VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report |
Classification: Ransomware |
Windows Exe (x86-32)
Created at 2020-01-03T17:16:00
(0x200001b): The maximum number of file reputation requests per analysis (150) was exceeded.
This is a filtered view
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
Filename | Category | Type | Severity | Actions |
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-001A-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\@_FILES_WERE_ENCRYPTED_@.TXT | Dropped File | Text |
YARA Matches (1)
Rule Name | Rule Description | Classification | Score | Actions |
Sodinokibi_RansomNote | Sodinokibi ransomware note | - |
C:\Users\5p5NrGJn0jS HALPmcxz\Desktop\mtx777.exe | Sample File | Binary |
PE Information
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x4224f3 |
Size Of Code | 0x38c00 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x6cc00 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2020-01-03 10:36:03+00:00 |
Version Information (9)
Comments | Offenders Packet Attacked Degrades |
CompanyName | JetSmarter |
FileDescription | Offenders Packet Attacked Degrades |
FileVersion | |
LegalCopyright | Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved. JetSmarter |
OriginalFilename | EffectivelyCloneable |
PrivateBuild | |
ProductName | EffectivelyCloneable |
ProductVersion | |
Sections (5)
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x38a03 | 0x38c00 | 0x400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.65 |
.rdata | 0x43a000 | 0xe5bc | 0xe600 | 0x39000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.57 |
.data | 0x449000 | 0x4fc4 | 0x1e00 | 0x47600 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 4.32 |
.rsrc | 0x44e000 | 0x583f0 | 0x58400 | 0x49400 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 7.42 |
.reloc | 0x4a7000 | 0x4378 | 0x4400 | 0xa1800 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 5.22 |
Imports (13)
KERNEL32.dll (103)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SetConsoleCtrlHandler | 0x0 | 0x43a098 | 0x4710c | 0x4610c | 0x42d |
LockResource | 0x0 | 0x43a09c | 0x47110 | 0x46110 | 0x354 |
OpenEventA | 0x0 | 0x43a0a0 | 0x47114 | 0x46114 | 0x374 |
EnumDateFormatsA | 0x0 | 0x43a0a4 | 0x47118 | 0x46118 | 0xf4 |
CreateThread | 0x0 | 0x43a0a8 | 0x4711c | 0x4611c | 0xb5 |
WriteConsoleW | 0x0 | 0x43a0ac | 0x47120 | 0x46120 | 0x524 |
SetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x43a0b0 | 0x47124 | 0x46124 | 0x487 |
LoadLibraryW | 0x0 | 0x43a0b4 | 0x47128 | 0x46128 | 0x33f |
IsValidLocale | 0x0 | 0x43a0b8 | 0x4712c | 0x4612c | 0x30c |
EnumSystemLocalesA | 0x0 | 0x43a0bc | 0x47130 | 0x46130 | 0x10d |
GetLocaleInfoA | 0x0 | 0x43a0c0 | 0x47134 | 0x46134 | 0x204 |
GetUserDefaultLCID | 0x0 | 0x43a0c4 | 0x47138 | 0x46138 | 0x29b |
HeapSize | 0x0 | 0x43a0c8 | 0x4713c | 0x4613c | 0x2d4 |
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | 0x0 | 0x43a0cc | 0x47140 | 0x46140 | 0x279 |
GetCurrentProcessId | 0x0 | 0x43a0d0 | 0x47144 | 0x46144 | 0x1c1 |
GetTickCount | 0x0 | 0x43a0d4 | 0x47148 | 0x46148 | 0x293 |
QueryPerformanceCounter | 0x0 | 0x43a0d8 | 0x4714c | 0x4614c | 0x3a7 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x43a0dc | 0x47150 | 0x46150 | 0x1da |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | 0x0 | 0x43a0e0 | 0x47154 | 0x46154 | 0x161 |
GetModuleFileNameA | 0x0 | 0x43a0e4 | 0x47158 | 0x46158 | 0x213 |
FlushFileBuffers | 0x0 | 0x43a0e8 | 0x4715c | 0x4615c | 0x157 |
GetConsoleMode | 0x0 | 0x43a0ec | 0x47160 | 0x46160 | 0x1ac |
GetConsoleCP | 0x0 | 0x43a0f0 | 0x47164 | 0x46164 | 0x19a |
ExitProcess | 0x0 | 0x43a0f4 | 0x47168 | 0x46168 | 0x119 |
GetFileType | 0x0 | 0x43a0f8 | 0x4716c | 0x4616c | 0x1f3 |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount | 0x0 | 0x43a0fc | 0x47170 | 0x46170 | 0x2e3 |
SetHandleCount | 0x0 | 0x43a100 | 0x47174 | 0x46174 | 0x46f |
GetModuleFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x43a104 | 0x47178 | 0x46178 | 0x214 |
GetStdHandle | 0x0 | 0x43a108 | 0x4717c | 0x4617c | 0x264 |
HeapCreate | 0x0 | 0x43a10c | 0x47180 | 0x46180 | 0x2cd |
GetTimeFormatW | 0x0 | 0x43a110 | 0x47184 | 0x46184 | 0x297 |
GetCurrentThreadId | 0x0 | 0x43a114 | 0x47188 | 0x46188 | 0x1c5 |
SetLastError | 0x0 | 0x43a118 | 0x4718c | 0x4618c | 0x473 |
TlsFree | 0x0 | 0x43a11c | 0x47190 | 0x46190 | 0x4c6 |
CloseHandle | 0x0 | 0x43a120 | 0x47194 | 0x46194 | 0x52 |
TlsGetValue | 0x0 | 0x43a124 | 0x47198 | 0x46198 | 0x4c7 |
TlsAlloc | 0x0 | 0x43a128 | 0x4719c | 0x4619c | 0x4c5 |
IsValidCodePage | 0x0 | 0x43a12c | 0x471a0 | 0x461a0 | 0x30a |
LocalAlloc | 0x0 | 0x43a130 | 0x471a4 | 0x461a4 | 0x344 |
GetACP | 0x0 | 0x43a134 | 0x471a8 | 0x461a8 | 0x168 |
IsDebuggerPresent | 0x0 | 0x43a138 | 0x471ac | 0x461ac | 0x300 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x43a13c | 0x471b0 | 0x461b0 | 0x4a5 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | 0x0 | 0x43a140 | 0x471b4 | 0x461b4 | 0x4d3 |
GetCurrentProcess | 0x0 | 0x43a144 | 0x471b8 | 0x461b8 | 0x1c0 |
TerminateProcess | 0x0 | 0x43a148 | 0x471bc | 0x461bc | 0x4c0 |
LCMapStringW | 0x0 | 0x43a14c | 0x471c0 | 0x461c0 | 0x32d |
HeapAlloc | 0x0 | 0x43a150 | 0x471c4 | 0x461c4 | 0x2cb |
RtlUnwind | 0x0 | 0x43a154 | 0x471c8 | 0x461c8 | 0x418 |
RaiseException | 0x0 | 0x43a158 | 0x471cc | 0x461cc | 0x3b1 |
GetCPInfo | 0x0 | 0x43a15c | 0x471d0 | 0x461d0 | 0x172 |
GetStartupInfoW | 0x0 | 0x43a160 | 0x471d4 | 0x461d4 | 0x263 |
HeapSetInformation | 0x0 | 0x43a164 | 0x471d8 | 0x461d8 | 0x2d3 |
GetCommandLineA | 0x0 | 0x43a168 | 0x471dc | 0x461dc | 0x186 |
HeapReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x43a16c | 0x471e0 | 0x461e0 | 0x2d2 |
HeapFree | 0x0 | 0x43a170 | 0x471e4 | 0x461e4 | 0x2cf |
LeaveCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x43a174 | 0x471e8 | 0x461e8 | 0x339 |
EnterCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x43a178 | 0x471ec | 0x461ec | 0xee |
DeleteCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x43a17c | 0x471f0 | 0x461f0 | 0xd1 |
InitializeCriticalSection | 0x0 | 0x43a180 | 0x471f4 | 0x461f4 | 0x2e2 |
DecodePointer | 0x0 | 0x43a184 | 0x471f8 | 0x461f8 | 0xca |
EncodePointer | 0x0 | 0x43a188 | 0x471fc | 0x461fc | 0xea |
GetStringTypeW | 0x0 | 0x43a18c | 0x47200 | 0x46200 | 0x269 |
InterlockedExchange | 0x0 | 0x43a190 | 0x47204 | 0x46204 | 0x2ec |
InterlockedCompareExchange | 0x0 | 0x43a194 | 0x47208 | 0x46208 | 0x2e9 |
InterlockedDecrement | 0x0 | 0x43a198 | 0x4720c | 0x4620c | 0x2eb |
InterlockedIncrement | 0x0 | 0x43a19c | 0x47210 | 0x46210 | 0x2ef |
GetLastError | 0x0 | 0x43a1a0 | 0x47214 | 0x46214 | 0x202 |
CreateFileW | 0x0 | 0x43a1a4 | 0x47218 | 0x46218 | 0x8f |
ReadFile | 0x0 | 0x43a1a8 | 0x4721c | 0x4621c | 0x3c0 |
WriteFile | 0x0 | 0x43a1ac | 0x47220 | 0x46220 | 0x525 |
SetFilePointer | 0x0 | 0x43a1b0 | 0x47224 | 0x46224 | 0x466 |
GetFileSize | 0x0 | 0x43a1b4 | 0x47228 | 0x46228 | 0x1f0 |
GetSystemTime | 0x0 | 0x43a1b8 | 0x4722c | 0x4622c | 0x277 |
LoadLibraryA | 0x0 | 0x43a1bc | 0x47230 | 0x46230 | 0x33c |
CreateNamedPipeA | 0x0 | 0x43a1c0 | 0x47234 | 0x46234 | 0x9f |
GetProcAddress | 0x0 | 0x43a1c4 | 0x47238 | 0x46238 | 0x245 |
SystemTimeToFileTime | 0x0 | 0x43a1c8 | 0x4723c | 0x4623c | 0x4bd |
GetDateFormatW | 0x0 | 0x43a1cc | 0x47240 | 0x46240 | 0x1c8 |
GetModuleHandleA | 0x0 | 0x43a1d0 | 0x47244 | 0x46244 | 0x215 |
GlobalFree | 0x0 | 0x43a1d4 | 0x47248 | 0x46248 | 0x2ba |
GlobalUnlock | 0x0 | 0x43a1d8 | 0x4724c | 0x4624c | 0x2c5 |
CompareStringW | 0x0 | 0x43a1dc | 0x47250 | 0x46250 | 0x64 |
GlobalAlloc | 0x0 | 0x43a1e0 | 0x47254 | 0x46254 | 0x2b3 |
GetModuleHandleW | 0x0 | 0x43a1e4 | 0x47258 | 0x46258 | 0x218 |
GlobalLock | 0x0 | 0x43a1e8 | 0x4725c | 0x4625c | 0x2be |
LocalReAlloc | 0x0 | 0x43a1ec | 0x47260 | 0x46260 | 0x34b |
CreateEventA | 0x0 | 0x43a1f0 | 0x47264 | 0x46264 | 0x82 |
Sleep | 0x0 | 0x43a1f4 | 0x47268 | 0x46268 | 0x4b2 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | 0x0 | 0x43a1f8 | 0x4726c | 0x4626c | 0x1d8 |
ConnectNamedPipe | 0x0 | 0x43a1fc | 0x47270 | 0x46270 | 0x65 |
WaitForSingleObject | 0x0 | 0x43a200 | 0x47274 | 0x46274 | 0x4f9 |
lstrlenA | 0x0 | 0x43a204 | 0x47278 | 0x46278 | 0x54d |
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW | 0x0 | 0x43a208 | 0x4727c | 0x4627c | 0x10c |
MultiByteToWideChar | 0x0 | 0x43a20c | 0x47280 | 0x46280 | 0x367 |
GetLocaleInfoW | 0x0 | 0x43a210 | 0x47284 | 0x46284 | 0x206 |
WideCharToMultiByte | 0x0 | 0x43a214 | 0x47288 | 0x46288 | 0x511 |
GetOEMCP | 0x0 | 0x43a218 | 0x4728c | 0x4628c | 0x237 |
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW | 0x0 | 0x43a21c | 0x47290 | 0x46290 | 0xfa |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | 0x0 | 0x43a220 | 0x47294 | 0x46294 | 0x124 |
TlsSetValue | 0x0 | 0x43a224 | 0x47298 | 0x46298 | 0x4c8 |
FileTimeToSystemTime | 0x0 | 0x43a228 | 0x4729c | 0x4629c | 0x125 |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent | 0x0 | 0x43a22c | 0x472a0 | 0x462a0 | 0x304 |
GlobalSize | 0x0 | 0x43a230 | 0x472a4 | 0x462a4 | 0x2c2 |
USER32.dll (87)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SendMessageA | 0x0 | 0x43a250 | 0x472c4 | 0x462c4 | 0x277 |
SetWindowContextHelpId | 0x0 | 0x43a254 | 0x472c8 | 0x462c8 | 0x2c1 |
SetWindowLongA | 0x0 | 0x43a258 | 0x472cc | 0x462cc | 0x2c3 |
GetWindowTextLengthA | 0x0 | 0x43a25c | 0x472d0 | 0x462d0 | 0x1a1 |
DefFrameProcA | 0x0 | 0x43a260 | 0x472d4 | 0x462d4 | 0x96 |
GetTopWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a264 | 0x472d8 | 0x462d8 | 0x185 |
GetScrollRange | 0x0 | 0x43a268 | 0x472dc | 0x462dc | 0x177 |
LoadBitmapA | 0x0 | 0x43a26c | 0x472e0 | 0x462e0 | 0x1e6 |
LockWindowUpdate | 0x0 | 0x43a270 | 0x472e4 | 0x462e4 | 0x1fd |
CreateWindowExA | 0x0 | 0x43a274 | 0x472e8 | 0x462e8 | 0x6d |
GetDCEx | 0x0 | 0x43a278 | 0x472ec | 0x462ec | 0x122 |
SetClassLongA | 0x0 | 0x43a27c | 0x472f0 | 0x462f0 | 0x283 |
GetSysColor | 0x0 | 0x43a280 | 0x472f4 | 0x462f4 | 0x17b |
GetCursorPos | 0x0 | 0x43a284 | 0x472f8 | 0x462f8 | 0x120 |
GetMenuItemInfoA | 0x0 | 0x43a288 | 0x472fc | 0x462fc | 0x153 |
DispatchMessageW | 0x0 | 0x43a28c | 0x47300 | 0x46300 | 0xaf |
MoveWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a290 | 0x47304 | 0x46304 | 0x21b |
DefWindowProcW | 0x0 | 0x43a294 | 0x47308 | 0x46308 | 0x9c |
GetDlgCtrlID | 0x0 | 0x43a298 | 0x4730c | 0x4630c | 0x126 |
SetClipboardData | 0x0 | 0x43a29c | 0x47310 | 0x46310 | 0x286 |
EnableWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a2a0 | 0x47314 | 0x46314 | 0xd8 |
SendMessageW | 0x0 | 0x43a2a4 | 0x47318 | 0x46318 | 0x27c |
SetDlgItemTextW | 0x0 | 0x43a2a8 | 0x4731c | 0x4631c | 0x290 |
MessageBoxW | 0x0 | 0x43a2ac | 0x47320 | 0x46320 | 0x215 |
OpenClipboard | 0x0 | 0x43a2b0 | 0x47324 | 0x46324 | 0x226 |
IsWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a2b4 | 0x47328 | 0x46328 | 0x1db |
PostMessageA | 0x0 | 0x43a2b8 | 0x4732c | 0x4632c | 0x235 |
DefMDIChildProcA | 0x0 | 0x43a2bc | 0x47330 | 0x46330 | 0x98 |
GetSystemMetrics | 0x0 | 0x43a2c0 | 0x47334 | 0x46334 | 0x17e |
SetWindowTextA | 0x0 | 0x43a2c4 | 0x47338 | 0x46338 | 0x2ca |
SetMenuItemInfoA | 0x0 | 0x43a2c8 | 0x4733c | 0x4633c | 0x2a1 |
GetScrollPos | 0x0 | 0x43a2cc | 0x47340 | 0x46340 | 0x176 |
GetDialogBaseUnits | 0x0 | 0x43a2d0 | 0x47344 | 0x46344 | 0x124 |
GetClassLongA | 0x0 | 0x43a2d4 | 0x47348 | 0x46348 | 0x10f |
GetWindowTextLengthW | 0x0 | 0x43a2d8 | 0x4734c | 0x4634c | 0x1a2 |
GetWindowTextW | 0x0 | 0x43a2dc | 0x47350 | 0x46350 | 0x1a3 |
LoadStringW | 0x0 | 0x43a2e0 | 0x47354 | 0x46354 | 0x1fa |
MessageBoxA | 0x0 | 0x43a2e4 | 0x47358 | 0x46358 | 0x20e |
GetParent | 0x0 | 0x43a2e8 | 0x4735c | 0x4635c | 0x164 |
GetDC | 0x0 | 0x43a2ec | 0x47360 | 0x46360 | 0x121 |
GetScrollInfo | 0x0 | 0x43a2f0 | 0x47364 | 0x46364 | 0x175 |
InvalidateRect | 0x0 | 0x43a2f4 | 0x47368 | 0x46368 | 0x1be |
UpdateWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a2f8 | 0x4736c | 0x4636c | 0x311 |
SetScrollInfo | 0x0 | 0x43a2fc | 0x47370 | 0x46370 | 0x2b0 |
DialogBoxParamW | 0x0 | 0x43a300 | 0x47374 | 0x46374 | 0xac |
GetClientRect | 0x0 | 0x43a304 | 0x47378 | 0x46378 | 0x114 |
EndDialog | 0x0 | 0x43a308 | 0x4737c | 0x4637c | 0xda |
SetWindowPos | 0x0 | 0x43a30c | 0x47380 | 0x46380 | 0x2c6 |
CheckDlgButton | 0x0 | 0x43a310 | 0x47384 | 0x46384 | 0x3e |
IsDlgButtonChecked | 0x0 | 0x43a314 | 0x47388 | 0x46388 | 0x1ce |
DestroyWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a318 | 0x4738c | 0x4638c | 0xa6 |
SetCursor | 0x0 | 0x43a31c | 0x47390 | 0x46390 | 0x288 |
CloseClipboard | 0x0 | 0x43a320 | 0x47394 | 0x46394 | 0x49 |
TranslateAcceleratorW | 0x0 | 0x43a324 | 0x47398 | 0x46398 | 0x2fa |
ScreenToClient | 0x0 | 0x43a328 | 0x4739c | 0x4639c | 0x26d |
GetWindowRect | 0x0 | 0x43a32c | 0x473a0 | 0x463a0 | 0x19c |
GetMessageW | 0x0 | 0x43a330 | 0x473a4 | 0x463a4 | 0x15d |
PostQuitMessage | 0x0 | 0x43a334 | 0x473a8 | 0x463a8 | 0x237 |
UnregisterClassW | 0x0 | 0x43a338 | 0x473ac | 0x463ac | 0x306 |
GetSubMenu | 0x0 | 0x43a33c | 0x473b0 | 0x463b0 | 0x17a |
GetFocus | 0x0 | 0x43a340 | 0x473b4 | 0x463b4 | 0x12c |
IsClipboardFormatAvailable | 0x0 | 0x43a344 | 0x473b8 | 0x463b8 | 0x1ca |
LoadCursorW | 0x0 | 0x43a348 | 0x473bc | 0x463bc | 0x1eb |
MessageBeep | 0x0 | 0x43a34c | 0x473c0 | 0x463c0 | 0x20d |
IsWindowEnabled | 0x0 | 0x43a350 | 0x473c4 | 0x463c4 | 0x1dc |
SetFocus | 0x0 | 0x43a354 | 0x473c8 | 0x463c8 | 0x292 |
wsprintfW | 0x0 | 0x43a358 | 0x473cc | 0x463cc | 0x333 |
TranslateMessage | 0x0 | 0x43a35c | 0x473d0 | 0x463d0 | 0x2fc |
LoadAcceleratorsW | 0x0 | 0x43a360 | 0x473d4 | 0x463d4 | 0x1e5 |
GetMenu | 0x0 | 0x43a364 | 0x473d8 | 0x463d8 | 0x14b |
IsDialogMessageW | 0x0 | 0x43a368 | 0x473dc | 0x463dc | 0x1cd |
RegisterClassExW | 0x0 | 0x43a36c | 0x473e0 | 0x463e0 | 0x24d |
LoadIconW | 0x0 | 0x43a370 | 0x473e4 | 0x463e4 | 0x1ed |
IsCharAlphaNumericW | 0x0 | 0x43a374 | 0x473e8 | 0x463e8 | 0x1c3 |
GetWindowLongW | 0x0 | 0x43a378 | 0x473ec | 0x463ec | 0x196 |
GetClipboardData | 0x0 | 0x43a37c | 0x473f0 | 0x463f0 | 0x116 |
GetClassNameW | 0x0 | 0x43a380 | 0x473f4 | 0x463f4 | 0x112 |
EnableMenuItem | 0x0 | 0x43a384 | 0x473f8 | 0x463f8 | 0xd6 |
EmptyClipboard | 0x0 | 0x43a388 | 0x473fc | 0x463fc | 0xd5 |
GetDlgItem | 0x0 | 0x43a38c | 0x47400 | 0x46400 | 0x127 |
SetWindowLongW | 0x0 | 0x43a390 | 0x47404 | 0x46404 | 0x2c4 |
ShowWindow | 0x0 | 0x43a394 | 0x47408 | 0x46408 | 0x2df |
CreateDialogParamW | 0x0 | 0x43a398 | 0x4740c | 0x4640c | 0x63 |
GetMenuItemCount | 0x0 | 0x43a39c | 0x47410 | 0x46410 | 0x151 |
CreateWindowExW | 0x0 | 0x43a3a0 | 0x47414 | 0x46414 | 0x6e |
GetCursor | 0x0 | 0x43a3a4 | 0x47418 | 0x46418 | 0x11d |
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions | 0x0 | 0x43a3a8 | 0x4741c | 0x4641c | 0x14d |
GDI32.dll (12)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CreateMetaFileA | 0x0 | 0x43a064 | 0x470d8 | 0x460d8 | 0x46 |
CombineRgn | 0x0 | 0x43a068 | 0x470dc | 0x460dc | 0x22 |
Ellipse | 0x0 | 0x43a06c | 0x470e0 | 0x460e0 | 0xed |
SetROP2 | 0x0 | 0x43a070 | 0x470e4 | 0x460e4 | 0x29f |
SetBkColor | 0x0 | 0x43a074 | 0x470e8 | 0x460e8 | 0x27e |
GetTextExtentPoint32W | 0x0 | 0x43a078 | 0x470ec | 0x460ec | 0x21e |
DeleteDC | 0x0 | 0x43a07c | 0x470f0 | 0x460f0 | 0xe3 |
SelectObject | 0x0 | 0x43a080 | 0x470f4 | 0x460f4 | 0x277 |
GetStockObject | 0x0 | 0x43a084 | 0x470f8 | 0x460f8 | 0x20d |
SetTextColor | 0x0 | 0x43a088 | 0x470fc | 0x460fc | 0x2a6 |
CloseMetaFile | 0x0 | 0x43a08c | 0x47100 | 0x46100 | 0x1f |
GetTextExtentPoint32A | 0x0 | 0x43a090 | 0x47104 | 0x46104 | 0x21d |
COMDLG32.dll (2)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetOpenFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x43a04c | 0x470c0 | 0x460c0 | 0xc |
GetSaveFileNameW | 0x0 | 0x43a050 | 0x470c4 | 0x460c4 | 0xe |
ADVAPI32.dll (11)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CloseServiceHandle | 0x0 | 0x43a000 | 0x47074 | 0x46074 | 0x57 |
OpenProcessToken | 0x0 | 0x43a004 | 0x47078 | 0x46078 | 0x1f7 |
DeleteService | 0x0 | 0x43a008 | 0x4707c | 0x4607c | 0xda |
RegQueryValueExA | 0x0 | 0x43a00c | 0x47080 | 0x46080 | 0x26d |
InitializeSecurityDescriptor | 0x0 | 0x43a010 | 0x47084 | 0x46084 | 0x177 |
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl | 0x0 | 0x43a014 | 0x47088 | 0x46088 | 0x2b6 |
QueryServiceStatus | 0x0 | 0x43a018 | 0x4708c | 0x4608c | 0x228 |
OpenSCManagerA | 0x0 | 0x43a01c | 0x47090 | 0x46090 | 0x1f8 |
RegOpenKeyExW | 0x0 | 0x43a020 | 0x47094 | 0x46094 | 0x261 |
RegCloseKey | 0x0 | 0x43a024 | 0x47098 | 0x46098 | 0x230 |
OpenServiceA | 0x0 | 0x43a028 | 0x4709c | 0x4609c | 0x1fa |
SHELL32.dll (3)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SHBrowseForFolderA | 0x0 | 0x43a240 | 0x472b4 | 0x462b4 | 0x7a |
SHAppBarMessage | 0x0 | 0x43a244 | 0x472b8 | 0x462b8 | 0x72 |
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation | 0x0 | 0x43a248 | 0x472bc | 0x462bc | 0xdf |
OLEAUT32.dll (1)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
OleSavePictureFile | 0x1a7 | 0x43a238 | 0x472ac | 0x462ac | - |
CRYPT32.dll (2)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction | 0x0 | 0x43a058 | 0x470cc | 0x460cc | 0xdd |
CryptUnregisterOIDFunction | 0x0 | 0x43a05c | 0x470d0 | 0x460d0 | 0xde |
COMCTL32.dll (2)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
ImageList_LoadImageW | 0x0 | 0x43a040 | 0x470b4 | 0x460b4 | 0x69 |
InitCommonControlsEx | 0x0 | 0x43a044 | 0x470b8 | 0x460b8 | 0x7b |
gdiplus.dll (3)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GdipGetImageEncoders | 0x0 | 0x43a3c8 | 0x4743c | 0x4643c | 0x11e |
GdipGetImageEncodersSize | 0x0 | 0x43a3cc | 0x47440 | 0x46440 | 0x11f |
GdiplusStartup | 0x0 | 0x43a3d0 | 0x47444 | 0x46444 | 0x275 |
WINMM.dll (2)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
mmioClose | 0x0 | 0x43a3b0 | 0x47424 | 0x46424 | 0x77 |
mmioDescend | 0x0 | 0x43a3b4 | 0x47428 | 0x46428 | 0x79 |
WINTRUST.dll (2)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CryptCATCDFClose | 0x0 | 0x43a3bc | 0x47430 | 0x46430 | 0xc |
CryptCATAdminReleaseContext | 0x0 | 0x43a3c0 | 0x47434 | 0x46434 | 0x8 |
AUTHZ.dll (3)
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
AuthzReportSecurityEventFromParams | 0x0 | 0x43a030 | 0x470a4 | 0x460a4 | 0x15 |
AuthzReportSecurityEvent | 0x0 | 0x43a034 | 0x470a8 | 0x460a8 | 0x14 |
AuthzUninstallSecurityEventSource | 0x0 | 0x43a038 | 0x470ac | 0x460ac | 0x16 |
Memory Dumps (6)
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Points | AV | YARA | Actions |
mtx777.exe | 1 | 0x000D0000 | 0x0017BFFF | Relevant Image | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x000A0000 | 0x000B4FFF | First Execution | - | 32-bit | 0x000A0000 |
![]() |
![]() |
buffer | 1 | 0x000A0000 | 0x000B4FFF | Content Changed | - | 32-bit | 0x000A2B0E |
![]() |
![]() |
mtx777.exe | 1 | 0x000D0000 | 0x0017BFFF | Content Changed | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
mtx777.exe | 1 | 0x000D0000 | 0x0017BFFF | Content Changed | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
mtx777.exe | 1 | 0x000D0000 | 0x0017BFFF | Final Dump | - | 32-bit | - |
![]() |
![]() |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\PowerPoint.en-us\PowerPointMUI.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Publisher.en-us\PublisherMUI.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Publisher.en-us\SETUP.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-001B-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\WordMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Proof.fr\Proof.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Proofing.en-us\Proofing.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-002C-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Office32.en-us\Office32MUI.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Office32.en-us\SETUP.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Visio.en-us\SETUP.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\OneNote.en-us\SETUP.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-00BA-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\GrooveMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-00BA-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Office.en-us\OfficeMUI.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\GRPHFLT\MS.CGM.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\GRPHFLT\MS.EPS.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\GRPHFLT\MS.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\GRPHFLT\MS.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag\LISTS\1033\PHONE.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Compressed |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag\LISTS\1033\STOCKS.DAT.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag\LISTS\1033\STOCKS.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag\LISTS\1033\TIME.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\AFTRNOON\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\AXIS\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BLUEPRNT\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CANYON\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CAPSULES\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CAPSULES\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CASCADE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CASCADE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\COMPASS\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CONCRETE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\DEEPBLUE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ECHO\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ECHO\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\EXPEDITN\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ICE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\IRIS\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\LEVEL\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\LEVEL\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\NETWORK\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\NETWORK\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\PIXEL\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\PIXEL\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\PROFILE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\QUAD\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\QUAD\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RADIAL\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RICEPAPR\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RICEPAPR\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RIPPLE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RIPPLE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SATIN\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SONORA\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SPRING\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\STRTEDGE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\STUDIO\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\WATER\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\WATER\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\WATERMAR\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\BIGFONT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\CHINESET.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\GBCBIG.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\IC-TXT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\WHTGTXT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\WHTMTXT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN\1033\FPEXT.MSG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00037_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00038_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00040_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00052_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00057_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00090_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00126_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00139_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00142_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00160_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00163_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00164_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00169_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00170_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00171_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00172_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00174_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00175_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00176_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\BABY_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\BD10972_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\FINCL_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\FINCL_02.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\GRDEN_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\HTECH_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\INDST_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099145.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099147.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099148.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099152.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099155.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099156.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099162.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099165.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099186.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099188.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099190.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099192.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099194.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099196.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099197.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099198.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099200.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099203.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101856.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101860.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101861.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101867.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0145168.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0145272.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0145810.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0145895.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0148309.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0149018.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0174952.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0175428.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0178459.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0178523.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0179963.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0287641.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0287642.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0287643.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0287644.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0287645.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0309480.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0315580.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0337280.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341344.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341448.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341455.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341551.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341559.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341653.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341654.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0341742.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382925.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382927.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382930.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382947.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382948.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382950.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382954.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382955.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
c:\windows\system32\catroot2\dberr.txt | Modified File | Text |
Not Queried
C:\\Boot\BOOTSTAT.DAT.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0016-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\ExcelMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0016-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0018-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-001A-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\OutlookMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-001A-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Word.en-us\SETUP.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en\Proof.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-002C-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Proof.es\Proof.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\InfoPath.en-us\InfoPathMUI.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0044-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0054-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\VisioMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-00A1-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\OneNoteMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Project.en-us\ProjectMUI.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-00B4-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0117-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Access.en-us\branding.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Office.en-us\OfficeMUISet.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0115-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0115-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\ShellUI.MST.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0117-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Access.en-us\AccessMUI.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0117-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\AccessMUISet.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0117-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{91140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Office32WW.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\PROPLUSR\ProPlusrWW.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{91140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\PRJPROR\PrjProrWW.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\PRJPROR\SETUP.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\MSOCache\All Users\{91140000-0057-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\Setup.xml.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\VISIOR\VisiorWW.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\GRPHFLT\CGMIMP32.CFG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\GRPHFLT\MS.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag\LISTS\1033\DATES.XML.crypton | Dropped File | Compressed |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag\METCONV.TXT.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
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Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ARCTIC\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ARCTIC\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\AXIS\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BLENDS\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BLENDS\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BLUECALM\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BLUECALM\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BLUEPRNT\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BOLDSTRI\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BOLDSTRI\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BREEZE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\BREEZE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CANYON\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\COMPASS\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\CONCRETE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\DEEPBLUE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ECLIPSE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ECLIPSE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\EDGE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\EDGE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\EVRGREEN\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\EVRGREEN\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\EXPEDITN\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\ICE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\INDUST\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\INDUST\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\IRIS\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\JOURNAL\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\JOURNAL\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\LAYERS\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\LAYERS\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\PAPYRUS\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\PAPYRUS\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\PROFILE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RADIAL\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\REFINED\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\REFINED\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RMNSQUE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\RMNSQUE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SATIN\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SKY\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SKY\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SLATE\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SLATE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SONORA\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SPRING\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\STRTEDGE\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\STUDIO\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SUMIPNTG\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\SUMIPNTG\THMBNAIL.PNG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\THEMES14\WATERMAR\PREVIEW.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\EXTFONT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\WHGDTXT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Visio Shared\Fonts\WHGTXT.SHX.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTO\10.0\VSTOInstaller.config.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00004_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
Not Queried
C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00011_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Compressed |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00021_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00092_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00103_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00120_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00129_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00130_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00135_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00154_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00157_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00158_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00161_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00165_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\AG00167_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\BD10890_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\BD19563_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\BD19582_.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\CARBN_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\CMNTY_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\EAST_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\EXPLR_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\FALL_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\GRID_01.MID.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0075478.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099150.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099154.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099157.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099160.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099161.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099166.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099167.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099168.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099185.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099187.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099189.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099191.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099195.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099199.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099201.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0099202.GIF.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101857.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101858.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101859.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101862.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101863.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101864.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101865.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0101866.BMP.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60COR\J0382952.JPG.crypton | Dropped File | Stream |
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