x59320 | 0x6a |
__libm_sse2_log10 | 0x58f50 | 0x6b |
__libm_sse2_log10f | 0x58dd0 | 0x6c |
__libm_sse2_logf | 0x591a0 | 0x6d |
__libm_sse2_pow | 0x59c10 | 0x6e |
__libm_sse2_powf | 0x59550 | 0x6f |
__libm_sse2_sin | 0x5a7e0 | 0x70 |
__libm_sse2_sinf | 0x5a690 | 0x71 |
__libm_sse2_tan | 0x5ab40 | 0x72 |
__libm_sse2_tanf | 0x5a9a0 | 0x73 |
__p___argc | 0x21470 | 0x74 |
__p___argv | 0x933d0 | 0x75 |
__p___wargv | 0x3b1e0 | 0x76 |
__p__acmdln | 0x933e0 | 0x77 |
__p__commode | 0x218b0 | 0x78 |
__p__environ | 0xd9ac0 | 0x79 |
__p__fmode | 0xd2e50 | 0x7a |
__p__mbcasemap | 0x90e30 | 0x7b |
__p__mbctype | 0x90e50 | 0x7c |
__p__pgmptr | 0x933f0 | 0x7d |
__p__wcmdln | 0x93400 | 0x7e |
__p__wenviron | 0xd9ae0 | 0x7f |
__p__wpgmptr | 0x93410 | 0x80 |
__pctype_func | 0x23620 | 0x81 |
__processing_throw | 0x46d40 | 0x82 |
__pwctype_func | 0x8f2e0 | 0x83 |
__pxcptinfoptrs | 0x91e40 | 0x84 |
__report_gsfailure | 0x522a0 | 0x85 |
__setusermatherr | 0xb5670 | 0x86 |
__std_exception_copy | 0x48800 | 0x87 |
__std_exception_destroy | 0x48870 | 0x88 |
__std_terminate | 0x46d50 | 0x89 |
__std_type_info_compare | 0x488c0 | 0x8a |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x48910 | 0x8b |
__std_type_info_hash | 0x48940 | 0x8c |
__std_type_info_name | 0x48970 | 0x8d |
__stdio_common_vfprintf | 0xa6c20 | 0x8e |
__stdio_common_vfprintf_p | 0xa6c50 | 0x8f |
__stdio_common_vfprintf_s | 0xa6c80 | 0x90 |
__stdio_common_vfscanf | 0x9ec80 | 0x91 |
__stdio_common_vfwprintf | 0x388e0 | 0x92 |
__stdio_common_vfwprintf_p | 0xa6cb0 | 0x93 |
__stdio_common_vfwprintf_s | 0xa6ce0 | 0x94 |
__stdio_common_vfwscanf | 0x9ecb0 | 0x95 |
__stdio_common_vsnprintf_s | 0x261b0 | 0x96 |
__stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s | 0x22a10 | 0x97 |
__stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x2d5b0 | 0x98 |
__stdio_common_vsprintf_p | 0xa6d10 | 0x99 |
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s | 0x22d00 | 0x9a |
__stdio_common_vsscanf | 0x29470 | 0x9b |
__stdio_common_vswprintf | 0x24de0 | 0x9c |
__stdio_common_vswprintf_p | 0xa6d40 | 0x9d |
__stdio_common_vswprintf_s | 0x2f290 | 0x9e |
__stdio_common_vswscanf | 0x2a0e0 | 0x9f |
__strncnt | 0x3cfe0 | 0xa0 |
__sys_errlist | 0x92530 | 0xa1 |
__sys_nerr | 0x92540 | 0xa2 |
__threadhandle | 0x8e450 | 0xa3 |
__threadid | 0x8e460 | 0xa4 |
__timezone | 0xd6d80 | 0xa5 |
__toascii | 0x8ca40 | 0xa6 |
__tzname | 0xd6da0 | 0xa7 |
__unDName | 0x4e1e0 | 0xa8 |
__unDNameEx | 0x4e280 | 0xa9 |
__uncaught_exception | 0x46d60 | 0xaa |
__uncaught_exceptions | 0x46d70 | 0xab |
__wcserror | 0x932b0 | 0xac |
__wcserror_s | 0x932d0 | 0xad |
__wcsncnt | 0x3eb70 | 0xae |
_abs64 | 0x3bda0 | 0xaf |
_access | 0xc5240 | 0xb0 |
_access_s | 0xc5260 | 0xb1 |
_aligned_free | 0x3b960 | 0xb2 |
_aligned_malloc | 0x3b940 | 0xb3 |
_aligned_msize | 0x8d3d0 | 0xb4 |
_aligned_offset_malloc | 0x8d510 | 0xb5 |
_aligned_offset_realloc | 0x8d530 | 0xb6 |
_aligned_offset_recalloc | 0x8da40 | 0xb7 |
_aligned_realloc | 0x8dbb0 | 0xb8 |
_aligned_recalloc | 0x8dbd0 | 0xb9 |
_assert | 0x94d70 | 0xba |
_atodbl | 0x875e0 | 0xbb |
_atodbl_l | 0x87600 | 0xbc |
_atof_l | 0x87620 | 0xbd |
_atoflt | 0x87640 | 0xbe |
_atoflt_l | 0x87660 | 0xbf |
_atoi64 | 0x3b4f0 | 0xc0 |
_atoi64_l | 0x885c0 | 0xc1 |
_atoi_l | 0x885f0 | 0xc2 |
_atol_l | 0x885f0 | 0xc3 |
_atoldbl | 0x88500 | 0xc4 |
_atoldbl_l | 0x88520 | 0xc5 |
_atoll_l | 0x885c0 | 0xc6 |
_beep | 0xf0790 | 0xc7 |
_beginthread | 0x951d0 | 0xc8 |
_beginthreadex | 0x3aea0 | 0xc9 |
_byteswap_uint64 | 0xa9680 | 0xca |
_byteswap_ulong | 0xa9720 | 0xcb |
_byteswap_ushort | 0xa9760 | 0xcc |
_c_exit | 0x95030 | 0xcd |
_cabs | 0xf3060 | 0xce |
_callnewh | 0x8e130 | 0xcf |
_calloc_base | 0x27800 | 0xd0 |
_cexit | 0x95050 | 0xd1 |
_cgets | 0xb93f0 | 0xd2 |
_cgets_s | 0xb9620 | 0xd3 |
_cgetws | 0xb9770 | 0xd4 |
_cgetws_s | 0xb99a0 | 0xd5 |
_chdir | 0xeee60 | 0xd6 |
_chdrive | 0xeeec0 | 0xd7 |
_chgsign | 0xf3e70 | 0xd8 |
_chgsignf | 0xf3eb0 | 0xd9 |
_chkesp | 0x4e370 | 0xda |
_chmod | 0xc52c0 | 0xdb |
_chsize | 0xcede0 | 0xdc |
_chsize_s | 0xcf660 | 0xdd |
_clearfp | 0x589f0 | 0xde |
_close | 0x31e60 | 0xdf |
_commit | 0x34a00 | 0xe0 |
_configthreadlocale | 0x3a070 | 0xe1 |
_configure_narrow_argv | 0x358a0 | 0xe2 |
_configure_wide_argv | 0x359b0 | 0xe3 |
_control87 | 0x541b0 | 0xe4 |
_controlfp | 0xf3550 | 0xe5 |
_controlfp_s | 0x397a0 | 0xe6 |
_copysign | 0xf3ee0 | 0xe7 |
_copysignf | 0xf3f10 | 0xe8 |
_cputs | 0xbeb20 | 0xe9 |
_cputws | 0xbebd0 | 0xea |
_creat | 0xcfc40 | 0xeb |
_create_locale | 0x3b370 | 0xec |
_crt_at_quick_exit | 0x950f0 | 0xed |
_crt_atexit | 0x21f90 | 0xee |
_crt_debugger_hook | 0x525b0 | 0xef |
_ctime32 | 0xd4cc0 | 0xf0 |
_ctime32_s | 0xd4ce0 | 0xf1 |
_ctime64 | 0xd4d00 | 0xf2 |
_ctime64_s | 0xd4d20 | 0xf3 |
_cwait | 0xe4070 | 0xf4 |
_d_int | 0x21650 | 0xf5 |
_dclass | 0xb57e0 | 0xf6 |
_dexp | 0xb0b40 | 0xf7 |
_difftime32 | 0xd4ec0 | 0xf8 |
_difftime64 | 0x3ba00 | 0xf9 |
_dlog | 0x21500 | 0xfa |
_dnorm | 0xb8a10 | 0xfb |
_dpcomp | 0xb56b0 | 0xfc |
_dpoly | 0xb0600 | 0xfd |
_dscale | 0xb8c70 | 0xfe |
_dsign | 0xb5710 | 0xff |
_dsin | 0xb48f0 | 0x100 |
_dtest | 0x20f10 | 0x101 |
_dunscale | 0x214a0 | 0x102 |
_dup | 0xcfe20 | 0x103 |
_dup2 | 0xd0210 | 0x104 |
_dupenv_s | 0xda080 | 0x105 |
_ecvt | 0x890d0 | 0x106 |
_ecvt_s | 0x343f0 | 0x107 |
_endthread | 0x95350 | 0x108 |
_endthreadex | 0x95360 | 0x109 |
_eof | 0xd0690 | 0x10a |
_errno | 0x261e0 | 0x10b |
_except1 | 0xb2d40 | 0x10c |
_except_handler2 | 0x4e3a8 | 0x10d |
_except_handler3 | 0x4e478 | 0x10e |
_except_handler4_common | 0x4e600 | 0x10f |
_execl | 0xe0050 | 0x110 |
_execle | 0xe0080 | 0x111 |
_execlp | 0xe07b0 | 0x112 |
_execlpe | 0xe07e0 | 0x113 |
_execute_onexit_table | 0x238c0 | 0x114 |
_execv | 0xe20f0 | 0x115 |
_execve | 0xe2110 | 0x116 |
_execvp | 0xe3280 | 0x117 |
_execvpe | 0xe32a0 | 0x118 |
_exit | 0x95070 | 0x119 |
_expand | 0x8dc40 | 0x11a |
_fclose_nolock | 0x31cc0 | 0x11b |
_fcloseall | 0x95450 | 0x11c |
_fcvt | 0x89120 | 0x11d |
_fcvt_s | 0x891d0 | 0x11e |
_fd_int | 0x20ba0 | 0x11f |
_fdclass | 0xb5730 | 0x120 |
_fdexp | 0xb0e60 | 0x121 |
_fdlog | 0xb5060 | 0x122 |
_fdnorm | 0xb8ba0 | 0x123 |
_fdopen | 0x95780 | 0x124 |
_fdpcomp | 0xb5750 | 0x125 |
_fdpoly | 0xb03b0 | 0x126 |
_fdscale | 0xb8ee0 | 0x127 |
_fdsign | 0xb57b0 | 0x128 |
_fdsin | 0xb4110 | 0x129 |
_fdtest | 0xb92b0 | 0x12a |
_fdunscale | 0xb9350 | 0x12b |
_fflush_nolock | 0x33c50 | 0x12c |
_fgetc_nolock | 0x959d0 | 0x12d |
_fgetchar | 0x95af0 | 0x12e |
_fgetwc_nolock | 0x95fb0 | 0x12f |
_fgetwchar | 0x96200 | 0x130 |
_filelength | 0xd0e80 | 0x131 |
_filelengthi64 | 0xd0ea0 | 0x132 |
_fileno | 0x31450 | 0x133 |
_findclose | 0xc7e50 | 0x134 |
_findfirst32 | 0xc7f50 | 0x135 |
_findfirst32i64 | 0xc7f70 | 0x136 |
_findfirst64 | 0xc7f90 | 0x137 |
_findfirst64i32 | 0xc7fb0 | 0x138 |
_findnext32 | 0xc7fd0 | 0x139 |
_findnext32i64 | 0xc8030 | 0x13a |
_findnext64 | 0xc80a0 | 0x13b |
_findnext64i32 | 0xc8110 | 0x13c |
_finite | 0x38970 | 0x13d |
_flushall | 0x959c0 | 0x13e |
_fpclass | 0xf3f40 | 0x13f |
_fpieee_flt | 0x57f70 | 0x140 |
_fpreset | 0x58ae0 | 0x141 |
_fputc_nolock | 0x96700 | 0x142 |
_fputchar | 0x96880 | 0x143 |
_fputwc_nolock | 0x33ca0 | 0x144 |
_fputwchar | 0x96950 | 0x145 |
_fread_nolock | 0x96a20 | 0x146 |
_fread_nolock_s | 0x32610 | 0x147 |
_free_base | 0x27e40 | 0x148 |
_free_locale | 0x90bc0 | 0x149 |
_fseek_nolock | 0x96df0 | 0x14a |
_fseeki64 | 0x96e10 | 0x14b |
_fseeki64_nolock | 0x96e30 | 0x14c |
_fsopen | 0x340e0 | 0x14d |
_fstat32 | 0xce1c0 | 0x14e |
_fstat32i64 | 0xce1e0 | 0x14f |
_fstat64 | 0xce200 | 0x150 |
_fstat64i32 | 0xce220 | 0x151 |
_ftell_nolock | 0x97490 | 0x152 |
_ftelli64 | 0x974a0 | 0x153 |
_ftelli64_nolock | 0x974b0 | 0x154 |
_ftime32 | 0xd5330 | 0x155 |
_ftime32_s | 0xd5330 | 0x156 |
_ftime64 | 0xd5350 | 0x157 |
_ftime64_s | 0xd5350 | 0x158 |
_ftol | 0x431b0 | 0x159 |
_fullpath | 0xc8610 | 0x15a |
_futime32 | 0xd9140 | 0x15b |
_futime64 | 0xd9160 | 0x15c |
_fwrite_nolock | 0x31860 | 0x15d |
_gcvt | 0x89380 | 0x15e |
_gcvt_s | 0x893b0 | 0x15f |
_get_current_locale | 0x90c90 | 0x160 |
_get_daylight | 0xd6dc0 | 0x161 |
_get_doserrno | 0x91180 | 0x162 |
_get_dstbias | 0xd6ed0 | 0x163 |
_get_errno | 0x396a0 | 0x164 |
_get_fmode | 0x395c0 | 0x165 |
_get_heap_handle | 0x3bde0 | 0x166 |
_get_initial_narrow_environment | 0xd9b00 | 0x167 |
_get_initial_wide_environment | 0x3b180 | 0x168 |
_get_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x91680 | 0x169 |
_get_narrow_winmain_command_line | 0x37590 | 0x16a |
_get_osfhandle | 0x348f0 | 0x16b |
_get_pgmptr | 0x93420 | 0x16c |
_get_printf_count_output | 0xa6d70 | 0x16d |
_get_purecall_handler | 0x4e790 | 0x16e |
_get_stream_buffer_pointers | 0x387f0 | 0x16f |
_get_terminate | 0x92550 | 0x170 |
_get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x916b0 | 0x171 |
_get_timezone | 0xd6fe0 | 0x172 |
_get_tzname | 0xd70f0 | 0x173 |
_get_unexpected | 0x4e820 | 0x174 |
_get_wide_winmain_command_line | 0x38470 | 0x175 |
_get_wpgmptr | 0x93530 | 0x176 |
_getc_nolock | 0x95b10 | 0x177 |
_getch | 0xc3340 | 0x178 |
_getch_nolock | 0xc33a0 | 0x179 |
_getche | 0xc3480 | 0x17a |
_getche_nolock | 0xc34e0 | 0x17b |
_getcwd | 0xf0600 | 0x17c |
_getdcwd | 0xf0620 | 0x17d |
_getdiskfree | 0xef2a0 | 0x17e |
_getdllprocaddr | 0xdf9e0 | 0x17f |
_getdrive | 0xef100 | 0x180 |
_getdrives | 0xef290 | 0x181 |
_getmaxstdio | 0xa7600 | 0x182 |
_getmbcp | 0x90e70 | 0x183 |
_getpid | 0x91670 | 0x184 |
_getsystime | 0xf07d0 | 0x185 |
_getw | 0x978a0 | 0x186 |
_getwc_nolock | 0x96220 | 0x187 |
_getwch | 0xc37d0 | 0x188 |
_getwch_nolock | 0xc3830 | 0x189 |
_getwche | 0xc3910 | 0x18a |
_getwche_nolock | 0xc3970 | 0x18b |
_getws | 0x977a0 | 0x18c |
_getws_s | 0x977c0 | 0x18d |
_global_unwind2 | 0x46e40 | 0x18e |
_gmtime32 | 0xd5370 | 0x18f |
_gmtime32_s | 0x37c90 | 0x190 |
_gmtime64 | 0x37bf0 | 0x191 |
_gmtime64_s | 0x37d80 | 0x192 |
_heapchk | 0xe4390 | 0x193 |
_heapmin | 0xe43b0 | 0x194 |
_heapwalk | 0x8dfb0 | 0x195 |
_hypot | 0xf3340 | 0x196 |
_hypotf | 0xf3370 | 0x197 |
_i64toa | 0x8c6f0 | 0x198 |
_i64toa_s | 0x8c740 | 0x199 |
_i64tow | 0x8c790 | 0x19a |
_i64tow_s | 0x8c7e0 | 0x19b |
_initialize_narrow_environment | 0x3bbe0 | 0x19c |
_initialize_onexit_table | 0x23f50 | 0x19d |
_initialize_wide_environment | 0x21ea0 | 0x19e |
_initterm | 0x229a0 | 0x19f |
_initterm_e | 0x226f0 | 0x1a0 |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo | 0x918c0 | 0x1a1 |
_invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn | 0x918e0 | 0x1a2 |
_invoke_watson | 0x91900 | 0x1a3 |
_is_exception_typeof | 0x46d90 | 0x1a4 |
_isalnum_l | 0x8ca60 | 0x1a5 |
_isalpha_l | 0x8cab0 | 0x1a6 |
_isatty | 0x31400 | 0x1a7 |
_isblank_l | 0x8cb00 | 0x1a8 |
_iscntrl_l | 0x315c0 | 0x1a9 |
_isctype | 0x89780 | 0x1aa |
_isctype_l | 0x897c0 | 0x1ab |
_isdigit_l | 0x8cb50 | 0x1ac |
_isgraph_l | 0x8cba0 | 0x1ad |
_isleadbyte_l | 0x8d1f0 | 0x1ae |
_islower_l | 0x8cbf0 | 0x1af |
_ismbbalnum | 0xe4570 | 0x1b0 |
_ismbbalnum_l | 0xe4590 | 0x1b1 |
_ismbbalpha | 0xe45b0 | 0x1b2 |
_ismbbalpha_l | 0xe45d0 | 0x1b3 |
_ismbbblank | 0xe45f0 | 0x1b4 |
_ismbbblank_l | 0xe4620 | 0x1b5 |
_ismbbgraph | 0xe4650 | 0x1b6 |
_ismbbgraph_l | 0xe4670 | 0x1b7 |
_ismbbkalnum | 0xe4690 | 0x1b8 |
_ismbbkalnum_l | 0xe46b0 | 0x1b9 |
_ismbbkana | 0xe46d0 | 0x1ba |
_ismbbkana_l | 0xe46f0 | 0x1bb |
_ismbbkprint | 0xe4750 | 0x1bc |
_ismbbkprint_l | 0xe4770 | 0x1bd |
_ismbbkpunct | 0xe4790 | 0x1be |
_ismbbkpunct_l | 0xe47b0 | 0x1bf |
_ismbblead | 0x2b360 | 0x1c0 |
_ismbblead_l | 0xe47d0 | 0x1c1 |
_ismbbprint | 0xe47f0 | 0x1c2 |
_ismbbprint_l | 0xe4810 | 0x1c3 |
_ismbbpunct | 0xe4830 | 0x1c4 |
_ismbbpunct_l | 0xe4850 | 0x1c5 |
_ismbbtrail | 0xe4870 | 0x1c6 |
_ismbbtrail_l | 0xe4890 | 0x1c7 |
_ismbcalnum | 0xe4430 | 0x1c8 |
_ismbcalnum_l | 0xe4450 | 0x1c9 |
_ismbcalpha | 0xe44d0 | 0x1ca |
_ismbcalpha_l | 0xe44f0 | 0x1cb |
_ismbcblank | 0xe4cf0 | 0x1cc |
_ismbcblank_l | 0xe4d10 | 0x1cd |
_ismbcdigit | 0xe48b0 | 0x1ce |
_ismbcdigit_l | 0xe48d0 | 0x1cf |
_ismbcgraph | 0xe4930 | 0x1d0 |
_ismbcgraph_l | 0xe4950 | 0x1d1 |
_ismbchira | 0xe49d0 | 0x1d2 |
_ismbchira_l | 0xe49f0 | 0x1d3 |
_ismbckata | 0xe4a50 | 0x1d4 |
_ismbckata_l | 0xe4a70 | 0x1d5 |
_ismbcl0 | 0xe55b0 | 0x1d6 |
_ismbcl0_l | 0xe55d0 | 0x1d7 |
_ismbcl1 | 0xe5640 | 0x1d8 |
_ismbcl1_l | 0xe5660 | 0x1d9 |
_ismbcl2 | 0xe56e0 | 0x1da |
_ismbcl2_l | 0xe5700 | 0x1db |
_ismbclegal | 0xe4b50 | 0x1dc |
_ismbclegal_l | 0xe4b70 | 0x1dd |
_ismbclower | 0xe4bd0 | 0x1de |
_ismbclower_l | 0xe4bf0 | 0x1df |
_ismbcprint | 0xe4c50 | 0x1e0 |
_ismbcprint_l | 0xe4c70 | 0x1e1 |
_ismbcpunct | 0xe4d90 | 0x1e2 |
_ismbcpunct_l | 0xe4db0 | 0x1e3 |
_ismbcspace | 0xe4fb0 | 0x1e4 |
_ismbcspace_l | 0xe4fd0 | 0x1e5 |
_ismbcsymbol | 0xe4ad0 | 0x1e6 |
_ismbcsymbol_l | 0xe4af0 | 0x1e7 |
_ismbcupper | 0xe5030 | 0x1e8 |
_ismbcupper_l | 0xe5050 | 0x1e9 |
_ismbslead | 0xe4e20 | 0x1ea |
_ismbslead_l | 0xe4e40 | 0x1eb |
_ismbstrail | 0x898c0 | 0x1ec |
_ismbstrail_l | 0x898e0 | 0x1ed |
_isnan | 0x34df0 | 0x1ee |
_isprint_l | 0x8cc40 | 0x1ef |
_ispunct_l | 0x8cc90 | 0x1f0 |
_isspace_l | 0x31610 | 0x1f1 |
_isupper_l | 0x8cce0 | 0x1f2 |
_iswalnum_l | 0x23bb0 | 0x1f3 |
_iswalpha_l | 0x21f70 | 0x1f4 |
_iswblank_l | 0x8d380 | 0x1f5 |
_iswcntrl_l | 0x8d240 | 0x1f6 |
_iswcsym_l | 0x8d260 | 0x1f7 |
_iswcsymf_l | 0x8d290 | 0x1f8 |
_iswctype_l | 0x89a50 | 0x1f9 |
_iswdigit_l | 0x23c90 | 0x1fa |
_iswgraph_l | 0x8d2c0 | 0x1fb |
_iswlower_l | 0x8d2e0 | 0x1fc |
_iswprint_l | 0x8d300 | 0x1fd |
_iswpunct_l | 0x8d320 | 0x1fe |
_iswspace_l | 0x8d340 | 0x1ff |
_iswupper_l | 0x8d3b0 | 0x200 |
_iswxdigit_l | 0x21880 | 0x201 |
_isxdigit_l | 0x8cd30 | 0x202 |
_itoa | 0x8c830 | 0x203 |
_itoa_s | 0x8c870 | 0x204 |
_itow | 0x8c8b0 | 0x205 |
_itow_s | 0x37110 | 0x206 |
_j0 | 0xaa7c0 | 0x207 |
_j1 | 0xaa920 | 0x208 |
_jn | 0xaaab0 | 0x209 |
_kbhit | 0xc35d0 | 0x20a |
_ld_int | 0xb9330 | 0x20b |
_ldclass | 0xb57e0 | 0x20c |
_ldexp | 0xb11b0 | 0x20d |
_ldlog | 0xb51f0 | 0x20e |
_ldpcomp | 0xb56b0 | 0x20f |
_ldpoly | 0xb0600 | 0x210 |
_ldscale | 0xb9090 | 0x211 |
_ldsign | 0xb5710 | 0x212 |
_ldsin | 0xb48f0 | 0x213 |
_ldtest | 0xb9340 | 0x214 |
_ldunscale | 0xb93e0 | 0x215 |
_lfind | 0xa97d0 | 0x216 |
_lfind_s | 0xa9aa0 | 0x217 |
_libm_sse2_acos_precise | 0x40b00 | 0x218 |
_libm_sse2_asin_precise | 0x41700 | 0x219 |
_libm_sse2_atan_precise | 0x42060 | 0x21a |
_libm_sse2_cos_precise | 0x42900 | 0x21b |
_libm_sse2_exp_precise | 0x42dd0 | 0x21c |
_libm_sse2_log10_precise | 0x43680 | 0x21d |
_libm_sse2_log_precise | 0x43cb0 | 0x21e |
_libm_sse2_pow_precise | 0x44e60 | 0x21f |
_libm_sse2_sin_precise | 0x45cd0 | 0x220 |
_libm_sse2_sqrt_precise | 0x45f70 | 0x221 |
_libm_sse2_tan_precise | 0x46420 | 0x222 |
_loaddll | 0xdfa20 | 0x223 |
_local_unwind2 | 0x46ea6 | 0x224 |
_local_unwind4 | 0x4e8a0 | 0x225 |
_localtime32 | 0xd5b80 | 0x226 |
_localtime32_s | 0xd5bb0 | 0x227 |
_localtime64 | 0xd5bd0 | 0x228 |
_localtime64_s | 0xd5c00 | 0x229 |
_lock_file | 0x3bba0 | 0x22a |
_lock_locales | 0x2c7e0 | 0x22b |
_locking | 0xd10c0 | 0x22c |
_logb | 0xf3ff0 | 0x22d |
_longjmpex | 0x4ea10 | 0x22e |
_lrotl | 0xaa2a0 | 0x22f |
_lrotr | 0xaa300 | 0x230 |
_lsearch | 0xa9dc0 | 0x231 |
_lsearch_s | 0xaa030 | 0x232 |
_lseek | 0xd1620 | 0x233 |
_lseeki64 | 0x53900 | 0x234 |
_ltoa | 0x24ab0 | 0x235 |
_ltoa_s | 0x8c870 | 0x236 |
_ltow | 0x8c8b0 | 0x237 |
_ltow_s | 0x37110 | 0x238 |
_makepath | 0xc8cb0 | 0x239 |
_makepath_s | 0xc8ce0 | 0x23a |
_malloc_base | 0x28d70 | 0x23b |
_mbbtombc | 0xee700 | 0x23c |
_mbbtombc_l | 0xee720 | 0x23d |
_mbbtype | 0xe50b0 | 0x23e |
_mbbtype_l | 0xe50d0 | 0x23f |
_mbcasemap | 0x108378 | 0x240 |
_mbccpy | 0xe5160 | 0x241 |
_mbccpy_l | 0xe5180 | 0x242 |
_mbccpy_s | 0xe51b0 | 0x243 |
_mbccpy_s_l | 0xe51e0 | 0x244 |
_mbcjistojms | 0xee3a0 | 0x245 |
_mbcjistojms_l | 0xee3c0 | 0x246 |
_mbcjmstojis | 0xee540 | 0x247 |
_mbcjmstojis_l | 0xee560 | 0x248 |
_mbclen | 0xe5530 | 0x249 |
_mbclen_l | 0xe5570 | 0x24a |
_mbctohira | 0xee140 | 0x24b |
_mbctohira_l | 0xee160 | 0x24c |
_mbctokata | 0xee1a0 | 0x24d |
_mbctokata_l | 0xee1c0 | 0x24e |
_mbctolower | 0xee200 | 0x24f |
_mbctolower_l | 0xee220 | 0x250 |
_mbctombb | 0xee7b0 | 0x251 |
_mbctombb_l | 0xee7d0 | 0x252 |
_mbctoupper | 0xee2d0 | 0x253 |
_mbctoupper_l | 0xee2f0 | 0x254 |
_mblen_l | 0x89a70 | 0x255 |
_mbsbtype | 0xe5780 | 0x256 |
_mbsbtype_l | 0xe57a0 | 0x257 |
_mbscat_s | 0xe59e0 | 0x258 |
_mbscat_s_l | 0xe5a00 | 0x259 |
_mbschr | 0xe5f30 | 0x25a |
_mbschr_l | 0xe5f50 | 0x25b |
_mbscmp | 0xe60d0 | 0x25c |
_mbscmp_l | 0xe60f0 | 0x25d |
_mbscoll | 0xe62d0 | 0x25e |
_mbscoll_l | 0xe62f0 | 0x25f |
_mbscpy_s | 0xe6540 | 0x260 |
_mbscpy_s_l | 0xe6560 | 0x261 |
_mbscspn | 0xe6970 | 0x262 |
_mbscspn_l | 0xe6990 | 0x263 |
_mbsdec | 0xe6b40 | 0x264 |
_mbsdec_l | 0xe6b60 | 0x265 |
_mbsdup | 0x3c7f0 | 0x266 |
_mbsicmp | 0xe6cc0 | 0x267 |
_mbsicmp_l | 0xe6ce0 | 0x268 |
_mbsicoll | 0xe7030 | 0x269 |
_mbsicoll_l | 0xe7050 | 0x26a |
_mbsinc | 0xe72a0 | 0x26b |
_mbsinc_l | 0xe73c0 | 0x26c |
_mbslen | 0xe73f0 | 0x26d |
_mbslen_l | 0xe7410 | 0x26e |
_mbslwr | 0xe7530 | 0x26f |
_mbslwr_l | 0xe7560 | 0x270 |
_mbslwr_s | 0xe7590 | 0x271 |
_mbslwr_s_l | 0xe75b0 | 0x272 |
_mbsnbcat | 0xe79f0 | 0x273 |
_mbsnbcat_l | 0xe7a10 | 0x274 |
_mbsnbcat_s | 0xe7c10 | 0x275 |
_mbsnbcat_s_l | 0xe7c40 | 0x276 |
_mbsnbcmp | 0xe8270 | 0x277 |
_mbsnbcmp_l | 0xe8290 | 0x278 |
_mbsnbcnt | 0xe8490 | 0x279 |
_mbsnbcnt_l | 0xe84b0 | 0x27a |
_mbsnbcoll | 0xe8610 | 0x27b |
_mbsnbcoll_l | 0xe8630 | 0x27c |
_mbsnbcpy | 0xe8980 | 0x27d |
_mbsnbcpy_l | 0xe89a0 | 0x27e |
_mbsnbcpy_s | 0xe8b40 | 0x27f |
_mbsnbcpy_s_l | 0xe8b70 | 0x280 |
_mbsnbicmp | 0xe9060 | 0x281 |
_mbsnbicmp_l | 0xe9080 | 0x282 |
_mbsnbicoll | 0xe9330 | 0x283 |
_mbsnbicoll_l | 0xe9350 | 0x284 |
_mbsnbset | 0xe95c0 | 0x285 |
_mbsnbset_l | 0xe95e0 | 0x286 |
_mbsnbset_s | 0xe9880 | 0x287 |
_mbsnbset_s_l | 0xe98b0 | 0x288 |
_mbsncat | 0xe9d60 | 0x289 |
_mbsncat_l | 0xe9d80 | 0x28a |
_mbsncat_s | 0xe9f70 | 0x28b |
_mbsncat_s_l | 0xe9fa0 | 0x28c |
_mbsnccnt | 0xea5b0 | 0x28d |
_mbsnccnt_l | 0xea5d0 | 0x28e |
_mbsncmp | 0xea730 | 0x28f |
_mbsncmp_l | 0xea750 | 0x290 |
_mbsncoll | 0xea930 | 0x291 |
_mbsncoll_l | 0xea950 | 0x292 |
_mbsncpy | 0xeacc0 | 0x293 |
_mbsncpy_l | 0xeace0 | 0x294 |
_mbsncpy_s | 0xeae80 | 0x295 |
_mbsncpy_s_l | 0xeaeb0 | 0x296 |
_mbsnextc | 0xeb3e0 | 0x297 |
_mbsnextc_l | 0xeb400 | 0x298 |
_mbsnicmp | 0xeb540 | 0x299 |
_mbsnicmp_l | 0xeb560 | 0x29a |
_mbsnicoll | 0xeb7f0 | 0x29b |
_mbsnicoll_l | 0xeb810 | 0x29c |
_mbsninc | 0xebb80 | 0x29d |
_mbsninc_l | 0xebba0 | 0x29e |
_mbsnlen | 0xe7480 | 0x29f |
_mbsnlen_l | 0xe74a0 | 0x2a0 |
_mbsnset | 0xebbd0 | 0x2a1 |
_mbsnset_l | 0xebbf0 | 0x2a2 |
_mbsnset_s | 0xebf20 | 0x2a3 |
_mbsnset_s_l | 0xebf50 | 0x2a4 |
_mbspbrk | 0xec400 | 0x2a5 |
_mbspbrk_l | 0xec420 | 0x2a6 |
_mbsrchr | 0xec5e0 | 0x2a7 |
_mbsrchr_l | 0xec600 | 0x2a8 |
_mbsrev | 0xec780 | 0x2a9 |
_mbsrev_l | 0xec7a0 | 0x2aa |
_mbsset | 0xeca00 | 0x2ab |
_mbsset_l | 0xeca20 | 0x2ac |
_mbsset_s | 0xecc90 | 0x2ad |
_mbsset_s_l | 0xeccb0 | 0x2ae |
_mbsspn | 0xed060 | 0x2af |
_mbsspn_l | 0xed080 | 0x2b0 |
_mbsspnp | 0xed230 | 0x2b1 |
_mbsspnp_l | 0xed250 | 0x2b2 |
_mbsstr | 0xed410 | 0x2b3 |
_mbsstr_l | 0xed430 | 0x2b4 |
_mbstok | 0xed5f0 | 0x2b5 |
_mbstok_l | 0xed6e0 | 0x2b6 |
_mbstok_s | 0xed7d0 | 0x2b7 |
_mbstok_s_l | 0xed7f0 | 0x2b8 |
_mbstowcs_l | 0x8aaf0 | 0x2b9 |
_mbstowcs_s_l | 0x292c0 | 0x2ba |
_mbstrlen | 0x8d050 | 0x2bb |
_mbstrlen_l | 0x8d090 | 0x2bc |
_mbstrnlen | 0x8d0b0 | 0x2bd |
_mbstrnlen_l | 0x8d0d0 | 0x2be |
_mbsupr | 0xedc80 | 0x2bf |
_mbsupr_l | 0xedcb0 | 0x2c0 |
_mbsupr_s | 0xedce0 | 0x2c1 |
_mbsupr_s_l | 0xedd00 | 0x2c2 |
_mbtowc_l | 0x2c470 | 0x2c3 |
_memccpy | 0x3c1e0 | 0x2c4 |
_memicmp | 0x3c330 | 0x2c5 |
_memicmp_l | 0x3c3a0 | 0x2c6 |
_mkdir | 0xc8d70 | 0x2c7 |
_mkgmtime32 | 0x37a30 | 0x2c8 |
_mkgmtime64 | 0x37730 | 0x2c9 |
_mktemp | 0xd2600 | 0x2ca |
_mktemp_s | 0xd2620 | 0x2cb |
_mktime32 | 0xd60d0 | 0x2cc |
_mktime64 | 0xd60f0 | 0x2cd |
_msize | 0x235f0 | 0x2ce |
_nextafter | 0xb5870 | 0x2cf |
_o__CIacos | 0x545b0 | 0x2d0 |
_o__CIasin | 0x54610 | 0x2d1 |
_o__CIatan | 0x54670 | 0x2d2 |
_o__CIatan2 | 0x544f0 | 0x2d3 |
_o__CIcos | 0x53ee0 | 0x2d4 |
_o__CIcosh | 0x546d0 | 0x2d5 |
_o__CIexp | 0x540c0 | 0x2d6 |
_o__CIfmod | 0x54730 | 0x2d7 |
_o__CIlog | 0x54320 | 0x2d8 |
_o__CIlog10 | 0x54550 | 0x2d9 |
_o__CIpow | 0x54490 | 0x2da |
_o__CIsin | 0x53fd0 | 0x2db |
_o__CIsinh | 0x54790 | 0x2dc |
_o__CIsqrt | 0x53df0 | 0x2dd |
_o__CItan | 0x54380 | 0x2de |
_o__CItanh | 0x547f0 | 0x2df |
_o__Getdays | 0x37300 | 0x2e0 |
_o__Getmonths | 0x37310 | 0x2e1 |
_o__Gettnames | 0x34f90 | 0x2e2 |
_o__Strftime | 0x7f580 | 0x2e3 |
_o__W_Getdays | 0x38150 | 0x2e4 |
_o__W_Getmonths | 0x38160 | 0x2e5 |
_o__W_Gettnames | 0x34fb0 | 0x2e6 |
_o__Wcsftime | 0x7f5b0 | 0x2e7 |
_o____lc_codepage_func | 0x2b710 | 0x2e8 |
_o____lc_collate_cp_func | 0x3b150 | 0x2e9 |
_o____lc_locale_name_func | 0x2b3f0 | 0x2ea |
_o____mb_cur_max_func | 0x2c460 | 0x2eb |
_o___acrt_iob_func | 0x23fa0 | 0x2ec |
_o___conio_common_vcprintf | 0x7f5e0 | 0x2ed |
_o___conio_common_vcprintf_p | 0x7f610 | 0x2ee |
_o___conio_common_vcprintf_s | 0x7f640 | 0x2ef |
_o___conio_common_vcscanf | 0x7f670 | 0x2f0 |
_o___conio_common_vcwprintf | 0x7f6a0 | 0x2f1 |
_o___conio_common_vcwprintf_p | 0x7f6d0 | 0x2f2 |
_o___conio_common_vcwprintf_s | 0x7f700 | 0x2f3 |
_o___conio_common_vcwscanf | 0x7f730 | 0x2f4 |
_o___daylight | 0x7f760 | 0x2f5 |
_o___dstbias | 0x7f770 | 0x2f6 |
_o___fpe_flt_rounds | 0x7f780 | 0x2f7 |
_o___libm_sse2_acos | 0x54850 | 0x2f8 |
_o___libm_sse2_acosf | 0x54900 | 0x2f9 |
_o___libm_sse2_asin | 0x549b0 | 0x2fa |
_o___libm_sse2_asinf | 0x54a60 | 0x2fb |
_o___libm_sse2_atan | 0x54b10 | 0x2fc |
_o___libm_sse2_atan2 | 0x54bc0 | 0x2fd |
_o___libm_sse2_atanf | 0x54c80 | 0x2fe |
_o___libm_sse2_cos | 0x54d30 | 0x2ff |
_o___libm_sse2_cosf | 0x54de0 | 0x300 |
_o___libm_sse2_exp | 0x54e90 | 0x301 |
_o___libm_sse2_expf | 0x54f40 | 0x302 |
_o___libm_sse2_log | 0x54ff0 | 0x303 |
_o___libm_sse2_log10 | 0x550a0 | 0x304 |
_o___libm_sse2_log10f | 0x55150 | 0x305 |
_o___libm_sse2_logf | 0x55200 | 0x306 |
_o___libm_sse2_pow | 0x552b0 | 0x307 |
_o___libm_sse2_powf | 0x55370 | 0x308 |
_o___libm_sse2_sin | 0x55430 | 0x309 |
_o___libm_sse2_sinf | 0x554e0 | 0x30a |
_o___libm_sse2_tan | 0x55590 | 0x30b |
_o___libm_sse2_tanf | 0x55640 | 0x30c |
_o___p___argc | 0x21460 | 0x30d |
_o___p___argv | 0x7f790 | 0x30e |
_o___p___wargv | 0x3b1d0 | 0x30f |
_o___p__acmdln | 0x7f7a0 | 0x310 |
_o___p__commode | 0x218a0 | 0x311 |
_o___p__environ | 0x7f7b0 | 0x312 |
_o___p__fmode | 0x7f7c0 | 0x313 |
_o___p__mbcasemap | 0x7f7d0 | 0x314 |
_o___p__mbctype | 0x7f7e0 | 0x315 |
_o___p__pgmptr | 0x7f7f0 | 0x316 |
_o___p__wcmdln | 0x7f800 | 0x317 |
_o___p__wenviron | 0x7f810 | 0x318 |
_o___p__wpgmptr | 0x7f820 | 0x319 |
_o___pctype_func | 0x23590 | 0x31a |
_o___pwctype_func | 0x7f830 | 0x31b |
_o___std_exception_copy | 0x39830 | 0x31c |
_o___std_exception_destroy | 0x39e60 | 0x31d |
_o___std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x38bd0 | 0x31e |
_o___std_type_info_name | 0x7f840 | 0x31f |
_o___stdio_common_vfprintf | 0x7f860 | 0x320 |
_o___stdio_common_vfprintf_p | 0x7f890 | 0x321 |
_o___stdio_common_vfprintf_s | 0x7f8c0 | 0x322 |
_o___stdio_common_vfscanf | 0x7f8f0 | 0x323 |
_o___stdio_common_vfwprintf | 0x38850 | 0x324 |
_o___stdio_common_vfwprintf_p | 0x7f920 | 0x325 |
_o___stdio_common_vfwprintf_s | 0x7f950 | 0x326 |
_o___stdio_common_vfwscanf | 0x7f980 | 0x327 |
_o___stdio_common_vsnprintf_s | 0x39fe0 | 0x328 |
_o___stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s | 0x22660 | 0x329 |
_o___stdio_common_vsprintf | 0x2da40 | 0x32a |
_o___stdio_common_vsprintf_p | 0x7f9b0 | 0x32b |
_o___stdio_common_vsprintf_s | 0x3a9e0 | 0x32c |
_o___stdio_common_vsscanf | 0x3b290 | 0x32d |
_o___stdio_common_vswprintf | 0x24db0 | 0x32e |
_o___stdio_common_vswprintf_p | 0x7f9e0 | 0x32f |
_o___stdio_common_vswprintf_s | 0x22630 | 0x330 |
_o___stdio_common_vswscanf | 0x3a930 | 0x331 |
_o___timezone | 0x7fa10 | 0x332 |
_o___tzname | 0x7fa20 | 0x333 |
_o___wcserror | 0x7fa30 | 0x334 |
_o__access | 0x7fa50 | 0x335 |
_o__access_s | 0x7fa70 | 0x336 |
_o__aligned_free | 0x3bc20 | 0x337 |
_o__aligned_malloc | 0x3ba90 | 0x338 |
_o__aligned_msize | 0x7fa90 | 0x339 |
_o__aligned_offset_malloc | 0x7fab0 | 0x33a |
_o__aligned_offset_realloc | 0x7fad0 | 0x33b |
_o__aligned_offset_recalloc | 0x7fb00 | 0x33c |
_o__aligned_realloc | 0x7fb30 | 0x33d |
_o__aligned_recalloc | 0x7fb60 | 0x33e |
_o__atodbl | 0x7fb90 | 0x33f |
_o__atodbl_l | 0x7fbb0 | 0x340 |
_o__atof_l | 0x7fbd0 | 0x341 |
_o__atoflt | 0x7fbf0 | 0x342 |
_o__atoflt_l | 0x7fc10 | 0x343 |
_o__atoi64 | 0x85390 | 0x344 |
_o__atoi64_l | 0x7fc30 | 0x345 |
_o__atoi_l | 0x7fc50 | 0x346 |
_o__atol_l | 0x7fc50 | 0x347 |
_o__atoldbl | 0x7fc70 | 0x348 |
_o__atoldbl_l | 0x7fc90 | 0x349 |
_o__atoll_l | 0x7fc30 | 0x34a |
_o__beep | 0x7fcb0 | 0x34b |
_o__beginthread | 0x7fcd0 | 0x34c |
_o__beginthreadex | 0x3ae20 | 0x34d |
_o__cabs | 0x7fcf0 | 0x34e |
_o__callnewh | 0x7fd20 | 0x34f |
_o__calloc_base | 0x398b0 | 0x350 |
_o__cexit | 0x7fd40 | 0x351 |
_o__cgets | 0x7fd50 | 0x352 |
_o__cgets_s | 0x7fd70 | 0x353 |
_o__cgetws | 0x7fd90 | 0x354 |
_o__cgetws_s | 0x7fdb0 | 0x355 |
_o__chdir | 0x7fdd0 | 0x356 |
_o__chdrive | 0x7fdf0 | 0x357 |
_o__chmod | 0x7fe10 | 0x358 |
_o__chsize | 0x7fe30 | 0x359 |
_o__chsize_s | 0x7fe50 | 0x35a |
_o__close | 0x7fe70 | 0x35b |
_o__commit | 0x7fe90 | 0x35c |
_o__configthreadlocale | 0x3b560 | 0x35d |
_o__configure_narrow_argv | 0x35880 | 0x35e |
_o__configure_wide_argv | 0x35990 | 0x35f |
_o__controlfp_s | 0x39730 | 0x360 |
_o__cputs | 0x7feb0 | 0x361 |
_o__cputws | 0x7fed0 | 0x362 |
_o__creat | 0x7fef0 | 0x363 |
_o__create_locale | 0x3b310 | 0x364 |
_o__crt_atexit | 0x21e40 | 0x365 |
_o__ctime32_s | 0x7ff10 | 0x366 |
_o__ctime64_s | 0x7ff30 | 0x367 |
_o__cwait | 0x7ff50 | 0x368 |
_o__d_int | 0x7ff70 | 0x369 |
_o__dclass | 0x7ff90 | 0x36a |
_o__difftime32 | 0x7ffb0 | 0x36b |
_o__difftime64 | 0x7ffd0 | 0x36c |
_o__dlog | 0x7fff0 | 0x36d |
_o__dnorm | 0x80020 | 0x36e |
_o__dpcomp | 0x80040 | 0x36f |
_o__dpoly | 0x81990 | 0x370 |
_o__dscale | 0x80070 | 0x371 |
_o__dsign | 0x80090 | 0x372 |
_o__dsin | 0x81a00 | 0x373 |
_o__dtest | 0x800b0 | 0x374 |
_o__dunscale | 0x800d0 | 0x375 |
_o__dup | 0x800f0 | 0x376 |
_o__dup2 | 0x80110 | 0x377 |
_o__dupenv_s | 0x80130 | 0x378 |
_o__ecvt | 0x80150 | 0x379 |
_o__ecvt_s | 0x80180 | 0x37a |
_o__endthread | 0x801b0 | 0x37b |
_o__endthreadex | 0x801c0 | 0x37c |
_o__eof | 0x801e0 | 0x37d |
_o__errno | 0x23b20 | 0x37e |
_o__except1 | 0x80200 | 0x37f |
_o__execute_onexit_table | 0x23820 | 0x380 |
_o__execv | 0x80230 | 0x381 |
_o__execve | 0x80250 | 0x382 |
_o__execvp | 0x80280 | 0x383 |
_o__execvpe | 0x802a0 | 0x384 |
_o__exit | 0x802d0 | 0x385 |
_o__expand | 0x802f0 | 0x386 |
_o__fclose_nolock | 0x80310 | 0x387 |
_o__fcloseall | 0x80330 | 0x388 |
_o__fcvt | 0x80340 | 0x389 |
_o__fcvt_s | 0x80370 | 0x38a |
_o__fd_int | 0x803a0 | 0x38b |
_o__fdclass | 0x803c0 | 0x38c |
_o__fdexp | 0x803e0 | 0x38d |
_o__fdlog | 0x80400 | 0x38e |
_o__fdopen | 0x80430 | 0x38f |
_o__fdpcomp | 0x80450 | 0x390 |
_o__fdpoly | 0x80480 | 0x391 |
_o__fdscale | 0x804a0 | 0x392 |
_o__fdsign | 0x804c0 | 0x393 |
_o__fdsin | 0x804e0 | 0x394 |
_o__fflush_nolock | 0x80500 | 0x395 |
_o__fgetc_nolock | 0x80520 | 0x396 |
_o__fgetchar | 0x80540 | 0x397 |
_o__fgetwc_nolock | 0x80550 | 0x398 |
_o__fgetwchar | 0x80570 | 0x399 |
_o__filelength | 0x80580 | 0x39a |
_o__filelengthi64 | 0x805a0 | 0x39b |
_o__fileno | 0x805c0 | 0x39c |
_o__findclose | 0x805e0 | 0x39d |
_o__findfirst32 | 0x80600 | 0x39e |
_o__findfirst32i64 | 0x80620 | 0x39f |
_o__findfirst64 | 0x80640 | 0x3a0 |
_o__findfirst64i32 | 0x80660 | 0x3a1 |
_o__findnext32 | 0x80680 | 0x3a2 |
_o__findnext32i64 | 0x806a0 | 0x3a3 |
_o__findnext64 | 0x806c0 | 0x3a4 |
_o__findnext64i32 | 0x806e0 | 0x3a5 |
_o__flushall | 0x80700 | 0x3a6 |
_o__fpclass | 0x80710 | 0x3a7 |
_o__fputc_nolock | 0x80730 | 0x3a8 |
_o__fputchar | 0x86300 | 0x3a9 |
_o__fputwc_nolock | 0x80750 | 0x3aa |
_o__fputwchar | 0x86360 | 0x3ab |
_o__fread_nolock | 0x80770 | 0x3ac |
_o__fread_nolock_s | 0x807a0 | 0x3ad |
_o__free_base | 0x3ba70 | 0x3ae |
_o__free_locale | 0x807d0 | 0x3af |
_o__fseek_nolock | 0x807f0 | 0x3b0 |
_o__fseeki64 | 0x80820 | 0x3b1 |
_o__fseeki64_nolock | 0x80850 | 0x3b2 |
_o__fsopen | 0x34c00 | 0x3b3 |
_o__fstat32 | 0x80880 | 0x3b4 |
_o__fstat32i64 | 0x808a0 | 0x3b5 |
_o__fstat64 | 0x808c0 | 0x3b6 |
_o__fstat64i32 | 0x808e0 | 0x3b7 |
_o__ftell_nolock | 0x80900 | 0x3b8 |
_o__ftelli64 | 0x80920 | 0x3b9 |
_o__ftelli64_nolock | 0x80940 | 0x3ba |
_o__ftime32 | 0x80960 | 0x3bb |
_o__ftime32_s | 0x80980 | 0x3bc |
_o__ftime64 | 0x809a0 | 0x3bd |
_o__ftime64_s | 0x809c0 | 0x3be |
_o__fullpath | 0x809e0 | 0x3bf |
_o__futime32 | 0x80a00 | 0x3c0 |
_o__futime64 | 0x80a20 | 0x3c1 |
_o__fwrite_nolock | 0x80a40 | 0x3c2 |
_o__gcvt | 0x80a70 | 0x3c3 |
_o__gcvt_s | 0x80aa0 | 0x3c4 |
_o__get_daylight | 0x80ad0 | 0x3c5 |
_o__get_doserrno | 0x80af0 | 0x3c6 |
_o__get_dstbias | 0x80b10 | 0x3c7 |
_o__get_errno | 0x39630 | 0x3c8 |
_o__get_fmode | 0x80b30 | 0x3c9 |
_o__get_heap_handle | 0x80b50 | 0x3ca |
_o__get_initial_narrow_environment | 0x80b60 | 0x3cb |
_o__get_initial_wide_environment | 0x3bbf0 | 0x3cc |
_o__get_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x80b70 | 0x3cd |
_o__get_narrow_winmain_command_line | 0x372f0 | 0x3ce |
_o__get_osfhandle | 0x80b80 | 0x3cf |
_o__get_pgmptr | 0x80ba0 | 0x3d0 |
_o__get_stream_buffer_pointers | 0x38780 | 0x3d1 |
_o__get_terminate | 0x80bc0 | 0x3d2 |
_o__get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x80bd0 | 0x3d3 |
_o__get_timezone | 0x80be0 | 0x3d4 |
_o__get_tzname | 0x80c00 | 0x3d5 |
_o__get_wide_winmain_command_line | 0x38140 | 0x3d6 |
_o__get_wpgmptr | 0x80c20 | 0x3d7 |
_o__getc_nolock | 0x80c40 | 0x3d8 |
_o__getch | 0x80c60 | 0x3d9 |
_o__getch_nolock | 0x80c70 | 0x3da |
_o__getche | 0x80c80 | 0x3db |
_o__getche_nolock | 0x80c90 | 0x3dc |
_o__getcwd | 0x80ca0 | 0x3dd |
_o__getdcwd | 0x80cc0 | 0x3de |
_o__getdiskfree | 0x80cf0 | 0x3df |
_o__getdllprocaddr | 0x80d10 | 0x3e0 |
_o__getdrive | 0x80d30 | 0x3e1 |
_o__getdrives | 0x80d40 | 0x3e2 |
_o__getmbcp | 0x80d50 | 0x3e3 |
_o__getsystime | 0x80d60 | 0x3e4 |
_o__getw | 0x80d80 | 0x3e5 |
_o__getwc_nolock | 0x80da0 | 0x3e6 |
_o__getwch | 0x80dc0 | 0x3e7 |
_o__getwch_nolock | 0x80dd0 | 0x3e8 |
_o__getwche | 0x80de0 | 0x3e9 |
_o__getwche_nolock | 0x80df0 | 0x3ea |
_o__getws | 0x80e00 | 0x3eb |
_o__getws_s | 0x80e20 | 0x3ec |
_o__gmtime32 | 0x80e40 | 0x3ed |
_o__gmtime32_s | 0x37c20 | 0x3ee |
_o__gmtime64 | 0x80e60 | 0x3ef |
_o__gmtime64_s | 0x80e80 | 0x3f0 |
_o__heapchk | 0x80ea0 | 0x3f1 |
_o__heapmin | 0x80eb0 | 0x3f2 |
_o__hypot | 0x85a60 | 0x3f3 |
_o__hypotf | 0x80ec0 | 0x3f4 |
_o__i64toa | 0x80ef0 | 0x3f5 |
_o__i64toa_s | 0x80f10 | 0x3f6 |
_o__i64tow | 0x80f40 | 0x3f7 |
_o__i64tow_s | 0x80f60 | 0x3f8 |
_o__initialize_narrow_environment | 0x3b9f0 | 0x3f9 |
_o__initialize_onexit_table | 0x23f30 | 0x3fa |
_o__initialize_wide_environment | 0x3b930 | 0x3fb |
_o__invalid_parameter_noinfo | 0x80f90 | 0x3fc |
_o__invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn | 0x80fa0 | 0x3fd |
_o__isatty | 0x80fb0 | 0x3fe |
_o__isctype | 0x80fd0 | 0x3ff |
_o__isctype_l | 0x80ff0 | 0x400 |
_o__isleadbyte_l | 0x81010 | 0x401 |
_o__ismbbalnum | 0x81030 | 0x402 |
_o__ismbbalnum_l | 0x81050 | 0x403 |
_o__ismbbalpha | 0x81070 | 0x404 |
_o__ismbbalpha_l | 0x81090 | 0x405 |
_o__ismbbblank | 0x810b0 | 0x406 |
_o__ismbbblank_l | 0x810d0 | 0x407 |
_o__ismbbgraph | 0x810f0 | 0x408 |
_o__ismbbgraph_l | 0x81110 | 0x409 |
_o__ismbbkalnum | 0x81130 | 0x40a |
_o__ismbbkalnum_l | 0x81150 | 0x40b |
_o__ismbbkana | 0x81170 | 0x40c |
_o__ismbbkana_l | 0x81190 | 0x40d |
_o__ismbbkprint | 0x811b0 | 0x40e |
_o__ismbbkprint_l | 0x811d0 | 0x40f |
_o__ismbbkpunct | 0x811f0 | 0x410 |
_o__ismbbkpunct_l | 0x81210 | 0x411 |
_o__ismbblead | 0x2b380 | 0x412 |
_o__ismbblead_l | 0x81230 | 0x413 |
_o__ismbbprint | 0x81250 | 0x414 |
_o__ismbbprint_l | 0x81270 | 0x415 |
_o__ismbbpunct | 0x81290 | 0x416 |
_o__ismbbpunct_l | 0x812b0 | 0x417 |
_o__ismbbtrail | 0x812d0 | 0x418 |
_o__ismbbtrail_l | 0x812f0 | 0x419 |
_o__ismbcalnum | 0x81310 | 0x41a |
_o__ismbcalnum_l | 0x81330 | 0x41b |
_o__ismbcalpha | 0x81350 | 0x41c |
_o__ismbcalpha_l | 0x81370 | 0x41d |
_o__ismbcblank | 0x81390 | 0x41e |
_o__ismbcblank_l | 0x813b0 | 0x41f |
_o__ismbcdigit | 0x813d0 | 0x420 |
_o__ismbcdigit_l | 0x813f0 | 0x421 |
_o__ismbcgraph | 0x81410 | 0x422 |
_o__ismbcgraph_l | 0x81430 | 0x423 |
_o__ismbchira | 0x81450 | 0x424 |
_o__ismbchira_l | 0x81470 | 0x425 |
_o__ismbckata | 0x81490 | 0x426 |
_o__ismbckata_l | 0x814b0 | 0x427 |
_o__ismbcl0 | 0x814d0 | 0x428 |
_o__ismbcl0_l | 0x814f0 | 0x429 |
_o__ismbcl1 | 0x81510 | 0x42a |
_o__ismbcl1_l | 0x81530 | 0x42b |
_o__ismbcl2 | 0x81550 | 0x42c |
_o__ismbcl2_l | 0x81570 | 0x42d |
_o__ismbclegal | 0x81590 | 0x42e |
_o__ismbclegal_l | 0x815b0 | 0x42f |
_o__ismbclower | 0x815d0 | 0x430 |
_o__ismbclower_l | 0x815f0 | 0x431 |
_o__ismbcprint | 0x81610 | 0x432 |
_o__ismbcprint_l | 0x81630 | 0x433 |
_o__ismbcpunct | 0x81650 | 0x434 |
_o__ismbcpunct_l | 0x81670 | 0x435 |
_o__ismbcspace | 0x81690 | 0x436 |
_o__ismbcspace_l | 0x816b0 | 0x437 |
_o__ismbcsymbol | 0x816d0 | 0x438 |
_o__ismbcsymbol_l | 0x816f0 | 0x439 |
_o__ismbcupper | 0x81710 | 0x43a |
_o__ismbcupper_l | 0x81730 | 0x43b |
_o__ismbslead | 0x81750 | 0x43c |
_o__ismbslead_l | 0x81770 | 0x43d |
_o__ismbstrail | 0x817a0 | 0x43e |
_o__ismbstrail_l | 0x817c0 | 0x43f |
_o__iswctype_l | 0x817f0 | 0x440 |
_o__itoa | 0x81810 | 0x441 |
_o__itoa_s | 0x81840 | 0x442 |
_o__itow | 0x81860 | 0x443 |
_o__itow_s | 0x37000 | 0x444 |
_o__j0 | 0x81890 | 0x445 |
_o__j1 | 0x818b0 | 0x446 |
_o__jn | 0x818d0 | 0x447 |
_o__kbhit | 0x81900 | 0x448 |
_o__ld_int | 0x81910 | 0x449 |
_o__ldclass | 0x7ff90 | 0x44a |
_o__ldexp | 0x81930 | 0x44b |
_o__ldlog | 0x81960 | 0x44c |
_o__ldpcomp | 0x80040 | 0x44d |
_o__ldpoly | 0x81990 | 0x44e |
_o__ldscale | 0x819c0 | 0x44f |
_o__ldsign | 0x819e0 | 0x450 |
_o__ldsin | 0x81a00 | 0x451 |
_o__ldtest | 0x81a20 | 0x452 |
_o__ldunscale | 0x81a40 | 0x453 |
_o__lfind | 0x81a60 | 0x454 |
_o__lfind_s | 0x81a90 | 0x455 |
_o__libm_sse2_acos_precise | 0x556f0 | 0x456 |
_o__libm_sse2_asin_precise | 0x557a0 | 0x457 |
_o__libm_sse2_atan_precise | 0x55850 | 0x458 |
_o__libm_sse2_cos_precise | 0x55900 | 0x459 |
_o__libm_sse2_exp_precise | 0x559b0 | 0x45a |
_o__libm_sse2_log10_precise | 0x55a60 | 0x45b |
_o__libm_sse2_log_precise | 0x55b10 | 0x45c |
_o__libm_sse2_pow_precise | 0x543e0 | 0x45d |
_o__libm_sse2_sin_precise | 0x55bc0 | 0x45e |
_o__libm_sse2_sqrt_precise | 0x55c70 | 0x45f |
_o__libm_sse2_tan_precise | 0x55d20 | 0x460 |
_o__loaddll | 0x81ac0 | 0x461 |
_o__localtime32 | 0x81ae0 | 0x462 |
_o__localtime32_s | 0x81b00 | 0x463 |
_o__localtime64 | 0x81b20 | 0x464 |
_o__localtime64_s | 0x81b40 | 0x465 |
_o__lock_file | 0x81b60 | 0x466 |
_o__locking | 0x81b80 | 0x467 |
_o__logb | 0x81ba0 | 0x468 |
_o__lsearch | 0x81bc0 | 0x469 |
_o__lsearch_s | 0x81bf0 | 0x46a |
_o__lseek | 0x81c20 | 0x46b |
_o__lseeki64 | 0x81c40 | 0x46c |
_o__ltoa | 0x24a40 | 0x46d |
_o__ltoa_s | 0x81840 | 0x46e |
_o__ltow | 0x81c60 | 0x46f |
_o__ltow_s | 0x81c80 | 0x470 |
_o__makepath | 0x81ca0 | 0x471 |
_o__makepath_s | 0x81cd0 | 0x472 |
_o__malloc_base | 0x81d00 | 0x473 |
_o__mbbtombc | 0x81d20 | 0x474 |
_o__mbbtombc_l | 0x81d40 | 0x475 |
_o__mbbtype | 0x81d60 | 0x476 |
_o__mbbtype_l | 0x81d80 | 0x477 |
_o__mbccpy | 0x81da0 | 0x478 |
_o__mbccpy_l | 0x81dc0 | 0x479 |
_o__mbccpy_s | 0x81de0 | 0x47a |
_o__mbccpy_s_l | 0x81e00 | 0x47b |
_o__mbcjistojms | 0x81e30 | 0x47c |
_o__mbcjistojms_l | 0x81e50 | 0x47d |
_o__mbcjmstojis | 0x81e70 | 0x47e |
_o__mbcjmstojis_l | 0x81e90 | 0x47f |
_o__mbclen | 0x81eb0 | 0x480 |
_o__mbclen_l | 0x81ed0 | 0x481 |
_o__mbctohira | 0x81ef0 | 0x482 |
_o__mbctohira_l | 0x81f10 | 0x483 |
_o__mbctokata | 0x81f30 | 0x484 |
_o__mbctokata_l | 0x81f50 | 0x485 |
_o__mbctolower | 0x81f70 | 0x486 |
_o__mbctolower_l | 0x81f90 | 0x487 |
_o__mbctombb | 0x81fb0 | 0x488 |
_o__mbctombb_l | 0x81fd0 | 0x489 |
_o__mbctoupper | 0x81ff0 | 0x48a |
_o__mbctoupper_l | 0x82010 | 0x48b |
_o__mblen_l | 0x82030 | 0x48c |
_o__mbsbtype | 0x82050 | 0x48d |
_o__mbsbtype_l | 0x82070 | 0x48e |
_o__mbscat_s | 0x82090 | 0x48f |
_o__mbscat_s_l | 0x820c0 | 0x490 |
_o__mbschr | 0x820f0 | 0x491 |
_o__mbschr_l | 0x82110 | 0x492 |
_o__mbscmp | 0x82140 | 0x493 |
_o__mbscmp_l | 0x82160 | 0x494 |
_o__mbscoll | 0x82190 | 0x495 |
_o__mbscoll_l | 0x821b0 | 0x496 |
_o__mbscpy_s | 0x821e0 | 0x497 |
_o__mbscpy_s_l | 0x82210 | 0x498 |
_o__mbscspn | 0x82240 | 0x499 |
_o__mbscspn_l | 0x82260 | 0x49a |
_o__mbsdec | 0x82290 | 0x49b |
_o__mbsdec_l | 0x822b0 | 0x49c |
_o__mbsicmp | 0x822e0 | 0x49d |
_o__mbsicmp_l | 0x82300 | 0x49e |
_o__mbsicoll | 0x82330 | 0x49f |
_o__mbsicoll_l | 0x82350 | 0x4a0 |
_o__mbsinc | 0x82380 | 0x4a1 |
_o__mbsinc_l | 0x823a0 | 0x4a2 |
_o__mbslen | 0x823c0 | 0x4a3 |
_o__mbslen_l | 0x823e0 | 0x4a4 |
_o__mbslwr | 0x82400 | 0x4a5 |
_o__mbslwr_l | 0x82420 | 0x4a6 |
_o__mbslwr_s | 0x82440 | 0x4a7 |
_o__mbslwr_s_l | 0x82460 | 0x4a8 |
_o__mbsnbcat | 0x82490 | 0x4a9 |
_o__mbsnbcat_l | 0x824c0 | 0x4aa |
_o__mbsnbcat_s | 0x824f0 | 0x4ab |
_o__mbsnbcat_s_l | 0x82520 | 0x4ac |
_o__mbsnbcmp | 0x82550 | 0x4ad |
_o__mbsnbcmp_l | 0x82580 | 0x4ae |
_o__mbsnbcnt | 0x825b0 | 0x4af |
_o__mbsnbcnt_l | 0x825d0 | 0x4b0 |
_o__mbsnbcoll | 0x82600 | 0x4b1 |
_o__mbsnbcoll_l | 0x82630 | 0x4b2 |
_o__mbsnbcpy | 0x82660 | 0x4b3 |
_o__mbsnbcpy_l | 0x82690 | 0x4b4 |
_o__mbsnbcpy_s | 0x826c0 | 0x4b5 |
_o__mbsnbcpy_s_l | 0x826f0 | 0x4b6 |
_o__mbsnbicmp | 0x82720 | 0x4b7 |
_o__mbsnbicmp_l | 0x82750 | 0x4b8 |
_o__mbsnbicoll | 0x82780 | 0x4b9 |
_o__mbsnbicoll_l | 0x827b0 | 0x4ba |
_o__mbsnbset | 0x827e0 | 0x4bb |
_o__mbsnbset_l | 0x82810 | 0x4bc |
_o__mbsnbset_s | 0x82840 | 0x4bd |
_o__mbsnbset_s_l | 0x82870 | 0x4be |
_o__mbsncat | 0x828a0 | 0x4bf |
_o__mbsncat_l | 0x828d0 | 0x4c0 |
_o__mbsncat_s | 0x82900 | 0x4c1 |
_o__mbsncat_s_l | 0x82930 | 0x4c2 |
_o__mbsnccnt | 0x82960 | 0x4c3 |
_o__mbsnccnt_l | 0x82980 | 0x4c4 |
_o__mbsncmp | 0x829b0 | 0x4c5 |
_o__mbsncmp_l | 0x829e0 | 0x4c6 |
_o__mbsncoll | 0x82a10 | 0x4c7 |
_o__mbsncoll_l | 0x82a40 | 0x4c8 |
_o__mbsncpy | 0x82a70 | 0x4c9 |
_o__mbsncpy_l | 0x82aa0 | 0x4ca |
_o__mbsncpy_s | 0x82ad0 | 0x4cb |
_o__mbsncpy_s_l | 0x82b00 | 0x4cc |
_o__mbsnextc | 0x82b30 | 0x4cd |
_o__mbsnextc_l | 0x82b50 | 0x4ce |
_o__mbsnicmp | 0x82b70 | 0x4cf |
_o__mbsnicmp_l | 0x82ba0 | 0x4d0 |
_o__mbsnicoll | 0x82bd0 | 0x4d1 |
_o__mbsnicoll_l | 0x82c00 | 0x4d2 |
_o__mbsninc | 0x82c30 | 0x4d3 |
_o__mbsninc_l | 0x82c50 | 0x4d4 |
_o__mbsnlen | 0x82c70 | 0x4d5 |
_o__mbsnlen_l | 0x82c90 | 0x4d6 |
_o__mbsnset | 0x82cc0 | 0x4d7 |
_o__mbsnset_l | 0x82cf0 | 0x4d8 |
_o__mbsnset_s | 0x82d20 | 0x4d9 |
_o__mbsnset_s_l | 0x82d50 | 0x4da |
_o__mbspbrk | 0x82d80 | 0x4db |
_o__mbspbrk_l | 0x82da0 | 0x4dc |
_o__mbsrchr | 0x82dd0 | 0x4dd |
_o__mbsrchr_l | 0x82df0 | 0x4de |
_o__mbsrev | 0x82e20 | 0x4df |
_o__mbsrev_l | 0x82e40 | 0x4e0 |
_o__mbsset | 0x82e60 | 0x4e1 |
_o__mbsset_l | 0x82e80 | 0x4e2 |
_o__mbsset_s | 0x82ea0 | 0x4e3 |
_o__mbsset_s_l | 0x82ec0 | 0x4e4 |
_o__mbsspn | 0x82ee0 | 0x4e5 |
_o__mbsspn_l | 0x82f00 | 0x4e6 |
_o__mbsspnp | 0x82f30 | 0x4e7 |
_o__mbsspnp_l | 0x82f50 | 0x4e8 |
_o__mbsstr | 0x82f80 | 0x4e9 |
_o__mbsstr_l | 0x82fa0 | 0x4ea |
_o__mbstok | 0x82fd0 | 0x4eb |
_o__mbstok_l | 0x82ff0 | 0x4ec |
_o__mbstok_s | 0x83010 | 0x4ed |
_o__mbstok_s_l | 0x83030 | 0x4ee |
_o__mbstowcs_l | 0x83050 | 0x4ef |
_o__mbstowcs_s_l | 0x83070 | 0x4f0 |
_o__mbstrlen | 0x830a0 | 0x4f1 |
_o__mbstrlen_l | 0x830c0 | 0x4f2 |
_o__mbstrnlen | 0x830e0 | 0x4f3 |
_o__mbstrnlen_l | 0x83100 | 0x4f4 |
_o__mbsupr | 0x83120 | 0x4f5 |
_o__mbsupr_l | 0x83140 | 0x4f6 |
_o__mbsupr_s | 0x83160 | 0x4f7 |
_o__mbsupr_s_l | 0x83180 | 0x4f8 |
_o__mbtowc_l | 0x831b0 | 0x4f9 |
_o__memicmp | 0x831d0 | 0x4fa |
_o__memicmp_l | 0x831f0 | 0x4fb |
_o__mkdir | 0x83210 | 0x4fc |
_o__mkgmtime32 | 0x37a10 | 0x4fd |
_o__mkgmtime64 | 0x83230 | 0x4fe |
_o__mktemp | 0x83250 | 0x4ff |
_o__mktemp_s | 0x83270 | 0x500 |
_o__mktime32 | 0x83290 | 0x501 |
_o__mktime64 | 0x832b0 | 0x502 |
_o__msize | 0x832d0 | 0x503 |
_o__nextafter | 0x861c0 | 0x504 |
_o__open_osfhandle | 0x832f0 | 0x505 |
_o__pclose | 0x83310 | 0x506 |
_o__pipe | 0x83330 | 0x507 |
_o__popen | 0x83350 | 0x508 |
_o__purecall | 0x83370 | 0x509 |
_o__putc_nolock | 0x83380 | 0x50a |
_o__putch | 0x833a0 | 0x50b |
_o__putch_nolock | 0x833c0 | 0x50c |
_o__putenv | 0x833e0 | 0x50d |
_o__putenv_s | 0x83400 | 0x50e |
_o__putw | 0x83420 | 0x50f |
_o__putwc_nolock | 0x83440 | 0x510 |
_o__putwch | 0x83460 | 0x511 |
_o__putwch_nolock | 0x83480 | 0x512 |
_o__putws | 0x834a0 | 0x513 |
_o__read | 0x834c0 | 0x514 |
_o__realloc_base | 0x21f50 | 0x515 |
_o__recalloc | 0x22c80 | 0x516 |
_o__register_onexit_function | 0x27130 | 0x517 |
_o__resetstkoflw | 0x834e0 | 0x518 |
_o__rmdir | 0x834f0 | 0x519 |
_o__rmtmp | 0x83510 | 0x51a |
_o__scalb | 0x83520 | 0x51b |
_o__searchenv | 0x83550 | 0x51c |
_o__searchenv_s | 0x83570 | 0x51d |
_o__seh_filter_dll | 0x83590 | 0x51e |
_o__seh_filter_exe | 0x835b0 | 0x51f |
_o__set_abort_behavior | 0x835d0 | 0x520 |
_o__set_app_type | 0x3ac40 | 0x521 |
_o__set_doserrno | 0x835f0 | 0x522 |
_o__set_errno | 0x3a730 | 0x523 |
_o__set_fmode | 0x3b540 | 0x524 |
_o__set_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x83610 | 0x525 |
_o__set_new_handler | 0x83630 | 0x526 |
_o__set_new_mode | 0x3b520 | 0x527 |
_o__set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x83650 | 0x528 |
_o__seterrormode | 0x83670 | 0x529 |
_o__setmbcp | 0x83690 | 0x52a |
_o__setmode | 0x836b0 | 0x52b |
_o__setsystime | 0x836d0 | 0x52c |
_o__sleep | 0x836f0 | 0x52d |
_o__sopen | 0x83710 | 0x52e |
_o__sopen_dispatch | 0x83730 | 0x52f |
_o__sopen_s | 0x83760 | 0x530 |
_o__spawnv | 0x83790 | 0x531 |
_o__spawnve | 0x837c0 | 0x532 |
_o__spawnvp | 0x837f0 | 0x533 |
_o__spawnvpe | 0x83820 | 0x534 |
_o__splitpath | 0x83850 | 0x535 |
_o__splitpath_s | 0x3af60 | 0x536 |
_o__stat32 | 0x83880 | 0x537 |
_o__stat32i64 | 0x838a0 | 0x538 |
_o__stat64 | 0x838c0 | 0x539 |
_o__stat64i32 | 0x838e0 | 0x53a |
_o__strcoll_l | 0x83900 | 0x53b |
_o__strdate | 0x83930 | 0x53c |
_o__strdate_s | 0x83950 | 0x53d |
_o__strdup | 0x83970 | 0x53e |
_o__strerror | 0x83990 | 0x53f |
_o__strerror_s | 0x839b0 | 0x540 |
_o__strftime_l | 0x839e0 | 0x541 |
_o__stricmp | 0x38990 | 0x542 |
_o__stricmp_l | 0x83a10 | 0x543 |
_o__stricoll | 0x83a40 | 0x544 |
_o__stricoll_l | 0x83a60 | 0x545 |
_o__strlwr | 0x83a90 | 0x546 |
_o__strlwr_l | 0x83ab0 | 0x547 |
_o__strlwr_s | 0x83ad0 | 0x548 |
_o__strlwr_s_l | 0x83af0 | 0x549 |
_o__strncoll | 0x83b20 | 0x54a |
_o__strncoll_l | 0x83b50 | 0x54b |
_o__strnicmp | 0x38af0 | 0x54c |
_o__strnicmp_l | 0x83b80 | 0x54d |
_o__strnicoll | 0x83bb0 | 0x54e |
_o__strnicoll_l | 0x83be0 | 0x54f |
_o__strnset_s | 0x83c10 | 0x550 |
_o__strset_s | 0x83c30 | 0x551 |
_o__strtime | 0x83c60 | 0x552 |
_o__strtime_s | 0x83c80 | 0x553 |
_o__strtod_l | 0x83ca0 | 0x554 |
_o__strtof_l | 0x83cc0 | 0x555 |
_o__strtoi64 | 0x83ce0 | 0x556 |
_o__strtoi64_l | 0x83d10 | 0x557 |
_o__strtol_l | 0x83d40 | 0x558 |
_o__strtold_l | 0x83ca0 | 0x559 |
_o__strtoll_l | 0x83d10 | 0x55a |
_o__strtoui64 | 0x33c20 | 0x55b |
_o__strtoui64_l | 0x83d80 | 0x55c |
_o__strtoul_l | 0x83d60 | 0x55d |
_o__strtoull_l | 0x83d80 | 0x55e |
_o__strupr | 0x83db0 | 0x55f |
_o__strupr_l | 0x83dd0 | 0x560 |
_o__strupr_s | 0x83df0 | 0x561 |
_o__strupr_s_l | 0x83e10 | 0x562 |
_o__strxfrm_l | 0x83e40 | 0x563 |
_o__swab | 0x83e60 | 0x564 |
_o__tell | 0x83e80 | 0x565 |
_o__telli64 | 0x83ea0 | 0x566 |
_o__timespec32_get | 0x83ec0 | 0x567 |
_o__timespec64_get | 0x83ee0 | 0x568 |
_o__tolower | 0x3bcc0 | 0x569 |
_o__tolower_l | 0x83f00 | 0x56a |
_o__toupper | 0x83f20 | 0x56b |
_o__toupper_l | 0x83f40 | 0x56c |
_o__towlower_l | 0x83f60 | 0x56d |
_o__towupper_l | 0x83f80 | 0x56e |
_o__tzset | 0x83fa0 | 0x56f |
_o__ui64toa | 0x83fb0 | 0x570 |
_o__ui64toa_s | 0x3a420 | 0x571 |
_o__ui64tow | 0x83fd0 | 0x572 |
_o__ui64tow_s | 0x375a0 | 0x573 |
_o__ultoa | 0x83ff0 | 0x574 |
_o__ultoa_s | 0x84010 | 0x575 |
_o__ultow | 0x84030 | 0x576 |
_o__ultow_s | 0x37070 | 0x577 |
_o__umask | 0x84050 | 0x578 |
_o__umask_s | 0x84070 | 0x579 |
_o__ungetc_nolock | 0x84090 | 0x57a |
_o__ungetch | 0x840b0 | 0x57b |
_o__ungetch_nolock | 0x840d0 | 0x57c |
_o__ungetwc_nolock | 0x840f0 | 0x57d |
_o__ungetwch | 0x84110 | 0x57e |
_o__ungetwch_nolock | 0x84130 | 0x57f |
_o__unlink | 0x84150 | 0x580 |
_o__unloaddll | 0x84170 | 0x581 |
_o__unlock_file | 0x84190 | 0x582 |
_o__utime32 | 0x841b0 | 0x583 |
_o__utime64 | 0x841d0 | 0x584 |
_o__waccess | 0x841f0 | 0x585 |
_o__waccess_s | 0x84210 | 0x586 |
_o__wasctime | 0x84230 | 0x587 |
_o__wasctime_s | 0x84250 | 0x588 |
_o__wchdir | 0x84270 | 0x589 |
_o__wchmod | 0x84290 | 0x58a |
_o__wcreat | 0x842b0 | 0x58b |
_o__wcreate_locale | 0x842d0 | 0x58c |
_o__wcscoll_l | 0x842f0 | 0x58d |
_o__wcsdup | 0x3b1b0 | 0x58e |
_o__wcserror | 0x84320 | 0x58f |
_o__wcserror_s | 0x84340 | 0x590 |
_o__wcsftime_l | 0x84360 | 0x591 |
_o__wcsicmp | 0x27850 | 0x592 |
_o__wcsicmp_l | 0x84390 | 0x593 |
_o__wcsicoll | 0x843c0 | 0x594 |
_o__wcsicoll_l | 0x843e0 | 0x595 |
_o__wcslwr | 0x84410 | 0x596 |
_o__wcslwr_l | 0x84430 | 0x597 |
_o__wcslwr_s | 0x395f0 | 0x598 |
_o__wcslwr_s_l | 0x84450 | 0x599 |
_o__wcsncoll | 0x84480 | 0x59a |
_o__wcsncoll_l | 0x844b0 | 0x59b |
_o__wcsnicmp | 0x24950 | 0x59c |
_o__wcsnicmp_l | 0x844e0 | 0x59d |
_o__wcsnicoll | 0x84510 | 0x59e |
_o__wcsnicoll_l | 0x84540 | 0x59f |
_o__wcsnset | 0x84570 | 0x5a0 |
_o__wcsnset_s | 0x84590 | 0x5a1 |
_o__wcsset | 0x845b0 | 0x5a2 |
_o__wcsset_s | 0x845d0 | 0x5a3 |
_o__wcstod_l | 0x845f0 | 0x5a4 |
_o__wcstof_l | 0x84610 | 0x5a5 |
_o__wcstoi64 | 0x3b6a0 | 0x5a6 |
_o__wcstoi64_l | 0x84650 | 0x5a7 |
_o__wcstol_l | 0x84630 | 0x5a8 |
_o__wcstold_l | 0x845f0 | 0x5a9 |
_o__wcstoll_l | 0x84650 | 0x5aa |
_o__wcstombs_l | 0x84680 | 0x5ab |
_o__wcstombs_s_l | 0x846a0 | 0x5ac |
_o__wcstoui64 | 0x3a350 | 0x5ad |
_o__wcstoui64_l | 0x846f0 | 0x5ae |
_o__wcstoul_l | 0x846d0 | 0x5af |
_o__wcstoull_l | 0x846f0 | 0x5b0 |
_o__wcsupr | 0x84720 | 0x5b1 |
_o__wcsupr_l | 0x84740 | 0x5b2 |
_o__wcsupr_s | 0x39610 | 0x5b3 |
_o__wcsupr_s_l | 0x84760 | 0x5b4 |
_o__wcsxfrm_l | 0x84790 | 0x5b5 |
_o__wctime32 | 0x847b0 | 0x5b6 |
_o__wctime32_s | 0x847d0 | 0x5b7 |
_o__wctime64 | 0x847f0 | 0x5b8 |
_o__wctime64_s | 0x84810 | 0x5b9 |
_o__wctomb_l | 0x84830 | 0x5ba |
_o__wctomb_s_l | 0x84850 | 0x5bb |
_o__wdupenv_s | 0x84880 | 0x5bc |
_o__wexecv | 0x848a0 | 0x5bd |
_o__wexecve | 0x848c0 | 0x5be |
_o__wexecvp | 0x848f0 | 0x5bf |
_o__wexecvpe | 0x84910 | 0x5c0 |
_o__wfdopen | 0x84940 | 0x5c1 |
_o__wfindfirst32 | 0x84960 | 0x5c2 |
_o__wfindfirst32i64 | 0x84980 | 0x5c3 |
_o__wfindfirst64 | 0x849a0 | 0x5c4 |
_o__wfindfirst64i32 | 0x849c0 | 0x5c5 |
_o__wfindnext32 | 0x849e0 | 0x5c6 |
_o__wfindnext32i64 | 0x84a00 | 0x5c7 |
_o__wfindnext64 | 0x84a20 | 0x5c8 |
_o__wfindnext64i32 | 0x84a40 | 0x5c9 |
_o__wfopen | 0x84a60 | 0x5ca |
_o__wfopen_s | 0x84a80 | 0x5cb |
_o__wfreopen | 0x84aa0 | 0x5cc |
_o__wfreopen_s | 0x84ac0 | 0x5cd |
_o__wfsopen | 0x84ae0 | 0x5ce |
_o__wfullpath | 0x84b00 | 0x5cf |
_o__wgetcwd | 0x84b20 | 0x5d0 |
_o__wgetdcwd | 0x84b40 | 0x5d1 |
_o__wgetenv | 0x84b70 | 0x5d2 |
_o__wgetenv_s | 0x84b90 | 0x5d3 |
_o__wmakepath | 0x84bb0 | 0x5d4 |
_o__wmakepath_s | 0x84be0 | 0x5d5 |
_o__wmkdir | 0x384d0 | 0x5d6 |
_o__wmktemp | 0x84c10 | 0x5d7 |
_o__wmktemp_s | 0x84c30 | 0x5d8 |
_o__wperror | 0x84c50 | 0x5d9 |
_o__wpopen | 0x84c70 | 0x5da |
_o__wputenv | 0x84c90 | 0x5db |
_o__wputenv_s | 0x84cb0 | 0x5dc |
_o__wremove | 0x84cd0 | 0x5dd |
_o__wrename | 0x84cf0 | 0x5de |
_o__write | 0x84d10 | 0x5df |
_o__wrmdir | 0x84d30 | 0x5e0 |
_o__wsearchenv | 0x84d50 | 0x5e1 |
_o__wsearchenv_s | 0x84d70 | 0x5e2 |
_o__wsetlocale | 0x84d90 | 0x5e3 |
_o__wsopen_dispatch | 0x84db0 | 0x5e4 |
_o__wsopen_s | 0x84de0 | 0x5e5 |
_o__wspawnv | 0x84e10 | 0x5e6 |
_o__wspawnve | 0x84e40 | 0x5e7 |
_o__wspawnvp | 0x84e70 | 0x5e8 |
_o__wspawnvpe | 0x84ea0 | 0x5e9 |
_o__wsplitpath | 0x84ed0 | 0x5ea |
_o__wsplitpath_s | 0x24610 | 0x5eb |
_o__wstat32 | 0x84f00 | 0x5ec |
_o__wstat32i64 | 0x84f20 | 0x5ed |
_o__wstat64 | 0x84f40 | 0x5ee |
_o__wstat64i32 | 0x84f60 | 0x5ef |
_o__wstrdate | 0x84f80 | 0x5f0 |
_o__wstrdate_s | 0x84fa0 | 0x5f1 |
_o__wstrtime | 0x84fc0 | 0x5f2 |
_o__wstrtime_s | 0x84fe0 | 0x5f3 |
_o__wsystem | 0x85000 | 0x5f4 |
_o__wtmpnam_s | 0x85020 | 0x5f5 |
_o__wtof | 0x22560 | 0x5f6 |
_o__wtof_l | 0x85040 | 0x5f7 |
_o__wtoi | 0x384f0 | 0x5f8 |
_o__wtoi64 | 0x2ea10 | 0x5f9 |
_o__wtoi64_l | 0x85080 | 0x5fa |
_o__wtoi_l | 0x85060 | 0x5fb |
_o__wtol | 0x3b8d0 | 0x5fc |
_o__wtol_l | 0x85060 | 0x5fd |
_o__wtoll | 0x2ea10 | 0x5fe |
_o__wtoll_l | 0x85080 | 0x5ff |
_o__wunlink | 0x850a0 | 0x600 |
_o__wutime32 | 0x850c0 | 0x601 |
_o__wutime64 | 0x850e0 | 0x602 |
_o__y0 | 0x85100 | 0x603 |
_o__y1 | 0x85120 | 0x604 |
_o__yn | 0x85140 | 0x605 |
_o_abort | 0x85170 | 0x606 |
_o_acos | 0x85180 | 0x607 |
_o_acosh | 0x851a0 | 0x608 |
_o_acoshf | 0x851c0 | 0x609 |
_o_acoshl | 0x851e0 | 0x60a |
_o_asctime | 0x85200 | 0x60b |
_o_asctime_s | 0x85220 | 0x60c |
_o_asin | 0x85240 | 0x60d |
_o_asinh | 0x85260 | 0x60e |
_o_asinhf | 0x85280 | 0x60f |
_o_asinhl | 0x852a0 | 0x610 |
_o_atan | 0x852c0 | 0x611 |
_o_atan2 | 0x852e0 | 0x612 |
_o_atanh | 0x85310 | 0x613 |
_o_atanhf | 0x85330 | 0x614 |
_o_atanhl | 0x85350 | 0x615 |
_o_atof | 0x85370 | 0x616 |
_o_atoi | 0x3ac20 | 0x617 |
_o_atol | 0x2c440 | 0x618 |
_o_atoll | 0x85390 | 0x619 |
_o_bsearch | 0x23670 | 0x61a |
_o_bsearch_s | 0x20db0 | 0x61b |
_o_btowc | 0x853b0 | 0x61c |
_o_calloc | 0x2b6f0 | 0x61d |
_o_cbrt | 0x853d0 | 0x61e |
_o_cbrtf | 0x853f0 | 0x61f |
_o_ceil | 0x23800 | 0x620 |
_o_clearerr | 0x85410 | 0x621 |
_o_clearerr_s | 0x85430 | 0x622 |
_o_cos | 0x85450 | 0x623 |
_o_cosh | 0x85470 | 0x624 |
_o_erf | 0x85490 | 0x625 |
_o_erfc | 0x854b0 | 0x626 |
_o_erfcf | 0x854d0 | 0x627 |
_o_erfcl | 0x854f0 | 0x628 |
_o_erff | 0x85510 | 0x629 |
_o_erfl | 0x85530 | 0x62a |
_o_exit | 0x21780 | 0x62b |
_o_exp | 0x85550 | 0x62c |
_o_exp2 | 0x85570 | 0x62d |
_o_exp2f | 0x85590 | 0x62e |
_o_exp2l | 0x855b0 | 0x62f |
_o_fabs | 0x855d0 | 0x630 |
_o_fclose | 0x34be0 | 0x631 |
_o_feof | 0x855f0 | 0x632 |
_o_ferror | 0x85610 | 0x633 |
_o_fflush | 0x85630 | 0x634 |
_o_fgetc | 0x85650 | 0x635 |
_o_fgetpos | 0x85670 | 0x636 |
_o_fgets | 0x85690 | 0x637 |
_o_fgetwc | 0x856b0 | 0x638 |
_o_fgetws | 0x856d0 | 0x639 |
_o_floor | 0x24810 | 0x63a |
_o_fma | 0x856f0 | 0x63b |
_o_fmaf | 0x85720 | 0x63c |
_o_fmal | 0x856f0 | 0x63d |
_o_fmod | 0x85750 | 0x63e |
_o_fopen | 0x85780 | 0x63f |
_o_fopen_s | 0x857a0 | 0x640 |
_o_fputc | 0x857c0 | 0x641 |
_o_fputs | 0x857e0 | 0x642 |
_o_fputwc | 0x85800 | 0x643 |
_o_fputws | 0x85820 | 0x644 |
_o_fread | 0x85840 | 0x645 |
_o_fread_s | 0x85870 | 0x646 |
_o_free | 0x27be0 | 0x647 |
_o_freopen | 0x858a0 | 0x648 |
_o_freopen_s | 0x858c0 | 0x649 |
_o_frexp | 0x858e0 | 0x64a |
_o_fseek | 0x85900 | 0x64b |
_o_fsetpos | 0x85930 | 0x64c |
_o_ftell | 0x85950 | 0x64d |
_o_fwrite | 0x85970 | 0x64e |
_o_getc | 0x859a0 | 0x64f |
_o_getchar | 0x80540 | 0x650 |
_o_getenv | 0x859c0 | 0x651 |
_o_getenv_s | 0x859e0 | 0x652 |
_o_gets | 0x85a00 | 0x653 |
_o_gets_s | 0x85a20 | 0x654 |
_o_getwc | 0x85a40 | 0x655 |
_o_getwchar | 0x80570 | 0x656 |
_o_hypot | 0x85a60 | 0x657 |
_o_is_wctype | 0x85a90 | 0x658 |
_o_isalnum | 0x85ab0 | 0x659 |
_o_isalpha | 0x24b60 | 0x65a |
_o_isblank | 0x85ad0 | 0x65b |
_o_iscntrl | 0x3b080 | 0x65c |
_o_isdigit | 0x24050 | 0x65d |
_o_isgraph | 0x85af0 | 0x65e |
_o_isleadbyte | 0x85b10 | 0x65f |
_o_islower | 0x85b30 | 0x660 |
_o_isprint | 0x85b50 | 0x661 |
_o_ispunct | 0x85b70 | 0x662 |
_o_isspace | 0x248e0 | 0x663 |
_o_isupper | 0x39890 | 0x664 |
_o_iswalnum | 0x23b90 | 0x665 |
_o_iswalpha | 0x3b060 | 0x666 |
_o_iswascii | 0x3b160 | 0x667 |
_o_iswblank | 0x85b90 | 0x668 |
_o_iswcntrl | 0x85bb0 | 0x669 |
_o_iswctype | 0x85bd0 | 0x66a |
_o_iswdigit | 0x23c70 | 0x66b |
_o_iswgraph | 0x85bf0 | 0x66c |
_o_iswlower | 0x85c10 | 0x66d |
_o_iswprint | 0x85c30 | 0x66e |
_o_iswpunct | 0x85c50 | 0x66f |
_o_iswspace | 0x26090 | 0x670 |
_o_iswupper | 0x85c70 | 0x671 |
_o_iswxdigit | 0x3b8b0 | 0x672 |
_o_isxdigit | 0x24020 | 0x673 |
_o_ldexp | 0x85c90 | 0x674 |
_o_lgamma | 0x85cc0 | 0x675 |
_o_lgammaf | 0x85ce0 | 0x676 |
_o_lgammal | 0x85d00 | 0x677 |
_o_llrint | 0x85d20 | 0x678 |
_o_llrintf | 0x85d40 | 0x679 |
_o_llrintl | 0x85d60 | 0x67a |
_o_llround | 0x20e30 | 0x67b |
_o_llroundf | 0x85d80 | 0x67c |
_o_llroundl | 0x85da0 | 0x67d |
_o_localeconv | 0x22c30 | 0x67e |
_o_log | 0x85dc0 | 0x67f |
_o_log10 | 0x85de0 | 0x680 |
_o_log1p | 0x85e00 | 0x681 |
_o_log1pf | 0x85e20 | 0x682 |
_o_log1pl | 0x85e40 | 0x683 |
_o_log2 | 0x21480 | 0x684 |
_o_log2f | 0x85e60 | 0x685 |
_o_log2l | 0x85e80 | 0x686 |
_o_logb | 0x85ea0 | 0x687 |
_o_logbf | 0x85ec0 | 0x688 |
_o_logbl | 0x85ee0 | 0x689 |
_o_lrint | 0x85f00 | 0x68a |
_o_lrintf | 0x85f20 | 0x68b |
_o_lrintl | 0x85f40 | 0x68c |
_o_lround | 0x20c70 | 0x68d |
_o_lroundf | 0x85f60 | 0x68e |
_o_lroundl | 0x85f80 | 0x68f |
_o_malloc | 0x27b20 | 0x690 |
_o_mblen | 0x85fa0 | 0x691 |
_o_mbrlen | 0x85fc0 | 0x692 |
_o_mbrtoc16 | 0x85fe0 | 0x693 |
_o_mbrtoc32 | 0x86000 | 0x694 |
_o_mbrtowc | 0x86020 | 0x695 |
_o_mbsrtowcs | 0x86040 | 0x696 |
_o_mbsrtowcs_s | 0x86060 | 0x697 |
_o_mbstowcs | 0x3b7a0 | 0x698 |
_o_mbstowcs_s | 0x3bab0 | 0x699 |
_o_mbtowc | 0x86090 | 0x69a |
_o_memcpy_s | 0x24830 | 0x69b |
_o_memset | 0x27ca0 | 0x69c |
_o_modf | 0x860b0 | 0x69d |
_o_nan | 0x860d0 | 0x69e |
_o_nanf | 0x860f0 | 0x69f |
_o_nanl | 0x86110 | 0x6a0 |
_o_nearbyint | 0x86130 | 0x6a1 |
_o_nearbyintf | 0x86150 | 0x6a2 |
_o_nearbyintl | 0x86170 | 0x6a3 |
_o_nextafter | 0x861c0 | 0x6a4 |
_o_nextafterf | 0x86190 | 0x6a5 |
_o_nextafterl | 0x861c0 | 0x6a6 |
_o_nexttoward | 0x861f0 | 0x6a7 |
_o_nexttowardf | 0x86220 | 0x6a8 |
_o_nexttowardl | 0x86250 | 0x6a9 |
_o_pow | 0x86280 | 0x6aa |
_o_powf | 0x862b0 | 0x6ab |
_o_putc | 0x862e0 | 0x6ac |
_o_putchar | 0x86300 | 0x6ad |
_o_puts | 0x86320 | 0x6ae |
_o_putwc | 0x86340 | 0x6af |
_o_putwchar | 0x86360 | 0x6b0 |
_o_qsort | 0x21810 | 0x6b1 |
_o_qsort_s | 0x22010 | 0x6b2 |
_o_raise | 0x86380 | 0x6b3 |
_o_rand | 0x2d9c0 | 0x6b4 |
_o_rand_s | 0x39ef0 | 0x6b5 |
_o_realloc | 0x23910 | 0x6b6 |
_o_remainder | 0x863d0 | 0x6b7 |
_o_remainderf | 0x863a0 | 0x6b8 |
_o_remainderl | 0x863d0 | 0x6b9 |
_o_remove | 0x86400 | 0x6ba |
_o_remquo | 0x86420 | 0x6bb |
_o_remquof | 0x86450 | 0x6bc |
_o_remquol | 0x86420 | 0x6bd |
_o_rename | 0x86480 | 0x6be |
_o_rewind | 0x864a0 | 0x6bf |
_o_rint | 0x864c0 | 0x6c0 |
_o_rintf | 0x864e0 | 0x6c1 |
_o_rintl | 0x86500 | 0x6c2 |
_o_round | 0x21440 | 0x6c3 |
_o_roundf | 0x20890 | 0x6c4 |
_o_roundl | 0x86520 | 0x6c5 |
_o_scalbln | 0x86540 | 0x6c6 |
_o_scalblnf | 0x86570 | 0x6c7 |
_o_scalblnl | 0x86590 | 0x6c8 |
_o_scalbn | 0x86540 | 0x6c9 |
_o_scalbnf | 0x865b0 | 0x6ca |
_o_scalbnl | 0x86540 | 0x6cb |
_o_set_terminate | 0x865e0 | 0x6cc |
_o_setbuf | 0x86600 | 0x6cd |
_o_setlocale | 0x2b2f0 | 0x6ce |
_o_setvbuf | 0x86620 | 0x6cf |
_o_sin | 0x86640 | 0x6d0 |
_o_sinh | 0x86660 | 0x6d1 |
_o_sqrt | 0x86680 | 0x6d2 |
_o_srand | 0x23410 | 0x6d3 |
_o_strcat_s | 0x866a0 | 0x6d4 |
_o_strcoll | 0x866d0 | 0x6d5 |
_o_strcpy_s | 0x3a9b0 | 0x6d6 |
_o_strerror | 0x866f0 | 0x6d7 |
_o_strerror_s | 0x86710 | 0x6d8 |
_o_strftime | 0x398d0 | 0x6d9 |
_o_strncat_s | 0x86740 | 0x6da |
_o_strncpy_s | 0x3abd0 | 0x6db |
_o_strtod | 0x867d0 | 0x6dc |
_o_strtof | 0x86770 | 0x6dd |
_o_strtok | 0x86790 | 0x6de |
_o_strtok_s | 0x867b0 | 0x6df |
_o_strtol | 0x3a280 | 0x6e0 |
_o_strtold | 0x867d0 | 0x6e1 |
_o_strtoll | 0x867f0 | 0x6e2 |
_o_strtoul | 0x86820 | 0x6e3 |
_o_strtoull | 0x33c20 | 0x6e4 |
_o_system | 0x86840 | 0x6e5 |
_o_tan | 0x86860 | 0x6e6 |
_o_tanh | 0x86880 | 0x6e7 |
_o_terminate | 0x868a0 | 0x6e8 |
_o_tgamma | 0x868b0 | 0x6e9 |
_o_tgammaf | 0x868d0 | 0x6ea |
_o_tgammal | 0x868f0 | 0x6eb |
_o_tmpfile_s | 0x86910 | 0x6ec |
_o_tmpnam_s | 0x86930 | 0x6ed |
_o_tolower | 0x279f0 | 0x6ee |
_o_toupper | 0x3ac00 | 0x6ef |
_o_towlower | 0x3a630 | 0x6f0 |
_o_towupper | 0x27910 | 0x6f1 |
_o_ungetc | 0x86950 | 0x6f2 |
_o_ungetwc | 0x86970 | 0x6f3 |
_o_wcrtomb | 0x86990 | 0x6f4 |
_o_wcrtomb_s | 0x869b0 | 0x6f5 |
_o_wcscat_s | 0x23c40 | 0x6f6 |
_o_wcscoll | 0x869e0 | 0x6f7 |
_o_wcscpy | 0x86a00 | 0x6f8 |
_o_wcscpy_s | 0x24300 | 0x6f9 |
_o_wcsftime | 0x86a20 | 0x6fa |
_o_wcsncat_s | 0x86a40 | 0x6fb |
_o_wcsncpy_s | 0x23e70 | 0x6fc |
_o_wcsrtombs | 0x86a70 | 0x6fd |
_o_wcsrtombs_s | 0x86a90 | 0x6fe |
_o_wcstod | 0x218c0 | 0x6ff |
_o_wcstof | 0x86ac0 | 0x700 |
_o_wcstok | 0x86ae0 | 0x701 |
_o_wcstok_s | 0x3a900 | 0x702 |
_o_wcstol | 0x3a7f0 | 0x703 |
_o_wcstold | 0x86b10 | 0x704 |
_o_wcstoll | 0x3b6a0 | 0x705 |
_o_wcstombs | 0x3b710 | 0x706 |
_o_wcstombs_s | 0x86b30 | 0x707 |
_o_wcstoul | 0x38c20 | 0x708 |
_o_wcstoull | 0x86b60 | 0x709 |
_o_wctob | 0x86b90 | 0x70a |
_o_wctomb | 0x86bb0 | 0x70b |
_o_wctomb_s | 0x86bd0 | 0x70c |
_o_wmemcpy_s | 0x23c10 | 0x70d |
_o_wmemmove_s | 0x86bf0 | 0x70e |
_open | 0xd2830 | 0x70f |
_open_osfhandle | 0x38d40 | 0x710 |
_pclose | 0xc4e80 | 0x711 |
_pipe | 0xc3e00 | 0x712 |
_popen | 0xc4fc0 | 0x713 |
_purecall | 0x4e7b0 | 0x714 |
_putc_nolock | 0x96730 | 0x715 |
_putch | 0xc5060 | 0x716 |
_putch_nolock | 0xc50a0 | 0x717 |
_putenv | 0xdb2f0 | 0x718 |
_putenv_s | 0xdb310 | 0x719 |
_putw | 0xa7040 | 0x71a |
_putwc_nolock | 0x968a0 | 0x71b |
_putwch | 0xc51b0 | 0x71c |
_putwch_nolock | 0xc51f0 | 0x71d |
_putws | 0xa71b0 | 0x71e |
_query_app_type | 0x8e470 | 0x71f |
_query_new_handler | 0x8e180 | 0x720 |
_query_new_mode | 0x8e280 | 0x721 |
_read | 0x32430 | 0x722 |
_realloc_base | 0x23d90 | 0x723 |
_recalloc | 0x23d00 | 0x724 |
_register_onexit_function | 0x271e0 | 0x725 |
_register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback | 0x95090 | 0x726 |
_resetstkoflw | 0xf0690 | 0x727 |
_rmdir | 0xc8e90 | 0x728 |
_rmtmp | 0xa73d0 | 0x729 |
_rotl | 0xaa2a0 | 0x72a |
_rotl64 | 0xaa2c0 | 0x72b |
_rotr | 0xaa300 | 0x72c |
_rotr64 | 0xaa320 | 0x72d |
_scalb | 0xf40e0 | 0x72e |
_searchenv | 0xdd880 | 0x72f |
_searchenv_s | 0xdd8b0 | 0x730 |
_seh_filter_dll | 0x91410 | 0x731 |
_seh_filter_exe | 0x91440 | 0x732 |
_seh_longjmp_unwind | 0x4e584 | 0x734 |
_seh_longjmp_unwind4 | 0x4e978 | 0x733 |
_set_SSE2_enable | 0xf3610 | 0x735 |
_set_abort_behavior | 0x93330 | 0x736 |
_set_app_type | 0x3ac90 | 0x737 |
_set_controlfp | 0x58bf0 | 0x738 |
_set_doserrno | 0x91270 | 0x739 |
_set_errno | 0x234c0 | 0x73a |
_set_error_mode | 0x91af0 | 0x73b |
_set_fmode | 0x3a8d0 | 0x73c |
_set_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x3bce0 | 0x73d |
_set_new_handler | 0x8e1f0 | 0x73e |
_set_new_mode | 0x3a8a0 | 0x73f |
_set_printf_count_output | 0xa6d90 | 0x740 |
_set_purecall_handler | 0x4e7f0 | 0x741 |
_set_se_translator | 0x4ea20 | 0x742 |
_set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler | 0x91940 | 0x743 |
_seterrormode | 0xf0770 | 0x744 |
_setjmp3 | 0x4ea40 | 0x745 |
_setmaxstdio | 0xa7630 | 0x746 |
_setmbcp | 0x90ec0 | 0x747 |
_setmode | 0xd2bf0 | 0x748 |
_setsystime | 0xf0940 | 0x749 |
_sleep | 0xf07b0 | 0x74a |
_sopen | 0xd2850 | 0x74b |
_sopen_dispatch | 0xd2890 | 0x74c |
_sopen_s | 0xd28c0 | 0x74d |
_spawnl | 0xe00b0 | 0x74e |
_spawnle | 0xe00e0 | 0x74f |
_spawnlp | 0xe0810 | 0x750 |
_spawnlpe | 0xe0840 | 0x751 |
_spawnv | 0xe2130 | 0x752 |
_spawnve | 0xe2150 | 0x753 |
_spawnvp | 0xe32c0 | 0x754 |
_spawnvpe | 0xe32e0 | 0x755 |
_splitpath | 0xc9800 | 0x756 |
_splitpath_s | 0x3aff0 | 0x757 |
_stat32 | 0xce240 | 0x758 |
_stat32i64 | 0xce260 | 0x759 |
_stat64 | 0xce280 | 0x75a |
_stat64i32 | 0xce2a0 | 0x75b |
_statusfp | 0x58c70 | 0x75c |
_statusfp2 | 0x58d20 | 0x75d |
_strcoll_l | 0x3c660 | 0x75e |
_strdate | 0xd65b0 | 0x75f |
_strdate_s | 0xd65d0 | 0x760 |
_strdup | 0x3c7f0 | 0x761 |
_strerror | 0x932f0 | 0x762 |
_strerror_s | 0x93310 | 0x763 |
_strftime_l | 0xd6660 | 0x764 |
_stricmp | 0x3c890 | 0x765 |
_stricmp_l | 0x3c8e0 | 0x766 |
_stricoll | 0x3c980 | 0x767 |
_stricoll_l | 0x3c9b0 | 0x768 |
_strlwr | 0x3cc50 | 0x769 |
_strlwr_l | 0x3ccc0 | 0x76a |
_strlwr_s | 0x3cce0 | 0x76b |
_strlwr_s_l | 0x3cd00 | 0x76c |
_strncoll | 0x3d010 | 0x76d |
_strncoll_l | 0x3d090 | 0x76e |
_strnicmp | 0x3d350 | 0x76f |
_strnicmp_l | 0x3d3d0 | 0x770 |
_strnicoll | 0x3d490 | 0x771 |
_strnicoll_l | 0x3d4c0 | 0x772 |
_strnset | 0x3d9a0 | 0x773 |
_strnset_s | 0x3d9d0 | 0x774 |
_strrev | 0x3da90 | 0x775 |
_strset | 0x3dad0 | 0x776 |
_strset_s | 0x3db00 | 0x777 |
_strtime | 0xd6b20 | 0x778 |
_strtime_s | 0xd6b40 | 0x779 |
_strtod_l | 0x8b0f0 | 0x77a |
_strtof_l | 0x8b0d0 | 0x77b |
_strtoi64 | 0x8b190 | 0x77c |
_strtoi64_l | 0x8b210 | 0x77d |
_strtoimax_l | 0x8b210 | 0x77e |
_strtol_l | 0x8b1d0 | 0x77f |
_strtold_l | 0x8b0f0 | 0x780 |
_strtoll_l | 0x8b210 | 0x781 |
_strtoui64 | 0x30f90 | 0x782 |
_strtoui64_l | 0x8b250 | 0x783 |
_strtoul_l | 0x8b290 | 0x784 |
_strtoull_l | 0x8b250 | 0x785 |
_strtoumax_l | 0x8b250 | 0x786 |
_strupr | 0x3de70 | 0x787 |
_strupr_l | 0x3dee0 | 0x788 |
_strupr_s | 0x3df00 | 0x789 |
_strupr_s_l | 0x3df20 | 0x78a |
_strxfrm_l | 0x3df60 | 0x78b |
_swab | 0x8b410 | 0x78c |
_tell | 0xd2e00 | 0x78d |
_telli64 | 0xd2e20 | 0x78e |
_tempnam | 0xa8110 | 0x78f |
_time32 | 0x34c40 | 0x790 |
_time64 | 0x34d40 | 0x791 |
_timespec32_get | 0xd6d00 | 0x792 |
_timespec64_get | 0xd6d20 | 0x793 |
_tolower | 0x3bd30 | 0x794 |
_tolower_l | 0x8b550 | 0x795 |
_toupper | 0x8b570 | 0x796 |
_toupper_l | 0x8b590 | 0x797 |
_towlower_l | 0x38b40 | 0x798 |
_towupper_l | 0x52c50 | 0x799 |
_tzset | 0xd7c10 | 0x79a |
_ui64toa | 0x8c8f0 | 0x79b |
_ui64toa_s | 0x3a4a0 | 0x79c |
_ui64tow | 0x8c920 | 0x79d |
_ui64tow_s | 0x37620 | 0x79e |
_ultoa | 0x8c950 | 0x79f |
_ultoa_s | 0x8c980 | 0x7a0 |
_ultow | 0x8c9b0 | 0x7a1 |
_ultow_s | 0x370e0 | 0x7a2 |
_umask | 0xd2e70 | 0x7a3 |
_umask_s | 0xd2ea0 | 0x7a4 |
_ungetc_nolock | 0xa8e40 | 0x7a5 |
_ungetch | 0xc3740 | 0x7a6 |
_ungetch_nolock | 0xc37a0 | 0x7a7 |
_ungetwc_nolock | 0xa9200 | 0x7a8 |
_ungetwch | 0xc39c0 | 0x7a9 |
_ungetwch_nolock | 0xc3a20 | 0x7aa |
_unlink | 0xce340 | 0x7ab |
_unloaddll | 0xdfa40 | 0x7ac |
_unlock_file | 0x3bbc0 | 0x7ad |
_unlock_locales | 0x38830 | 0x7ae |
_utime32 | 0xd9180 | 0x7af |
_utime64 | 0xd91a0 | 0x7b0 |
_waccess | 0xce3a0 | 0x7b1 |
_waccess_s | 0xce3c0 | 0x7b2 |
_wasctime | 0xd3aa0 | 0x7b3 |
_wasctime_s | 0xd3ac0 | 0x7b4 |
_wassert | 0x94d90 | 0x7b5 |
_wchdir | 0xeee80 | 0x7b6 |
_wchmod | 0xce9b0 | 0x7b7 |
_wcreat | 0xcfc80 | 0x7b8 |
_wcreate_locale | 0x3b3e0 | 0x7b9 |
_wcscoll_l | 0x3e1c0 | 0x7ba |
_wcsdup | 0x3e400 | 0x7bb |
_wcserror | 0x924d0 | 0x7bc |
_wcserror_s | 0x924f0 | 0x7bd |
_wcsftime_l | 0xd98a0 | 0x7be |
_wcsicmp | 0x3e470 | 0x7bf |
_wcsicmp_l | 0x3e510 | 0x7c0 |
_wcsicoll | 0x3e600 | 0x7c1 |
_wcsicoll_l | 0x3e6a0 | 0x7c2 |
_wcslwr | 0x3e8f0 | 0x7c3 |
_wcslwr_l | 0x3e960 | 0x7c4 |
_wcslwr_s | 0x3e980 | 0x7c5 |
_wcslwr_s_l | 0x3e9a0 | 0x7c6 |
_wcsncoll | 0x3eba0 | 0x7c7 |
_wcsncoll_l | 0x3ec20 | 0x7c8 |
_wcsnicmp | 0x3ee00 | 0x7c9 |
_wcsnicmp_l | 0x3eec0 | 0x7ca |
_wcsnicoll | 0x3efd0 | 0x7cb |
_wcsnicoll_l | 0x3f0a0 | 0x7cc |
_wcsnset | 0x3f1d0 | 0x7cd |
_wcsnset_s | 0x3f290 | 0x7ce |
_wcsrev | 0x3f2f0 | 0x7cf |
_wcsset | 0x3f330 | 0x7d0 |
_wcsset_s | 0x3f360 | 0x7d1 |
_wcstod_l | 0x8b110 | 0x7d2 |
_wcstof_l | 0x8b130 | 0x7d3 |
_wcstoi64 | 0x3b6d0 | 0x7d4 |
_wcstoi64_l | 0x8b310 | 0x7d5 |
_wcstoimax_l | 0x8b310 | 0x7d6 |
_wcstol_l | 0x8b2d0 | 0x7d7 |
_wcstold_l | 0x8b110 | 0x7d8 |
_wcstoll_l | 0x8b310 | 0x7d9 |
_wcstombs_l | 0x8c0b0 | 0x7da |
_wcstombs_s_l | 0x2b070 | 0x7db |
_wcstoui64 | 0x3a380 | 0x7dc |
_wcstoui64_l | 0x8b390 | 0x7dd |
_wcstoul_l | 0x8b350 | 0x7de |
_wcstoull_l | 0x8b390 | 0x7df |
_wcstoumax_l | 0x8b390 | 0x7e0 |
_wcsupr | 0x3f6b0 | 0x7e1 |
_wcsupr_l | 0x3f720 | 0x7e2 |
_wcsupr_s | 0x3f740 | 0x7e3 |
_wcsupr_s_l | 0x3f760 | 0x7e4 |
_wcsxfrm_l | 0x3f7a0 | 0x7e5 |
_wctime32 | 0xd4d40 | 0x7e6 |
_wctime32_s | 0xd4d60 | 0x7e7 |
_wctime64 | 0xd4d80 | 0x7e8 |
_wctime64_s | 0xd4da0 | 0x7e9 |
_wctomb_l | 0x8c0d0 | 0x7ea |
_wctomb_s_l | 0x2c4e0 | 0x7eb |
_wctype | 0x6b50 | 0x7ec |
_wdupenv_s | 0x21920 | 0x7ed |
_wexecl | 0xe0110 | 0x7ee |
_wexecle | 0xe0140 | 0x7ef |
_wexeclp | 0xe0870 | 0x7f0 |
_wexeclpe | 0xe08a0 | 0x7f1 |
_wexecv | 0xe2170 | 0x7f2 |
_wexecve | 0xe2190 | 0x7f3 |
_wexecvp | 0xe3300 | 0x7f4 |
_wexecvpe | 0xe3320 | 0x7f5 |
_wfdopen | 0x957a0 | 0x7f6 |
_wfindfirst32 | 0xc8180 | 0x7f7 |
_wfindfirst32i64 | 0xc81a0 | 0x7f8 |
_wfindfirst64 | 0xc81c0 | 0x7f9 |
_wfindfirst64i32 | 0xc81e0 | 0x7fa |
_wfindnext32 | 0xc8200 | 0x7fb |
_wfindnext32i64 | 0xc8220 | 0x7fc |
_wfindnext64 | 0xc8240 | 0x7fd |
_wfindnext64i32 | 0xc8260 | 0x7fe |
_wfopen | 0x34c20 | 0x7ff |
_wfopen_s | 0x966a0 | 0x800 |
_wfreopen | 0x96cb0 | 0x801 |
_wfreopen_s | 0x96ce0 | 0x802 |
_wfsopen | 0x32500 | 0x803 |
_wfullpath | 0x21360 | 0x804 |
_wgetcwd | 0xf0640 | 0x805 |
_wgetdcwd | 0xf0660 | 0x806 |
_wgetenv | 0xda0b0 | 0x807 |
_wgetenv_s | 0xda0d0 | 0x808 |
_wmakepath | 0xc8d10 | 0x809 |
_wmakepath_s | 0xc8d40 | 0x80a |
_wmkdir | 0x38590 | 0x80b |
_wmktemp | 0xd2640 | 0x80c |
_wmktemp_s | 0xd2660 | 0x80d |
_wopen | 0xd28f0 | 0x80e |
_wperror | 0x92780 | 0x80f |
_wpopen | 0xc4fe0 | 0x810 |
_wputenv | 0xdb4e0 | 0x811 |
_wputenv_s | 0xdb500 | 0x812 |
_wremove | 0xcec20 | 0x813 |
_wrename | 0x3bc90 | 0x814 |
_write | 0x310d0 | 0x815 |
_wrmdir | 0xcebf0 | 0x816 |
_wsearchenv | 0xdd8d0 | 0x817 |
_wsearchenv_s | 0xdd900 | 0x818 |
_wsetlocale | 0x28f80 | 0x819 |
_wsopen | 0xd2910 | 0x81a |
_wsopen_dispatch | 0xd2950 | 0x81b |
_wsopen_s | 0xd2980 | 0x81c |
_wspawnl | 0xe0170 | 0x81d |
_wspawnle | 0xe01a0 | 0x81e |
_wspawnlp | 0xe08d0 | 0x81f |
_wspawnlpe | 0xe0900 | 0x820 |
_wspawnv | 0xe21b0 | 0x821 |
_wspawnve | 0xe21d0 | 0x822 |
_wspawnvp | 0xe3340 | 0x823 |
_wspawnvpe | 0xe3360 | 0x824 |
_wsplitpath | 0xc9830 | 0x825 |
_wsplitpath_s | 0x246a0 | 0x826 |
_wstat32 | 0xce2c0 | 0x827 |
_wstat32i64 | 0xce2e0 | 0x828 |
_wstat64 | 0xce300 | 0x829 |
_wstat64i32 | 0xce320 | 0x82a |
_wstrdate | 0xd65f0 | 0x82b |
_wstrdate_s | 0xd6610 | 0x82c |
_wstrtime | 0xd6b60 | 0x82d |
_wstrtime_s | 0xd6b80 | 0x82e |
_wsystem | 0xe4030 | 0x82f |
_wtempnam | 0xa8130 | 0x830 |
_wtmpnam | 0xa8b70 | 0x831 |
_wtmpnam_s | 0xa8ba0 | 0x832 |
_wtof | 0x225d0 | 0x833 |
_wtof_l | 0x87680 | 0x834 |
_wtoi | 0x38560 | 0x835 |
_wtoi64 | 0x2e980 | 0x836 |
_wtoi64_l | 0x88620 | 0x837 |
_wtoi_l | 0x88650 | 0x838 |
_wtol | 0x38560 | 0x839 |
_wtol_l | 0x88650 | 0x83a |
_wtoll | 0x2e980 | 0x83b |
_wtoll_l | 0x88620 | 0x83c |
_wunlink | 0xcec50 | 0x83d |
_wutime32 | 0xd91c0 | 0x83e |
_wutime64 | 0xd91e0 | 0x83f |
_y0 | 0xaac20 | 0x840 |
_y1 | 0xaadf0 | 0x841 |
_yn | 0xaafd0 | 0x842 |
abort | 0x93360 | 0x843 |
abs | 0x3bdc0 | 0x844 |
acos | 0x40440 | 0x845 |
acosh | 0xaa440 | 0x846 |
acoshf | 0xaa360 | 0x847 |
acoshl | 0xaa440 | 0x848 |
asctime | 0xd3ae0 | 0x849 |
asctime_s | 0xd3b00 | 0x84a |
asin | 0x41020 | 0x84b |
asinh | 0xaa5b0 | 0x84c |
asinhf | 0xaa4f0 | 0x84d |
asinhl | 0xaa5b0 | 0x84e |
atan | 0x41c50 | 0x84f |
atan2 | 0x41ca0 | 0x850 |
atanh | 0xaa720 | 0x851 |
atanhf | 0xaa650 | 0x852 |
atanhl | 0xaa720 | 0x853 |
atof | 0x20d40 | 0x854 |
atoi | 0x2c3d0 | 0x855 |
atol | 0x2c3d0 | 0x856 |
atoll | 0x3b4f0 | 0x857 |
bsearch | 0x236f0 | 0x858 |
bsearch_s | 0x21ab0 | 0x859 |
btowc | 0x8a6b0 | 0x85a |
c16rtomb | 0x88680 | 0x85b |
c32rtomb | 0x887b0 | 0x85c |
cabs | 0xab150 | 0x85d |
cabsf | 0xab110 | 0x85e |
cabsl | 0xab150 | 0x85f |
cacos | 0xaba80 | 0x860 |
cacosf | 0xab1a0 | 0x861 |
cacosh | 0xab420 | 0x862 |
cacoshf | 0xab7c0 | 0x863 |
cacoshl | 0xab420 | 0x864 |
cacosl | 0xaba80 | 0x865 |
calloc | 0x24040 | 0x866 |
carg | 0xabe00 | 0x867 |
cargf | 0xabdc0 | 0x868 |
cargl | 0xabe00 | 0x869 |
casin | 0xabe50 | 0x86a |
casinf | 0xabf00 | 0x86b |
casinh | 0xabf60 | 0x86c |
casinhf | 0xac2d0 | 0x86d |
casinhl | 0xabf60 | 0x86e |
casinl | 0xabe50 | 0x86f |
catan | 0xacbc0 | 0x870 |
catanf | 0xac550 | 0x871 |
catanh | 0xac8e0 | 0x872 |
catanhf | 0xac5b0 | 0x873 |
catanhl | 0xac8e0 | 0x874 |
catanl | 0xacbc0 | 0x875 |
cbrt | 0xacd70 | 0x876 |
cbrtf | 0xacc70 | 0x877 |
cbrtl | 0xacd70 | 0x878 |
ccos | 0xace80 | 0x879 |
ccosf | 0xacf00 | 0x87a |
ccosh | 0xad020 | 0x87b |
ccoshf | 0xad2c0 | 0x87c |
ccoshl | 0xad530 | 0x87d |
ccosl | 0xad6f0 | 0x87e |
ceil | 0x42350 | 0x87f |
cexp | 0xad770 | 0x880 |
cexpf | 0xad970 | 0x881 |
cexpl | 0xadb40 | 0x882 |
cimag | 0xadd80 | 0x883 |
cimagf | 0xadd40 | 0x884 |
cimagl | 0xadd80 | 0x885 |
clearerr | 0x95380 | 0x886 |
clearerr_s | 0x95390 | 0x887 |
clock | 0x35770 | 0x888 |
clog | 0xaddc0 | 0x889 |
clog10 | 0xadff0 | 0x88a |
clog10f | 0xae050 | 0x88b |
clog10l | 0xadff0 | 0x88c |
clogf | 0xae0b0 | 0x88d |
clogl | 0xaddc0 | 0x88e |
conj | 0xae300 | 0x88f |
conjf | 0xae2c0 | 0x890 |
conjl | 0xae300 | 0x891 |
copysign | 0xae380 | 0x892 |
copysignf | 0xae350 | 0x893 |
copysignl | 0xae380 | 0x894 |
cos | 0x42600 | 0x895 |
cosh | 0x42650 | 0x896 |
cpow | 0xae4c0 | 0x897 |
cpowf | 0xae660 | 0x898 |
cpowl | 0xae700 | 0x899 |
cproj | 0xae840 | 0x89a |
cprojf | 0xae940 | 0x89b |
cprojl | 0xae840 | 0x89c |
creal | 0xaea20 | 0x89d |
crealf | 0xae9e0 | 0x89e |
creall | 0xaea20 | 0x89f |
csin | 0xaea60 | 0x8a0 |
csinf | 0xaeb10 | 0x8a1 |
csinh | 0xaecb0 | 0x8a2 |
csinhf | 0xaef90 | 0x8a3 |
csinhl | 0xaf220 | 0x8a4 |
csinl | 0xaf390 | 0x8a5 |
csqrt | 0xaf5f0 | 0x8a6 |
csqrtf | 0xaf9e0 | 0x8a7 |
csqrtl | 0xaf5f0 | 0x8a8 |
ctan | 0xafbd0 | 0x8a9 |
ctanf | 0xafc80 | 0x8aa |
ctanh | 0xafce0 | 0x8ab |
ctanhf | 0xafe80 | 0x8ac |
ctanhl | 0xafce0 | 0x8ad |
ctanl | 0xafbd0 | 0x8ae |
div | 0x3b580 | 0x8af |
erf | 0xb0090 | 0x8b0 |
erfc | 0xb01b0 | 0x8b1 |
erfcf | 0xb03f0 | 0x8b2 |
erfcl | 0xb0630 | 0x8b3 |
erff | 0xb0890 | 0x8b4 |
erfl | 0xb0a20 | 0x8b5 |
exit | 0x21c90 | 0x8b6 |
exp | 0x42ac0 | 0x8b7 |
exp2 | 0xb0d80 | 0x8b8 |
exp2f | 0xb10c0 | 0x8b9 |
exp2l | 0xb13f0 | 0x8ba |
expm1 | 0xb14d0 | 0x8bb |
expm1f | 0xb15b0 | 0x8bc |
expm1l | 0xb14d0 | 0x8bd |
fabs | 0xb1680 | 0x8be |
fclose | 0x31c50 | 0x8bf |
fdim | 0xb16d0 | 0x8c0 |
fdimf | 0xb1720 | 0x8c1 |
fdiml | 0xb16d0 | 0x8c2 |
feclearexcept | 0xb1780 | 0x8c3 |
fegetenv | 0xb17e0 | 0x8c4 |
fegetexceptflag | 0xb1810 | 0x8c5 |
fegetround | 0xb18a0 | 0x8c6 |
feholdexcept | 0xb18d0 | 0x8c7 |
feof | 0x957c0 | 0x8c8 |
ferror | 0x958c0 | 0x8c9 |
fesetenv | 0xb1920 | 0x8ca |
fesetexceptflag | 0xb1960 | 0x8cb |
fesetround | 0xb19c0 | 0x8cc |
fetestexcept | 0xb1a30 | 0x8cd |
fflush | 0x31660 | 0x8ce |
fgetc | 0x95b30 | 0x8cf |
fgetpos | 0x349b0 | 0x8d0 |
fgets | 0x95f70 | 0x8d1 |
fgetwc | 0x96240 | 0x8d2 |
fgetws | 0x95f90 | 0x8d3 |
floor | 0x430b0 | 0x8d4 |
fma | 0xb1aa0 | 0x8d5 |
fmaf | 0xb2310 | 0x8d6 |
fmal | 0xb1aa0 | 0x8d7 |
fmax | 0xb2b60 | 0x8d8 |
fmaxf | 0xb2bd0 | 0x8d9 |
fmaxl | 0xb2b60 | 0x8da |
fmin | 0xb2c40 | 0x8db |
fminf | 0xb2cb0 | 0x8dc |
fminl | 0xb2c40 | 0x8dd |
fmod | 0x40010 | 0x8de |
fopen | 0x966c0 | 0x8df |
fopen_s | 0x966e0 | 0x8e0 |
fputc | 0x96740 | 0x8e1 |
fputs | 0x31b30 | 0x8e2 |
fputwc | 0x968b0 | 0x8e3 |
fputws | 0x96970 | 0x8e4 |
fread | 0x327f0 | 0x8e5 |
fread_s | 0x32770 | 0x8e6 |
free | 0x27e10 | 0x8e7 |
freopen | 0x96d10 | 0x8e8 |
freopen_s | 0x96d40 | 0x8e9 |
frexp | 0xb35f0 | 0x8ea |
fseek | 0x31560 | 0x8eb |
fsetpos | 0x96e50 | 0x8ec |
ftell | 0x974c0 | 0x8ed |
fwrite | 0x31760 | 0x8ee |
getc | 0x95c60 | 0x8ef |
getchar | 0x95af0 | 0x8f0 |
getenv | 0x3a0c0 | 0x8f1 |
getenv_s | 0x3a140 | 0x8f2 |
gets | 0x977e0 | 0x8f3 |
gets_s | 0x97800 | 0x8f4 |
getwc | 0x962d0 | 0x8f5 |
getwchar | 0x96200 | 0x8f6 |
hypot | 0xf3340 | 0x8f7 |
ilogb | 0xb37f0 | 0x8f8 |
ilogbf | 0xb3840 | 0x8f9 |
ilogbl | 0xb37f0 | 0x8fa |
imaxabs | 0x3bda0 | 0x8fb |
imaxdiv | 0xa9780 | 0x8fc |
is_wctype | 0xf0680 | 0x8fd |
isalnum | 0x38c90 | 0x8fe |
isalpha | 0x27e70 | 0x8ff |
isblank | 0x8cd80 | 0x900 |
iscntrl | 0x31580 | 0x901 |
isdigit | 0x286a0 | 0x902 |
isgraph | 0x8cdc0 | 0x903 |
isleadbyte | 0x8d360 | 0x904 |
islower | 0x8ce00 | 0x905 |
isprint | 0x8ce40 | 0x906 |
ispunct | 0x8ce80 | 0x907 |
isspace | 0x28200 | 0x908 |
isupper | 0x38cc0 | 0x909 |
iswalnum | 0x23bb0 | 0x90a |
iswalpha | 0x21f70 | 0x90b |
iswascii | 0x3abb0 | 0x90c |
iswblank | 0x8d380 | 0x90d |
iswcntrl | 0x8d240 | 0x90e |
iswctype | 0x23cb0 | 0x90f |
iswdigit | 0x23c90 | 0x910 |
iswgraph | 0x8d2c0 | 0x911 |
iswlower | 0x8d2e0 | 0x912 |
iswprint | 0x8d300 | 0x913 |
iswpunct | 0x8d320 | 0x914 |
iswspace | 0x35840 | 0x915 |
iswupper | 0x8d3b0 | 0x916 |
iswxdigit | 0x21880 | 0x917 |
isxdigit | 0x286d0 | 0x918 |
labs | 0x3bdc0 | 0x919 |
ldexp | 0xb3890 | 0x91a |
ldiv | 0x3b580 | 0x91b |
lgamma | 0xb3ac0 | 0x91c |
lgammaf | 0xb42e0 | 0x91d |
lgammal | 0xb4ae0 | 0x91e |
llabs | 0x3bda0 | 0x91f |
lldiv | 0xa9d80 | 0x920 |
llrint | 0xb4d90 | 0x921 |
llrintf | 0xb4d00 | 0x922 |
llrintl | 0xb4d90 | 0x923 |
llround | 0x20eb0 | 0x924 |
llroundf | 0xb4e20 | 0x925 |
llroundl | 0xb4e90 | 0x926 |
localeconv | 0x22d80 | 0x927 |
log | 0x43240 | 0x928 |
log10 | 0x43290 | 0x929 |
log1p | 0xb4fc0 | 0x92a |
log1pf | 0xb4f00 | 0x92b |
log1pl | 0xb4fc0 | 0x92c |
log2 | 0x21760 | 0x92d |
log2f | 0xb51d0 | 0x92e |
log2l | 0xb5380 | 0x92f |
logb | 0xb5410 | 0x930 |
logbf | 0xb53a0 | 0x931 |
logbl | 0xb5410 | 0x932 |
longjmp | 0x4eac0 | 0x933 |
lrint | 0xb5480 | 0x934 |
lrintf | 0xb5510 | 0x935 |
lrintl | 0xb5480 | 0x936 |
lround | 0x20ce0 | 0x937 |
lroundf | 0xb55a0 | 0x938 |
lroundl | 0xb5610 | 0x939 |
malloc | 0x28d60 | 0x93a |
mblen | 0x89b40 | 0x93b |
mbrlen | 0x8a710 | 0x93c |
mbrtoc16 | 0x89b80 | 0x93d |
mbrtoc32 | 0x89de0 | 0x93e |
mbrtowc | 0x8a750 | 0x93f |
mbsrtowcs | 0x8a7b0 | 0x940 |
mbsrtowcs_s | 0x8a7d0 | 0x941 |
mbstowcs | 0x3b810 | 0x942 |
mbstowcs_s | 0x3bb30 | 0x943 |
mbtowc | 0x8ab10 | 0x944 |
memchr | 0x4eae0 | 0x945 |
memcmp | 0x4eba0 | 0x946 |
memcpy | 0x50120 | 0x947 |
memcpy_s | 0x3c240 | 0x948 |
memmove | 0x506a0 | 0x949 |
memmove_s | 0x3c2d0 | 0x94a |
memset | 0x50c20 | 0x94b |
modf | 0x43f40 | 0x94c |
nan | 0xb5800 | 0x94d |
nanf | 0xb57d0 | 0x94e |
nanl | 0xb5800 | 0x94f |
nearbyint | 0xb5810 | 0x950 |
nearbyintf | 0xb5840 | 0x951 |
nearbyintl | 0xb5810 | 0x952 |
nextafter | 0xb5870 | 0x953 |
nextafterf | 0xb58a0 | 0x954 |
nextafterl | 0xb5870 | 0x955 |
nexttoward | 0xb58d0 | 0x956 |
nexttowardf | 0xb5a40 | 0x957 |
nexttowardl | 0xb58d0 | 0x958 |
norm | 0xb5bc0 | 0x959 |
normf | 0xb5b80 | 0x95a |
norml | 0xb5bc0 | 0x95b |
perror | 0x91a30 | 0x95c |
pow | 0x44090 | 0x95d |
powf | 0x86c20 | 0x95e |
putc | 0x96870 | 0x95f |
putchar | 0x96880 | 0x960 |
puts | 0xa6e80 | 0x961 |
putwc | 0x96940 | 0x962 |
putwchar | 0x96950 | 0x963 |
qsort | 0x22080 | 0x964 |
qsort_s | 0x22f40 | 0x965 |
quick_exit | 0x950d0 | 0x966 |
raise | 0x91f20 | 0x967 |
rand | 0x23490 | 0x968 |
rand_s | 0x39f50 | 0x969 |
realloc | 0x23d80 | 0x96a |
remainder | 0xb5da0 | 0x96b |
remainderf | 0xf4100 | 0x96c |
remainderl | 0xb5da0 | 0x96d |
remove | 0xce350 | 0x96e |
remquo | 0xb5fc0 | 0x96f |
remquof | 0xb5dd0 | 0x970 |
remquol | 0xb5fc0 | 0x971 |
rename | 0xc8dc0 | 0x972 |
rewind | 0xa72e0 | 0x973 |
rint | 0xb6460 | 0x974 |
rintf | 0xb62e0 | 0x975 |
rintl | 0xb6460 | 0x976 |
round | 0x215f0 | 0x977 |
roundf | 0x20b40 | 0x978 |
roundl | 0xb64b0 | 0x979 |
scalbln | 0xb6560 | 0x97a |
scalblnf | 0xb6510 | 0x97b |
scalblnl | 0xb6560 | 0x97c |
scalbn | 0xb6560 | 0x97d |
scalbnf | 0xb6510 | 0x97e |
scalbnl | 0xb6560 | 0x97f |
set_terminate | 0x92640 | 0x980 |
set_unexpected | 0x4e840 | 0x981 |
setbuf | 0xa7480 | 0x982 |
setlocale | 0x29000 | 0x983 |
setvbuf | 0xa7870 | 0x984 |
signal | 0x3b5a0 | 0x985 |
sin | 0x459b0 | 0x986 |
sinh | 0x45a00 | 0x987 |
sqrt | 0x45ea0 | 0x988 |
srand | 0x23470 | 0x989 |
strcat | 0x3c460 | 0x98a |
strcat_s | 0x3c550 | 0x98b |
strchr | 0x50d80 | 0x98c |
strcmp | 0x3c5c0 | 0x98d |
strcoll | 0x3c720 | 0x98e |
strcpy | 0x3c450 | 0x98f |
strcpy_s | 0x3c740 | 0x990 |
strcspn | 0x3c7a0 | 0x991 |
strerror | 0x3a650 | 0x992 |
strerror_s | 0x92510 | 0x993 |
strftime | 0x39940 | 0x994 |
strlen | 0x3ca50 | 0x995 |
strncat | 0x3cd40 | 0x996 |
strncat_s | 0x3cf50 | 0x997 |
strncmp | 0x3cf60 | 0x998 |
strncpy | 0x3d160 | 0x999 |
strncpy_s | 0x3d340 | 0x99a |
strnlen | 0x3d590 | 0x99b |
strpbrk | 0x3da50 | 0x99c |
strrchr | 0x50eb0 | 0x99d |
strspn | 0x3db50 | 0x99e |
strstr | 0x51000 | 0x99f |
strtod | 0x20f60 | 0x9a0 |
strtof | 0x8b150 | 0x9a1 |
strtoimax | 0x8b190 | 0x9a2 |
strtok | 0x3dba0 | 0x9a3 |
strtok_s | 0x3dcb0 | 0x9a4 |
strtol | 0x3a2f0 | 0x9a5 |
strtold | 0x20f60 | 0x9a6 |
strtoll | 0x33be0 | 0x9a7 |
strtoul | 0x39eb0 | 0x9a8 |
strtoull | 0x30f90 | 0x9a9 |
strtoumax | 0x8b3d0 | 0x9aa |
strxfrm | 0x3e090 | 0x9ab |
system | 0xe4050 | 0x9ac |
tan | 0x46070 | 0x9ad |
tanh | 0x460c0 | 0x9ae |
terminate | 0x92730 | 0x9af |
tgamma | 0xb6e90 | 0x9b0 |
tgammaf | 0xb78e0 | 0x9b1 |
tgammal | 0xb83d0 | 0x9b2 |
tmpfile | 0xa8cb0 | 0x9b3 |
tmpfile_s | 0xa8ce0 | 0x9b4 |
tmpnam | 0xa8d00 | 0x9b5 |
tmpnam_s | 0xa8d30 | 0x9b6 |
tolower | 0x33f30 | 0x9b7 |
toupper | 0x33e90 | 0x9b8 |
towctrans | 0x8c1b0 | 0x9b9 |
towlower | 0x38b20 | 0x9ba |
towupper | 0x2a980 | 0x9bb |
trunc | 0xb85d0 | 0x9bc |
truncf | 0xb85f0 | 0x9bd |
truncl | 0xb85d0 | 0x9be |
unexpected | 0x4e870 | 0x9bf |
ungetc | 0xa9010 | 0x9c0 |
ungetwc | 0xa92c0 | 0x9c1 |
wcrtomb | 0x8bb70 | 0x9c2 |
wcrtomb_s | 0x8bbb0 | 0x9c3 |
wcscat | 0x3e0b0 | 0x9c4 |
wcscat_s | 0x3e0f0 | 0x9c5 |
wcschr | 0x51270 | 0x9c6 |
wcscmp | 0x3e170 | 0x9c7 |
wcscoll | 0x3e280 | 0x9c8 |
wcscpy | 0x3e300 | 0x9c9 |
wcscpy_s | 0x3e330 | 0x9ca |
wcscspn | 0x3e3a0 | 0x9cb |
wcsftime | 0xd98d0 | 0x9cc |
wcslen | 0x3d6c0 | 0x9cd |
wcsncat | 0x3e9e0 | 0x9ce |
wcsncat_s | 0x3eb20 | 0x9cf |
wcsncmp | 0x3eb30 | 0x9d0 |
wcsncpy | 0x3ecd0 | 0x9d1 |
wcsncpy_s | 0x3edf0 | 0x9d2 |
wcsnlen | 0x3d7f0 | 0x9d3 |
wcspbrk | 0x3f2a0 | 0x9d4 |
wcsrchr | 0x51330 | 0x9d5 |
wcsrtombs | 0x8bd10 | 0x9d6 |
wcsrtombs_s | 0x8bd30 | 0x9d7 |
wcsspn | 0x3f3c0 | 0x9d8 |
wcsstr | 0x513e0 | 0x9d9 |
wcstod | 0x21bb0 | 0x9da |
wcstof | 0x8b170 | 0x9db |
wcstoimax | 0x3b6d0 | 0x9dc |
wcstok | 0x3f410 | 0x9dd |
wcstok_s | 0x3f4f0 | 0x9de |
wcstol | 0x3a860 | 0x9df |
wcstold | 0x21bb0 | 0x9e0 |
wcstoll | 0x3b6d0 | 0x9e1 |
wcstombs | 0x3b780 | 0x9e2 |
wcstombs_s | 0x3b840 | 0x9e3 |
wcstoul | 0x28b10 | 0x9e4 |
wcstoull | 0x3b220 | 0x9e5 |
wcstoumax | 0x3a380 | 0x9e6 |
wcsxfrm | 0x3f8f0 | 0x9e7 |
wctob | 0x8c050 | 0x9e8 |
wctomb | 0x8c140 | 0x9e9 |
wctomb_s | 0x8c180 | 0x9ea |
wctrans | 0x8c1e0 | 0x9eb |
wctype | 0x8c250 | 0x9ec |
wmemcpy_s | 0x3f910 | 0x9ed |
wmemmove_s | 0x3f9d0 | 0x9ee |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78 |
Thumbprint | 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FF335045\/vcruntime140.dll | Dropped File | Binary |
Severity |
First Seen | 2017-06-02 19:06 (UTC+2) |
Last Seen | 2019-06-25 11:53 (UTC+2) |
Image Base | 0x10000000 |
Entry Point | 0x1000ae00 |
Size Of Code | 0xea00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x2000 |
File Type | FileType.dll |
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Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2017-05-25 20:01:16+00:00 |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
FileVersion | 14.11.25325.0 built by: VCTOOLSREL |
InternalName | vcruntime140.dll |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | vcruntime140.dll |
ProductName | Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 |
ProductVersion | 14.11.25325.0 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
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.rsrc | 0x10012000 | 0x408 | 0x600 | 0xf600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 2.46 |
.reloc | 0x10013000 | 0xa94 | 0xc00 | 0xfc00 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.21 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
abort | 0x0 | 0x1001109c | 0x111e8 | 0xf1e8 | 0x57 |
terminate | 0x0 | 0x100110a0 | 0x111ec | 0xf1ec | 0x6a |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
strcpy_s | 0x0 | 0x100110b0 | 0x111fc | 0xf1fc | 0x89 |
wcsncmp | 0x0 | 0x100110b4 | 0x11200 | 0xf200 | 0xa6 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
malloc | 0x0 | 0x10011084 | 0x111d0 | 0xf1d0 | 0x19 |
_free_base | 0x0 | 0x10011088 | 0x111d4 | 0xf1d4 | 0xb |
free | 0x0 | 0x1001108c | 0x111d8 | 0xf1d8 | 0x18 |
_malloc_base | 0x0 | 0x10011090 | 0x111dc | 0xf1dc | 0x10 |
_calloc_base | 0x0 | 0x10011094 | 0x111e0 | 0xf1e0 | 0x9 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s | 0x0 | 0x100110a8 | 0x111f4 | 0xf1f4 | 0xf |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
atol | 0x0 | 0x1001107c | 0x111c8 | 0xf1c8 | 0x51 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10011000 | 0x1114c | 0xf14c | 0x3a0 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x10011004 | 0x11150 | 0xf150 | 0x561 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x10011008 | 0x11154 | 0xf154 | 0x207 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x1001100c | 0x11158 | 0xf158 | 0x543 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x10011010 | 0x1115c | 0xf15c | 0x582 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x10011014 | 0x11160 | 0xf160 | 0x2d4 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x10011018 | 0x11164 | 0xf164 | 0x20c |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x1001101c | 0x11168 | 0xf168 | 0x208 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x10011020 | 0x1116c | 0xf16c | 0x42b |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x10011024 | 0x11170 | 0xf170 | 0x36b |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x10011028 | 0x11174 | 0xf174 | 0x265 |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x1001102c | 0x11178 | 0xf178 | 0x261 |
LoadLibraryExW | 0x0 | 0x10011030 | 0x1117c | 0xf17c | 0x3a5 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x10011034 | 0x11180 | 0xf180 | 0x574 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x10011038 | 0x11184 | 0xf184 | 0x575 |
FreeLibrary | 0x0 | 0x1001103c | 0x11188 | 0xf188 | 0x19c |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x10011040 | 0x1118c | 0xf18c | 0x4ad |
VirtualQuery | 0x0 | 0x10011044 | 0x11190 | 0xf190 | 0x5a3 |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x10011048 | 0x11194 | 0xf194 | 0x11f |
InterlockedFlushSList | 0x0 | 0x1001104c | 0x11198 | 0xf198 | 0x352 |
InterlockedPushEntrySList | 0x0 | 0x10011050 | 0x1119c | 0xf19c | 0x355 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x10011054 | 0x111a0 | 0xf1a0 | 0x43f |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x10011058 | 0x111a4 | 0xf1a4 | 0x123 |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x1001105c | 0x111a8 | 0xf1a8 | 0x103 |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x10011060 | 0x111ac | 0xf1ac | 0x50b |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x10011064 | 0x111b0 | 0xf1b0 | 0x24e |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x10011068 | 0x111b4 | 0xf1b4 | 0x576 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x1001106c | 0x111b8 | 0xf1b8 | 0x346 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x10011070 | 0x111bc | 0xf1bc | 0x573 |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x10011074 | 0x111c0 | 0xf1c0 | 0x29b |
Api name | EAT Address | Ordinal |
_CreateFrameInfo | 0xe540 | 0x1 |
_CxxThrowException | 0x4690 | 0x2 |
_EH_prolog | 0xeb50 | 0x3 |
_FindAndUnlinkFrame | 0xe570 | 0x4 |
_IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed | 0x2ce0 | 0x5 |
_NLG_Dispatch2 | 0xb463 | 0x6 |
_NLG_Return | 0xd0b7 | 0x7 |
_NLG_Return2 | 0xb46d | 0x8 |
_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback | 0x2c20 | 0x9 |
__AdjustPointer | 0x2ad0 | 0xa |
__BuildCatchObject | 0x3930 | 0xb |
__BuildCatchObjectHelper | 0x3800 | 0xc |
__CxxDetectRethrow | 0x3cb0 | 0xd |
__CxxExceptionFilter | 0x3ab0 | 0xe |
__CxxFrameHandler | 0xe660 | 0xf |
__CxxFrameHandler2 | 0xe660 | 0x10 |
__CxxFrameHandler3 | 0xe660 | 0x11 |
__CxxLongjmpUnwind | 0xe6a0 | 0x12 |
__CxxQueryExceptionSize | 0x3e10 | 0x13 |
__CxxRegisterExceptionObject | 0x3c00 | 0x14 |
__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject | 0x3d00 | 0x15 |
__DestructExceptionObject | 0x2c40 | 0x16 |
__FrameUnwindFilter | 0x2bd0 | 0x17 |
__GetPlatformExceptionInfo | 0x2b00 | 0x18 |
__RTCastToVoid | 0x3e60 | 0x19 |
__RTDynamicCast | 0x3f80 | 0x1a |
__RTtypeid | 0x3f00 | 0x1b |
__TypeMatch | 0x3420 | 0x1c |
__current_exception | 0x2ba0 | 0x1d |
__current_exception_context | 0x2bb0 | 0x1e |
__intrinsic_setjmp | 0xb260 | 0x1f |
__processing_throw | 0x2bc0 | 0x20 |
__report_gsfailure | 0xeba0 | 0x21 |
__std_exception_copy | 0x4470 | 0x22 |
__std_exception_destroy | 0x44e0 | 0x23 |
__std_terminate | 0x2c30 | 0x24 |
__std_type_info_compare | 0x4500 | 0x25 |
__std_type_info_destroy_list | 0x4660 | 0x26 |
__std_type_info_hash | 0x4540 | 0x27 |
__std_type_info_name | 0x4570 | 0x28 |
__telemetry_main_invoke_trigger | 0x2670 | 0x29 |
__telemetry_main_return_trigger | 0x2670 | 0x2a |
__unDName | 0x4d20 | 0x2b |
__unDNameEx | 0x4dc0 | 0x2c |
__uncaught_exception | 0x2b90 | 0x2d |
__uncaught_exceptions | 0x2b50 | 0x2e |
__vcrt_GetModuleFileNameW | 0x4bd0 | 0x2f |
__vcrt_GetModuleHandleW | 0x4bf0 | 0x30 |
__vcrt_InitializeCriticalSectionEx | 0x4b80 | 0x31 |
__vcrt_LoadLibraryExW | 0x4c00 | 0x32 |
_chkesp | 0xb670 | 0x33 |
_except_handler2 | 0xae28 | 0x34 |
_except_handler3 | 0xaef8 | 0x35 |
_except_handler4_common | 0xb500 | 0x36 |
_get_purecall_handler | 0x4c80 | 0x37 |
_get_unexpected | 0x4700 | 0x38 |
_global_unwind2 | 0xb330 | 0x39 |
_is_exception_typeof | 0x2d10 | 0x3a |
_local_unwind2 | 0xb396 | 0x3b |
_local_unwind4 | 0xb030 | 0x3c |
_longjmpex | 0xb320 | 0x3d |
_purecall | 0x4c20 | 0x3e |
_seh_longjmp_unwind | 0xb004 | 0x40 |
_seh_longjmp_unwind4 | 0xb108 | 0x3f |
_set_purecall_handler | 0x4c40 | 0x41 |
_set_se_translator | 0x4760 | 0x42 |
_setjmp3 | 0xb2a0 | 0x43 |
longjmp | 0x26d0 | 0x44 |
memchr | 0xd0e0 | 0x45 |
memcmp | 0xbb10 | 0x46 |
memcpy | 0xd190 | 0x47 |
memmove | 0xd710 | 0x48 |
memset | 0xdc90 | 0x49 |
set_unexpected | 0x4720 | 0x4a |
strchr | 0xddf0 | 0x4b |
strrchr | 0xdf20 | 0x4c |
strstr | 0xe060 | 0x4d |
unexpected | 0x4740 | 0x4e |
wcschr | 0x26f0 | 0x4f |
wcsrchr | 0x2790 | 0x50 |
wcsstr | 0x2840 | 0x51 |
Issued by | Microsoft Corporation |
Parent Certificate | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2016-08-18 20:17:17+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2017-11-02 20:17:17+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 33 00 00 01 40 96 A9 EE 70 56 FE CC 07 00 01 00 00 01 40 |
Thumbprint | 98 ED 99 A6 78 86 D0 20 C5 64 92 3B 7D F2 5E 9A C0 19 DF 26 |
Issued by | Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Country Name | US |
Valid From | 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00 |
Valid Until | 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00 |
Algorithm | sha1_rsa |
Serial Number | 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31 |
Thumbprint | 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57 |
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This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.
An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.
An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".