6e4cc242...41c9 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Backdoor, Trojan, Dropper, Spyware, Downloader

6e4cc242e9b433dc2856862df6ea36e1e70bf597121dc5ece179a29b674a41c9 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-09-17 14:41:00

Notifications (1/1)

The maximum number of reputation file hash requests (20 per analysis) was exceeded. As a result, the reputation status could not be queried for all file hashes. In order to get the reputation status for all file hashes, please increase the 'Max File Hash Requests' setting in the system configurations.


The maximum number of reputation file hash requests (20 per analysis) was exceeded. As a result, the reputation status could not be queried for all file hashes. In order to get the reputation status for all file hashes, please increase the 'Max File Hash Requests' setting in the system configurations.

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\Desktop\1.exe Sample File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 568.00 KB
MD5 71236fead29f0d691880c806b96f8749 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 135bb3f6571e62d5863ee7604d5b3f8cf954fadb Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 6e4cc242e9b433dc2856862df6ea36e1e70bf597121dc5ece179a29b674a41c9 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:2NSzcBc6G76rTbUfeReNA3vXHxFL/xa0U5VOtp7YPoB/VjBzG7PPSme1MbR2yr:2s2TbUfeYA3vHg02c82mSm+Mp Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash fec85e79dbf7900b1a983630285b1e41 Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-09-14 14:34 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-16 21:17 (UTC+2)
Names Win32.Trojan.Kryptik
Families Kryptik
Classification Trojan
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x4193bd
Size Of Code 0x2e600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x5f600
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-09-13 07:28:45+00:00
Version Information (12)
LegalCopyright Copyright 2015
InternalName Trigger Citizens
CompanyName Twitter Inc.
FileDescription Make Invent Displaylast Mars
LegalTrademarks Copyright 2015
Comments Make Invent Displaylast Mars
ProductName Trigger Citizens
Languages English
OriginalFilename Trigger Citizens.exe
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x2e4c5 0x2e600 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.61
.rdata 0x430000 0xd950 0xda00 0x2ea00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.8
.data 0x43e000 0x5fbc 0x2600 0x3c400 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 3.97
.rsrc 0x444000 0x4f4d0 0x4f600 0x3ea00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 4.63
Imports (20)
KERNEL32.dll (109)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetACP 0x0 0x430124 0x3bdb4 0x3a7b4 0x152
IsValidCodePage 0x0 0x430128 0x3bdb8 0x3a7b8 0x2db
GetStdHandle 0x0 0x43012c 0x3bdbc 0x3a7bc 0x23b
FreeEnvironmentStringsA 0x0 0x430130 0x3bdc0 0x3a7c0 0x14a
GetEnvironmentStrings 0x0 0x430134 0x3bdc4 0x3a7c4 0x1bf
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x430138 0x3bdc8 0x3a7c8 0x14b
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x43013c 0x3bdcc 0x3a7cc 0x1c1
SetHandleCount 0x0 0x430140 0x3bdd0 0x3a7d0 0x3e8
GetFileType 0x0 0x430144 0x3bdd4 0x3a7d4 0x1d7
HeapCreate 0x0 0x430148 0x3bdd8 0x3a7d8 0x29f
VirtualFree 0x0 0x43014c 0x3bddc 0x3a7dc 0x457
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x430150 0x3bde0 0x3a7e0 0x354
GetTickCount 0x0 0x430154 0x3bde4 0x3a7e4 0x266
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x430158 0x3bde8 0x3a7e8 0x2b5
ExitProcess 0x0 0x43015c 0x3bdec 0x3a7ec 0x104
GetConsoleCP 0x0 0x430160 0x3bdf0 0x3a7f0 0x183
GetConsoleMode 0x0 0x430164 0x3bdf4 0x3a7f4 0x195
LCMapStringA 0x0 0x430168 0x3bdf8 0x3a7f8 0x2e1
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x43016c 0x3bdfc 0x3a7fc 0x2e3
GetStringTypeA 0x0 0x430170 0x3be00 0x3a800 0x23d
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x430174 0x3be04 0x3a804 0x240
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x430178 0x3be08 0x3a808 0x3fc
WriteConsoleA 0x0 0x43017c 0x3be0c 0x3a80c 0x482
GetConsoleOutputCP 0x0 0x430180 0x3be10 0x3a810 0x199
WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x430184 0x3be14 0x3a814 0x48c
Sleep 0x0 0x430188 0x3be18 0x3a818 0x421
HeapReAlloc 0x0 0x43018c 0x3be1c 0x3a81c 0x2a4
HeapFree 0x0 0x430190 0x3be20 0x3a820 0x2a1
FindResourceA 0x0 0x430194 0x3be24 0x3a824 0x136
HeapAlloc 0x0 0x430198 0x3be28 0x3a828 0x29d
GetStartupInfoA 0x0 0x43019c 0x3be2c 0x3a82c 0x239
GetCommandLineA 0x0 0x4301a0 0x3be30 0x3a830 0x16f
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x4301a4 0x3be34 0x3a834 0x24f
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x4301a8 0x3be38 0x3a838 0x2d1
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4301ac 0x3be3c 0x3a83c 0x415
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4301b0 0x3be40 0x3a840 0x43e
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x4301b4 0x3be44 0x3a844 0x42d
SetErrorMode 0x0 0x4301b8 0x3be48 0x3a848 0x3d2
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x4301bc 0x3be4c 0x3a84c 0x1f9
CreateFileA 0x0 0x4301c0 0x3be50 0x3a850 0x78
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x4301c4 0x3be54 0x3a854 0x1a9
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x4301c8 0x3be58 0x3a858 0x141
SetFilePointer 0x0 0x4301cc 0x3be5c 0x3a85c 0x3df
WriteFile 0x0 0x4301d0 0x3be60 0x3a860 0x48d
ReadFile 0x0 0x4301d4 0x3be64 0x3a864 0x368
HeapSize 0x0 0x4301d8 0x3be68 0x3a868 0x2a6
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x4301dc 0x3be6c 0x3a86c 0x392
WritePrivateProfileStringA 0x0 0x4301e0 0x3be70 0x3a870 0x492
GetOEMCP 0x0 0x4301e4 0x3be74 0x3a874 0x213
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x4301e8 0x3be78 0x3a878 0x15b
InterlockedIncrement 0x0 0x4301ec 0x3be7c 0x3a87c 0x2c0
TlsFree 0x0 0x4301f0 0x3be80 0x3a880 0x433
LocalReAlloc 0x0 0x4301f4 0x3be84 0x3a884 0x300
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x4301f8 0x3be88 0x3a888 0x435
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x4301fc 0x3be8c 0x3a88c 0x432
GlobalHandle 0x0 0x430200 0x3be90 0x3a890 0x28f
GlobalReAlloc 0x0 0x430204 0x3be94 0x3a894 0x293
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x430208 0x3be98 0x3a898 0x434
GlobalFlags 0x0 0x43020c 0x3be9c 0x3a89c 0x28b
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x430210 0x3bea0 0x3a8a0 0xd9
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x430214 0x3bea4 0x3a8a4 0x2ef
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x430218 0x3bea8 0x3a8a8 0xbe
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x43021c 0x3beac 0x3a8ac 0x2b4
GlobalFree 0x0 0x430220 0x3beb0 0x3a8b0 0x28c
GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x430224 0x3beb4 0x3a8b4 0x1ac
ConvertDefaultLocale 0x0 0x430228 0x3beb8 0x3a8b8 0x5a
EnumResourceLanguagesA 0x0 0x43022c 0x3bebc 0x3a8bc 0xe6
InterlockedExchange 0x0 0x430230 0x3bec0 0x3a8c0 0x2bd
lstrcmpA 0x0 0x430234 0x3bec4 0x3a8c4 0x4a9
InterlockedDecrement 0x0 0x430238 0x3bec8 0x3a8c8 0x2bc
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x43023c 0x3becc 0x3a8cc 0x1f5
GlobalLock 0x0 0x430240 0x3bed0 0x3a8d0 0x290
GlobalUnlock 0x0 0x430244 0x3bed4 0x3a8d4 0x297
MulDiv 0x0 0x430248 0x3bed8 0x3a8d8 0x319
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x43024c 0x3bedc 0x3a8dc 0x1f4
FreeResource 0x0 0x430250 0x3bee0 0x3a8e0 0x14f
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x430254 0x3bee4 0x3a8e4 0x1ad
GlobalGetAtomNameA 0x0 0x430258 0x3bee8 0x3a8e8 0x28d
GlobalAddAtomA 0x0 0x43025c 0x3beec 0x3a8ec 0x283
GlobalFindAtomA 0x0 0x430260 0x3bef0 0x3a8f0 0x288
GlobalDeleteAtom 0x0 0x430264 0x3bef4 0x3a8f4 0x287
CompareStringA 0x0 0x430268 0x3bef8 0x3a8f8 0x52
SetLastError 0x0 0x43026c 0x3befc 0x3a8fc 0x3ec
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x430270 0x3bf00 0x3a900 0x31a
lstrcmpW 0x0 0x430274 0x3bf04 0x3a904 0x4aa
GetVersionExA 0x0 0x430278 0x3bf08 0x3a908 0x275
lstrlenA 0x0 0x43027c 0x3bf0c 0x3a90c 0x4b5
LocalFree 0x0 0x430280 0x3bf10 0x3a910 0x2fd
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x430284 0x3bf14 0x3a914 0x1aa
CloseHandle 0x0 0x430288 0x3bf18 0x3a918 0x43
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x43028c 0x3bf1c 0x3a91c 0x1f6
LocalAlloc 0x0 0x430290 0x3bf20 0x3a920 0x2f9
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x430294 0x3bf24 0x3a924 0x454
GetLastError 0x0 0x430298 0x3bf28 0x3a928 0x1e6
CreateEventA 0x0 0x43029c 0x3bf2c 0x3a92c 0x72
GlobalAlloc 0x0 0x4302a0 0x3bf30 0x3a930 0x285
OpenProcess 0x0 0x4302a4 0x3bf34 0x3a934 0x333
GetSystemDefaultLCID 0x0 0x4302a8 0x3bf38 0x3a938 0x241
WaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x4302ac 0x3bf3c 0x3a93c 0x464
GetLocaleInfoA 0x0 0x4302b0 0x3bf40 0x3a940 0x1e8
GetComputerNameA 0x0 0x4302b4 0x3bf44 0x3a944 0x175
LockResource 0x0 0x4302b8 0x3bf48 0x3a948 0x307
LoadLibraryA 0x0 0x4302bc 0x3bf4c 0x3a94c 0x2f1
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x4302c0 0x3bf50 0x3a950 0x220
RaiseException 0x0 0x4302c4 0x3bf54 0x3a954 0x35a
SizeofResource 0x0 0x4302c8 0x3bf58 0x3a958 0x420
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x4302cc 0x3bf5c 0x3a95c 0x47a
LoadResource 0x0 0x4302d0 0x3bf60 0x3a960 0x2f6
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x4302d4 0x3bf64 0x3a964 0x14c
USER32.dll (125)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetSysColorBrush 0x0 0x430350 0x3bfe0 0x3a9e0 0x16d
DestroyMenu 0x0 0x430354 0x3bfe4 0x3a9e4 0x9e
GetDesktopWindow 0x0 0x430358 0x3bfe8 0x3a9e8 0x11c
CreateDialogIndirectParamA 0x0 0x43035c 0x3bfec 0x3a9ec 0x59
GetNextDlgTabItem 0x0 0x430360 0x3bff0 0x3a9f0 0x153
EndDialog 0x0 0x430364 0x3bff4 0x3a9f4 0xd3
GetMessageA 0x0 0x430368 0x3bff8 0x3a9f8 0x14a
TranslateMessage 0x0 0x43036c 0x3bffc 0x3a9fc 0x2d5
GetActiveWindow 0x0 0x430370 0x3c000 0x3aa00 0xf9
ValidateRect 0x0 0x430374 0x3c004 0x3aa04 0x2f2
SetCursor 0x0 0x430378 0x3c008 0x3aa08 0x270
ShowWindow 0x0 0x43037c 0x3c00c 0x3aa0c 0x2b8
SetWindowTextA 0x0 0x430380 0x3c010 0x3aa10 0x2ab
IsDialogMessageA 0x0 0x430384 0x3c014 0x3aa14 0x1b8
ClientToScreen 0x0 0x430388 0x3c018 0x3aa18 0x45
GrayStringA 0x0 0x43038c 0x3c01c 0x3aa1c 0x193
DrawTextExA 0x0 0x430390 0x3c020 0x3aa20 0xc6
DrawTextA 0x0 0x430394 0x3c024 0x3aa24 0xc5
TabbedTextOutA 0x0 0x430398 0x3c028 0x3aa28 0x2c6
IsWindowEnabled 0x0 0x43039c 0x3c02c 0x3aa2c 0x1c6
RegisterWindowMessageA 0x0 0x4303a0 0x3c030 0x3aa30 0x249
WinHelpA 0x0 0x4303a4 0x3c034 0x3aa34 0x2ff
GetCapture 0x0 0x4303a8 0x3c038 0x3aa38 0x101
SetWindowsHookExA 0x0 0x4303ac 0x3c03c 0x3aa3c 0x2af
CallNextHookEx 0x0 0x4303b0 0x3c040 0x3aa40 0x1b
GetClassLongA 0x0 0x4303b4 0x3c044 0x3aa44 0x108
GetClassNameA 0x0 0x4303b8 0x3c048 0x3aa48 0x10a
SetPropA 0x0 0x4303bc 0x3c04c 0x3aa4c 0x28f
GetPropA 0x0 0x4303c0 0x3c050 0x3aa50 0x15b
RemovePropA 0x0 0x4303c4 0x3c054 0x3aa54 0x24f
GetWindowTextLengthA 0x0 0x4303c8 0x3c058 0x3aa58 0x18d
GetWindowTextA 0x0 0x4303cc 0x3c05c 0x3aa5c 0x18c
GetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x4303d0 0x3c060 0x3aa60 0x125
GetLastActivePopup 0x0 0x4303d4 0x3c064 0x3aa64 0x138
SetActiveWindow 0x0 0x4303d8 0x3c068 0x3aa68 0x266
DispatchMessageA 0x0 0x4303dc 0x3c06c 0x3aa6c 0xa8
GetTopWindow 0x0 0x4303e0 0x3c070 0x3aa70 0x175
GetMessageTime 0x0 0x4303e4 0x3c074 0x3aa74 0x14d
PeekMessageA 0x0 0x4303e8 0x3c078 0x3aa78 0x21b
MapWindowPoints 0x0 0x4303ec 0x3c07c 0x3aa7c 0x1f3
GetKeyState 0x0 0x4303f0 0x3c080 0x3aa80 0x131
SetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x4303f4 0x3c084 0x3aa84 0x27a
IsWindowVisible 0x0 0x4303f8 0x3c088 0x3aa88 0x1ca
UpdateWindow 0x0 0x4303fc 0x3c08c 0x3aa8c 0x2e9
GetSubMenu 0x0 0x430400 0x3c090 0x3aa90 0x16b
GetMenuItemID 0x0 0x430404 0x3c094 0x3aa94 0x143
GetMenuItemCount 0x0 0x430408 0x3c098 0x3aa98 0x142
GetClassInfoExA 0x0 0x43040c 0x3c09c 0x3aa9c 0x105
RegisterClassA 0x0 0x430410 0x3c0a0 0x3aaa0 0x233
AdjustWindowRectEx 0x0 0x430414 0x3c0a4 0x3aaa4 0x3
CopyRect 0x0 0x430418 0x3c0a8 0x3aaa8 0x4f
GetDlgCtrlID 0x0 0x43041c 0x3c0ac 0x3aaac 0x11e
CallWindowProcA 0x0 0x430420 0x3c0b0 0x3aab0 0x1c
PtInRect 0x0 0x430424 0x3c0b4 0x3aab4 0x229
SetWindowLongA 0x0 0x430428 0x3c0b8 0x3aab8 0x2a4
SystemParametersInfoA 0x0 0x43042c 0x3c0bc 0x3aabc 0x2c4
GetWindowPlacement 0x0 0x430430 0x3c0c0 0x3aac0 0x187
SetMenuItemBitmaps 0x0 0x430434 0x3c0c4 0x3aac4 0x283
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions 0x0 0x430438 0x3c0c8 0x3aac8 0x13e
GetFocus 0x0 0x43043c 0x3c0cc 0x3aacc 0x124
ModifyMenuA 0x0 0x430440 0x3c0d0 0x3aad0 0x200
GetMenuState 0x0 0x430444 0x3c0d4 0x3aad4 0x147
EndPaint 0x0 0x430448 0x3c0d8 0x3aad8 0xd5
DestroyWindow 0x0 0x43044c 0x3c0dc 0x3aadc 0xa0
InsertMenuItemA 0x0 0x430450 0x3c0e0 0x3aae0 0x1a4
PostQuitMessage 0x0 0x430454 0x3c0e4 0x3aae4 0x220
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KillTimer 0x0 0x43045c 0x3c0ec 0x3aaec 0x1cd
IsClipboardFormatAvailable 0x0 0x430460 0x3c0f0 0x3aaf0 0x1b6
CreateMenu 0x0 0x430464 0x3c0f4 0x3aaf4 0x64
BeginPaint 0x0 0x430468 0x3c0f8 0x3aaf8 0xe
GetDC 0x0 0x43046c 0x3c0fc 0x3aafc 0x11a
InflateRect 0x0 0x430470 0x3c100 0x3ab00 0x1a1
UnregisterClassA 0x0 0x430474 0x3c104 0x3ab04 0x2de
GetMenu 0x0 0x430478 0x3c108 0x3ab08 0x13c
TrackPopupMenuEx 0x0 0x43047c 0x3c10c 0x3ab0c 0x2d0
UnhookWindowsHookEx 0x0 0x430480 0x3c110 0x3ab10 0x2d9
MessageBoxA 0x0 0x430484 0x3c114 0x3ab14 0x1f8
GetWindowLongA 0x0 0x430488 0x3c118 0x3ab18 0x181
CreateWindowExA 0x0 0x43048c 0x3c11c 0x3ab1c 0x67
ReleaseDC 0x0 0x430490 0x3c120 0x3ab20 0x24c
GetMessagePos 0x0 0x430494 0x3c124 0x3ab24 0x14c
EnableMenuItem 0x0 0x430498 0x3c128 0x3ab28 0xcf
GetDlgItem 0x0 0x43049c 0x3c12c 0x3ab2c 0x11f
SetWindowPos 0x0 0x4304a0 0x3c130 0x3ab30 0x2a7
GetCursorPos 0x0 0x4304a4 0x3c134 0x3ab34 0x119
GetMenuItemInfoA 0x0 0x4304a8 0x3c138 0x3ab38 0x144
SetMenu 0x0 0x4304ac 0x3c13c 0x3ab3c 0x27f
CreatePopupMenu 0x0 0x4304b0 0x3c140 0x3ab40 0x65
DrawMenuBar 0x0 0x4304b4 0x3c144 0x3ab44 0xc1
PostMessageA 0x0 0x4304b8 0x3c148 0x3ab48 0x21e
MessageBoxW 0x0 0x4304bc 0x3c14c 0x3ab4c 0x1ff
DialogBoxIndirectParamA 0x0 0x4304c0 0x3c150 0x3ab50 0xa2
SetMenuItemInfoA 0x0 0x4304c4 0x3c154 0x3ab54 0x284
DialogBoxParamA 0x0 0x4304c8 0x3c158 0x3ab58 0xa5
SetDlgItemTextA 0x0 0x4304cc 0x3c15c 0x3ab5c 0x276
GetDialogBaseUnits 0x0 0x4304d0 0x3c160 0x3ab60 0x11d
CheckMenuItem 0x0 0x4304d4 0x3c164 0x3ab64 0x3d
GetWindowThreadProcessId 0x0 0x4304d8 0x3c168 0x3ab68 0x190
GetWindow 0x0 0x4304dc 0x3c16c 0x3ab6c 0x17d
GetSystemMenu 0x0 0x4304e0 0x3c170 0x3ab70 0x16e
IsIconic 0x0 0x4304e4 0x3c174 0x3ab74 0x1bd
LoadBitmapA 0x0 0x4304e8 0x3c178 0x3ab78 0x1d0
LoadIconA 0x0 0x4304ec 0x3c17c 0x3ab7c 0x1d6
SendMessageA 0x0 0x4304f0 0x3c180 0x3ab80 0x25e
GetSysColor 0x0 0x4304f4 0x3c184 0x3ab84 0x16c
AppendMenuA 0x0 0x4304f8 0x3c188 0x3ab88 0x9
GetSystemMetrics 0x0 0x4304fc 0x3c18c 0x3ab8c 0x16f
ScreenToClient 0x0 0x430500 0x3c190 0x3ab90 0x254
GetWindowRect 0x0 0x430504 0x3c194 0x3ab94 0x188
GetParent 0x0 0x430508 0x3c198 0x3ab98 0x155
DrawIcon 0x0 0x43050c 0x3c19c 0x3ab9c 0xbf
GetClientRect 0x0 0x430510 0x3c1a0 0x3aba0 0x10d
GetIconInfo 0x0 0x430514 0x3c1a4 0x3aba4 0x128
OffsetRect 0x0 0x430518 0x3c1a8 0x3aba8 0x20e
InvalidateRect 0x0 0x43051c 0x3c1ac 0x3abac 0x1aa
DefWindowProcA 0x0 0x430520 0x3c1b0 0x3abb0 0x95
EnumChildWindows 0x0 0x430524 0x3c1b4 0x3abb4 0xd8
GetClassInfoA 0x0 0x430528 0x3c1b8 0x3abb8 0x104
IsWindow 0x0 0x43052c 0x3c1bc 0x3abbc 0x1c5
EqualRect 0x0 0x430530 0x3c1c0 0x3abc0 0xec
EnableWindow 0x0 0x430534 0x3c1c4 0x3abc4 0xd1
LoadCursorA 0x0 0x430538 0x3c1c8 0x3abc8 0x1d2
MoveWindow 0x0 0x43053c 0x3c1cc 0x3abcc 0x205
SetFocus 0x0 0x430540 0x3c1d0 0x3abd0 0x279
GDI32.dll (48)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ScaleWindowExtEx 0x0 0x430050 0x3bce0 0x3a6e0 0x259
ScaleViewportExtEx 0x0 0x430054 0x3bce4 0x3a6e4 0x258
DPtoLP 0x0 0x430058 0x3bce8 0x3a6e8 0x92
SetWindowExtEx 0x0 0x43005c 0x3bcec 0x3a6ec 0x293
MoveToEx 0x0 0x430060 0x3bcf0 0x3a6f0 0x221
LineTo 0x0 0x430064 0x3bcf4 0x3a6f4 0x21d
SetViewportExtEx 0x0 0x430068 0x3bcf8 0x3a6f8 0x28f
OffsetViewportOrgEx 0x0 0x43006c 0x3bcfc 0x3a6fc 0x225
SetViewportOrgEx 0x0 0x430070 0x3bd00 0x3a700 0x290
Escape 0x0 0x430074 0x3bd04 0x3a704 0x119
TextOutA 0x0 0x430078 0x3bd08 0x3a708 0x29f
RectVisible 0x0 0x43007c 0x3bd0c 0x3a70c 0x245
PtVisible 0x0 0x430080 0x3bd10 0x3a710 0x241
GetObjectA 0x0 0x430084 0x3bd14 0x3a714 0x1e2
SetMapMode 0x0 0x430088 0x3bd18 0x3a718 0x27b
RestoreDC 0x0 0x43008c 0x3bd1c 0x3a71c 0x250
SaveDC 0x0 0x430090 0x3bd20 0x3a720 0x257
GetClipBox 0x0 0x430094 0x3bd24 0x3a724 0x1aa
CreateBitmap 0x0 0x430098 0x3bd28 0x3a728 0x28
CreateEllipticRgn 0x0 0x43009c 0x3bd2c 0x3a72c 0x36
SetTextColor 0x0 0x4300a0 0x3bd30 0x3a730 0x28d
DeleteDC 0x0 0x4300a4 0x3bd34 0x3a734 0xcd
SetBkColor 0x0 0x4300a8 0x3bd38 0x3a738 0x265
GetRgnBox 0x0 0x4300ac 0x3bd3c 0x3a73c 0x1f3
GetDCOrgEx 0x0 0x4300b0 0x3bd40 0x3a740 0x1b1
SetBkMode 0x0 0x4300b4 0x3bd44 0x3a744 0x266
SelectObject 0x0 0x4300b8 0x3bd48 0x3a748 0x25e
CombineRgn 0x0 0x4300bc 0x3bd4c 0x3a74c 0x21
GdiSetBatchLimit 0x0 0x4300c0 0x3bd50 0x3a750 0x185
CreateBrushIndirect 0x0 0x4300c4 0x3bd54 0x3a754 0x2a
FillRgn 0x0 0x4300c8 0x3bd58 0x3a758 0x12d
GetTextExtentExPointA 0x0 0x4300cc 0x3bd5c 0x3a75c 0x200
CreateRectRgn 0x0 0x4300d0 0x3bd60 0x3a760 0x4d
GetPixel 0x0 0x4300d4 0x3bd64 0x3a764 0x1eb
GetStockObject 0x0 0x4300d8 0x3bd68 0x3a768 0x1f4
ExtTextOutA 0x0 0x4300dc 0x3bd6c 0x3a76c 0x122
GetRandomRgn 0x0 0x4300e0 0x3bd70 0x3a770 0x1ef
CreateSolidBrush 0x0 0x4300e4 0x3bd74 0x3a774 0x52
BitBlt 0x0 0x4300e8 0x3bd78 0x3a778 0x12
GetDeviceCaps 0x0 0x4300ec 0x3bd7c 0x3a77c 0x1b5
CreateFontIndirectA 0x0 0x4300f0 0x3bd80 0x3a780 0x3b
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CreateCompatibleBitmap 0x0 0x4300fc 0x3bd8c 0x3a78c 0x2d
Rectangle 0x0 0x430100 0x3bd90 0x3a790 0x246
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CreatePatternBrush 0x0 0x430108 0x3bd98 0x3a798 0x48
CreatePen 0x0 0x43010c 0x3bd9c 0x3a79c 0x49
COMDLG32.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetOpenFileNameA 0x0 0x430044 0x3bcd4 0x3a6d4 0xb
ChooseColorA 0x0 0x430048 0x3bcd8 0x3a6d8 0x0
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OpenPrinterA 0x0 0x43055c 0x3c1ec 0x3abec 0x8e
DocumentPropertiesA 0x0 0x430560 0x3c1f0 0x3abf0 0x4d
ClosePrinter 0x0 0x430564 0x3c1f4 0x3abf4 0x1d
ADVAPI32.dll (14)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RegEnumKeyA 0x0 0x430000 0x3bc90 0x3a690 0x247
RegSetValueExA 0x0 0x430004 0x3bc94 0x3a694 0x277
RegCreateKeyExA 0x0 0x430008 0x3bc98 0x3a698 0x232
RegQueryValueA 0x0 0x43000c 0x3bc9c 0x3a69c 0x266
RegOpenKeyA 0x0 0x430010 0x3bca0 0x3a6a0 0x259
OpenProcessToken 0x0 0x430014 0x3bca4 0x3a6a4 0x1f1
RegDeleteKeyA 0x0 0x430018 0x3bca8 0x3a6a8 0x237
RegOpenKeyExA 0x0 0x43001c 0x3bcac 0x3a6ac 0x25a
RegQueryValueExA 0x0 0x430020 0x3bcb0 0x3a6b0 0x267
RegCloseKey 0x0 0x430024 0x3bcb4 0x3a6b4 0x22a
ConvertSidToStringSidW 0x0 0x430028 0x3bcb8 0x3a6b8 0x68
GetUserNameA 0x0 0x43002c 0x3bcbc 0x3a6bc 0x15e
GetTokenInformation 0x0 0x430030 0x3bcc0 0x3a6c0 0x154
GetUserNameW 0x0 0x430034 0x3bcc4 0x3a6c4 0x15f
SHELL32.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SHQueryRecycleBinA 0x0 0x430314 0x3bfa4 0x3a9a4 0xf5
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation 0x0 0x430318 0x3bfa8 0x3a9a8 0xd8
SHEmptyRecycleBinA 0x0 0x43031c 0x3bfac 0x3a9ac 0xa1
Shell_NotifyIconA 0x0 0x430320 0x3bfb0 0x3a9b0 0x122
SHParseDisplayName 0x0 0x430324 0x3bfb4 0x3a9b4 0xef
SHLWAPI.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PathMatchSpecA 0x0 0x43032c 0x3bfbc 0x3a9bc 0x78
PathAppendA 0x0 0x430330 0x3bfc0 0x3a9c0 0x33
PathFindFileNameA 0x0 0x430334 0x3bfc4 0x3a9c4 0x48
PathFindExtensionA 0x0 0x430338 0x3bfc8 0x3a9c8 0x46
ole32.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetHGlobalFromStream 0x0 0x43057c 0x3c20c 0x3ac0c 0x94
CreateStreamOnHGlobal 0x0 0x430580 0x3c210 0x3ac10 0x85
OLEAUT32.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OleLoadPicture 0x1a2 0x4302e8 0x3bf78 0x3a978 -
OleCreateFontIndirect 0x1a4 0x4302ec 0x3bf7c 0x3a97c -
VariantClear 0x9 0x4302f0 0x3bf80 0x3a980 -
VariantChangeType 0xc 0x4302f4 0x3bf84 0x3a984 -
VariantInit 0x8 0x4302f8 0x3bf88 0x3a988 -
OPENGL32.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
glOrtho 0x0 0x430300 0x3bf90 0x3a990 0xc4
glViewport 0x0 0x430304 0x3bf94 0x3a994 0x156
glLoadIdentity 0x0 0x430308 0x3bf98 0x3a998 0xa4
glMatrixMode 0x0 0x43030c 0x3bf9c 0x3a99c 0xb5
GLU32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
gluLookAt 0x0 0x430114 0x3bda4 0x3a7a4 0x15
VERSION.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetFileVersionInfoW 0x0 0x430548 0x3c1d8 0x3abd8 0x5
WININET.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
FtpDeleteFileW 0x0 0x430550 0x3c1e0 0x3abe0 0x2a
HttpQueryInfoA 0x0 0x430554 0x3c1e4 0x3abe4 0x58
WS2_32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WSAStartup 0x73 0x430574 0x3c204 0x3ac04 -
AVIFIL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
AVIStreamWrite 0x0 0x43003c 0x3bccc 0x3a6cc 0x39
WINTRUST.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WinVerifyTrust 0x0 0x43056c 0x3c1fc 0x3abfc 0x73
Secur32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
AcquireCredentialsHandleA 0x0 0x430340 0x3bfd0 0x3a9d0 0x1
AcceptSecurityContext 0x0 0x430344 0x3bfd4 0x3a9d4 0x0
CompleteAuthToken 0x0 0x430348 0x3bfd8 0x3a9d8 0xc
IMM32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ImmEscapeA 0x0 0x43011c 0x3bdac 0x3a7ac 0x29
OLEACC.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
LresultFromObject 0x0 0x4302dc 0x3bf6c 0x3a96c 0x14
CreateStdAccessibleObject 0x0 0x4302e0 0x3bf70 0x3a970 0x4
Icons (1)
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.80 KB
MD5 93d3da06bf894f4fa21007bee06b5e7d Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 1e47230a7ebcfaf643087a1929a385e0d554ad15 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 f5cf623ba14b017af4aec6c15eee446c647ab6d2a5dee9d6975adc69994a113d Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 192:+Y3vY17aFBR4WIghWG4U9CedXe123Ouo+Uggs/nGfe4pBjSbGGAPWh0txKdmVWQC:+Y3e9WPhWFsXYi00GftpBjfemnlP55s Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-06 12:22 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x800
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1987-03-31 17:26:34+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x616 0x800 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.05
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xa00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (27)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_aligned_free 0x1263 0x1
_aligned_malloc 0x128a 0x2
_aligned_msize 0x12b2 0x3
_aligned_offset_malloc 0x12e1 0x4
_aligned_offset_realloc 0x1319 0x5
_aligned_offset_recalloc 0x1353 0x6
_aligned_realloc 0x1386 0x7
_aligned_recalloc 0x13b2 0x8
_callnewh 0x13d7 0x9
_calloc_base 0x13f7 0xa
_expand 0x1415 0xb
_free_base 0x1431 0xc
_get_heap_handle 0x1456 0xd
_heapchk 0x1479 0xe
_heapmin 0x1494 0xf
_heapwalk 0x14b0 0x10
_malloc_base 0x14d0 0x11
_msize 0x14ed 0x12
_query_new_handler 0x1510 0x13
_query_new_mode 0x153c 0x14
_realloc_base 0x1563 0x15
_recalloc 0x1584 0x16
_set_new_mode 0x15a5 0x17
calloc 0x15c3 0x18
free 0x15d8 0x19
malloc 0x15ed 0x1a
realloc 0x1605 0x1b
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/vcruntime140.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 81.82 KB
MD5 7587bf9cb4147022cd5681b015183046 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f2106306a8f6f0da5afb7fc765cfa0757ad5a628 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c40bb03199a2054dabfc7a8e01d6098e91de7193619effbd0f142a7bf031c14d Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 1536:AQXQNgAuCDeHFtg3uYQkDqiVsv39niI35kU2yecbVKHHwhbfugbZyk:AQXQNVDeHFtO5d/A39ie6yecbVKHHwJF Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash fa315c9bc46ab41d4bc4e3f94023067f Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-06-02 19:06 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-14 01:13 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x1000ae00
Size Of Code 0xea00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x2000
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2017-05-25 20:01:16+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName vcruntime140.dll
FileVersion 14.11.25325.0 built by: VCTOOLSREL
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017
ProductVersion 14.11.25325.0
FileDescription Microsoft® C Runtime Library
OriginalFilename vcruntime140.dll
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0xe9c4 0xea00 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.62
.data 0x10010000 0x644 0x200 0xee00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 3.71
.idata 0x10011000 0x5b8 0x600 0xf000 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.04
.rsrc 0x10012000 0x408 0x600 0xf600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 2.46
.reloc 0x10013000 0xa94 0xc00 0xfc00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.21
Imports (6)
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
abort 0x0 0x1001109c 0x111e8 0xf1e8 0x57
terminate 0x0 0x100110a0 0x111ec 0xf1ec 0x6a
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
strcpy_s 0x0 0x100110b0 0x111fc 0xf1fc 0x89
wcsncmp 0x0 0x100110b4 0x11200 0xf200 0xa6
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
malloc 0x0 0x10011084 0x111d0 0xf1d0 0x19
_free_base 0x0 0x10011088 0x111d4 0xf1d4 0xb
free 0x0 0x1001108c 0x111d8 0xf1d8 0x18
_malloc_base 0x0 0x10011090 0x111dc 0xf1dc 0x10
_calloc_base 0x0 0x10011094 0x111e0 0xf1e0 0x9
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s 0x0 0x100110a8 0x111f4 0xf1f4 0xf
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
atol 0x0 0x1001107c 0x111c8 0xf1c8 0x51
KERNEL32.dll (30)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x10011000 0x1114c 0xf14c 0x3a0
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x10011004 0x11150 0xf150 0x561
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x10011008 0x11154 0xf154 0x207
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1001100c 0x11158 0xf158 0x543
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x10011010 0x1115c 0xf15c 0x582
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x10011014 0x11160 0xf160 0x2d4
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x10011018 0x11164 0xf164 0x20c
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x1001101c 0x11168 0xf168 0x208
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x10011020 0x1116c 0xf16c 0x42b
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x10011024 0x11170 0xf170 0x36b
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x10011028 0x11174 0xf174 0x265
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x1001102c 0x11178 0xf178 0x261
LoadLibraryExW 0x0 0x10011030 0x1117c 0xf17c 0x3a5
TlsFree 0x0 0x10011034 0x11180 0xf180 0x574
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x10011038 0x11184 0xf184 0x575
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x1001103c 0x11188 0xf188 0x19c
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x10011040 0x1118c 0xf18c 0x4ad
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x10011044 0x11190 0xf190 0x5a3
EncodePointer 0x0 0x10011048 0x11194 0xf194 0x11f
InterlockedFlushSList 0x0 0x1001104c 0x11198 0xf198 0x352
InterlockedPushEntrySList 0x0 0x10011050 0x1119c 0xf19c 0x355
RaiseException 0x0 0x10011054 0x111a0 0xf1a0 0x43f
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x10011058 0x111a4 0xf1a4 0x123
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x1001105c 0x111a8 0xf1a8 0x103
SetLastError 0x0 0x10011060 0x111ac 0xf1ac 0x50b
GetLastError 0x0 0x10011064 0x111b0 0xf1b0 0x24e
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x10011068 0x111b4 0xf1b4 0x576
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x1001106c 0x111b8 0xf1b8 0x346
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x10011070 0x111bc 0xf1bc 0x573
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x10011074 0x111c0 0xf1c0 0x29b
Exports (81)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_CreateFrameInfo 0xe540 0x1
_CxxThrowException 0x4690 0x2
_EH_prolog 0xeb50 0x3
_FindAndUnlinkFrame 0xe570 0x4
_IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed 0x2ce0 0x5
_NLG_Dispatch2 0xb463 0x6
_NLG_Return 0xd0b7 0x7
_NLG_Return2 0xb46d 0x8
_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback 0x2c20 0x9
__AdjustPointer 0x2ad0 0xa
__BuildCatchObject 0x3930 0xb
__BuildCatchObjectHelper 0x3800 0xc
__CxxDetectRethrow 0x3cb0 0xd
__CxxExceptionFilter 0x3ab0 0xe
__CxxFrameHandler 0xe660 0xf
__CxxFrameHandler2 0xe660 0x10
__CxxFrameHandler3 0xe660 0x11
__CxxLongjmpUnwind 0xe6a0 0x12
__CxxQueryExceptionSize 0x3e10 0x13
__CxxRegisterExceptionObject 0x3c00 0x14
__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject 0x3d00 0x15
__DestructExceptionObject 0x2c40 0x16
__FrameUnwindFilter 0x2bd0 0x17
__GetPlatformExceptionInfo 0x2b00 0x18
__RTCastToVoid 0x3e60 0x19
__RTDynamicCast 0x3f80 0x1a
__RTtypeid 0x3f00 0x1b
__TypeMatch 0x3420 0x1c
__current_exception 0x2ba0 0x1d
__current_exception_context 0x2bb0 0x1e
__intrinsic_setjmp 0xb260 0x1f
__processing_throw 0x2bc0 0x20
__report_gsfailure 0xeba0 0x21
__std_exception_copy 0x4470 0x22
__std_exception_destroy 0x44e0 0x23
__std_terminate 0x2c30 0x24
__std_type_info_compare 0x4500 0x25
__std_type_info_destroy_list 0x4660 0x26
__std_type_info_hash 0x4540 0x27
__std_type_info_name 0x4570 0x28
__telemetry_main_invoke_trigger 0x2670 0x29
__telemetry_main_return_trigger 0x2670 0x2a
__unDName 0x4d20 0x2b
__unDNameEx 0x4dc0 0x2c
__uncaught_exception 0x2b90 0x2d
__uncaught_exceptions 0x2b50 0x2e
__vcrt_GetModuleFileNameW 0x4bd0 0x2f
__vcrt_GetModuleHandleW 0x4bf0 0x30
__vcrt_InitializeCriticalSectionEx 0x4b80 0x31
__vcrt_LoadLibraryExW 0x4c00 0x32
_chkesp 0xb670 0x33
_except_handler2 0xae28 0x34
_except_handler3 0xaef8 0x35
_except_handler4_common 0xb500 0x36
_get_purecall_handler 0x4c80 0x37
_get_unexpected 0x4700 0x38
_global_unwind2 0xb330 0x39
_is_exception_typeof 0x2d10 0x3a
_local_unwind2 0xb396 0x3b
_local_unwind4 0xb030 0x3c
_longjmpex 0xb320 0x3d
_purecall 0x4c20 0x3e
_seh_longjmp_unwind 0xb004 0x40
_seh_longjmp_unwind4 0xb108 0x3f
_set_purecall_handler 0x4c40 0x41
_set_se_translator 0x4760 0x42
_setjmp3 0xb2a0 0x43
longjmp 0x26d0 0x44
memchr 0xd0e0 0x45
memcmp 0xbb10 0x46
memcpy 0xd190 0x47
memmove 0xd710 0x48
memset 0xdc90 0x49
set_unexpected 0x4720 0x4a
strchr 0xddf0 0x4b
strrchr 0xdf20 0x4c
strstr 0xe060 0x4d
unexpected 0x4740 0x4e
wcschr 0x26f0 0x4f
wcsrchr 0x2790 0x50
wcsstr 0x2840 0x51
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2016-08-18 20:17:17+00:00
Valid Until 2017-11-02 20:17:17+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 40 96 A9 EE 70 56 FE CC 07 00 01 00 00 01 40
Thumbprint 98 ED 99 A6 78 86 D0 20 C5 64 92 3B 7D F2 5E 9A C0 19 DF 26
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 19.80 KB
MD5 71af7ed2a72267aaad8564524903cff6 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 8a8437123de5a22ab843adc24a01ac06f48db0d3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 5dd4ccd63e6ed07ca3987ab5634ca4207d69c47c2544dfefc41935617652820f Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:5Xdv3V0dfpkXc0vVaHWPhWXEi00GftpBj9em+4lndanJ7o:5Xdv3VqpkXc0vVa8poivex Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-12 01:26 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-13 22:33 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0xc00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1996-08-13 19:03:36+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0xa56 0xc00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.71
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xe00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (41)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
AcquireSRWLockExclusive 0x12fb 0x1
AcquireSRWLockShared 0x1331 0x2
CancelWaitableTimer 0x1363 0x3
CreateEventA 0x138d 0x4
CreateEventExA 0x13b2 0x5
CreateEventExW 0x13d9 0x6
CreateEventW 0x13fe 0x7
CreateMutexA 0x1421 0x8
CreateMutexExA 0x1446 0x9
CreateMutexExW 0x146d 0xa
CreateMutexW 0x1492 0xb
CreateSemaphoreExW 0x14bb 0xc
CreateWaitableTimerExW 0x14ee 0xd
DeleteCriticalSection 0x1524 0xe
EnterCriticalSection 0x1558 0xf
InitializeCriticalSection 0x1590 0x10
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x15d9 0x11
InitializeCriticalSectionEx 0x1624 0x12
InitializeSRWLock 0x165b 0x13
LeaveCriticalSection 0x168b 0x14
OpenEventA 0x16b4 0x15
OpenEventW 0x16d3 0x16
OpenMutexW 0x16f2 0x17
OpenSemaphoreW 0x1715 0x18
OpenWaitableTimerW 0x1740 0x19
ReleaseMutex 0x1769 0x1a
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive 0x1797 0x1b
ReleaseSRWLockShared 0x17cd 0x1c
ReleaseSemaphore 0x17fc 0x1d
ResetEvent 0x1821 0x1e
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount 0x1851 0x1f
SetEvent 0x187f 0x20
SetWaitableTimer 0x18a2 0x21
SetWaitableTimerEx 0x18cf 0x22
SleepEx 0x18f3 0x23
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive 0x191f 0x24
TryAcquireSRWLockShared 0x195b 0x25
TryEnterCriticalSection 0x1994 0x26
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 0x19ce 0x27
WaitForSingleObject 0x1a04 0x28
WaitForSingleObjectEx 0x1a37 0x29
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.80 KB
MD5 8d02dd4c29bd490e672d271700511371 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f3035a756e2e963764912c6b432e74615ae07011 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c03124ba691b187917ba79078c66e12cbf5387a3741203070ba23980aa471e8b Copy to Clipboard
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-18 07:08 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x800
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2065-11-29 11:56:28+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x688 0x800 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.14
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xa00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (36)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_beep 0x12c8 0x1
_cwait 0x12de 0x2
_execl 0x12f5 0x3
_execle 0x130d 0x4
_execlp 0x1326 0x5
_execlpe 0x1340 0x6
_execv 0x1359 0x7
_execve 0x1371 0x8
_execvp 0x138a 0x9
_execvpe 0x13a4 0xa
_loaddll 0x13bf 0xb
_spawnl 0x13d9 0xc
_spawnle 0x13f3 0xd
_spawnlp 0x140e 0xe
_spawnlpe 0x142a 0xf
_spawnv 0x1445 0x10
_spawnve 0x145f 0x11
_spawnvp 0x147a 0x12
_spawnvpe 0x1496 0x13
_unloaddll 0x14b4 0x14
_wexecl 0x14d0 0x15
_wexecle 0x14ea 0x16
_wexeclp 0x1505 0x17
_wexeclpe 0x1521 0x18
_wexecv 0x153c 0x19
_wexecve 0x1556 0x1a
_wexecvp 0x1571 0x1b
_wexecvpe 0x158d 0x1c
_wspawnl 0x15a9 0x1d
_wspawnle 0x15c5 0x1e
_wspawnlp 0x15e2 0x1f
_wspawnlpe 0x1600 0x20
_wspawnv 0x161d 0x21
_wspawnve 0x1639 0x22
_wspawnvp 0x1656 0x23
_wspawnvpe 0x1674 0x24
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/nssdbm3.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 90.45 KB
MD5 569a7a65658a46f9412bdfa04f86e2b2 Copy to Clipboard
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SHA256 541a293c450e609810279f121a5e9dfa4e924d52e8b0c6c543512b5026efe7ec Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 1536:5vNGVOt0VjOJkbH8femxfRVMNKBDuOQWL1421GlkxERC+ANcFZoZ/6tNRCwI41ZH:hNGVOiBZbcGmxXMcBqmzoCUZoZebHZMw Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash d13d5fc7f2f1cf397f0d0cfd732db7a2 Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-04-28 14:11 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-26 09:43 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x10011f81
Size Of Code 0x11a00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x3000
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-04-27 21:41:18+00:00
Version Information (11)
LegalCopyright License: MPL 2
InternalName -
FileVersion 59.0.3
CompanyName Mozilla Foundation
BuildID 20180427210249
LegalTrademarks Mozilla
Comments -
ProductName Firefox
ProductVersion 59.0.3
FileDescription -
OriginalFilename nssdbm3.dll
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x118e4 0x11a00 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.49
.rdata 0x10013000 0x1f34 0x2000 0x11e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 4.98
.data 0x10015000 0x3f8 0x200 0x13e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 0.48
.rsrc 0x10016000 0x370 0x400 0x14000 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 2.87
.reloc 0x10017000 0x6a4 0x800 0x14400 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 5.89
Imports (9)
nss3.dll (92)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries 0x0 0x100130e4 0x141c4 0x12fc4 0x1ca
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util 0x0 0x100130e8 0x141c8 0x12fc8 0x3a6
PR_Now 0x0 0x100130ec 0x141cc 0x12fcc 0x31f
DER_DecodeTimeChoice_Util 0x0 0x100130f0 0x141d0 0x12fd0 0x8e
NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util 0x0 0x100130f4 0x141d4 0x12fd4 0x100
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util 0x0 0x100130f8 0x141d8 0x12fd8 0x103
NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util 0x0 0x100130fc 0x141dc 0x12fdc 0x10b
PORT_InitCheapArena 0x0 0x10013100 0x141e0 0x12fe0 0x209
PORT_DestroyCheapArena 0x0 0x10013104 0x141e4 0x12fe4 0x202
PORT_ArenaMark_Util 0x0 0x10013108 0x141e8 0x12fe8 0x1fb
PORT_ArenaRelease_Util 0x0 0x1001310c 0x141ec 0x12fec 0x1fc
PORT_ArenaUnmark_Util 0x0 0x10013110 0x141f0 0x12ff0 0x1ff
PORT_ArenaStrdup_Util 0x0 0x10013114 0x141f4 0x12ff4 0x1fe
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util 0x0 0x10013118 0x141f8 0x12ff8 0x3a8
PR_OpenFile 0x0 0x1001311c 0x141fc 0x12ffc 0x323
PL_HashTableLookup 0x0 0x10013120 0x14200 0x13000 0x1cb
PR_EnterMonitor 0x0 0x10013124 0x14204 0x13004 0x27c
PR_ExitMonitor 0x0 0x10013128 0x14208 0x13008 0x286
NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue 0x0 0x1001312c 0x1420c 0x1300c 0xb1
NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag 0x0 0x10013130 0x14210 0x13010 0xb2
NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong 0x0 0x10013134 0x14214 0x13014 0xb8
NSSUTIL_Quote 0x0 0x10013138 0x14218 0x13018 0xc0
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags 0x0 0x1001313c 0x1421c 0x1301c 0xb6
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo 0x0 0x10013140 0x14220 0x13020 0xb7
NSSUTIL_MkSlotString 0x0 0x10013144 0x14224 0x13024 0xbf
NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpec 0x0 0x10013148 0x14228 0x13028 0xb5
NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec 0x0 0x1001314c 0x1422c 0x1302c 0xbd
NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags 0x0 0x10013150 0x14230 0x13030 0xb4
NSSUTIL_MkNSSString 0x0 0x10013154 0x14234 0x13034 0xbe
PR_GetError 0x0 0x10013158 0x14238 0x13038 0x2ae
NSSBase64_EncodeItem_Util 0x0 0x1001315c 0x1423c 0x1303c 0xab
PL_HashTableRemove 0x0 0x10013160 0x14240 0x13040 0x1d1
PL_HashTableAdd 0x0 0x10013164 0x14244 0x13044 0x1c7
SECOID_Shutdown 0x0 0x10013168 0x14248 0x13048 0x3fd
SECOID_Init 0x0 0x1001316c 0x1424c 0x1304c 0x3fa
SECITEM_HashCompare 0x0 0x10013170 0x14250 0x13050 0x3b0
PL_CompareValues 0x0 0x10013174 0x14254 0x13054 0x1be
PL_HashTableDestroy 0x0 0x10013178 0x14258 0x13058 0x1c8
PL_NewHashTable 0x0 0x1001317c 0x1425c 0x1305c 0x1d3
PR_FindSymbol 0x0 0x10013180 0x14260 0x13060 0x297
PR_LoadLibrary 0x0 0x10013184 0x14264 0x13064 0x2fc
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual_Util 0x0 0x10013188 0x14268 0x13068 0x3b2
PORT_Realloc_Util 0x0 0x1001318c 0x1426c 0x1306c 0x20c
DER_SetUInteger 0x0 0x10013190 0x14270 0x13070 0x97
PR_htonl 0x0 0x10013194 0x14274 0x13074 0x391
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util 0x0 0x10013198 0x14278 0x13078 0x10d
PR_ntohl 0x0 0x1001319c 0x1427c 0x1307c 0x394
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util 0x0 0x100131a0 0x14280 0x13080 0x3f9
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util 0x0 0x100131a4 0x14284 0x13084 0x3fc
SECOID_FindOIDByTag_Util 0x0 0x100131a8 0x14288 0x13088 0x3f3
SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util 0x0 0x100131ac 0x1428c 0x1308c 0x3f6
SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util 0x0 0x100131b0 0x14290 0x13090 0x403
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util 0x0 0x100131b4 0x14294 0x13094 0x405
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util 0x0 0x100131b8 0x14298 0x13098 0x440
PR_Unlock 0x0 0x100131bc 0x1429c 0x1309c 0x380
PR_Lock 0x0 0x100131c0 0x142a0 0x130a0 0x300
PR_DestroyLock 0x0 0x100131c4 0x142a4 0x130a4 0x268
PR_NewLock 0x0 0x100131c8 0x142a8 0x130a8 0x30e
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util 0x0 0x100131cc 0x142ac 0x130ac 0x3b5
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util 0x0 0x100131d0 0x142b0 0x130b0 0x3af
SECITEM_DupItem_Util 0x0 0x100131d4 0x142b4 0x130b4 0x3ad
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util 0x0 0x100131d8 0x142b8 0x130b8 0x3aa
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util 0x0 0x100131dc 0x142bc 0x130bc 0x201
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util 0x0 0x100131e0 0x142c0 0x130c0 0x1f9
PORT_FreeArena_Util 0x0 0x100131e4 0x142c4 0x130c4 0x205
PORT_NewArena_Util 0x0 0x100131e8 0x142c8 0x130c8 0x20b
PORT_GetError_Util 0x0 0x100131ec 0x142cc 0x130cc 0x208
PORT_SetError_Util 0x0 0x100131f0 0x142d0 0x130d0 0x20f
PORT_Strdup_Util 0x0 0x100131f4 0x142d4 0x130d4 0x213
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util 0x0 0x100131f8 0x142d8 0x130d8 0xff
PR_smprintf_free 0x0 0x100131fc 0x142dc 0x130dc 0x398
PR_smprintf 0x0 0x10013200 0x142e0 0x130e0 0x397
PR_MkDir 0x0 0x10013204 0x142e4 0x130e4 0x30b
PR_Access 0x0 0x10013208 0x142e8 0x130e8 0x224
PR_Delete 0x0 0x1001320c 0x142ec 0x130ec 0x262
PR_Write 0x0 0x10013210 0x142f0 0x130f0 0x38b
PR_Read 0x0 0x10013214 0x142f4 0x130f4 0x33d
PR_DestroyMonitor 0x0 0x10013218 0x142f8 0x130f8 0x26a
PR_Close 0x0 0x1001321c 0x142fc 0x130fc 0x248
PORT_ZAlloc_Util 0x0 0x10013220 0x14300 0x13100 0x219
PR_GetDirectorySeparator 0x0 0x10013224 0x14304 0x13104 0x2aa
PR_GetEnvSecure 0x0 0x10013228 0x14308 0x13108 0x2ad
PR_CallOnce 0x0 0x1001322c 0x1430c 0x1310c 0x23d
PR_SetError 0x0 0x10013230 0x14310 0x13110 0x356
PR_Free 0x0 0x10013234 0x14314 0x13114 0x29c
PORT_Free_Util 0x0 0x10013238 0x14318 0x13118 0x206
PORT_Alloc_Util 0x0 0x1001323c 0x1431c 0x1311c 0x1f7
PR_GetLibraryFilePathname 0x0 0x10013240 0x14320 0x13120 0x2bc
PR_FindFunctionSymbol 0x0 0x10013244 0x14324 0x13124 0x291
PR_UnloadLibrary 0x0 0x10013248 0x14328 0x13128 0x37f
PR_NewMonitor 0x0 0x1001324c 0x1432c 0x1312c 0x310
PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags 0x0 0x10013250 0x14330 0x13130 0x2fd
KERNEL32.dll (13)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
InitializeSListHead 0x0 0x10013000 0x140e0 0x12ee0 0x35a
DisableThreadLibraryCalls 0x0 0x10013004 0x140e4 0x12ee4 0x11b
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x10013008 0x140e8 0x12ee8 0x2e2
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x1001300c 0x140ec 0x12eec 0x218
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x10013010 0x140f0 0x12ef0 0x214
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x10013014 0x140f4 0x12ef4 0x440
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x10013018 0x140f8 0x12ef8 0x37d
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x1001301c 0x140fc 0x12efc 0x57c
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x10013020 0x14100 0x12f00 0x213
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x10013024 0x14104 0x12f04 0x55e
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x10013028 0x14108 0x12f08 0x59d
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x1001302c 0x1410c 0x12f0c 0x19b
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x10013030 0x14110 0x12f10 0x376
VCRUNTIME140.dll (7)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_except_handler4_common 0x0 0x10013038 0x14118 0x12f18 0x35
memmove 0x0 0x1001303c 0x1411c 0x12f1c 0x47
memcmp 0x0 0x10013040 0x14120 0x12f20 0x45
memset 0x0 0x10013044 0x14124 0x12f24 0x48
strrchr 0x0 0x10013048 0x14128 0x12f28 0x4b
memcpy 0x0 0x1001304c 0x1412c 0x12f2c 0x46
__std_type_info_destroy_list 0x0 0x10013050 0x14130 0x12f30 0x25
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (11)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_initialize_onexit_table 0x0 0x1001307c 0x1415c 0x12f5c 0x36
_initialize_narrow_environment 0x0 0x10013080 0x14160 0x12f60 0x35
_configure_narrow_argv 0x0 0x10013084 0x14164 0x12f64 0x19
_seh_filter_dll 0x0 0x10013088 0x14168 0x12f68 0x41
_initterm 0x0 0x1001308c 0x1416c 0x12f6c 0x38
_execute_onexit_table 0x0 0x10013090 0x14170 0x12f70 0x24
_getpid 0x0 0x10013094 0x14174 0x12f74 0x34
_errno 0x0 0x10013098 0x14178 0x12f78 0x23
abort 0x0 0x1001309c 0x1417c 0x12f7c 0x57
_cexit 0x0 0x100130a0 0x14180 0x12f80 0x17
_initterm_e 0x0 0x100130a4 0x14184 0x12f84 0x39
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
calloc 0x0 0x1001306c 0x1414c 0x12f4c 0x17
free 0x0 0x10013070 0x14150 0x12f50 0x18
malloc 0x0 0x10013074 0x14154 0x12f54 0x19
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (8)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_lseek 0x0 0x100130ac 0x1418c 0x12f8c 0x45
_get_osfhandle 0x0 0x100130b0 0x14190 0x12f90 0x37
__acrt_iob_func 0x0 0x100130b4 0x14194 0x12f94 0x0
fwrite 0x0 0x100130b8 0x14198 0x12f98 0x8a
_write 0x0 0x100130bc 0x1419c 0x12f9c 0x6b
_read 0x0 0x100130c0 0x141a0 0x12fa0 0x52
_close 0x0 0x100130c4 0x141a4 0x12fa4 0x17
_open 0x0 0x100130c8 0x141a8 0x12fa8 0x49
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
getenv 0x0 0x10013058 0x14138 0x12f38 0x10
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_stat64i32 0x0 0x10013060 0x14140 0x12f40 0x20
_unlink 0x0 0x10013064 0x14144 0x12f44 0x23
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
tolower 0x0 0x100130d0 0x141b0 0x12fb0 0x97
isdigit 0x0 0x100130d4 0x141b4 0x12fb4 0x68
_strdup 0x0 0x100130d8 0x141b8 0x12fb8 0x29
strncmp 0x0 0x100130dc 0x141bc 0x12fbc 0x8e
Exports (7)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
legacy_AddSecmodDB 0x10d1b 0x1
legacy_DeleteSecmodDB 0x10dd1 0x2
legacy_Open 0xae88 0x3
legacy_ReadSecmodDB 0x10e51 0x4
legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData 0x10fab 0x5
legacy_SetCryptFunctions 0xb556 0x6
legacy_Shutdown 0xaf93 0x7
Digital Signatures (3)
Certificate: Mozilla Corporation
Issued by Mozilla Corporation
Parent Certificate DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number C5 39 6D CB 29 49 C7 0F AC 48 AB 08 A0 73 38 E
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Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Parent Certificate DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number 40 91 81 B5 FD 5B B6 67 55 34 3B 56 F9 55 00 8
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Certificate: DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Issued by DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number CE 7E 0E 51 7D 84 6F E8 FE 56 0F C1 BF 03 03 9
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2013-05-09 07:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-08 03:50 (UTC+2)
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Mime Type application/octet-stream
File Size 18.00 KB
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2016-08-06 16:42 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-13 14:46 (UTC+2)
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 6db54065b33861967b491dd1c8fd8595 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 ed0938bbc0e2a863859aad64606b8fc4c69b810a Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 945cc64ee04b1964c1f9fcdc3124dd83973d332f5cfb696cdf128ca5c4cbd0e5 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:AWPhWXDz6i00GftpBj5FrFaemx+lDbNh/6:hroidkeppp Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-10 23:08 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2008-02-02 03:17:29+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
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.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (5)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CloseHandle 0x1188 0x1
CompareObjectHandles 0x11b2 0x2
DuplicateHandle 0x11e0 0x3
GetHandleInformation 0x120e 0x4
SetHandleInformation 0x1241 0x5
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 71.30 KB
MD5 9910a1bfdc41c5b39f6af37f0a22aacd Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 47fa76778556f34a5e7910c816c78835109e4050 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 65ded8d2ce159b2f5569f55b2caf0e2c90f3694bd88c89de790a15a49d8386b9 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 1536:VAHEGlVDe5c4bFE2Jy2cvxXWpD9d3334BkZnkPFZo6kt:Vc7De5c4bFE2Jy2cvxXWpD9d3334BkZj Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-13 08:25 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0xda00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1996-03-31 17:57:49+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0xd8ba 0xda00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 5.05
.rsrc 0x1000f000 0x3f0 0x400 0xdc00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (1164)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_CreateFrameInfo 0x3ee3 0x1
_CxxThrowException 0x3f10 0x2
_EH_prolog 0x3f37 0x3
_FindAndUnlinkFrame 0x3f5f 0x4
_IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed 0x3f9c 0x5
_NLG_Dispatch2 0x3fd4 0x6
_NLG_Return 0x3ff8 0x7
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_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback 0x4056 0x9
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__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject 0x42cf 0x15
__DestructExceptionObject 0x4311 0x16
__FrameUnwindFilter 0x4348 0x17
__GetPlatformExceptionInfo 0x4380 0x18
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__current_exception 0x4448 0x1d
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__dcrt_get_wide_environment_from_os 0x44ca 0x1f
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_o___libm_sse2_logf 0x537a 0x71
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_o__get_errno 0x7228 0x133
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_o__ismbcalnum_l 0x8072 0x186
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
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Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 20.30 KB
MD5 eff11130bfe0d9c90c0026bf2fb219ae Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 cf4c89a6e46090d3d8feeb9eb697aea8a26e4088 Copy to Clipboard
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SSDeep 384:KOMw3zdp3bwjGjue9/0jCRrndbVWPhWIDz6i00GftpBj6cemjlD16Pa+4r:KOMwBprwjGjue9/0jCRrndbCOoireqv Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-12 00:22 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-13 21:39 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0xe00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2099-12-20 04:00:19+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
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Exports (59)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
ConvertDefaultLocale 0x13b3 0x1
EnumSystemGeoID 0x13e1 0x2
EnumSystemLocalesA 0x140d 0x3
EnumSystemLocalesW 0x143c 0x4
FindNLSString 0x1466 0x5
FindNLSStringEx 0x148d 0x6
FormatMessageA 0x14b5 0x7
FormatMessageW 0x14dc 0x8
GetACP 0x14fb 0x9
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GetCPInfoExW 0x1535 0xb
GetCalendarInfoEx 0x155d 0xc
GetCalendarInfoW 0x1589 0xd
GetFileMUIInfo 0x15b2 0xe
GetFileMUIPath 0x15d9 0xf
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GetLocaleInfoA 0x1621 0x11
GetLocaleInfoEx 0x1649 0x12
GetLocaleInfoW 0x1671 0x13
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GetNLSVersionEx 0x16be 0x15
GetOEMCP 0x16e0 0x16
GetProcessPreferredUILanguages 0x1711 0x17
GetSystemDefaultLCID 0x174e 0x18
GetSystemDefaultLangID 0x1783 0x19
GetSystemPreferredUILanguages 0x17c1 0x1a
GetThreadLocale 0x17f8 0x1b
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 0x182f 0x1c
GetThreadUILanguage 0x186a 0x1d
GetUILanguageInfo 0x1899 0x1e
GetUserDefaultLCID 0x18c7 0x1f
GetUserDefaultLangID 0x18f8 0x20
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GetUserGeoID 0x195e 0x22
GetUserPreferredUILanguages 0x1990 0x23
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LCMapStringEx 0x1b84 0x2f
LCMapStringW 0x1ba8 0x30
LocaleNameToLCID 0x1bcf 0x31
ResolveLocaleName 0x1bfb 0x32
SetCalendarInfoW 0x1c27 0x33
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SetThreadUILanguage 0x1d31 0x38
SetUserGeoID 0x1d5b 0x39
VerLanguageNameA 0x1d82 0x3a
VerLanguageNameW 0x1dad 0x3b
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 23.80 KB
MD5 fefb98394cb9ef4368da798deab00e21 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 316d86926b558c9f3f6133739c1a8477b9e60740 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 b1e702b840aebe2e9244cd41512d158a43e6e9516cd2015a84eb962fa3ff0df7 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:GZpFVhjWPhWxEi00GftpBjmjjem3Cl1z6h1r:eCfoi0espbr Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-09-14 01:03 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x1c00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2089-07-13 01:51:24+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x1b61 0x1c00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.96
.rsrc 0x10003000 0x3f0 0x400 0x1e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (159)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
__acrt_iob_func 0x178e 0x1
__p__commode 0x17b4 0x2
__p__fmode 0x17d5 0x3
__stdio_common_vfprintf 0x1801 0x4
__stdio_common_vfprintf_p 0x183c 0x5
__stdio_common_vfprintf_s 0x1879 0x6
__stdio_common_vfscanf 0x18b3 0x7
__stdio_common_vfwprintf 0x18ec 0x8
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__stdio_common_vfwscanf 0x19a4 0xb
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__stdio_common_vswprintf_p 0x1b85 0x13
__stdio_common_vswprintf_s 0x1bc4 0x14
__stdio_common_vswscanf 0x1c00 0x15
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tmpnam_s 0x2b1f 0x9d
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
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Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-13 22:14 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
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Compile Timestamp 2105-09-06 09:19:26+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
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Exports (30)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
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qsort_s 0x151e 0x1b
rand 0x1534 0x1c
rand_s 0x1549 0x1d
srand 0x155f 0x1e
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/nss3.dll Created File Binary
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ImpHash 2f6410b337cbd1ca3a8bf343e95c41ee Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-04-28 14:09 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-31 05:12 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x100ee854
Size Of Code 0xee400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x41c00
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-04-27 22:08:33+00:00
Version Information (11)
LegalCopyright License: MPL 2
InternalName -
FileVersion 59.0.3
CompanyName Mozilla Foundation
BuildID 20180427210249
LegalTrademarks Mozilla
Comments -
ProductName Firefox
ProductVersion 59.0.3
FileDescription -
OriginalFilename nss3.dll
Sections (5)
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Imports (16)
mozglue.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
free 0x0 0x100f03cc 0x124134 0x122934 0x7c
malloc 0x0 0x100f03d0 0x124138 0x122938 0x86
strdup 0x0 0x100f03d4 0x12413c 0x12293c 0x9b
calloc 0x0 0x100f03d8 0x124140 0x122940 0x7b
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KERNEL32.dll (114)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
HeapCreate 0x0 0x100f0034 0x123d9c 0x12259c 0x33f
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FreeEnvironmentStringsA 0x0 0x100f015c 0x123ec4 0x1226c4 0x1a5
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WINMM.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
timeGetTime 0x0 0x100f022c 0x123f94 0x122794 0x94
WSOCK32.dll (30)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
shutdown 0x16 0x100f0234 0x123f9c 0x12279c -
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WSAGetLastError 0x6f 0x100f0270 0x123fd8 0x1227d8 -
htonl 0x8 0x100f0274 0x123fdc 0x1227dc -
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ADVAPI32.dll (12)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetTokenInformation 0x0 0x100f0000 0x123d68 0x122568 0x16f
AddAccessAllowedAce 0x0 0x100f0004 0x123d6c 0x12256c 0x10
GetLengthSid 0x0 0x100f0008 0x123d70 0x122570 0x14a
InitializeAcl 0x0 0x100f000c 0x123d74 0x122574 0x18d
InitializeSecurityDescriptor 0x0 0x100f0010 0x123d78 0x122578 0x18e
FreeSid 0x0 0x100f0014 0x123d7c 0x12257c 0x133
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl 0x0 0x100f0018 0x123d80 0x122580 0x2e4
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner 0x0 0x100f001c 0x123d84 0x122584 0x2e6
AllocateAndInitializeSid 0x0 0x100f0020 0x123d88 0x122588 0x20
CopySid 0x0 0x100f0024 0x123d8c 0x12258c 0x85
OpenProcessToken 0x0 0x100f0028 0x123d90 0x122590 0x214
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup 0x0 0x100f002c 0x123d94 0x122594 0x2e5
VCRUNTIME140.dll (10)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
strchr 0x0 0x100f0200 0x123f68 0x122768 0x4a
memchr 0x0 0x100f0204 0x123f6c 0x12276c 0x44
memmove 0x0 0x100f0208 0x123f70 0x122770 0x47
__std_type_info_destroy_list 0x0 0x100f020c 0x123f74 0x122774 0x25
_except_handler4_common 0x0 0x100f0210 0x123f78 0x122778 0x35
memcmp 0x0 0x100f0214 0x123f7c 0x12277c 0x45
memset 0x0 0x100f0218 0x123f80 0x122780 0x48
strrchr 0x0 0x100f021c 0x123f84 0x122784 0x4b
memcpy 0x0 0x100f0220 0x123f88 0x122788 0x46
strstr 0x0 0x100f0224 0x123f8c 0x12278c 0x4c
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (16)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_configure_narrow_argv 0x0 0x100f02f8 0x124060 0x122860 0x19
_seh_filter_dll 0x0 0x100f02fc 0x124064 0x122864 0x41
_initterm_e 0x0 0x100f0300 0x124068 0x122868 0x39
abort 0x0 0x100f0304 0x12406c 0x12286c 0x57
_initterm 0x0 0x100f0308 0x124070 0x122870 0x38
_initialize_onexit_table 0x0 0x100f030c 0x124074 0x122874 0x36
_getpid 0x0 0x100f0310 0x124078 0x122878 0x34
_execute_onexit_table 0x0 0x100f0314 0x12407c 0x12287c 0x24
_beginthreadex 0x0 0x100f0318 0x124080 0x122880 0x15
_cexit 0x0 0x100f031c 0x124084 0x122884 0x17
_endthreadex 0x0 0x100f0320 0x124088 0x122888 0x22
_initialize_narrow_environment 0x0 0x100f0324 0x12408c 0x12288c 0x35
_errno 0x0 0x100f0328 0x124090 0x122890 0x23
_exit 0x0 0x100f032c 0x124094 0x122894 0x25
__fpe_flt_rounds 0x0 0x100f0330 0x124098 0x122898 0x3
strerror 0x0 0x100f0334 0x12409c 0x12289c 0x67
api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_time64 0x0 0x100f03b0 0x124118 0x122918 0x30
_mktime64 0x0 0x100f03b4 0x12411c 0x12291c 0x28
_localtime64_s 0x0 0x100f03b8 0x124120 0x122920 0x24
strftime 0x0 0x100f03bc 0x124124 0x122924 0x46
api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
qsort 0x0 0x100f03c4 0x12412c 0x12292c 0x19
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (11)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
strncmp 0x0 0x100f0380 0x1240e8 0x1228e8 0x8e
tolower 0x0 0x100f0384 0x1240ec 0x1228ec 0x97
isdigit 0x0 0x100f0388 0x1240f0 0x1228f0 0x68
strpbrk 0x0 0x100f038c 0x1240f4 0x1228f4 0x92
_stricmp 0x0 0x100f0390 0x1240f8 0x1228f8 0x2a
toupper 0x0 0x100f0394 0x1240fc 0x1228fc 0x98
isalnum 0x0 0x100f0398 0x124100 0x122900 0x64
strcmp 0x0 0x100f039c 0x124104 0x122904 0x86
strncpy 0x0 0x100f03a0 0x124108 0x122908 0x8f
isalpha 0x0 0x100f03a4 0x12410c 0x12290c 0x65
isspace 0x0 0x100f03a8 0x124110 0x122910 0x6e
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
atoi 0x0 0x100f02b0 0x124018 0x122818 0x50
strtol 0x0 0x100f02b4 0x12401c 0x12281c 0x61
strtoul 0x0 0x100f02b8 0x124020 0x122820 0x64
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (16)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_close 0x0 0x100f033c 0x1240a4 0x1228a4 0x17
__acrt_iob_func 0x0 0x100f0340 0x1240a8 0x1228a8 0x0
fflush 0x0 0x100f0344 0x1240ac 0x1228ac 0x77
fclose 0x0 0x100f0348 0x1240b0 0x1228b0 0x74
__stdio_common_vfprintf 0x0 0x100f034c 0x1240b4 0x1228b4 0x3
fwrite 0x0 0x100f0350 0x1240b8 0x1228b8 0x8a
_wfopen 0x0 0x100f0354 0x1240bc 0x1228bc 0x62
setvbuf 0x0 0x100f0358 0x1240c0 0x1228c0 0x98
feof 0x0 0x100f035c 0x1240c4 0x1228c4 0x75
fgets 0x0 0x100f0360 0x1240c8 0x1228c8 0x7a
fputs 0x0 0x100f0364 0x1240cc 0x1228cc 0x80
__stdio_common_vsscanf 0x0 0x100f0368 0x1240d0 0x1228d0 0x10
_wopen 0x0 0x100f036c 0x1240d4 0x1228d4 0x69
fopen 0x0 0x100f0370 0x1240d8 0x1228d8 0x7d
__stdio_common_vsprintf 0x0 0x100f0374 0x1240dc 0x1228dc 0xd
ftell 0x0 0x100f0378 0x1240e0 0x1228e0 0x89
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_putenv 0x0 0x100f02c0 0x124028 0x122828 0x3
getenv 0x0 0x100f02c4 0x12402c 0x12282c 0x10
__p__environ 0x0 0x100f02c8 0x124030 0x122830 0x0
api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_mbsinc 0x0 0x100f02ec 0x124054 0x122854 0x6f
_mbsdec 0x0 0x100f02f0 0x124058 0x122858 0x68
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_waccess 0x0 0x100f02d0 0x124038 0x122838 0x25
_wstat64i32 0x0 0x100f02d4 0x12403c 0x12283c 0x3d
_access 0x0 0x100f02d8 0x124040 0x122840 0x0
api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_fdopen 0x0 0x100f02e0 0x124048 0x122848 0x46
_except1 0x0 0x100f02e4 0x12404c 0x12284c 0x40
Exports (1329)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
ATOB_AsciiToData 0x914fa 0x1
ATOB_AsciiToData_Util 0xb8526 0x2
ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem_Util 0xb856a 0x3
BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii_Util 0xb89fe 0x4
BTOA_DataToAscii 0x91503 0x5
BTOA_DataToAscii_Util 0xb8a13 0x6
CERT_AddCertToListHead 0x7fcd6 0x7
CERT_AddCertToListTail 0x7fdab 0x8
CERT_AddExtension 0x82011 0x9
CERT_AddExtensionByOID 0x8203d 0xa
CERT_AsciiToName 0x7e9d1 0xb
CERT_CacheOCSPResponseFromSideChannel 0x899e3 0xc
CERT_CertChainFromCert 0x873da 0xd
CERT_CertListFromCert 0x875ac 0xe
CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate 0xf18d0 0xf
CERT_CertificateTemplate 0xf0998 0x10
CERT_ChangeCertTrust 0x85f24 0x11
CERT_CheckCertUsage 0x81de5 0x12
CERT_CheckCertValidTimes 0x7fdff 0x13
CERT_CheckNameSpace 0x8401f 0x14
CERT_ClearOCSPCache 0x89bd4 0x15
CERT_CompareCerts 0x7ff4c 0x16
CERT_CompareName 0x85762 0x17
CERT_ConvertAndDecodeCertificate 0xc6633 0x18
CERT_CopyName 0x85885 0x19
CERT_CopyRDN 0x85921 0x1a
CERT_CreateCertificate 0x87e2a 0x1b
CERT_CreateCertificateRequest 0x87f11 0x1c
CERT_CreateSubjectCertList 0x85f48 0x1d
CERT_CreateValidity 0x7ffad 0x1e
CERT_CrlTemplate 0xf0d50 0x1f
CERT_DecodeAVAValue 0x85b25 0x20
CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension 0x87198 0x21
CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension 0x871fc 0x22
CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID 0x86f2d 0x23
CERT_DecodeBasicConstraintValue 0x87022 0x24
CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints 0x8cd6f 0x25
CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage 0xc6679 0x26
CERT_DecodeCertPackage 0xc66d5 0x27
CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension 0x851f4 0x28
CERT_DecodeNameConstraintsExtension 0x87286 0x29
CERT_DecodeOidSequence 0x852a4 0x2a
CERT_DecodePrivKeyUsagePeriodExtension 0x8728f 0x2b
CERT_DecodeTrustString 0x8020e 0x2c
CERT_DecodeUserNotice 0x85310 0x2d
CERT_DerNameToAscii 0x7e9f0 0x2e
CERT_DestroyCertArray 0x8030b 0x2f
CERT_DestroyCertList 0x8033e 0x30
CERT_DestroyCertificate 0x86038 0x31
CERT_DestroyCertificateList 0x87624 0x32
CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension 0x8539c 0x33
CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest 0x80376 0x34
CERT_DestroyName 0x85cd3 0x35
CERT_DestroyOidSequence 0x8539c 0x36
CERT_DestroyUserNotice 0x8539c 0x37
CERT_DestroyValidity 0x80376 0x38
CERT_DisableOCSPChecking 0x89dbe 0x39
CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder 0x89e15 0x3a
CERT_DupCertificate 0x80392 0x3b
CERT_EnableOCSPChecking 0x89e67 0x3c
CERT_EncodeAltNameExtension 0x872e4 0x3d
CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension 0x820de 0x3e
CERT_EncodeAuthKeyID 0x86fc1 0x3f
CERT_EncodeBasicConstraintValue 0x870d3 0x40
CERT_EncodeCRLDistributionPoints 0x8ce9d 0x41
CERT_EncodeCertPoliciesExtension 0x853b3 0x42
CERT_EncodeInfoAccessExtension 0x8731f 0x43
CERT_EncodeInhibitAnyExtension 0x853eb 0x44
CERT_EncodeNameConstraintsExtension 0x87386 0x45
CERT_EncodeNoticeReference 0x85423 0x46
CERT_EncodePolicyConstraintsExtension 0x8545b 0x47
CERT_EncodePolicyMappingExtension 0x85493 0x48
CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID 0x8739c 0x49
CERT_EncodeUserNotice 0x854cb 0x4a
CERT_ExtractPublicKey 0x8d499 0x4b
CERT_FilterCertListByCANames 0x881e4 0x4c
CERT_FilterCertListByUsage 0x803b0 0x4d
CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts 0x80458 0x4e
CERT_FindCertByDERCert 0x86066 0x4f
CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN 0x860ac 0x50
CERT_FindCertByName 0x860c1 0x51
CERT_FindCertByNickname 0x8616e 0x52
CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr 0x86202 0x53
CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrCX 0x8621b 0x54
CERT_FindCertExtension 0x81ee9 0x55
CERT_FindCertIssuer 0x882e4 0x56
CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension 0x81f05 0x57
CERT_FindUserCertByUsage 0x8778e 0x58
CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage 0x8788d 0x59
CERT_FinishCertificateRequestAttributes 0x88083 0x5a
CERT_FinishExtensions 0x82203 0x5b
CERT_ForcePostMethodForOCSP 0x89ee8 0x5c
CERT_FreeNicknames 0xbcef2 0x5d
CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii_Util 0xbf3f5 0x5e
CERT_GetCertChainFromCert 0x883c2 0x5f
CERT_GetCertEmailAddress 0x7ea43 0x60
CERT_GetCertTimes 0x8057f 0x61
CERT_GetCertTrust 0x8630e 0x62
CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions 0x88161 0x63
CERT_GetCommonName 0x7ea87 0x64
CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames 0x8452e 0x65
CERT_GetCountryName 0x7eae9 0x66
CERT_GetDefaultCertDB 0x805d3 0x67
CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress 0x7eb11 0x68
CERT_GetGeneralNameTypeFromString 0x846b1 0x69
CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints 0x846e0 0x6a
CERT_GetLocalityName 0x7eb2e 0x6b
CERT_GetNextEmailAddress 0x7eba4 0x6c
CERT_GetNextGeneralName 0x847e7 0x6d
CERT_GetNextNameConstraint 0x847f5 0x6e
CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation 0x89f24 0x6f
CERT_GetOidString 0x7ebd0 0x70
CERT_GetOrgName 0x7ef36 0x71
CERT_GetOrgUnitName 0x7ef4a 0x72
CERT_GetStateName 0x7ef5e 0x73
CERT_Hexify 0x87dab 0x74
CERT_ImportCerts 0x805d9 0x75
CERT_IsCACert 0x80713 0x76
CERT_IsUserCert 0x80894 0x77
CERT_MakeCANickname 0x80afe 0x78
CERT_MergeExtensions 0x8225c 0x79
CERT_NameTemplate 0xf1728 0x7a
CERT_NameToAscii 0x7ef72 0x7b
CERT_NewCertList 0x80c07 0x7c
CERT_NewTempCertificate 0x86541 0x7d
CERT_NicknameStringsFromCertList 0x88509 0x7e
CERT_OCSPCacheSettings 0x8a103 0x7f
CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote 0x7f049 0x80
CERT_RemoveCertListNode 0x80c3e 0x81
CERT_SaveSMimeProfile 0x8676a 0x82
CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate 0xf0b38 0x83
CERT_SetOCSPFailureMode 0x8a18a 0x84
CERT_SetOCSPTimeout 0x8a1ca 0x85
CERT_SignedCrlTemplate 0xf0df0 0x86
CERT_SignedDataTemplate 0xf25d8 0x87
CERT_StartCertExtensions 0x81fd8 0x88
CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes 0x881b8 0x89
CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate 0xf23f8 0x8a
CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate 0xf0b48 0x8b
CERT_VerifyCertificate 0x886cf 0x8c
CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo 0x88aca 0x8d
DER_AsciiToTime_Util 0xb7e0e 0x8e
DER_DecodeTimeChoice_Util 0xbf470 0x8f
DER_Encode 0x9150c 0x90
DER_EncodeTimeChoice_Util 0xbf4a9 0x91
DER_Encode_Util 0xb775e 0x92
DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime 0x91515 0x93
DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime_Util 0xb7e25 0x94
DER_GetInteger 0x9151e 0x95
DER_GetInteger_Util 0xb7bce 0x96
DER_Lengths 0x91527 0x97
DER_SetUInteger 0xb7cd6 0x98
DER_UTCTimeToTime_Util 0xb8170 0x99
DSAU_DecodeDerSigToLen 0x8d064 0x9a
DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen 0x8d079 0x9b
DTLS_GetHandshakeTimeout 0xcf245 0x9c
DTLS_ImportFD 0xe4d4f 0x9d
GetExecutionEnvironment 0x7c3a1 0x9e
HASH_Begin 0x8d286 0x9f
HASH_Create 0x8d297 0xa0
HASH_Destroy 0x8d2e1 0xa1
HASH_End 0x8d2fe 0xa2
HASH_GetHashObject 0x8d31a 0xa3
HASH_GetType 0x1d13b 0xa4
HASH_HashBuf 0x8d3f4 0xa5
HASH_ResultLenByOidTag 0x8d468 0xa6
HASH_Update 0x8d480 0xa7
LL_MaxInt 0x754db 0xa8
LL_MaxUint 0x754ec 0xa9
LL_MinInt 0x754e4 0xaa
LL_Zero 0x754cf 0xab
NSSBase64_EncodeItem_Util 0xb8a3a 0xac
NSSSMIME_GetVersion 0xbe5aa 0xad
NSSSSL_GetVersion 0xbe5aa 0xae
NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber 0xc0a73 0xaf
NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue 0xc0b09 0xb0
NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel 0xc0c11 0xb1
NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue 0xc0cb8 0xb2
NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag 0xc0d6e 0xb3
NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank 0xc0ddb 0xb4
NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags 0xc0e29 0xb5
NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpec 0xc0e8d 0xb6
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags 0xc1122 0xb7
NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo 0xc11c5 0xb8
NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong 0xc12c6 0xb9
NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter 0xc130d 0xba
NSSUTIL_ArgStrip 0xc1343 0xbb
NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction 0xbfb4a 0xbc
NSSUTIL_GetVersion 0xbe5aa 0xbd
NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec 0xc141d 0xbe
NSSUTIL_MkNSSString 0xc1503 0xbf
NSSUTIL_MkSlotString 0xc16e3 0xc0
NSSUTIL_Quote 0xc17b5 0xc1
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent 0xca1a2 0xc2
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeTag 0xca23f 0xc3
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_Data 0xca3ab 0xc4
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EnvelopedData 0xca3db 0xc5
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_SignedData 0xca3f3 0xc6
NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel 0xca861 0xc7
NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish 0xca888 0xc8
NSS_CMSDecoder_Start 0xca8c5 0xc9
NSS_CMSDecoder_Update 0xca962 0xca
NSS_CMSEncoder_Cancel 0xcb5ab 0xcb
NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish 0xcb617 0xcc
NSS_CMSEncoder_Start 0xcb6dc 0xcd
NSS_CMSEncoder_Update 0xcb81e 0xce
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient 0xcbe00 0xcf
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create 0xcbe4c 0xd0
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo 0xca1f7 0xd1
NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel 0xcc243 0xd2
NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount 0xcc262 0xd3
NSS_CMSMessage_Create 0xcc27e 0xd4
NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER 0xca9f5 0xd5
NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy 0xcc317 0xd6
NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent 0xcc349 0xd7
NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo 0xbec54 0xd8
NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted 0xcc352 0xd9
NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned 0xcc383 0xda
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create 0xcc4f1 0xdb
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertList 0xccbed 0xdc
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertificate 0xccc24 0xdd
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddSignerInfo 0xcccf7 0xde
NSS_CMSSignedData_Create 0xccdaf 0xdf
NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly 0xcce06 0xe0
NSS_CMSSignedData_Destroy 0xccfd7 0xe1
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo 0xcd47f 0xe2
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfo 0xcd4f3 0xe3
NSS_CMSSignedData_ImportCerts 0xcd517 0xe4
NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigestValue 0xcd71c 0xe5
NSS_CMSSignedData_SignerInfoCount 0xcd7f7 0xe6
NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo 0xcd81a 0xe7
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs 0xcd8a4 0xe8
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps 0xcd94b 0xe9
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs 0xcd9bf 0xea
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime 0xcda66 0xeb
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Create 0xcdae9 0xec
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName 0xcdb8a 0xed
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress 0xcdba7 0xee
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningCertificate 0xcdbd0 0xef
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts 0xcdc95 0xf0
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Verify 0xcdf28 0xf1
NSS_FindCertKEAType 0xdf99d 0xf2
NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy 0xbe5b0 0xf3
NSS_GetVersion 0xbe5aa 0xf4
NSS_Get_CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate 0x881d0 0xf5
NSS_Get_CERT_CertificateTemplate 0x80f7e 0xf6
NSS_Get_CERT_CrlTemplate 0x83760 0xf7
NSS_Get_CERT_NameTemplate 0x85d31 0xf8
NSS_Get_CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate 0x80f84 0xf9
NSS_Get_CERT_SignedCrlTemplate 0x83772 0xfa
NSS_Get_CERT_SignedDataTemplate 0x8eca1 0xfb
NSS_Get_CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate 0x8d4c6 0xfc
NSS_Get_CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate 0x7fc7c 0xfd
NSS_Get_SECKEY_RSAPSSParamsTemplate 0x8d4cc 0xfe
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate 0x91530 0xff
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util 0xbf4ee 0x100
NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util 0xbf4f4 0x101
NSS_Get_SEC_BMPStringTemplate 0x91536 0x102
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate 0x9153c 0x103
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util 0xbf500 0x104
NSS_Get_SEC_BooleanTemplate_Util 0xbf506 0x105
NSS_Get_SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate_Util 0xbf50c 0x106
NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate 0x91542 0x107
NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate_Util 0xbf512 0x108
NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate 0x91548 0x109
NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate_Util 0xbf518 0x10a
NSS_Get_SEC_NullTemplate_Util 0xbf51e 0x10b
NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util 0xbf524 0x10c
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate 0x9154e 0x10d
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util 0xbf52a 0x10e
NSS_Get_SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate 0x80f8a 0x10f
NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate 0x91554 0x110
NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate_Util 0xbf542 0x111
NSS_Init 0x90391 0x112
NSS_InitWithMerge 0x903c1 0x113
NSS_Initialize 0x90435 0x114
NSS_IsInitialized 0x904a4 0x115
NSS_NoDB_Init 0x904bd 0x116
NSS_OptionGet 0x913f0 0x117
NSS_OptionSet 0x9146f 0x118
NSS_SMIMESignerInfo_SaveSMIMEProfile 0xce1ab 0x119
NSS_SMIMEUtil_FindBulkAlgForRecipients 0xcea3e 0x11a
NSS_SecureMemcmp 0xbec97 0x11b
NSS_SecureMemcmpZero 0xbecc0 0x11c
NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy 0xbe5e3 0x11d
NSS_SetDomesticPolicy 0xe4d64 0x11e
NSS_Shutdown 0x9061c 0x11f
NSS_VersionCheck 0x90698 0x120
PK11SDR_Decrypt 0xb089d 0x121
PK11SDR_Encrypt 0xb0a9b 0x122
PK11_AlgtagToMechanism 0xa7559 0x123
PK11_Authenticate 0x9d0d8 0x124
PK11_ChangePW 0x9d114 0x125
PK11_CheckUserPassword 0x9d1dd 0x126
PK11_CipherOp 0xa0130 0x127
PK11_ConfigurePKCS11 0x907a8 0x128
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey 0xa041a 0x129
PK11_CreateDigestContext 0xa0463 0x12a
PK11_CreateGenericObject 0xab6af 0x12b
PK11_CreateMergeLog 0xa94a6 0x12c
PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID 0xaefe4 0x12d
PK11_DEREncodePublicKey 0x9a9d9 0x12e
PK11_Decrypt 0xab760 0x12f
PK11_DeleteTokenCertAndKey 0x9da15 0x130
PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey 0x9a9e2 0x131
PK11_DeleteTokenPublicKey 0x9aa29 0x132
PK11_Derive 0xb0f35 0x133
PK11_DeriveWithTemplate 0xb0fd0 0x134
PK11_DestroyContext 0xa04c5 0x135
PK11_DestroyGenericObject 0xab863 0x136
PK11_DestroyMergeLog 0xa94e1 0x137
PK11_DestroyObject 0xab8a3 0x138
PK11_DestroyTokenObject 0xab8d1 0x139
PK11_DigestBegin 0xa053c 0x13a
PK11_DigestFinal 0xa059b 0x13b
PK11_DigestOp 0xa07cb 0x13c
PK11_DoesMechanism 0xb3fac 0x13d
PK11_Encrypt 0xab928 0x13e
PK11_ExportDERPrivateKeyInfo 0xafd90 0x13f
PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivKeyInfo 0x9aa54 0x140
PK11_ExtractKeyValue 0xb1327 0x141
PK11_FindCertFromNickname 0x9de7f 0x142
PK11_FindCertInSlot 0x9dec3 0x143
PK11_FindCertsFromEmailAddress 0x9df25 0x144
PK11_FindCertsFromNickname 0x9df9e 0x145
PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert 0x9e019 0x146
PK11_FindKeyByDERCert 0x9e0c0 0x147
PK11_FindKeyByKeyID 0x9b0e0 0x148
PK11_FindSlotByName 0xb403c 0x149
PK11_FindSlotsByNames 0xb4152 0x14a
PK11_FreeSlot 0xb4370 0x14b
PK11_FreeSlotList 0xb4389 0x14c
PK11_FreeSlotListElement 0xb439b 0x14d
PK11_FreeSymKey 0xb141c 0x14e
PK11_GenerateKeyPair 0x9b10b 0x14f
PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithFlags 0x9b140 0x150
PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags 0x9b163 0x151
PK11_GenerateRandom 0xb43f8 0x152
PK11_GenerateRandomOnSlot 0xb4433 0x153
PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert 0x9e28f 0x154
PK11_GetAllTokens 0xb4488 0x155
PK11_GetBestSlot 0xb4675 0x156
PK11_GetBestSlotMultiple 0xb468f 0x157
PK11_GetBlockSize 0xa75d1 0x158
PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey 0x9e34c 0x159
PK11_GetDefaultArray 0xb48a6 0x15a
PK11_GetDefaultFlags 0xb48bd 0x15b
PK11_GetDisabledReason 0xb48c8 0x15c
PK11_GetFirstSafe 0xb48d3 0x15d
PK11_GetIVLength 0xa7833 0x15e
PK11_GetInternalKeySlot 0xb48fe 0x15f
PK11_GetInternalSlot 0xb4933 0x160
PK11_GetKeyData 0xb153e 0x161
PK11_GetKeyGen 0xa7a63 0x162
PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey 0x9bda0 0x163
PK11_GetMechanism 0xb1677 0x164
PK11_GetModInfo 0xb6180 0x165
PK11_GetModuleURI 0xb61b7 0x166
PK11_GetNextSafe 0xb4a78 0x167
PK11_GetNextSymKey 0xb1681 0x168
PK11_GetPadMechanism 0xa836c 0x169
PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname 0x9bdb5 0x16a
PK11_GetPrivateModulusLen 0x9bdca 0x16b
PK11_GetSlotID 0xb16ba 0x16c
PK11_GetSlotInfo 0xb4b42 0x16d
PK11_GetSlotName 0xb4d95 0x16e
PK11_GetSlotSeries 0xb4da2 0x16f
PK11_GetSymKeyNickname 0xb16a5 0x170
PK11_GetTokenInfo 0xb4db1 0x171
PK11_GetTokenName 0xb4e59 0x172
PK11_GetTokenURI 0xb4e66 0x173
PK11_HasAttributeSet 0xabbdf 0x174
PK11_HasRootCerts 0xb4fa0 0x175
PK11_HashBuf 0xa094a 0x176
PK11_ImportCRL 0xaaed3 0x177
PK11_ImportCert 0x9e3df 0x178
PK11_ImportCertForKey 0x9e615 0x179
PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey 0xb0620 0x17a
PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey 0x9be8c 0x17b
PK11_ImportPublicKey 0x9c0c9 0x17c
PK11_ImportSymKey 0xb1704 0x17d
PK11_InitPin 0x9d48d 0x17e
PK11_IsDisabled 0xb5553 0x17f
PK11_IsFIPS 0xb62bf 0x180
PK11_IsFriendly 0xb555e 0x181
PK11_IsHW 0xb5579 0x182
PK11_IsInternal 0x7c3a1 0x183
PK11_IsLoggedIn 0x9d5d1 0x184
PK11_IsPresent 0xb55af 0x185
PK11_IsReadOnly 0x18455 0x186
PK11_IsRemovable 0xb55c0 0x187
PK11_KeyForCertExists 0x9e80a 0x188
PK11_KeyGen 0xb1940 0x189
PK11_KeyGenWithTemplate 0xb1960 0x18a
PK11_ListCerts 0x9e8f4 0x18b
PK11_ListCertsInSlot 0x9e93a 0x18c
PK11_ListFixedKeysInSlot 0xb1b26 0x18d
PK11_ListPrivKeysInSlot 0x9c57d 0x18e
PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot 0x9c66a 0x18f
PK11_LoadPrivKey 0x9c69c 0x190
PK11_Logout 0x9d730 0x191
PK11_LogoutAll 0x9d775 0x192
PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey 0x9c6a5 0x193
PK11_MapSignKeyType 0xa84f3 0x194
PK11_MechanismToAlgtag 0xa8520 0x195
PK11_MergeTokens 0xa94ff 0x196
PK11_NeedLogin 0x18460 0x197
PK11_NeedUserInit 0xb56cc 0x198
PK11_PBEKeyGen 0xaf044 0x199
PK11_ParamFromIV 0xa8a0e 0x19a
PK11_PrivDecrypt 0xabcd3 0x19b
PK11_PrivDecryptPKCS1 0xabd1c 0x19c
PK11_ProtectedAuthenticationPath 0x9d7c5 0x19d
PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF 0xb203a 0x19e
PK11_PubEncrypt 0xabd53 0x19f
PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1 0xabd9f 0x1a0
PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey 0xb20b2 0x1a1
PK11_PubWrapSymKey 0xb2258 0x1a2
PK11_RandomUpdate 0xb58af 0x1a3
PK11_ReadRawAttribute 0xabece 0x1a4
PK11_ReferenceSlot 0xb5a52 0x1a5
PK11_ResetToken 0xb5a5e 0x1a6
PK11_SetPasswordFunc 0x9d7d3 0x1a7
PK11_SetSymKeyNickname 0xb23a5 0x1a8
PK11_Sign 0xac007 0x1a9
PK11_SignWithMechanism 0xac02b 0x1aa
PK11_SignatureLen 0xac2bb 0x1ab
PK11_TokenKeyGenWithFlags 0xb24eb 0x1ac
PK11_UnwrapPrivKey 0xac41d 0x1ad
PK11_UnwrapSymKey 0xb2512 0x1ae
PK11_UpdateSlotAttribute 0xb5c86 0x1af
PK11_UserDisableSlot 0xb5ce3 0x1b0
PK11_UserEnableSlot 0xb5d12 0x1b1
PK11_Verify 0xac868 0x1b2
PK11_VerifyWithMechanism 0xaca0e 0x1b3
PK11_WrapPrivKey 0xacb9c 0x1b4
PK11_WrapSymKey 0xb2607 0x1b5
PL_ArenaAllocate 0x7dcfe 0x1b6
PL_ArenaFinish 0x2d55 0x1b7
PL_ArenaGrow 0x7dda2 0x1b8
PL_ArenaRelease 0x7de61 0x1b9
PL_Base64Decode 0x7d03a 0x1ba
PL_Base64Encode 0x7ce7d 0x1bb
PL_ClearArenaPool 0x7de10 0x1bc
PL_CompactArenaPool 0x2d55 0x1bd
PL_CompareStrings 0x7e46b 0x1be
PL_CompareValues 0x7e4a2 0x1bf
PL_CreateLongOptState 0x7d190 0x1c0
PL_CreateOptState 0x7d178 0x1c1
PL_DestroyOptState 0x7d242 0x1c2
PL_FPrintError 0x7d0ec 0x1c3
PL_FinishArenaPool 0x7dea4 0x1c4
PL_FreeArenaPool 0x7dea4 0x1c5
PL_GetNextOpt 0x7d262 0x1c6
PL_HashString 0x7e450 0x1c7
PL_HashTableAdd 0x7e1e4 0x1c8
PL_HashTableDestroy 0x7dfbc 0x1c9
PL_HashTableDump 0x7e447 0x1ca
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries 0x7e3a3 0x1cb
PL_HashTableLookup 0x7e34f 0x1cc
PL_HashTableLookupConst 0x7e379 0x1cd
PL_HashTableRawAdd 0x7e0e3 0x1ce
PL_HashTableRawLookup 0x7e03a 0x1cf
PL_HashTableRawLookupConst 0x7e09a 0x1d0
PL_HashTableRawRemove 0x7e24c 0x1d1
PL_HashTableRemove 0x7e31a 0x1d2
PL_InitArenaPool 0x7dc97 0x1d3
PL_NewHashTable 0x7df10 0x1d4
PL_PrintError 0x7d152 0x1d5
PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool 0x7deb2 0x1d6
PL_strcasecmp 0x7d422 0x1d7
PL_strcaserstr 0x7d52d 0x1d8
PL_strcasestr 0x7d4e1 0x1d9
PL_strcat 0x7d65e 0x1da
PL_strcatn 0x7d6dd 0x1db
PL_strchr 0x7d718 0x1dc
PL_strcmp 0x7d7ce 0x1dd
PL_strcpy 0x7d838 0x1de
PL_strdup 0x7d8d9 0x1df
PL_strfree 0x2cfa 0x1e0
PL_strlen 0x7d964 0x1e1
PL_strncasecmp 0x7d475 0x1e2
PL_strncaserstr 0x7d5f8 0x1e3
PL_strncasestr 0x7d593 0x1e4
PL_strncat 0x7d6a8 0x1e5
PL_strnchr 0x7d756 0x1e6
PL_strncmp 0x7d814 0x1e7
PL_strncpy 0x7d85f 0x1e8
PL_strncpyz 0x7d896 0x1e9
PL_strndup 0x7d91d 0x1ea
PL_strnlen 0x7d97e 0x1eb
PL_strnpbrk 0x7da09 0x1ec
PL_strnprbrk 0x7da48 0x1ed
PL_strnrchr 0x7d78e 0x1ee
PL_strnrstr 0x7db9f 0x1ef
PL_strnstr 0x7db32 0x1f0
PL_strpbrk 0x7d9a4 0x1f1
PL_strprbrk 0x7d9be 0x1f2
PL_strrchr 0x7d737 0x1f3
PL_strrstr 0x7dac5 0x1f4
PL_strstr 0x7da9a 0x1f5
PL_strtok_r 0x7dc0c 0x1f6
PORT_Alloc 0x9155a 0x1f7
PORT_Alloc_Util 0xbecdd 0x1f8
PORT_ArenaAlloc 0x91563 0x1f9
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util 0xbed18 0x1fa
PORT_ArenaGrow_Util 0xbedda 0x1fb
PORT_ArenaMark_Util 0xbeef7 0x1fc
PORT_ArenaRelease_Util 0xbef30 0x1fd
PORT_ArenaStrdup 0x9156c 0x1fe
PORT_ArenaStrdup_Util 0xbef45 0x1ff
PORT_ArenaUnmark_Util 0x2d55 0x200
PORT_ArenaZAlloc 0x91575 0x201
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util 0xbef80 0x202
PORT_DestroyCheapArena 0xbefc8 0x203
PORT_Free 0x9157e 0x204
PORT_FreeArena 0x91583 0x205
PORT_FreeArena_Util 0xbeff2 0x206
PORT_Free_Util 0xbf076 0x207
PORT_GetError 0x91588 0x208
PORT_GetError_Util 0xbf088 0x209
PORT_InitCheapArena 0xbf097 0x20a
PORT_NewArena 0x9158d 0x20b
PORT_NewArena_Util 0xbf0b9 0x20c
PORT_Realloc_Util 0xbf11e 0x20d
PORT_RegExpSearch 0xba15f 0x20e
PORT_SetError 0x91596 0x20f
PORT_SetError_Util 0xbf155 0x210
PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction 0x9159b 0x211
PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction_Util 0xbf167 0x212
PORT_Strdup 0x915a0 0x213
PORT_Strdup_Util 0xbf174 0x214
PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion_Util 0xbf1ab 0x215
PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion 0x915a9 0x216
PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion_Util 0xbf1bc 0x217
PORT_ZAlloc 0x915b2 0x218
PORT_ZAllocAlignedOffset_Util 0xbf1e6 0x219
PORT_ZAlloc_Util 0xbf276 0x21a
PORT_ZFree_Util 0xbf2b4 0x21b
PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar 0x7a8c9 0x21c
PRP_NakedBroadcast 0x7a921 0x21d
PRP_NakedNotify 0x7a901 0x21e
PRP_NakedWait 0x7a8e5 0x21f
PRP_NewNakedCondVar 0x7a886 0x220
PRP_TryLock 0x7aaee 0x221
PR_Abort 0x694a9 0x222
PR_Accept 0x677d0 0x223
PR_AcceptRead 0x678ed 0x224
PR_Access 0x670b0 0x225
PR_AddToCounter 0x71c05 0x226
PR_AddWaitFileDesc 0x69e6f 0x227
PR_AllocFileDesc 0x675c0 0x228
PR_Assert 0x694ba 0x229
PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor 0x2d55 0x22a
PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock 0x7aac6 0x22b
PR_AtomicAdd 0x7157f 0x22c
PR_AtomicDecrement 0x71560 0x22d
PR_AtomicIncrement 0x7154e 0x22e
PR_AtomicSet 0x71572 0x22f
PR_AttachSharedMemory 0x7108a 0x230
PR_AttachThread 0x7b877 0x231
PR_AttachThreadGCAble 0x711be 0x232
PR_Available 0x67753 0x233
PR_Available64 0x67762 0x234
PR_Bind 0x677e7 0x235
PR_BlockClockInterrupts 0x2d55 0x236
PR_BlockInterrupt 0x7c373 0x237
PR_CEnterMonitor 0x7c05c 0x238
PR_CExitMonitor 0x7c0aa 0x239
PR_CNotify 0x7c154 0x23a
PR_CNotifyAll 0x7c198 0x23b
PR_CSetOnMonitorRecycle 0x7c1de 0x23c
PR_CWait 0x7c10c 0x23d
PR_CallOnce 0x75097 0x23e
PR_CallOnceWithArg 0x75130 0x23f
PR_Calloc 0x6de13 0x240
PR_CancelJob 0x7954b 0x241
PR_CancelWaitFileDesc 0x6a0e8 0x242
PR_CancelWaitGroup 0x6a183 0x243
PR_CeilingLog2 0x754a5 0x244
PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle 0x6d0d2 0x245
PR_Cleanup 0x74a7a 0x246
PR_ClearInterrupt 0x7c366 0x247
PR_ClearThreadGCAble 0x7c42d 0x248
PR_Close 0x676e5 0x249
PR_CloseDir 0x66892 0x24a
PR_CloseFileMap 0x698e2 0x24b
PR_CloseSemaphore 0x75419 0x24c
PR_CloseSharedMemory 0x7112e 0x24d
PR_Connect 0x677a6 0x24e
PR_ConnectContinue 0x677bd 0x24f
PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6 0x76461 0x250
PR_CreateAlarm 0x713ae 0x251
PR_CreateCounter 0x71859 0x252
PR_CreateFileMap 0x697d2 0x253
PR_CreateIOLayer 0x6871d 0x254
PR_CreateIOLayerStub 0x686cb 0x255
PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator 0x6a483 0x256
PR_CreateOrderedLock 0x711be 0x257
PR_CreatePipe 0x672df 0x258
PR_CreateProcess 0x74fa0 0x259
PR_CreateProcessDetached 0x74fb5 0x25a
PR_CreateSocketPollFd 0x6c59a 0x25b
PR_CreateStack 0x71592 0x25c
PR_CreateThread 0x7b767 0x25d
PR_CreateThreadGCAble 0x7c3c7 0x25e
PR_CreateThreadPool 0x79086 0x25f
PR_CreateTrace 0x799df 0x260
PR_CreateWaitGroup 0x6a25f 0x261
PR_DecrementCounter 0x71bca 0x262
PR_Delete 0x66fdf 0x263
PR_DeleteSemaphore 0x7544b 0x264
PR_DeleteSharedMemory 0x71193 0x265
PR_DestroyAlarm 0x71437 0x266
PR_DestroyCondVar 0x7a7ec 0x267
PR_DestroyCounter 0x7198b 0x268
PR_DestroyLock 0x7aa61 0x269
PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator 0x6a4b9 0x26a
PR_DestroyMonitor 0x7c65f 0x26b
PR_DestroyOrderedLock 0x76a1d 0x26c
PR_DestroyPollableEvent 0x676e5 0x26d
PR_DestroyProcessAttr 0x74ca4 0x26e
PR_DestroyRWLock 0x7c9f1 0x26f
PR_DestroySem 0x7cb4e 0x270
PR_DestroySocketPollFd 0x6c5f0 0x271
PR_DestroyStack 0x71626 0x272
PR_DestroyTrace 0x79b3c 0x273
PR_DestroyWaitGroup 0x6a37e 0x274
PR_DetachProcess 0x74fef 0x275
PR_DetachSharedMemory 0x710e7 0x276
PR_DetachThread 0x2d55 0x277
PR_DisableClockInterrupts 0x749c9 0x278
PR_DuplicateEnvironment 0x2d52 0x279
PR_EmulateAcceptRead 0x67973 0x27a
PR_EmulateSendFile 0x67a32 0x27b
PR_EnableClockInterrupts 0x749c9 0x27c
PR_EnterMonitor 0x7c69f 0x27d
PR_EnumerateAddrInfo 0x766c6 0x27e
PR_EnumerateHostEnt 0x75b90 0x27f
PR_EnumerateThreads 0x7bb2e 0x280
PR_EnumerateWaitGroup 0x6a4ee 0x281
PR_ErrorInstallCallback 0x746e8 0x282
PR_ErrorInstallTable 0x74695 0x283
PR_ErrorLanguages 0x7468f 0x284
PR_ErrorToName 0x74657 0x285
PR_ErrorToString 0x7450e 0x286
PR_ExitMonitor 0x7c74c 0x287
PR_ExplodeTime 0x76daf 0x288
PR_ExportFileMapAsString 0x711cf 0x289
PR_FD_CLR 0x6d111 0x28a
PR_FD_ISSET 0x6d156 0x28b
PR_FD_NCLR 0x6d19d 0x28c
PR_FD_NISSET 0x6d1f4 0x28d
PR_FD_NSET 0x6d17f 0x28e
PR_FD_SET 0x6d0fe 0x28f
PR_FD_ZERO 0x6d0e7 0x290
PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle 0x6d088 0x291
PR_FindFunctionSymbol 0x6dbe2 0x292
PR_FindFunctionSymbolAndLibrary 0x6dc6b 0x293
PR_FindNextCounterQname 0x71cd4 0x294
PR_FindNextCounterRname 0x71d1a 0x295
PR_FindNextTraceQname 0x7a0ff 0x296
PR_FindNextTraceRname 0x7a145 0x297
PR_FindSymbol 0x6dbb2 0x298
PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary 0x6dbeb 0x299
PR_FloorLog2 0x754be 0x29a
PR_FormatTime 0x78406 0x29b
PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish 0x7849d 0x29c
PR_Free 0x2cfa 0x29d
PR_FreeAddrInfo 0x766a8 0x29e
PR_FreeFileDesc 0x67615 0x29f
PR_FreeLibraryName 0x2cfa 0x2a0
PR_GMTParameters 0x774dc 0x2a1
PR_GetAddrInfoByName 0x765f2 0x2a2
PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo 0x76764 0x2a3
PR_GetConnectStatus 0x6c724 0x2a4
PR_GetCounter 0x71c81 0x2a5
PR_GetCounterHandleFromName 0x71a4d 0x2a6
PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle 0x71b49 0x2a7
PR_GetCurrentThread 0x7c2f0 0x2a8
PR_GetDefaultIOMethods 0x686c5 0x2a9
PR_GetDescType 0x676d9 0x2aa
PR_GetDirectorySeparator 0x76a3b 0x2ab
PR_GetDirectorySepartor 0x76a3b 0x2ac
PR_GetEnv 0x7436c 0x2ad
PR_GetEnvSecure 0x743b6 0x2ae
PR_GetError 0x74429 0x2af
PR_GetErrorText 0x744e6 0x2b0
PR_GetErrorTextLength 0x744dd 0x2b1
PR_GetFileInfo 0x67005 0x2b2
PR_GetFileInfo64 0x6705a 0x2b3
PR_GetFileMethods 0x66ee9 0x2b4
PR_GetGCRegisters 0x76b65 0x2b5
PR_GetHostByAddr 0x75942 0x2b6
PR_GetHostByName 0x75856 0x2b7
PR_GetIPNodeByName 0x758bb 0x2b8
PR_GetIdentitiesLayer 0x68a86 0x2b9
PR_GetInheritedFD 0x74e94 0x2ba
PR_GetInheritedFileMap 0x711be 0x2bb
PR_GetLayersIdentity 0x68a70 0x2bc
PR_GetLibraryFilePathname 0x6dd29 0x2bd
PR_GetLibraryName 0x6d6c9 0x2be
PR_GetLibraryPath 0x6d648 0x2bf
PR_GetMemMapAlignment 0x6982b 0x2c0
PR_GetMonitorEntryCount 0x7c7ee 0x2c1
PR_GetNameForIdentity 0x68a1d 0x2c2
PR_GetNumberOfProcessors 0x76b05 0x2c3
PR_GetOSError 0x74432 0x2c4
PR_GetOpenFileInfo 0x67771 0x2c5
PR_GetOpenFileInfo64 0x67784 0x2c6
PR_GetPageShift 0x6de5e 0x2c7
PR_GetPageSize 0x6de72 0x2c8
PR_GetPathSeparator 0x76a3e 0x2c9
PR_GetPeerName 0x67920 0x2ca
PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize 0x76b1c 0x2cb
PR_GetPipeMethods 0x66eef 0x2cc
PR_GetProtoByName 0x75a66 0x2cd
PR_GetProtoByNumber 0x75afb 0x2ce
PR_GetRandomNoise 0x76a2c 0x2cf
PR_GetSP 0x7c393 0x2d0
PR_GetSockName 0x6790d 0x2d1
PR_GetSocketOption 0x67933 0x2d2
PR_GetSpecialFD 0x6756c 0x2d3
PR_GetStackSpaceLeft 0x76c4f 0x2d4
PR_GetSysfdTableMax 0x66fc7 0x2d5
PR_GetSystemInfo 0x76a41 0x2d6
PR_GetTCPMethods 0x6ce05 0x2d7
PR_GetThreadAffinityMask 0x2d52 0x2d8
PR_GetThreadID 0x7c2d7 0x2d9
PR_GetThreadName 0x7b9f3 0x2da
PR_GetThreadPriority 0x7c2e5 0x2db
PR_GetThreadPrivate 0x7ccff 0x2dc
PR_GetThreadScope 0x7c46c 0x2dd
PR_GetThreadState 0x7c4a9 0x2de
PR_GetThreadType 0x7c498 0x2df
PR_GetTraceEntries 0x7a4d8 0x2e0
PR_GetTraceHandleFromName 0x79fbd 0x2e1
PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle 0x7a0b9 0x2e2
PR_GetTraceOption 0x79f75 0x2e3
PR_GetUDPMethods 0x6ce0b 0x2e4
PR_GetUniqueIdentity 0x688a9 0x2e5
PR_GetVersion 0x74803 0x2e6
PR_ImplodeTime 0x76de2 0x2e7
PR_ImportFile 0x67119 0x2e8
PR_ImportFileMapFromString 0x71224 0x2e9
PR_ImportPipe 0x6715c 0x2ea
PR_ImportTCPSocket 0x6c514 0x2eb
PR_ImportUDPSocket 0x6c557 0x2ec
PR_IncrementCounter 0x71b8f 0x2ed
PR_Init 0x749d7 0x2ee
PR_Initialize 0x749e6 0x2ef
PR_InitializeNetAddr 0x75c18 0x2f0
PR_Initialized 0x74809 0x2f1
PR_Interrupt 0x7c30d 0x2f2
PR_IntervalNow 0x751d8 0x2f3
PR_IntervalToMicroseconds 0x752b4 0x2f4
PR_IntervalToMilliseconds 0x75282 0x2f5
PR_IntervalToSeconds 0x7526f 0x2f6
PR_IsNetAddrType 0x75d60 0x2f7
PR_JoinJob 0x796a1 0x2f8
PR_JoinThread 0x7b8e5 0x2f9
PR_JoinThreadPool 0x79727 0x2fa
PR_KillProcess 0x75064 0x2fb
PR_Listen 0x6780d 0x2fc
PR_LoadLibrary 0x6d7da 0x2fd
PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags 0x6d79f 0x2fe
PR_LoadStaticLibrary 0x6dc74 0x2ff
PR_LocalTimeParameters 0x7728f 0x300
PR_Lock 0x7aa7d 0x301
PR_LockFile 0x6719f 0x302
PR_LockOrderedLock 0x76a1d 0x303
PR_LogFlush 0x69421 0x304
PR_LogPrint 0x69076 0x305
PR_MakeDir 0x668e8 0x306
PR_Malloc 0x6de09 0x307
PR_MemMap 0x69842 0x308
PR_MemUnmap 0x698bc 0x309
PR_MicrosecondsToInterval 0x75248 0x30a
PR_MillisecondsToInterval 0x75221 0x30b
PR_MkDir 0x668c0 0x30c
PR_NetAddrToString 0x769ad 0x30d
PR_NewCondVar 0x7a732 0x30e
PR_NewLock 0x7a9f1 0x30f
PR_NewLogModule 0x68f3d 0x310
PR_NewMonitor 0x7c583 0x311
PR_NewNamedMonitor 0x7c64c 0x312
PR_NewPollableEvent 0x6a5cc 0x313
PR_NewProcessAttr 0x74c47 0x314
PR_NewRWLock 0x7c911 0x315
PR_NewSem 0x7caf7 0x316
PR_NewTCPSocket 0x6cef0 0x317
PR_NewTCPSocketPair 0x6cf38 0x318
PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex 0x7cbe9 0x319
PR_NewUDPSocket 0x6cf01 0x31a
PR_NormalizeTime 0x77002 0x31b
PR_Notify 0x7c8e4 0x31c
PR_NotifyAll 0x7c900 0x31d
PR_NotifyAllCondVar 0x7a85c 0x31e
PR_NotifyCondVar 0x7a832 0x31f
PR_Now 0x6df3d 0x320
PR_Open 0x66ef5 0x321
PR_OpenAnonFileMap 0x711ad 0x322
PR_OpenDir 0x6682e 0x323
PR_OpenFile 0x66f5d 0x324
PR_OpenSemaphore 0x7533c 0x325
PR_OpenSharedMemory 0x7105f 0x326
PR_OpenTCPSocket 0x6cf10 0x327
PR_OpenUDPSocket 0x6cf24 0x328
PR_ParseTimeString 0x783b5 0x329
PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime 0x774e1 0x32a
PR_Poll 0x67624 0x32b
PR_PopIOLayer 0x687f9 0x32c
PR_PostSem 0x7cbba 0x32d
PR_PostSemaphore 0x753ec 0x32e
PR_ProcessAttrSetCurrentDirectory 0x74d14 0x32f
PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFD 0x74d77 0x330
PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap 0x66fcd 0x331
PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect 0x74cda 0x332
PR_ProcessExit 0x74c3c 0x333
PR_PushIOLayer 0x6876c 0x334
PR_QueueJob 0x7924c 0x335
PR_QueueJob_Accept 0x793f5 0x336
PR_QueueJob_Connect 0x79413 0x337
PR_QueueJob_Read 0x793b9 0x338
PR_QueueJob_Timer 0x79475 0x339
PR_QueueJob_Write 0x793d7 0x33a
PR_RWLock_Rlock 0x7ca2c 0x33b
PR_RWLock_Unlock 0x7caa4 0x33c
PR_RWLock_Wlock 0x7ca6c 0x33d
PR_Read 0x676f4 0x33e
PR_ReadDir 0x66872 0x33f
PR_Realloc 0x6de1d 0x340
PR_RecordTraceEntries 0x7a376 0x341
PR_Recv 0x67820 0x342
PR_RecvFrom 0x6788d 0x343
PR_Rename 0x67087 0x344
PR_ResetAlarm 0x71513 0x345
PR_ResetProcessAttr 0x74c6b 0x346
PR_ResumeAll 0x7bab4 0x347
PR_RmDir 0x66915 0x348
PR_ScanStackPointers 0x76c2a 0x349
PR_SecondsToInterval 0x75213 0x34a
PR_Seek 0x67722 0x34b
PR_Seek64 0x67739 0x34c
PR_Select 0x6d2ee 0x34d
PR_Send 0x6783d 0x34e
PR_SendFile 0x67959 0x34f
PR_SendTo 0x678ad 0x350
PR_SetAlarm 0x71496 0x351
PR_SetCPUAffinityMask 0x2d52 0x352
PR_SetConcurrency 0x2d55 0x353
PR_SetCounter 0x71caa 0x354
PR_SetCurrentThreadName 0x7b97a 0x355
PR_SetEnv 0x743c6 0x356
PR_SetError 0x7443b 0x357
PR_SetErrorText 0x7445a 0x358
PR_SetFDCacheSize 0x66a69 0x359
PR_SetFDInheritable 0x67638 0x35a
PR_SetLibraryPath 0x6d5d1 0x35b
PR_SetLogBuffering 0x6902e 0x35c
PR_SetLogFile 0x68f92 0x35d
PR_SetNetAddr 0x75c94 0x35e
PR_SetPollableEvent 0x6a708 0x35f
PR_SetSocketOption 0x67946 0x360
PR_SetStdioRedirect 0x74d0f 0x361
PR_SetSysfdTableSize 0x66fcd 0x362
PR_SetThreadAffinityMask 0x2d52 0x363
PR_SetThreadDumpProc 0x7c56f 0x364
PR_SetThreadGCAble 0x7c3ee 0x365
PR_SetThreadPriority 0x7b952 0x366
PR_SetThreadPrivate 0x7cc3b 0x367
PR_SetThreadRecycleMode 0x7c3ba 0x368
PR_SetTraceOption 0x79d0d 0x369
PR_ShowStatus 0x7c505 0x36a
PR_Shutdown 0x677fa 0x36b
PR_ShutdownThreadPool 0x796f9 0x36c
PR_Sleep 0x7c23d 0x36d
PR_Socket 0x6ce35 0x36e
PR_StackPop 0x7168e 0x36f
PR_StackPush 0x71669 0x370
PR_StringToNetAddr 0x768cd 0x371
PR_SubtractFromCounter 0x71c43 0x372
PR_SuspendAll 0x7ba04 0x373
PR_Sync 0x67797 0x374
PR_SyncMemMap 0x698ff 0x375
PR_TLockFile 0x67231 0x376
PR_TestAndEnterMonitor 0x7c6fe 0x377
PR_TestAndLock 0x7aacb 0x378
PR_ThreadScanStackPointers 0x76b76 0x379
PR_TicksPerSecond 0x751f6 0x37a
PR_Trace 0x79bfe 0x37b
PR_TransmitFile 0x678cd 0x37c
PR_USPacificTimeParameters 0x773f3 0x37d
PR_UnblockClockInterrupts 0x2d55 0x37e
PR_UnblockInterrupt 0x7c383 0x37f
PR_UnloadLibrary 0x6da22 0x380
PR_Unlock 0x7aa9d 0x381
PR_UnlockFile 0x67277 0x382
PR_UnlockOrderedLock 0x66fcd 0x383
PR_VersionCheck 0x7473c 0x384
PR_Wait 0x7c829 0x385
PR_WaitCondVar 0x7a80c 0x386
PR_WaitForPollableEvent 0x6a72a 0x387
PR_WaitProcess 0x7500b 0x388
PR_WaitRecvReady 0x69f2e 0x389
PR_WaitSem 0x7cb72 0x38a
PR_WaitSemaphore 0x753ab 0x38b
PR_Write 0x6770b 0x38c
PR_Writev 0x6785a 0x38d
PR_Yield 0x7c22d 0x38e
PR_cnvtf 0x741c1 0x38f
PR_dtoa 0x740fe 0x390
PR_fprintf 0x6d49c 0x391
PR_htonl 0x764aa 0x392
PR_htonll 0x764de 0x393
PR_htons 0x7649c 0x394
PR_ntohl 0x7648e 0x395
PR_ntohll 0x764b8 0x396
PR_ntohs 0x76480 0x397
PR_smprintf 0x6b775 0x398
PR_smprintf_free 0x2cfa 0x399
PR_snprintf 0x6b80f 0x39a
PR_sprintf_append 0x6b896 0x39b
PR_sscanf 0x6c2b8 0x39c
PR_strtod 0x72649 0x39d
PR_sxprintf 0x6b67c 0x39e
PR_vfprintf 0x6d4b3 0x39f
PR_vsmprintf 0x6b788 0x3a0
PR_vsnprintf 0x6b829 0x3a1
PR_vsprintf_append 0x6b8ad 0x3a2
PR_vsxprintf 0x6b696 0x3a3
PT_FPrintStats 0x2d55 0x3a4
SECITEM_AllocArray 0xbdf16 0x3a5
SECITEM_AllocItem 0x915bb 0x3a6
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util 0xbdfe9 0x3a7
SECITEM_ArenaDupItem_Util 0xbe0a7 0x3a8
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util 0xbe126 0x3a9
SECITEM_CopyItem 0x915c4 0x3aa
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util 0xbe1b3 0x3ab
SECITEM_DupArray 0xbe218 0x3ac
SECITEM_DupItem 0x915cd 0x3ad
SECITEM_DupItem_Util 0xbe28f 0x3ae
SECITEM_FreeItem 0x915d6 0x3af
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util 0xbe2b5 0x3b0
SECITEM_HashCompare 0xbe315 0x3b1
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual 0xbe315 0x3b2
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual_Util 0xbe31e 0x3b3
SECITEM_ReallocItemV2 0xbe36a 0x3b4
SECITEM_ZfreeItem 0x915db 0x3b5
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util 0xbe411 0x3b6
SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey 0x8d5ca 0x3b7
SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey 0x8d726 0x3b8
SECKEY_CopyPublicKey 0x8d833 0x3b9
SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo 0x8d9b7 0x3ba
SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo 0x8db3b 0x3bb
SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo 0x8db7a 0x3bc
SECKEY_DestroyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo 0x8dc00 0x3bd
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey 0x8dc75 0x3be
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList 0x8dd33 0x3bf
SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey 0x8dd58 0x3c0
SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo 0x80376 0x3c1
SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen 0x8dda3 0x3c2
SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize 0x8e059 0x3c3
SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo 0x8e28f 0x3c4
SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey 0x8e2c3 0x3c5
SECKEY_GetPrivateKeyType 0x7c2e5 0x3c6
SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType 0x7c2e5 0x3c7
SECKEY_ImportDERPublicKey 0x8e310 0x3c8
SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength 0x8e413 0x3c9
SECKEY_RSAPSSParamsTemplate 0xf2478 0x3ca
SECKEY_SignatureLen 0x8e4a9 0x3cb
SECMIME_DecryptionAllowed 0xc9b88 0x3cc
SECMOD_AddNewModule 0xb63cc 0x3cd
SECMOD_AddNewModuleEx 0xb63e9 0x3ce
SECMOD_CanDeleteInternalModule 0x2d52 0x3cf
SECMOD_CancelWait 0xb6519 0x3d0
SECMOD_CloseUserDB 0xb6596 0x3d1
SECMOD_CreateModule 0xad61c 0x3d2
SECMOD_DeleteInternalModule 0xb6604 0x3d3
SECMOD_DeleteModule 0xb6633 0x3d4
SECMOD_DestroyModule 0xb6797 0x3d5
SECMOD_FindModule 0xb6854 0x3d6
SECMOD_GetDeadModuleList 0xb6a0a 0x3d7
SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList 0xb6a10 0x3d8
SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock 0xb6a16 0x3d9
SECMOD_GetInternalModule 0xb6a1c 0x3da
SECMOD_GetModuleSpecList 0xad876 0x3db
SECMOD_GetReadLock 0xa143b 0x3dc
SECMOD_HasRemovableSlots 0xb6a22 0x3dd
SECMOD_InternaltoPubMechFlags 0xb6a9f 0x3de
SECMOD_LoadModule 0xad895 0x3df
SECMOD_LoadUserModule 0xadacd 0x3e0
SECMOD_OpenUserDB 0xb6c3c 0x3e1
SECMOD_PubCipherFlagstoInternal 0xbec54 0x3e2
SECMOD_PubMechFlagstoInternal 0xb6cc5 0x3e3
SECMOD_ReferenceModule 0xb6cde 0x3e4
SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock 0xa1454 0x3e5
SECMOD_UnloadUserModule 0xadb1e 0x3e6
SECMOD_UpdateModule 0xb6f60 0x3e7
SECMOD_UpdateSlotList 0xb6f78 0x3e8
SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent 0xb716f 0x3e9
SECOID_AddEntry 0x915e0 0x3ea
SECOID_AddEntry_Util 0xbe60c 0x3eb
SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate 0xf2938 0x3ec
SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util 0x101278 0x3ed
SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID_Util 0xbb1ed 0x3ee
SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID 0x915e9 0x3ef
SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID_Util 0xbb220 0x3f0
SECOID_FindOID 0x915ee 0x3f1
SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism 0xbe77b 0x3f2
SECOID_FindOIDByTag 0x915f7 0x3f3
SECOID_FindOIDByTag_Util 0xbe7a5 0x3f4
SECOID_FindOIDTag 0x91600 0x3f5
SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription_Util 0xbe7c5 0x3f6
SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util 0xca051 0x3f7
SECOID_FindOID_Util 0xbe7de 0x3f8
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag 0x91609 0x3f9
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util 0xbb24d 0x3fa
SECOID_Init 0xbe817 0x3fb
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID 0x91612 0x3fc
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util 0xbb26a 0x3fd
SECOID_Shutdown 0xbe95c 0x3fe
SEC_ASN1Decode 0x9161b 0x3ff
SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger 0x91624 0x400
SEC_ASN1DecodeItem 0x9162d 0x401
SEC_ASN1DecodeItem_Util 0xbb3bd 0x402
SEC_ASN1Decode_Util 0xbb3dc 0x403
SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util 0xbcda8 0x404
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem 0x91636 0x405
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util 0xbcdc0 0x406
SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger_Util 0xbce66 0x407
SEC_ASN1Encode_Util 0xbce7e 0x408
SEC_AnyTemplate_Util 0x1012f8 0x409
SEC_BMPStringTemplate 0xf2978 0x40a
SEC_BitStringTemplate 0xf2988 0x40b
SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util 0x101308 0x40c
SEC_BooleanTemplate_Util 0x101328 0x40d
SEC_CertNicknameConflict 0x86829 0x40e
SEC_CreateSignatureAlgorithmParameters 0x8eca7 0x40f
SEC_DeletePermCertificate 0x86861 0x410
SEC_DerSignData 0x8ed08 0x411
SEC_DerSignDataWithAlgorithmID 0x8ed29 0x412
SEC_DestroyCrl 0x83861 0x413
SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate_Util 0x101338 0x414
SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag 0x8ed55 0x415
SEC_IA5StringTemplate 0xf2998 0x416
SEC_IA5StringTemplate_Util 0x101348 0x417
SEC_IntegerTemplate 0xf29a8 0x418
SEC_IntegerTemplate_Util 0x101358 0x419
SEC_NullTemplate_Util 0x101368 0x41a
SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util 0x101378 0x41b
SEC_OctetStringTemplate 0xf29b8 0x41c
SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util 0x101388 0x41d
SEC_PKCS12AddCertAndKey 0xc4bbc 0x41e
SEC_PKCS12AddPasswordIntegrity 0xc4ee2 0x41f
SEC_PKCS12CreateExportContext 0xc4f3d 0x420
SEC_PKCS12CreatePasswordPrivSafe 0xc4fc2 0x421
SEC_PKCS12CreateUnencryptedSafe 0xc5169 0x422
SEC_PKCS12DecoderFinish 0xc2030 0x423
SEC_PKCS12DecoderImportBags 0xc21b6 0x424
SEC_PKCS12DecoderIterateInit 0xc220e 0x425
SEC_PKCS12DecoderIterateNext 0xc2239 0x426
SEC_PKCS12DecoderRenameCertNicknames 0xc23c8 0x427
SEC_PKCS12DecoderStart 0xc24c5 0x428
SEC_PKCS12DecoderUpdate 0xc263c 0x429
SEC_PKCS12DecoderValidateBags 0xc2687 0x42a
SEC_PKCS12DecoderVerify 0xc270d 0x42b
SEC_PKCS12DestroyExportContext 0xc5207 0x42c
SEC_PKCS12EnableCipher 0xc63c8 0x42d
SEC_PKCS12Encode 0xc5272 0x42e
SEC_PKCS12IsEncryptionAllowed 0xc6415 0x42f
SEC_PKCS12SetPreferredCipher 0xc643e 0x430
SEC_PKCS5GetPBEAlgorithm 0xaf3b7 0x431
SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag 0xaf463 0x432
SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime 0xc6da8 0x433
SEC_PKCS7ContentIsEncrypted 0xc75d4 0x434
SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned 0xc75f8 0x435
SEC_PKCS7CopyContentInfo 0xc6baa 0x436
SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData 0xc6fd2 0x437
SEC_PKCS7DecodeItem 0xc7632 0x438
SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish 0xc7688 0x439
SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart 0xc76d5 0x43a
SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate 0xc77e6 0x43b
SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo 0xc6bbb 0x43c
SEC_PKCS7Encode 0xc8655 0x43d
SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain 0xc7017 0x43e
SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature 0xc789f 0x43f
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem 0x9163f 0x440
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util 0xbb0cf 0x441
SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient 0x8a477 0x442
SEC_SignData 0x8ee46 0x443
SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate 0xf0a88 0x444
SEC_StringToOID 0xb9156 0x445
SEC_UTF8StringTemplate 0xf29c8 0x446
SEC_UTF8StringTemplate_Util 0x1013a8 0x447
SGN_Begin 0x8ee64 0x448
SGN_CreateDigestInfo 0x91648 0x449
SGN_CreateDigestInfo_Util 0xbdda3 0x44a
SGN_DecodeDigestInfo 0xbde91 0x44b
SGN_DestroyContext 0x8eeb0 0x44c
SGN_DestroyDigestInfo 0x91651 0x44d
SGN_DestroyDigestInfo_Util 0x80376 0x44e
SGN_End 0x8efd4 0x44f
SGN_NewContext 0x8f23b 0x450
SGN_Update 0x8f250 0x451
SSL_AuthCertificateComplete 0xe1caa 0x452
SSL_AuthCertificateHook 0xdf6f3 0x453
SSL_CipherPrefGet 0xe4dd6 0x454
SSL_CipherPrefSet 0xe4e23 0x455
SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault 0xe4e58 0x456
SSL_ClearSessionCache 0xe1719 0x457
SSL_ConfigSecureServer 0xdf9de 0x458
SSL_ConfigSecureServerWithCertChain 0xdf9f9 0x459
SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache 0xe365a 0x45a
SSL_ExportKeyingMaterial 0xe0d99 0x45b
SSL_ForceHandshake 0xe1d5a 0x45c
SSL_GetChannelInfo 0xe0f12 0x45d
SSL_GetCipherSuiteInfo 0xe1154 0x45e
SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook 0xdf720 0x45f
SSL_GetExperimentalAPI 0xe4e6c 0x460
SSL_GetImplementedCiphers 0xe0b5f 0x461
SSL_GetNextProto 0xe4ec4 0x462
SSL_GetNumImplementedCiphers 0xe0b65 0x463
SSL_GetPreliminaryChannelInfo 0xe11bb 0x464
SSL_GetSRTPCipher 0xe4f4e 0x465
SSL_GetStatistics 0xd087c 0x466
SSL_HandshakeCallback 0xe1e8d 0x467
SSL_HandshakeNegotiatedExtension 0xe1b3d 0x468
SSL_ImplementedCiphers 0x103488 0x469
SSL_ImportFD 0xe4f84 0x46a
SSL_NamedGroupConfig 0xe4f99 0x46b
SSL_NumImplementedCiphers 0x103518 0x46c
SSL_OptionSet 0xe5020 0x46d
SSL_OptionSetDefault 0xe5470 0x46e
SSL_PeerCertificate 0xdf74d 0x46f
SSL_PeerCertificateChain 0xdf778 0x470
SSL_PeerSignedCertTimestamps 0xe57f0 0x471
SSL_PeerStapledOCSPResponses 0xe5822 0x472
SSL_ResetHandshake 0xe1f1c 0x473
SSL_SNISocketConfigHook 0xe20e8 0x474
SSL_SendAdditionalKeyShares 0xe77d8 0x475
SSL_SetCanFalseStartCallback 0xe2115 0x476
SSL_SetDowngradeCheckVersion 0xe5852 0x477
SSL_SetNextProtoNego 0xe596c 0x478
SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg 0xdf7fa 0x479
SSL_SetSRTPCiphers 0xe5a2d 0x47a
SSL_SetSockPeerID 0xe5ac5 0x47b
SSL_SetStapledOCSPResponses 0xdfa86 0x47c
SSL_SetTrustAnchors 0xe21a4 0x47d
SSL_SetURL 0xe2255 0x47e
SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache 0xe3682 0x47f
SSL_SignatureSchemePrefSet 0xd0882 0x480
SSL_VersionRangeGet 0xe5b22 0x481
SSL_VersionRangeGetDefault 0xe5bc4 0x482
SSL_VersionRangeGetSupported 0xe5c07 0x483
SSL_VersionRangeSet 0xe5c80 0x484
SSL_VersionRangeSetDefault 0xe5d6f 0x485
SetExecutionEnvironment 0x7c3ac 0x486
UTIL_SetForkState 0xbea5c 0x487
VFY_Begin 0x8f75b 0x488
VFY_CreateContext 0x8f7b7 0x489
VFY_DestroyContext 0x8f7f9 0x48a
VFY_End 0x8f86d 0x48b
VFY_EndWithSignature 0x8f87e 0x48c
VFY_Update 0x8faca 0x48d
VFY_VerifyData 0x8fb01 0x48e
VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID 0x8fb6c 0x48f
VFY_VerifyDigestDirect 0x8fbbc 0x490
_NSSUTIL_Access 0xbfc42 0x491
_NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir 0xc17ca 0x492
_NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName 0xc18e2 0x493
_NSSUTIL_UTF8ToWide 0xbfd09 0x494
_PR_AddSleepQ 0x7bbab 0x495
_PR_CreateThread 0x7b300 0x496
_PR_DelSleepQ 0x7bca0 0x497
_PR_GetPrimordialCPU 0x7a67b 0x498
_PR_MD_FREE_CV 0x6f810 0x499
_PR_MD_INIT_LOCKS 0x6f934 0x49a
_PR_MD_NEW_CV 0x6f800 0x49b
_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK 0x6f951 0x49c
_PR_MD_NOTIFYALL_CV 0x6f921 0x49d
_PR_MD_NOTIFY_CV 0x6f90e 0x49e
_PR_MD_UNLOCK 0x6f99f 0x49f
_PR_MD_WAIT_CV 0x6f81b 0x4a0
_PR_NativeCreateThread 0x7b1e4 0x4a1
_SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo 0xb9ef2 0x4a2
__PK11_SetCertificateNickname 0x9ee9e 0x4a3
_pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer 0x68209 0x4a4
_pr_test_ipv6_socket 0x6ce11 0x4a5
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sqlite3_auto_extension 0x39f4e 0x4a7
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sqlite3_bind_int 0x1d7e4 0x4aa
sqlite3_bind_int64 0x1d802 0x4ab
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sqlite3_bind_parameter_name 0x1dac3 0x4af
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sqlite3_bind_text16 0x1d941 0x4b1
sqlite3_bind_value 0x1d95f 0x4b2
sqlite3_busy_handler 0x53727 0x4b3
sqlite3_busy_timeout 0x537b0 0x4b4
sqlite3_changes 0x5316d 0x4b5
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sqlite3_close 0x53341 0x4b7
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sqlite3_collation_needed16 0x54b88 0x4b9
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sqlite3_column_bytes16 0x1d3a7 0x4bc
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sqlite3_column_double 0x1d3ce 0x4be
sqlite3_column_int 0x1d3fc 0x4bf
sqlite3_column_int64 0x1d423 0x4c0
sqlite3_column_name 0x1d562 0x4c1
sqlite3_column_name16 0x1d57a 0x4c2
sqlite3_column_text 0x1d453 0x4c3
sqlite3_column_text16 0x1d4b6 0x4c4
sqlite3_column_type 0x1d4dd 0x4c5
sqlite3_column_value 0x1d47c 0x4c6
sqlite3_commit_hook 0x53b77 0x4c7
sqlite3_complete 0x52640 0x4c8
sqlite3_complete16 0x52857 0x4c9
sqlite3_config 0x52b0a 0x4ca
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sqlite3_create_collation16 0x54aee 0x4cc
sqlite3_create_function 0x5399a 0x4cd
sqlite3_create_function16 0x53a66 0x4ce
sqlite3_create_module 0x46270 0x4cf
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sqlite3_db_filename 0x55248 0x4d1
sqlite3_db_handle 0x1db8c 0x4d2
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sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 0xfe44 0x4d7
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sqlite3_errmsg 0x53e4e 0x4d9
sqlite3_errmsg16 0x53ebf 0x4da
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sqlite3_prepare_v2 0x3d529 0x4fc
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sqlite3_vfs_unregister 0x2c8e 0x530
sqlite3_vmprintf 0x4922 0x531
Digital Signatures (3)
Certificate: Mozilla Corporation
Issued by Mozilla Corporation
Parent Certificate DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number C5 39 6D CB 29 49 C7 0F AC 48 AB 08 A0 73 38 E
Thumbprint B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96
Certificate: DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Parent Certificate DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number 40 91 81 B5 FD 5B B6 67 55 34 3B 56 F9 55 00 8
Thumbprint 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6
Certificate: DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Issued by DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number CE 7E 0E 51 7D 84 6F E8 FE 56 0F C1 BF 03 03 9
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C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
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File Size 21.80 KB
MD5 72e28c902cd947f9a3425b19ac5a64bd Copy to Clipboard
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-12 02:44 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-07-23 00:39 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x1400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2073-04-13 15:13:55+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
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Exports (122)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
__toascii 0x1628 0x1
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
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File Size 18.30 KB
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-12 00:17 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-21 22:10 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1972-04-21 12:19:18+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x432 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.67
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Exports (18)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
__p__environ 0x121f 0x1
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getenv 0x1407 0x11
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
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File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 cb978304b79ef53962408c611dfb20f5 Copy to Clipboard
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SHA256 90fae0e7c3644a6754833c42b0ac39b6f23859f9a7cf4b6c8624820f59b9dad3 Copy to Clipboard
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-20 01:23 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2104-07-08 06:18:41+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x210 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 2.76
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (4)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
GetDateFormatA 0x1183 0x1
GetDateFormatW 0x11aa 0x2
GetTimeFormatA 0x11d1 0x3
GetTimeFormatW 0x11f8 0x4
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 babf80608fd68a09656871ec8597296c Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 33952578924b0376ca4ae6a10b8d4ed749d10688 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 24c9aa0b70e557a49dac159c825a013a71a190df5e7a837bfa047a06bba59eca Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:SWPhWK3di00GftpBjH35Gvem2Al1z6hIu:77NoiOve7eu Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-12 07:47 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-07-17 13:55 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2034-03-22 16:36:28+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x3db 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.73
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (9)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
FileTimeToSystemTime 0x11bb 0x1
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 0x11f7 0x2
GetTimeZoneInformation 0x1235 0x3
GetTimeZoneInformationForYear 0x1273 0x4
SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 0x12b8 0x5
SetTimeZoneInformation 0x12f6 0x6
SystemTimeToFileTime 0x132b 0x7
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime 0x1369 0x8
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime 0x13b2 0x9
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 19.80 KB
MD5 aec2268601470050e62cb8066dd41a59 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 363ed259905442c4e3b89901bfd8a43b96bf25e4 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 7633774effe7c0add6752ffe90104d633fc8262c87871d096c2fc07c20018ed2 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:sq6nWm5C1WPhWFK0i00GftpBjB1UemKklUG+zIOd/:x6nWm5CiooiKeZnbd/ Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-10-25 19:05 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-12 06:00 (UTC+2)
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0xc00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2025-08-26 11:12:21+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0xbc0 0xc00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.99
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xe00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (65)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_access 0x13ef 0x1
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_chmod 0x1456 0x5
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x2400
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File Type dll
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Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2054-08-12 16:00:10+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
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Exports (200)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
__p__mbcasemap 0x193b 0x1
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
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File Size 18.30 KB
MD5 a2f2258c32e3ba9abf9e9e38ef7da8c9 Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2012-06-17 17:10:20+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x575 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.47
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (20)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
___lc_codepage_func 0x1235 0x1
___lc_collate_cp_func 0x1268 0x2
___lc_locale_name_func 0x129e 0x3
___mb_cur_max_func 0x12d1 0x4
___mb_cur_max_l_func 0x1302 0x5
__initialize_lconv_for_unsigned_char 0x1345 0x6
__pctype_func 0x1381 0x7
__pwctype_func 0x13a7 0x8
_configthreadlocale 0x13d3 0x9
_create_locale 0x13ff 0xa
_free_locale 0x1424 0xb
_get_current_locale 0x144e 0xc
_getmbcp 0x1474 0xd
_lock_locales 0x1494 0xe
_setmbcp 0x14b4 0xf
_unlock_locales 0x14d6 0x10
_wcreate_locale 0x14ff 0x11
_wsetlocale 0x1524 0x12
localeconv 0x1544 0x13
setlocale 0x1562 0x14
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
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File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 0f079489abd2b16751ceb7447512a70d Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
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File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2061-02-14 06:53:13+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x229 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.0
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Exports (5)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
Beep 0x116f 0x1
DecodePointer 0x118b 0x2
DecodeSystemPointer 0x11b6 0x3
EncodePointer 0x11e1 0x4
EncodeSystemPointer 0x120c 0x5
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.80 KB
MD5 5f73a814936c8e7e4a2dfd68876143c8 Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x800
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2050-07-08 10:36:25+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x647 0x800 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.33
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xa00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (21)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA 0x1242 0x1
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 0x127f 0x2
FreeEnvironmentStringsA 0x12ba 0x3
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x12f3 0x4
GetCommandLineA 0x1324 0x5
GetCommandLineW 0x134d 0x6
GetCurrentDirectoryA 0x137b 0x7
GetCurrentDirectoryW 0x13ae 0x8
GetEnvironmentStrings 0x13e2 0x9
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x1418 0xa
GetEnvironmentVariableA 0x1450 0xb
GetEnvironmentVariableW 0x1489 0xc
GetStdHandle 0x14b7 0xd
SearchPathW 0x14d9 0xe
SetCurrentDirectoryA 0x1503 0xf
SetCurrentDirectoryW 0x1536 0x10
SetEnvironmentStringsW 0x156b 0x11
SetEnvironmentVariableA 0x15a3 0x12
SetEnvironmentVariableW 0x15dc 0x13
SetStdHandle 0x160a 0x14
SetStdHandleEx 0x162f 0x15
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
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Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.30 KB
MD5 fdba0db0a1652d86cd471eaa509e56ea Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1991-09-02 22:58:18+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
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Sections (2)
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.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x400 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (3)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
RtlCaptureContext 0x117e 0x1
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace 0x11af 0x2
RtlUnwind 0x11d8 0x3
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/msvcp140.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 429.80 KB
MD5 109f0f02fd37c84bfc7508d4227d7ed5 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 ef7420141bb15ac334d3964082361a460bfdb975 Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x1003b150
Size Of Code 0x60400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x8200
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2017-05-25 20:01:26+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName msvcp140.dll
FileVersion 14.11.25325.0 built by: VCTOOLSREL
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017
ProductVersion 14.11.25325.0
FileDescription Microsoft® C Runtime Library
OriginalFilename msvcp140.dll
Sections (6)
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Imports (14)
VCRUNTIME140.dll (18)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
memchr 0x0 0x10065108 0x65528 0x62528 0x44
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memset 0x0 0x10065118 0x65538 0x62538 0x48
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memcpy 0x0 0x10065144 0x65564 0x62564 0x46
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api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (13)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
isspace 0x0 0x1006528c 0x656ac 0x626ac 0x6e
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wcsnlen 0x0 0x10065298 0x656b8 0x626b8 0xa9
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isxdigit 0x0 0x100652b4 0x656d4 0x626d4 0x7e
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isupper 0x0 0x100652bc 0x656dc 0x626dc 0x6f
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (8)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_calloc_base 0x0 0x10065188 0x655a8 0x625a8 0x9
_malloc_base 0x0 0x1006518c 0x655ac 0x625ac 0x10
malloc 0x0 0x10065190 0x655b0 0x625b0 0x19
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api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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localeconv 0x0 0x100651b4 0x655d4 0x625d4 0x12
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___lc_locale_name_func 0x0 0x100651bc 0x655dc 0x625dc 0x2
___lc_codepage_func 0x0 0x100651c0 0x655e0 0x625e0 0x0
setlocale 0x0 0x100651c4 0x655e4 0x625e4 0x13
___mb_cur_max_func 0x0 0x100651c8 0x655e8 0x625e8 0x3
_unlock_locales 0x0 0x100651cc 0x655ec 0x625ec 0xf
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (18)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
terminate 0x0 0x100651ec 0x6560c 0x6260c 0x6a
abort 0x0 0x100651f0 0x65610 0x62610 0x57
_seh_filter_dll 0x0 0x100651f4 0x65614 0x62614 0x41
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_register_onexit_function 0x0 0x1006520c 0x6562c 0x6262c 0x3e
_initialize_onexit_table 0x0 0x10065210 0x65630 0x62630 0x36
_initialize_narrow_environment 0x0 0x10065214 0x65634 0x62634 0x35
_configure_narrow_argv 0x0 0x10065218 0x65638 0x62638 0x19
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_set_new_handler 0x0 0x10065230 0x65650 0x62650 0x4a
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (20)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
fputwc 0x0 0x10065238 0x65658 0x62658 0x81
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s 0x0 0x1006523c 0x6565c 0x6265c 0xf
fputs 0x0 0x10065240 0x65660 0x62660 0x80
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fgetwc 0x0 0x10065254 0x65674 0x62674 0x7b
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fputc 0x0 0x10065260 0x65680 0x62680 0x7f
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setvbuf 0x0 0x1006526c 0x6568c 0x6268c 0x98
fgetpos 0x0 0x10065270 0x65690 0x62690 0x79
fwrite 0x0 0x10065274 0x65694 0x62694 0x8a
ungetwc 0x0 0x10065278 0x65698 0x62698 0x9e
fgetc 0x0 0x1006527c 0x6569c 0x6269c 0x78
fflush 0x0 0x10065280 0x656a0 0x626a0 0x77
fclose 0x0 0x10065284 0x656a4 0x626a4 0x74
api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_CIpow 0x0 0x100651d4 0x655f4 0x625f4 0xa
ldexp 0x0 0x100651d8 0x655f8 0x625f8 0xf0
frexp 0x0 0x100651dc 0x655fc 0x625fc 0xeb
api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_ismbblead 0x0 0x100651e4 0x65604 0x62604 0x12
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
strtof 0x0 0x10065154 0x65574 0x62574 0x5f
btowc 0x0 0x10065158 0x65578 0x62578 0x53
strtod 0x0 0x1006515c 0x6557c 0x6257c 0x5e
api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll (8)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_Gettnames 0x0 0x100652c4 0x656e4 0x626e4 0x2
_Getmonths 0x0 0x100652c8 0x656e8 0x626e8 0x1
_Wcsftime 0x0 0x100652cc 0x656ec 0x626ec 0x7
_Strftime 0x0 0x100652d0 0x656f0 0x626f0 0x3
_Getdays 0x0 0x100652d4 0x656f4 0x626f4 0x0
_W_Getdays 0x0 0x100652d8 0x656f8 0x626f8 0x4
_W_Gettnames 0x0 0x100652dc 0x656fc 0x626fc 0x6
_W_Getmonths 0x0 0x100652e0 0x65700 0x62700 0x5
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll (6)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_lock_file 0x0 0x1006516c 0x6558c 0x6258c 0x16
_wrename 0x0 0x10065170 0x65590 0x62590 0x36
_wrmdir 0x0 0x10065174 0x65594 0x62594 0x37
_wremove 0x0 0x10065178 0x65598 0x62598 0x35
_wchdir 0x0 0x1006517c 0x6559c 0x6259c 0x27
_unlock_file 0x0 0x10065180 0x655a0 0x625a0 0x24
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_wgetcwd 0x0 0x10065164 0x65584 0x62584 0x8
api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
rand_s 0x0 0x100652e8 0x65708 0x62708 0x1c
KERNEL32.dll (65)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
TryEnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x10065000 0x65420 0x62420 0x57c
Sleep 0x0 0x10065004 0x65424 0x62424 0x552
GetExitCodeThread 0x0 0x10065008 0x65428 0x62428 0x22b
DuplicateHandle 0x0 0x1006500c 0x6542c 0x6242c 0x11d
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x10065010 0x65430 0x62430 0x20c
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x10065014 0x65434 0x62434 0x207
WaitForSingleObjectEx 0x0 0x10065018 0x65438 0x62438 0x5ad
CloseHandle 0x0 0x1006501c 0x6543c 0x6243c 0x7d
GetNativeSystemInfo 0x0 0x10065020 0x65440 0x62440 0x272
QueryPerformanceFrequency 0x0 0x10065024 0x65444 0x62444 0x42c
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x10065028 0x65448 0x62448 0x42b
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x1006502c 0x6544c 0x6244c 0x2c3
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x10065030 0x65450 0x62450 0x3cf
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x10065034 0x65454 0x62454 0x123
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x10065038 0x65458 0x62458 0x3a0
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x1006503c 0x6545c 0x6245c 0x103
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x10065040 0x65460 0x62460 0x5d0
EncodePointer 0x0 0x10065044 0x65464 0x62464 0x11f
RaiseException 0x0 0x10065048 0x65468 0x62468 0x43f
DecodePointer 0x0 0x1006504c 0x6546c 0x6246c 0xfc
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x10065050 0x65470 0x62470 0x1b1
CompareStringW 0x0 0x10065054 0x65474 0x62474 0x91
GetLocaleInfoW 0x0 0x10065058 0x65478 0x62478 0x252
LoadLibraryExA 0x0 0x1006505c 0x6547c 0x6247c 0x3a4
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x10065060 0x65480 0x62480 0x19c
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x10065064 0x65484 0x62484 0x5a3
VirtualProtect 0x0 0x10065068 0x65488 0x62488 0x5a1
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x1006506c 0x6548c 0x6248c 0x2ce
InitializeSListHead 0x0 0x10065070 0x65490 0x62490 0x349
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x10065074 0x65494 0x62494 0x394
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x10065078 0x65498 0x62498 0x208
AreFileApisANSI 0x0 0x1006507c 0x6549c 0x6249c 0x1b
CreateDirectoryW 0x0 0x10065080 0x654a0 0x624a0 0xb0
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x10065084 0x654a4 0x624a4 0x365
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x10065088 0x654a8 0x624a8 0x561
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1006508c 0x654ac 0x624ac 0x543
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x10065090 0x654b0 0x624b0 0x582
FindFirstFileExW 0x0 0x10065094 0x654b4 0x624b4 0x16c
FindNextFileW 0x0 0x10065098 0x654b8 0x624b8 0x17d
SetFileTime 0x0 0x1006509c 0x654bc 0x624bc 0x500
SetEndOfFile 0x0 0x100650a0 0x654c0 0x624c0 0x4ea
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x100650a4 0x654c4 0x624c4 0x29b
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x100650a8 0x654c8 0x624c8 0x265
GetTempPathW 0x0 0x100650ac 0x654cc 0x624cc 0x2e1
GetTickCount 0x0 0x100650b0 0x654d0 0x624d0 0x2f0
CreateHardLinkW 0x0 0x100650b4 0x654d4 0x624d4 0xc4
FindClose 0x0 0x100650b8 0x654d8 0x624d8 0x166
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x100650bc 0x654dc 0x624dc 0x2d4
CreateEventW 0x0 0x100650c0 0x654e0 0x624e0 0xb4
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x100650c4 0x654e4 0x624e4 0x346
SetLastError 0x0 0x100650c8 0x654e8 0x624e8 0x50b
QueueUserWorkItem 0x0 0x100650cc 0x654ec 0x624ec 0x435
GetModuleHandleExW 0x0 0x100650d0 0x654f0 0x624f0 0x264
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x100650d4 0x654f4 0x624f4 0x36b
CreateFileW 0x0 0x100650d8 0x654f8 0x624f8 0xc0
SetFileAttributesW 0x0 0x100650dc 0x654fc 0x624fc 0x4f7
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace 0x0 0x100650e0 0x65500 0x62500 0x4a9
GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x100650e4 0x65504 0x62504 0x20b
FormatMessageW 0x0 0x100650e8 0x65508 0x62508 0x198
CopyFileW 0x0 0x100650ec 0x6550c 0x6250c 0xa3
SetFilePointerEx 0x0 0x100650f0 0x65510 0x62510 0x4fd
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 0x0 0x100650f4 0x65514 0x62514 0x218
GetFileAttributesExW 0x0 0x100650f8 0x65518 0x62518 0x230
GetLastError 0x0 0x100650fc 0x6551c 0x6251c 0x24e
GetFileInformationByHandle 0x0 0x10065100 0x65520 0x62520 0x235
Exports (1515)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEX_WABV_Locinfo@1@@Z 0x29040 0x1
??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@GV?$istreambuf_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEX_WABV_Locinfo@1@@Z 0x29040 0x2
??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IAEX_WABV_Locinfo@1@@Z 0x29040 0x3
??0?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z 0x30cc0 0x4
??0?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@PBD@Z 0x14990 0x5
??0?$_Yarn@D@std@@QAE@XZ 0x149b0 0x6
??0?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z 0x2f6c0 0x7
??0?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@PBG@Z 0x2f6a0 0x8
??0?$_Yarn@G@std@@QAE@XZ 0x14920 0x9
??0?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z 0x2f6c0 0xa
??0?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@PB_W@Z 0x2f6a0 0xb
??0?$_Yarn@_W@std@@QAE@XZ 0x14920 0xc
??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ 0x15b00 0xd
??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@Z 0x39dc0 0xe
??0?$basic_ios@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ 0x1d5e0 0xf
??0?$basic_ios@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@@Z 0x34400 0x10
??0?$basic_ios@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ 0x1dd10 0x11
??0?$basic_ios@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@@Z 0x36f30 0x12
??0?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z 0x37010 0x13
??0?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@Z 0x370e0 0x14
??0?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z 0x30d90 0x15
??0?$basic_iostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@1@@Z 0x30e60 0x16
??0?$basic_iostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@IAE@$$QAV01@@Z 0x34490 0x17
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?wclog@std@@3V?$basic_ostream@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@1@A 0x64280 0x532
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?xalloc@ios_base@std@@SAHXZ 0x14330 0x543
?xsgetn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPAD_J@Z 0x15420 0x544
?xsgetn@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@MAE_JPAG_J@Z 0x1d1a0 0x545
?xsgetn@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@MAE_JPA_W_J@Z 0x1d1a0 0x546
?xsputn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPBD_J@Z 0x15320 0x547
?xsputn@?$basic_streambuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@MAE_JPBG_J@Z 0x1d090 0x548
?xsputn@?$basic_streambuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@MAE_JPB_W_J@Z 0x1d090 0x549
_Chmod 0x16c00 0x54a
_Close_dir 0x16330 0x54b
_Cnd_broadcast 0x1bf00 0x54c
_Cnd_destroy 0x1bdc0 0x54d
_Cnd_destroy_in_situ 0x1bd70 0x54e
_Cnd_do_broadcast_at_thread_exit 0xab90 0x54f
_Cnd_init 0x1bd90 0x550
_Cnd_init_in_situ 0x1bd00 0x551
_Cnd_register_at_thread_exit 0xaa90 0x552
_Cnd_signal 0x1bee0 0x553
_Cnd_timedwait 0x1bec0 0x554
_Cnd_unregister_at_thread_exit 0xab30 0x555
_Cnd_wait 0x1bea0 0x556
_Copy_file 0x16bd0 0x557
_Cosh 0xae10 0x558
_Current_get 0x16590 0x559
_Current_set 0x165c0 0x55a
_Denorm 0x62148 0x55b
_Dtest 0xb500 0x55c
_Equivalent 0x169d0 0x55d
_Exp 0xb5f0 0x55e
_FCosh 0xb710 0x55f
_FDenorm 0x62068 0x560
_FDtest 0xbc70 0x561
_FExp 0xbd40 0x562
_FInf 0x62028 0x563
_FNan 0x62048 0x564
_FSinh 0xc5a0 0x565
_FSnan 0x62078 0x566
_File_size 0x167b0 0x567
_Getcoll 0xed90 0x568
_Getctype 0xa5e0 0x569
_Getcvt 0xf150 0x56a
_Getdateorder 0x2ad50 0x56b
_Getwctype 0xc710 0x56c
_Getwctypes 0xc740 0x56d
_Hard_links 0x16730 0x56e
_Hugeval 0x62128 0x56f
_Inf 0x620e8 0x570
_LCosh 0xc760 0x571
_LDenorm 0x620c8 0x572
_LDtest 0xc960 0x573
_LExp 0xc970 0x574
_LInf 0x62088 0x575
_LNan 0x620a8 0x576
_LSinh 0xd130 0x577
_LSnan 0x620d8 0x578
_Last_write_time 0x16800 0x579
_Link 0x16ac0 0x57a
_Lock_shared_ptr_spin_lock 0xa770 0x57b
_Lstat 0x16720 0x57c
_Make_dir 0x16640 0x57d
_Mbrtowc 0xd270 0x57e
_Mtx_clear_owner 0x1c3c0 0x57f
_Mtx_current_owns 0x1c380 0x580
_Mtx_destroy 0x1c130 0x581
_Mtx_destroy_in_situ 0x1c0d0 0x582
_Mtx_getconcrtcs 0x1c3b0 0x583
_Mtx_init 0x1c0f0 0x584
_Mtx_init_in_situ 0x1c0b0 0x585
_Mtx_lock 0x1c320 0x586
_Mtx_reset_owner 0x1c3d0 0x587
_Mtx_timedlock 0x1c360 0x588
_Mtx_trylock 0x1c330 0x589
_Mtx_unlock 0x1c2f0 0x58a
_Mtxdst 0xd3f0 0x58b
_Mtxinit 0xd3d0 0x58c
_Mtxlock 0xd400 0x58d
_Mtxunlock 0xd410 0x58e
_Nan 0x62108 0x58f
_Open_dir 0x16480 0x590
_Query_perf_counter 0xadd0 0x591
_Query_perf_frequency 0xadf0 0x592
_Read_dir 0x16360 0x593
_Remove_dir 0x16670 0x594
_Rename 0x16b20 0x595
_Resize 0x16b40 0x596
_Set_last_write_time 0x16850 0x597
_Sinh 0xd950 0x598
_Snan 0x62138 0x599
_Stat 0x16690 0x59a
_Statvfs 0x168c0 0x59b
_Stod 0xdcd0 0x59c
_Stodx 0xda90 0x59d
_Stof 0xdef0 0x59e
_Stofx 0xdcf0 0x59f
_Stold 0xe440 0x5a0
_Stoldx 0xe200 0x5a1
_Stoll 0xe540 0x5a2
_Stollx 0xe460 0x5a3
_Stolx 0xe150 0x5a4
_Stoul 0xe830 0x5a5
_Stoull 0xea70 0x5a6
_Stoullx 0xe850 0x5a7
_Stoulx 0xe6b0 0x5a8
_Strcoll 0xecf0 0x5a9
_Strxfrm 0xedc0 0x5aa
_Symlink 0x16af0 0x5ab
_Symlink_get 0x165e0 0x5ac
_Temp_get 0x165f0 0x5ad
_Thrd_abort 0xa9c0 0x5ae
_Thrd_create 0xa9f0 0x5af
_Thrd_current 0xa940 0x5b0
_Thrd_detach 0xa880 0x5b1
_Thrd_equal 0xa930 0x5b2
_Thrd_exit 0xa7f0 0x5b3
_Thrd_hardware_concurrency 0xa9a0 0x5b4
_Thrd_id 0xa990 0x5b5
_Thrd_join 0xa830 0x5b6
_Thrd_sleep 0xa8a0 0x5b7
_Thrd_start 0xa800 0x5b8
_Thrd_yield 0xa920 0x5b9
_To_byte 0x16450 0x5ba
_To_wide 0x16420 0x5bb
_Tolower 0xa4d0 0x5bc
_Toupper 0xa660 0x5bd
_Towlower 0xee70 0x5be
_Towupper 0xeee0 0x5bf
_Unlink 0x16bb0 0x5c0
_Unlock_shared_ptr_spin_lock 0xa780 0x5c1
_WStod 0xf410 0x5c2
_WStodx 0xf1d0 0x5c3
_WStof 0xf630 0x5c4
_WStofx 0xf430 0x5c5
_WStold 0xfb00 0x5c6
_WStoldx 0xf8c0 0x5c7
_Wcrtomb 0xf0f0 0x5c8
_Wcscoll 0xef50 0x5c9
_Wcsxfrm 0xf010 0x5ca
_Xtime_diff_to_millis 0xad40 0x5cb
_Xtime_diff_to_millis2 0xad00 0x5cc
_Xtime_get_ticks 0xacd0 0x5cd
__Wcrtomb_lk 0xf0e0 0x5ce
__crtCloseThreadpoolTimer 0x3a250 0x5cf
__crtCloseThreadpoolWait 0x3a280 0x5d0
__crtCompareStringA 0x10940 0x5d1
__crtCompareStringEx 0x10f50 0x5d2
__crtCompareStringW 0x10bb0 0x5d3
__crtCreateEventExW 0x3a2c0 0x5d4
__crtCreateSemaphoreExW 0x3a310 0x5d5
__crtCreateSymbolicLinkW 0x3a370 0x5d6
__crtCreateThreadpoolTimer 0x3a3b0 0x5d7
__crtCreateThreadpoolWait 0x3a3e0 0x5d8
__crtFlushProcessWriteBuffers 0x3a430 0x5d9
__crtFreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns 0x3a450 0x5da
__crtGetCurrentProcessorNumber 0x3a480 0x5db
__crtGetFileInformationByHandleEx 0x3a4a0 0x5dc
__crtGetLocaleInfoEx 0x11020 0x5dd
__crtGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime 0x3a4e0 0x5de
__crtGetTickCount64 0x3a510 0x5df
__crtInitOnceExecuteOnce 0x3a540 0x5e0
__crtInitializeCriticalSectionEx 0x3a5f0 0x5e1
__crtIsPackagedApp 0x3a650 0x5e2
__crtLCMapStringA 0x10c20 0x5e3
__crtLCMapStringEx 0x10fc0 0x5e4
__crtLCMapStringW 0x10e30 0x5e5
__crtSetFileInformationByHandle 0x3a690 0x5e6
__crtSetThreadpoolTimer 0x3a6d0 0x5e7
__crtSetThreadpoolWait 0x3a700 0x5e8
__crtWaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks 0x3a7c0 0x5e9
__set_stl_sync_api_mode 0x1c0a0 0x5ea
xtime_get 0xad80 0x5eb
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2016-08-18 20:17:17+00:00
Valid Until 2017-11-02 20:17:17+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 40 96 A9 EE 70 56 FE CC 07 00 01 00 00 01 40
Thumbprint 98 ED 99 A6 78 86 D0 20 C5 64 92 3B 7D F2 5E 9A C0 19 DF 26
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 88ff191fd8648099592ed28ee6c442a5 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 6a4f818b53606a5602c609ec343974c2103bc9cc Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c310cc91464c9431ab0902a561af947fa5c973925ff70482d3de017ed3f73b7d Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:cWPhWM4Ri00GftpBj2YILemtclD16PaEC:l10oiBQe/L Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1980-01-30 01:26:33+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x21b 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 2.89
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (4)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
DebugBreak 0x117c 0x1
IsDebuggerPresent 0x11a2 0x2
OutputDebugStringA 0x11d0 0x3
OutputDebugStringW 0x11ff 0x4
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 21.30 KB
MD5 94ae25c7a5497ca0be6882a00644ca64 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f7ac28bbc47e46485025a51eeb6c304b70cee215 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 7ea06b7050f9ea2bcc12af34374bdf1173646d4e5ebf66ad690b37f4df5f3d4e Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:d6PvVXHWPhWnsnhi00GftpBjaJemyDlD16PamW8:UPvVX85nhoisJeLt8 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x1200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1980-11-26 19:37:56+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x10f7 0x1200 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 5.05
.rsrc 0x10003000 0x3f0 0x400 0x1400 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (75)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CompareFileTime 0x1436 0x1
CreateDirectoryA 0x1460 0x2
CreateDirectoryW 0x148b 0x3
CreateFileA 0x14b1 0x4
CreateFileW 0x14d2 0x5
DefineDosDeviceW 0x14f8 0x6
DeleteFileA 0x151e 0x7
DeleteFileW 0x153f 0x8
DeleteVolumeMountPointW 0x156c 0x9
FileTimeToLocalFileTime 0x15a5 0xa
FindClose 0x15d0 0xb
FindCloseChangeNotification 0x15ff 0xc
FindFirstChangeNotificationA 0x1641 0xd
FindFirstChangeNotificationW 0x1684 0xe
FindFirstFileA 0x16b9 0xf
FindFirstFileExA 0x16e2 0x10
FindFirstFileExW 0x170d 0x11
FindFirstFileW 0x1736 0x12
FindFirstVolumeW 0x175f 0x13
FindNextChangeNotification 0x1794 0x14
FindNextFileA 0x17c6 0x15
FindNextFileW 0x17eb 0x16
FindNextVolumeW 0x1812 0x17
FindVolumeClose 0x183b 0x18
FlushFileBuffers 0x1865 0x19
GetDiskFreeSpaceA 0x1891 0x1a
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA 0x18c0 0x1b
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 0x18f1 0x1c
GetDiskFreeSpaceW 0x1920 0x1d
GetDriveTypeA 0x1949 0x1e
GetDriveTypeW 0x196e 0x1f
GetFileAttributesA 0x1998 0x20
GetFileAttributesExA 0x19c9 0x21
GetFileAttributesExW 0x19fc 0x22
GetFileAttributesW 0x1a2d 0x23
GetFileInformationByHandle 0x1a64 0x24
GetFileSize 0x1a94 0x25
GetFileSizeEx 0x1ab7 0x26
GetFileTime 0x1ada 0x27
GetFileType 0x1afb 0x28
GetFinalPathNameByHandleA 0x1b2a 0x29
GetFinalPathNameByHandleW 0x1b67 0x2a
GetFullPathNameA 0x1b9b 0x2b
GetFullPathNameW 0x1bc6 0x2c
GetLogicalDriveStringsW 0x1bf8 0x2d
GetLogicalDrives 0x1c2a 0x2e
GetLongPathNameA 0x1c55 0x2f
GetLongPathNameW 0x1c80 0x30
GetShortPathNameW 0x1cac 0x31
GetTempFileNameW 0x1cd8 0x32
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW 0x1d10 0x33
GetVolumeInformationW 0x1d4d 0x34
GetVolumePathNameW 0x1d7f 0x35
LocalFileTimeToFileTime 0x1db3 0x36
LockFile 0x1ddd 0x37
LockFileEx 0x1dfa 0x38
QueryDosDeviceW 0x1e1e 0x39
ReadFile 0x1e40 0x3a
ReadFileEx 0x1e5d 0x3b
ReadFileScatter 0x1e81 0x3c
RemoveDirectoryA 0x1eab 0x3d
RemoveDirectoryW 0x1ed6 0x3e
SetEndOfFile 0x1efd 0x3f
SetFileAttributesA 0x1f26 0x40
SetFileAttributesW 0x1f55 0x41
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SetFilePointerEx 0x1fe8 0x44
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UnlockFile 0x2059 0x47
UnlockFileEx 0x207a 0x48
WriteFile 0x209a 0x49
WriteFileEx 0x20b9 0x4a
WriteFileGather 0x20de 0x4b
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 20.30 KB
MD5 849f2c3ebf1fcba33d16153692d5810f Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 1f8eda52d31512ebfdd546be60990b95c8e28bfb Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 69885fd581641b4a680846f93c2dd21e5dd8e3ba37409783bc5b3160a919cb5d Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:8ZSWWVgWPhWFe3di00GftpBjnlfemHlUG+zITA+0:XRNoibernAA+0 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0xe00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2008-12-22 15:31:44+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0xcbd 0xe00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.68
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x1000 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (72)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_Getdays 0x1420 0x1
_Getmonths 0x143d 0x2
_Gettnames 0x145c 0x3
_Strftime 0x147a 0x4
_W_Getdays 0x1498 0x5
_W_Getmonths 0x14b9 0x6
_W_Gettnames 0x14dc 0x7
_Wcsftime 0x14fc 0x8
__daylight 0x151a 0x9
__dstbias 0x1538 0xa
__timezone 0x1556 0xb
__tzname 0x1573 0xc
_ctime32 0x158e 0xd
_ctime32_s 0x15ab 0xe
_ctime64 0x15c8 0xf
_ctime64_s 0x15e5 0x10
_difftime32 0x1605 0x11
_difftime64 0x1626 0x12
_ftime32 0x1644 0x13
_ftime32_s 0x1661 0x14
_ftime64 0x167e 0x15
_ftime64_s 0x169b 0x16
_futime32 0x16b9 0x17
_futime64 0x16d6 0x18
_get_daylight 0x16f7 0x19
_get_dstbias 0x171b 0x1a
_get_timezone 0x173f 0x1b
_get_tzname 0x1762 0x1c
_getsystime 0x1783 0x1d
_gmtime32 0x17a2 0x1e
_gmtime32_s 0x17c1 0x1f
_gmtime64 0x17e0 0x20
_gmtime64_s 0x17ff 0x21
_localtime32 0x1821 0x22
_localtime32_s 0x1846 0x23
_localtime64 0x186b 0x24
_localtime64_s 0x1890 0x25
_mkgmtime32 0x18b4 0x26
_mkgmtime64 0x18d5 0x27
_mktime32 0x18f4 0x28
_mktime64 0x1911 0x29
_setsystime 0x1930 0x2a
_strdate 0x194e 0x2b
_strdate_s 0x196b 0x2c
_strftime_l 0x198b 0x2d
_strtime 0x19a9 0x2e
_strtime_s 0x19c6 0x2f
_time32 0x19e2 0x30
_time64 0x19fb 0x31
_timespec32_get 0x1a1c 0x32
_timespec64_get 0x1a45 0x33
_tzset 0x1a65 0x34
_utime32 0x1a7e 0x35
_utime64 0x1a99 0x36
_wasctime 0x1ab5 0x37
_wasctime_s 0x1ad4 0x38
_wcsftime_l 0x1af5 0x39
_wctime32 0x1b14 0x3a
_wctime32_s 0x1b33 0x3b
_wctime64 0x1b52 0x3c
_wctime64_s 0x1b71 0x3d
_wstrdate 0x1b90 0x3e
_wstrdate_s 0x1baf 0x3f
_wstrtime 0x1bce 0x40
_wstrtime_s 0x1bed 0x41
_wutime32 0x1c0c 0x42
_wutime64 0x1c29 0x43
asctime 0x1c44 0x44
asctime_s 0x1c5f 0x45
clock 0x1c78 0x46
strftime 0x1c90 0x47
wcsftime 0x1cab 0x48
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 22.94 KB
MD5 404604cd100a1e60dfdaf6ecf5ba14c0 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 58469835ab4b916927b3cabf54aee4f380ff6748 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 73cc56f20268bfb329ccd891822e2e70dd70fe21fc7101deb3fa30c34a08450c Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:5iFMx0C5yguNvZ5VQgx3SbwA7yMVIkFGlnWPhWGTi00GftpBjslem89lgC:56S5yguNvZ5VQgx3SbwA71IkFv5oialj Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x1c00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2014-06-23 05:32:49+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x1bef 0x1c00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.9
.rsrc 0x10003000 0x3f0 0x400 0x1e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (178)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
__isascii 0x1857 0x1
__iscsym 0x1873 0x2
__iscsymf 0x188f 0x3
__iswcsym 0x18ac 0x4
__iswcsymf 0x18ca 0x5
__strncnt 0x18e8 0x6
__wcsncnt 0x1905 0x7
_isalnum_l 0x1923 0x8
_isalpha_l 0x1942 0x9
_isblank_l 0x1961 0xa
_iscntrl_l 0x1980 0xb
_isctype 0x199d 0xc
_isctype_l 0x19ba 0xd
_isdigit_l 0x19d9 0xe
_isgraph_l 0x19f8 0xf
_isleadbyte_l 0x1a1a 0x10
_islower_l 0x1a3c 0x11
_isprint_l 0x1a5b 0x12
_ispunct_l 0x1a7a 0x13
_isspace_l 0x1a99 0x14
_isupper_l 0x1ab8 0x15
_iswalnum_l 0x1ad8 0x16
_iswalpha_l 0x1af9 0x17
_iswblank_l 0x1b1a 0x18
_iswcntrl_l 0x1b3b 0x19
_iswcsym_l 0x1b5b 0x1a
_iswcsymf_l 0x1b7b 0x1b
_iswctype_l 0x1b9c 0x1c
_iswdigit_l 0x1bbd 0x1d
_iswgraph_l 0x1bde 0x1e
_iswlower_l 0x1bff 0x1f
_iswprint_l 0x1c20 0x20
_iswpunct_l 0x1c41 0x21
_iswspace_l 0x1c62 0x22
_iswupper_l 0x1c83 0x23
_iswxdigit_l 0x1ca5 0x24
_isxdigit_l 0x1cc7 0x25
_memccpy 0x1ce5 0x26
_memicmp 0x1d00 0x27
_memicmp_l 0x1d1d 0x28
_strcoll_l 0x1d3c 0x29
_strdup 0x1d58 0x2a
_stricmp 0x1d72 0x2b
_stricmp_l 0x1d8f 0x2c
_stricoll 0x1dad 0x2d
_stricoll_l 0x1dcc 0x2e
_strlwr 0x1de9 0x2f
_strlwr_l 0x1e04 0x30
_strlwr_s 0x1e21 0x31
_strlwr_s_l 0x1e40 0x32
_strncoll 0x1e5f 0x33
_strncoll_l 0x1e7e 0x34
_strnicmp 0x1e9d 0x35
_strnicmp_l 0x1ebc 0x36
_strnicoll 0x1edc 0x37
_strnicoll_l 0x1efd 0x38
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_strset 0x1f6e 0x3c
_strset_s 0x1f89 0x3d
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_strupr_s_l 0x1ffb 0x41
_strxfrm_l 0x201b 0x42
_tolower 0x2038 0x43
_tolower_l 0x2055 0x44
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_toupper_l 0x208f 0x46
_towlower_l 0x20af 0x47
_towupper_l 0x20d0 0x48
_wcscoll_l 0x20f0 0x49
_wcsdup 0x210c 0x4a
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_wcsicmp_l 0x2143 0x4c
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_wcsicoll_l 0x2180 0x4e
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_wcslwr_l 0x21b8 0x50
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_wcslwr_s_l 0x21f4 0x52
_wcsncoll 0x2213 0x53
_wcsncoll_l 0x2232 0x54
_wcsnicmp 0x2251 0x55
_wcsnicmp_l 0x2270 0x56
_wcsnicoll 0x2290 0x57
_wcsnicoll_l 0x22b1 0x58
_wcsnset 0x22d0 0x59
_wcsnset_s 0x22ed 0x5a
_wcsrev 0x2309 0x5b
_wcsset 0x2322 0x5c
_wcsset_s 0x233d 0x5d
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_wcsupr_l 0x2373 0x5f
_wcsupr_s 0x2390 0x60
_wcsupr_s_l 0x23af 0x61
_wcsxfrm_l 0x23cf 0x62
_wctype 0x23eb 0x63
is_wctype 0x2406 0x64
isalnum 0x2421 0x65
isalpha 0x243a 0x66
isblank 0x2453 0x67
iscntrl 0x246c 0x68
isdigit 0x2485 0x69
isgraph 0x249e 0x6a
isleadbyte 0x24ba 0x6b
islower 0x24d6 0x6c
isprint 0x24ef 0x6d
ispunct 0x2508 0x6e
isspace 0x2521 0x6f
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iswalnum 0x2554 0x71
iswalpha 0x256f 0x72
iswascii 0x258a 0x73
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iswcntrl 0x25c0 0x75
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iswprint 0x2647 0x7a
iswpunct 0x2662 0x7b
iswspace 0x267d 0x7c
iswupper 0x2698 0x7d
iswxdigit 0x26b4 0x7e
isxdigit 0x26d0 0x7f
mblen 0x26e8 0x80
mbrlen 0x26fe 0x81
memcpy_s 0x2717 0x82
memmove_s 0x2733 0x83
memset 0x274d 0x84
strcat 0x2764 0x85
strcat_s 0x277d 0x86
strcmp 0x2796 0x87
strcoll 0x27ae 0x88
strcpy 0x27c6 0x89
strcpy_s 0x27df 0x8a
strcspn 0x27f9 0x8b
strlen 0x2811 0x8c
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strncat_s 0x2844 0x8e
strncmp 0x285f 0x8f
strncpy 0x2878 0x90
strncpy_s 0x2893 0x91
strnlen 0x28ae 0x92
strpbrk 0x28c7 0x93
strspn 0x28df 0x94
strtok 0x28f6 0x95
strtok_s 0x290f 0x96
strxfrm 0x2929 0x97
tolower 0x2942 0x98
toupper 0x295b 0x99
towctrans 0x2976 0x9a
towlower 0x2992 0x9b
towupper 0x29ad 0x9c
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wcscat_s 0x29df 0x9e
wcscmp 0x29f8 0x9f
wcscoll 0x2a10 0xa0
wcscpy 0x2a28 0xa1
wcscpy_s 0x2a41 0xa2
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wcslen 0x2a73 0xa4
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wcsncat_s 0x2aa6 0xa6
wcsncmp 0x2ac1 0xa7
wcsncpy 0x2ada 0xa8
wcsncpy_s 0x2af5 0xa9
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wcsspn 0x2b41 0xac
wcstok 0x2b58 0xad
wcstok_s 0x2b71 0xae
wcsxfrm 0x2b8b 0xaf
wctype 0x2ba3 0xb0
wmemcpy_s 0x2bbd 0xb1
wmemmove_s 0x2bdb 0xb2
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.94 KB
MD5 a2d7d7711f9c0e3e065b2929ff342666 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 a17b1f36e73b82ef9bfb831058f187535a550eb8 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 9dab884071b1f7d7a167f9bec94ba2bee875e3365603fa29b31de286c6a97a1d Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:afk1JzNcKSIJWPhW2snhi00GftpBjZqcLvemr4PlgC:RcKST+nhoi/BbeGv Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0xc00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2066-01-02 15:06:27+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0xbe3 0xc00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 5.08
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xe00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (49)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CreateProcessA 0x134b 0x1
CreateProcessAsUserW 0x1378 0x2
CreateProcessW 0x13a5 0x3
CreateRemoteThread 0x13d0 0x4
CreateRemoteThreadEx 0x1401 0x5
CreateThread 0x142c 0x6
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList 0x1460 0x7
ExitProcess 0x1493 0x8
ExitThread 0x14b3 0x9
FlushProcessWriteBuffers 0x14e0 0xa
GetCurrentProcess 0x1514 0xb
GetCurrentProcessId 0x1543 0xc
GetCurrentThread 0x1571 0xd
GetCurrentThreadId 0x159e 0xe
GetExitCodeProcess 0x15cd 0xf
GetExitCodeThread 0x15fb 0x10
GetPriorityClass 0x1627 0x11
GetProcessId 0x164e 0x12
GetProcessIdOfThread 0x1679 0x13
GetProcessTimes 0x16a7 0x14
GetProcessVersion 0x16d2 0x15
GetStartupInfoW 0x16fd 0x16
GetThreadId 0x1722 0x17
GetThreadPriority 0x1749 0x18
GetThreadPriorityBoost 0x177b 0x19
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList 0x17bd 0x1a
OpenProcessToken 0x17f9 0x1b
OpenThread 0x181e 0x1c
OpenThreadToken 0x1842 0x1d
ProcessIdToSessionId 0x1870 0x1e
QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode 0x18ad 0x1f
QueueUserAPC 0x18e2 0x20
ResumeThread 0x1905 0x21
SetPriorityClass 0x192c 0x22
SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode 0x1963 0x23
SetProcessShutdownParameters 0x19a6 0x24
SetThreadPriority 0x19de 0x25
SetThreadPriorityBoost 0x1a10 0x26
SetThreadStackGuarantee 0x1a48 0x27
SetThreadToken 0x1a78 0x28
SuspendThread 0x1a9e 0x29
SwitchToThread 0x1ac4 0x2a
TerminateProcess 0x1aed 0x2b
TerminateThread 0x1b17 0x2c
TlsAlloc 0x1b39 0x2d
TlsFree 0x1b53 0x2e
TlsGetValue 0x1b70 0x2f
TlsSetValue 0x1b91 0x30
UpdateProcThreadAttribute 0x1bc0 0x31
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.30 KB
MD5 d0289835d97d103bad0dd7b9637538a1 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 8ceebe1e9abb0044808122557de8aab28ad14575 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 91eeb842973495deb98cef0377240d2f9c3d370ac4cf513fd215857e9f265a6a Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:xzADfIeRWPhWKEi00GftpBjj1emMVlvN0M:xzfeWeoi11ep Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2084-10-18 13:20:17+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x4da 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.39
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (14)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
FlushInstructionCache 0x11f4 0x1
GetCurrentProcessorNumber 0x122d 0x2
GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx 0x126c 0x3
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits 0x12ad 0x4
GetProcessHandleCount 0x12e8 0x5
GetProcessMitigationPolicy 0x1322 0x6
GetThreadContext 0x1357 0x7
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx 0x138b 0x8
GetThreadTimes 0x13bd 0x9
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x13ef 0xa
OpenProcess 0x141e 0xb
SetProcessMitigationPolicy 0x144e 0xc
SetThreadContext 0x1483 0xd
SetThreadIdealProcessorEx 0x14b7 0xe
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/mozglue.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 135.95 KB
MD5 9e682f1eb98a9d41468fc3e50f907635 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 85e0ceca36f657ddf6547aa0744f0855a27527ee Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 830533bb569594ec2f7c07896b90225006b90a9af108f49d6fb6bebd02428b2d Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:8Oqe98Ea4usvd5jm6V0InXx/CHzGYC6NccMmxK3atIYHD2JJJsPyimY4kQkE:Vqe98Evua5Sm0ux/5YC6NccMmtXHD2JR Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash aeefa1230e6cf7c323562e45433b24dd Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x1000cd12
Size Of Code 0x18400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x8400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-04-27 22:06:59+00:00
Version Information (11)
LegalCopyright License: MPL 2
InternalName -
FileVersion 59.0.3
CompanyName Mozilla Foundation
BuildID 20180427210249
LegalTrademarks Mozilla
Comments -
ProductName Firefox
ProductVersion 59.0.3
FileDescription -
OriginalFilename mozglue.dll
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x18214 0x18400 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.7
.rdata 0x1001a000 0x62ac 0x6400 0x18800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.64
.data 0x10021000 0xb98 0x200 0x1ec00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 0.55
.rsrc 0x10022000 0x370 0x400 0x1ee00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 2.87
.reloc 0x10023000 0xe08 0x1000 0x1f200 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.27
Imports (14)
KERNEL32.dll (76)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WriteFile 0x0 0x1001a010 0x1ea88 0x1d288 0x605
OutputDebugStringA 0x0 0x1001a014 0x1ea8c 0x1d28c 0x40b
LoadLibraryExA 0x0 0x1001a018 0x1ea90 0x1d290 0x3b7
EncodePointer 0x0 0x1001a01c 0x1ea94 0x1d294 0x12a
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x1001a020 0x1ea98 0x1d298 0x3b2
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x1001a024 0x1ea9c 0x1d29c 0x355
CreateFileW 0x0 0x1001a028 0x1eaa0 0x1d2a0 0xc9
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x1001a02c 0x1eaa4 0x1d2a4 0x218
UnmapViewOfFile 0x0 0x1001a030 0x1eaa8 0x1d2a8 0x5a0
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x1001a034 0x1eaac 0x1d2ac 0x26e
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive 0x0 0x1001a038 0x1eab0 0x1d2b0 0x4a4
AcquireSRWLockExclusive 0x0 0x1001a03c 0x1eab4 0x1d2b4 0x0
CloseHandle 0x0 0x1001a040 0x1eab8 0x1d2b8 0x85
ReleaseSRWLockShared 0x0 0x1001a044 0x1eabc 0x1d2bc 0x4a5
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x1001a048 0x1eac0 0x1d2c0 0x2dc
LoadLibraryW 0x0 0x1001a04c 0x1eac4 0x1d2c4 0x3b9
VirtualProtectEx 0x0 0x1001a050 0x1eac8 0x1d2c8 0x5bd
DecodePointer 0x0 0x1001a054 0x1eacc 0x1d2cc 0x106
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x1001a058 0x1ead0 0x1d2d0 0x2a7
VirtualAllocEx 0x0 0x1001a05c 0x1ead4 0x1d2d4 0x5b7
AcquireSRWLockShared 0x0 0x1001a060 0x1ead8 0x1d2d8 0x1
VerSetConditionMask 0x0 0x1001a064 0x1eadc 0x1d2dc 0x5b1
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x1001a068 0x1eae0 0x1d2e0 0x271
FlushInstructionCache 0x0 0x1001a06c 0x1eae4 0x1d2e4 0x19c
CreateFileMappingW 0x0 0x1001a070 0x1eae8 0x1d2e8 0xc6
MapViewOfFile 0x0 0x1001a074 0x1eaec 0x1d2ec 0x3d1
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x1001a078 0x1eaf0 0x1d2f0 0x5be
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x1001a07c 0x1eaf4 0x1d2f4 0x376
VirtualFree 0x0 0x1001a080 0x1eaf8 0x1d2f8 0x5b9
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x1001a084 0x1eafc 0x1d2fc 0x213
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x1001a088 0x1eb00 0x1d300 0x57c
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x1001a08c 0x1eb04 0x1d304 0x356
GetEnvironmentVariableA 0x0 0x1001a090 0x1eb08 0x1d308 0x232
SleepConditionVariableCS 0x0 0x1001a094 0x1eb0c 0x1d30c 0x56e
WakeAllConditionVariable 0x0 0x1001a098 0x1eb10 0x1d310 0x5cf
WakeConditionVariable 0x0 0x1001a09c 0x1eb14 0x1d314 0x5d0
InitializeConditionVariable 0x0 0x1001a0a0 0x1eb18 0x1d318 0x353
GetLastError 0x0 0x1001a0a4 0x1eb1c 0x1d31c 0x25a
InitializeCriticalSectionEx 0x0 0x1001a0a8 0x1eb20 0x1d320 0x357
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x1001a0ac 0x1eb24 0x1d324 0x10d
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ADVAPI32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RegOpenKeyExW 0x0 0x1001a000 0x1ea78 0x1d278 0x28a
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dbghelp.dll (10)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
StackWalk64 0x0 0x1001a2e4 0x1ed5c 0x1d55c 0x2c
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VERSION.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
VerQueryValueW 0x0 0x1001a218 0x1ec90 0x1d490 0x10
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MSVCP140.dll (42)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ 0x0 0x1001a15c 0x1ebd4 0x1d3d4 0x2f
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??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N@Z 0x0 0x1001a194 0x1ec0c 0x1d40c 0x25
??1?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ 0x0 0x1001a198 0x1ec10 0x1d410 0x7d
??1?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ 0x0 0x1001a19c 0x1ec14 0x1d414 0x89
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??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@_J@Z 0x0 0x1001a1c8 0x1ec40 0x1d440 0x10b
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VCRUNTIME140.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
memset 0x0 0x1001a1f0 0x1ec68 0x1d468 0x48
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api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (8)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (7)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (14)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
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api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
malloc 0x0 0x1001a244 0x1ecbc 0x1d4bc 0x19
free 0x0 0x1001a248 0x1ecc0 0x1d4c0 0x18
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
getenv 0x0 0x1001a234 0x1ecac 0x1d4ac 0x10
Exports (158)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
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?gTwoCharEscapes@detail@mozilla@@3QBDB 0x1c280 0x54
?infinity@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@W4Sign@12@@Z 0x151b2 0x55
?kBase10MaximalLength@DoubleToStringConverter@double_conversion@@2HB 0x1c278 0x56
?lock@MutexImpl@detail@mozilla@@IAEXXZ 0x8e60 0x57
?mmx_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA 0x21437 0x58
?mozalloc_abort@@YAXQBD@Z 0x1262d 0x59
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?notify_all@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAEXXZ 0x74be 0x5d
?notify_one@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAEXXZ 0x74c6 0x5e
?print@PrintfTarget@mozilla@@QAA_NPBDZZ 0x1295a 0x5f
?remainder@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@ABV12@@Z 0x156ac 0x60
?round@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV12@XZ 0x15736 0x61
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?sse4_1_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA 0x21432 0x63
?sse4_2_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA 0x21436 0x64
?sse4a_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA 0x21438 0x65
?ssse3_enabled@sse_private@mozilla@@3_NA 0x21431 0x66
?toDouble@Decimal@blink@@QBENXZ 0x15d0e 0x67
?toString@Decimal@blink@@QBE?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ 0x15dbc 0x68
?toString@Decimal@blink@@QBE_NPADI@Z 0x16221 0x69
?unlock@MutexImpl@detail@mozilla@@IAEXXZ 0x8e50 0x6a
?update@SHA1Sum@mozilla@@QAEXPBXI@Z 0x9263 0x6b
?vprint@PrintfTarget@mozilla@@QAE_NPBDPAD@Z 0x85e0 0x6c
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?wait_for@ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE?AW4CVStatus@23@AAVMutexImpl@23@ABV?$BaseTimeDuration@VTimeDurationValueCalculator@mozilla@@@3@@Z 0x7439 0x6e
?zero@Decimal@blink@@SA?AV12@W4Sign@12@@Z 0x16388 0x6f
MOZ_CrashOOL 0x188aa 0x73
MOZ_CrashPrintf 0x188be 0x74
_HeapAlloc@12 0x22a0 0x70
_HeapFree@12 0x2110 0x71
_HeapReAlloc@16 0x1d5d 0x72
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calloc 0x1d26 0x7c
free 0x25b0 0x7d
gMozCrashReason 0x21780 0x7e
gMozillaPoisonBase 0x21428 0x7f
gMozillaPoisonSize 0x2142c 0x80
gMozillaPoisonValue 0x21424 0x81
jemalloc_free_dirty_pages 0x12562 0x82
jemalloc_ptr_info 0x48d7 0x83
jemalloc_purge_freed_pages 0x74a2 0x84
jemalloc_stats 0x12567 0x85
jemalloc_thread_local_arena 0x1b40 0x86
malloc 0x2420 0x87
malloc_good_size 0x12537 0x88
malloc_usable_size 0xa890 0x89
mozPoisonValueInit 0xbbf8 0x8a
moz_arena_calloc 0x2230 0x8b
moz_arena_free 0x12573 0x8c
moz_arena_malloc 0x2350 0x8d
moz_arena_memalign 0x1258a 0x8e
moz_arena_realloc 0x2070 0x8f
moz_create_arena_with_params 0xbc7a 0x90
moz_dispose_arena 0x74a2 0x91
moz_malloc_enclosing_size_of 0x126f2 0x92
moz_malloc_size_of 0xac2e 0x93
moz_malloc_usable_size 0x12720 0x94
moz_xcalloc 0x1ce8 0x95
moz_xmalloc 0x24b0 0x96
moz_xmemalign 0x1273f 0x97
moz_xrealloc 0x1f60 0x98
moz_xstrdup 0x1d41 0x99
posix_memalign 0xbb8b 0x9a
realloc 0x2190 0x9b
strdup 0x1d80 0x9c
strndup 0x125a4 0x9d
wcsdup 0x125de 0x9e
Digital Signatures (3)
Certificate: Mozilla Corporation
Issued by Mozilla Corporation
Parent Certificate DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number C5 39 6D CB 29 49 C7 0F AC 48 AB 08 A0 73 38 E
Thumbprint B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96
Certificate: DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Parent Certificate DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number 40 91 81 B5 FD 5B B6 67 55 34 3B 56 F9 55 00 8
Thumbprint 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6
Certificate: DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Issued by DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number CE 7E 0E 51 7D 84 6F E8 FE 56 0F C1 BF 03 03 9
Thumbprint 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/freebl3.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 324.95 KB
MD5 343aa83574577727aabe537dccfdeafc Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 9ce3b9a182429c0dba9821e2e72d3ab46f5d0a06 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 393ae7f06fe6cd19ea6d57a93dd0acd839ee39ba386cf1ca774c4c59a3bfebd8 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:C+YBCxpjbRIDmvby5xDXlFVJM8PojGGHrIr1qqDL6XP+jW:Cu4Abg7XV72GI/qn6z Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 2c54251b196d9e0cc804a7061f60558c Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x1003d709
Size Of Code 0x3d200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x16600
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-04-27 21:41:47+00:00
Version Information (11)
LegalCopyright License: MPL 2
InternalName -
FileVersion 59.0.3
CompanyName Mozilla Foundation
BuildID 20180427210249
LegalTrademarks Mozilla
Comments -
ProductName Firefox
ProductVersion 59.0.3
FileDescription -
OriginalFilename freebl3.dll
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x3d055 0x3d200 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.61
.rdata 0x1003f000 0xfe9c 0x10000 0x3d600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 6.41
.data 0x1004f000 0x486c 0x400 0x4d600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 1.28
.rsrc 0x10054000 0x370 0x400 0x4da00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 2.87
.reloc 0x10055000 0x16c4 0x1800 0x4de00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.56
Imports (9)
nss3.dll (30)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PORT_GetError_Util 0x0 0x1003f0bc 0x4e7e4 0x4cde4 0x208
PR_NewLock 0x0 0x1003f0c0 0x4e7e8 0x4cde8 0x30e
PR_DestroyLock 0x0 0x1003f0c4 0x4e7ec 0x4cdec 0x268
PR_Lock 0x0 0x1003f0c8 0x4e7f0 0x4cdf0 0x300
PR_Unlock 0x0 0x1003f0cc 0x4e7f4 0x4cdf4 0x380
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util 0x0 0x1003f0d0 0x4e7f8 0x4cdf8 0x3af
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util 0x0 0x1003f0d4 0x4e7fc 0x4cdfc 0x3b5
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util 0x0 0x1003f0d8 0x4e800 0x4ce00 0x3aa
PR_NotifyCondVar 0x0 0x1003f0dc 0x4e804 0x4ce04 0x31e
NSS_SecureMemcmpZero 0x0 0x1003f0e0 0x4e808 0x4ce08 0x11b
PORT_ZAllocAlignedOffset_Util 0x0 0x1003f0e4 0x4e80c 0x4ce0c 0x218
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util 0x0 0x1003f0e8 0x4e810 0x4ce10 0x3a8
PR_NewCondVar 0x0 0x1003f0ec 0x4e814 0x4ce14 0x30d
PR_DestroyCondVar 0x0 0x1003f0f0 0x4e818 0x4ce18 0x266
PR_WaitCondVar 0x0 0x1003f0f4 0x4e81c 0x4ce1c 0x385
PORT_ZAlloc_Util 0x0 0x1003f0f8 0x4e820 0x4ce20 0x219
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util 0x0 0x1003f0fc 0x4e824 0x4ce24 0x3a6
PR_NotifyAllCondVar 0x0 0x1003f100 0x4e828 0x4ce28 0x31d
SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util 0x0 0x1003f104 0x4e82c 0x4ce2c 0x3f6
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util 0x0 0x1003f108 0x4e830 0x4ce30 0x1f9
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util 0x0 0x1003f10c 0x4e834 0x4ce34 0x201
PORT_FreeArena_Util 0x0 0x1003f110 0x4e838 0x4ce38 0x205
PORT_NewArena_Util 0x0 0x1003f114 0x4e83c 0x4ce3c 0x20b
NSS_SecureMemcmp 0x0 0x1003f118 0x4e840 0x4ce40 0x11a
PR_GetEnvSecure 0x0 0x1003f11c 0x4e844 0x4ce44 0x2ad
PR_CallOnce 0x0 0x1003f120 0x4e848 0x4ce48 0x23d
PORT_SetError_Util 0x0 0x1003f124 0x4e84c 0x4ce4c 0x20f
PORT_ZFree_Util 0x0 0x1003f128 0x4e850 0x4ce50 0x21a
PORT_Free_Util 0x0 0x1003f12c 0x4e854 0x4ce54 0x206
PORT_Alloc_Util 0x0 0x1003f130 0x4e858 0x4ce58 0x1f7
KERNEL32.dll (18)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x1003f008 0x4e730 0x4cd30 0x376
InitializeSListHead 0x0 0x1003f00c 0x4e734 0x4cd34 0x35a
DisableThreadLibraryCalls 0x0 0x1003f010 0x4e738 0x4cd38 0x11b
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x1003f014 0x4e73c 0x4cd3c 0x2e2
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x1003f018 0x4e740 0x4cd40 0x37d
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x1003f01c 0x4e744 0x4cd44 0x57c
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1003f020 0x4e748 0x4cd48 0x59d
GetLogicalDrives 0x0 0x1003f024 0x4e74c 0x4cd4c 0x261
GetVolumeInformationA 0x0 0x1003f028 0x4e750 0x4cd50 0x314
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x1003f02c 0x4e754 0x4cd54 0x440
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x1003f030 0x4e758 0x4cd58 0x213
GetDiskFreeSpaceA 0x0 0x1003f034 0x4e75c 0x4cd5c 0x222
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1003f038 0x4e760 0x4cd60 0x55e
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x1003f03c 0x4e764 0x4cd64 0x214
GetComputerNameA 0x0 0x1003f040 0x4e768 0x4cd68 0x1d8
GlobalMemoryStatus 0x0 0x1003f044 0x4e76c 0x4cd6c 0x331
GetTickCount 0x0 0x1003f048 0x4e770 0x4cd70 0x300
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x1003f04c 0x4e774 0x4cd74 0x218
ADVAPI32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SystemFunction036 0x0 0x1003f000 0x4e728 0x4cd28 0x31f
VCRUNTIME140.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
memset 0x0 0x1003f054 0x4e77c 0x4cd7c 0x48
__std_type_info_destroy_list 0x0 0x1003f058 0x4e780 0x4cd80 0x25
_except_handler4_common 0x0 0x1003f05c 0x4e784 0x4cd84 0x35
memcmp 0x0 0x1003f060 0x4e788 0x4cd88 0x45
memcpy 0x0 0x1003f064 0x4e78c 0x4cd8c 0x46
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
calloc 0x0 0x1003f06c 0x4e794 0x4cd94 0x17
free 0x0 0x1003f070 0x4e798 0x4cd98 0x18
malloc 0x0 0x1003f074 0x4e79c 0x4cd9c 0x19
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_strdup 0x0 0x1003f0a4 0x4e7cc 0x4cdcc 0x29
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_cexit 0x0 0x1003f07c 0x4e7a4 0x4cda4 0x17
_initialize_onexit_table 0x0 0x1003f080 0x4e7a8 0x4cda8 0x36
_initialize_narrow_environment 0x0 0x1003f084 0x4e7ac 0x4cdac 0x35
_configure_narrow_argv 0x0 0x1003f088 0x4e7b0 0x4cdb0 0x19
_seh_filter_dll 0x0 0x1003f08c 0x4e7b4 0x4cdb4 0x41
_initterm_e 0x0 0x1003f090 0x4e7b8 0x4cdb8 0x39
_initterm 0x0 0x1003f094 0x4e7bc 0x4cdbc 0x38
_execute_onexit_table 0x0 0x1003f098 0x4e7c0 0x4cdc0 0x24
abort 0x0 0x1003f09c 0x4e7c4 0x4cdc4 0x57
api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
rand 0x0 0x1003f0b4 0x4e7dc 0x4cddc 0x1b
api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_time64 0x0 0x1003f0ac 0x4e7d4 0x4cdd4 0x30
Exports (1)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
FREEBL_GetVector 0x1ee90 0x1
Digital Signatures (3)
Certificate: Mozilla Corporation
Issued by Mozilla Corporation
Parent Certificate DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number C5 39 6D CB 29 49 C7 0F AC 48 AB 08 A0 73 38 E
Thumbprint B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96
Certificate: DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Parent Certificate DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number 40 91 81 B5 FD 5B B6 67 55 34 3B 56 F9 55 00 8
Thumbprint 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6
Certificate: DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Issued by DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number CE 7E 0E 51 7D 84 6F E8 FE 56 0F C1 BF 03 03 9
Thumbprint 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.30 KB
MD5 0d1aa99ed8069ba73cfd74b0fddc7b3a Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 ba1f5384072df8af5743f81fd02c98773b5ed147 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 30d99ce1d732f6c9cf82671e1d9088aa94e720382066b79175e2d16778a3dad1 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:JtZ3gWPhWFA0i00GftpBj4Z8wemFfYlP55t:j+oiVweb53 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2017-07-23 22:59:36+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x576 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.7
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (17)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
DeleteSynchronizationBarrier 0x1210 0x1
EnterSynchronizationBarrier 0x1252 0x2
InitOnceBeginInitialize 0x128f 0x3
InitOnceComplete 0x12c1 0x4
InitOnceExecuteOnce 0x12ef 0x5
InitOnceInitialize 0x131f 0x6
InitializeConditionVariable 0x1357 0x7
InitializeSynchronizationBarrier 0x139d 0x8
SignalObjectAndWait 0x13db 0x9
Sleep 0x13fe 0xa
SleepConditionVariableCS 0x1426 0xb
SleepConditionVariableSRW 0x1462 0xc
WaitOnAddress 0x1493 0xd
WakeAllConditionVariable 0x14c3 0xe
WakeByAddressAll 0x14f6 0xf
WakeByAddressSingle 0x1524 0x10
WakeConditionVariable 0x1557 0x11
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.80 KB
MD5 19a40af040bd7add901aa967600259d9 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 05b6322979b0b67526ae5cd6e820596cbe7393e4 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 4b704b36e1672ae02e697efd1bf46f11b42d776550ba34a90cd189f6c5c61f92 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:2q25WPhWWsnhi00GftpBj1u6qXxem4l1z6hi:25+SnhoiG6IeA8 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x800
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2002-07-28 05:58:26+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x645 0x800 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.39
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xa00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (22)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
GetComputerNameExA 0x123a 0x1
GetComputerNameExW 0x1269 0x2
GetLocalTime 0x1292 0x3
GetLogicalProcessorInformation 0x12c7 0x4
GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx 0x1310 0x5
GetSystemDirectoryA 0x134e 0x6
GetSystemDirectoryW 0x137f 0x7
GetSystemInfo 0x13aa 0x8
GetSystemTime 0x13cf 0x9
GetSystemTimeAdjustment 0x13fe 0xa
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x1437 0xb
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA 0x1473 0xc
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW 0x14b2 0xd
GetTickCount 0x150a 0xf
GetTickCount64 0x14e5 0xe
GetVersion 0x152b 0x10
GetVersionExA 0x154d 0x11
GetVersionExW 0x1572 0x12
GetWindowsDirectoryA 0x159e 0x13
GetWindowsDirectoryW 0x15d1 0x14
GlobalMemoryStatusEx 0x1604 0x15
SetLocalTime 0x162f 0x16
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 12cc7d8017023ef04ebdd28ef9558305 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f859a66009d1caae88bf36b569b63e1fbdae9493 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 7670fdede524a485c13b11a7c878015e9b0d441b7d8eb15ca675ad6b9c9a7311 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:xyMvRWPhWFs0i00GftpBjwCJdemnflUG+zI4:xyMvWWoibeTnn Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1982-05-26 10:44:09+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x2f2 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.96
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (8)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CompareStringEx 0x11aa 0x1
CompareStringOrdinal 0x11d8 0x2
CompareStringW 0x1205 0x3
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GetStringTypeW 0x1278 0x6
MultiByteToWideChar 0x12a4 0x7
WideCharToMultiByte 0x12d5 0x8
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
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File Size 18.30 KB
MD5 d500d9e24f33933956df0e26f087fd91 Copy to Clipboard
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SHA256 bb33a9e906a5863043753c44f6f8165afe4d5edb7e55efa4c7e6e1ed90778eca Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:+bZWPhWUsnhi00GftpBjwBemQlD16Par7:b4nhoi6BedH Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1991-05-07 00:38:52+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
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Exports (16)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CreateFileMappingW 0x11fd 0x1
FlushViewOfFile 0x1229 0x2
MapViewOfFile 0x1250 0x3
MapViewOfFileEx 0x1277 0x4
OpenFileMappingW 0x12a1 0x5
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VirtualQuery 0x1400 0xe
VirtualQueryEx 0x1425 0xf
WriteProcessMemory 0x1450 0x10
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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File Size 17.30 KB
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Size Of Code 0x200
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File Type dll
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Compile Timestamp 2087-01-16 03:30:42+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
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Exports (2)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x1177 0x1
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
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File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 2ea3901d7b50bf6071ec8732371b821c Copy to Clipboard
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SHA256 44f6df4280c8ecc9c6e609b1a4bfee041332d337d84679cfe0d6678ce8f2998a Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
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File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2071-09-01 04:16:53+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
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Exports (16)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x2e00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1982-09-29 08:09:06+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
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Exports (314)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_CIacos 0x1d93 0x1
_CIasin 0x1dac 0x2
_CIatan 0x1dc5 0x3
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_CIcos 0x1df8 0x5
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.80 KB
MD5 6ea692f862bdeb446e649e4b2893e36f Copy to Clipboard
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SSDeep 384:8WPhWz4Ri00GftpBjDb7bemHlndanJ7DW:Fm0oiV7beV Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x800
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2059-10-13 02:38:07+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x6f0 0x800 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.46
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0xa00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (30)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
__conio_common_vcprintf 0x128c 0x1
__conio_common_vcprintf_p 0x12c7 0x2
__conio_common_vcprintf_s 0x1304 0x3
__conio_common_vcscanf 0x133e 0x4
__conio_common_vcwprintf 0x1377 0x5
__conio_common_vcwprintf_p 0x13b4 0x6
__conio_common_vcwprintf_s 0x13f3 0x7
__conio_common_vcwscanf 0x142f 0x8
_cgets 0x1457 0x9
_cgets_s 0x1470 0xa
_cgetws 0x148a 0xb
_cgetws_s 0x14a5 0xc
_cputs 0x14bf 0xd
_cputws 0x14d7 0xe
_getch 0x14ef 0xf
_getch_nolock 0x150d 0x10
_getche 0x152c 0x11
_getche_nolock 0x154c 0x12
_getwch 0x156c 0x13
_getwch_nolock 0x158c 0x14
_getwche 0x15ad 0x15
_getwche_nolock 0x15cf 0x16
_putch 0x15ef 0x17
_putch_nolock 0x160d 0x18
_putwch 0x162c 0x19
_putwch_nolock 0x164c 0x1a
_ungetch 0x166d 0x1b
_ungetch_nolock 0x168f 0x1c
_ungetwch 0x16b2 0x1d
_ungetwch_nolock 0x16d6 0x1e
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\209150999161799351040.tmp Created File Stream
Not Queried
Mime Type application/octet-stream
File Size 512.00 KB
MD5 ca84b062330bf89c92f6da9fbd818b9e Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f52fd559629cecf4a02037663c6d9bf171ac7235 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 3ce8414a491044fca9d5c4de1af15fc54c06ba021a7ba2199e092f35c42fbdf4 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 48:DML4nwTqMXQ98wM6ckr3ekPokj+rU+D0KHhS0wy:Dbn39e8DdPHaB33 Copy to Clipboard
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/softokn3.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 140.95 KB
MD5 67827db2380b5848166a411bae9f0632 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f68f1096c5a3f7b90824aa0f7b9da372228363ff Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 9a7f11c212d61856dfc494de111911b7a6d9d5e9795b0b70bbbc998896f068ae Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:zAf6suip+z7FEk/oJz69sFaXeu9CoT2nIZvetBWqIBoE9Mv:Q6PpsF4CoT2EeY2eMv Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 4d153c0cea0b76890c21127ac6dbd559 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x1001bc97
Size Of Code 0x1b600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x6000
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-04-27 21:41:18+00:00
Version Information (11)
LegalCopyright License: MPL 2
InternalName -
FileVersion 59.0.3
CompanyName Mozilla Foundation
BuildID 20180427210249
LegalTrademarks Mozilla
Comments -
ProductName Firefox
ProductVersion 59.0.3
FileDescription -
OriginalFilename softokn3.dll
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x1b4cb 0x1b600 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.41
.rdata 0x1001d000 0x43fa 0x4400 0x1ba00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.17
.data 0x10022000 0x700 0x400 0x1fe00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 2.71
.rsrc 0x10023000 0x370 0x400 0x20200 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 2.87
.reloc 0x10024000 0xe60 0x1000 0x20600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.34
Imports (9)
nss3.dll (110)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SECITEM_HashCompare 0x0 0x1001d0b0 0x20520 0x1ef20 0x3b0
PR_SecondsToInterval 0x0 0x1001d0b4 0x20524 0x1ef24 0x349
PR_NewLock 0x0 0x1001d0b8 0x20528 0x1ef28 0x30e
PR_DestroyLock 0x0 0x1001d0bc 0x2052c 0x1ef2c 0x268
DER_SetUInteger 0x0 0x1001d0c0 0x20530 0x1ef30 0x97
PR_Sleep 0x0 0x1001d0c4 0x20534 0x1ef34 0x36c
PR_smprintf_free 0x0 0x1001d0c8 0x20538 0x1ef38 0x398
SECOID_Init 0x0 0x1001d0cc 0x2053c 0x1ef3c 0x3fa
SECOID_Shutdown 0x0 0x1001d0d0 0x20540 0x1ef40 0x3fd
UTIL_SetForkState 0x0 0x1001d0d4 0x20544 0x1ef44 0x486
NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction 0x0 0x1001d0d8 0x20548 0x1ef48 0xbb
_NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName 0x0 0x1001d0dc 0x2054c 0x1ef4c 0x492
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d0e0 0x20550 0x1ef50 0x440
NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util 0x0 0x1001d0e4 0x20554 0x1ef54 0x10d
_SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo 0x0 0x1001d0e8 0x20558 0x1ef58 0x4a1
DER_Encode_Util 0x0 0x1001d0ec 0x2055c 0x1ef5c 0x91
SGN_CreateDigestInfo_Util 0x0 0x1001d0f0 0x20560 0x1ef60 0x449
SGN_DestroyDigestInfo_Util 0x0 0x1001d0f4 0x20564 0x1ef64 0x44d
SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism 0x0 0x1001d0f8 0x20568 0x1ef68 0x3f1
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries 0x0 0x1001d0fc 0x2056c 0x1ef6c 0x1ca
PL_strcasecmp 0x0 0x1001d100 0x20570 0x1ef70 0x1d6
PORT_Strdup_Util 0x0 0x1001d104 0x20574 0x1ef74 0x213
sqlite3_close 0x0 0x1001d108 0x20578 0x1ef78 0x4b6
sqlite3_exec 0x0 0x1001d10c 0x2057c 0x1ef7c 0x4da
sqlite3_busy_timeout 0x0 0x1001d110 0x20580 0x1ef80 0x4b3
sqlite3_mprintf 0x0 0x1001d114 0x20584 0x1ef84 0x4ed
sqlite3_free 0x0 0x1001d118 0x20588 0x1ef88 0x4df
sqlite3_open 0x0 0x1001d11c 0x2058c 0x1ef8c 0x4f4
sqlite3_prepare_v2 0x0 0x1001d120 0x20590 0x1ef90 0x4fb
PORT_FreeArena_Util 0x0 0x1001d124 0x20594 0x1ef94 0x205
sqlite3_bind_int 0x0 0x1001d128 0x20598 0x1ef98 0x4a9
PL_NewHashTable 0x0 0x1001d12c 0x2059c 0x1ef9c 0x1d3
sqlite3_step 0x0 0x1001d130 0x205a0 0x1efa0 0x517
sqlite3_column_blob 0x0 0x1001d134 0x205a4 0x1efa4 0x4b9
sqlite3_column_bytes 0x0 0x1001d138 0x205a8 0x1efa8 0x4ba
sqlite3_column_int 0x0 0x1001d13c 0x205ac 0x1efac 0x4be
sqlite3_finalize 0x0 0x1001d140 0x205b0 0x1efb0 0x4de
sqlite3_reset 0x0 0x1001d144 0x205b4 0x1efb4 0x4ff
sqlite3_file_control 0x0 0x1001d148 0x205b8 0x1efb8 0x4dd
PR_IntervalNow 0x0 0x1001d14c 0x205bc 0x1efbc 0x2f2
PR_MillisecondsToInterval 0x0 0x1001d150 0x205c0 0x1efc0 0x30a
PR_GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x1001d154 0x205c4 0x1efc4 0x2a7
PR_Now 0x0 0x1001d158 0x205c8 0x1efc8 0x31f
PL_CompareValues 0x0 0x1001d15c 0x205cc 0x1efcc 0x1be
PR_NewMonitor 0x0 0x1001d160 0x205d0 0x1efd0 0x310
PR_DestroyMonitor 0x0 0x1001d164 0x205d4 0x1efd4 0x26a
PR_EnterMonitor 0x0 0x1001d168 0x205d8 0x1efd8 0x27c
PR_ExitMonitor 0x0 0x1001d16c 0x205dc 0x1efdc 0x286
_NSSUTIL_UTF8ToWide 0x0 0x1001d170 0x205e0 0x1efe0 0x493
_NSSUTIL_Access 0x0 0x1001d174 0x205e4 0x1efe4 0x490
PR_smprintf 0x0 0x1001d178 0x205e8 0x1efe8 0x397
_NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir 0x0 0x1001d17c 0x205ec 0x1efec 0x491
PL_strncasecmp 0x0 0x1001d180 0x205f0 0x1eff0 0x1e1
NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue 0x0 0x1001d184 0x205f4 0x1eff4 0xaf
NSSUTIL_ArgStrip 0x0 0x1001d188 0x205f8 0x1eff8 0xba
NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter 0x0 0x1001d18c 0x205fc 0x1effc 0xb9
NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel 0x0 0x1001d190 0x20600 0x1f000 0xb0
NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber 0x0 0x1001d194 0x20604 0x1f004 0xae
NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank 0x0 0x1001d198 0x20608 0x1f008 0xb3
NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag 0x0 0x1001d19c 0x2060c 0x1f00c 0xb2
PORT_NewArena_Util 0x0 0x1001d1a0 0x20610 0x1f010 0x20b
PORT_GetError_Util 0x0 0x1001d1a4 0x20614 0x1f014 0x208
PR_GetEnv 0x0 0x1001d1a8 0x20618 0x1f018 0x2ac
PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util 0x0 0x1001d1ac 0x2061c 0x1f01c 0x1f9
PORT_ArenaGrow_Util 0x0 0x1001d1b0 0x20620 0x1f020 0x1fa
PORT_Realloc_Util 0x0 0x1001d1b4 0x20624 0x1f024 0x20c
SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID_Util 0x0 0x1001d1b8 0x20628 0x1f028 0x3ef
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util 0x0 0x1001d1bc 0x2062c 0x1f02c 0x3f9
SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID_Util 0x0 0x1001d1c0 0x20630 0x1f030 0x3ed
SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util 0x0 0x1001d1c4 0x20634 0x1f034 0x3fc
DER_GetInteger_Util 0x0 0x1001d1c8 0x20638 0x1f038 0x95
PL_HashTableLookupConst 0x0 0x1001d1cc 0x2063c 0x1f03c 0x1cc
PL_HashTableLookup 0x0 0x1001d1d0 0x20640 0x1f040 0x1cb
PL_HashTableRemove 0x0 0x1001d1d4 0x20644 0x1f044 0x1d1
SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util 0x0 0x1001d1d8 0x20648 0x1f048 0x403
PL_HashTableAdd 0x0 0x1001d1dc 0x2064c 0x1f04c 0x1c7
SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d1e0 0x20650 0x1f050 0x405
SEC_ASN1DecodeItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d1e4 0x20654 0x1f054 0x401
SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d1e8 0x20658 0x1f058 0x3b5
SECITEM_FreeItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d1ec 0x2065c 0x1f05c 0x3af
SECITEM_DupItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d1f0 0x20660 0x1f060 0x3ad
SECITEM_AllocItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d1f4 0x20664 0x1f064 0x3a6
PORT_ZFree_Util 0x0 0x1001d1f8 0x20668 0x1f068 0x21a
PORT_ZAlloc_Util 0x0 0x1001d1fc 0x2066c 0x1f06c 0x219
SECITEM_CopyItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d200 0x20670 0x1f070 0x3aa
PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util 0x0 0x1001d204 0x20674 0x1f074 0x201
NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util 0x0 0x1001d208 0x20678 0x1f078 0xff
NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util 0x0 0x1001d20c 0x2067c 0x1f07c 0x10b
NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util 0x0 0x1001d210 0x20680 0x1f080 0x103
NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util 0x0 0x1001d214 0x20684 0x1f084 0x100
PR_Unlock 0x0 0x1001d218 0x20688 0x1f088 0x380
PR_Access 0x0 0x1001d21c 0x2068c 0x1f08c 0x224
PR_Lock 0x0 0x1001d220 0x20690 0x1f090 0x300
PL_HashTableDestroy 0x0 0x1001d224 0x20694 0x1f094 0x1c8
PORT_SetError_Util 0x0 0x1001d228 0x20698 0x1f098 0x20f
sqlite3_bind_text 0x0 0x1001d22c 0x2069c 0x1f09c 0x4af
SECITEM_CompareItem_Util 0x0 0x1001d230 0x206a0 0x1f0a0 0x3a8
PR_snprintf 0x0 0x1001d234 0x206a4 0x1f0a4 0x399
PR_GetDirectorySeparator 0x0 0x1001d238 0x206a8 0x1f0a8 0x2aa
PR_GetEnvSecure 0x0 0x1001d23c 0x206ac 0x1f0ac 0x2ad
PR_CallOnce 0x0 0x1001d240 0x206b0 0x1f0b0 0x23d
PR_SetError 0x0 0x1001d244 0x206b4 0x1f0b4 0x356
PR_Free 0x0 0x1001d248 0x206b8 0x1f0b8 0x29c
PORT_Free_Util 0x0 0x1001d24c 0x206bc 0x1f0bc 0x206
PORT_Alloc_Util 0x0 0x1001d250 0x206c0 0x1f0c0 0x1f7
PR_GetLibraryFilePathname 0x0 0x1001d254 0x206c4 0x1f0c4 0x2bc
PR_FindFunctionSymbol 0x0 0x1001d258 0x206c8 0x1f0c8 0x291
PR_UnloadLibrary 0x0 0x1001d25c 0x206cc 0x1f0cc 0x37f
sqlite3_bind_blob 0x0 0x1001d260 0x206d0 0x1f0d0 0x4a7
PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags 0x0 0x1001d264 0x206d4 0x1f0d4 0x2fd
KERNEL32.dll (14)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
InitializeSListHead 0x0 0x1001d000 0x20470 0x1ee70 0x35a
DisableThreadLibraryCalls 0x0 0x1001d004 0x20474 0x1ee74 0x11b
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x1001d008 0x20478 0x1ee78 0x2e2
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x1001d00c 0x2047c 0x1ee7c 0x218
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x1001d010 0x20480 0x1ee80 0x214
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x1001d014 0x20484 0x1ee84 0x440
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x1001d018 0x20488 0x1ee88 0x37d
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x1001d01c 0x2048c 0x1ee8c 0x57c
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x1001d020 0x20490 0x1ee90 0x213
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1001d024 0x20494 0x1ee94 0x55e
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1001d028 0x20498 0x1ee98 0x59d
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x1001d02c 0x2049c 0x1ee9c 0x5f1
GetTempPathA 0x0 0x1001d030 0x204a0 0x1eea0 0x2ee
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x1001d034 0x204a4 0x1eea4 0x376
VCRUNTIME140.dll (6)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
strrchr 0x0 0x1001d03c 0x204ac 0x1eeac 0x4b
_except_handler4_common 0x0 0x1001d040 0x204b0 0x1eeb0 0x35
memcpy 0x0 0x1001d044 0x204b4 0x1eeb4 0x46
memset 0x0 0x1001d048 0x204b8 0x1eeb8 0x48
memcmp 0x0 0x1001d04c 0x204bc 0x1eebc 0x45
__std_type_info_destroy_list 0x0 0x1001d050 0x204c0 0x1eec0 0x25
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
islower 0x0 0x1001d0a0 0x20510 0x1ef10 0x6b
isupper 0x0 0x1001d0a4 0x20514 0x1ef14 0x6f
isdigit 0x0 0x1001d0a8 0x20518 0x1ef18 0x68
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
atoi 0x0 0x1001d058 0x204c8 0x1eec8 0x50
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
__stdio_common_vsprintf 0x0 0x1001d098 0x20508 0x1ef08 0xd
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
free 0x0 0x1001d068 0x204d8 0x1eed8 0x18
malloc 0x0 0x1001d06c 0x204dc 0x1eedc 0x19
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_wchmod 0x0 0x1001d060 0x204d0 0x1eed0 0x28
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (8)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_initialize_narrow_environment 0x0 0x1001d074 0x204e4 0x1eee4 0x35
_initterm 0x0 0x1001d078 0x204e8 0x1eee8 0x38
_configure_narrow_argv 0x0 0x1001d07c 0x204ec 0x1eeec 0x19
_initialize_onexit_table 0x0 0x1001d080 0x204f0 0x1eef0 0x36
_execute_onexit_table 0x0 0x1001d084 0x204f4 0x1eef4 0x24
_cexit 0x0 0x1001d088 0x204f8 0x1eef8 0x17
_seh_filter_dll 0x0 0x1001d08c 0x204fc 0x1eefc 0x41
_initterm_e 0x0 0x1001d090 0x20500 0x1ef00 0x39
Exports (4)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
C_GetFunctionList 0x6246 0x1
FC_GetFunctionList 0x3218 0x2
NSC_GetFunctionList 0x6246 0x3
NSC_ModuleDBFunc 0x7663 0x4
Digital Signatures (3)
Certificate: Mozilla Corporation
Issued by Mozilla Corporation
Parent Certificate DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-06-23 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2019-06-28 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number C5 39 6D CB 29 49 C7 0F AC 48 AB 08 A0 73 38 E
Thumbprint B6 B2 4A EA 9E 98 3E D6 BD A9 58 6A 14 5A 7D DD 7E 22 01 96
Certificate: DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
Parent Certificate DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2013-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2028-10-22 12:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha256_rsa
Serial Number 40 91 81 B5 FD 5B B6 67 55 34 3B 56 F9 55 00 8
Thumbprint 92 C1 58 8E 85 AF 22 01 CE 79 15 E8 53 8B 49 2F 60 5B 80 C6
Certificate: DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Issued by DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
Country Name US
Valid From 2006-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until 2031-11-10 00:00:00+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number CE 7E 0E 51 7D 84 6F E8 FE 56 0F C1 BF 03 03 9
Thumbprint 05 63 B8 63 0D 62 D7 5A BB C8 AB 1E 4B DF B5 A8 99 B2 4D 43
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 e479444bdd4ae4577fd32314a68f5d28 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 77edf9509a252e886d4da388bf9c9294d95498eb Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c85dc081b1964b77d289aac43cc64746e7b141d036f248a731601eb98f827719 Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2036-05-22 06:29:08+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x37d 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.64
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (11)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CopyFile2 0x11b0 0x1
CopyFileExW 0x11cf 0x2
CreateDirectoryExW 0x11f7 0x3
CreateHardLinkW 0x1223 0x4
CreateSymbolicLinkW 0x1250 0x5
GetFileInformationByHandleEx 0x128a 0x6
MoveFileExW 0x12bc 0x7
MoveFileWithProgressW 0x12e7 0x8
ReOpenFile 0x1311 0x9
ReadDirectoryChangesW 0x133b 0xa
ReplaceFileW 0x1367 0xb
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 22.30 KB
MD5 41a348f9bedc8681fb30fa78e45edb24 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 66e76c0574a549f293323dd6f863a8a5b54f3f9b Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c9bbc07a033bab6a828ecc30648b501121586f6f53346b1cd0649d7b648ea60b Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:7b7hrKwWPhWFlsnhi00GftpBj+6em90lmTMiLzrF7:7bNrKxZnhoig6eQN7 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x1600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 1974-05-31 18:06:00+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x15d5 0x1600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.89
.rsrc 0x10003000 0x3f0 0x400 0x1800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (107)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_Exit 0x158e 0x1
__control87_2 0x15ab 0x2
__doserrno 0x15cd 0x3
__fpe_flt_rounds 0x15f2 0x4
__fpecode 0x1616 0x5
__p___argc 0x1634 0x6
__p___argv 0x1653 0x7
__p___wargv 0x1673 0x8
__p__acmdln 0x1694 0x9
__p__pgmptr 0x16b5 0xa
__p__wcmdln 0x16d6 0xb
__p__wpgmptr 0x16f8 0xc
__pxcptinfoptrs 0x171e 0xd
__sys_errlist 0x1745 0xe
__sys_nerr 0x1767 0xf
__threadhandle 0x178a 0x10
__threadid 0x17ad 0x11
__wcserror 0x17cc 0x12
__wcserror_s 0x17ed 0x13
_assert 0x180b 0x14
_beginthread 0x1829 0x15
_beginthreadex 0x184e 0x16
_c_exit 0x186e 0x17
_cexit 0x1886 0x18
_clearfp 0x189f 0x19
_configure_narrow_argv 0x18c8 0x1a
_configure_wide_argv 0x18fd 0x1b
_control87 0x1926 0x1c
_controlfp 0x1945 0x1d
_controlfp_s 0x1966 0x1e
_crt_at_quick_exit 0x198f 0x1f
_crt_atexit 0x19b7 0x20
_crt_debugger_hook 0x19df 0x21
_endthread 0x1a06 0x22
_endthreadex 0x1a27 0x23
_errno 0x1a44 0x24
_execute_onexit_table 0x1a6a 0x25
_exit 0x1a8f 0x26
_fpieee_flt 0x1aaa 0x27
_fpreset 0x1ac8 0x28
_get_doserrno 0x1ae8 0x29
_get_errno 0x1b0a 0x2a
_get_initial_narrow_environment 0x1b3e 0x2b
_get_initial_wide_environment 0x1b85 0x2c
_get_invalid_parameter_handler 0x1bcb 0x2d
_get_narrow_winmain_command_line 0x1c14 0x2e
_get_pgmptr 0x1c4a 0x2f
_get_terminate 0x1c6e 0x30
_get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler 0x1cb2 0x31
_get_wide_winmain_command_line 0x1d06 0x32
_get_wpgmptr 0x1d3b 0x33
_getdllprocaddr 0x1d61 0x34
_getpid 0x1d82 0x35
_initialize_narrow_environment 0x1db2 0x36
_initialize_onexit_table 0x1df3 0x37
_initialize_wide_environment 0x1e32 0x38
_initterm 0x1e62 0x39
_initterm_e 0x1e81 0x3a
_invalid_parameter_noinfo 0x1eb0 0x3b
_invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn 0x1ef6 0x3c
_invoke_watson 0x1f31 0x3d
_query_app_type 0x1f59 0x3e
_register_onexit_function 0x1f8c 0x3f
_register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback 0x1fda 0x40
_resetstkoflw 0x201c 0x41
_seh_filter_dll 0x2043 0x42
_seh_filter_exe 0x206c 0x43
_set_abort_behavior 0x2099 0x44
_set_app_type 0x20c4 0x45
_set_controlfp 0x20ea 0x46
_set_doserrno 0x2110 0x47
_set_errno 0x2132 0x48
_set_error_mode 0x2156 0x49
_set_invalid_parameter_handler 0x218e 0x4a
_set_new_handler 0x21c7 0x4b
_set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler 0x220d 0x4c
_seterrormode 0x2250 0x4d
_sleep 0x226e 0x4e
_statusfp 0x2288 0x4f
_statusfp2 0x22a6 0x50
_strerror 0x22c4 0x51
_strerror_s 0x22e3 0x52
_wassert 0x2301 0x53
_wcserror 0x231d 0x54
_wcserror_s 0x233c 0x55
_wperror 0x235a 0x56
_wsystem 0x2375 0x57
abort 0x238d 0x58
exit 0x23a1 0x59
feclearexcept 0x23bd 0x5a
fegetenv 0x23dd 0x5b
fegetexceptflag 0x23ff 0x5c
fegetround 0x2423 0x5d
feholdexcept 0x2444 0x5e
fesetenv 0x2463 0x5f
fesetexceptflag 0x2485 0x60
fesetround 0x24a9 0x61
fetestexcept 0x24ca 0x62
perror 0x24e7 0x63
quick_exit 0x2502 0x64
raise 0x251c 0x65
set_terminate 0x2539 0x66
signal 0x2557 0x67
strerror 0x2570 0x68
strerror_s 0x258d 0x69
system 0x25a8 0x6a
terminate 0x25c2 0x6b
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 6d778e83f74a4c7fe4c077dc279f6867 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f5d9cf848f79a57f690da9841c209b4837c2e6c3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 a97dcca76cdb12e985dff71040815f28508c655ab2b073512e386dd63f4da325 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 192:NFmxD3PWIghWGJY/luZo123Ouo+Uggs/nGfe4pBjSffcp8Wh0txKdmVWQ4yWRzOr:NFkWPhW60i00GftpBj4emHlD16Pa7v Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2093-08-14 04:06:52+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x2c6 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.71
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (7)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
GetErrorMode 0x11a4 0x1
GetLastError 0x11c7 0x2
RaiseException 0x11ec 0x3
SetErrorMode 0x1211 0x4
SetLastError 0x1234 0x5
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x1266 0x6
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x12a4 0x7
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 e2f648ae40d234a3892e1455b4dbbe05 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 d9d750e828b629cfb7b402a3442947545d8d781b Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c8c499b012d0d63b7afc8b4ca42d6d996b2fcf2e8b5f94cacfbec9e6f33e8a03 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 192:IWIghWGJnWdsNtL/123Ouo+Uggs/nGfe4pBjSfcD63QXWh0txKdmVWQ4yW1rwqnh:IWPhWlsnhi00GftpBjnem9lD16PamFP Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2010-09-03 20:48:21+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x23c 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.19
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (4)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
CreateFile2 0x116c 0x1
GetTempPathW 0x118e 0x2
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW 0x11c6 0x3
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW 0x1212 0x4
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.44 KB
MD5 d97a1cb141c6806f0101a5ed2673a63d Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 d31a84c1499a9128a8f0efea4230fcfa6c9579be Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 deccd75fc3fc2bb31338b6fe26deffbd7914c6cd6a907e76fd4931b7d141718c Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 192:DtiYsFWWIghWGQtu7B123Ouo+Uggs/nGfe4pBjSPiZadcbWh0txKdmVWQ4mWf2FN:5iYsFWWPhWUTi00GftpBjremUBNlgC Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2052-12-12 20:31:39+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x414 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.88
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (11)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
InitializeSListHead 0x11d1 0x1
InterlockedCompareExchange 0x124c 0x3
InterlockedCompareExchange64 0x120b 0x2
InterlockedDecrement 0x1285 0x4
InterlockedExchange 0x12b7 0x5
InterlockedExchangeAdd 0x12eb 0x6
InterlockedFlushSList 0x1321 0x7
InterlockedIncrement 0x1355 0x8
InterlockedPopEntrySList 0x138c 0x9
InterlockedPushEntrySList 0x13c8 0xa
QueryDepthSList 0x13fb 0xb
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 17.80 KB
MD5 6f6796d1278670cce6e2d85199623e27 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 8aa2155c3d3d5aa23f56cd0bc507255fc953ccc3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c4f60f911068ab6d7f578d449ba7b5b9969f08fc683fd0ce8e2705bbf061f507 Copy to Clipboard
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PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2094-02-27 02:21:20+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x391 0x400 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.48
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x600 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (10)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
ConnectNamedPipe 0x11c2 0x1
CreateNamedPipeW 0x11ed 0x2
CreatePipe 0x1212 0x3
DisconnectNamedPipe 0x123a 0x4
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW 0x1277 0x5
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient 0x12bb 0x6
PeekNamedPipe 0x12ed 0x7
SetNamedPipeHandleState 0x131c 0x8
TransactNamedPipe 0x134f 0x9
WaitNamedPipeW 0x1379 0xa
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.30 KB
MD5 d0873e21721d04e20b6ffb038accf2f1 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 9e39e505d80d67b347b19a349a1532746c1f7f88 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 bb25ccf8694d1fcfce85a7159dcf6985fdb54728d29b021cb3d14242f65909ce Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 384:yHvuBL3BmWPhWZTi00GftpBjNKnemenyAlvN9W/L:yWBL3BXYoinKne1yd Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2027-07-04 17:26:46+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x50b 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 4.54
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (18)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
DisableThreadLibraryCalls 0x121f 0x1
FindResourceExW 0x1252 0x2
FindStringOrdinal 0x127d 0x3
FreeLibrary 0x12a4 0x4
FreeLibraryAndExitThread 0x12d2 0x5
FreeResource 0x1301 0x6
GetModuleFileNameA 0x132a 0x7
GetModuleFileNameW 0x1359 0x8
GetModuleHandleA 0x1386 0x9
GetModuleHandleExA 0x13b3 0xa
GetModuleHandleExW 0x13e2 0xb
GetModuleHandleW 0x140f 0xc
GetProcAddress 0x1438 0xd
LoadLibraryExA 0x145f 0xe
LoadLibraryExW 0x1486 0xf
LoadResource 0x14ab 0x10
LockResource 0x14ce 0x11
SizeofResource 0x14f3 0x12
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/ucrtbase.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 1.09 MB
MD5 d6326267ae77655f312d2287903db4d3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 1268bef8e2ca6ebc5fb974fdfaff13be5ba7574f Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 0bb8c77de80acf9c43de59a8fd75e611cc3eb8200c69f11e94389e8af2ceb7a9 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24576:bZBmnrh2YVAPROs7Bt/tX+/APcmcvIZPoy4TbK:FBmF2lIeaAPgb Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 1200ab27b3dc27748d0142a31f7a47c7 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Entry Point 0x10023df0
Size Of Code 0x105a00
Size Of Initialized Data 0xe000
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2054-02-08 16:22:31+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName ucrtbase.dll
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription Microsoft® C Runtime Library
OriginalFilename ucrtbase.dll
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x105a00 0x105a00 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.73
.data 0x10107000 0x1b1c 0xe00 0x105e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 2.22
.idata 0x10109000 0x1536 0x1600 0x106c00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.16
.rsrc 0x1010b000 0x410 0x600 0x108200 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 2.47
.reloc 0x1010c000 0xa624 0xa800 0x108800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.78
Imports (25)
api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll (6)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SetLastError 0x0 0x10109048 0x1094e8 0x1070e8 0x4
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x1010904c 0x1094ec 0x1070ec 0x6
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x10109050 0x1094f0 0x1070f0 0x5
GetLastError 0x0 0x10109054 0x1094f4 0x1070f4 0x1
SetErrorMode 0x0 0x10109058 0x1094f8 0x1070f8 0x3
RaiseException 0x0 0x1010905c 0x1094fc 0x1070fc 0x2
api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
HeapFree 0x0 0x101090ec 0x10958c 0x10718c 0x6
GetProcessHeap 0x0 0x101090f0 0x109590 0x107190 0x0
HeapAlloc 0x0 0x101090f4 0x109594 0x107194 0x2
HeapSize 0x0 0x101090f8 0x109598 0x107198 0xb
HeapReAlloc 0x0 0x101090fc 0x10959c 0x10719c 0x9
HeapValidate 0x0 0x10109100 0x1095a0 0x1071a0 0xe
HeapQueryInformation 0x0 0x10109104 0x1095a4 0x1071a4 0x8
HeapCompact 0x0 0x10109108 0x1095a8 0x1071a8 0x3
HeapWalk 0x0 0x1010910c 0x1095ac 0x1071ac 0xf
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x10109238 0x1096d8 0x1072d8 0x13
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x1010923c 0x1096dc 0x1072dc 0x10
WaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x10109240 0x1096e0 0x1072e0 0x27
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x10109244 0x1096e4 0x1072e4 0xd
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x10109248 0x1096e8 0x1072e8 0xe
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll (17)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x101091c0 0x109660 0x107260 0xd
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x101091c4 0x109664 0x107264 0xa
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x101091c8 0x109668 0x107268 0x2a
CreateThread 0x0 0x101091cc 0x10966c 0x10726c 0x5
TlsFree 0x0 0x101091d0 0x109670 0x107270 0x2d
ExitThread 0x0 0x101091d4 0x109674 0x107274 0x8
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x101091d8 0x109678 0x107278 0xb
GetExitCodeProcess 0x0 0x101091dc 0x10967c 0x10727c 0xe
GetStartupInfoW 0x0 0x101091e0 0x109680 0x107280 0x15
ResumeThread 0x0 0x101091e4 0x109684 0x107284 0x20
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x101091e8 0x109688 0x107288 0x2e
ExitProcess 0x0 0x101091ec 0x10968c 0x10728c 0x7
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x101091f0 0x109690 0x107290 0x2f
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x101091f4 0x109694 0x107294 0x2c
CreateProcessA 0x0 0x101091f8 0x109698 0x107298 0x0
CreateProcessW 0x0 0x101091fc 0x10969c 0x10729c 0x2
GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x10109200 0x1096a0 0x1072a0 0xc
api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll (12)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetCurrentDirectoryA 0x0 0x1010918c 0x10962c 0x10722c 0x6
GetCurrentDirectoryW 0x0 0x10109190 0x109630 0x107230 0x7
GetCommandLineW 0x0 0x10109194 0x109634 0x107234 0x5
GetCommandLineA 0x0 0x10109198 0x109638 0x107238 0x4
SetEnvironmentVariableA 0x0 0x1010919c 0x10963c 0x10723c 0x11
GetStdHandle 0x0 0x101091a0 0x109640 0x107240 0xc
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x101091a4 0x109644 0x107244 0x13
SetCurrentDirectoryA 0x0 0x101091a8 0x109648 0x107248 0xe
SetEnvironmentVariableW 0x0 0x101091ac 0x10964c 0x10724c 0x12
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x101091b0 0x109650 0x107250 0x9
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x101091b4 0x109654 0x107254 0x3
SetCurrentDirectoryW 0x0 0x101091b8 0x109658 0x107258 0xf
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll (26)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SetFileTime 0x0 0x10109064 0x109504 0x107104 0x44
CreateDirectoryW 0x0 0x10109068 0x109508 0x107108 0x2
SetFileAttributesW 0x0 0x1010906c 0x10950c 0x10710c 0x40
GetFileAttributesExW 0x0 0x10109070 0x109510 0x107110 0x21
RemoveDirectoryW 0x0 0x10109074 0x109514 0x107114 0x3d
GetDriveTypeW 0x0 0x10109078 0x109518 0x107118 0x1e
GetFileInformationByHandle 0x0 0x1010907c 0x10951c 0x10711c 0x23
GetFullPathNameA 0x0 0x10109080 0x109520 0x107120 0x2a
GetFullPathNameW 0x0 0x10109084 0x109524 0x107124 0x2b
FindFirstFileExA 0x0 0x10109088 0x109528 0x107128 0xf
DeleteFileW 0x0 0x1010908c 0x10952c 0x10712c 0x7
SetEndOfFile 0x0 0x10109090 0x109530 0x107130 0x3e
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x10109094 0x109534 0x107134 0x18
UnlockFileEx 0x0 0x10109098 0x109538 0x107138 0x47
LockFileEx 0x0 0x1010909c 0x10953c 0x10713c 0x37
WriteFile 0x0 0x101090a0 0x109540 0x107140 0x48
SetFilePointerEx 0x0 0x101090a4 0x109544 0x107144 0x43
FindNextFileA 0x0 0x101090a8 0x109548 0x107148 0x14
CreateFileW 0x0 0x101090ac 0x10954c 0x10714c 0x4
GetLogicalDrives 0x0 0x101090b0 0x109550 0x107150 0x2d
GetDiskFreeSpaceW 0x0 0x101090b4 0x109554 0x107154 0x1c
FindNextFileW 0x0 0x101090b8 0x109558 0x107158 0x15
ReadFile 0x0 0x101090bc 0x10955c 0x10715c 0x39
FindFirstFileExW 0x0 0x101090c0 0x109560 0x107160 0x10
FindClose 0x0 0x101090c4 0x109564 0x107164 0xa
GetFileType 0x0 0x101090c8 0x109568 0x107168 0x27
api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetModuleHandleExW 0x0 0x10109120 0x1095c0 0x1071c0 0xa
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x10109124 0x1095c4 0x1071c4 0xb
FreeLibraryAndExitThread 0x0 0x10109128 0x1095c8 0x1071c8 0x4
LoadLibraryExA 0x0 0x1010912c 0x1095cc 0x1071cc 0xd
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x10109130 0x1095d0 0x1071d0 0x6
LoadLibraryExW 0x0 0x10109134 0x1095d4 0x1071d4 0xe
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x10109138 0x1095d8 0x1071d8 0x7
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x1010913c 0x1095dc 0x1071dc 0xc
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x10109140 0x1095e0 0x1071e0 0x3
api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x10109224 0x1096c4 0x1072c4 0x5
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x10109228 0x1096c8 0x1072c8 0x7
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x1010922c 0x1096cc 0x1072cc 0x6
CompareStringW 0x0 0x10109230 0x1096d0 0x1072d0 0x2
api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OutputDebugStringA 0x0 0x10109038 0x1094d8 0x1070d8 0x2
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x1010903c 0x1094dc 0x1070dc 0x1
OutputDebugStringW 0x0 0x10109040 0x1094e0 0x1070e0 0x3
api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x10109148 0x1095e8 0x1071e8 0x9
GetUserDefaultLCID 0x0 0x1010914c 0x1095ec 0x1071ec 0x1e
GetOEMCP 0x0 0x10109150 0x1095f0 0x1071f0 0x15
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x10109154 0x1095f4 0x1071f4 0x2f
GetACP 0x0 0x10109158 0x1095f8 0x1071f8 0x8
IsValidLocale 0x0 0x1010915c 0x1095fc 0x1071fc 0x2a
IsValidCodePage 0x0 0x10109160 0x109600 0x107200 0x28
EnumSystemLocalesW 0x0 0x10109164 0x109604 0x107204 0x3
GetLocaleInfoW 0x0 0x10109168 0x109608 0x107208 0x12
api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetTimeFormatW 0x0 0x1010902c 0x1094cc 0x1070cc 0x3
GetDateFormatW 0x0 0x10109030 0x1094d0 0x1070d0 0x1
api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x10109258 0x1096f8 0x1072f8 0x7
GetLocalTime 0x0 0x1010925c 0x1096fc 0x1072fc 0x2
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x10109260 0x109700 0x107300 0xa
SetLocalTime 0x0 0x10109264 0x109704 0x107304 0x15
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x10109208 0x1096a8 0x1072a8 0x9
api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll (10)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ReadConsoleW 0x0 0x10109000 0x1094a0 0x1070a0 0x9
WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x10109004 0x1094a4 0x1070a4 0xd
SetConsoleCtrlHandler 0x0 0x10109008 0x1094a8 0x1070a8 0xa
PeekConsoleInputA 0x0 0x1010900c 0x1094ac 0x1070ac 0x5
GetConsoleCP 0x0 0x10109010 0x1094b0 0x1070b0 0x1
SetConsoleMode 0x0 0x10109014 0x1094b4 0x1070b4 0xb
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents 0x0 0x10109018 0x1094b8 0x1070b8 0x4
GetConsoleMode 0x0 0x1010901c 0x1094bc 0x1070bc 0x2
ReadConsoleInputW 0x0 0x10109020 0x1094c0 0x1070c0 0x8
ReadConsoleInputA 0x0 0x10109024 0x1094c4 0x1070c4 0x7
api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
DuplicateHandle 0x0 0x101090e0 0x109580 0x107180 0x2
CloseHandle 0x0 0x101090e4 0x109584 0x107184 0x0
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetTempPathW 0x0 0x101090d0 0x109570 0x107170 0x1
api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PeekNamedPipe 0x0 0x10109180 0x109620 0x107220 0x6
CreatePipe 0x0 0x10109184 0x109624 0x107224 0x2
api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetTimeZoneInformation 0x0 0x1010926c 0x10970c 0x10730c 0x2
SystemTimeToFileTime 0x0 0x10109270 0x109710 0x107310 0x6
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime 0x0 0x10109274 0x109714 0x107314 0x7
FileTimeToSystemTime 0x0 0x10109278 0x109718 0x107318 0x0
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime 0x0 0x1010927c 0x10971c 0x10731c 0x8
api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
MoveFileExW 0x0 0x101090d8 0x109578 0x107178 0x6
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
Sleep 0x0 0x10109250 0x1096f0 0x1072f0 0x9
api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
QueryPerformanceFrequency 0x0 0x10109210 0x1096b0 0x1072b0 0x1
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x10109214 0x1096b4 0x1072b4 0x0
api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x10109170 0x109610 0x107210 0xd
VirtualProtect 0x0 0x10109174 0x109614 0x107214 0xb
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x10109178 0x109618 0x107218 0x7
api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
Beep 0x0 0x10109284 0x109724 0x107324 0x0
EncodePointer 0x0 0x10109288 0x109728 0x107328 0x3
DecodePointer 0x0 0x1010928c 0x10972c 0x10732c 0x1
api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x1010921c 0x1096bc 0x1072bc 0x2
api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
InterlockedPushEntrySList 0x0 0x10109114 0x1095b4 0x1071b4 0x9
InterlockedFlushSList 0x0 0x10109118 0x1095b8 0x1071b8 0x6
Exports (2542)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
_CIacos 0x40490 0x1
_CIasin 0x41070 0x2
_CIatan 0x41cb0 0x3
_CIatan2 0x3fde0 0x4
_CIcos 0x42660 0x5
_CIcosh 0x3fdfc 0x6
_CIexp 0x3fd90 0x7
_CIfmod 0x40020 0x8
_CIlog 0x43930 0x9
_CIlog10 0x432e0 0xa
_CIpow 0x440e0 0xb
_CIsin 0x45a10 0xc
_CIsinh 0x3fdf0 0xd
_CIsqrt 0x45eb0 0xe
_CItan 0x460d0 0xf
_CItanh 0x3fe04 0x10
_Cbuild 0xae810 0x11
_Cmulcc 0xae3b0 0x12
_Cmulcr 0xae450 0x13
_CreateFrameInfo 0x46910 0x14
_CxxThrowException 0x46ab0 0x15
_EH_prolog 0x52220 0x16
_Exit 0x95070 0x17
_FCbuild 0xae910 0x18
_FCmulcc 0xae5d0 0x19
_FCmulcr 0xae620 0x1a
_FindAndUnlinkFrame 0x46940 0x1b
_Getdays 0x37320 0x1c
_Getmonths 0x37450 0x1d
_Gettnames 0x34fa0 0x1e
_IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed 0x46bf0 0x1f
_LCbuild 0xae810 0x20
_LCmulcc 0xae3b0 0x21
_LCmulcr 0xae450 0x22
_NLG_Dispatch2 0x46f73 0x23
_NLG_Return 0x46fa7 0x24
_NLG_Return2 0x46f7d 0x25
_SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback 0x46c20 0x26
_Strftime 0xd6630 0x27
_W_Getdays 0x38170 0x28
_W_Getmonths 0x382f0 0x29
_W_Gettnames 0x35010 0x2a
_Wcsftime 0xd9870 0x2b
__AdjustPointer 0x46c40 0x2c
__BuildCatchObject 0x478e0 0x2d
__BuildCatchObjectHelper 0x47980 0x2e
__CxxDetectRethrow 0x47d40 0x2f
__CxxExceptionFilter 0x47da0 0x30
__CxxFrameHandler 0x46a40 0x31
__CxxFrameHandler2 0x46a40 0x32
__CxxFrameHandler3 0x46a40 0x33
__CxxLongjmpUnwind 0x46a80 0x34
__CxxQueryExceptionSize 0x47f00 0x35
__CxxRegisterExceptionObject 0x47f10 0x36
__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject 0x47fc0 0x37
__DestructExceptionObject 0x46b40 0x38
__FrameUnwindFilter 0x46c70 0x39
__GetPlatformExceptionInfo 0x46cc0 0x3a
__RTCastToVoid 0x485d0 0x3b
__RTDynamicCast 0x48640 0x3c
__RTtypeid 0x48730 0x3d
__TypeMatch 0x47ca0 0x3e
___lc_codepage_func 0x24260 0x3f
___lc_collate_cp_func 0x21fe0 0x40
___lc_locale_name_func 0x24330 0x41
___mb_cur_max_func 0x23e20 0x42
___mb_cur_max_l_func 0x90890 0x43
__acrt_iob_func 0x24000 0x44
__conio_common_vcprintf 0xbea00 0x45
__conio_common_vcprintf_p 0xbea30 0x46
__conio_common_vcprintf_s 0xbea60 0x47
__conio_common_vcscanf 0xc32e0 0x48
__conio_common_vcwprintf 0xbea90 0x49
__conio_common_vcwprintf_p 0xbeac0 0x4a
__conio_common_vcwprintf_s 0xbeaf0 0x4b
__conio_common_vcwscanf 0xc3310 0x4c
__control87_2 0x586c0 0x4d
__current_exception 0x46d20 0x4e
__current_exception_context 0x46d30 0x4f
__daylight 0xd6d40 0x50
__dcrt_get_wide_environment_from_os 0x34e70 0x51
__dcrt_initial_narrow_environment 0x1089f4 0x52
__doserrno 0x910b0 0x53
__dstbias 0xd6d60 0x54
__fpe_flt_rounds 0xb1850 0x55
__fpecode 0x91e30 0x56
__initialize_lconv_for_unsigned_char 0x3bb60 0x57
__intrinsic_abnormal_termination 0x46f2a 0x58
__intrinsic_setjmp 0x487c0 0x59
__isascii 0x3a330 0x5a
__iscsym 0x8c9e0 0x5b
__iscsymf 0x8ca10 0x5c
__iswcsym 0x8d260 0x5d
__iswcsymf 0x8d290 0x5e
__libm_sse2_acos 0x562f0 0x5f
__libm_sse2_acosf 0x55f00 0x60
__libm_sse2_asin 0x56b70 0x61
__libm_sse2_asinf 0x567a0 0x62
__libm_sse2_atan 0x57690 0x63
__libm_sse2_atan2 0x56fc0 0x64
__libm_sse2_atanf 0x574e0 0x65
__libm_sse2_cos 0x57a10 0x66
__libm_sse2_cosf 0x578b0 0x67
__libm_sse2_exp 0x57d20 0x68
__libm_sse2_expf 0x57bc0 0x69
__libm_sse2_log 0x59320 0x6a
__libm_sse2_log10 0x58f50 0x6b
__libm_sse2_log10f 0x58dd0 0x6c
__libm_sse2_logf 0x591a0 0x6d
__libm_sse2_pow 0x59c10 0x6e
__libm_sse2_powf 0x59550 0x6f
__libm_sse2_sin 0x5a7e0 0x70
__libm_sse2_sinf 0x5a690 0x71
__libm_sse2_tan 0x5ab40 0x72
__libm_sse2_tanf 0x5a9a0 0x73
__p___argc 0x21470 0x74
__p___argv 0x933d0 0x75
__p___wargv 0x3b1e0 0x76
__p__acmdln 0x933e0 0x77
__p__commode 0x218b0 0x78
__p__environ 0xd9ac0 0x79
__p__fmode 0xd2e50 0x7a
__p__mbcasemap 0x90e30 0x7b
__p__mbctype 0x90e50 0x7c
__p__pgmptr 0x933f0 0x7d
__p__wcmdln 0x93400 0x7e
__p__wenviron 0xd9ae0 0x7f
__p__wpgmptr 0x93410 0x80
__pctype_func 0x23620 0x81
__processing_throw 0x46d40 0x82
__pwctype_func 0x8f2e0 0x83
__pxcptinfoptrs 0x91e40 0x84
__report_gsfailure 0x522a0 0x85
__setusermatherr 0xb5670 0x86
__std_exception_copy 0x48800 0x87
__std_exception_destroy 0x48870 0x88
__std_terminate 0x46d50 0x89
__std_type_info_compare 0x488c0 0x8a
__std_type_info_destroy_list 0x48910 0x8b
__std_type_info_hash 0x48940 0x8c
__std_type_info_name 0x48970 0x8d
__stdio_common_vfprintf 0xa6c20 0x8e
__stdio_common_vfprintf_p 0xa6c50 0x8f
__stdio_common_vfprintf_s 0xa6c80 0x90
__stdio_common_vfscanf 0x9ec80 0x91
__stdio_common_vfwprintf 0x388e0 0x92
__stdio_common_vfwprintf_p 0xa6cb0 0x93
__stdio_common_vfwprintf_s 0xa6ce0 0x94
__stdio_common_vfwscanf 0x9ecb0 0x95
__stdio_common_vsnprintf_s 0x261b0 0x96
__stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s 0x22a10 0x97
__stdio_common_vsprintf 0x2d5b0 0x98
__stdio_common_vsprintf_p 0xa6d10 0x99
__stdio_common_vsprintf_s 0x22d00 0x9a
__stdio_common_vsscanf 0x29470 0x9b
__stdio_common_vswprintf 0x24de0 0x9c
__stdio_common_vswprintf_p 0xa6d40 0x9d
__stdio_common_vswprintf_s 0x2f290 0x9e
__stdio_common_vswscanf 0x2a0e0 0x9f
__strncnt 0x3cfe0 0xa0
__sys_errlist 0x92530 0xa1
__sys_nerr 0x92540 0xa2
__threadhandle 0x8e450 0xa3
__threadid 0x8e460 0xa4
__timezone 0xd6d80 0xa5
__toascii 0x8ca40 0xa6
__tzname 0xd6da0 0xa7
__unDName 0x4e1e0 0xa8
__unDNameEx 0x4e280 0xa9
__uncaught_exception 0x46d60 0xaa
__uncaught_exceptions 0x46d70 0xab
__wcserror 0x932b0 0xac
__wcserror_s 0x932d0 0xad
__wcsncnt 0x3eb70 0xae
_abs64 0x3bda0 0xaf
_access 0xc5240 0xb0
_access_s 0xc5260 0xb1
_aligned_free 0x3b960 0xb2
_aligned_malloc 0x3b940 0xb3
_aligned_msize 0x8d3d0 0xb4
_aligned_offset_malloc 0x8d510 0xb5
_aligned_offset_realloc 0x8d530 0xb6
_aligned_offset_recalloc 0x8da40 0xb7
_aligned_realloc 0x8dbb0 0xb8
_aligned_recalloc 0x8dbd0 0xb9
_assert 0x94d70 0xba
_atodbl 0x875e0 0xbb
_atodbl_l 0x87600 0xbc
_atof_l 0x87620 0xbd
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_atoflt_l 0x87660 0xbf
_atoi64 0x3b4f0 0xc0
_atoi64_l 0x885c0 0xc1
_atoi_l 0x885f0 0xc2
_atol_l 0x885f0 0xc3
_atoldbl 0x88500 0xc4
_atoldbl_l 0x88520 0xc5
_atoll_l 0x885c0 0xc6
_beep 0xf0790 0xc7
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_beginthreadex 0x3aea0 0xc9
_byteswap_uint64 0xa9680 0xca
_byteswap_ulong 0xa9720 0xcb
_byteswap_ushort 0xa9760 0xcc
_c_exit 0x95030 0xcd
_cabs 0xf3060 0xce
_callnewh 0x8e130 0xcf
_calloc_base 0x27800 0xd0
_cexit 0x95050 0xd1
_cgets 0xb93f0 0xd2
_cgets_s 0xb9620 0xd3
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_cgetws_s 0xb99a0 0xd5
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_chgsignf 0xf3eb0 0xd9
_chkesp 0x4e370 0xda
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Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
C:\Users\5P5NRG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2fda\/api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll Created File Binary
Not Queried
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 18.30 KB
MD5 502263c56f931df8440d7fd2fa7b7c00 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 523a3d7c3f4491e67fc710575d8e23314db2c1a2 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 94a5df1227818edbfd0d5091c6a48f86b4117c38550343f780c604eee1cd6231 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 192:3jBMWIghWGZiKedXe123Ouo+Uggs/nGfe4pBjS/uBmWh0txKdmVWQ4GWDZoiyqnP:GWPhWVXYi00GftpBjSemTltcwpS Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x10000000
Size Of Code 0x600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x400
File Type dll
Subsystem windows_cui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2061-07-07 10:18:41+00:00
Version Information (8)
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
InternalName apisetstub
FileVersion 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 10.0.16299.15
FileDescription ApiSet Stub DLL
OriginalFilename apisetstub
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x10001000 0x42b 0x600 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 3.84
.rsrc 0x10002000 0x3f0 0x400 0x800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 3.3
Exports (14)
Api name EAT Address Ordinal
AllocConsole 0x11e4 0x1
GetConsoleCP 0x1207 0x2
GetConsoleMode 0x122c 0x3
GetConsoleOutputCP 0x1257 0x4
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents 0x1291 0x5
PeekConsoleInputA 0x12ca 0x6
ReadConsoleA 0x12f2 0x7
ReadConsoleInputA 0x131a 0x8
ReadConsoleInputW 0x1347 0x9
ReadConsoleW 0x136f 0xa
SetConsoleCtrlHandler 0x139b 0xb
SetConsoleMode 0x13c9 0xc
WriteConsoleA 0x13ef 0xd
WriteConsoleW 0x1414 0xe
Digital Signatures (2)
Certificate: Microsoft Corporation
Issued by Microsoft Corporation
Parent Certificate Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2017-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Valid Until 2018-08-11 20:11:15+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 33 00 00 01 78 25 5A B5 CD 23 C6 5F 95 00 01 00 00 01 78
Thumbprint 49 D5 9D 86 50 5D 82 94 2A 07 63 88 69 3F 4F B7 B2 12 54 EE
Certificate: Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Issued by Microsoft Code Signing PCA
Country Name US
Valid From 2010-08-31 22:19:32+00:00
Valid Until 2020-08-31 22:29:32+00:00
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number 61 33 26 1A 00 00 00 00 00 31
Thumbprint 3C AF 9B A2 DB 55 70 CA F7 69 42 FF 99 10 1B 99 38 88 E2 57
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
