Information | Value |
ID / OS PID | #1 / 0x990 |
OS Parent PID | 0x7cc (c:\windows\explorer.exe) |
Initial Working Directory | C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\Desktop |
File Name | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe |
Command Line | "C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\Desktop\Tax Tool.exe" |
Monitor | Start Time: 00:00:37, Reason: Analysis Target |
Unmonitor | End Time: 00:01:09, Reason: Terminated |
Monitor Duration | 00:00:32 |
OS Thread IDs | #1 0x7BC #2 0x9EC |
Name | Start VA | End VA | Type | Permissions | Monitored | Dump | YARA Match | Actions |
Tax Tool.exe | 0x00140000 | 0x00163fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
locale.nls | 0x00bf0000 | 0x00cadfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
pagefile_0x0000000001530000 | 0x01530000 | 0x0292ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000002930000 | 0x02930000 | 0x02a2ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
wow64win.dll | 0x64da0000 | 0x64e12fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64.dll | 0x64e20000 | 0x64e6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64cpu.dll | 0x64e70000 | 0x64e77fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntmarta.dll | 0x74320000 | 0x74347fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
secur32.dll | 0x74350000 | 0x74359fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
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| |||
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| |||
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| |||
apphelp.dll | 0x743d0000 | 0x74460fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcryptprimitives.dll | 0x74470000 | 0x744c8fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptbase.dll | 0x744d0000 | 0x744d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
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| |||
msvcrt.dll | 0x745a0000 | 0x7465dfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
gdi32.dll | 0x74660000 | 0x747acfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shell32.dll | 0x747b0000 | 0x75b6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rpcrt4.dll | 0x75b70000 | 0x75c1bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
user32.dll | 0x75dd0000 | 0x75f0ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
psapi.dll | 0x75f10000 | 0x75f15fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| ||| | 0x75f20000 | 0x763fcfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel32.dll | 0x76460000 | 0x7654ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ole32.dll | 0x76800000 | 0x768e9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msctf.dll | 0x769c0000 | 0x76adffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shlwapi.dll | 0x76ae0000 | 0x76b23fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
advapi32.dll | 0x76d70000 | 0x76deafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
SHCore.dll | 0x76df0000 | 0x76e7cfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel.appcore.dll | 0x76e80000 | 0x76e8bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sechost.dll | 0x76e90000 | 0x76ed2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
KernelBase.dll | 0x76fa0000 | 0x77115fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
combase.dll | 0x77120000 | 0x772d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
profapi.dll | 0x77340000 | 0x7734efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
imm32.dll | 0x77350000 | 0x7737afff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
powrprof.dll | 0x77380000 | 0x773c3fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x773d0000 | 0x77548fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
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| |||
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| |||
private_0x000000007f82b000 | 0x7f82b000 | 0x7f82dfff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f82e000 | 0x7f82e000 | 0x7f82efff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f82f000 | 0x7f82f000 | 0x7f82ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007ffe0000 | 0x7ffe0000 | 0x7ffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007fff0000 | 0x7fff0000 | 0x7ffd2ef5ffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x7ffd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2f121fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x00007ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffffffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
Filename | File Size | Hash Values | YARA Match | Actions |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 0.00 KB (0 bytes) | MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\desktop (create shortcut).igb | 0.00 KB (0 bytes) | MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\windows powershell (x86).ezu | 0.00 KB (0 bytes) | MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0.00 KB (0 bytes) | MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | 0.00 KB (0 bytes) | MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 121.50 KB (124416 bytes) | MD5: 212ba96c626898e00e140d5fb3230dd8 SHA1: 204764a6e5f7b2426274da728ee07927b813f68d SHA256: ec2504089edf0330d58433079b2a5f72c102582c399ad73c59777ee03363929a |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 0.26 KB (265 bytes) | MD5: 598227eaf10572cd3a519f5036e3a0f8 SHA1: 5f972be1d9fed9292fdae2ab04017c234d2d96ee SHA256: 67f1199a2804f65f9da317e82adf318953870e237558170e741e33820e8da33f |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 0.52 KB (529 bytes) | MD5: 683dd5a2c796055086e0a367add3c5b4 SHA1: 4c548cc2706fb6d3e9e5dfea1cbeb8921eb40844 SHA256: 13416446403affb8e7f4e9db34e92143101e496cef63c2f6c1d019c6c85cdba2 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.08 KB (1103 bytes) | MD5: 384efe8afe27bc20f037cbc8d84a7691 SHA1: 73d0c5fbb0a2687f0feddb000ca256ab4f43fdc9 SHA256: 73c3acdb9d33f60409d9a83ca7204a118e7b8f38fc2638d6c6a621806c2df20c |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.33 KB (1361 bytes) | MD5: fde195c534195cb7fb9366b18301668f SHA1: b98f70d52a2cf9c05d4d4a1c52599e8e45f14b9f SHA256: 09c6cc653ac2cce1552324e4b17e2e11ef7c85c1f90918261b718ba31bf1f1d9 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.89 KB (1935 bytes) | MD5: 0e2b555664f17266cf3b5420d4aba348 SHA1: 84c5723a050d3dcb65a460fb5b534a1977b00b72 SHA256: 190e2657688962f9bf414088e992b5f318a99044ba57418f112ecd78433b7d98 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.14 KB (2193 bytes) | MD5: 40dc3af609187270c9b1f4bf6786aa91 SHA1: 47f557a9eb55f13ce9ca3b1aa0a6e6ff02b3ab9e SHA256: 816326cc557001348409dc0492eea41b428b2728b2e458b65ae1fe8b463d42f9 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | 0.20 KB (208 bytes) | MD5: 3215eb29677705de660def9e4273ba00 SHA1: c82c24651b98844badc03c6f260427f0b71b4ee3 SHA256: 20e9f42ac7c3ed26c39fd332f57fc1fd8a140c95b33b69a1b4f9f6c8a98eb24d |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.39 KB (2451 bytes) | MD5: d324f1fd479c2bacebc213132aff5e9b SHA1: d4f7e27c169e61fd97bc902febacab1130591774 SHA256: ab9bfe1d9a700437dbaceaf589895ab78d4a19335adb93cbcb41894d03cd86c3 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.65 KB (2709 bytes) | MD5: 9e56e008f2a7f27a1c9301f58b73a1fb SHA1: e74bd51e9a5b3be896f19f4a12f31c581d0f6ddf SHA256: d2001b0365dddaac19598d06b9912fb3ed9804b4f0a00f5170c464e19c0a7b7f |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.90 KB (2967 bytes) | MD5: f42069389087f040bd6f6ecaf0fe6f4f SHA1: cfe0ddda7548662df2da7cd897c8b0f069166819 SHA256: 327ebeb1a3f76d7c36ccb582a619f895ea2c76534b475ca9981e49b6ca430e4c |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.15 KB (3225 bytes) | MD5: 2c2967db418be7858ce35e21caa1918a SHA1: 5b04283d55662eb4bd4cf9e323d09463b67d1f7a SHA256: 10f558a3e37bc36222252c81203bcae7a3cc2e7ada6ff3d95648fb3730458e03 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.40 KB (3485 bytes) | MD5: 3e472ff90aad21bb3e5a8bc2c8648302 SHA1: fc4e97d91d56edf29ada45ae1d984d88739e7abf SHA256: 1470ff8273b2d3e7bf490d044594eab83b5af7e1e6d45241677bf6e01e0b7128 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.66 KB (3743 bytes) | MD5: 7a245ac97a224505665b541cbaeebee3 SHA1: fb77de1a8006c5cc48493e21778c03e9b7e190d0 SHA256: 62cd74f35b09b3aeba6cecef7202838b2f064346ae2497e7726c3f419acb2495 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 0.29 KB (300 bytes) | MD5: f6a13797c4a7fbf5afc403b328c1e8c5 SHA1: 486f070991d6efbc629e37826f0e5ffd8d6dd57c SHA256: 243f8a051986749e2377b8af05b0acd4f85b610ecbdd6f4aedf750972882f6a6 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 0.54 KB (558 bytes) | MD5: ffc3df0ebee342a4e3356e9f3c0e85be SHA1: d79aeb7c0083ade7c81985fec2e6b49937d7ec4d SHA256: 713134ae03876de50ec03084726e1eafb2294dde6d6a47fbea86aa3958c1511d |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 0.76 KB (782 bytes) | MD5: db2175e7cf910e0e24821d456ebb7585 SHA1: 5a102942a1cbac3fadfd9649cb428dbd75352aed SHA256: 590375cde13ff61855b82b293ceb3c9f58c9c4efd5c0fb24bf0a779cab9943af |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.02 KB (1040 bytes) | MD5: fbb0a72ea8e09554941663de29329a40 SHA1: 1f840d739104c7cd342dfd629f6c933ab4a105a0 SHA256: 487e26636554e2e99bbe89c2eebe1b4b852a8392e28d29e8923ce1d824d21d95 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.26 KB (1294 bytes) | MD5: 5e28fab2d35f061f70502561be1f1df2 SHA1: 663a2e078f393dbd5b86894776f7fd259c00b539 SHA256: 6036dd202571a297e7508fe51edbfd25b7836fdc6809d97ad0b56cd73cf0e426 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.55 KB (1584 bytes) | MD5: 64b1e0834f2346514bb4433aedc1016b SHA1: 53683915912ba78c08c3f0937b74effa06c108d9 SHA256: b0a1869b21a956ba18b8f7c8b5e0cb8ae6c95b26bd29bd218b6b92cfa183cedf |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1.80 KB (1842 bytes) | MD5: f97e6372c6d29955ddf7c416f3708cc6 SHA1: e8a70512be9513c5fbb4d6d1d87be4b094816afe SHA256: 0176cfe6bd77c649d36fbc85cf2c49eb6f8247ce1a70eec642bc2f0ccf8aa8bc |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.03 KB (2080 bytes) | MD5: 9d681634feb1c951ea4059f5e10b523a SHA1: 6be62c7771daced861cca5df6959b88d5e5ccfe3 SHA256: 5e32da45e07fa8771316f1674cdb7775fd7e2d56298256623d3c67ed7534e019 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.28 KB (2338 bytes) | MD5: ba59d690511615ff5dba43b8dd5d9aa3 SHA1: d13e2219cefe5694c942550a0289234c6cc4808d SHA256: 1b50c8286f18aee27ac5337f51a60d028190f24cde5627776a0243ad62b8cfee |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.53 KB (2593 bytes) | MD5: e762c37b5807251f282414012fe2009b SHA1: 96d7afcc2128b4d7211a07c9fe6bf99afa547d90 SHA256: c815a1a5b7d59c631ed0c207ef53d4426deb77b7dfad9e28ca1a11b492ac5b04 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 2.78 KB (2851 bytes) | MD5: ea6441c70e9188d0ed6d0eb6a286a601 SHA1: 9df4f3cd002046976c2f493cabfdd239d565a687 SHA256: a1a80b8cbe0ae3ccb1de180eb7975983da6d7b1d8928318801a4e2a0fb67f347 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.02 KB (3089 bytes) | MD5: 030ff7962063f02d5896a8431c841a57 SHA1: c10b994f30d9714b92f5aaa4854d79883d030596 SHA256: 943de26e7c618724d702aedb30d5aba8057bea2697c5acbbb38876e3c2dc738e |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.27 KB (3344 bytes) | MD5: 98940ed2350b00d2ef6629dfb9f08c00 SHA1: ebc46c3cca6048a71ce9573676e368684f90478a SHA256: 65d061d505641ae4d3ee64bc8c6972a958c16db59bdcfbca096bd40f74eb70a9 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.52 KB (3602 bytes) | MD5: 357f32a54d5d517df86e981bd9019870 SHA1: c0d4ec432c0e3bdb31b6222583148acd077a135d SHA256: 7c6e9e56ce32afcab61799d28374b6c7f57972f1fae7819c751bcf3233c758d5 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 3.75 KB (3840 bytes) | MD5: 4142c9a690eb4e1d0b215a747f333546 SHA1: 3764fad05b6b3fa10d03cefc337f24a6ae424525 SHA256: 27f289761a908db346923240a85b20ed5e5f89b569b443ee9994f5d22df85624 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 4.00 KB (4095 bytes) | MD5: 3ff8ec0ba3fea26c14b27fe8ca267d44 SHA1: 91b2244d60ca5612c986312975f278da359eb2cc SHA256: b5c5e72c914d2624dc68d09a826acda5f0d84753d2e09fa0c76b7331a46b60f6 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 4.25 KB (4353 bytes) | MD5: e46d6766caf36eafeac7a3f827215fb3 SHA1: e1f3a7e548578540fdb9ea1db517f15a99a36ad7 SHA256: 2abc10027eca4fec37d699b0d8041c7f3be80933a82c3ff66ebfb54dc0c296d8 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 4.48 KB (4591 bytes) | MD5: 39c96c7e7dbc025832df850bfc74323b SHA1: 3c95a66fb5db650f50363bd8c0d0612d190b9ba0 SHA256: d57f2612bbb151f0bcd3f97dc99395d763f04649f3a4a8331bddd59c4816a13d |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 4.70 KB (4808 bytes) | MD5: aa7ed1b1d6502b7bdcb0b33985edc3f6 SHA1: 6fae494693abfbc112f9252f59aea3d2f3a8bfbe SHA256: 73590e55e6f6eaad180030898fd2f3e1c085b023931795cf8060fee8f09b8397 |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 4.95 KB (5066 bytes) | MD5: 53b81458b9f35668bc97f234805c5796 SHA1: 943dd361b17f42fedea9d1e0eddc2e8ca255fa2a SHA256: f6232588fb72f18b5d28ac56bfdc4419178a46385d6ed0a047eb12ae8310858e |
| |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 5.18 KB (5303 bytes) | MD5: 61d8c35dfdf0c7474057df1e12399328 SHA1: 0646ffed24eef4ec10b2e2033e7bf3411fa628a0 SHA256: 274307bf49ed0bccbaba90b17a059ce2fb3515dedeeffe840bc3d4ce700ea544 |
Operation | Filename | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 2 | Fn
| ||
CREATE | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 2 | Fn
| ||
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | desired_access = FILE_READ_EA, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, create_disposition = FILE_OPEN, create_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, ea_buffer = 0, ea_length = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vmgenerationcounter | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | hgfs | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vmci | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vboxguest | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vboxmouse | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vboxvideo | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vboxminirddn | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | vboxtrayipc | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | virtualmachineservices | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | prl_pv | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | prl_tg | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | prl_time | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\popupkiller.exe | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\stimulator.exe | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\tools\execute.exe | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | npf_ndiswanip | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | sice | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | siwvid | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | siwdebug | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | ntice | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | regvxg | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | filevxg | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | regsys | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | filem | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | trw | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | icext | share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\desktop (create shortcut).igb | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\windows powershell (x86).ezu | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_EA, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, create_disposition = FILE_OPEN, create_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, ea_buffer = 0, ea_length = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING, file_attributes = FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 3 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\desktop (create shortcut).igb | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\windows powershell (x86).ezu | desired_access = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 2 | Fn
| |
| |||
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | size = 124416 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | size = 124416 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | size = 208 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Process Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | "C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming\Sun\Java\Devices.exe" | os_tid = 0xbcc, os_pid = 0x84, creation_flags = CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, current_directory = C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming, show_window = SW_HIDE | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" \c "C:\Users\WI2YHM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\upd823d0e12.bat" | os_tid = 0xcb0, os_pid = 0xcac, creation_flags = CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, startup_flags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW, show_window = SW_HIDE | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE | 5 | Fn
Operation | Module | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOAD | NTDLL | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 2 | Fn
| |
LOAD | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x76d70000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x76ae0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | shell32.dll | base_address = 0x747b0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | ole32.dll | base_address = 0x76800000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0 | base_address = 0x77120000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x75f10000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x74350000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | SSPICLI | base_address = 0x744e0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | SbieDll.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | base_address = 0x76460000 | 2 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | base_address = 0x140000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | shell32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | ole32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll | base_address = 0x75dd0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_FILENAME | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | file_name = C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\Desktop\Tax Tool.exe, module_name = psapi.dll, os_pid = 0x990 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_FILENAME | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | file_name = C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\Desktop\Tax Tool.exe, module_name = secur32.dll, os_pid = 0x990 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler, address = 0x7742f090 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlInitializeCriticalSection, address = 0x774295f0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\combase.dll | function = CLSIDFromString, address = 0x771d1390 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll | function = GetUserNameExW, address = 0x744ec5f0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = wine_get_unix_file_name, address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Key | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
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| ||
| ||
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| ||
| ||
| ||
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | 4 | Fn
| ||
| ||
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle\VirtualBox Guest Additions | 1 | Fn
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | value_name = InstallDate, data_ident_out = 0 | 2 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | value_name = DigitalProductId | 2 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System | value_name = SystemBiosVersion, data_ident_out = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System | value_name = SystemBiosVersion, data_ident_out = PTLTD - 6040000 | 1 | Fn
Operation | User/Group/Server | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOOKUP_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 5 | Fn
| |
SET_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe, os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, disable_all_privileges = 0, privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 5 | Fn
Operation | Virtual Key Code | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
Operation | Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
SLEEP | duration = 0 milliseconds (0.000 seconds) | 28 | Fn
| |
SLEEP | duration = -1 (infinite) | 1 | Fn
Operation | Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | initial_owner = 0 | 2 | Fn
| |
CREATE | MicrosoftVirtualPC7UserServiceMakeSureWe'reTheOnlyOneMutex | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | Sandboxie_SingleInstanceMutex_Control | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | Frz_State | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 4B000000D586D2D8AB6E07EC44CC9183 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN | C0000000844EE6C40648470D345E7B65 | desired_access = SYNCHRONIZE | 1 | Fn
| |
RELEASE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | 2 | Fn
| ||
RELEASE | 4B000000D586D2D8AB6E07EC44CC9183 | 1 | Fn
Information | Value |
ID / OS PID | #2 / 0x84 |
OS Parent PID | 0x990 (c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe) |
Initial Working Directory | C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming |
File Name | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe |
Command Line | "C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming\Sun\Java\Devices.exe" |
Monitor | Start Time: 00:00:57, Reason: Child Process |
Unmonitor | End Time: 00:01:09, Reason: Terminated |
Monitor Duration | 00:00:12 |
OS Thread IDs | #3 0xBCC #4 0x8E4 |
Name | Start VA | End VA | Type | Permissions | Monitored | Dump | YARA Match | Actions |
Devices.exe | 0x00bd0000 | 0x00bf3fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000c40000 | 0x00c40000 | 0x00c5ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000c40000 | 0x00c40000 | 0x00c4ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000c50000 | 0x00c50000 | 0x00c53fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000c60000 | 0x00c60000 | 0x00c61fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000c60000 | 0x00c60000 | 0x00c60fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000c70000 | 0x00c70000 | 0x00c83fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000c90000 | 0x00c90000 | 0x00ccffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000cd0000 | 0x00cd0000 | 0x00dcffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000dd0000 | 0x00dd0000 | 0x00dd3fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000de0000 | 0x00de0000 | 0x00de1fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
locale.nls | 0x00df0000 | 0x00eadfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000eb0000 | 0x00eb0000 | 0x00eeffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000ef0000 | 0x00ef0000 | 0x00ef0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000f00000 | 0x00f00000 | 0x00f00fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000f60000 | 0x00f60000 | 0x00f6ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000001050000 | 0x01050000 | 0x0114ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000011f0000 | 0x011f0000 | 0x0127ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000001280000 | 0x01280000 | 0x0137ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000014c0000 | 0x014c0000 | 0x014cffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
SortDefault.nls | 0x014d0000 | 0x01806fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000001810000 | 0x01810000 | 0x01997fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000019a0000 | 0x019a0000 | 0x01b20fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000001b30000 | 0x01b30000 | 0x02f2ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
wow64win.dll | 0x64da0000 | 0x64e12fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64.dll | 0x64e20000 | 0x64e6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64cpu.dll | 0x64e70000 | 0x64e77fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntmarta.dll | 0x74320000 | 0x74347fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
secur32.dll | 0x74350000 | 0x74359fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rsaenh.dll | 0x74360000 | 0x7438efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcrypt.dll | 0x74390000 | 0x743aafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptsp.dll | 0x743b0000 | 0x743c2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
apphelp.dll | 0x743d0000 | 0x74460fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcryptprimitives.dll | 0x74470000 | 0x744c8fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptbase.dll | 0x744d0000 | 0x744d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sspicli.dll | 0x744e0000 | 0x744fdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msvcrt.dll | 0x745a0000 | 0x7465dfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
gdi32.dll | 0x74660000 | 0x747acfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shell32.dll | 0x747b0000 | 0x75b6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rpcrt4.dll | 0x75b70000 | 0x75c1bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
user32.dll | 0x75dd0000 | 0x75f0ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
psapi.dll | 0x75f10000 | 0x75f15fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| ||| | 0x75f20000 | 0x763fcfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel32.dll | 0x76460000 | 0x7654ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ole32.dll | 0x76800000 | 0x768e9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msctf.dll | 0x769c0000 | 0x76adffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shlwapi.dll | 0x76ae0000 | 0x76b23fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
advapi32.dll | 0x76d70000 | 0x76deafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
SHCore.dll | 0x76df0000 | 0x76e7cfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel.appcore.dll | 0x76e80000 | 0x76e8bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sechost.dll | 0x76e90000 | 0x76ed2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
KernelBase.dll | 0x76fa0000 | 0x77115fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
combase.dll | 0x77120000 | 0x772d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
profapi.dll | 0x77340000 | 0x7734efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
imm32.dll | 0x77350000 | 0x7737afff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
powrprof.dll | 0x77380000 | 0x773c3fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x773d0000 | 0x77548fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007e3f0000 | 0x7e3f0000 | 0x7e4effff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007e4f0000 | 0x7e4f0000 | 0x7e512fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e513000 | 0x7e513000 | 0x7e513fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e518000 | 0x7e518000 | 0x7e518fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e51a000 | 0x7e51a000 | 0x7e51cfff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e51d000 | 0x7e51d000 | 0x7e51ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007ffe0000 | 0x7ffe0000 | 0x7ffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007fff0000 | 0x7fff0000 | 0x7ffd2ef5ffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x7ffd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2f121fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x00007ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffffffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
Operation | Filename | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| ||
CREATE | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| ||
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | desired_access = FILE_READ_EA, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, create_disposition = FILE_OPEN, create_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, ea_buffer = 0, ea_length = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 2 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 2 | Fn
| |
| |||
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 265 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 265 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 529 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Process Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs | os_tid = 0x540, os_pid = 0x2ec, creation_flags = CREATE_SUSPENDED, show_window = SW_HIDE | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs | os_tid = 0xc58, os_pid = 0xc54, creation_flags = CREATE_SUSPENDED, show_window = SW_HIDE | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE | 5 | Fn
Operation | Address | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
ALLOC | 0x4eb0000 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0x2ec, size = 147456, allocation_type = MEM_COMMIT, MEM_RESERVE, protection = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE | 1 | Fn
| |
ALLOC | 0x5b0000 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0xc54, size = 147456, allocation_type = MEM_COMMIT, MEM_RESERVE, protection = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x4eb0000 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0x2ec, size = 147456 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x4ece724 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0x2ec, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x4ece840 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0x2ec, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x4ecee38 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0x2ec, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x5b0000 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0xc54, size = 147456 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x5ce724 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0xc54, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x5ce840 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0xc54, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | 0x5cee38 | process_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs, os_pid = 0xc54, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Process Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs | os_pid = 0x2ec, proc_address = 0x4ebc978, flags = THREAD_RUNS_IMMEDIATELY | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs | os_pid = 0xc54, proc_address = 0x5bc978, flags = THREAD_RUNS_IMMEDIATELY | 1 | Fn
Operation | Module | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOAD | NTDLL | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 2 | Fn
| |
LOAD | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x76d70000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x76ae0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | shell32.dll | base_address = 0x747b0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | ole32.dll | base_address = 0x76800000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0 | base_address = 0x77120000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x75f10000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x74350000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | SSPICLI | base_address = 0x744e0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | base_address = 0x76460000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | base_address = 0xbd0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | shell32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | ole32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_FILENAME | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | file_name = C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming\Sun\Java\Devices.exe, module_name = psapi.dll, os_pid = 0x990 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler, address = 0x7742f090 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlInitializeCriticalSection, address = 0x774295f0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\combase.dll | function = CLSIDFromString, address = 0x771d1390 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll | function = GetUserNameExW, address = 0x744ec5f0 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Key | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | 2 | Fn
| ||
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | value_name = InstallDate, data_ident_out = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | value_name = DigitalProductId | 1 | Fn
Operation | User/Group/Server | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOOKUP_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 5 | Fn
| |
SET_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe, os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, disable_all_privileges = 0, privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 5 | Fn
Operation | Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | initial_owner = 0 | 3 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 9C0000002CCF1F00ECD770C403E9DE7B | initial_owner = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 54000000F61A7DE2C294AD9653CFD4FD | initial_owner = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | AD0000002B4477546D3A308A977C30F1 | initial_owner = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN | D20000002A14C6E52964F51932B9F49F | desired_access = SYNCHRONIZE | 2 | Fn
| |
OPEN | A1000000DA6AF38235D35BF570C2C4E9 | desired_access = SYNCHRONIZE | 2 | Fn
| |
RELEASE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | 3 | Fn
Information | Value |
ID / OS PID | #3 / 0x2ec |
OS Parent PID | 0x84 (c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe) |
Initial Working Directory | C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming |
File Name | c:\windows\syswow64\svchost.exe |
Command Line | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs |
Monitor | Start Time: 00:00:58, Reason: Child Process |
Unmonitor | End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout |
Monitor Duration | 00:01:40 |
OS Thread IDs | #5 0x540 #6 0x7E4 #7 0x24C #17 0xD4C #18 0xD50 #21 0xD6C #22 0xD70 #23 0xD74 #24 0xD78 #25 0xD7C #26 0xD80 #27 0xD84 #28 0xD88 #34 0xDA0 #35 0xDA4 #36 0xDAC |
Name | Start VA | End VA | Type | Permissions | Monitored | Dump | YARA Match | Actions |
svchost.exe | 0x00900000 | 0x0090afff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000db0000 | 0x00db0000 | 0x04daffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | - |
| |||
private_0x0000000004db0000 | 0x04db0000 | 0x04dcffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000004db0000 | 0x04db0000 | 0x04dbffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
svchost.exe.mui | 0x04dc0000 | 0x04dc0fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004dd0000 | 0x04dd0000 | 0x04dd0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004dd0000 | 0x04dd0000 | 0x04dd0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000004de0000 | 0x04de0000 | 0x04df3fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004e00000 | 0x04e00000 | 0x04e3ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004e40000 | 0x04e40000 | 0x04e7ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000004e80000 | 0x04e80000 | 0x04e83fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000004e90000 | 0x04e90000 | 0x04e90fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004ea0000 | 0x04ea0000 | 0x04ea1fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004eb0000 | 0x04eb0000 | 0x04ed3fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004ee0000 | 0x04ee0000 | 0x04f1ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004ee0000 | 0x04ee0000 | 0x04efefff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004ee0000 | 0x04ee0000 | 0x04f1ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004f20000 | 0x04f20000 | 0x04f5ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004f20000 | 0x04f20000 | 0x04f5ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004f60000 | 0x04f60000 | 0x04f9ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004fa0000 | 0x04fa0000 | 0x04fdffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004fe0000 | 0x04fe0000 | 0x04fe0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004ff0000 | 0x04ff0000 | 0x04ff0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005000000 | 0x05000000 | 0x05003fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
locale.nls | 0x05010000 | 0x050cdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x00000000050d0000 | 0x050d0000 | 0x050e2fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000050d0000 | 0x050d0000 | 0x050d0fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
counters.dat | 0x050e0000 | 0x050e0fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000050f0000 | 0x050f0000 | 0x050f6fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005100000 | 0x05100000 | 0x051fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005200000 | 0x05200000 | 0x052fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005300000 | 0x05300000 | 0x0533ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005340000 | 0x05340000 | 0x05340fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005340000 | 0x05340000 | 0x05352fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005340000 | 0x05340000 | 0x0534ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005350000 | 0x05350000 | 0x05350fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005360000 | 0x05360000 | 0x05363fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005370000 | 0x05370000 | 0x053affff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000053b0000 | 0x053b0000 | 0x053effff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000053f0000 | 0x053f0000 | 0x053f1fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005400000 | 0x05400000 | 0x054fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005500000 | 0x05500000 | 0x0553ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005540000 | 0x05540000 | 0x0557ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005580000 | 0x05580000 | 0x055bffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000055c0000 | 0x055c0000 | 0x055c4fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000055d0000 | 0x055d0000 | 0x055e2fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
mswsock.dll.mui | 0x055d0000 | 0x055d2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000055e0000 | 0x055e0000 | 0x055e1fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x00000000055f0000 | 0x055f0000 | 0x055f0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
crypt32.dll.mui | 0x055f0000 | 0x055f9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005600000 | 0x05600000 | 0x057cffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000005600000 | 0x05600000 | 0x056fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
SortDefault.nls | 0x05700000 | 0x05a36fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005a40000 | 0x05a40000 | 0x05bc7fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005bd0000 | 0x05bd0000 | 0x05d50fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005d60000 | 0x05d60000 | 0x0715ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007160000 | 0x07160000 | 0x0725ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007260000 | 0x07260000 | 0x0735ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007360000 | 0x07360000 | 0x0745ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007460000 | 0x07460000 | 0x0755ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007560000 | 0x07560000 | 0x0759ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000075a0000 | 0x075a0000 | 0x0769ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000076a0000 | 0x076a0000 | 0x076dffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000076e0000 | 0x076e0000 | 0x077dffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000077e0000 | 0x077e0000 | 0x077f2fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000077e0000 | 0x077e0000 | 0x0781ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007820000 | 0x07820000 | 0x0785ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007860000 | 0x07860000 | 0x0789ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007860000 | 0x07860000 | 0x07872fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007860000 | 0x07860000 | 0x07872fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007860000 | 0x07860000 | 0x07870fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000078a0000 | 0x078a0000 | 0x078dffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000078e0000 | 0x078e0000 | 0x078f2fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
winnlsres.dll | 0x078e0000 | 0x078e4fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
winnlsres.dll.mui | 0x078f0000 | 0x078fffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007900000 | 0x07900000 | 0x0793ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007940000 | 0x07940000 | 0x0797ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000079a0000 | 0x079a0000 | 0x079a4fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007a00000 | 0x07a00000 | 0x07baffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007a00000 | 0x07a00000 | 0x07afffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000007b00000 | 0x07b00000 | 0x07bfffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
wow64win.dll | 0x64da0000 | 0x64e12fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64.dll | 0x64e20000 | 0x64e6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64cpu.dll | 0x64e70000 | 0x64e77fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ncryptsslp.dll | 0x73660000 | 0x73679fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cabinet.dll | 0x73680000 | 0x736a1fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
webio.dll | 0x736b0000 | 0x73717fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
dhcpcsvc.dll | 0x73720000 | 0x73733fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
dhcpcsvc6.dll | 0x73740000 | 0x73752fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptnet.dll | 0x73760000 | 0x73785fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
gpapi.dll | 0x73790000 | 0x737aefff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
dpapi.dll | 0x737b0000 | 0x737b7fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntasn1.dll | 0x737c0000 | 0x737e7fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ncrypt.dll | 0x737f0000 | 0x7380ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
mskeyprotect.dll | 0x73810000 | 0x7381ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
schannel.dll | 0x73820000 | 0x7387ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
comctl32.dll | 0x73880000 | 0x73a88fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
FWPUCLNT.DLL | 0x73a90000 | 0x73ad5fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rasadhlp.dll | 0x73ae0000 | 0x73ae7fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
dnsapi.dll | 0x73af0000 | 0x73b73fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
mswsock.dll | 0x73b80000 | 0x73bcdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
winhttp.dll | 0x73bd0000 | 0x73c76fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
winnsi.dll | 0x73c80000 | 0x73c87fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
IPHLPAPI.DLL | 0x73c90000 | 0x73cbffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
urlmon.dll | 0x73cc0000 | 0x73e1ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
iertutil.dll | 0x73e20000 | 0x740e0fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wininet.dll | 0x740f0000 | 0x74313fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntmarta.dll | 0x74320000 | 0x74347fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
secur32.dll | 0x74350000 | 0x74359fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rsaenh.dll | 0x74360000 | 0x7438efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcrypt.dll | 0x74390000 | 0x743aafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptsp.dll | 0x743b0000 | 0x743c2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
OnDemandConnRouteHelper.dll | 0x743d0000 | 0x743e0fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
uxtheme.dll | 0x743f0000 | 0x74464fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcryptprimitives.dll | 0x74470000 | 0x744c8fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptbase.dll | 0x744d0000 | 0x744d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sspicli.dll | 0x744e0000 | 0x744fdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msvcrt.dll | 0x745a0000 | 0x7465dfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
gdi32.dll | 0x74660000 | 0x747acfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shell32.dll | 0x747b0000 | 0x75b6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rpcrt4.dll | 0x75b70000 | 0x75c1bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
user32.dll | 0x75dd0000 | 0x75f0ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
psapi.dll | 0x75f10000 | 0x75f15fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| ||| | 0x75f20000 | 0x763fcfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
Wldap32.dll | 0x76400000 | 0x76452fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel32.dll | 0x76460000 | 0x7654ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
oleaut32.dll | 0x76550000 | 0x765e1fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
crypt32.dll | 0x765f0000 | 0x76764fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msasn1.dll | 0x768f0000 | 0x768fdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wintrust.dll | 0x76900000 | 0x76941fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
nsi.dll | 0x76950000 | 0x76956fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ws2_32.dll | 0x76960000 | 0x769bbfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msctf.dll | 0x769c0000 | 0x76adffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shlwapi.dll | 0x76ae0000 | 0x76b23fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
advapi32.dll | 0x76d70000 | 0x76deafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
SHCore.dll | 0x76df0000 | 0x76e7cfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel.appcore.dll | 0x76e80000 | 0x76e8bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel.appcore.dll | 0x76e80000 | 0x76e8bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sechost.dll | 0x76e90000 | 0x76ed2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
KernelBase.dll | 0x76fa0000 | 0x77115fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
combase.dll | 0x77120000 | 0x772d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
profapi.dll | 0x77340000 | 0x7734efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
imm32.dll | 0x77350000 | 0x7737afff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
powrprof.dll | 0x77380000 | 0x773c3fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x773d0000 | 0x77548fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7c2000 | 0x7e7c2000 | 0x7e7c4fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7c5000 | 0x7e7c5000 | 0x7e7c7fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7c8000 | 0x7e7c8000 | 0x7e7cafff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7cb000 | 0x7e7cb000 | 0x7e7cdfff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7ce000 | 0x7e7ce000 | 0x7e7d0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7d1000 | 0x7e7d1000 | 0x7e7d3fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7d4000 | 0x7e7d4000 | 0x7e7d6fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7d7000 | 0x7e7d7000 | 0x7e7d9fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7da000 | 0x7e7da000 | 0x7e7dcfff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e7dd000 | 0x7e7dd000 | 0x7e7dffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007e7e0000 | 0x7e7e0000 | 0x7e8dffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007e8e0000 | 0x7e8e0000 | 0x7e902fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e903000 | 0x7e903000 | 0x7e905fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e906000 | 0x7e906000 | 0x7e908fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e906000 | 0x7e906000 | 0x7e908fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e909000 | 0x7e909000 | 0x7e909fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e90b000 | 0x7e90b000 | 0x7e90dfff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007e90e000 | 0x7e90e000 | 0x7e90efff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007ffe0000 | 0x7ffe0000 | 0x7ffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007fff0000 | 0x7fff0000 | 0x7dfd2ef5ffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00007dfd2ef60000 | 0x7dfd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2ef5ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | - |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x7ffd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2f121fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x00007ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffffffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
Injection Type | Source Process | Source Os Thread ID | Injection Info | Success | Count | Logfile |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x4eb0000, size = 147456 | 1 | Fn
| |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x4ece724, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x4ece840, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x4ecee38, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
Create Remote Thread | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x4ebc978, flags = THREAD_RUNS_IMMEDIATELY | 1 | Fn
Filename | File Size | Hash Values | YARA Match | Actions |
c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.tmp | 3.66 KB (3743 bytes) | MD5: 7a245ac97a224505665b541cbaeebee3 SHA1: fb77de1a8006c5cc48493e21778c03e9b7e190d0 SHA256: 62cd74f35b09b3aeba6cecef7202838b2f064346ae2497e7726c3f419acb2495 |
Operation | Filename | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 28 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 29 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\desktop (create shortcut).igb | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 14 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
MOVE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.tmp | source_file_name = c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 529 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1103 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2193 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2451 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2709 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2967 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3225 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3485 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | size = 124416 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 300 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 558 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 782 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1040 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1294 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1584 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1842 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2080 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2338 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2593 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2851 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3089 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3344 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3602 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3840 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4095 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4353 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4591 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4808 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 5066 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1103 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1361 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2451 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2709 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2967 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3225 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3485 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3743 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 300 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 558 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 782 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1040 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1294 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1584 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1842 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2080 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2338 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2593 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2851 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3089 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3344 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3602 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 3840 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4095 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4353 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4591 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 4808 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 5066 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 5303 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Process Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
OPEN | System Idle Process | os_pid = 0x0, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | System | os_pid = 0x4, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\smss.exe | os_pid = 0x108, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\csrss.exe | os_pid = 0x150, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\wininit.exe | os_pid = 0x18c, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\csrss.exe | os_pid = 0x194, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\winlogon.exe | os_pid = 0x1c4, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\services.exe | os_pid = 0x1dc, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\lsass.exe | os_pid = 0x1e4, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x23c, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x25c, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\dwm.exe | os_pid = 0x2e4, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x320, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x334, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x354, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x368, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x390, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x274, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\spoolsv.exe | os_pid = 0x230, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x41c, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x550, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\sihost.exe | os_pid = 0x700, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\taskhostw.exe | os_pid = 0x728, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\explorer.exe | os_pid = 0x7cc, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\runtimebroker.exe | os_pid = 0x4b0, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\systemapps\shellexperiencehost_cw5n1h2txyewy\shellexperiencehost.exe | os_pid = 0x910, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\systemapps\\searchui.exe | os_pid = 0xa10, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0x590, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\wbem\wmiadap.exe | os_pid = 0xb34, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\sppsvc.exe | os_pid = 0x6ac, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\backgroundtaskhost.exe | os_pid = 0x414, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 12 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\backgroundtaskhost.exe | os_pid = 0xba8, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe | os_pid = 0xfc, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\audiodg.exe | os_pid = 0x3f8, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 37 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\syswow64\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0xc54, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 74 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\windows\system32\backgroundtaskhost.exe | os_pid = 0xdc0, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 25 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\program files\windows defender\mpcmdrun.exe | os_pid = 0xde0, desired_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE | 57 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\windows\syswow64\svchost.exe | os_pid = 0xc54, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | 37 | Fn
Operation | Module | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOAD | KERNEL32.dll | base_address = 0x76460000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | NTDLL | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 4 | Fn
| |
LOAD | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x76d70000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x76ae0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x75f10000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | wininet.dll | base_address = 0x740f0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x74350000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | SSPICLI | base_address = 0x744e0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | crypt32.dll | base_address = 0x765f0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | urlmon.dll | base_address = 0x73cc0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll | base_address = 0x75dd0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | wininet.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | crypt32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | urlmon.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_FILENAME | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | file_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe, module_name = psapi.dll, os_pid = 0x990 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = InterlockedIncrement, address = 0x76477520 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapFree, address = 0x764725e0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetProcessHeap, address = 0x76477910 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapDestroy, address = 0x7647d940 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapCreate, address = 0x76479950 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = InterlockedExchange, address = 0x76477650 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapAlloc, address = 0x7740da90 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetProcAddress, address = 0x76477940 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = LoadLibraryA, address = 0x7647d8d0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetModuleHandleA, address = 0x76479640 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetLastError, address = 0x76472db0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = InterlockedDecrement, address = 0x76477560 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = Sleep, address = 0x764777b0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapReAlloc, address = 0x7740bae0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler, address = 0x7742f090 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlInitializeCriticalSection, address = 0x774295f0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll | function = GetUserNameExW, address = 0x744ec5f0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlEnterCriticalSection, address = 0x77415e80 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlLeaveCriticalSection, address = 0x77415e00 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Key | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE_KEY | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run | 1 | Fn
| ||
| ||
| ||
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | 2 | Fn
| ||
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Onpiwaad | 14 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Vipoug | 2 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Vipoug | 12 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | value_name = InstallDate, data_ident_out = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion | value_name = DigitalProductId | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run | value_name = Devices.exe, data = "C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming\Sun\Java\Devices.exe" | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Vipoug | 1 | Fn
Operation | User/Group/Server | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOOKUP_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 57 | Fn
| |
SET_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe, os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, disable_all_privileges = 0, privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 57 | Fn
Operation | Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
SLEEP | duration = -1 (infinite) | 39 | Fn
| |
SLEEP | duration = 60000 milliseconds (60.000 seconds) | 1 | Fn
| |
SLEEP | duration = -1 (infinite) | 1 | Fn
| |
| |
Operation | Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | D20000002A14C6E52964F51932B9F49F | initial_owner = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | initial_owner = 0 | 30 | Fn
| |
CREATE | D9000000F219E1C779E2E7AC08DFD815 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 7D0000008AA73D983C6DEAFF4C3848A7 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 3B000000F5DFE9C2D11C32931F7D5BB4 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | C0000000844EE6C40648470D345E7B65 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 4A000000AF17366BF4960AE62A76878C | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | D5000000C70E48D5408251026F4BDA97 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN | 4B000000D586D2D8AB6E07EC44CC9183 | desired_access = SYNCHRONIZE | 1 | Fn
| |
RELEASE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | 30 | Fn
| ||
RELEASE | D5000000C70E48D5408251026F4BDA97 | 1 | Fn
Information | Value |
ID / OS PID | #4 / 0xc54 |
OS Parent PID | 0x84 (c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe) |
Initial Working Directory | C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\AppData\Roaming |
File Name | c:\windows\syswow64\svchost.exe |
Command Line | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe -k netsvcs |
Monitor | Start Time: 00:01:04, Reason: Child Process |
Unmonitor | End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout |
Monitor Duration | 00:01:34 |
OS Thread IDs | #8 0xC58 #9 0xC5C #10 0xC64 #19 0xD54 #20 0xD58 #29 0xD8C #30 0xD90 #31 0xD94 #32 0xD98 #33 0xD9C |
Name | Start VA | End VA | Type | Permissions | Monitored | Dump | YARA Match | Actions |
private_0x00000000004b0000 | 0x004b0000 | 0x004cffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000004b0000 | 0x004b0000 | 0x004bffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
svchost.exe.mui | 0x004c0000 | 0x004c0fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x00000000004d0000 | 0x004d0000 | 0x004d0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000004d0000 | 0x004d0000 | 0x004d0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000004e0000 | 0x004e0000 | 0x004f3fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000500000 | 0x00500000 | 0x0053ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000540000 | 0x00540000 | 0x0057ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000580000 | 0x00580000 | 0x00583fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000590000 | 0x00590000 | 0x00590fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x00000000005a0000 | 0x005a0000 | 0x005a1fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000005b0000 | 0x005b0000 | 0x005d3fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x00000000005e0000 | 0x005e0000 | 0x0061ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000620000 | 0x00620000 | 0x0065ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000660000 | 0x00660000 | 0x0069ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000006a0000 | 0x006a0000 | 0x006a0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000006b0000 | 0x006b0000 | 0x006b6fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000006c0000 | 0x006c0000 | 0x006fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000700000 | 0x00700000 | 0x007fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
locale.nls | 0x00800000 | 0x008bdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x00000000008c0000 | 0x008c0000 | 0x008c0fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
svchost.exe | 0x00900000 | 0x0090afff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000910000 | 0x00910000 | 0x0490ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | - |
| |||
private_0x0000000004a10000 | 0x04a10000 | 0x04a13fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004ae0000 | 0x04ae0000 | 0x04ae3fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004b00000 | 0x04b00000 | 0x04bfffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004c00000 | 0x04c00000 | 0x04cfffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004e10000 | 0x04e10000 | 0x04e14fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004f00000 | 0x04f00000 | 0x0501ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000004f00000 | 0x04f00000 | 0x04ffffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
SortDefault.nls | 0x05000000 | 0x05336fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005340000 | 0x05340000 | 0x054c7fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000054d0000 | 0x054d0000 | 0x05650fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000005660000 | 0x05660000 | 0x06a5ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
wow64win.dll | 0x64da0000 | 0x64e12fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64.dll | 0x64e20000 | 0x64e6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64cpu.dll | 0x64e70000 | 0x64e77fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wininet.dll | 0x740f0000 | 0x74313fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntmarta.dll | 0x74320000 | 0x74347fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
secur32.dll | 0x74350000 | 0x74359fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rsaenh.dll | 0x74360000 | 0x7438efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcrypt.dll | 0x74390000 | 0x743aafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptsp.dll | 0x743b0000 | 0x743c2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcryptprimitives.dll | 0x74470000 | 0x744c8fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptbase.dll | 0x744d0000 | 0x744d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sspicli.dll | 0x744e0000 | 0x744fdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msvcrt.dll | 0x745a0000 | 0x7465dfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
gdi32.dll | 0x74660000 | 0x747acfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rpcrt4.dll | 0x75b70000 | 0x75c1bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
user32.dll | 0x75dd0000 | 0x75f0ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
psapi.dll | 0x75f10000 | 0x75f15fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel32.dll | 0x76460000 | 0x7654ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msctf.dll | 0x769c0000 | 0x76adffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
shlwapi.dll | 0x76ae0000 | 0x76b23fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
advapi32.dll | 0x76d70000 | 0x76deafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sechost.dll | 0x76e90000 | 0x76ed2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
KernelBase.dll | 0x76fa0000 | 0x77115fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
combase.dll | 0x77120000 | 0x772d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
imm32.dll | 0x77350000 | 0x7737afff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x773d0000 | 0x77548fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007f370000 | 0x7f370000 | 0x7f46ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007f470000 | 0x7f470000 | 0x7f492fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f494000 | 0x7f494000 | 0x7f496fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f497000 | 0x7f497000 | 0x7f499fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f49a000 | 0x7f49a000 | 0x7f49afff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f49c000 | 0x7f49c000 | 0x7f49efff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007f49f000 | 0x7f49f000 | 0x7f49ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007ffe0000 | 0x7ffe0000 | 0x7ffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007fff0000 | 0x7fff0000 | 0x7dfd2ef5ffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00007dfd2ef60000 | 0x7dfd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2ef5ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | - |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x7ffd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2f121fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x00007ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffffffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
Injection Type | Source Process | Source Os Thread ID | Injection Info | Success | Count | Logfile |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x5b0000, size = 147456 | 1 | Fn
| |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x5ce724, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x5ce840, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
Modify Memory | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x5cee38, size = 4 | 1 | Fn
| |
Create Remote Thread | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\sun\java\devices.exe | 0xbcc | address = 0x5bc978, flags = THREAD_RUNS_IMMEDIATELY | 1 | Fn
Operation | Filename | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 2 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 2 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\desktop (create shortcut).igb | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1361 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1935 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 1935 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\appdata\roaming\adobe\flash player\1e45a456cb803f4096a6a7598c65e692_8c74eee4-8873-4eb3-9315-336075ff5033.hoe | size = 2193 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Process Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, READ_CONTROL | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN_TOKEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE | 4 | Fn
Operation | Module | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOAD | KERNEL32.dll | base_address = 0x76460000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | NTDLL | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 2 | Fn
| |
LOAD | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x76d70000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x76ae0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x75f10000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | wininet.dll | base_address = 0x740f0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x74350000 | 1 | Fn
| |
LOAD | SSPICLI | base_address = 0x744e0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | base_address = 0x773d0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | advapi32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | shlwapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | psapi.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll | base_address = 0x75dd0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | wininet.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | secur32.dll | base_address = 0x0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_FILENAME | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | file_name = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe, module_name = psapi.dll, os_pid = 0x990 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = InterlockedIncrement, address = 0x76477520 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapFree, address = 0x764725e0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetProcessHeap, address = 0x76477910 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapDestroy, address = 0x7647d940 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapCreate, address = 0x76479950 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = InterlockedExchange, address = 0x76477650 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapAlloc, address = 0x7740da90 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetProcAddress, address = 0x76477940 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = LoadLibraryA, address = 0x7647d8d0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetModuleHandleA, address = 0x76479640 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = GetLastError, address = 0x76472db0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = InterlockedDecrement, address = 0x76477560 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = Sleep, address = 0x764777b0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = HeapReAlloc, address = 0x7740bae0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler, address = 0x7742f090 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll | function = RtlInitializeCriticalSection, address = 0x774295f0 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll | function = GetUserNameExW, address = 0x744ec5f0 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Key | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
| ||
| ||
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Onpiwaad | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Vipoug | 6 | Fn
| |
WRITE_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fabo | value_name = Vipoug | 1 | Fn
Operation | User/Group/Server | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
LOOKUP_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 4 | Fn
| |
SET_PRIVILEGE | Localhost | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe, os_pid = 0x990, desired_access = PROCESS_VM_WRITE, disable_all_privileges = 0, privilege = SeSecurityPrivilege | 4 | Fn
Operation | Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
SLEEP | duration = -1 (infinite) | 2 | Fn
Operation | Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | A1000000DA6AF38235D35BF570C2C4E9 | initial_owner = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | initial_owner = 0 | 2 | Fn
| |
CREATE | D5000000C70E48D5408251026F4BDA97 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | C0000000844EE6C40648470D345E7B65 | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
CREATE | 4A000000AF17366BF4960AE62A76878C | initial_owner = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN | 4B000000D586D2D8AB6E07EC44CC9183 | desired_access = SYNCHRONIZE | 1 | Fn
| |
RELEASE | 8A000000B7496798F6145935AA3E2760 | 2 | Fn
| ||
RELEASE | D5000000C70E48D5408251026F4BDA97 | 1 | Fn
Information | Value |
ID / OS PID | #5 / 0xcac |
OS Parent PID | 0x990 (c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe) |
Initial Working Directory | C:\Users\WI2yhmtI onvScY7Pe\Desktop |
File Name | c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe |
Command Line | "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c "C:\Users\WI2YHM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\upd823d0e12.bat" |
Monitor | Start Time: 00:01:09, Reason: Child Process |
Unmonitor | End Time: 00:01:21, Reason: Terminated |
Monitor Duration | 00:00:12 |
OS Thread IDs | #11 0xCB0 #16 0xD00 |
Name | Start VA | End VA | Type | Permissions | Monitored | Dump | YARA Match | Actions |
private_0x00000000000e0000 | 0x000e0000 | 0x000fffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00000000000e0000 | 0x000e0000 | 0x000effff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000000f0000 | 0x000f0000 | 0x000f3fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000100000 | 0x00100000 | 0x00101fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000100000 | 0x00100000 | 0x00103fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000110000 | 0x00110000 | 0x00123fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000130000 | 0x00130000 | 0x0016ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000170000 | 0x00170000 | 0x0026ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000270000 | 0x00270000 | 0x00273fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000280000 | 0x00280000 | 0x00280fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000290000 | 0x00290000 | 0x00291fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x00000000002a0000 | 0x002a0000 | 0x002dffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000300000 | 0x00300000 | 0x0030ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000320000 | 0x00320000 | 0x0041ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
locale.nls | 0x00420000 | 0x004ddfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable |
| |||
private_0x00000000004e0000 | 0x004e0000 | 0x005dffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x0000000000700000 | 0x00700000 | 0x0070ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
cmd.exe | 0x009c0000 | 0x00a0ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
pagefile_0x0000000000a10000 | 0x00a10000 | 0x04a0ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | - |
| |||
wow64win.dll | 0x64da0000 | 0x64e12fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64.dll | 0x64e20000 | 0x64e6efff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
wow64cpu.dll | 0x64e70000 | 0x64e77fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cmdext.dll | 0x74460000 | 0x74467fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
bcryptprimitives.dll | 0x74470000 | 0x744c8fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
cryptbase.dll | 0x744d0000 | 0x744d9fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sspicli.dll | 0x744e0000 | 0x744fdfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
msvcrt.dll | 0x745a0000 | 0x7465dfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
rpcrt4.dll | 0x75b70000 | 0x75c1bfff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
kernel32.dll | 0x76460000 | 0x7654ffff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
advapi32.dll | 0x76d70000 | 0x76deafff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
sechost.dll | 0x76e90000 | 0x76ed2fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
KernelBase.dll | 0x76fa0000 | 0x77115fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x773d0000 | 0x77548fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007e9f0000 | 0x7e9f0000 | 0x7eaeffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x000000007eaf0000 | 0x7eaf0000 | 0x7eb12fff | Pagefile Backed Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007eb16000 | 0x7eb16000 | 0x7eb16fff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007eb18000 | 0x7eb18000 | 0x7eb1afff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007eb1b000 | 0x7eb1b000 | 0x7eb1bfff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007eb1d000 | 0x7eb1d000 | 0x7eb1ffff | Private Memory | Readable, Writable |
| |||
private_0x000000007ffe0000 | 0x7ffe0000 | 0x7ffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
private_0x000000007fff0000 | 0x7fff0000 | 0x7dfd2ef5ffff | Private Memory | Readable |
| |||
pagefile_0x00007dfd2ef60000 | 0x7dfd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2ef5ffff | Pagefile Backed Memory | - |
| |||
ntdll.dll | 0x7ffd2ef60000 | 0x7ffd2f121fff | Memory Mapped File | Readable, Writable, Executable |
| |||
private_0x00007ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffd2f122000 | 0x7ffffffeffff | Private Memory | Readable |
Operation | Filename | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 5 | Fn
| |
CREATE | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | desired_access = GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, create_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | 1 | Fn
| |
| ||
| ||
OPEN | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | 25 | Fn
| ||
OPEN | c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop\tax tool.exe | desired_access = DELETE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_DELETE, open_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT | 1 | Fn
| |
OPEN | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | desired_access = DELETE, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_DELETE, open_options = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT | 1 | Fn
| |
| ||
READ | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | size = 8191 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | size = 8191 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | size = 8191 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | size = 8191 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ | c:\users\wi2yhm~1\appdata\local\temp\upd823d0e12.bat | size = 8191 | 1 | Fn
| |
WRITE | STD_ERROR_HANDLE | size = 33 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Process Name | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
SET_CURDIR | c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe | os_pid = 0xcac, new_path_name = c:\users\wi2yhmti onvscy7pe\desktop | 1 | Fn
Operation | Module | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe | base_address = 0x9c0000 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_HANDLE | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | base_address = 0x76460000 | 2 | Fn
| |
GET_FILENAME | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe | 1 | Fn
| ||
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = SetThreadUILanguage, address = 0x764a2780 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = CopyFileExW, address = 0x7647fa80 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = IsDebuggerPresent, address = 0x7647a790 | 1 | Fn
| |
GET_PROC_ADDRESS | c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll | function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address = 0x770b35c0 | 1 | Fn
Operation | Key | Additional Information | Success | Count | Logfile |
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System | 1 | Fn
| ||
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | 1 | Fn
| ||
OPEN_KEY | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | 1 | Fn
| ||
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data_ident_out = 80 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = EnableExtensions, data_ident_out = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = DelayedExpansion, data_ident_out = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = DefaultColor, data_ident_out = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = CompletionChar, data_ident_out = 64 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = PathCompletionChar, data_ident_out = 64 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = AutoRun, data_ident_out = 64 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data_ident_out = 64 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = EnableExtensions, data_ident_out = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = DelayedExpansion, data_ident_out = 1 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = DefaultColor, data_ident_out = 0 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = CompletionChar, data_ident_out = 9 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = PathCompletionChar, data_ident_out = 9 | 1 | Fn
| |
READ_VALUE | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor | value_name = AutoRun, data_ident_out = 9 | 1 | Fn
This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.
An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefox
with deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".