c283c47e...528b | Grouped Behavior
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 95/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Trojan, Dropper, Spyware

c283c47ed7ecb84bdedf5a856374b4a60d48e0d42c0c57d4ff61a16d71f3528b (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2019-01-26 02:20:00

Notifications (1/1)

Due to a WHOIS service error, no query could be made to get WHOIS data of any contacted domain.

Monitored Processes

Process Overview
ID PID Monitor Reason Integrity Level Image Name Command Line Origin ID
#1 0xf1c Analysis Target High (Elevated) mining.exe "C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe" -
#2 0xf84 Child Process High (Elevated) cmd.exe C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c Zero_Two.tmp #1
#3 0xf8c Child Process High (Elevated) cmd.exe C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp #1
#6 0xc10 Child Process High (Elevated) zero_two.tmp Zero_Two.tmp #2
#7 0xa38 Child Process High (Elevated) 517847183.tmp C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp #3
#8 0xde4 Child Process High (Elevated) schtasks.exe "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /create /tn WinRun /tr "C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe" /sc minute /F #6
#10 0xdb0 Child Process High (Elevated) schtasks.exe "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /create /tn SystemUpdate /tr "C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe" /sc hourly /F #6
#12 0x324 Created Scheduled Job System (Elevated) svchost.exe C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs #10
#13 0xe2c Child Process Medium winsys.exe C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe #12
#14 0xee0 Child Process System (Elevated) wmiadap.exe wmiadap.exe /F /T /R #12
#17 0x3c0 Child Process Medium winsys.exe C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe #12
#18 0xf2c Child Process System (Elevated) taskeng.exe taskeng.exe {15A7A4A7-8576-4E0D-8E68-775B3CBFF42F} S-1-5-18:NT AUTHORITY\System:Service: #12
#19 0x36c Child Process Medium taskeng.exe taskeng.exe {1041B8A7-BFE5-4C6D-B407-C03324D5908B} S-1-5-21-1462094071-1423818996-289466292-1000:LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps:Interactive:LUA[1] #12
#20 0xf28 Child Process Medium sdxhelper.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX64\Microsoft Shared\Office16\sdxhelper.exe" /onlogon #19
#21 0x5b8 Child Process System (Elevated) officec2rclient.exe "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /frequentupdate SCHEDULEDTASK displaylevel=False #18
#23 0xb18 Child Process Medium winsys.exe C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe #12

Behavior Information - Grouped by Category

Process #1: mining.exe
232 0
Information Value
ID #1
File Name c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\mining.exe
Command Line "C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe"
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:00:53, Reason: Analysis Target
Unmonitor End Time: 00:01:07, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:14
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xf1c
Parent PID 0x57c (c:\windows\explorer.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x F20
0x F3C
0x F48
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000dc0000 0x00dc0000 0x00ddffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000dc0000 0x00dc0000 0x00dcffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000dd0000 0x00dd0000 0x00dd3fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000de0000 0x00de0000 0x00de0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000df0000 0x00df0000 0x00e03fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000e10000 0x00e10000 0x00e4ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000e50000 0x00e50000 0x00e53fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000e60000 0x00e60000 0x00e61fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000e70000 0x00e70000 0x00e71fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x00e80000 0x00f3dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000f40000 0x00f40000 0x00f7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f80000 0x00f80000 0x00fbffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000fc0000 0x00fc0000 0x00fc0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000fd0000 0x00fd0000 0x00fd0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000fd0000 0x00fd0000 0x00fd0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000fe0000 0x00fe0000 0x00feffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000ff0000 0x00ff0000 0x00ff1fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001000000 0x01000000 0x01000fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001000000 0x01000000 0x01003fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000001010000 0x01010000 0x01013fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001020000 0x01020000 0x01023fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001030000 0x01030000 0x0103ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001040000 0x01040000 0x010bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000010c0000 0x010c0000 0x010c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
mining.exe 0x01140000 0x016d6fff Memory Mapped File rwx True True False
private_0x00000000016e0000 0x016e0000 0x01adffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001ae0000 0x01ae0000 0x01b97fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000001bb0000 0x01bb0000 0x01faffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001fb0000 0x01fb0000 0x023affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000023b0000 0x023b0000 0x027affff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000027b0000 0x027b0000 0x02937fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002940000 0x02940000 0x02ac0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002ad0000 0x02ad0000 0x03ecffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000003ed0000 0x03ed0000 0x03f57fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004070000 0x04070000 0x0407ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004080000 0x04080000 0x0454efff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004080000 0x04080000 0x04546fff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x04080000 0x043b6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x00000000043c0000 0x043c0000 0x0488bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000043c0000 0x043c0000 0x0488efff Private Memory rw True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntmarta.dll 0x74070000 0x74097fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
devobj.dll 0x740a0000 0x740c0fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
winnsi.dll 0x740d0000 0x740d7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
winmmbase.dll 0x740e0000 0x74102fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
userenv.dll 0x74110000 0x74128fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
iphlpapi.dll 0x74130000 0x7415ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
winmm.dll 0x74160000 0x74183fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wininet.dll 0x74190000 0x743b3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mpr.dll 0x743c0000 0x743d6fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x743e0000 0x745e8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
version.dll 0x745f0000 0x745f7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wsock32.dll 0x74600000 0x74607fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x74610000 0x7462cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74630000 0x746a4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x74d30000 0x74d8bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
psapi.dll 0x74d90000 0x74d95fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x74da0000 0x74de3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x74df0000 0x74f0ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x74f10000 0x74f3afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75030000 0x7517cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x75180000 0x7518efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shell32.dll 0x75310000 0x766cefff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
comdlg32.dll 0x766d0000 0x7678dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x76790000 0x76c6cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x76c70000 0x76daffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x77080000 0x770b5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
nsi.dll 0x770c0000 0x770c6fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ole32.dll 0x77170000 0x77259fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x77260000 0x772a3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shcore.dll 0x77300000 0x7738cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77550000 0x775cafff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000ff190000 0xff190000 0xff28ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000ff290000 0xff290000 0xff2b2fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000ff2b5000 0xff2b5000 0xff2b7fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000ff2b8000 0xff2b8000 0xff2bafff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000ff2bb000 0xff2bb000 0xff2bdfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000ff2be000 0xff2be000 0xff2befff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000ff2bf000 0xff2bf000 0xff2bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000fffe0000 0xfffe0000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Created Files
Filename File Size Hash Values YARA Match Actions
C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp 4.69 MB MD5: 5e137a5cf5138f25f5b3d74e7e694eac
SHA1: 243cac505e430609afd4807534a0ec27792c0796
SHA256: 2ae5e88dc24e02d2e4bb65bdf5be48b5430baa545188af8a6498d14bc3cf4191
SSDeep: 98304:ETVPCviLZiYvlp5pamq//BsIhwOuFL0hyP:IVKviL4Ytpam4ypOG0h
Zero_Two.tmp 103.00 KB MD5: dc94ab73eadb420e362697dfdea306a7
SHA1: fdcf1d67eb22b0fac6cb598d0a138c63b79fb0bf
SHA256: ffeeb844993f2fee324a19467d8ed8a36d82084002542674b1f3ee111ca0e643
SSDeep: 3072:SzEWN5IyOrM2MrIfjblaX/g7q0LyejLl77W8rOirJTqX2wA2j8/VE:SxIyTIfj5aW
C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp 0.00 KB MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
SSDeep: 3::
C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp 50.11 KB MD5: eb5b9cf9564f4d506c3a59fbb5efdf10
SHA1: eca33a3e475db1e9f62b99503fa2e7bf8ffbbe8a
SHA256: 321c4580be28e5c71a40f0c9e3e005410fa6cdff335a53b16ef13470b3ea8278
SSDeep: 768:qy/MVdhrNfHPgdTjXm2X0Bwn6yfCHBW+wQ0zS7JuwvYywBT+ugKPNlMwJM/KYVHK:2bbP6j22X0SnfChJw1q+B6ugS2KYI
Host Behavior
File (114)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 2
Create C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 2
Create C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Create C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create Zero_Two.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create Zero_Two.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Create Temp File C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp path = C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\, prefix = aut True 1
Create Temp File C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp path = C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\, prefix = aut True 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp type = file_attributes False 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp type = file_type True 1
Get Info Zero_Two.tmp type = file_attributes False 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp type = file_type True 2
Get Info Zero_Two.tmp type = file_type True 1
Copy C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp source_filename = C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp True 1
Read C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp size = 4096, size_out = 4096 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp size = 61440, size_out = 47216 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp size = 12288, size_out = 0 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp size = 65536 True 75
Write C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp size = 4096 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp size = 1536 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp size = 49152 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp size = 2160 True 1
Write Zero_Two.tmp size = 65536 True 1
Write Zero_Two.tmp size = 36864 True 1
Write Zero_Two.tmp size = 3072 True 1
Delete C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp - True 1
Delete C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autF2F7.tmp - True 1
Registry (3)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AutoIt v3\AutoIt - False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse value_name = SwapMouseButtons, data = 48 True 1
Process (2)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c Zero_Two.tmp os_pid = 0xf84, startup_flags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW, show_window = SW_HIDE True 1
Create C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp os_pid = 0xf8c, startup_flags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW, show_window = SW_HIDE True 1
Module (60)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 9
Load C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe base_address = 0x1140000 True 4
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 1
Get Handle mscoree.dll - False 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\mining.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\mining.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Mining.exe, size = 32767 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsAlloc, address_out = 0x74f5a330 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsFree, address_out = 0x74f5f400 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsGetValue, address_out = 0x74f57580 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsSetValue, address_out = 0x74f59910 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitializeCriticalSectionEx, address_out = 0x74f66030 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateEventExW, address_out = 0x74f65f90 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSemaphoreExW, address_out = 0x74f65ff0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadStackGuarantee, address_out = 0x74f5a5d0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x74f5a690 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x776e40f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks, address_out = 0x776dd630 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x776decf0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x74f65720 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x776de140 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x776deb60 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlushProcessWriteBuffers, address_out = 0x77719990 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns, address_out = 0x77715540 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentProcessorNumber, address_out = 0x77709dc0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetLogicalProcessorInformation, address_out = 0x74f5a550 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSymbolicLinkW, address_out = 0x74f80a40 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetDefaultDllDirectories, address_out = 0x752c0790 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = EnumSystemLocalesEx, address_out = 0x74f5f8a0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CompareStringEx, address_out = 0x74f5fa30 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetDateFormatEx, address_out = 0x74f81030 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetLocaleInfoEx, address_out = 0x74f5a000 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetTimeFormatEx, address_out = 0x74f814b0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetUserDefaultLocaleName, address_out = 0x74f5a4f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsValidLocaleName, address_out = 0x74f816f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LCMapStringEx, address_out = 0x74f59970 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentPackageId, address_out = 0x75243c90 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetTickCount64, address_out = 0x74f58710 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileInformationByHandleExW, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetFileInformationByHandleW, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetNativeSystemInfo, address_out = 0x74f5a410 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll address_out = 0x74f5ebb0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection, address_out = 0x74f5eb90 True 4
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection, address_out = 0x74f5ebb0 True 3
Window (2)
Operation Window Name Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create AutoIt v3 class_name = AutoIt v3, wndproc_parameter = 0 True 1
Create - class_name = edit, wndproc_parameter = 0 True 1
System (42)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Sleep duration = 750 milliseconds (0.750 seconds) True 2
Get Time type = System Time, time = 2019-01-26 02:21:37 (UTC) True 13
Get Time type = System Time, time = 2019-01-26 02:21:38 (UTC) True 11
Get Time type = System Time, time = 2019-01-26 02:21:39 (UTC) True 14
Get Info type = Operating System True 1
Get Info type = Hardware Information True 1
Environment (3)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 2
Debug (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Check for Presence c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\mining.exe - True 1
Process #2: cmd.exe
51 0
Information Value
ID #2
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c Zero_Two.tmp
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:02, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:03:52
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xf84
Parent PID 0xf1c (c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\mining.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x F88
0x B84
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0003ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00043fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00063fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x000affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000000b0000 0x000b0000 0x001affff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001b0000 0x001b0000 0x001b3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001c0000 0x001c0000 0x001c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000001d0000 0x001d0000 0x001d1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000001e0000 0x001e0000 0x0021ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000280000 0x00280000 0x0028ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x00290000 0x0034dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000380000 0x00380000 0x0047ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000480000 0x00480000 0x0057ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000006b0000 0x006b0000 0x006bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x006c0000 0x009f6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
cmd.exe 0x00f80000 0x00fcffff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000fd0000 0x00fd0000 0x04fcffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x746b0000 0x74740fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sysmain.sdb 0x7e760000 0x7eaeffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007eaf0000 0x7eaf0000 0x7ebeffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007ebf0000 0x7ebf0000 0x7ec12fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007ec13000 0x7ec13000 0x7ec13fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec17000 0x7ec17000 0x7ec17fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec1a000 0x7ec1a000 0x7ec1cfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec1d000 0x7ec1d000 0x7ec1ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7dfc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007dfc57b50000 0x7dfc57b50000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
File (8)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info Zero_Two.tmp type = file_attributes True 1
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 120, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Zero_Two.tmp os_pid = 0xc10, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0xf80000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x74f82780 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x74f5fa80 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x74f5a790 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x752a35c0 True 1
Environment (15)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 5
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 2
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT False 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = PROMPT, value = $P$G True 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Process #3: cmd.exe
56 0
Information Value
ID #3
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:02, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:01:23, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:21
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xf8c
Parent PID 0xf1c (c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\mining.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x F90
0x FF8
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x00000000007c0000 0x007c0000 0x007dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000007c0000 0x007c0000 0x007cffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000007d0000 0x007d0000 0x007d3fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000007e0000 0x007e0000 0x007e1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000007e0000 0x007e0000 0x007e3fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000007f0000 0x007f0000 0x00803fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000810000 0x00810000 0x0084ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000850000 0x00850000 0x0094ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000950000 0x00950000 0x00953fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000960000 0x00960000 0x00960fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000970000 0x00970000 0x00971fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000980000 0x00980000 0x009bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000009e0000 0x009e0000 0x009effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000a40000 0x00a40000 0x00b3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x00b40000 0x00bfdfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000c00000 0x00c00000 0x00cfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000dd0000 0x00dd0000 0x00ddffff Private Memory rw True False False -
cmd.exe 0x00f80000 0x00fcffff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000fd0000 0x00fd0000 0x04fcffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x04fd0000 0x05306fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x746b0000 0x74740fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sysmain.sdb 0x7f480000 0x7f80ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f810000 0x7f810000 0x7f90ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f910000 0x7f910000 0x7f932fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007f938000 0x7f938000 0x7f93afff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f93b000 0x7f93b000 0x7f93dfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f93e000 0x7f93e000 0x7f93efff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f93f000 0x7f93f000 0x7f93ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7dfc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007dfc57b50000 0x7dfc57b50000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
File (10)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 96, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp os_pid = 0xa38, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0xf80000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x74f82780 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x74f5fa80 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x74f5a790 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x752a35c0 True 1
Environment (18)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 7
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 1
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT False 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = PROMPT, value = $P$G True 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCode, value = 00000000 True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCodeAscii True 1
Process #6: zero_two.tmp
541 20
Information Value
ID #6
File Name c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\zero_two.tmp
Command Line Zero_Two.tmp
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:08, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:03:46
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xc10
Parent PID 0xf84 (c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x C28
0x C30
0x D44
0x D24
0x B6C
0x 518
0x CD4
0x 6B4
0x DF8
0x 5BC
0x DD8
0x DD4
0x 278
0x 68C
0x B3C
0x B64
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000320000 0x00320000 0x0033ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000320000 0x00320000 0x0032ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000330000 0x00330000 0x00333fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000340000 0x00340000 0x00341fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000340000 0x00340000 0x00340fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000350000 0x00350000 0x00363fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000370000 0x00370000 0x003affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000003b0000 0x003b0000 0x004affff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000004b0000 0x004b0000 0x004b3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000004c0000 0x004c0000 0x004c1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x004d0000 0x0058dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000590000 0x00590000 0x005cffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000005d0000 0x005d0000 0x005d0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000005e0000 0x005e0000 0x005e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000005f0000 0x005f0000 0x005fffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000600000 0x00600000 0x0060ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000610000 0x00610000 0x0061ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000620000 0x00620000 0x0062ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000630000 0x00630000 0x0063ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000640000 0x00640000 0x0064ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000650000 0x00650000 0x0065ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000660000 0x00660000 0x00660fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000670000 0x00670000 0x00670fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000680000 0x00680000 0x0068ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000690000 0x00690000 0x0078ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000790000 0x00790000 0x0079ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000007a0000 0x007a0000 0x007affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000007b0000 0x007b0000 0x007bffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000007c0000 0x007c0000 0x008bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000008c0000 0x008c0000 0x008fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000900000 0x00900000 0x0090ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000910000 0x00910000 0x009affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000009b0000 0x009b0000 0x009effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000009f0000 0x009f0000 0x009fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000a00000 0x00a00000 0x00b87fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000b90000 0x00b90000 0x00d10fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000d20000 0x00d20000 0x00dbffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000d20000 0x00d20000 0x00d5ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000d60000 0x00d60000 0x00d60fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000d70000 0x00d70000 0x00d70fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000d80000 0x00d80000 0x00d8ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000d90000 0x00d90000 0x00d9ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000da0000 0x00da0000 0x00daffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000000db0000 0x00db0000 0x00dbffff Private Memory rw True False False -
zero_two.tmp 0x00dc0000 0x00dddfff Memory Mapped File rwx True True False
pagefile_0x0000000000de0000 0x00de0000 0x021dffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000021e0000 0x021e0000 0x022dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000022e0000 0x022e0000 0x0231ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002320000 0x02320000 0x0232ffff Private Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002330000 0x02330000 0x02330fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000002340000 0x02340000 0x0234ffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000002350000 0x02350000 0x0434ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004350000 0x04350000 0x0444ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x04450000 0x04786fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000004790000 0x04790000 0x0488ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004890000 0x04890000 0x048cffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000048d0000 0x048d0000 0x048fffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000004900000 0x04900000 0x0493ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004940000 0x04940000 0x0494ffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000004950000 0x04950000 0x0594ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005950000 0x05950000 0x05a7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005a80000 0x05a80000 0x06a7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000006a80000 0x06a80000 0x06ccffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000006cd0000 0x06cd0000 0x07ccffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000007cd0000 0x07cd0000 0x08ccffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000008cd0000 0x08cd0000 0x09ccffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009cd0000 0x09cd0000 0x09dcffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009dd0000 0x09dd0000 0x09ecffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009ed0000 0x09ed0000 0x09fcffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009fd0000 0x09fd0000 0x0a00ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000000a010000 0x0a010000 0x0a10ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000000a110000 0x0a110000 0x0a14ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000000a150000 0x0a150000 0x0a24ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000000a250000 0x0a250000 0x0a250fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000000a260000 0x0a260000 0x0a29ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x0a2a0000 0x0a2a3fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
{6af0698e-d558-4f6e-9b3c-3716689af493}.2.ver0x0000000000000013.db 0x0a2b0000 0x0a2f2fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x0a300000 0x0a303fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
propsys.dll.mui 0x0a310000 0x0a320fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
cversions.1.db 0x0a330000 0x0a333fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
{afbf9f1a-8ee8-4c77-af34-c647e37ca0d9}.1.ver0x000000000000001c.db 0x0a340000 0x0a352fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
system.windows.forms.dll 0x0a370000 0x0a807fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
private_0x000000000a810000 0x0a810000 0x0a90ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
{ddf571f2-be98-426d-8288-1a9a39c3fda2}.2.ver0x0000000000000001.db 0x0a910000 0x0a99afff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
private_0x000000000a9a0000 0x0a9a0000 0x0a9dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000000a9e0000 0x0a9e0000 0x0aadffff Private Memory rw True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
actxprxy.dll 0x71bb0000 0x71db6fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
propsys.dll 0x71dc0000 0x71f01fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
system.ni.dll 0x71f10000 0x728bcfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
clrjit.dll 0x728c0000 0x7293cfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscorlib.ni.dll 0x72a10000 0x73c3afff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
msvcr120_clr0400.dll 0x73c40000 0x73d34fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clr.dll 0x73dd0000 0x74477fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
version.dll 0x74480000 0x74487fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x74490000 0x744befff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcrypt.dll 0x744c0000 0x744dafff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x744e0000 0x744f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntmarta.dll 0x74500000 0x74527fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mscoreei.dll 0x74530000 0x745a7fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscoree.dll 0x745b0000 0x74608fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74630000 0x746a4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x746b0000 0x74740fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x74da0000 0x74de3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x74df0000 0x74f0ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x74f10000 0x74f3afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75030000 0x7517cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x75180000 0x7518efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shell32.dll 0x75310000 0x766cefff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x76790000 0x76c6cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x76c70000 0x76daffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x76fe0000 0x77061fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x77080000 0x770b5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ole32.dll 0x77170000 0x77259fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x77260000 0x772a3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shcore.dll 0x77300000 0x7738cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77550000 0x775cafff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x000000007f228000 0x7f228000 0x7f22afff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f22b000 0x7f22b000 0x7f22dfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f22e000 0x7f22e000 0x7f230fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f231000 0x7f231000 0x7f233fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f234000 0x7f234000 0x7f236fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f237000 0x7f237000 0x7f239fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f23a000 0x7f23a000 0x7f23cfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f23d000 0x7f23d000 0x7f23ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f240000 0x7f240000 0x7f33ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f340000 0x7f340000 0x7f362fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007f365000 0x7f365000 0x7f365fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f366000 0x7f366000 0x7f368fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f369000 0x7f369000 0x7f36bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f36c000 0x7f36c000 0x7f36efff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f36f000 0x7f36f000 0x7f36ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 80 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Created Files
Filename File Size Hash Values YARA Match Actions
Zero_Two.tmp 103.00 KB MD5: dc94ab73eadb420e362697dfdea306a7
SHA1: fdcf1d67eb22b0fac6cb598d0a138c63b79fb0bf
SHA256: ffeeb844993f2fee324a19467d8ed8a36d82084002542674b1f3ee111ca0e643
SSDeep: 3072:SzEWN5IyOrM2MrIfjblaX/g7q0LyejLl77W8rOirJTqX2wA2j8/VE:SxIyTIfj5aW
C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\autED97.tmp 0.00 KB MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
SSDeep: 3::
Host Behavior
File (22)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Get Info C:\ProgramData\WinSys.exe type = file_attributes False 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe type = file_attributes False 1
Get Info C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config type = size, size_out = 0 True 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Zero_Two.tmp.config type = file_attributes False 2
Copy C:\ProgramData\WinSys.exe source_filename = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Zero_Two.tmp True 1
Copy C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe source_filename = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\Zero_Two.tmp True 1
Read C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config size = 4096, size_out = 4096 True 8
Read C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config size = 4096, size_out = 3215 True 1
Read C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config size = 4096, size_out = 0 True 1
Registry (35)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\AppContext - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion value_name = InstallationType, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion value_name = InstallationType, data = Client, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework value_name = LegacyWPADSupport, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = TZI, type = REG_BINARY True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST value_name = FirstEntry, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST value_name = FirstEntry, data = 2007, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST value_name = LastEntry, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST value_name = LastEntry, data = 2008, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST value_name = 2007, type = REG_BINARY True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time\Dynamic DST value_name = 2008, type = REG_BINARY True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = MUI_Display, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = MUI_Display, data = @tzres.dll,-670, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = MUI_Std, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = MUI_Std, data = @tzres.dll,-672, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = MUI_Dlt, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\AUS Eastern Standard Time value_name = MUI_Dlt, data = @tzres.dll,-671, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 value_name = HWRPortReuseOnSocketBind, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 value_name = SchUseStrongCrypto, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework value_name = DbgJITDebugLaunchSetting, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework value_name = DbgManagedDebugger, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (2)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create schtasks.exe show_window = SW_HIDE True 2
Module (17)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load C:\Windows\system32\en-US\tzres.dll.mui base_address = 0xae50001 True 3
Load comctl32.dll base_address = 0x70470000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 1
Get Handle comctl32.dll base_address = 0x0 False 1
Get Handle comctl32.dll base_address = 0x70470000 True 3
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll base_address = 0x76c70000 True 1
Get Handle c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\zero_two.tmp base_address = 0xdc0000 True 5
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentPackageId, address_out = 0x75243c90 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = DefWindowProcW, address_out = 0x7772caa0 True 1
Window (10)
Operation Window Name Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, wndproc_parameter = 0 True 1
Create - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, wndproc_parameter = 0 True 1
Create .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. class_name = .NET-BroadcastEventWindow., wndproc_parameter = 0 True 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551612, new_long = 2004011680 True 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551612, new_long = 76809886 True 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551612, new_long = 2004011680 True 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551612, new_long = 76809926 True 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551608, new_long = 0 False 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551600, new_long = 47120384 True 1
Set Attribute - class_name = WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.bf7771_r12_ad1, index = 18446744073709551596, new_long = 327680 True 1
System (416)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Certificate Store encoding_type = 65537, flags = 8708 True 1
Sleep duration = 500 milliseconds (0.500 seconds) True 1
Sleep duration = 1000 milliseconds (1.000 seconds) True 412
Sleep duration = 1000 milliseconds (1.000 seconds) True 2
Mutex (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create mutex_name = f6a845a7-3909-486d-8d82-29892b2a38d4 True 1
Environment (9)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String name = COR_ENABLE_PROFILING False 1
Get Environment String name = PinnableBufferCache_System.Net.HttpWebRequest_Disabled False 1
Get Environment String name = PinnableBufferCache_System.Net.HttpWebRequest_MinCount False 1
Get Environment String name = PinnableBufferCache_System.Net.Connection_Disabled False 1
Get Environment String name = PinnableBufferCache_System.Net.Connection_MinCount False 1
Get Environment String name = PinnableBufferCache_System.Net.SslStream_Disabled False 2
Get Environment String name = PinnableBufferCache_System.Net.SslStream_MinCount False 2
Network Behavior
DNS (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Resolve Name host = iplogger.org, address_out = True 1
TCP Sessions (1)
Information Value
Total Data Sent 407 bytes
Total Data Received 6.70 KB
Contacted Host Count 1
Contacted Hosts
TCP Session #1
Information Value
Handle 0x65c
Address Family AF_INET
Remote Address
Remote Port 443
Local Address
Local Port 49429
Data Sent 407 bytes
Data Received 6.70 KB
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create protocol = IPPROTO_TCP, address_family = AF_INET, type = SOCK_STREAM True 1
Connect remote_address =, remote_port = 443 True 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 124, size_out = 124 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 93, size_out = 93 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5725, size_out = 5725 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 331, size_out = 331 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 4, size_out = 4 True 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 134, size_out = 134 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 1, size_out = 1 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 48, size_out = 48 True 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 149, size_out = 149 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 5, size_out = 5 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 624, size_out = 624 True 1
Process #7: 517847183.tmp
624 7
Information Value
ID #7
File Name c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\appdata\roaming\517847183.tmp
Command Line C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:08, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:01:22, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:14
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xa38
Parent PID 0xf8c (c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x B80
0x 924
0x CF0
0x CF8
0x DBC
0x DE0
0x DDC
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00023fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00030fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x0009ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000000a0000 0x000a0000 0x0019ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001a0000 0x001a0000 0x001a3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000001b0000 0x001b0000 0x001b1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x001c0000 0x0027dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000280000 0x00280000 0x002bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002c0000 0x002c0000 0x002c0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002d0000 0x002d0000 0x002d0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002e0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002f0000 0x002f0000 0x002f0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000300000 0x00300000 0x0030ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000310000 0x00310000 0x00340fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000350000 0x00350000 0x0035ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000350000 0x00350000 0x00372fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000380000 0x00380000 0x00380fff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x00390fff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x0039ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000003a0000 0x003a0000 0x003affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000003b0000 0x003b0000 0x003b1fff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000003b0000 0x003b0000 0x003effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000003c0000 0x003c0000 0x003cffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000003d0000 0x003d0000 0x003d1fff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000003d0000 0x003d0000 0x003d0fff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000003f0000 0x003f0000 0x003fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
517847183.tmp 0x00400000 0x00eb8fff Memory Mapped File rwx True True False
private_0x0000000000ec0000 0x00ec0000 0x00efffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f00000 0x00f00000 0x00f3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f40000 0x00f40000 0x00f7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
mswsock.dll.mui 0x00f80000 0x00f82fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
wshqos.dll 0x00f80000 0x00f87fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000f80000 0x00f80000 0x00f83fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f90000 0x00f90000 0x0108ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001090000 0x01090000 0x0118ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001190000 0x01190000 0x01317fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001320000 0x01320000 0x014a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000014b0000 0x014b0000 0x028affff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000028b0000 0x028b0000 0x029affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000029b0000 0x029b0000 0x029bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x029c0000 0x02cf6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000002d00000 0x02d00000 0x0336efff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002d00000 0x02d00000 0x12efffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000012f00000 0x12f00000 0x332fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000012f00000 0x12f00000 0x12ffffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000013000000 0x13000000 0x32ffffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000033000000 0x33000000 0x330fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000033100000 0x33100000 0x331fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000033200000 0x33200000 0x3323ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000033240000 0x33240000 0x3333ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000033340000 0x33340000 0x3337ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000033380000 0x33380000 0x3347ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
mswsock.dll 0x33480000 0x334cdfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
wshqos.dll.mui 0x33480000 0x33480fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000033480000 0x33480000 0x334bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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Host Behavior
File (450)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
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Read C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\google_chrome_default_ccdata.txt size = 512, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\google_chrome_default_cookie.txt size = 1452, size_out = 940 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\google_chrome_default_cookie.txt size = 512, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\google_chrome_default_logins.txt size = 512, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\uy3novuytt14.zip size = 32768, size_out = 1044 True 1
Read C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\uy3novuytt14.zip size = 32768, size_out = 0 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\\LoginData1 size = 18432 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\\google_chrome_default_logins.txt size = 0 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\\Cookies1 size = 13312 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\\google_chrome_default_cookie.txt size = 940 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\\Web Data1 size = 69632 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\zgk6mujwue41\\google_chrome_default_ccdata.txt size = 0 True 1
Write C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Documents\My Videos size = 1044 True 1
Registry (12)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000 - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\description\System - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Steam - False 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Classes\\tdesktop.tg\\shell\\open\\command - False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000 value_name = DriverDesc, data = 77 True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\description\System value_name = SystemBiosVersion, data = 76 True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\description\System value_name = VideoBiosVersion, data = 76 False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Steam value_name = steampath, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Classes\\tdesktop.tg\\shell\\open\\command data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Module (105)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load USER32.dll base_address = 0x76c70000 True 1
Load ADVAPI32.dll base_address = 0x77550000 True 1
Load NTDLL.dll base_address = 0x776b0000 True 1
Load winmm.dll base_address = 0x73da0000 True 3
Load NTDLL base_address = 0x776b0000 True 1
Load msvcrt.dll base_address = 0x76f20000 True 1
Load ws2_32.dll base_address = 0x74d30000 True 3
Load kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 4
Load advapi32.dll base_address = 0x77550000 True 2
Load ntdll.dll base_address = 0x776b0000 True 1
Load Crypt32.dll base_address = 0x74880000 True 1
Load Kernel32.dll base_address = 0x74f40000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll base_address = 0x776b0000 True 18
Get Handle dateinj01.dll base_address = 0x0 False 1
Get Handle cmdvrt32.dll base_address = 0x0 False 1
Get Handle SbieDll.dll base_address = 0x0 False 1
Get Filename SbieDll.dll process_name = c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\appdata\roaming\517847183.tmp, file_name_orig = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\517847183.tmp, size = 256 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetNativeSystemInfo, address_out = 0x74f5a410 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\winmm.dll function = timeGetTime, address_out = 0x73da3a10 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll function = NtOpenThread, address_out = 0x77719d70 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll function = NtQuerySystemInformation, address_out = 0x77718f40 True 9
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll function = RtlAllocateHeap, address_out = 0x776eda90 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = AddDllDirectory, address_out = 0x752be9e0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = AddVectoredContinueHandler, address_out = 0x77759670 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx, address_out = 0x74f81320 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LoadLibraryExW, address_out = 0x74f57920 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = SystemFunction036, address_out = 0x747b2530 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll function = NtWaitForSingleObject, address_out = 0x77718c00 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll function = wine_get_version, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetStdHandle, address_out = 0x74f5a060 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetHandleInformation, address_out = 0x74f65f50 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = WSAStartup, address_out = 0x74d42420 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CancelIoEx, address_out = 0x74f5ebd0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetFileCompletionNotificationModes, address_out = 0x74f64810 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = WSAEnumProtocolsW, address_out = 0x74d45b50 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetConsoleMode, address_out = 0x74f66870 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCommandLineW, address_out = 0x74f5a4b0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetEnvironmentVariableW, address_out = 0x74f59540 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = RegOpenKeyExW, address_out = 0x7756ed80 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = RegQueryValueExW, address_out = 0x7756ed60 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = RegCloseKey, address_out = 0x7756efa0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateDirectoryW, address_out = 0x74f66150 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileAttributesExW, address_out = 0x74f66330 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FindFirstFileW, address_out = 0x74f66250 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateFileW, address_out = 0x74f66180 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileType, address_out = 0x74f66390 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileInformationByHandle, address_out = 0x74f66350 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = ReadFile, address_out = 0x74f664a0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseHandle, address_out = 0x74f65f20 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WriteFile, address_out = 0x74f66590 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\crypt32.dll function = CryptUnprotectData, address_out = 0x748caf50 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LocalFree, address_out = 0x74f587c0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FindNextFileW, address_out = 0x74f66290 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FindClose, address_out = 0x74f661d0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = CryptAcquireContextW, address_out = 0x77570730 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = CryptGenRandom, address_out = 0x77570df0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = GetAddrInfoW, address_out = 0x74d39d90 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = FreeAddrInfoW, address_out = 0x74d34b00 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = WSASocketW, address_out = 0x74d398a0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = setsockopt, address_out = 0x74d39560 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = bind, address_out = 0x74d3e0f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = socket, address_out = 0x74d39780 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = WSAIoctl, address_out = 0x74d3dca0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = getsockname, address_out = 0x74d3e030 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = getpeername, address_out = 0x74d412c0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = WSARecv, address_out = 0x74d3d6c0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = WSASend, address_out = 0x74d3d530 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll function = closesocket, address_out = 0x74d39ba0 True 1
Window (11)
Operation Window Name Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Find - class_name = FilemonClass False 2
Find File Monitor - Sysinternals: www.sysinternals.com - False 2
Find - class_name = PROCMON_WINDOW_CLASS False 2
Find Process Monitor - Sysinternals: www.sysinternals.com - False 2
Find - class_name = RegmonClass False 1
Find Registry Monitor - Sysinternals: www.sysinternals.com - False 1
Find - class_name = 18467-41 False 1
System (21)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Sleep duration = 50 milliseconds (0.050 seconds) True 1
Get Time type = Local Time, time = 2019-01-26 13:21:46 (Local Time) True 1
Get Time type = Local Time, time = 2019-01-26 13:21:53 (Local Time) True 1
Get Info type = Operating System True 3
Get Info type = Hardware Information True 3
Get Info type = Operating System True 2
Get Info type = System Directory, result_out = C:\Windows\system32 True 1
Environment (15)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 1
Get Environment String name = GODEBUG False 3
Get Environment String name = DEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINES False 1
Get Environment String name = USERPROFILE, result_out = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps True 1
Get Environment String name = APPDATA, result_out = C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming True 2
Get Environment String name = HTTP_PROXY False 1
Get Environment String name = http_proxy False 1
Get Environment String name = HTTPS_PROXY False 1
Get Environment String name = https_proxy False 1
Get Environment String name = NO_PROXY False 1
Get Environment String name = no_proxy False 1
Get Environment String name = REQUEST_METHOD False 1
Network Behavior
DNS (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Resolve Name host = u2884418ra.ha002.t.justns.ru, address_out = True 1
TCP Sessions (1)
Information Value
Total Data Sent 0 bytes
Total Data Received 0 bytes
Contacted Host Count 1
Contacted Hosts
TCP Session #1
Information Value
Handle 0x224
Address Family AF_INET
Remote Address
Remote Port 80
Local Address
Local Port 49428
Data Sent 0 bytes
Data Received 0 bytes
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create protocol = IPPROTO_IP, address_family = AF_INET, type = SOCK_STREAM True 1
Bind local_address =, local_port = 49428, hint = OS assigned a local port from the dynamic client port range True 1
Connect remote_address =, remote_port = 80 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 321560628 False 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size_out = 1579 True 1
Close type = SOCK_STREAM True 1
Process #8: schtasks.exe
13 0
Information Value
ID #8
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\schtasks.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /create /tn WinRun /tr "C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe" /sc minute /F
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:24, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:01:28, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:04
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xde4
Parent PID 0xc10 (c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\zero_two.tmp)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x DB4
0x 860
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000a00000 0x00a00000 0x00a1ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000a00000 0x00a00000 0x00a0ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000a10000 0x00a10000 0x00a13fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000a20000 0x00a20000 0x00a21fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000a20000 0x00a20000 0x00a20fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000a30000 0x00a30000 0x00a43fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000a50000 0x00a50000 0x00a8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000a90000 0x00a90000 0x00acffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000ad0000 0x00ad0000 0x00ad3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000ae0000 0x00ae0000 0x00ae0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000af0000 0x00af0000 0x00af1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x00b00000 0x00bbdfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000bc0000 0x00bc0000 0x00bfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000c00000 0x00c00000 0x00c3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000c40000 0x00c40000 0x00c4ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
schtasks.exe.mui 0x00c50000 0x00c62fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000c70000 0x00c70000 0x00c70fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000d20000 0x00d20000 0x00e1ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
schtasks.exe 0x00f40000 0x00f71fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000f80000 0x00f80000 0x04f7ffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000005110000 0x05110000 0x0511ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x05120000 0x05456fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x729e0000 0x72a0cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
taskschd.dll 0x73d40000 0x73dcbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x76fe0000 0x77061fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007ed60000 0x7ed60000 0x7ee5ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007ee60000 0x7ee60000 0x7ee82fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007ee84000 0x7ee84000 0x7ee84fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ee85000 0x7ee85000 0x7ee85fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ee8a000 0x7ee8a000 0x7ee8cfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ee8d000 0x7ee8d000 0x7ee8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7dfc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007dfc57b50000 0x7dfc57b50000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
COM (8)
Operation Class Interface Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = Connect True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = GetFolder, new_interface = ITaskFolder True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = NewTask, new_interface = ITaskDefinition True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskDefinition method_name = get_Actions, new_interface = IActionCollection True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskDefinition method_name = get_Triggers, new_interface = ITriggerCollection True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITriggerCollection method_name = Create, type = TASK_TRIGGER_TIME, new_interface = IDailyTrigger True 1
Execute TaskScheduler IDailyTrigger method_name = put_StartBoundary, start_boundary = 2019-01-26T13:22:00 True 1
File (6)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 2
Write STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE size = 68 True 1
Module (3)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\schtasks.exe base_address = 0xf40000 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\schtasks.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\schtasks.exe, size = 260 True 2
System (3)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = Local Time, time = 2019-01-26 13:22:03 (Local Time) True 2
Get Time type = Local Time, time = 2019-01-26 13:22:04 (Local Time) True 1
Process #10: schtasks.exe
13 0
Information Value
ID #10
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\schtasks.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" /create /tn SystemUpdate /tr "C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe" /sc hourly /F
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:24, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:01:28, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:04
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xdb0
Parent PID 0xc10 (c:\users\ciihmnxmn6ps\desktop\zero_two.tmp)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 2EC
0x 55C
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x00000000002c0000 0x002c0000 0x002dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002c0000 0x002c0000 0x002cffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002d0000 0x002d0000 0x002d3fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002e1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002f0000 0x002f0000 0x00303fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000310000 0x00310000 0x0034ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000350000 0x00350000 0x0038ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x00393fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000003a0000 0x003a0000 0x003a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000003b0000 0x003b0000 0x003b1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000003c0000 0x003c0000 0x003fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000400000 0x00400000 0x0043ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
schtasks.exe.mui 0x00440000 0x00452fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000000460000 0x00460000 0x0046ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x00470000 0x0052dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000530000 0x00530000 0x00530fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000540000 0x00540000 0x0063ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000800000 0x00800000 0x0080ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x00810000 0x00b46fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
schtasks.exe 0x00f40000 0x00f71fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000f80000 0x00f80000 0x04f7ffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x729e0000 0x72a0cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
taskschd.dll 0x73d40000 0x73dcbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x76fe0000 0x77061fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007e9d0000 0x7e9d0000 0x7eacffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007ead0000 0x7ead0000 0x7eaf2fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007eaf7000 0x7eaf7000 0x7eaf7fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007eaf8000 0x7eaf8000 0x7eafafff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007eafb000 0x7eafb000 0x7eafbfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007eafd000 0x7eafd000 0x7eafffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7dfc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007dfc57b50000 0x7dfc57b50000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
COM (8)
Operation Class Interface Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = Connect True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = GetFolder, new_interface = ITaskFolder True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = NewTask, new_interface = ITaskDefinition True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskDefinition method_name = get_Actions, new_interface = IActionCollection True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskDefinition method_name = get_Triggers, new_interface = ITriggerCollection True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITriggerCollection method_name = Create, type = TASK_TRIGGER_TIME, new_interface = IDailyTrigger True 1
Execute TaskScheduler IDailyTrigger method_name = put_StartBoundary, start_boundary = 2019-01-26T13:22:00 True 1
File (6)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 2
Write STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE size = 74 True 1
Module (3)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\schtasks.exe base_address = 0xf40000 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\schtasks.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\schtasks.exe, size = 260 True 2
System (3)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = Local Time, time = 2019-01-26 13:22:03 (Local Time) True 3
Process #12: svchost.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #12
File Name c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe
Command Line C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:26, Reason: Created Scheduled Job
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:03:28
Remark No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x324
Parent PID 0x1e4 (c:\windows\system32\services.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level System (Elevated)
Enabled Privileges SeLockMemoryPrivilege, SeTcbPrivilege, SeSystemProfilePrivilege, SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege, SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege, SeCreatePagefilePrivilege, SeCreatePermanentPrivilege, SeDebugPrivilege, SeAuditPrivilege, SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege, SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege, SeTimeZonePrivilege, SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x DB8
0x CFC
0x DCC
0x D28
0x D30
0x D04
0x D08
0x CD8
0x A94
0x CC4
0x AF4
0x 65C
0x 7A0
0x FB8
0x F58
0x F50
0x F44
0x E1C
0x E18
0x E14
0x E10
0x E08
0x E04
0x D4C
0x D48
0x D3C
0x 87C
0x 6D8
0x 24C
0x 8B4
0x 8B0
0x 894
0x 864
0x 43C
0x 7A8
0x 778
0x 758
0x 750
0x 73C
0x 734
0x 730
0x 72C
0x 700
0x 6FC
0x 64C
0x 634
0x 624
0x 604
0x 600
0x 5F8
0x 5F0
0x 5EC
0x 5E8
0x 5E0
0x 5CC
0x 5C8
0x 5B4
0x 5B0
0x 594
0x 590
0x 574
0x 50C
0x 40C
0x 374
0x 140
0x 18C
0x 14C
0x FC
0x F8
0x F4
0x 3FC
0x 3EC
0x 3E8
0x 3E0
0x 3D0
0x 3CC
0x 3C8
0x 3B8
0x 390
0x 328
0x 248
0x 910
0x 3DC
0x A68
0x 7FC
0x A90
0x AD4
0x 15C
0x C08
0x C20
0x C24
0x 5C0
0x 8CC
0x DA4
0x 618
0x 4D0
0x 8AC
0x F34
0x F7C
0x F48
0x F3C
0x E58
0x 790
0x C34
0x 41C
0x CCC
0x DF4
0x D20
0x 820
0x DF0
0x AE4
0x D1C
0x FB0
0x DC8
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42eea0000 0xb42eea0000 0xb42eeaffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
svchost.exe.mui 0xb42eeb0000 0xb42eeb0fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42eec0000 0xb42eec0000 0xb42eed3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000b42eee0000 0xb42eee0000 0xb42ef5ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42ef60000 0xb42ef60000 0xb42ef63fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42ef70000 0xb42ef70000 0xb42ef70fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000b42ef80000 0xb42ef80000 0xb42ef81fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42ef90000 0xb42ef90000 0xb42f00ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42f010000 0xb42f010000 0xb42f016fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0xb42f020000 0xb42f0ddfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b42f0e0000 0xb42f0e0000 0xb42f0e0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42f0f0000 0xb42f0f0000 0xb42f0f0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42f100000 0xb42f100000 0xb42f1fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f200000 0xb42f200000 0xb42f2bffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f2c0000 0xb42f2c0000 0xb42f2c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000b42f2d0000 0xb42f2d0000 0xb42f2d6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f2e0000 0xb42f2e0000 0xb42f2e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f2f0000 0xb42f2f0000 0xb42f2f1fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000b42f300000 0xb42f300000 0xb42f3fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f400000 0xb42f400000 0xb42f587fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f590000 0xb42f590000 0xb42f710fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000b42f720000 0xb42f720000 0xb42f79ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42f7a0000 0xb42f7a0000 0xb42f81ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f820000 0xb42f820000 0xb42f820fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
iphlpsvc.dll.mui 0xb42f830000 0xb42f83cfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
cversions.2.db 0xb42f840000 0xb42f843fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
gpsvc.dll.mui 0xb42f850000 0xb42f85cfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
cversions.2.db 0xb42f860000 0xb42f863fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
propsys.dll.mui 0xb42f870000 0xb42f880fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b42f890000 0xb42f890000 0xb42f896fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f8a0000 0xb42f8a0000 0xb42f8a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f8b0000 0xb42f8b0000 0xb42f8b2fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f8c0000 0xb42f8c0000 0xb42f8c1fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000b42f8d0000 0xb42f8d0000 0xb42f8d6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
activeds.dll.mui 0xb42f8e0000 0xb42f8e1fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000b42f8f0000 0xb42f8f0000 0xb42f8f0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42f900000 0xb42f900000 0xb42f9fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42fa00000 0xb42fa00000 0xb42fafffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b42fb00000 0xb42fb00000 0xb42fbfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0xb42fc00000 0xb42ff36fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b42ff40000 0xb42ff40000 0xb43003ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430040000 0xb430040000 0xb43013ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430140000 0xb430140000 0xb43023ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430240000 0xb430240000 0xb43033ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430340000 0xb430340000 0xb4303bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b4303c0000 0xb4303c0000 0xb4303c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
vsstrace.dll.mui 0xb4303d0000 0xb4303d8fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
winnlsres.dll 0xb4303e0000 0xb4303e4fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
winnlsres.dll.mui 0xb4303f0000 0xb4303fffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b430400000 0xb430400000 0xb4304fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430500000 0xb430500000 0xb4305fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
{ddf571f2-be98-426d-8288-1a9a39c3fda2}.2.ver0x0000000000000001.db 0xb430600000 0xb43068afff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
mswsock.dll.mui 0xb430690000 0xb430692fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000b4306a0000 0xb4306a0000 0xb4306a1fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b4306b0000 0xb4306b0000 0xb4306b1fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
newdev.dll.mui 0xb4306c0000 0xb4306c6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b4306d0000 0xb4306d0000 0xb4306d0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b4306e0000 0xb4306e0000 0xb4306e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b4306f0000 0xb4306f0000 0xb4306f7fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430700000 0xb430700000 0xb4307fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430800000 0xb430800000 0xb4308fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430900000 0xb430900000 0xb43097ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
{6af0698e-d558-4f6e-9b3c-3716689af493}.2.ver0x0000000000000013.db 0xb430980000 0xb4309c2fff Memory Mapped File r True False False -
private_0x000000b4309d0000 0xb4309d0000 0xb430a10fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a20000 0xb430a20000 0xb430a2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a30000 0xb430a30000 0xb430a3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a40000 0xb430a40000 0xb430a40fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a50000 0xb430a50000 0xb430a50fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a60000 0xb430a60000 0xb430a66fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a70000 0xb430a70000 0xb430a73fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430a80000 0xb430a80000 0xb430b7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430b80000 0xb430b80000 0xb430c7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430c80000 0xb430c80000 0xb430cfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430d00000 0xb430d00000 0xb430dfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430e00000 0xb430e00000 0xb430efffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b430f00000 0xb430f00000 0xb430ffffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431000000 0xb431000000 0xb4310fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431100000 0xb431100000 0xb4311fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431200000 0xb431200000 0xb4312fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431300000 0xb43130ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431310000 0xb43131ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431320000 0xb43132ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431330000 0xb43133ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431340000 0xb43134ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431350000 0xb43135ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431360000 0xb43136ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431370000 0xb43137ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b431380000 0xb431380000 0xb43147ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431480000 0xb43148ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb431490000 0xb43149ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb4314a0000 0xb4314affff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb4314b0000 0xb4314bffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb4314c0000 0xb4314cffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb4314d0000 0xb4314dffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb4314e0000 0xb4314effff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb4314f0000 0xb4314fffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
kernelbase.dll.mui 0xb431500000 0xb4315defff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b4315e0000 0xb4315e0000 0xb4315e1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b4315f0000 0xb4315f0000 0xb4315f0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431600000 0xb431600000 0xb4316fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431700000 0xb431700000 0xb43177ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431780000 0xb431780000 0xb43187ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431880000 0xb431880000 0xb43197ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431980000 0xb431980000 0xb43198ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431990000 0xb431990000 0xb431a8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431a90000 0xb431a90000 0xb431a9ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431aa0000 0xb431aa0000 0xb431aaffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431ab0000 0xb431ab0000 0xb431abffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431ac0000 0xb431ac0000 0xb431acffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431ad0000 0xb431ad0000 0xb431adffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b431ae0000 0xb431ae0000 0xb431aeffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431af0000 0xb431af0000 0xb431af7fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431b00000 0xb431b00000 0xb431b06fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431b10000 0xb431b10000 0xb431c0ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431c10000 0xb431c10000 0xb431c8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431c90000 0xb431c90000 0xb431d8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431d90000 0xb431d90000 0xb431e0ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431e10000 0xb431e10000 0xb431f0ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431f10000 0xb431f10000 0xb431f8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b431f90000 0xb431f90000 0xb43200ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432010000 0xb432010000 0xb43208ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432090000 0xb432090000 0xb43210ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432110000 0xb432110000 0xb43220ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432210000 0xb432210000 0xb43230ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432310000 0xb432310000 0xb43240ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432410000 0xb432410000 0xb43248ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432490000 0xb432490000 0xb43258ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432590000 0xb432590000 0xb43268ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432690000 0xb432690000 0xb43278ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432790000 0xb432790000 0xb43288ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432890000 0xb432890000 0xb43290ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000b432910000 0xb432910000 0xb43295cfff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
datastore.edb 0xb432960000 0xb43296ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000b432970000 0xb432970000 0xb432976fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432980000 0xb432980000 0xb432a7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432a80000 0xb432a80000 0xb432afffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432b00000 0xb432b00000 0xb432bfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432c00000 0xb432c00000 0xb432cfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432d00000 0xb432d00000 0xb432dfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432e00000 0xb432e00000 0xb432e7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
dosvc.dll.mui 0xb432e80000 0xb432e80fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb432e90000 0xb432e9ffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb432ea0000 0xb432eaffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb432eb0000 0xb432ebffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
datastore.edb 0xb432ec0000 0xb432ecffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000b432ed0000 0xb432ed0000 0xb432ed1fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
datastore.edb 0xb432ee0000 0xb432eeffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x000000b432ef0000 0xb432ef0000 0xb432ef1fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000b432f00000 0xb432f00000 0xb432ffffff Private Memory rw True False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 409 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Process #13: winsys.exe
9 0
Information Value
ID #13
File Name c:\programdata\winsys.exe
Command Line C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:02:24, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:28, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:04
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xe2c
Parent PID 0x324 (c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level Medium
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x A60
0x A8C
0x 9EC
0x 1E0
0x 2F0
0x 6D0
0x 620
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
winsys.exe 0x00040000 0x0005dfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000000fc0000 0x00fc0000 0x00fdffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000fc0000 0x00fc0000 0x00fcffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000fd0000 0x00fd0000 0x00fd3fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000fe0000 0x00fe0000 0x00fe0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000ff0000 0x00ff0000 0x01003fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000001010000 0x01010000 0x0104ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001050000 0x01050000 0x0114ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001150000 0x01150000 0x01153fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000001160000 0x01160000 0x01161fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x01170000 0x0122dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000001230000 0x01230000 0x0126ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001270000 0x01270000 0x01270fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001280000 0x01280000 0x01280fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001290000 0x01290000 0x0129ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000012a0000 0x012a0000 0x012affff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000012b0000 0x012b0000 0x012bffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000012c0000 0x012c0000 0x012cffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000012d0000 0x012d0000 0x012dffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000012e0000 0x012e0000 0x012effff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000012f0000 0x012f0000 0x012f0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001300000 0x01300000 0x01300fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001310000 0x01310000 0x0131ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001320000 0x01320000 0x0132ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001330000 0x01330000 0x0133ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001340000 0x01340000 0x0143ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001440000 0x01440000 0x0147ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001480000 0x01480000 0x014bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000014c0000 0x014c0000 0x014cffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000014d0000 0x014d0000 0x014fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000014d0000 0x014d0000 0x014dffff Private Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000014e0000 0x014e0000 0x014e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000014f0000 0x014f0000 0x014fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001500000 0x01500000 0x015fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001600000 0x01600000 0x0169ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000016a0000 0x016a0000 0x016affff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000016b0000 0x016b0000 0x016bffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000016c0000 0x016c0000 0x016cffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000016d0000 0x016d0000 0x016dffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000016e0000 0x016e0000 0x0171ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001720000 0x01720000 0x0172ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001730000 0x01730000 0x0173ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001740000 0x01740000 0x01740fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001750000 0x01750000 0x0175ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001760000 0x01760000 0x018e7fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000018f0000 0x018f0000 0x01a70fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001a80000 0x01a80000 0x02e7ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000002e80000 0x02e80000 0x02f7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002f80000 0x02f80000 0x04f7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004f80000 0x04f80000 0x0507ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x05080000 0x053b6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x00000000053c0000 0x053c0000 0x054bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000054c0000 0x054c0000 0x054fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005500000 0x05500000 0x0553ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005540000 0x05540000 0x0556ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000055b0000 0x055b0000 0x055bffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000055c0000 0x055c0000 0x065bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000065c0000 0x065c0000 0x066effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000066f0000 0x066f0000 0x076effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000076f0000 0x076f0000 0x0793ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000007940000 0x07940000 0x0893ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000008940000 0x08940000 0x0993ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009940000 0x09940000 0x0a93ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000000a940000 0x0a940000 0x0aa3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000000aa40000 0x0aa40000 0x0ab3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
system.windows.forms.dll 0x0afe0000 0x0b477fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
system.ni.dll 0x71f10000 0x728bcfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
clrjit.dll 0x728c0000 0x7293cfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscorlib.ni.dll 0x72a10000 0x73c3afff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
msvcr120_clr0400.dll 0x73c40000 0x73d34fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clr.dll 0x73dd0000 0x74477fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
version.dll 0x74480000 0x74487fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mscoreei.dll 0x74530000 0x745a7fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscoree.dll 0x745b0000 0x74608fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74630000 0x746a4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x746b0000 0x74740fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x74da0000 0x74de3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x74df0000 0x74f0ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x74f10000 0x74f3afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75030000 0x7517cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x75180000 0x7518efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shell32.dll 0x75310000 0x766cefff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x76790000 0x76c6cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x76c70000 0x76daffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ole32.dll 0x77170000 0x77259fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x77260000 0x772a3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shcore.dll 0x77300000 0x7738cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77550000 0x775cafff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x000000007eb24000 0x7eb24000 0x7eb26fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007eb27000 0x7eb27000 0x7eb29fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007eb2a000 0x7eb2a000 0x7eb2cfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007eb2d000 0x7eb2d000 0x7eb2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007eb30000 0x7eb30000 0x7ec2ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007ec30000 0x7ec30000 0x7ec52fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007ec53000 0x7ec53000 0x7ec53fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec56000 0x7ec56000 0x7ec58fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec59000 0x7ec59000 0x7ec5bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec5c000 0x7ec5c000 0x7ec5efff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ec5f000 0x7ec5f000 0x7ec5ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
File (2)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\ProgramData\WinSys.exe type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe type = file_attributes True 1
User (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Lookup Privilege privilege = SeDebugPrivilege, luid = 20 True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Sleep duration = 1000 milliseconds (1.000 seconds) True 1
Sleep duration = 500 milliseconds (0.500 seconds) True 1
Mutex (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create mutex_name = f6a845a7-3909-486d-8d82-29892b2a38d4 True 1
Environment (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String name = COR_ENABLE_PROFILING False 1
Process #14: wmiadap.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #14
File Name c:\windows\system32\wbem\wmiadap.exe
Command Line wmiadap.exe /F /T /R
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:03:05, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:49
Remark No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xee0
Parent PID 0x324 (c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level System (Elevated)
Enabled Privileges SeLockMemoryPrivilege, SeTcbPrivilege, SeSystemProfilePrivilege, SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege, SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege, SeCreatePagefilePrivilege, SeCreatePermanentPrivilege, SeDebugPrivilege, SeAuditPrivilege, SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege, SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege, SeTimeZonePrivilege, SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x EF0
0x EF8
0x ED4
0x ECC
0x F54
0x F4C
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000d905f10000 0xd905f10000 0xd905f2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d905f10000 0xd905f10000 0xd905f1ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d905f20000 0xd905f20000 0xd905f26fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d905f30000 0xd905f30000 0xd905f43fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000d905f50000 0xd905f50000 0xd905fcffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d905fd0000 0xd905fd0000 0xd905fd3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d905fe0000 0xd905fe0000 0xd905fe0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000d905ff0000 0xd905ff0000 0xd905ff1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0xd906000000 0xd9060bdfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000d9060c0000 0xd9060c0000 0xd90613ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906140000 0xd906140000 0xd906146fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906150000 0xd906150000 0xd906150fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906160000 0xd906160000 0xd906160fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d906170000 0xd906170000 0xd906170fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d906180000 0xd906180000 0xd906180fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000d906190000 0xd906190000 0xd90628ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906290000 0xd906290000 0xd90630ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906370000 0xd906370000 0xd90637ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d906380000 0xd906380000 0xd906507fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d906510000 0xd906510000 0xd906690fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000d9066a0000 0xd9066a0000 0xd90675ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0xd906760000 0xd906a96fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x000000d906aa0000 0xd906aa0000 0xd906b1ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906b20000 0xd906b20000 0xd906b9ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000d906ba0000 0xd906ba0000 0xd906c1ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00007df5fffc0000 0x7df5fffc0000 0x7ff5fffbffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x00007ff6673a0000 0x7ff6673a0000 0x7ff66749ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007ff6674a0000 0x7ff6674a0000 0x7ff6674c2fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674c3000 0x7ff6674c3000 0x7ff6674c4fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674c5000 0x7ff6674c5000 0x7ff6674c6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674c7000 0x7ff6674c7000 0x7ff6674c8fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674c9000 0x7ff6674c9000 0x7ff6674cafff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674cb000 0x7ff6674cb000 0x7ff6674ccfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674cd000 0x7ff6674cd000 0x7ff6674cdfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff6674ce000 0x7ff6674ce000 0x7ff6674cffff Private Memory rw True False False -
wmiadap.exe 0x7ff667b90000 0x7ff667bbefff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wbemsvc.dll 0x7ffc496f0000 0x7ffc49703fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
fastprox.dll 0x7ffc49710000 0x7ffc49807fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wbemprox.dll 0x7ffc4a370000 0x7ffc4a380fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wbemcomn.dll 0x7ffc4d910000 0x7ffc4d98efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
loadperf.dll 0x7ffc50610000 0x7ffc50634fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7ffc53a90000 0x7ffc53ac2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7ffc54210000 0x7ffc54226fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7ffc54280000 0x7ffc5428afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcrypt.dll 0x7ffc543a0000 0x7ffc543c7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x7ffc543d0000 0x7ffc5443afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x7ffc54610000 0x7ffc5461efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7ffc55040000 0x7ffc5521cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7ffc552c0000 0x7ffc5535cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x7ffc554e0000 0x7ffc5562dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x7ffc55800000 0x7ffc558acfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7ffc55910000 0x7ffc559cdfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
nsi.dll 0x7ffc56f00000 0x7ffc56f07fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7ffc56f10000 0x7ffc57094fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7ffc570a0000 0x7ffc571c5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x7ffc571d0000 0x7ffc5744bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7ffc57540000 0x7ffc5759afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x7ffc57900000 0x7ffc57968fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7ffc57970000 0x7ffc57a14fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
psapi.dll 0x7ffc57a20000 0x7ffc57a27fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
Process #17: winsys.exe
9 0
Information Value
ID #17
File Name c:\programdata\winsys.exe
Command Line C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:03:23, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:03:27, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:04
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x3c0
Parent PID 0x324 (c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level Medium
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x F78
0x F74
0x F64
0x F6C
0x FE4
0x F70
0x F80
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
winsys.exe 0x00040000 0x0005dfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000000f00000 0x00f00000 0x00f1ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000f00000 0x00f00000 0x00f0ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f10000 0x00f10000 0x00f13fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f20000 0x00f20000 0x00f20fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000f30000 0x00f30000 0x00f43fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000f50000 0x00f50000 0x00f8ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f90000 0x00f90000 0x0108ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001090000 0x01090000 0x01093fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00000000010a0000 0x010a0000 0x010a1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000010b0000 0x010b0000 0x010b0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000010c0000 0x010c0000 0x010cffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000010d0000 0x010d0000 0x010d0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000010e0000 0x010e0000 0x010effff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000010f0000 0x010f0000 0x010fffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001100000 0x01100000 0x011fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x01200000 0x012bdfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x00000000012c0000 0x012c0000 0x012fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001300000 0x01300000 0x013fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001400000 0x01400000 0x0140ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001410000 0x01410000 0x0141ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001420000 0x01420000 0x0142ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001430000 0x01430000 0x0143ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001440000 0x01440000 0x0144ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001450000 0x01450000 0x0145ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001460000 0x01460000 0x015e7fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000015f0000 0x015f0000 0x01770fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001780000 0x01780000 0x02b7ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000002b80000 0x02b80000 0x02b80fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002b90000 0x02b90000 0x02b90fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002ba0000 0x02ba0000 0x02bdffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002be0000 0x02be0000 0x02c7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002be0000 0x02be0000 0x02beffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000002bf0000 0x02bf0000 0x02bfffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000002c00000 0x02c00000 0x02c3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002c40000 0x02c40000 0x02c7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002c80000 0x02c80000 0x02c8ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000002c90000 0x02c90000 0x02c9ffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000002ca0000 0x02ca0000 0x02cdffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002ce0000 0x02ce0000 0x02ceffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002cf0000 0x02cf0000 0x02cfffff Private Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002d00000 0x02d00000 0x02d00fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002d10000 0x02d10000 0x02d1ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000002d20000 0x02d20000 0x02d2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002d30000 0x02d30000 0x02e2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002e30000 0x02e30000 0x04e2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004e30000 0x04e30000 0x04f2ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x04f30000 0x05266fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000005270000 0x05270000 0x052fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005270000 0x05270000 0x052affff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000052b0000 0x052b0000 0x052dffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000052e0000 0x052e0000 0x052effff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000052f0000 0x052f0000 0x052fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005300000 0x05300000 0x053fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000005400000 0x05400000 0x05400fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000054c0000 0x054c0000 0x054cffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x00000000054d0000 0x054d0000 0x064cffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000064d0000 0x064d0000 0x065fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000006600000 0x06600000 0x075fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000007600000 0x07600000 0x0784ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000007850000 0x07850000 0x0884ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000008850000 0x08850000 0x0984ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009850000 0x09850000 0x0994ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009950000 0x09950000 0x09a4ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
system.windows.forms.dll 0x09ef0000 0x0a387fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
system.ni.dll 0x71f10000 0x728bcfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
clrjit.dll 0x728c0000 0x7293cfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscorlib.ni.dll 0x72a10000 0x73c3afff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
msvcr120_clr0400.dll 0x73c40000 0x73d34fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clr.dll 0x73dd0000 0x74477fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
version.dll 0x74480000 0x74487fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mscoreei.dll 0x74530000 0x745a7fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscoree.dll 0x745b0000 0x74608fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74630000 0x746a4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x74da0000 0x74de3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x74df0000 0x74f0ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x74f10000 0x74f3afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75030000 0x7517cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x75180000 0x7518efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shell32.dll 0x75310000 0x766cefff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x76790000 0x76c6cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x76c70000 0x76daffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ole32.dll 0x77170000 0x77259fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x77260000 0x772a3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shcore.dll 0x77300000 0x7738cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77550000 0x775cafff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x000000007f101000 0x7f101000 0x7f103fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f104000 0x7f104000 0x7f106fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f107000 0x7f107000 0x7f109fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f10a000 0x7f10a000 0x7f10cfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f10d000 0x7f10d000 0x7f10ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f110000 0x7f110000 0x7f20ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f210000 0x7f210000 0x7f232fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007f235000 0x7f235000 0x7f237fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f238000 0x7f238000 0x7f238fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f23b000 0x7f23b000 0x7f23bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f23d000 0x7f23d000 0x7f23ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
File (2)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\ProgramData\WinSys.exe type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe type = file_attributes True 1
User (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Lookup Privilege privilege = SeDebugPrivilege, luid = 20 True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Sleep duration = 1000 milliseconds (1.000 seconds) True 1
Sleep duration = 500 milliseconds (0.500 seconds) True 1
Mutex (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create mutex_name = f6a845a7-3909-486d-8d82-29892b2a38d4 True 1
Environment (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String name = COR_ENABLE_PROFILING False 1
Process #18: taskeng.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #18
File Name c:\windows\system32\taskeng.exe
Command Line taskeng.exe {15A7A4A7-8576-4E0D-8E68-775B3CBFF42F} S-1-5-18:NT AUTHORITY\System:Service:
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:04:07, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:00:47
Remark No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xf2c
Parent PID 0x324 (c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level System (Elevated)
Enabled Privileges SeLockMemoryPrivilege, SeTcbPrivilege, SeSystemProfilePrivilege, SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege, SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege, SeCreatePagefilePrivilege, SeCreatePermanentPrivilege, SeDebugPrivilege, SeAuditPrivilege, SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege, SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege, SeTimeZonePrivilege, SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x F40
0x 764
0x A70
0x C50
0x C58
0x C74
0x 8B8
0x 900
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3620000 0x7ce3620000 0x7ce363ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce3620000 0x7ce3620000 0x7ce362ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3630000 0x7ce3630000 0x7ce3636fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce3640000 0x7ce3640000 0x7ce3653fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3660000 0x7ce3660000 0x7ce36dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce36e0000 0x7ce36e0000 0x7ce36e3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce36f0000 0x7ce36f0000 0x7ce36f0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3700000 0x7ce3700000 0x7ce3701fff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x7ce3710000 0x7ce37cdfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000007ce37d0000 0x7ce37d0000 0x7ce384ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3850000 0x7ce3850000 0x7ce3856fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3860000 0x7ce3860000 0x7ce395ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
taskeng.exe.mui 0x7ce3960000 0x7ce3960fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000007ce3970000 0x7ce3970000 0x7ce3970fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3980000 0x7ce3980000 0x7ce3980fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3990000 0x7ce3990000 0x7ce399ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce39a0000 0x7ce39a0000 0x7ce39a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000007ce39b0000 0x7ce39b0000 0x7ce39b6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce39e0000 0x7ce39e0000 0x7ce39effff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce39f0000 0x7ce39f0000 0x7ce3b77fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce3b80000 0x7ce3b80000 0x7ce3d00fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000007ce3d10000 0x7ce3d10000 0x7ce3dcffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3dd0000 0x7ce3dd0000 0x7ce3e4ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce3e50000 0x7ce3e50000 0x7ce3f4ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x7ce3f50000 0x7ce4286fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000007ce4290000 0x7ce4290000 0x7ce430ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce4310000 0x7ce4310000 0x7ce438ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce4390000 0x7ce4390000 0x7ce440ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000007ce4410000 0x7ce4410000 0x7ce448ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00007df5ff4c0000 0x7df5ff4c0000 0x7ff5ff4bffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a38e000 0x7ff66a38e000 0x7ff66a38ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00007ff66a390000 0x7ff66a390000 0x7ff66a48ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007ff66a490000 0x7ff66a490000 0x7ff66a4b2fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4b3000 0x7ff66a4b3000 0x7ff66a4b4fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4b5000 0x7ff66a4b5000 0x7ff66a4b6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4b7000 0x7ff66a4b7000 0x7ff66a4b8fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4b9000 0x7ff66a4b9000 0x7ff66a4bafff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4bb000 0x7ff66a4bb000 0x7ff66a4bcfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4bd000 0x7ff66a4bd000 0x7ff66a4befff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff66a4bf000 0x7ff66a4bf000 0x7ff66a4bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
taskeng.exe 0x7ff66ab00000 0x7ff66ab4cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x7ffc4fb00000 0x7ffc4fb35fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
tschannel.dll 0x7ffc505c0000 0x7ffc505c8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7ffc53a90000 0x7ffc53ac2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7ffc54210000 0x7ffc54226fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7ffc54280000 0x7ffc5428afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x7ffc54320000 0x7ffc5434bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcrypt.dll 0x7ffc543a0000 0x7ffc543c7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x7ffc543d0000 0x7ffc5443afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x7ffc54610000 0x7ffc5461efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7ffc55040000 0x7ffc5521cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7ffc552c0000 0x7ffc5535cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x7ffc554e0000 0x7ffc5562dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x7ffc55800000 0x7ffc558acfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7ffc55910000 0x7ffc559cdfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7ffc56f10000 0x7ffc57094fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7ffc570a0000 0x7ffc571c5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x7ffc571d0000 0x7ffc5744bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7ffc57540000 0x7ffc5759afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7ffc57970000 0x7ffc57a14fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7ffc57aa0000 0x7ffc57b45fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
Process #19: taskeng.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #19
File Name c:\windows\system32\taskeng.exe
Command Line taskeng.exe {1041B8A7-BFE5-4C6D-B407-C03324D5908B} S-1-5-21-1462094071-1423818996-289466292-1000:LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps:Interactive:LUA[1]
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:04:08, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:00:46
Remark No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x36c
Parent PID 0x324 (c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 8D0
0x C3C
0x C70
0x C48
0x E24
0x E28
0x F24
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000004fad200000 0x4fad200000 0x4fad21ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000004fad200000 0x4fad200000 0x4fad20ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad210000 0x4fad210000 0x4fad216fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000004fad220000 0x4fad220000 0x4fad233fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000004fad240000 0x4fad240000 0x4fad2bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000004fad2c0000 0x4fad2c0000 0x4fad2c3fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000004fad2d0000 0x4fad2d0000 0x4fad2d0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000004fad2e0000 0x4fad2e0000 0x4fad2e1fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad2f0000 0x4fad2f0000 0x4fad2f6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
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taskeng.exe.mui 0x4fad320000 0x4fad320fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000004fad330000 0x4fad330000 0x4fad42ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x4fad430000 0x4fad4edfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
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private_0x0000004fad570000 0x4fad570000 0x4fad5effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad5f0000 0x4fad5f0000 0x4fad66ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad670000 0x4fad670000 0x4fad670fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad680000 0x4fad680000 0x4fad680fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad6d0000 0x4fad6d0000 0x4fad6dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad6e0000 0x4fad6e0000 0x4fad7dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad7e0000 0x4fad7e0000 0x4fad85ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fad8b0000 0x4fad8b0000 0x4fad8bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x4fad8c0000 0x4fadbf6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000004fadc00000 0x4fadc00000 0x4fadc7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000004fadc80000 0x4fadc80000 0x4fadcfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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pagefile_0x0000004fae020000 0x4fae020000 0x4faf41ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000004faf4e0000 0x4faf4e0000 0x4faf4effff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00007df5ff0f0000 0x7df5ff0f0000 0x7ff5ff0effff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
private_0x00007ff669d9c000 0x7ff669d9c000 0x7ff669d9dfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff669d9e000 0x7ff669d9e000 0x7ff669d9ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00007ff669da0000 0x7ff669da0000 0x7ff669e9ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00007ff669ea0000 0x7ff669ea0000 0x7ff669ec2fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x00007ff669ec4000 0x7ff669ec4000 0x7ff669ec5fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff669ec6000 0x7ff669ec6000 0x7ff669ec6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff669ec8000 0x7ff669ec8000 0x7ff669ec9fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff669eca000 0x7ff669eca000 0x7ff669ecbfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff669ecc000 0x7ff669ecc000 0x7ff669ecdfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff669ece000 0x7ff669ece000 0x7ff669ecffff Private Memory rw True False False -
taskeng.exe 0x7ff66ab00000 0x7ff66ab4cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x7ffc4fb00000 0x7ffc4fb35fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
tschannel.dll 0x7ffc505c0000 0x7ffc505c8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x7ffc52cd0000 0x7ffc52d47fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7ffc52d70000 0x7ffc52e05fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7ffc53a90000 0x7ffc53ac2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7ffc54210000 0x7ffc54226fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7ffc54280000 0x7ffc5428afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x7ffc54320000 0x7ffc5434bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcrypt.dll 0x7ffc543a0000 0x7ffc543c7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x7ffc543d0000 0x7ffc5443afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x7ffc54610000 0x7ffc5461efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7ffc55040000 0x7ffc5521cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7ffc55280000 0x7ffc552b5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7ffc552c0000 0x7ffc5535cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7ffc55380000 0x7ffc554dbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x7ffc554e0000 0x7ffc5562dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x7ffc55800000 0x7ffc558acfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7ffc55910000 0x7ffc559cdfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7ffc56f10000 0x7ffc57094fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7ffc570a0000 0x7ffc571c5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x7ffc571d0000 0x7ffc5744bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7ffc57540000 0x7ffc5759afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7ffc57970000 0x7ffc57a14fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7ffc57aa0000 0x7ffc57b45fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
Process #20: sdxhelper.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #20
File Name c:\program files\microsoft office\root\vfs\programfilescommonx64\microsoft shared\office16\sdxhelper.exe
Command Line "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX64\Microsoft Shared\Office16\sdxhelper.exe" /onlogon
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:04:08, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:18, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:10
Remark No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xf28
Parent PID 0x36c (c:\windows\system32\taskeng.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x DFC
0x 728
0x C40
0x D38
0x DC0
0x DC4
0x D34
0x D2C
0x 270
0x D0
0x 224
0x 338
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000c40ba50000 0xc40ba50000 0xc40ba6ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000c40ba50000 0xc40ba50000 0xc40ba5ffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
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pagefile_0x000000c40bb90000 0xc40bb90000 0xc40bb93fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000c40bba0000 0xc40bba0000 0xc40bba0fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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private_0x000000c40bbd0000 0xc40bbd0000 0xc40bbd6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000c40bbe0000 0xc40bbe0000 0xc40bbe0fff Private Memory rw True False False -
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pagefile_0x000000c40bc40000 0xc40bc40000 0xc40bc42fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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pagefile_0x000000c40bc60000 0xc40bc60000 0xc40bc61fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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locale.nls 0xc40bd70000 0xc40be2dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
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pagefile_0x000000c40be40000 0xc40be40000 0xc40be41fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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private_0x000000c40be70000 0xc40be70000 0xc40bf6ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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pagefile_0x000000c40bf80000 0xc40bf80000 0xc40bf80fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000c40bf90000 0xc40bf90000 0xc40bf90fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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winnlsres.dll.mui 0xc40bfd0000 0xc40bfdffff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
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pagefile_0x000000c40c180000 0xc40c180000 0xc40c300fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000c40c310000 0xc40c310000 0xc40d70ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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private_0x000000c40dc30000 0xc40dc30000 0xc40dc3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
office.odf 0xc40dc40000 0xc40de60fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
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private_0x000000c40df70000 0xc40df70000 0xc40e06ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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private_0x000000c40e170000 0xc40e170000 0xc40e26ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000c40e270000 0xc40e270000 0xc40e36ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000c40e370000 0xc40e370000 0xc40e46ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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private_0x000000c40e670000 0xc40e670000 0xc40e76ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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crypt32.dll.mui 0xc40e970000 0xc40e979fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
pagefile_0x00007df5ff400000 0x7df5ff400000 0x7ff5ff3fffff Pagefile Backed Memory - True False False -
private_0x00007ff71cf56000 0x7ff71cf56000 0x7ff71cf57fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71cf58000 0x7ff71cf58000 0x7ff71cf59fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71cf5a000 0x7ff71cf5a000 0x7ff71cf5bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71cf5c000 0x7ff71cf5c000 0x7ff71cf5dfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71cf5e000 0x7ff71cf5e000 0x7ff71cf5ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
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pagefile_0x00007ff71d060000 0x7ff71d060000 0x7ff71d082fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
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private_0x00007ff71d085000 0x7ff71d085000 0x7ff71d085fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71d086000 0x7ff71d086000 0x7ff71d087fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71d088000 0x7ff71d088000 0x7ff71d089fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71d08a000 0x7ff71d08a000 0x7ff71d08bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71d08c000 0x7ff71d08c000 0x7ff71d08dfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00007ff71d08e000 0x7ff71d08e000 0x7ff71d08ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sdxhelper.exe 0x7ff71def0000 0x7ff71df0efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc17bd0000 0x7ffc17bd0000 0x7ffc17bdffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
mso20win32client.dll 0x7ffc3def0000 0x7ffc3e568fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mso30win32client.dll 0x7ffc405e0000 0x7ffc40df0fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
c2r64.dll 0x7ffc40e00000 0x7ffc41077fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
appvisvsubsystems64.dll 0x7ffc410e0000 0x7ffc41363fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dsreg.dll 0x7ffc46650000 0x7ffc466a9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
webio.dll 0x7ffc4a100000 0x7ffc4a17ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
netapi32.dll 0x7ffc4a6b0000 0x7ffc4a6c6fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
npmproxy.dll 0x7ffc4b090000 0x7ffc4b09dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wininet.dll 0x7ffc4b290000 0x7ffc4b536fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
urlmon.dll 0x7ffc4b540000 0x7ffc4b6d6fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
secur32.dll 0x7ffc4b6e0000 0x7ffc4b6ebfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ondemandconnroutehelper.dll 0x7ffc4b8c0000 0x7ffc4b8d4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msi.dll 0x7ffc4b930000 0x7ffc4bc6cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
netprofm.dll 0x7ffc4c220000 0x7ffc4c25efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rasadhlp.dll 0x7ffc4c270000 0x7ffc4c279fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x7ffc4cbd0000 0x7ffc4ce43fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.security.authentication.web.core.dll 0x7ffc4cfe0000 0x7ffc4d08cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
winhttp.dll 0x7ffc4d9d0000 0x7ffc4daa5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
iertutil.dll 0x7ffc4ddd0000 0x7ffc4e145fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcp140.dll 0x7ffc4fd60000 0x7ffc4fe06fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ucrtbase.dll 0x7ffc50400000 0x7ffc504f1fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
vcruntime140.dll 0x7ffc505a0000 0x7ffc505b5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
fwpuclnt.dll 0x7ffc50980000 0x7ffc509e7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dhcpcsvc.dll 0x7ffc50a50000 0x7ffc50a69fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dhcpcsvc6.dll 0x7ffc50a70000 0x7ffc50a85fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wintypes.dll 0x7ffc50c00000 0x7ffc50d30fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
samcli.dll 0x7ffc50ec0000 0x7ffc50ed7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wkscli.dll 0x7ffc514b0000 0x7ffc514c5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
winnsi.dll 0x7ffc51c30000 0x7ffc51c3afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
iphlpapi.dll 0x7ffc51c50000 0x7ffc51c87fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x7ffc525f0000 0x7ffc52611fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7ffc52d70000 0x7ffc52e05fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
twinapi.appcore.dll 0x7ffc52f40000 0x7ffc5302dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
netutils.dll 0x7ffc53830000 0x7ffc5383bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
srvcli.dll 0x7ffc53840000 0x7ffc53865fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
schannel.dll 0x7ffc53980000 0x7ffc539f3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7ffc53a90000 0x7ffc53ac2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
userenv.dll 0x7ffc53b80000 0x7ffc53b9efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dnsapi.dll 0x7ffc53be0000 0x7ffc53c87fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mswsock.dll 0x7ffc53dd0000 0x7ffc53e2cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntasn1.dll 0x7ffc53f30000 0x7ffc53f65fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ncrypt.dll 0x7ffc53f70000 0x7ffc53f95fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
dpapi.dll 0x7ffc541f0000 0x7ffc541f9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7ffc54210000 0x7ffc54226fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7ffc54280000 0x7ffc5428afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x7ffc54320000 0x7ffc5434bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcrypt.dll 0x7ffc543a0000 0x7ffc543c7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x7ffc543d0000 0x7ffc5443afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sxs.dll 0x7ffc54440000 0x7ffc544d7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x7ffc54580000 0x7ffc54592fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x7ffc545a0000 0x7ffc545e9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msasn1.dll 0x7ffc545f0000 0x7ffc54600fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x7ffc54610000 0x7ffc5461efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x7ffc54670000 0x7ffc54c97fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
crypt32.dll 0x7ffc54db0000 0x7ffc54f70fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shcore.dll 0x7ffc54f80000 0x7ffc55032fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7ffc55040000 0x7ffc5521cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wldap32.dll 0x7ffc55220000 0x7ffc5527afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7ffc55280000 0x7ffc552b5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7ffc552c0000 0x7ffc5535cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7ffc55380000 0x7ffc554dbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x7ffc554e0000 0x7ffc5562dfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x7ffc55800000 0x7ffc558acfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7ffc55910000 0x7ffc559cdfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shell32.dll 0x7ffc559d0000 0x7ffc56ef4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
nsi.dll 0x7ffc56f00000 0x7ffc56f07fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7ffc56f10000 0x7ffc57094fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7ffc570a0000 0x7ffc571c5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x7ffc571d0000 0x7ffc5744bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
normaliz.dll 0x7ffc57450000 0x7ffc57456fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7ffc57540000 0x7ffc5759afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ole32.dll 0x7ffc57750000 0x7ffc57890fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x7ffc578a0000 0x7ffc578f0fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x7ffc57900000 0x7ffc57968fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7ffc57970000 0x7ffc57a14fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7ffc57aa0000 0x7ffc57b45fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 3 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Process #21: officec2rclient.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #21
File Name c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\clicktorun\officec2rclient.exe
Command Line "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /frequentupdate SCHEDULEDTASK displaylevel=False
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:04:08, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:54, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:00:46
Remark No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x5b8
Parent PID 0xf2c (c:\windows\system32\taskeng.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level System (Elevated)
Enabled Privileges SeLockMemoryPrivilege, SeTcbPrivilege, SeSystemProfilePrivilege, SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege, SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege, SeCreatePagefilePrivilege, SeCreatePermanentPrivilege, SeDebugPrivilege, SeAuditPrivilege, SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege, SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege, SeTimeZonePrivilege, SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x CC8
0x 804
0x 114
0x C44
0x DEC
0x 318
0x 34C
0x 320
0x 274
0x 304
0x 95C
0x 56C
0x 75C
0x FFC
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
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dpapi.dll 0x7ffc541f0000 0x7ffc541f9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7ffc54210000 0x7ffc54226fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7ffc54280000 0x7ffc5428afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x7ffc54320000 0x7ffc5434bfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
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bcryptprimitives.dll 0x7ffc543d0000 0x7ffc5443afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x7ffc54580000 0x7ffc54592fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x7ffc545a0000 0x7ffc545e9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msasn1.dll 0x7ffc545f0000 0x7ffc54600fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x7ffc54610000 0x7ffc5461efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x7ffc54620000 0x7ffc54663fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x7ffc54670000 0x7ffc54c97fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wintrust.dll 0x7ffc54ca0000 0x7ffc54cf3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
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shcore.dll 0x7ffc54f80000 0x7ffc55032fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7ffc55040000 0x7ffc5521cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7ffc55280000 0x7ffc552b5fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
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msctf.dll 0x7ffc55380000 0x7ffc554dbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
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ws2_32.dll 0x7ffc57900000 0x7ffc57968fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7ffc57aa0000 0x7ffc57b45fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
Process #23: winsys.exe
9 0
Information Value
ID #23
File Name c:\programdata\winsys.exe
Command Line C:/ProgramData/WinSys.exe
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:04:23, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:04:26, Reason: Self Terminated
Monitor Duration 00:00:03
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xb18
Parent PID 0x324 (c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level Medium
Username LHNIWSJ\CIiHmnxMn6Ps
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x D00
0x B74
0x D10
0x CF4
0x CBC
0x CE8
0x CEC
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
winsys.exe 0x00040000 0x0005dfff Memory Mapped File rwx True True False
private_0x0000000000de0000 0x00de0000 0x00dfffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000de0000 0x00de0000 0x00deffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000df0000 0x00df0000 0x00df3fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000e00000 0x00e00000 0x00e00fff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000e10000 0x00e10000 0x00e23fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000e30000 0x00e30000 0x00e6ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000e70000 0x00e70000 0x00f6ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000f70000 0x00f70000 0x00f73fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000000f80000 0x00f80000 0x00f81fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000f90000 0x00f90000 0x00f90fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000000fa0000 0x00fa0000 0x00faffff Private Memory rw True False False -
locale.nls 0x00fb0000 0x0106dfff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x0000000001070000 0x01070000 0x010affff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000010b0000 0x010b0000 0x010b0fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000010c0000 0x010c0000 0x010cffff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000010d0000 0x010d0000 0x010dffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000010e0000 0x010e0000 0x010effff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000010f0000 0x010f0000 0x010fffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001100000 0x01100000 0x0110ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001110000 0x01110000 0x0111ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001120000 0x01120000 0x01120fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001130000 0x01130000 0x0122ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001230000 0x01230000 0x0132ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001330000 0x01330000 0x01330fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001340000 0x01340000 0x0137ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001380000 0x01380000 0x0138ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001390000 0x01390000 0x0139ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000013a0000 0x013a0000 0x013affff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000013b0000 0x013b0000 0x013bffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000013c0000 0x013c0000 0x013fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001400000 0x01400000 0x01400fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001410000 0x01410000 0x0141ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001420000 0x01420000 0x0142ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001430000 0x01430000 0x0143ffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000001440000 0x01440000 0x014dffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001440000 0x01440000 0x0147ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000001480000 0x01480000 0x014affff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x00000000014b0000 0x014b0000 0x014effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000014f0000 0x014f0000 0x014fffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001500000 0x01500000 0x0150ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001510000 0x01510000 0x0151ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001520000 0x01520000 0x016a7fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000016b0000 0x016b0000 0x01830fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001840000 0x01840000 0x02c3ffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x0000000002c40000 0x02c40000 0x02d3ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002d40000 0x02d40000 0x02d7ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002d80000 0x02d80000 0x02d80fff Pagefile Backed Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002da0000 0x02da0000 0x02daffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000002db0000 0x02db0000 0x04daffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000004db0000 0x04db0000 0x04eaffff Private Memory rw True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x04eb0000 0x051e6fff Memory Mapped File r False False False -
private_0x00000000051f0000 0x051f0000 0x0535ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x00000000051f0000 0x051f0000 0x052effff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005350000 0x05350000 0x0535ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005360000 0x05360000 0x0548ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000005500000 0x05500000 0x0550ffff Private Memory rwx True False False -
private_0x0000000005510000 0x05510000 0x0650ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000006510000 0x06510000 0x0750ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000007510000 0x07510000 0x0775ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000007760000 0x07760000 0x0875ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000008760000 0x08760000 0x0975ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009760000 0x09760000 0x0985ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x0000000009860000 0x09860000 0x0995ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
system.windows.forms.dll 0x09d00000 0x0a197fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x5baa0000 0x5baa7fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x5bab0000 0x5bb22fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
wow64.dll 0x5bb30000 0x5bb7efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
system.ni.dll 0x71f10000 0x728bcfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
clrjit.dll 0x728c0000 0x7293cfff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscorlib.ni.dll 0x72a10000 0x73c3afff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
msvcr120_clr0400.dll 0x73c40000 0x73d34fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
clr.dll 0x73dd0000 0x74477fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
version.dll 0x74480000 0x74487fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
mscoreei.dll 0x74530000 0x745a7fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
mscoree.dll 0x745b0000 0x74608fff Memory Mapped File rwx True False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74630000 0x746a4fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
bcryptprimitives.dll 0x74750000 0x747a8fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x747b0000 0x747b9fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x747c0000 0x747ddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x74a00000 0x74aabfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel.appcore.dll 0x74ab0000 0x74abbfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x74da0000 0x74de3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msctf.dll 0x74df0000 0x74f0ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
imm32.dll 0x74f10000 0x74f3afff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x74f40000 0x7502ffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75030000 0x7517cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
profapi.dll 0x75180000 0x7518efff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75190000 0x75305fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shell32.dll 0x75310000 0x766cefff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
windows.storage.dll 0x76790000 0x76c6cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
user32.dll 0x76c70000 0x76daffff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x76f20000 0x76fddfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x770d0000 0x77161fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ole32.dll 0x77170000 0x77259fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x77260000 0x772a3fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
sechost.dll 0x772b0000 0x772f2fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
shcore.dll 0x77300000 0x7738cfff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
combase.dll 0x77390000 0x77549fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77550000 0x775cafff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x776b0000 0x77828fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x000000007f0f4000 0x7f0f4000 0x7f0f6fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f0f7000 0x7f0f7000 0x7f0f9fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f0fa000 0x7f0fa000 0x7f0fcfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f0fd000 0x7f0fd000 0x7f0fffff Private Memory rw True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f100000 0x7f100000 0x7f1fffff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007f200000 0x7f200000 0x7f222fff Pagefile Backed Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007f223000 0x7f223000 0x7f223fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f226000 0x7f226000 0x7f228fff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f229000 0x7f229000 0x7f22bfff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f22c000 0x7f22c000 0x7f22efff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007f22f000 0x7f22f000 0x7f22ffff Private Memory rw True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7ffc57b4ffff Private Memory r True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x7ffc57b50000 0x7ffc57d11fff Memory Mapped File rwx False False False -
private_0x00007ffc57d12000 0x7ffc57d12000 0x7ffffffeffff Private Memory r True False False -
Host Behavior
File (2)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\ProgramData\WinSys.exe type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Local\Temp\SystemDebug.exe type = file_attributes True 1
User (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Lookup Privilege privilege = SeDebugPrivilege, luid = 20 True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Sleep duration = 1000 milliseconds (1.000 seconds) True 1
Sleep duration = 500 milliseconds (0.500 seconds) True 1
Mutex (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create mutex_name = f6a845a7-3909-486d-8d82-29892b2a38d4 True 1
Environment (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String name = COR_ENABLE_PROFILING False 1
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
